daiskida - Без названия
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Well, Shit...mmm...Wow, This Escalated Quickly.

Well, Shit...mmm...Wow, This Escalated Quickly.

Well, shit...mmm...Wow, this escalated quickly.

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More Posts from Daiskida

7 years ago




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8 years ago
An This Is Why I Love Augustus~

An this is why I love Augustus~

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8 years ago

You know what, here’s a crazy idea. A very damn crazy idea, but since people are too stupid to understand the problems with the phrase “It’s so dry because it’s raining” I guess it needs explanation. How about instead of all this petition and protesting BS, you guys stop and realize WHY your party lost in the first damn place. Could it be that maybe, just maybe you lost because not only you screwed the only good candidate who actually could have won against Trump easily and instead replaced him with a corrupt as hell shrew who represented the same status quo that Trump managed to challenge. But also because of your high and mighty attitude towards the other side and having this bubble around you how you are “the good guys” and how everyone else is a badguy. How about you fix your damn party, pull your heads out of your asses and find a candidate that people would actually wanna vote for.

Petition to Impeach Trump


Granted calling your Sentors/Congressmen is more effective than signing a petition, but it’s a start. And gives you something to refer to when talking to them or their aids to show you have backing. 

Trump’ has done many horrendous things in the past two weeks. Mainly in an attempt to test his own power and to weary his opponents down with protest fatigue. 

We can’t fight every thing at once, it’s too much, but if we attack this administration’s leader full stop we will send a clear message to the GOP and their extremist minority of voters that we don’t want what they are offering. 

7 years ago

An funny thing we already had a live action Mulan movie and it had Jackie Chan as the badguy.

daiskida - Без названия
daiskida - Без названия
daiskida - Без названия
7 years ago

Oh yeah, wanna try and defend assholes who take money and don't do any art and later on they don't give you any refunds an you cannot get a refund because all the time has passed.

Attention Non-artists Who Commission Artists: Dont Fuckin Do This???
Attention Non-artists Who Commission Artists: Dont Fuckin Do This???
Attention Non-artists Who Commission Artists: Dont Fuckin Do This???

Attention non-artists who commission artists: don’t fuckin do this???