And Now I Need To Talk About The Idea Of Jude Watching Ludger And Ask The Pressure Everyone Is Putting
And now I need to talk about the idea of Jude watching Ludger and ask the pressure everyone is putting on him and just wanting to make it stop because Jude knows what it's like to live under unreachable expectations.
Everyone is asking how much Ludger can handle and Jude just wants to know that he wants to do this himself.
I am currently having thoughts and feelings about Alvin having to keep Ludger or Jude in check while one is worried about the other. Like having to hold Ludger back from trying to destroy a bunch of Exodus because they are threatening Jude. Something where Alvin is the voice is reason and can't understand how he got in that position. Holding Ludger or Jude back from going feral because the other is in danger.
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** Permission to post it was granted by the artist Do not repost/edit the art without permission Please, support the artist on their pages too **
Artist : toyonaga@tr_watercolor
A fantasy book where many characters have dramatic High Fantasy epithets, but for incredibly non-dramatic reasons.
An adventurer known as The Herald of Dawn, but it's because she tends to wake up naturally at 4 or 5 am and every single fucking time wakes up the whole damn camp before sunrise by banging pots and pans together while making herself breakfast.
A nobleman known as The Lord of Shadows, but it's because his land is shaded from all sides by cliffs and mountains and all the other nobility are roasting this guy for not being able to grow or farm anything on his shitty, shady, no-sunshine-having estates.
A courtesan known as The Emerald of [location], but it's because the county she was born in is known for manufacturing forged jewels and gemstones, and so far she is the fakest pretty thing to ever come from there.
An assassin known as The Kiss of Death, but it's because he has somehow acquired every single known and documented STD in his mouth.
The Dark Huntress, named so to distinguish her from The Blonde Huntress.
A prince known as The Raven Prince, but it's because he's autistic and can and WILL tell you everything that is known about ravens, for five hours straight.

** Permission to post it was granted by the artist Do not repost/edit the art without permission Please, support the artist on their pages too **
Artist : γγΎγ (pixiv / twitter)