Ep.013 - Tumblr Posts
Run BTS: 013 | The Spy Who Returned part 1
Original Air Date: 06 MAR 2017 Episode Length: 22:05 Total Parts: 3 YouTube English Subtitles: No Title Song: Blood Sweat & Tears

Synopsis: Mini games at a water park. Divided in two teams.
A spy is chosen at the beginning
Production: They did such a better job with sound around water this time! Excellent job featuring the location and explaining the mini games as well as the spy set up.
Endearment: Letting us and them know about the spy at the beginning encourages us to pay close attention to their behavior against what we know of their personalities.
Winner/Loser: see final part
Best Cheater: none
Member Moments:
RM: RM absolutely has practiced the technique of falling properly. Did you see that mid-air twist to land on his back??
JN: Jin's attack during the balance game was amazing!
YG: Yoongi's hosting skills are in full force.
JH: He picked water!!! Definitely spy behavior for a random draw. Although it does tempt me to list Staff as the best cheater again, that's just mean!
JM: Excellent save during the balance game...only to immediately fall after
V: V didn't even get a chance at the balance game.
JK: I honestly expected JK to do better in the jumping race game. Did they tell the Young Guys to lose so that it'd be more interesting to watch??
Bonus Content: combined with the bonus content for ep 14
CQ Rank: 3.5
(CQ Eval Date: 12 SEPT 2023)
Check out this post for my Masterlist of all episodes and descriptions of how I'm evaluating these.
Previous Episode: 012
Next Episode: 014