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1 year ago

Humanoid Monster

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Humanoid Monster

141 decided to have dinner with the young monsters of the orphanage. The adults were cooking and some of the older children bearded the children into their seats.

“Michael!” The little honey badger screams bitting at the willowy siren who kept singing little taunts to the little girl. “You stink nutty head!”

“Michael,” a dragon roared his wings furrowed out, “stop taunting her.” He commands. Price hadn’t seen this dragon before he looked on the older side, more college-age than middle or high school.

“Who’s that?” Price asks Jezebel.

“Elijah, the third oldest kid that ever enters the orphanage, and the 2nd oldest… ever.” Jezebel hums as the small Hapries climb over her. As a tall girl, they like to jump from her and glide down.

“Who’s the oldest?” Soap asks.

“Her name is Lizzie, she’s a Gorgon and in her residency. She’s going to be a nurse.”

“How did this orphanage start to begin with?” Laswell questions.

“It began with Mother Maia who wanted to keep her pack together. Her werewolves and her daughter. Lobby hard, and it morphs into an Orphanage when one gorgon drops off their deformed baby. Then soon others dropped off their runts.” Jezebel muses.

“Mother!” A new voice shouts. Everyone stops and looks over as a Gorgon walks in in scrubs sunglasses on. Mother Maia walked and the tall Gorgon hugged her.

“My residency is over!” She cheers and jumps up and down, “Since the nurse’s office here is complete I’m applying!” She cheers. Elijah runs up to her hugging her with joy.

“Why not… I don’t know a soldier?” Soap mumbles.

Lizzie looks over and walks straight up to Soap, “Why be around dogs like you?” She loves her sun glass and Soap instantly looks away but stops when he notices her glassy milky eye. She is blind, she can’t turn anything to stone.

Gorgons had a disease, the blindness disease that spread through the clutch. They can still see with the snakes in their head, but it’s still pretty impactful on their life.

“Aren’t clutches that have the blindness disease get squashed?” Soap asks, everyone froze and just stared at him. Elijah looks mad, and he almost storms over. Lizzie put her hand out.

“Yeah and?” Lizzie asks without a second thought. Soap looked around and realize he fucked himself.

“Why aren’t…”

“I dead?” Lizzie asks before smirking. “My mommy,” she said before clinging onto Mother Maia and climbing into her arms. The silence before Elijah also tried to get into her arms the two begin to argue.

Price and Laswell couldn't help but chuckle at the youngsters who were acting like babies, human babies. Mother Maia stood there rigid like a tree. The two were bickering, like they were children again.

In their little territorial dispute and need to dominate and claim Mother Maia’s viel slips off. The crowd gasps and both Lizzie and Elijah scramble to catch her veil and dragged back over her head, right before anyone can see her face.

“Children,” Mother Maia said clipply, “sit and be obedient.” she sternly told them the two got off her and sat down.

Gaz stared at her, she had such control over them it was a tab freaky to him. The small Harpies begin to pull him to their table to eat. Good is brought out shortly. Gaz felt at home, back in his forest for communal dinner.

“Maia,” Laswell spoke up, “can I talk to you in private?”

Mother Maia looks over and nods, “Everyone says your thanks or prayer and you can eat, and don't make a great mess for the janitors,” Mother Maia addresses the room before walking out with Laswell.


“How did this orphanage start? And when did you get involved?” Price against the entrance and listens in on Laswell’s questions. “This be a great—”

“Publicity stunt?” Mother Maia said softly. She sighs, “… this has gotten out to your world.”

“Yes.” Laswell clears her throat, “We want official words from the orphanage—”

“Why don't you bring in the media so they can see for themselves, I fear you'll twist my words against me.” Mother Maia said calmly, “I can call the media and we can give a public statement.” Laswell eyed her wearily eyes looking to Price.

“I would like that.”

“I believe we can have cameras here by tomorrow or for the day after.” Laswell nods at Mother Maia’s words.

“Will you still answer my question,” Laswell asks.

“I've been Invited since the beginning. I was freshly twenty-one and wanted to keep my family together. The young werewolves would have been forced into the army and I might have lost my daughter. I wanted them near, their family.” Mother Maia begins.

“My first ever orphan was Elijah and then Lizzie. They were dropped off by their parents and soon it spread and all these monsters dropped off their runts, and then I had to contact the government and soon I was funded.” Laswell mods.

“You’re a very, admirable woman.” Laswell smiles and the two re-enter the main building.


The media crew follows both humans and monsters, they are rather… upset with each other. Though Switzerland gives equal rights to everyone humans and monster still chooses to segregate themselves.

Within Switzerland, Mother Maia is known along with the old wise Abraham. They were usually talked about within the political sphere but the average people knew of them, like a mere rumor.

“Maia,” a monster reporter calls out, “why is this orphanage important to this country?” they ask with a condescending tone.

“We provide over a thousand jobs. We have infant nurses, nurses, nurses in training, then we have the teachers, other orphanage workers, case workers, guards, Janitor, and chief. We give people a normal job after fleeing here.” Mother Maia hums. 141 stands in the background along with a few teenagers.

“Maia,” the human reporter calls out, “do you think it's appropriate for a human to look after monsters and a man-eating dragon looking after human children?”

Mother Maia turns to them and pauses, a silent judgment. “This is called cultural exchange. Humans and Monsters apply to work here. They are expected to work with each other. Here we try not to discriminate.”

“Why haven't any of these kids been adopted?” the monster asks.

141 perked up and moved closer, these kids haven't been adopted? Not a single one?

“The human children are adopted, for every monster child that is adopted around five human children are adopted. It's not that we don't let them be adopted, it's mostly monsters who don't like monsters that aren’t theirs. And those that try, well they are… paramilitaries trying to get more recruiters.” Mother Maia explains.

“Well they get a home—”

“My children aren't going to war, blank period.” Mother Maia straighten up, “Why don't you all interview the children, I'm sure a few of them will talk to you.”

“Do you think it's dangerous to have these monsters near the children?” the human reporter spoke up.

“They are also children. Most of these monsters aren't violent and those that are working on their violent issues—”

“What happens if they attack?”

“This is fear mongering,” Soap mutters angrily.

“Shh,” Laswell shushed them, she wanted to know her next words.

“Hey haven't.”

“So you kill them?”

“No. We don't put down humans or monsters for being violent. That is ridiculous.” Mother Maia walked off before the reporters could say anything.

“Wow, she defended us,” Gaz said a slight sneer in his voice. “I thought she threw us under the bus.”

“She likes her children—”

“She treats them like pets,” Soap sneers and walks after Mother Maia. He wanted to talk to her, and Gaz followed.

“You,” Soap barks grabbing Mother Maia by her dress cuff. “What's your angel?”

“Angel?” she asks. “Are you referring to my stance on humans and monsters?”

“Yeah,” Gaz shifts and folds his arm.

“Human and monster devoid from the divine, humans from angels, monsters from devils—”

“You believe that bullshit?” Soap roars. It's been a long myth of the origin of humans and monsters. Everyone knows that fairytale. It's bullshit to Soap.

“Humans evolved from Monkeys, and we Monsters are divine—”

“Humans are devine to we are made in Angel’s image.”

“You sound delusional—”

“Abraham the oldest known Monster and dragon believes that, and I believe him.” Mother Maia pushed Soap away from her smoothing out her dress and straightening her veil.

“Humans and monsters can live together in harm and there was a time it happened. Both sides can live with harm and when it happens nature will come back.” Soap turns to Gaz with a strange expression.

“You sound—”

“Who are you?” Gaz asks, “Are you a monster?”

Gaz spends a long time reading about the past, all the wars, and negotiations. It fascinated him, and he read all of Abraham’s work and memoirs of the peaceful time.

“I am Mother Maia.”

Taglist: @kkaaaagt, @kaoyamamegami, @1234ilikecowsthanyoumore, @spicyspicyliving

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1 year ago

Honey Badger Hybrid!

Honey Badger Hybrid!

- Honey badger hybrid! Reader who's short and feisty

- Honey Badger Hybrid! Reader who picks a fight with Ghost just to eat his food in front of him

- Honey Badger Hybrid! Reader who can take a bullet and be fine because they got tuff skin

- Honey badger Hybrid! Reader that throw themselves into any fight for the fun of it. (it takes two people to make them stop as grabbing them by the scruff of their neck isn't good enough)

- Honey Badger Hybrid! Reader was once caught eating a giant bee nest (larvas) and taking stings like it was nothing

- Honey badger hybrid! Reader Who likes terrorizing the enemy by running in screaming

- Honey Badger Hybrid! Reader Who screams black sir force vibes they got into 141 by taking an entire militia (20 people) and coming out mostly unharmed

- Honey Badger Hybrid! Reader who eats once drank poisonous and passed out (look really fuclkng dead nearly hurried alive) only to wake up two hours later like nothing happened

- Honey Badger Hybrid! reader who doesn't value their own life and love life as of warring and fighting is everything

- Honey Badger Hybrid! reader who likes to chew on Ghost stuff to establish dominance (believes Ghost is the top dog because he's the biggest. Ghost is so done with them but it's kinda cute watching them destroy things)

- Honey Badger Hybrid! reader who gives Gaz a annurism by how they can first escape jail (the confinement they put them in for being bad) and how they can outsmart him (they are very cocky about it)

- Honey Badger Hybrid! reader who sucks up to Laswell for some tasty treats while simultaneously being a menace to 141

- Honey Badger Hybrid! reader who sleeps all day and has zoomies all night (Likes to Harrass Ghost because he's a light sleeper)

Honey Badger Hybrid!

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1 year ago

Stupid idea that I thought up half asleep

Stupid Idea That I Thought Up Half Asleep

Baby Daddy Ghost! Who got you pregnant when you two were teens (17)

Baby Daddy Ghost! Who got yelled at by your father for getting you pregnant and band him from seeing you again

Baby Daddy Ghost! Who immediately went through all stages of panic. Got his ass beat by his father, before getting his shit together and start providing

Baby Daddy Ghost! And you were force to married

Baby Daddy Ghost! Who sent his first paycheck to you without even saying a word

Baby Daddy Ghost! And you fought because you two were scared

Baby Daddy Ghost! Who was there in the delivery room and was too stunned to speak and just nod along to what the nurses said, stared at his baby daughter until the nurses took the baby so she can lay on your skin.

Baby Daddy Ghost! who didn't let you drop out of school because he knew you had a bright future.

Baby Daddy Ghost! Who went into Butchary so you could go to college (your parents were more opening and caring and help baby sit your daughter unlike his)

Baby Daddy Ghost! Who come back from work and cradle his daughter and sleep with her.

Baby Daddy Ghost! Who went into the military for his own purpose which you agree he should go into. (did college through the military)

Baby Daddy Ghost! Who spend that summer saving Tommy and be more of a family man

Baby Daddy Ghost! Who divorce tokep you safe after his family was slaughter and move you into a rural place in England and keep a low profile when visiting you and his daughter. (remember he’s consider dead, visit at night and don't really leave the house to continue to deception your a widow)

Baby Daddy Ghost! Who spends all his time off with your young daughter on his off time, (sends most of his money to you even if you have a good job he want to provide and your money can be use as fun money.)

Baby Daddy Ghost! Who becomes more authoritative figure once she becomes a teenager and has to vet every man or woman she dated.

Baby Daddy Ghost! Who only tells the task force once they saw his personal phone’s lock screen (photo of his daughter on her birthday changes it yearly) brought her around and turns out she's a volleyball player (got some of simon’s height)

Baby Daddy Ghost! Who gets a little sentimental seeing his daughter playing volleyball in the national youth lead

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1 year ago

can we have more stuff on baby daddy!Simon before the military? and before the divorce?

Definition of a girl dad. Extremely proud of his daughter no matter how his father demeaned him for not having sons like him. His daughter was a quiet well behaved baby which lurned him into wanting a second kid, but further along when he and Reader were financial stable.

You have birth at freshly 17, and it's likely Simon went into the military around 18 to 19 after 9/11. So he has 1 to 2 years before the military.

Ghost dropped out of high school he wasn't the best at school more preoccupied. He did take summer courses to get his GED, when reader have time to look after the baby.

He worked long hours, and come home exhausted and let the baby sleep on him reminding him why he was doing what he was doing. Simon is a kind man, before all the trauma maybe a little bit of a pushover quiet kid. On his days off he takes his kid off to playgrounds, shopping, walks. Was the one who saw most of her early first, first words and first walk.

Simon sacrificed a lot for reader and the baby, he knew Reader was fair smarter than him, and help reader find the perfect college even though it was a little far.

When 9/11 happened he felt his calling and went to reader and said he wanted to join the military, but didn't want to leave her with a young toddler.

She told him to follow his calling, the same words he used on her.

In all Simon went into the army as a loving husband and father, following a high call.

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1 year ago

Baby Daddy Simon headcanons

Baby Daddy Simon Headcanons

Reader! Who films their daughter special moments from games, to birthdays, holidays so Simon can watch

Baby Daddy! Simon who always values his life so he can always go home to see his daughter

Baby Daddy! Simon who will answer every call reader and his daughter makes because no matter how small the reason it means everything to him

Reader! Who lets their young daughter film herself talking talking to her dad. It's mostly her rambling about her day.

Baby Daddy! Simon who keeps every single video he is sent and leaves long voice mails to his daughter

Reader! Who takes so many photos so Simon can feel like he's watching her grow up

Baby Daddy! Simon who tears up when he watched his daughter win her first volleyball game and seeing her scream with joy

Baby Daddy! Simon who immediately begins to lean about volleyball for his daughter sake

Baby Daddy! Simon who becomes pashonite about the game and spends hour talking to his daughter about it

Baby Daddy! Simon who was there for national watching from the back

Daughter! Who saw him and begin to play extra hard to impressed him

Baby Daddy! Simon who order food to the house so the three of them can celebrate

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1 year ago

Does Baby Daddy! Simon still love reader? Does he ever wish they could have had more kids so their daughter could have siblings? I just need the knowledge if he still loves reader even though he divorced them for their protection 😭

Also, really obsessed with your nontoxic baby daddy! Simon headcanons 💕💕

Oh my god thank you! I know Simons is rough and can be scary but I 100% believes he couldn't hurt his family or partner, from his voice lines he wants to be better, wants people to be better than who he is.


Yes 100% since Reader love him for him, he wishes he still could be married.

Simon doesn't date and if he does it to further the idea he is a single man who never been married or have children, Soap and Gaz have tried to hook him up with girls, theirs a running gag to see how he rejects these woman.

He still sends flowers to Reader on valentines and on their anniversary. Both Reader and Simon don't remarry or date even though they divorce, they still obviously love each other.

If they stayed married I see him having at least a son and two daughter and a dog for a pet. You know he be the dad every boy or girl is scared by except for his kids.

I see he would have a son who likes airsoft guns who likes motorcycles. A sporty oldest daughter who probably fights him on the boys/girls she dates and the youngest daughter who's super girly, always have panted nails. And a chihuahua German Shepard mix (aka a chihuahua with the coat of a German Shepard).

I definitely think on better days Simon does think about having a bigger family, being a family man, but those are only dreams.

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1 year ago

Single Dad! König

Single Dad! Knig

Single Dad! König got a daughter from a previous relationship and gains custody after his baby momma got abusive

Single Dad! König isnt a fan of his daughter at first, finds her autism “problematic” and “overblown”

Single Dad! König sets reasonable rules likes his daughter is one of his men and got annoyed with all her questions but held his tngue because “kids are stupid”

Single Dad! König found out his autistic daughter is far better at following orders he didn't know all her questions made logical sense to her

Single Dad! König slowly realizes he finds he likes coming home to a domestic scene and ends up trying to teach her to shoot a gun

Single Dad! König who finds himself in the middle of an autistic meltdown and watch his daughter scratcher her skin till it bleeds. He ends up physically restraining her so she can't do anymore harm. It was an hour ordeal of panic attack crying, and König don't know why.

Single Dad! König who tucks her into bed after she calms down enough to where he can put bandages on her wounds.

Single Dad! König who went back to work even more pissy and asked an autistic soldier why his daughter broke down like that.

Single Dad! König who spends his free time reading up on autism, to understand his daughter.

Single Dad! König who ends up getting his daughter some autism-friendly things like headphones, inside shoes, and a fan for her room

Single Dad! König who slowly enjoys being a father to a young preteen.

Single Dad! König who likes sharing music taste (ie making a small metal head of his daughter)

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1 year ago

Baby Daddy Simon

Reliving fond memories

Baby Daddy Simon
Baby Daddy Simon

Warnings: 18+, Smut, P in V, romance, mention of drinking

Whisky is the best remedy for a lost soul and the heart's desire.

He smelled of whisky.

You know what that means when he smells like whisky.

You can never tell him no. Not when those soft lost brown eyes stare right into your soul. The sadness melds into heated desires.

"Happy anniversary love," Simon whispers his hand pulls you in, and with his other handing you a bouquet of flowers. You know he had a few drinks, he did so every anniversary after leaving you, you think it's to build the courage to not fully face you.

You take the bouquet and try to pull it out of his grip, but he doesn't let you slide away from him. He buried his face into your hair before peppering her face with light kisses. You hate when he does this but at the same can't help but want it.

You often fantasize about your life before, living life not in hiding. To have Simon in your life proudly rather than sneaking around like star-cross lovers.

"Don't do this to me," You whisper It always brought you heartache afterwards. You slip from his grasp and set the flower in a vase before turning back, “(D/N) Will be coming back around dinner time—“

“That’s plenty of time love,” He whispers pulling you into a slow passionate kiss, You knew he still loved you, from the way he clung to you. His fingers interlocking in yours, how his eyes just searching for you, only you. Simon picked you up effortlessly sitting you on the counter and kissing you as if he was going to suck your soul from your lips, it almost felt nice being desired,


"we're alone." He whispers, his lips ghosting yours as they part into a slow smile. It’s all in his eyes.


Before you know it you’re in your bed— your marriage bed, the one Simon bought and assembled, the one that he helped move to your new place. The same bed you two sleep in here and there.

Simon kissed every inch of your chest as he moved downward, his callous hands pawing at your breast kneading it like he used to when it was painfully swollen before your daughter was born. Your back arched as the cold air-conditioned air hit your skin with his trailing kisses. Simon’s bare shoulders were always scandalous to look at, a man who always covered up seeing him bare-chested is always intimate.

Intimacy was the only thing he cherished more in sex, that and the vulnerability making loves bring. He had locked the bedroom doors, just in case. His hot wet kisses left shivers and goosebumps down to your pelvis, pulling your panties off and dropping onto the floor. Sex was something that Simon took seriously, he knew every inch of your body from what makes you wet, gasps, and pull at his hair.

His tongue swirls around your clit, lapping up at your wetness as he pressed his face further into it, his gaze possessively at you, lust, love, and pure desire staring back up at you. “You’re so pretty, Love,” You gasp and throw your head back, legs locking his head in place as you cum around his tongue. You let out a hoarse gasp and almost guttural moan. Simon chuckles and crawls forward giving you a sloppy kiss his tongue licking at your bottom lip.

You stared down at his cock, your mouth waters, it always waters for it. You almost felt like a virgin again, it’s very rare for the two of you to sleep together. He slowly eases into you, the ethereal feeling of someone you love filling you up, and the tip of his cock kissing your cervix. His movements were never rough or painful.

His spread is repetitive and you couldn’t hide your voice anymore, the low repetitive snap of his hips, the incoherent mumble of love, down to the way he smelled, everything was just heavenly.


@yawnderu it’s a long time coming…..

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1 year ago

omggg??!!! i think i'm going crazy, soooo hear me out

singledad!könig takes his daughter to reader!therapist to help with her sensory issues and ends up falling in love with this sweet and understanding woman 😭

Single dad! König didn’t go the first… ten times because of work. So the Reader!therapist mostly did things his daughter could do for herself. Reader!Therapist specialize in autism and other neurodivergence. The time Single dad! König joins along Reader!Therapist nearly lost her shit, stumbling and blubbering on. This 6’10” man who had a firm glare and snarl with scars across his face and arms.

On the other hand, seeing Reader!Therapist trying to hide his daughter from him really caught his eye. The entire time it was mostly the Reader!Therapist and Single Dad! König taking, and how autism is presented. While his daughter played with the dry board water paint.

“Young girls with Autism are more likely to try to conform to social norms; however, during puberty and high school, they begin to fall behind their fellow students. Autism never fully comes by themselves, she could also have ADHD, Dyslexia, Seizures, or other Learning Disabilities,” Reader speaks up. König looks over to his daughter who is crouched on her chair playing in the sand, lost in her own world.

From then on Single Dad! König does try to attend as many sessions as possible to see this pretty nice lady that his daughter also likes. Single Dad! König loves all the info dump his daughter does about her therapist's private life. Starts piecing together what Reader!Therapist likes, and later on, when the time is right asks her out.

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1 year ago

Call sigh: Silhouette

You are nearly as mysterious as Ghost…. But if you asks Laswell your are harder to find. When Price was making 141 she brought you up. You were her pick.

Agreeing is one thing, Price didn’t need convincing, but finding you was a whole other ordeal. You weren’t in any real military branch, your a contractor.

When Laswell finally found you, you only agree to join as a contractor, not as an official member.

Soap and Gaz we’re the two most excited to meet you, to know who this figment of imagination is. You lived up to the mystery but the hype they thought you get or give died the moment you walked through the military wear house cover from head to toe in black.

The worse part was everyone begin to compare you to Ghost. If Ghost was the standard you were his shadow.

It never bothered you. After all you were just a rumor, a Ghost’s shadow, and everyone knows ghost don’t exist.


I will be writing more silhouette stories if you have any question or ideas feel free to asks!

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1 year ago

Serial Killer

So I always see a lot of headcanons of serial killer cod characters but what if 141 meets a serial killer reader? Like some John Wick shit... Even though I wrote a cross over.

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1 year ago

Serial Killer! Reader

Serial Killer! Reader

You were raised in hell, a world of violence, where violence was praised

You were one of the best, for you had no morals and only fall rules because it’s more convenient

You slowly ended branching out of the underworld into the mainstream world

Your first mistake was killing a SAS soldier, then two navy SEALs

You disguises yourself as a a PMC person and slowly recruited into smaller faction

You could not care for the war or who was who but money talks and you do love money

One of your client ask you to target a task force full of SAS memebers

The best way to kill an entire to is to join them

You were scouted straight out of a PMC by one of the higher ups.


Soap didn’t care you were a PMC, as long as you were good

Soap notice you had lots of scars, especially on your back, it was religious

Soap was the first to discover your ability to speak Russian and know a lot of shady deals

Soap and you ended up forming a strange twisted friendship base on the most dramatic comebacks

When Soap got injured you were there… you were so close to killing him when Ghost arrived


Ghost kept his distance, their was something off about you

Ghost looked into your career, you were a PMC with no military background, how good can you be?

Ghost didn’t care for you, as long as your useful that’s good enough

Ghost found you hovering over Soap and thought that was suspicious

Ghost begins to follow you


Price didn’t like nor hate you, you follow his order but show no respect for his rank

Price found your background suspicious and ask Laswell to look into you

Price notice where ever you go you tend to kill and ask question later

Price thought you would be the weakest to gore and violence but it seems like you were the most comfortable

Price also was inform Privates and rookies were being found dead


He hated you

Gaz’s gut was tell him you were bad news and he never doubted his guts.

Gaz is very social and keep up with the other soldiers and when more than one we’re found dead he got worried

Gaz also found out the killings only begin after you join

Gaz would give you a lot of attitude and snide remarks of your his teammate


Laswell felt like sje saw your face

Laswell begins to dig through any crime family once Soap told everyone you have a specific saint on your back

Laswell contact 141 one night that your a killer

She got no reply



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1 year ago

omg the serial killer idea - so, serialkiller!reader who was part SAS and their callsign was baba yaga. they left military life after a traumatic event - idk maybe someone in their family was murdered - and went to live the john wick lifestyle 😵‍💫😵‍💫

See this is a whole new idea. Different from my initial serial killer! reader, but I like this!


Serial killer! Reader was a former SAS member enlisted with Kyle

Serial Killer! Reader was accused of being a spy and tortured for a month straight losing their mind

Serial Killer! Reader who was left physically deformed across their face and entire body and half dead

Serial Killer! Reader who was found innocent and the military swept this crime under the rug and sent you to a mental hospital

Serial Killer! Reader who begins to spiral and breaks out of the hospital and use their training to hunt down the SAS members that tortured them

Serial Killer! Reader travels the world and join a well know PMC under a fake identity wearing all black to hide their scars

Serial Killer! Reader who Compartmentalizing their life to before and after. That their are “two” people inside them (not DID but a mental condition to justify their action

Serial Killer! Reader killed three of the ten SAS members before 141 is contacted

Serial Killer! Reader goes after 141 because Ghost was one of the SAS there (he didn’t participate but was there)

Serial Killer! Reader who traps them in a room and force them to pick who would die

Serial Killer! Reader who is best by Laswell and Shadow Company

Serial Killer! Reader who escape into the night a fugitive to the law

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1 year ago

Imagine 141 stumbling across an unhinged hacker reader? Like raccoon behavior, full on rabid and delusional.

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1 year ago

Baby daddy Simon

Baby Daddy Simon

Things go array and it test Simon’s resolve

Makarov found out about you, about Ghost secret, and decided to attack you and your daughter.

It was a smear campaign against your daughter a young soon to by Olympian. She was called out for being the daughter of a murderer of a criminal, of a rogue SAS soldier.

Baby Daddy! Simon who was there in the audience as the reporters hounds his daughter about him

Baby Daddy! Simon who could only stand there and listen, balking his fist and glaring at the man who was upsetting his child

Baby Daddy! Simon who goes back to his team asking what happened

Baby Daddy! Simon who realize it’s Makarov targeting him through his family

Baby Daddy! Simon was alerted by you that you were shot at and so was his daughter

Baby Daddy! Simon who was undercover standing guard of his daughter as she apologized to the nation for something she had no idea

Baby Daddy! Simon who’s life flashes before his eyes as a bullet hit his child

Baby Daddy! Simon who grabbed his child and to the ambiance as you scream in the background

Baby Daddy! Simon who can’t bare wash his daughter’s blood off his hand once she’s in emergency surgery

Baby Daddy! Simon who holds you in his arms as you cry over your daughter

Baby Daddy! Simon who immediately ask Laswell and Price to put the two of you under special surveillance

Baby Daddy! Simon who will never forgive himself for letting his daughter and wife get caught up in his life

Baby Daddy! Simon who let you decide weather to keep your child on life support, as he doesn’t see fit his opinion is worthy to soeak

Baby Daddy! Simon who begins to hate Makarov the most after Soap’s death and Daughter’s hospitalization

Baby Daddy! Simon who by himself cried silently

Baby Daddy! Simon who Except you to hate him forever

Baby Daddy! Simon who begins to cut everyone off and truly begins to isolate

Request are open!!

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1 year ago

i wanna know how baby daddy Simon would handle his kids teenage rebellion phase PLEASE 🙏

Not well.

This man loves his kids, he die for them, kill for them; however, he has no good representation of a father or how to raise children. He knows what a mother’s love is but does not know to be a good father.

His kids know he’s in the military, and that it and his identity needs to be hidden.

His kids probably grew up being teased for coming from a single mom. Bullied for not always having the latest clothes or technology (Simon didn’t think it was necessary. He will never let them live in poverty with no new clothes, but brand clothes make no sense to him.)

If his kid is a Boy, he be more involve and show a tuff love situation, like how he deals with recruits but less soul crushing and miserable. Maybe try to connect. If his Son becomes abusive or a womanizer Simon won’t let that slide.

If his kid is a Girl, who is rebelling by acting out and partying, he’s going to ground her and take away privileges. He won’t take brat behavior. If his daughter is rebelling by doing drugs and alcohol, straight to rehab.

If his kid is Nonbinary he has no idea what to do. He’s an old man at heart, struggle to understand or get. He thinks it’s stupid and it drives a wedge between them. His child is more likely do more self harming stuff Simon will step in.

In all I feel like his kids either gender or in between struggle with a sense of abandonment issues or daddy issues. It’s not that he doesn’t love them, but it’s because he’s technically dead, and does dangerous work.

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1 year ago

How would Baby Daddy! Simon if Reader get's into another relationship?

Jealous. Jealous. JEALOUS!

That man is fuming, but he can’t do anything, it was his idea to separate.

Like why are you dating if you still have him?

He isn’t going to sabotage your date or scare him off, no he’s gonna do anything better than the guy.

Joke aside

I don’t see reader falling in love with another man. Simon is still around, in volved, and still active. To some degree you syill feel married tp him.

Hell he do anything for you and do you.

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1 year ago

What if Tortured Serial Killer! reader gets caught by 141?

It’s chaotic.

Tortured Serial Killer! Reader Pure miracle, they literally stumble across them

Tortured Serial Killer! Reader took over seven shots and got knocked out by Ghost's punch

Tortured Serial Killer! Reader who woke up chain to a chair and patched up by a fried medic with no pain killer

Tortured Serial Killer! Reader who woke up screaming and cursing

Tortured Serial Killer! Reader who grew quiet before laughing once they saw them and scream at Ghost saying they murder him

Tortured Serial Killer! Reader who didn’t flinch at the prospect of torture or flinch at the idea, already derealizing and dissociating into lalaland

Tortured Serial Killer! Reader who was put into jail because everyone think their working for Makarov

Tortured Serial Killer! Reader who had their records uncover by Laswell for Price

Tortured Serial Killer! Reader who’s fate enrage Price and co. and at Ghost for standing by

In all Tortured Serial Killer! Reader is bloodthirsty for justice, revenge, and retribution. Ghost got a lot of explaining to do

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11 months ago

Omg I immediately fell in love with your babydaddy!simon fics🫶🏼🫶🏼

do you think them having a baby has affected their sex lives? Especially at the beginning when their daughter was really young and they were still together?

Thank you so much!!!



50% young parents too tired because a new born is a lot of work. Other 50% too scared, they does not need or can afforded a second child.

It takes awhile to get back to sleeping together. And for Simon it’s more out of deep love for the mother of his child.

Simon thought reader was pretty before and even after birth when her body isn’t the same it was still Gorgeous to him.

Sex isn’t rough it’s deep and passionate. This man make love as if it’s the last thing he can do.

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