Just tryna Vibe They/Them He/Him 25
59 posts
Colourfula - Ya Boi - Tumblr Blog
You're such a vibe I swear ♥ any recommendations when buying secondhand? Lately everything seems overpriced, I admire your style and wish to find something cool thrifting
I mostly just shop at Goodwill like I kinda always have, sorry, I know that's not much help. They do discount colour's that are on sale, on Sundays they do two!!
Reblogging for the Monday crew. Man tit Monday

This shirt was only $6, yes I'm proud of that. I was just talking about mens tittes so the timing on getting this was impeccable

This shirt was only $6, yes I'm proud of that. I was just talking about mens tittes so the timing on getting this was impeccable
Absolutely OBSESSED with your fit, goddamn😮
As a fellow thrifting enthusiast, I commend your thrifting skills ^.^
Always appreciate these, I just love giving items another go, especially cause most of these clothes weren't "designed for me" but like, then why does it slap?
WOLF HEART EYES you’re so gorgeous i’m in luv with your style woagdhsh……
Damn, hitting me with all the compliments, yall are gonna give me a big head
would love to have such amazing fits like you!! ur outfits always look amazing!!
Shucks, thank you. I'm always down to give something some TLC to make it work, styling fits has just become so fun

Feelin cute and good lately. I hate to sound like a broken record but most of my wardrobe do be thrifted at this point
Thank yoouuuu, I'm getting more and more crop top sweaters slowly, they're such a vibe

Working on a show and been dying, but not without serving, found this top brand new at good will, so cute and soft
absolutely obsessed with your style and super cool vibes<3
Yall truly know how to gas a person up, thank you thank you, I gotta remember to take more pics
Also I'm stealing those big boots
Again yall are too damn sweet, and go right ahead, the website is onlymaker.com they do men and women's heels, made to hold amazing weight cause I'm a lot of man

Thank you to my son, what a lad, but yeee, some mixed leather for the pleasure
Your pics are SO rad, I'm absolutely obsessed with your style
Awww, thank you, got me kicking my feet and such

Simple but cute today, made some empanadas
GRAAHHH!! speaking of thrifting recently I went and found a tanktop made of Campbell soup socks and I bought it so fast, I heart mismatching clothes, I love wearing outfits that most people say don't match but there's certain colors that go together and they don't get it cause they don't know color theory ughghgnfnfnrnfnnfjr
THINGS ALWAYS GO TOGETHER, I love going out with people and grabbing pieces they go "Uhhhh, sure" just to make a bomb ass fit
you look so fucking sick dude!!
Awww, thank you to whoever, thrifting and a great website have been bangers
What's your favorite midnight snack??
Hands down a classic hunny bun, I'm a awful creature of habit

Got some new heels and pants, the velvet tank top is very much a Jojo Dio vibe
(And yes I'm like 6'7 in them)
DMing my system friend an outfit pic and asking "how does the council rule this fit"

dearly loving this headline. Me