Tox2 - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

And now I need to talk about the idea of Jude watching Ludger and ask the pressure everyone is putting on him and just wanting to make it stop because Jude knows what it's like to live under unreachable expectations.

Everyone is asking how much Ludger can handle and Jude just wants to know that he wants to do this himself.

I am currently having thoughts and feelings about Alvin having to keep Ludger or Jude in check while one is worried about the other. Like having to hold Ludger back from trying to destroy a bunch of Exodus because they are threatening Jude. Something where Alvin is the voice is reason and can't understand how he got in that position. Holding Ludger or Jude back from going feral because the other is in danger.

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2 years ago
This Way, Milady!
This Way, Milady!
This Way, Milady!
This Way, Milady!
This Way, Milady!

☆This way, milady!☆

Art by: ヒロ

※Permission to upload this was given by the artist.

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2 years ago
Art By:

Art by: ろってる

※Permission to upload this was given by the artist. Please, rate and/or bookmark their works on Pixiv and do not repost without the artist’s permission

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2 years ago

prima stella ludger and rollo as bonus (*・ω・)

Prima Stella Ludger And Rollo As Bonus (*)

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1 year ago
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

Series: Tales of Xillia 2 Pairing: Ludju Word Count: 861 Rating: T Warnings: Vampire, Feeding, Possession, Disorientation, Get Together Summary: Jude meets Ludger for the first time. Both are trapped.

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1 year ago
Hes Not Looking At His Wife

He’s not looking at his wife😤

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1 year ago
[In The Gentle Breeze]
[In The Gentle Breeze]

[In the Gentle Breeze]

[In The Gentle Breeze]

[Twilight Memories]

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1 year ago

ludger "you gotta love skirts" kresnik

Ludger "you Gotta Love Skirts" Kresnik
Ludger "you Gotta Love Skirts" Kresnik
Ludger "you Gotta Love Skirts" Kresnik

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1 year ago
I Have Had A Sudden Bout Tales Of Brainrot Especially Of The Xillia Kind So Here We Have A Doodle Page
I Have Had A Sudden Bout Tales Of Brainrot Especially Of The Xillia Kind So Here We Have A Doodle Page
I Have Had A Sudden Bout Tales Of Brainrot Especially Of The Xillia Kind So Here We Have A Doodle Page
I Have Had A Sudden Bout Tales Of Brainrot Especially Of The Xillia Kind So Here We Have A Doodle Page

I have had a sudden bout Tales of brainrot especially of the Xillia kind so here we have a doodle page featuring:

- Best girl Leia

- Giving Milla the abs she deserves (or at least my best attempt at them)

- Jude being my favourite bisexual disaster with tastes in “people taller than me who fight with swords, and shoulder a lot of responsibility who I happen to run into while doing perfectly inconsequential things”

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1 year ago

almost 5k of xillia 2 lore

Spoilers for all of Xillia 2, but is it really a spoiler if the game never even addresses it?

Some info overlaps with Taleslations’ post here which I recommend reading (they also have more stuff on Xillia 1).

I tried really hard to put this in some type of chronological order, but unless I list a specific year please don’t take the order of events as canon. There are also some points at which the lore blatantly contradicts itself.


PG = Perfect Guide

OWG = Official World Guidance (which includes five short stories)

SB = Scenario Book (more specifically, the “Family” short story, which has been partially translated here by yume-x-hanabi, who also provided me with the raws)

20th = Tales of Series 20th Anniversary Encyclopaedia

MG = Manga by Ryu Naitou (technically a different continuity but not much in this adaptation actually contradicts game lore)

Thank you to Tales of Temple for their full text datamine which made finding NPC dialogue a lot easier

Anything that isn’t explicitly cited is from the game, from the PG timeline on page 727, or I forgot to source it. Feel free to ask me for specifics, since I did read the vast majority of this via machine translation, and the game’s NPC dialogue is easily missable.

Thanks to @lastthroes​ and @yume-x-hanabi​ for their help <3

Keep reading

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1 year ago
Actually, Gaius Is Alive In Victors Sad For Him..
Actually, Gaius Is Alive In Victors Sad For Him..

Actually, Gaius is alive in Victors sad for him..

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11 months ago
I Just Wanted To Draw Something New Cause You Guys Keep Rb'ing My Old Xillia Art And Its CRINGEEE

i just wanted to draw something new cause you guys keep rb'ing my old xillia art and its CRINGEEE 😭

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11 months ago
RIP Mutsumi Inomata

RIP Mutsumi Inomata

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10 months ago
Ludger, Jude, And Elle Enjoying The Festival Together!

Ludger, Jude, and Elle enjoying the festival together! 

This was originally draw as a good luck charm to get the Yukata Jude unit from Tales of Link, but I already got him before I can finish so I guess this drawing is a congratulatory one! Yay! (*^▽^*)

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10 months ago
I Commissioned @miscellaneous-motion To Draw Victor! The Art Is So Cool~ Thank You For Taking My Request
I Commissioned @miscellaneous-motion To Draw Victor! The Art Is So Cool~ Thank You For Taking My Request

I commissioned @miscellaneous-motion to draw Victor! The art is so cool~ Thank you for taking my request and including the variations!

If anyone’s interested, they still have commissions open on Skeb for 5K JPY. They’re really fast and I love the art style, I’d definitely recommend them.

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