Ludju - Tumblr Posts
And now I need to talk about the idea of Jude watching Ludger and ask the pressure everyone is putting on him and just wanting to make it stop because Jude knows what it's like to live under unreachable expectations.
Everyone is asking how much Ludger can handle and Jude just wants to know that he wants to do this himself.
I am currently having thoughts and feelings about Alvin having to keep Ludger or Jude in check while one is worried about the other. Like having to hold Ludger back from trying to destroy a bunch of Exodus because they are threatening Jude. Something where Alvin is the voice is reason and can't understand how he got in that position. Holding Ludger or Jude back from going feral because the other is in danger.
Fandom: Tales of Xillia 2 Ships/characters: Jude/Ludger and Elle Word count: 3610 Rating: T Content tags: Fractured Dimensions, Separation, Mutual Pining, Loneliness, POV Alternating Summary:
“That’s really you?” Elle whispered incredulously. “You look… lonely.” Ludger was lonely. Especially as a child, lacking his earliest memories and still learning to trust his brother, he had felt exceptionally isolated. When he had found Rollo abandoned in the rain, he had felt a special connection to him. But as he watched, his younger self merely picked the kittens up and set them outside the box so they could run free. He didn’t take either kitten with him when he continued down to the path to the Freres apartments.
Ludger and Elle are suddenly thrown into a Fractured Dimension while Jude is left behind to look after Rollo.

im very healthily obsessed with rudoju smooches
Series: Tales of Xillia 2 Pairing: Ludju Word Count: 861 Rating: T Warnings: Vampire, Feeding, Possession, Disorientation, Get Together Summary: Jude meets Ludger for the first time. Both are trapped.

I have had a sudden bout Tales of brainrot especially of the Xillia kind so here we have a doodle page featuring:
- Best girl Leia
- Giving Milla the abs she deserves (or at least my best attempt at them)
- Jude being my favourite bisexual disaster with tastes in “people taller than me who fight with swords, and shoulder a lot of responsibility who I happen to run into while doing perfectly inconsequential things”