screaming into the void hoping to hear an echo back(just kidding im having fun)(she/her)
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I saw someone mention awhile ago how Charles brags about being "the brawn" and then proceeds to get beat up for the rest of the season.
But that's WHY Charles is the brawn. He takes hits so that others don't have to. He stands between danger so that it hits him BEFORE it hits anyone else. Charles is less of a sword and more of a shield.
He was made to be pushed down and to get back up.
The dynamic between Edwin and Charles is so fascinating because the first episode explains their fighting style to us. Charles lets the ghost attack him while Edwin searches for spells. Charles gets the ghost to focus on hurting him so Edwin is safe.
Charles trusts Edwin to find the spell and stop the ghost. He doesn't fight so much as distract.
Charles never tries to hurt the ghost or even get him off because their goal isn't to hurt anyone. His goal is to get the mask for Edwin to use his spell and difuse the situation.
AND THEN ESTHER - Charles POSSESSES her so the others can run, knowing she's going to try and hurt him to get him out.
I could go on but I've been yapping for awhile.
god it's just *runs sobbing from my computer to launch myself into the ocean*
gwen mourning the loss of morgana and seeing her likeness in arthur so she is content to court him vs arthur knowing he can't be with merlin and finds many of his qualities in gwen so he's content to court her vs merlin mourning arthur for centuries and finding hints of his smile in leon's so he finds contentment in pretending that leon is arthur
omg guys today i achieved An Acomplishment

First meeting.
(You guys should really watch Dead Boy Detectives on Netflix. It's really good (and really queer))
so like I know the Holmes' sister ended up being like, awful*, but that scene where Sherlock and Faith Smith (played by Eurus Holmes) is really sweet and my favorite, actually?
*extremely subjective