creepy-spooghetti - Sapphire Snowdrop
Sapphire Snowdrop

My favorite fandoms are Creepypasta & Marble Hornets | I love writing fanfics & headcanons | The proud owner of six precious fur babies | I am not active all of the time, so it might take me a bit to get to your requests!

281 posts

Hoodie Headcanons Plz

Hoodie headcanons plz

Hoodie\Brian Headcanons (OLD)

-Unlike Tim, Brian never blacked out when he turned into Hoodie. He was well aware of what he was doing and could control his “impulses”, I guess you could say, and he still can.

-Brian originally, was not on the Operator\Slenderman’s side, and his personal goal was to find some way to beat him, once and for all. That’s one of the reasons he went after Alex like he did.

-He definitely suffers from the effects of Slender Sickness, which is why he stole and steals Tim’s precious pills. He isn’t addicted, not by a long shot, he just uses them to minimize the dizziness, hallucinations, and coughing fits he constantly suffers from.

-The only reason he now works for Slenderman is because, after he fell from the window in Entry #83 and both Alex and Tim assumed he was dead, he wasn’t. He had just passed out when his head smacked against the ground and only woke up after Alex had been killed.

-He had severe damage to his spine and a bad concussion, all of which Slenderman offered to heal, under the condition that Hoodie would work for him. Brian was very hesitant but eventually accepted after Slenderman assured he wouldn't go after Tim or Jessica again. Yeah, that was a big phat lie right there.

-Hoodie still doesn’t like Slenderman, especially after he ended up recruiting Masky even after he said he wouldn’t. But at the same time, he’s a bit relieved he doesn’t have to go through all of this alone.

-Brian used to be a sweet, extroverted guy but now he’s quiet, unsociable, and authoritative, when Masky isn’t in control, that is. 

-He wishes he could return back to his old life, more than anything, but he knows he’ll never be able to.

-He’s 6′1, the taller one when compared to Tim though not by a lot. He used to love fajitas and vanilla ice cream, now he kinda gravitates toward the blander foods like white rice and oatmeal. It’s not his fault he’s lost his appetite.

-He got used to living in solitude for years, being out alone in the woods with Masky only occasionally showing up to help achieve something, so he had to adjust when he arrived at Slender Manor and found out he’d be sharing a home with a dozen or more Creepypastas. The only person he really talks to is Tim, and that’s because he trusts him.

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More Posts from Creepy-spooghetti

4 years ago

"Nothing says Thanksgiving like a dead turkey, autumn leaves, and a house full of psychos."


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4 years ago

Random facts about Ben??? 🤔

These got a little depressing, sorry about that lol. My writing has a mind of its own sometimes.

Facts about BEN Drowned (OLD)

He hates water. Like, completely despises it and refuses to get near the stuff.

This, of course, mostly stemmed from his backstory, which is devastating and anger-inducing.

BEN never could swim, and was always shorter than the other kids at his school, so as a result, he was a victim of bullying a lot.

They teased him, made fun of him, humiliated him, and one day he got sick of it.

Since he had a big fascination for video games and the internet overall, he was able to hack into their personal records and change them to read both hilarious and embarrassing things.

When the bullies found out about this and discovered it was BEN who was responsible, they got extremely pissed off and took their revenge.

They hauled him to a nearby river, knowing he had a slight fear of water because of his inability to swim, and chucked him into a particularly deep area, and no matter how much BEN screamed for help and tried to stay afloat, he failed and, as expected, drowned.

Of course, he avenged himself once he came back as a ghost and found out that he was connected to the internet as a whole, and he drove all of them insane, one by one, got into their head, made them suffer like he did.

Most of them killed themselves to get rid of his spirit, but a couple died in their sleep and one walked out in front of a car by accident.

He’s mostly blocked out these experiences and chooses to focus on the current part of his life, not the past, but sometimes it gets to him and he gets all depressed for, sometimes weeks at a time. 

When this happens, his usual witty, smart-alec, and childish demeanor totally dissipates and he becomes more distant, locks himself inside of his office\room moreso than he had already, and either scrolls mindlessly through memes or lays on his bed staring into nothingness.

He’s able to get over it himself most times, mostly by convincing himself his life is better here and the ones responsible for his death did indeed, pay the price. But sometimes an anonymous friend online or one of the Creeps (ex. Jane, Sally) has to talk to him and get him distracted.

He definitely isn’t a favorite among the household, but the more kind-hearted ones don’t like seeing someone so upbeat like BEN get sad and antisocial. It’s a little concerning.

He’s gotten used to dealing with his problems alone since almost no one is willing to back him up and encourage him. It takes a toll him, having things like that creeping around in the back of his mind. His “episodes”, I guess you could say, wouldn’t be as bad if he had somebody to vent to. But he doesn’t. Not really.

He’s one of those that hide their emotions through a forced smile, inappropriate lines, and an immature sense of humor. But everyone has to crumble, eventually.

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4 years ago

It’s Just Friendly Banter

[Jane]: Go to hell, you bastard!

[Jeff]: I will. And I’m taking you with me.

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4 years ago

if sally is mentally 30 why does she still act like a kid? not hatin just wonderin.

I guess I worded that kind of strange. What I meant was, she has the mind of a child that’s seen all kinds of screwed-up shit. So she’s still a kid, she’s just not naive to the horrors of the world.

4 years ago

"No no, I'm fine. It's just a scratch."

~Toby, literally dying from a stab wound.

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