they/she/he || i love all kinds of art || theatre kid, unfortunatelydni: racists || sexists || homophobes/transphobes || proshippers || generally dont be a bitch lmao :)
413 posts
Watching Asian Shows Made For Asian Audiences With White/non Asian Friends Is Fucking Wild Because Im
watching asian shows made for asian audiences with white/non asian friends is fucking wild because im over here going through like fifteen different stages of grief and about to create more and then theyre just like "aw his mom let him get tea first :)" and im like sobbing on the floor
wannabethatbookcharacter liked this · 7 months ago
phrysic liked this · 9 months ago
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//Cambiel, Angel of Aquarius

@shiveringgroovy he literally doesn't even watch the show skfjghldfh love you bro thanks for putting up with my insanity
omg yes one time my mom and i were at an airport and there was a family near us speaking cantonese and we got so excited
they were talking about buying new shoes lmao
you ever language
do you ever just hear someone speaking Cantonese and get this uncontrollable joy in your heart because someone is speaking your family's language
or is it just me
i just watched The Prophecy last night and istg spn got most of their angel ideas from that show cuz
their wings only showed in shadows
when they died an imprint of their wing bones was next to their body
they like tapped people to make them go to sleep
they were all wearing trenchcoats or nice clothes
Gabriel set another angel on fire using oil from a canister he had (holy oil)
they didnt have souls
lucifer was SUCH a goofy guy in the first two seconds of screentime he started singing a song and then called the main girl a bitch lmao
like the only thing they had that spn didnt was that they had no eyes (but they could like get eyes when they wanted to i guess?? idk that part was weird) and they also perched on things like real birds lmao
the amount of money i would pay to see how people look at me when im not looking is astronomical