d3athth3d3ku - @SuperTachiLock

I'm an anime fan, fanfic fills my days, so I'm generally reading. when I'm avoiding the fic I might be on here scrolling through pic's I'm 26, no clue how to add the age on this sh*t. fuckin technology man keeps changing lmfao iread this in a fan fic, perfect description "I'm Pansexual! Which means no one's safe and I'm a permanent mess!"

28 posts




Sam, steve

Meep, winter, crowley, leviathan, bucky

Four are named after captain america characters, two after supernatural characters (the others turned out to be roosters and well...)

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    bukbot reblogged this · 4 years ago

More Posts from D3athth3d3ku

3 years ago

I had a thought today, so my brother is 6 ft 3, 170 lb (wears medium clothes right..)

So I look at him and I go; "if I get you at onesie what size would it have to be..?"

Him *confused face* "what?!"

Me: "well you're like a medium and you're like six three so to make up for your height what size but the ones you have to be?"

Me: "for instance our cousin has hue chips so she has to have like a two or three x to fit all that in a onesie and same goes for me cuz I have boobs...."

Me: "so to sum it up what size onesie would you have to wear to fit 6 ft 3 170 lb of you in a onesie?"

Him: "f*ck if I know, I ain't never worn a onesie before!" (Mind you he's been in Pennsylvania the last 15 years)

Mum\dad in unison: "yes you have, when you were little, you and your brother used to argue over who's onesie was which mine's blue no mines red.."

Him: "I don't fuck*n' remember that."

Me...: "So... Like? A xl?"

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3 years ago

Me: ah . .. well, you see... Maybe?

A suspiciously glowing gem, anyone?

(I have never run into this ten image limit before 😅, but this is inspired by a twitter post by @TomHeartsTanks. I’ll add it in the comments)

A Suspiciously Glowing Gem, Anyone?
A Suspiciously Glowing Gem, Anyone?
A Suspiciously Glowing Gem, Anyone?
A Suspiciously Glowing Gem, Anyone?
A Suspiciously Glowing Gem, Anyone?
A Suspiciously Glowing Gem, Anyone?
A Suspiciously Glowing Gem, Anyone?
A Suspiciously Glowing Gem, Anyone?
A Suspiciously Glowing Gem, Anyone?
A Suspiciously Glowing Gem, Anyone?
3 years ago

Don't forget to read your books maybe it'll make life a little easier someday?

So, I had a thought. Actually, I’ve had a lot of thoughts. And they would not leave me alone. So here we are.

So, I Had A Thought. Actually, Ive Had A Lot Of Thoughts. And They Would Not Leave Me Alone. So Here
So, I Had A Thought. Actually, Ive Had A Lot Of Thoughts. And They Would Not Leave Me Alone. So Here
So, I Had A Thought. Actually, Ive Had A Lot Of Thoughts. And They Would Not Leave Me Alone. So Here
So, I Had A Thought. Actually, Ive Had A Lot Of Thoughts. And They Would Not Leave Me Alone. So Here
So, I Had A Thought. Actually, Ive Had A Lot Of Thoughts. And They Would Not Leave Me Alone. So Here
So, I Had A Thought. Actually, Ive Had A Lot Of Thoughts. And They Would Not Leave Me Alone. So Here
So, I Had A Thought. Actually, Ive Had A Lot Of Thoughts. And They Would Not Leave Me Alone. So Here
4 years ago
Beautiful Baby Girl Goldie Hawn Waiting For Breakfast

Beautiful baby girl Goldie Hawn waiting for breakfast

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3 years ago

They're definitely from different areas or time eras!

But either way it's freaking adorable, I was not expecting that last one with him hugging a tree and the teeth it was adorable oh my God I love it!

what if vampires are like mosquitoes and only the ladies drink blood