crystalthevampirate - Crystal the Vampirate
Crystal the Vampirate

writer | sleeper | learner ♥️ a sucker for good food & entertainment

156 posts

Left - Vasenright - Oikea

left - vasen right - oikea

I write with my left hand. Kirjoitan vasemmalla kädellä.

Turn left at the corner. Käänny kulmasta vasemmalle.

Do I sit on their right? Istunko hänen oikealla puolellaan?

  • marysmirages
    marysmirages liked this · 2 years ago

More Posts from Crystalthevampirate

2 years ago

art films, thrillers, camp horror: this is what's wrong with the world

us, the children of that world: um, yes please?

2 years ago

meta lately: hello :) we've made these handy little updates that'll make your life oh so hellishly more difficult for the next few months *force-feeds me confetti with a spoon*

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2 years ago

In the woods near our house everything grows in circles. There's tall trees, but no leaves on the moss and the stars cast shadows like it's daytime. I made a soup one time of the mushrooms I found in each corner of the wood. White mushrooms, with wide hats, that taste like honey and cotton sugar. The recipe was for a soup, everyone had it at my birthday party, but it was titled 'making a savior' and it's a little strange I can't seem to find my way out of our yard, where the people don't look like my friends at all..

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2 years ago



finished: 2 books | avg. rating: 3.5 stars favorite: Keskeneräisten Tarujen Kirja 1980 by J.R.R. and Christopher Tolkien


finished: 0 books. Scandalous, I know.


finished: 5 books | avg. rating: 3.2 stars favorite: The Gods of Mars 1913 by Edgar Rice Burroughs

it's tough tho, I've enjoyed the Barsoom books more than I expected from 20th century pulp


finished: 1 book, which I rated 3/5 stars, and refuse to call a favorite


finished: 4 books | avg. rating: 3.0 stars favorite: Phantom of the Opera 1910 by Gaston Leroux


finished: 2 books | avg. rating: 4.0 stars favorite: Jazz 1992 by Toni Morrison


finished: 2 books | avg. rating: 2.5 stars favorite: The Scarlet Letter 1850 by Nathaniel Hawthorne


finished: 4 books & an unhealthy amount of research papers | avg. rating: 3.5 stars favorite: Kultaraha nurkan alla 2000 by Maria Vuorio


finished: 3 books | avg. rating: 3.33..3 stars favorite: The Master and Margarita 1967 by Mikhail Bulgakov

there goes my 22 reading goal. this has been a comfortable phase, I think next year I'll try for 50, if my situation doesn't drastically change.

absolutely adored the Devil's Lot visiting Moscow, too <3


finished: 2 books (I think) | avg. rating: 3.5 stars favorite: The Vampire Lestat 1985 by Anne Rice


finished: 3 books | avg. rating: 3 stars favorite: Of Mice and Men 1937 by John Steinbeck


finished: 2 books & lots of shorts | avg. rating: 3.5 stars favorite: how to compare..

That's it, final update! 30/22 books finished. No doubt The Master and Margarita was the most fun I had this year. 2023 here

Week’s reads with pictures | my (unsatisfying) Goodreads profile

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