crystalthevampirate - Crystal the Vampirate
Crystal the Vampirate

writer | sleeper | learner ♥️ a sucker for good food & entertainment

156 posts

In The Woods Near Our House Everything Grows In Circles. There's Tall Trees, But No Leaves On The Moss

In the woods near our house everything grows in circles. There's tall trees, but no leaves on the moss and the stars cast shadows like it's daytime. I made a soup one time of the mushrooms I found in each corner of the wood. White mushrooms, with wide hats, that taste like honey and cotton sugar. The recipe was for a soup, everyone had it at my birthday party, but it was titled 'making a savior' and it's a little strange I can't seem to find my way out of our yard, where the people don't look like my friends at all..

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More Posts from Crystalthevampirate

2 years ago


🃏 (peli)kortti/kortit

A  ässä/ässät J  jätkä/jätkät Q  kuningatar/kuningattaret / akka/akat K  kuningas/kuninkaat

🃏 jokeri/jokerit

♦️ ruutu/ruudut ♣️ risti/ristit ♥️ hertta/hertat ♠️ pata/padat

🔴 punainen/punaiset ⚫ musta/mustat

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2 years ago

art films, thrillers, camp horror: this is what's wrong with the world

us, the children of that world: um, yes please?

2 years ago



finished: 2 books | avg. rating: 3.5 stars favorite: Keskeneräisten Tarujen Kirja 1980 by J.R.R. and Christopher Tolkien


finished: 0 books. Scandalous, I know.


finished: 5 books | avg. rating: 3.2 stars favorite: The Gods of Mars 1913 by Edgar Rice Burroughs

it's tough tho, I've enjoyed the Barsoom books more than I expected from 20th century pulp


finished: 1 book, which I rated 3/5 stars, and refuse to call a favorite


finished: 4 books | avg. rating: 3.0 stars favorite: Phantom of the Opera 1910 by Gaston Leroux


finished: 2 books | avg. rating: 4.0 stars favorite: Jazz 1992 by Toni Morrison


finished: 2 books | avg. rating: 2.5 stars favorite: The Scarlet Letter 1850 by Nathaniel Hawthorne


finished: 4 books & an unhealthy amount of research papers | avg. rating: 3.5 stars favorite: Kultaraha nurkan alla 2000 by Maria Vuorio


finished: 3 books | avg. rating: 3.33..3 stars favorite: The Master and Margarita 1967 by Mikhail Bulgakov

there goes my 22 reading goal. this has been a comfortable phase, I think next year I'll try for 50, if my situation doesn't drastically change.

absolutely adored the Devil's Lot visiting Moscow, too <3


finished: 2 books (I think) | avg. rating: 3.5 stars favorite: The Vampire Lestat 1985 by Anne Rice


finished: 3 books | avg. rating: 3 stars favorite: Of Mice and Men 1937 by John Steinbeck


finished: 2 books & lots of shorts | avg. rating: 3.5 stars favorite: how to compare..

That's it, final update! 30/22 books finished. No doubt The Master and Margarita was the most fun I had this year. 2023 here

Week’s reads with pictures | my (unsatisfying) Goodreads profile

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2 years ago


especially if you've ever struggled with eating/eating healthy/remembering to eat, you shouldn't use meals as a reward.

a treat can be a motivator, food in general can't.

you need to eat, even if you're not being super productive, or putting out your best work. everyone needs to take five every now and then. touch some grass, stretch, have a snack. remember to stay hydrated -not just when it's melting-hot, but all year 'round.

best wishes!

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2 years ago
Bonus: Unlike Many Languages, Finnish Has Names For Eight Points Of The Compass Instead Of Four. So Between

Bonus: unlike many languages, Finnish has names for eight points of the compass instead of four. So between cardinal directions (pääilmansuunnat) we call ordinal directions (väli-ilmansuunnat) NE, SE, SW & NW by their very own words.

'Ilma' means 'air' and 'suunta' is 'direction', so literally these are called 'air/wind directions', or 'directions of (the) air'

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