coff33notforme - Welcome to the garden of my mind
Welcome to the garden of my mind

Call me Coffee || They/them || Multifandom writer || Mostly write for whatever my current hyperfixation is || I change my blogs colors alot || REQUEST : OPEN||

143 posts

German Lessons

German lessons

A/n: Sorry I’m in love with König, and I saw no one had done this idea so I thought I needed to change that

Summary: During a light hearted German lesson with your favorite KorTac operator, a small misunderstanding leads to a confession between you and the Austrian

Pairing: König and Gn! Reader (fluff, pre relationship, maybe some spelling mistakes)

German Lessons

A deep, gravely chuckle echoed through the empty room, filling it with a warmth. It dripped from Königs lips like honey, the sound was sweet to your ears. 

You groaned as you lifted your face from between your folded arms, you couldn’t contain the smile forcing itself onto your face, you fought back small giggles as you gently elbowed Königs forearm that he laid rested on the wooden table in front of you. 

“Please stop laughing, I told you I wouldn’t be any good at this!” You exclaimed, your gazing shifting as you narrowed your eyes at the German book between you, scanning the page amongst the foreign phrases to see if anything framillar popped out, but to your dismay it seemed to be a sea of uncertainty. 

König shook his head softly, as he watched you with an uncharacteristically soft look in his pale eyes.

“Nonsense, you just need more practice.” He spoke lowly, his deep voice coated in an airy, velvety tone, he spoke softly as if he was cooing to a frightened animal.

“You wanted me to teach you, remember Schatz?“ he teased weaponizing the nickname, he knew you had a soft spot for his pet names, as you shot him a playful glare

“Don’t you dare, use that name against me.” You grinned with a teasing scowl, before your eyes threaded along the paper, this time your eyes had a curious glow to them, like a child peering through the window of a candy shop. Your eyes fell upon another interesting word

“What’s this one?” You whispered your finger falling to the word you were referring to, your head tilted slightly as Königs eyes drifted to where you had pointed

“Ah, Hase?” He asked softly, his murky blue eyes shifting from the paper to you.

You nodded softly

“What does it mean?” You pressed as you watched König eyes melt from behind his dark hood, like a light peeking through a jungle of darkness. 

“It means bunny.” He replied, his voice rasped but as soon as he saw how your face lit up at the word he could feel his cheeks began to glow from under his hood, he gave an airy chuckle, it was such a pure sound, and it melted your heart as you watched him, your eyes never leaving his figure.

König could feel your piercing gaze burning holes through him, he turned to you with a nervous glance 

“Why are you staring?” He deadpans his heavy accent bleeding through his words, your soft lips crease into a warm smile.

“Nothing, it's just a cute name.” You hushed with an airy chuckle as you turned from the tall man, a wavering silence lingered in the air filling the space between you. 

“You know, I’m really glad I get to spend this time with you, I really do like you.”

You smiled with a pause “how do you say it in German? "Ich liebe dich?”

Your tone was hesitant as you spoke, but as soon as the words fell from your mouth König blue eyes widened, it looked as if they glowed from behind his hood, emulating a soft shimmer in the sea of black paint that coated his pale skin.

A warmth filled his cheeks, now looking away from you, desperately hoping you couldn’t see the effect your words had on him as he offered a choked response

“That’s, that’s how you say “I love you.” He rasped, a slight squeal in his voice 

Now it was your turn to become embarrassed, your heart stuttering in your chest as your face grew to a soft red.

“O-oh.” Was the only thing you could muster

Another wave of quite rested, yet this time it seemed to crowd the two of you.

Königs breathy chuckle seemed to snap you from your sort of trance as you looked up to him. His large hand patted your shoulders, König turned to you, looking into your eyes as whispered something

“Ich liebe dich auch, meine süße.” 

Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion as you turned to him

“What did you say?” You asked Königs eyes had a warmth to them you’d never expected as he spoke. Standing from the table with an airy laugh. You smiled as you called after him

“König! Wait what did you say!” You pressed with a lighthearted smile, you sighed as your eyes drifted once again to the book beneath you falling upon a now framillar phrase,

‘Ich liebe dich…’


I hoped you enjoyed I really enjoyed writing this!!

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More Posts from Coff33notforme

1 year ago

Random König Headcannons

A/n: Guess whos been playing Cod, yeah I'm not sorry, also happy pride!!

Synopsis: Just some random headcannons I thought of, reader mentioned

Random Knig Headcannons

Has let you attempt to paint his nails but couldn't keep the polish on because he chews his nails to much so he eventually just gave up on trying to have painted nails all together

He overthinks everything, every little interaction he has so to avoid this anxious feeling he keeps interactions short and sweet, which can make him seem cold in distant in contrast

Has such a guttural, breathy laugh, not many people have seen him laugh so consider yourself a lucky few, in public he want even chuckle but in private he's the loudest person in the room, his laugh bounces off the walls and fills the room

He's the type of person who slaps his knee or your back when he laughs

He's one of those people that's always warm, no matter where he is or what the temperature is he just radiates heat some how

Has rough, calloused skin. His skin feels like leather, almost every inch of his body is littered in scars

Is not very outward about his interests or beliefs in fear of being judged or cast away in some way so mostly keeps to himself, but if you have ask him personally how he feels about something he can feel a genuine smile creep up onto his face, though you can't see it because of his hood, he's grateful

Fidgets a lot when he's nervous, he's good at masking his emotions, he learned how to cover up stress as hes worked in the military, but physically he can't contain himself, he'll tap his foot, or scratch his arms until their red, but if you ever ask him about it he'll snap at you

Enjoys lazy mornings the most, when he wakes up first, and starts his day with a cup of coffee and no one to bother him

He enjoys hiking a lot and has invited you to join him on several occasions, something about being surrounded by the serenity of the lush green forest and gentle sway of the breeze calms him

Random Knig Headcannons

Gonna post some Ghostface fluff after this

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1 year ago

First Date With Wally ♡

A/n: Been gone for a while I know, I honestly was genuinely uninterested in writing for a while because I lost interest in Welcome home for a bit, I'm still interested in it but I think I'm going to try and write for some of my new interests to mix it up a bit. But anyway I hope you enjoy this little drabble.

Pairing: Wally Darling and Gn Reader ( Romantic, Fluff, Headcannons)

First Date With Wally

Despite how Wally may act towards you, he's slightly intimidated by the idea of going out with you

Wally admires every single aspect of you, he thinks that you're a truly amazing person, almost an angle in his eyes, dramatic, I know, but it's true!

You won't even know he likes you until he tells you himself, which will take a lot of time for him to even entertain the idea of asking you out on a date, and when he does he'd be so nervous, well, it wouldn't seem that way

All your neighbors would cheer you on, encouraging you before your big night with Wally, Julie and Frank would definitely help you pick the best outfit, while Poppy would just be helping you calm your nerves

It'd probably even feel like you're the only one who's nervous

Wally would be incredibly gentle, and almost smooth, compared to your more shy, flustered nature

Wally would want to take you somewhere classy, well as classy as you could get with the options provided, but he's still trying so it's really all the effort he can give you

Realistically he's probably taking you out for a picnic in the park, still very sweet <33

Everything in the basket was made especially by Poppy and Wally for your little date, its filled to the brim with baked goods and some of your favorite snacks

He'd have a little gift prepared for you at the end to really wow you, he'd asked around about some of your favorite things or any small trinkets he could get you, and if that fails he'll resort to something hand painted for you, he'd be so visually nervous to give it to you, which is odd considering how confident of a painter he is

Just make sure to smother him with words of affirmation, and he'll be back to normal in no time

First Date With Wally

Sorry this is short! Trying to get back into writing!

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1 year ago

what the f-!? || miguel o'hara

Peter B. Parker thought he'd never see the day Miguel could actually more than tolerate someone.

What The F-!? || Miguel O'hara
What The F-!? || Miguel O'hara
What The F-!? || Miguel O'hara

Ever since Peter B. Parker met Miguel O'Hara, he was always kind of difficult, to put it at best. The only spiderman that wasn't funny in better words.

 He was snarky, with a permanent snarl on his face, and he seemed allergic to fun altogether.

Well, until there was a new addition to spider society.

It all started during the meeting before your first mission as he was gently balancing Mayday on his hip, still yet to reach for her carrier.

"And then we will all reconvene at these coordinates," Miguel's voice echoed throughout the room, as no one else dared to speak before given the signal to.

"Any questions?" 

With that there was chorus of no's accompanied by the percussion of headshakes. And in that a lone hand had shot up into the air.

"Yes, Venom," Miguel gave you a nod, signalling for you to speak.

"Yeah, are you single?" You asked with an obvious teasing tone, making everyone in the room go quiet.

Well except for Mayday who continued to babble in Peter's arms, but no one really minded.

Everyone watched with bated breath, their collective gaze bouncing between you and Miguel. Peter who stood next to you inched a bit closer, just in case he needed to stand between you and the beast.

But he didn't have to.

"You're funny," was all Miguel replied, with no discernible emotion in his voice as he closed the briefing.

"If there aren't any more questions, we'll meet back here in five. Prepare as needed," he ordered, and everyone else scrambled to do as told, despite their shock. 

Except for Peter, who couldn't really keep his shock to himself. Especially because he's watched Miguel almost maim a fifteen year old. He didn't even wince as Mayday escaped his arms and crawled up to pull at his hair.

"What the hell was that?" He whisper-yelled to you with wide eyes, making you chuckle.

"What?" You shrugged. 

"He's kinda cute."

"That doesn't mean you flirt with him," Peter almost yelled, hands flailing in the air making Mayday laugh.

"I'm surprised he didn't go ballistic on you."

"Well maybe he liked it," you gave a smirk.

"I'm pretty irresistible."

"Unbelievable is more like it," he shook his head, finally snapping out of it enough to take Mayday from his head and place her in the carrier.

That was short-lived however, as Miguel's voice called out your name.

"Stick close to me during this one," he said, taking a few steps towards you and Peter.

"This is your first mission and I want to see what you can do up close."

"Sure boss," you said with a twinkle in your eye.

"And don't worry, I can do a lot of things up close,"  you added, making Peter freeze again. Especially as Miguel only shook his head and walked away, and you stood there giggling.



Shock aside, Peter decided not to think about that interaction that much. As mind boggling as it was, he lived in a world with multiple dimensions. 

"Anything can happen," he had mumbled to himself (and Mayday) after the ordeal. 

It couldn't happen again.

It did.

"Oooh, what a man," you blew a low whistle as you watched Miguel from behind as he worked.

 Another meeting had just ended and you and Peter had lagged behind to wait for Jess who had to use the bathroom.

"If you're gonna talk like that at least say it to his face and not to us," Peter groaned, with his hands moving to Mayday who was strapped to his chest.

He covered her ears, mumbling something about preserving her innocence. He was looking down at her, smiling as she looked up at him. 

It was truly a sight to see, a sight only to be broken by your voice.

"Hey Miguel!" Your voice cut through his momentary peace, making him scramble to look at you.

"What are you doing?" He hissed through clenched teeth as Miguel turned around.

"Doing what you said," you responded to him simply, facing Miguel who was now looking at you with an inquisitive brow.

Peter silently prayed that you were joking.

"Miguel, your hair looks amazing today," you gave a sweet smile 

The taller man seemed to have stiffened at the compliment, just for a split second. No one would have caught it unless they were really looking. Peter was, and it only added to his utter disbelief.

"Uh, thanks," Miguel gave you a nod, before turning around quickly to get back to his work.

"No problem," you hummed, your smile never faltering. You then turned to Peter who looked like he was having a conniption.

"What the-," he seethed, almost flailing around making Mayday laugh.

"Wha-, ha?" He brought his hands to his hair, giving you an exasperated look.

"What did you think I was gonna say?" You quirked a playful brow, giving him a nudge to the arm.

"Maybe you have something to tell him, Peter," you tsked, shaking your head in faux disapproval.

"What would MJ think?"

Peter was red at this point trying to defend himself.

"I wasn't," he gasped.

"I-, no," he tried pathetically, before giving up with a sigh, almost covered by Mayday's laughter at his theatrics.

"You know what, whatever."


Again, Peter tried to brush it off. He was just getting old, he tried to rationalise. There's no way Mr. "I Hate Kids" didn't mind your little quips.

He was just seeing things, that was all.

But he wasn't.

"Does he always eat alone?" You asked your little group as you all sat down at your usual table in the cafeteria.

"Yeah," Gwen responded, placing her tray down with a sigh.

"We've tried sitting next to him, but he doesn't let us."

"I bet he thinks it's cool," Hobie rolled his eyes as all of you turned your head not so subtly at the man in question. 

"It's kind of pathetic."

"It's like he has beef with that empanada," Miles added with a grimace, and everyone nodded in approval. 

"I see," you hummed, eyeing the lone man up and down before jolting up your seat.

"What are you doing?" Peter asked, about to stand up as well to stop you from doing anything stupid. He was not having this today, he was about to feed Mayday.

"I'm gonna try sitting next to him," you gave a toothy grin picking up your tray, beginning to walk away. 

Finally Peter stood up with arms open to stop.

"You can't just,-" he began, about to grab you. But he was suddenly pulled back down.

"Hey let her," Hobie laughed from beside him, wrapping an arm around him so he couldn't escape.

"I want to see what happens."

Peter wept. Knowing better than to fight Hobie's hold. He'd give him a noogie and he could not handle another headache today. So he just watched you make your way to Miguel's table with everyone else.

You had made it to the corner of the man's table, your back facing them as Miguel looked up at you, seemingly holding on to your every word.

Everyone held their breath at the interaction, only to let it out in a collective gasp.

"No fucking way," Hobie expressed, earning a glare from Peter who moved to cover Mayday's ears. Yet he still looked equally baffled.

Miguel had given you a nod and gestured for you to sit, and that was it.

"Tell me you guys are seeing what I'm seeing," Gwen blinked a few times at the site before her.

"If I did that he would've ripped my head off," Peter watched with wide eyes.

"Maybe she's got powers that we don't have," Miles tries to rationalise.

"Yeah probably," Peter rubbed at his eyes just to make sure he wasn't seeing things.

"That's the only thing that can explain that."


Okay, maybe Miguel had just toned down a little. People can change, they can be better. If he did so can Miguel. And Miguel was just tolerating you a bit more than everyone else, that was it.

It wasn't like he was going out of his way for you.


"Wow, you look terrible," Peter commented as you walked into the room. 

You were team alpha during the last mission, and the bags in your eyes and the slump in your back showed that.

"You're like the third person to tell me that," you groaned, running your hands down your face 

"I just wasn't able to grab a coffee this morning," you began to explain, now rubbing at your eyes.

"I slept in and I can't get one right now obviously."

"Well, just hang in there," He tried to comfort you, giving you a firm pat on the back.

"You've been through worse."

"Tell me about it," you cracked your back, before picking up Mayday who was giving you grabby hands from her carrier ever since you arrived.

"At least you still think that I'm pretty, don't you Mayday," you tapped her nose, making her burst out in giggles, only to be silenced as the double doors suddenly opened.

"Look alive people!" Jess had yelled, announcing her and Miguel's arrival.

"Thanks Jess," Miguel had followed up half heartedly, before addressing the half-complete people in the room.

"The debriefing will start in a bit, we're just waiting on a few more people," he said before snidely adding.

"The people that actually need this debrief."

"Dang," Peter expressed, watching Miguel walk out the room again to do whatever he does.

"I'd hate to be Hobie right now."

"Yeah," you agreed, handing him back Mayday.

"That's probably why he isn't here yet."

He agreed. "He's probably not gonna show up."

A minute had passed and you and Peter stood there engaged in mindless chatter. Mindless chatter that was interrupted suddenly by a deep voice.

"This is for you," Miguel said as he returned, a cup of coffee in hand that was brought up to your face between you and Peter.

You blinked at the cup for a moment, and so did Peter before you took it. Gladly, but still surprised.

"Thank you," you said, eyes bouncing between him and the cup.

"But why?"

"Don't think about it," Miguel responded with a click of his tongue.

"I don't need you falling asleep during this meeting," he paused before bringing up a scolding finger.

"And don't think you're off the hook for covering for Pavitr," his eyes seemed to glow red as he said this, and he walked away before you could respond.

"Wow," you trailed off.

"That was weird."

"Tell me about it," Peter nodded, thinking back to the eye roll Miguel gave him when he complained about the coffee machine being broken before.

"Not my problem," he had told him before walking away.

"Wow, how did he know?" Your voice pulled him out of his memories, and he turned to you taking another sip of the coffee.

"It's just how I like it."


At this point Peter had decided to just ignore it. It wasn't any of his business he convinced himself. It was none of his business so he should-

Wait, was that laughter? From Miguel's office?

Peter had arrived at headquarters a little later than usual, and also a little lighter. Mayday had stayed home with MJ today, and as much as he loved his daughter he was glad she wasn't here.

He didn't need to worry about her messing around as he worked, and he didn't have to worry about her hearing what he said as he saw the source of the laughter.

Peter had walked into the room without being noticed, not so shocked at what he was seeing, but rather what he was hearing.

This has been happening a lot lately. You and Miguel standing in a corner having some sort of conversation. He had gotten used to it.

But this was different, you were laughing, and so was Miguel.

Peter stood there for a few minutes, just watching the exchange. Until Miguel looked over and saw him, suddenly stiffening up and trying to hide any indication that he was laughing. 

But it was too late, Peter had seen it all. And he also saw the soft smile Miguel gave you before tapping you on the shoulder. He said something Peter was too mind-boggled to pick up on and then you both bid each other goodbye.

You then turned and made your way towards him, with a bit more pep in your step as usual as you skipped across the room.

"Hey Peter! What, no Mayday today?" You greeted with a slight pout as you noticed the absence of the redhead.

But he didn't care, he asked the only thing on his mind.

"What just happened?" He practically squawked, begging you for answers.

You stood there, teetering on your feet, smiling at the ground before you looked at him with your answer.

"We have a date," you blurted out excitedly, jumping as you said so. 

Peter did not mirror your excitement however, as his hands made they're way to his thinning hair.


What The F-!? || Miguel O'hara

kind of wanna make a part two where they go on the date lol.

1 year ago

Mansplain 💔💔💔💔

i just found out merriam webster has a time traveler feature that tells you some of the words that were “born” the same year as you. it’s pretty neat yall should do this

1 year ago

Can you do some heavy hurt comfort with Ryan Goslings! Ken and reader? Thanksss Love your writing!

A/n: Thanks Pooki. You asked and you shall receive, also sorry these requests are coming out slowly I've been busy with school and work. This could be before patriarchy Ken? I don't know where ever you feel it fits best

Summary: Kens perfectly happy living his best day everyday alongside you, but you can't seem to wonder what is would be like to really live.

Pairing: Gosling! Ken and Gender-neutral doll reader (a bit existential, talks of death and wanting to die not in a morbid way!)

Can You Do Some Heavy Hurt Comfort With Ryan Goslings! Ken And Reader? Thanksss Love Your Writing!


Your head snapped around to the direction of familiar hearty, booming voice you had grown so used to, your flickering gaze didn’t wonder the vibrant stretch of houses for long, as they quickly snapped to giddy blonde man,

failing out stretched his arm excitedly, eagerly approaching the small gate of your white picket fence.

Flicking the latch and clumsily shutting the gate behind him, the frail wood bouncing with the harsh slam.

His dimples pushed back by the curves of his mouth, pearly rows of teeth gleaming under the sparking sun, golden strands of hair pushed back against his sun kissed skin, 


“I’ve been looking for you everywhere! What have you been doing all day?”

He huffed with a grin, squatting down beside you on the soft green carpeting the quiet earth. 

You turned your head slightly, glancing at him, your eyes soft as you looked over the wavering green plants, that shook so softly in the gentle wind, dew dripping, dipping the delicate leaves down.

You couldn’t bring yourself to answer, your attention solely fixated on the garden before you. 

Ken's pale eyes remained on you, as you mindlessly watched over the pocket of green. His brow arched, his eyes narrowing at the swaddle of plants.

“How come you spend so much time looking at these things?” 

The breeze caressing your face, a sigh slipping from your mouth, shoulders slumping down at the question.

“I don’t know.” you muttered, voice strained in a hushed whisper, dying out in the draft.

Ken's face twisted into one of discontentment upon hearing your  reply, wrapping a firm arm around your wilted frame.

Ken wasn’t quite sure what to do, you weren’t usually like this.

“You seem off today?” 

He said as you tucked your head beneath his jaw, a heavy sigh escaping your throat.

“Do you ever wish you could be a plant?”

Ken let out a heart chuckle, but seeing your face fall, a blush biting at your soft skin he coughed, clearing his throat. 

“What do you mean?” his voice held a sentimental tone you had never heard from him.

“I don’t know.” there was a pregnant pause before you spoke again.

“Alive.” you mumbled anxiously fiddling with your clothes. 

Ken's brows furrowed.

“Aive? We are alive, aren’t we?”

“Not in the same way.” your voice held a longing to it, your gaze fixated on the plants as if waiting for something. 

“They have beginnings, they grow, blossom, they watch the seasons pass by, they wither.” 

You stopped yourself for a moment as if something in you froze and Ken couldn’t help but watch you intently.  

“They die.”

Time pulled the silence between you, stretching it further and further out, until reality came snapping back, hitting Ken square in the face. His chest filled with a sensation he couldn’t understand. An unwavering sense of fear.

“Do you want that?”

He breathed holding his breath as he waited for your response.

“Maybe. Someday.” 

Your eyes wander to the cloudless blue sky. There was a silence filling the air with uneasiness before Ken spoke again. 

“Well, when that day comes, I’ll lay down beside you.”


I was listening to Mitski when I wrote this, send more Ken requests!

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