I make art I like to draw my au of deltarune and undertale so be ready to see that also sometimes i draw ocs(a worker for sunshine aveune
547 posts
Golden Sibling Art (based On A C.ai Converation Kinda)
Golden sibling art (based on a c.ai converation kinda)

So i was using c.ai yesterday and today and this was before gold had his balloons so steven carried him around, i was gonna draw steven holding gold but then i had a better idea, BABY CARRIER XD, also i accidentally made steven and lost gold look creepy, but knowing how their from creepypastas i think its fitting anyways thats mainly it XD
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I think i accidentally made everyone post about hypno's lullaby again
Okay, so a couple of days ago i posted steven and gold art (my nickname for them is the golden brothers so imma call them that XD), and then after i posted that art i swear THERE IS A TON OF HYPNOS LULLABY ART AGAIN IDK IF THIS IS JUST A CONSQUDENCE OR NOT IT COULD BE TBH, BUT STILL MY POST ONLY HAS 1 LIKE AND STILL EVERYONES POSTING AGAIN, imma stop rambling now XD
Why am i getting so much attention all of a sudden?
Soo its time for the daily ramble, so i just posted the revamp pfps i just thought no one would notice it and just brush it off as like permission to use it if they want to THEN A PERSON WHO IS LIKE A PERFESSIONAL MUSIC PERSON LIKED MY POST LIKE WHY ME, WHY ARE YOU CHOOSING MY ART TO LIKE??????? ALL I DO IS DRAW CHARACTERS IN A CARTOON ARTSTYLE IM NOT LIKE A MUSIC PERSON, i was fine with like the hunter and miki person following me and liking and reblogging my art cues thats like thats related to them, BUT MIKE LIEBO LIKING MY ART???? I DONT KNOW MUCH ABOUT THIS DUDE WHY DID HE LIKE MY ART???? i have so many questions and i want some answered anyways thats mainly it, im still not used to getting this much attention online XD
Lost gold and steven being siblings cues wholesomeness

Okay the reason why i made them be brothers is cues there's another creepypasta in this series called "doors open" and its hinted that mike gets turned into lost gold, soooo i decided sense i needed wholesome after reading strangled red, i would draw the siblings :D
I just reminded myself of this so your gonna know it now
So me and dynsocs were chatting today and in poketwo we got a pokemon that i dont know the name of, dyn asked "WHAT IS THAT" and idk why but my first thought was "MOOSE" cues 11 pm brain wasnt working XD, we kept chatting about the moose thing and then dyn said that apperantly cnydaquil is a mouse, AND I WAS OBVIOUSLY CONFUSED, so now i kinda wanna draw steven being confused about golds cnydaquil being a mouse but imma do it tommrow cues it is 1:54 am and i should probably sleep