Heres Isayamas Interview About Jean :) (hope Its Readable!)

Here’s Isayama’s interview about Jean :) (hope it’s readable!)
It is, thank you very much. ^^
Isayama’s Interview on Jean Kirstein
From Gekkan Shingeki no Kyojin, Volume 4
[Translation: @yusenki; Editing: @fuku-shuu]
In my own view, I created Jean and Armin as representatives of humanity. They are not bad people, but they are also not purely righteous people, either. Sometimes they have a sly [cunning] way of thinking, tell lies, and there are also times when they are confused. I wanted them to be characters whom readers can sympathize with and relate them to actual human beings. However, as the story progresses, Armin has grown to be an excellent individual, while Jean is left to be the only true representative of humans.
Jean is a person who wavers easily. He initially aspired to join the MP to have an easy life, however in the end, he chose the SC. It’s suitable to say that he is easily influenced by people around him. While drawing him, there are often times when I think, “It’s good to have Jean as SnK’s main character, huh?” There are many times where I can’t relate to Eren’s way of thinking, however it is easier with Jean. It’s reasonable for normal human beings to react like him, so that’s what I interpret. It’s easy to bring out his human nature, thus he is a character that I am able to understand while drawing him.
A lot of parts of Jean are contributions by director Araki and the anime production team. I think his VA, Taniyama Kishou’s voice is really good as well. Actually, I have a lot of regret in my own characters’ portrayals in the manga, therefore I requested director Araki to improve those issues during the anime production - and that’s what ended up happening.
During early stages of the manga, I didn’t dive deeper into the characters’ personality when I drew them, because I expected that the series was going to be completed quickly. As a result, I thought it would be better to develop the story faster. With that, I can seize the readers’ heart faster, which was the initial plan. At the time, I thought it was fine to progress like so, however in the end I even experienced a lot of regrets regarding the construction of the components, 3DMG design, etc.
It is actually a fortunate event that the series was made into an anime. I was really happy because I had the chance to amend any parts I held regrets for. Additionally, the anime quality was excellent - if the full score is 100, I would say that the animated version’s score is 120. I also think it is alright to consider the anime version as the exact adaptation of the manga.
I always think “whatever I don’t enjoy won’t be enjoyable for others.” To me, if I didn’t think a manga was interesting enough while drawing it myself, then the readers definitely won’t think that it is good, either. I also carried the same belief during the production of SNK anime, and so I really appreciate that the anime team, who worked under director Araki also possessed the same feeling toward the series. They didn’t think it as work or an obligation told by their superiors to execute. One of the precious things I felt during the anime production was that all of the staff members stayed motivated and active throughout.
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More Posts from Crushedcandiedapple

Good Night, Dear and Sweet Dreams Vol. 08 Jean Kirstein
It was a restless night.
"Jean. …Jean. Are you up?"
"Hm? Yeah…"
Jean turned over in his bed and stuck his head out of his blankets. He saw the same barracks as always.
The quiet voice continued to call him.
"Sorry, did I wake you?"
"I was up… I couldn't sleep. What about you? It's rare for you to be up."
"Well, it happens every now and then."
"What happened…Marco?"
"It's not like anything in particular happened, but… You know, we went through a lot in Trost District."
"You're right. Who knows how it could have turned out if it wasn't for Armin's plan and that suicide bastard's powers," the voice chuckled.
"You did a lot too, Jean. If it wasn't for your orders when our supplies got cut off, Mikasa would have been eaten after charging toward that Titan by herself."
"That was…just something I decided I needed to do. It could have just as easily been you."
"But you were the one who ended up doing it in reality," the voice replied. It was as soft and kind as it could be.
"I know you'll make a good Survey Corpsman, Jean."
"Huh? If you're saying that, then what about you? You'd--"
What was he going to do?
Jean tried searching through his foggy mind to recall where his kind conversation partner was going to go.
He felt a prick in his heart.
Marco… That's right, an MP…He's going to become an MP.
"Well, I--"
"Oh, I know. You're going to be an MP, right? You've always been saying that. Go out there and protect the King, I know you'll be able to do it."
Jean continued to speak in rapid succession, trying to get out every word he could without so much as waiting for a response. It was as if they were chains that would tie down the man he spoke to, keeping him from leaving.
"It's okay, I guarantee you'll rise up the ranks, and you'll be able…to…live…a safe life in the Interior …"
Jean began to gasp what was happening…
But he also knew that a full grasp on the situation would bring an end to this warm discussion. A shiver ran through his entire body. The barracks seemed to distort before his eyes.
"No, don't go yet."
Jean reached out in the direction he spoke, but it was no good. He didn't want to believe it, he wanted this to be his reality, it should be reality--
"…I wish we could keep talking. But…"
"No, don't disappear! Marco, you idiot!!"
Jean leapt awake, drenched in sweat. The feeling of perspiration dripping onto the tip of his nose made it undeniable that this was reality.
He cursed his still-shaking hands and grabbed one wrist with his other hand, forcing the tremors to stop. There was a dim brightness outside, and everyone around him still slept quietly. They would be asked what branch of the military they wanted to join today. The others must have been up until late struggling with the question before falling sound asleep.
The empty beds stood out in particular--those of their fallen corpsmates. And among them…
"Marco… Why… Why did you have to…"
Though Jean hung his head, he did not cry. He could hear someone inside of his heart telling him to hold his head high.
"…That's right. I made a decision. My will…is going to choose what I need to do now."
Jean clenched a determined fist in the barely lit barracks. He felt as though the afterglow of his warm dream pushed him onward.
SOURCE: Attack on Titan: Short Stories.
One not often (?) discussed aspect of the Jean/Armin friendship is the fact that while Jean obviously likes Armin, he also finds him a little scary at times.
These are the faces Jean makes when Armin argues that Erwin was right to not involve many SL members in his plan to capture Annie even though this led to more SL members losing their lives.

He sure looks a little uncomfortable.
Or that time when Armin said that the titans in the wall will soon awaken.

Jean laughs nervously and assumes that Armin’s pessimistic prediction (?) is a joke.
And let’s not forget this:

Jean’s reaction to Armin’s joke about staging a fake incident to make the SL look good in the eyes of the public (even if it means some lost lives).

Crappy and insensitive comment, am I right? Jean’s so disturbed by Armin’s morbidity that he tries to pass it off as a result of Armin’s trauma. Eren denies this, and he should know since he has been Armin’s best friend for years.
Also, Jean’s character interview for the smart pass AU has never been fully leaked, but summaries of some not leaked parts state that Jean says that "Armin is occasionally scary". Source (Another source states that Jean says “sometimes Armin is as scary as Erwin”, but I currently can’t find it anymore. Will update the post when I do.)
Overall, Jean thinks that Armin has a “dark side” which he can’t reconcile with the rest of Armin’s personality. Jean would rather not think about it and be in active denial about its existence. This is probably because he hasn’t (really) known Armin for long - Armin’s morbid jokes and opinions that ruthlessness is needed to win this war throw him off. Partially because they subvert Jean’s initially expectations and impressions of Armin, and partially because he probably fears that this is who Armin really is at his core - someone cold and cruel. From chapter 55-58 we know that Jean does not want to be either and doesn’t really understand or accept the need for it. And since his friendship with Armin is still new, it’s also not really surprising that whenever Armin shows his “dark” side, Jean gets somewhat scared that maybe Armin’s usual kinder and gentler side is just some sort of mask.
But the story doesn’t end here.
Keep reading
Some people complain that even though Jean is supposed to be the master of the ODM gear, we never get to see that. I mean, of course he gets overshadowed by two Ackermans, but let’s not forget he is one of the very few characters who manage to outmaneuver the Female Titan (in an open terrain, nonetheless) back when his fighting experience is still pretty much close to zero. Levi’s Squad gets obliterated in a forest.

Let’s not forget his gear gets broken during the final battle, and he can only use one wire to move around. His skills, as far as regular humans are concerned, are insane. Spoilers below: