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Hmm, I Think This Style Should Simply Be Called A Censored Version. Literally Just Muted A Few Words,

Hmm, I think this style should simply be called a censored version. Literally just muted a few words, it's very abrupt and obvious.

Disappointed. But for anyone that was looking for it, here's the Spotify link. It's not easy to find by navigation imo.

The clean version of "TOO MUCH" is now on Spotify!

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More Posts from Curio-queries

1 year ago

as an entire queer trans allosexual i think it's weird when other allosexuals don't like the term allosexual for themselves. it just means not asexual. smacks of cis people who scream and howl and pee their pants about being called cis

1 year ago

Only 9 voters so far?? Where are all of the PJMs at?? Surely we have guesses as to which song he would have shared with Hobi! Lol

LAST CALL: Are You Watching Jimin's Production Diary?

LAST CALL: Are you watching Jimin's Production Diary?

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1 year ago

This question sent me on such an unexpected spiral. Thanks @rae-sense for sending it in to @bts-polls ! I had the pleasure of a Fake Love Era deep dive revisit and it was lovely! (Shoulda been making gifs for my Run bts series but always happy to procrastinate being at my desk!)

My initial reaction was: Easy peasy lemon squeezy, it's JK. Buuuuut, since I've been successfully bias-wrecked by Jimin, I was curious if rewatching the content would lead me to a different conclusion.

This Question Sent Me On Such An Unexpected Spiral. Thanks @rae-sense For Sending It In To @bts-polls

My discovery of Fake Love was extremely pivotal in my BTS journey as it facilitated my desire to dive deeper into the BTS world rather than just listening to the music. I was absolutely convinced before Fake Love that music videos were completely unnecessary for true music lovers, they were sometimes nice but ultimately sources of random trivia along the lines of "did you know the music video is actually about xyz...". Maybe it's because I grew up without cable and MTV access but I never thought an mv could ADD to the music enjoyment/experience.

Anyway, along comes the Fake Love mv with its pretty visuals and hints of a further storyline underneath (I wouldn't fully realize how much I was craving something like the BU in the music industry until I connected the dots between Run and Fake Love but the foundation was starting to form). And then there's the break in the middle... hearing JK's voice seep in with the astounding fire and water visuals has permanently changed me. I will never again be the same person I was before hearing seeing experiencing this. To this day, I have that moment as my ring tone and I keep the volume on so that when I get spam calls, it's like the universe was telling me I needed a reminder that I do have a soul in my body. (It's actually made spam calls turn into something of a treat for me instead of an annoyance, I highly recommend this!)

So...We've established that I was completely suckered in by the Fake Love mv and was falling for JK as my bias as I ventured through all of the rest of the Fake Love Era content. Buuuut! The question rises: Was JK my bias because I loved those specific moments OR did I love those specific moments because JK was my bias??? Now we have a quest!

I rewatched as much Fake Love Era content as I could before my pre-planned errands yesterday with the intent of noting what stands out to me for each member to see if anyone can usurp my answer of JK for this question.

This Question Sent Me On Such An Unexpected Spiral. Thanks @rae-sense For Sending It In To @bts-polls

RM: I'm sorry but I think one of RM's best contributions to the Fake Love Era was ripping JK's shirt in that one he said, he created a legendary scene.

This Question Sent Me On Such An Unexpected Spiral. Thanks @rae-sense For Sending It In To @bts-polls

JN: Jin KILLS the intro and all of his solo scenes in the mv! He doesn't really stand out to me in the performances though.

This Question Sent Me On Such An Unexpected Spiral. Thanks @rae-sense For Sending It In To @bts-polls

YG: Yoongi's tiny smirk during the flame explosion does me in everytime. The rest of his solo scenes are very compelling as well. I love his rap section in the performance, it always feels like a treat to watch.

This Question Sent Me On Such An Unexpected Spiral. Thanks @rae-sense For Sending It In To @bts-polls

JH: Hobi's storyline in the mv was a little confusing without being familiar with the BU. The Fake Love performances that I think of for him are 2018 MMA, 2019 MMA and 2018 MAMA, that mannequin rise!!

This Question Sent Me On Such An Unexpected Spiral. Thanks @rae-sense For Sending It In To @bts-polls

JM: I want to love the flooding scene, because it's so beautifully shot, and there are times I think I do but there's something that sticks about it, not sure what it is though. I wish his dance moments were highlighted more though, they absolutely would have suckered me in if with more coverage. As it stands, I have to look for them to properly appreciate.

Jimin absolutely stands out during all of their special stage performances, the marionette dances, the lift by JK and V. I honestly don't know why it took me so long to 'find' Jimin.

This Question Sent Me On Such An Unexpected Spiral. Thanks @rae-sense For Sending It In To @bts-polls

V: V's storyline in the mv was very forgettable for me. Pretty visuals in the moment but I move on quickly. the only performances that sticks out to me is 2018 MMA at the intro where the camera follows him and the members appear in the line behind him but that's more due the excellent blocking than Tae himself.

This Question Sent Me On Such An Unexpected Spiral. Thanks @rae-sense For Sending It In To @bts-polls

JK: The 'Love you so bad' hook after the break! Still gets me. he's such a great perspective character on the rest of the guys, and his hallway scene is extremely compelling as well. there's a reason why his shirt lift moment was the most memorable of the Billboard music awards or whatever they said it was. JK does a great mannequin rise with Hobi in the 2018 MAMA performance also.

This Question Sent Me On Such An Unexpected Spiral. Thanks @rae-sense For Sending It In To @bts-polls

In conclusion: there are definitely some other members in contention, but JK still owns the Fake Love era for me.

Which member do you feel fits the "fake love" era the most?

Which Member Do You Feel Fits The "fake Love" Era The Most?

Thanks for the poll question @rae-sense ! Always happy to post a submitted question.

LAST CALL: Do you use Rock Paper Scissors to resolve disputes more now than before your BTS journey?

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1 year ago

Hear me out... I think these could have been AI-generated...or by someone untrained. There's just something missing. I don't know how to describe it yet but they don't feel like they've gone through the regular levels of development that i'm used to from BTS.

I really need to finish gathering my thoughts on a BTS and typography post I've got in mind.

231027 - (Jung Kook) 'GOLDEN' THE TRACKS PART
231027 - (Jung Kook) 'GOLDEN' THE TRACKS PART
231027 - (Jung Kook) 'GOLDEN' THE TRACKS PART
231027 - (Jung Kook) 'GOLDEN' THE TRACKS PART

231027 - 정국 (Jung Kook) 'GOLDEN' THE TRACKS PART ⅠⅠ

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1 year ago

Run BTS: 013 | The Spy Who Returned part 1

Original Air Date: 06 MAR 2017 Episode Length: 22:05 Total Parts: 3 YouTube English Subtitles: No Title Song: Blood Sweat & Tears

Run BTS: 013 | The Spy Who Returned Part 1

Synopsis: Mini games at a water park. Divided in two teams.




A spy is chosen at the beginning

Production: They did such a better job with sound around water this time! Excellent job featuring the location and explaining the mini games as well as the spy set up.

Endearment: Letting us and them know about the spy at the beginning encourages us to pay close attention to their behavior against what we know of their personalities.

Winner/Loser: see final part

Best Cheater: none

Member Moments:

RM: RM absolutely has practiced the technique of falling properly. Did you see that mid-air twist to land on his back??

JN: Jin's attack during the balance game was amazing!

YG: Yoongi's hosting skills are in full force.

JH: He picked water!!! Definitely spy behavior for a random draw. Although it does tempt me to list Staff as the best cheater again, that's just mean!

JM: Excellent save during the balance game...only to immediately fall after

V: V didn't even get a chance at the balance game.

JK: I honestly expected JK to do better in the jumping race game. Did they tell the Young Guys to lose so that it'd be more interesting to watch??

Bonus Content: combined with the bonus content for ep 14

CQ Rank: 3.5

(CQ Eval Date: 12 SEPT 2023)

Check out this post for my Masterlist of all episodes and descriptions of how I'm evaluating these.

Previous Episode: 012

Next Episode: 014

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