I make art I like to draw my au of deltarune and undertale so be ready to see that also sometimes i draw ocs(a worker for sunshine aveune

547 posts

I Think I Accidentally Made Everyone Post About Hypno's Lullaby Again

I think i accidentally made everyone post about hypno's lullaby again

Okay, so a couple of days ago i posted steven and gold art (my nickname for them is the golden brothers so imma call them that XD), and then after i posted that art i swear THERE IS A TON OF HYPNOS LULLABY ART AGAIN IDK IF THIS IS JUST A CONSQUDENCE OR NOT IT COULD BE TBH, BUT STILL MY POST ONLY HAS 1 LIKE AND STILL EVERYONES POSTING AGAIN, imma stop rambling now XD

  • nojustnomb
    nojustnomb liked this · 1 year ago

More Posts from Coolocgod

1 year ago

2 Pfp revamps :D

2 Pfp Revamps :D
2 Pfp Revamps :D

So i might use the first one for a bit then test the second one, thats mainly it XD

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1 year ago

Me as a pokemon trainer :D

Me As A Pokemon Trainer :D

Yep, so the reaosn why i drew this is cues me and dyn(aka dynsocs im to lazy to @ them XD) have been using the discord bot poketwo, they had the idea for us as trainers, so i drew mine, also imma say my current pokemon cues im bored XD: piplup(my main and also my pride buddy), panchamp(i would switch him out for someone else like my onix or something but idk how), fidough(the pokemon i have that dyn is jealous about, i just thought they were a cute pokemon XD), oddish(kinda the first pokemon i ever caught imma keep them in my party for as long as possible :D), magnemite(thought they were cool so i caught them XD), teddisura(not much to say about them), popplio(i got them cues dyn wasnt online so i caught them), klink(they were a pokemon i have in pokemon sword so i caught them cues i adore them XD), skater wooper(DYN DONT GET MAD BUT I CAUGHT THEM CUES YOU WEARNT ONLINE AND I WAS TO IMPAIENT), thats all of them for now

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1 year ago

Shadow steven cues why not

Shadow Steven Cues Why Not

Yep another shadow XD, i had this idea while i was at my grandmas sooo i draw it on digital, i might draw shadow gold later, theres not much about him right now XD thats it right now

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1 year ago

Why is just a single incorrect qoutes post getting attention??

So adhd brain isnt working so i zoned out, and i check tumblr AND 3 MINI LIGHTING BOLT NOTIFACTIONS JUST ON 1 INCORRECT QOUTE, why am i getting attention??? ALSO @mikiappreciation DONT YOU FUCKING DARE JOIN THEM I KNOW I CONSIDER YOU A FRIEND, DONT YOU FUCKING DARE JOIN THEM IN GIVING ME A PANIC ATTACK, welp back to watching videos and having my adhd brain go wild XD

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1 year ago

Lost gold and steven being siblings cues wholesomeness

Lost Gold And Steven Being Siblings Cues Wholesomeness

Okay the reason why i made them be brothers is cues there's another creepypasta in this series called "doors open" and its hinted that mike gets turned into lost gold, soooo i decided sense i needed wholesome after reading strangled red, i would draw the siblings :D

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