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Run BTS: 015 | The Spy Who Returned Part 3
Run BTS: 015 | The Spy Who Returned part 3
Original Air Date: 21 MAR 2017 Episode Length: 19:59 Total Parts: 3 YouTube English Subtitles: Yes Title Song: Blood Sweat & Tears

Synopsis: Still at the waterpark but now the minigames are focused on sussing out the spy
Production: Pretty simple for production, just need to keep riding the buildup from the previous episodes. I do think this was meant to only be a two parter but there was too much footage ao they aplit the first part into two.
Endearment: Nice glimpses of some of the woes of living together. It does feel a little like they were asked to specifically mention those kind of stories though.
Winner: JN
Loser: none
Best Cheater: none
Member Moments:
RM: RMs sweater looks too cozy, I'm distracted by it in all of his coverage.
JN: Jin sure knows how to make a JinMin interaction endearing.
YG: I love that yoongi gets to eat with jin, you've worked hard MC!
JH: Hobi has this face when he's being wrongly accused. if he could nail that when he's sctually bad, he'd be unstoppable.
JM: Jimin saw his chance to scold JK and he absolutely took it! Funny how no one suspects him of being the spy for this.
V: Havent quite perfected the art of not flinching yet, eh, V?
JK: JK is right, he can't win against Hobi's angellic face in this kind of game.
Bonus Content: Yoongi getting the coverage he deserves and more adorable JinMin
CQ Rank: 3
(CQ Eval Date: 13 SEPT 2023)
Check out this post for my Masterlist of all episodes and descriptions of how I'm evaluating these.
Previous Episode: 014
Next Episode: 016
shimako liked this · 1 year ago
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Run BTS: 014 | The Spy Who Returned part 2
Original Air Date: 14 MAR 2017 Episode Length: 21:19 Total Parts: 3 YouTube English Subtitles: Yes Title Song: Blood Sweat & Tears

Synopsis: Continuation of Mini games at a water park. Divided in two teams. MC: YG. OLD: RM, JN, JH. YOUNG: JM, V, JK A spy was chosen at the beginning
Production: Good coverage and excellent sound work. Either the execution or the explanation of the second game leaves something to be desired. It doesn't tie into the waterslide at all, very disconnected.
Endearment: This episode seems more like a filler. The punishment was great though. We sympathize with Hobi and Jin riding an outdoor waterslide in the cold and RM being the fortunate one to miss out on it.
Winner: see final part
Loser: JN, JH
Best Cheater: JN
Member Moments:
RM: Aww, the minus and division sign are tough for a lot of us too! ;)
JN: Did Jin even have his eyes open during that second run down the slide??
YG: We don't get to see Yoongi on the second slide
JH: The absolute king of making a fuss
JM: He got stuck in the slide!
V: oof that first fall on the waterslide looked rough!
JK: The Bang PD dance!!
Bonus Content: I thought Jin was holding a sponge and pretending to take a selfie with the pirate! And we get our footage of V and YG on the balance game. Honestly think i prefer this bonus footage over the entire part 2.
CQ Rank: 3
(CQ Eval Date: 12 SEPT 2023)
Check out this post for my Masterlist of all episodes and descriptions of how I'm evaluating these.
Previous Episode: 013
Next Episode: 015
as an entire queer trans allosexual i think it's weird when other allosexuals don't like the term allosexual for themselves. it just means not asexual. smacks of cis people who scream and howl and pee their pants about being called cis
Hear me out... I think these could have been AI-generated...or by someone untrained. There's just something missing. I don't know how to describe it yet but they don't feel like they've gone through the regular levels of development that i'm used to from BTS.
I really need to finish gathering my thoughts on a BTS and typography post I've got in mind.

231027 - 정국 (Jung Kook) 'GOLDEN' THE TRACKS PART ⅠⅠ
I have some thoughts that may comprise a whole post about this later, but I'm in process on a whole one about the documentary and another on Like Crazy so this will have to do for now.
One thing that sticks out to me about the whole event of JKs inclusion in Letter is it really highlights how much heavy-lifting he does for BTS's music. This isn't just about recording their various guide tracks, this is about the tasks, the labour that he takes on as the Lead/Main/whatever vocal of a group that highly values musical content.
(Again, I'm not trying to shade any other groups or members here, just want to share some JK praise).
We can see hints of it here in the JPD as well as the In The Soop ost recording sessions. JK does a lot of work when it comes to the vocal and musical structure of the songs. I believe it's particularly visible in Letter just due to the contrast in JK and JMs voices.
Anyway, maybe I'll expound on this more later but wanted to share my little piece of JK praise.

Jungkook recording his vocals for 'Letter' ♡ (cr. jung-koook)
Run BTS: 011 | Back to School
Original Air Date: 31 JAN 2017 Episode Length: 26:22 Total Parts: 1 YouTube English Subtitles: Yes Title Song: Fire

Synopsis: Classroom skit
Production: Good set up and edit. We understand exactly what's going on.
Endearment: Much more effective to include the set up and assignment of roles and hear their opinions of how the last skit went. We get invested in wanting them to succeed with the skit.
Winner/Loser: none
Best Cheater: none
Member Moments:
RM: Namjoon was so good at putting on that voice and mannerisms while they were coming up with the plan.
JN: Aww, Jin flushing when practicing at the beginning and blows a hand kiss at Jimin.
YG: I mean, was this fate? This role was perfect to get him involved.
JH: Why does Hobi always end up with water all over him in the skits?? ok, not always but at least twice!
JM: The practice version with Jimin is so much better than what they did in the real skit!
V: Best.timed.sneeze.ever
JK: So many props! He's got a whole pile of them!
Bonus Content: Definitely worth the watch. it seems these were cut purely for pacing but some great acting by all of the guys, especially Namjoon!
CQ Rank: 3
(CQ Eval Date: 12 SEPT 2023)
Check out this post for my Masterlist of all episodes and descriptions of how I'm evaluating these.
Previous Episode: 010
Next Episode: 012