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Mike internally panicking cause he knows who else is in that room.

chat I just want them all to be happy. Like this much drama has not happened to me. Yall should read it, you won’t regret it :)

*deep inhale* PAULO WHY

Yeah I can tell where Jessica is going with this 😀

James my beloved

I was inspired to draw my numbero uno favorite boy, extra curly because of this small thing:

Uhh ye hi tumblrr~ *waves enthusiastically*
I did already do a "first post here" thing but I just wanna make sure that I'm a haphazard dumb artblog first, gay social media socialist zygote tumblrite second :33 you will thank me later when i actually have energy to post lol

The gatos having a good time!!! I think they're cute :33

I swear if he's gonna revert to "asshole" mode the next page, I'd say he'll become the irredeemable asshole he was

So either this is all a hallucination or Mike is gonna revert to douchebag mode in 3..2...1...

★ ★ LUCY ABUSE MASTERPOST ★ ★ Welp this is quite fitting for this flashback, surprise surprise.
Okay you matey, if you for a minute, NAY! for a second gonna try and defend Mike or his shitty ass behavior than you sir are lower than scum. For eff sake, he practically drove her to suicide, knowing very well she was emotionally unstable and you assume she must forgive that shit?! Why, oh because “Oh boo-hoo, poor Mikey is suffering! Poor baby!”, then I got news for ya Sunny Jim, she doesn’t own him forgiveness and he will NEVER earn any forgiveness for what he did. An his back handed apologizes don’t help, nor acting like HE’S the victim.


Ofcourse the moment he gets dissed, he runs to cry and bitch to his GF. Mike, you are effin' pathetic.

Oh man, Mike your grief is so damn delicious, it's like a little mini meal before dinner. Frankly, I can just barely hold myself and not grind pepper on your head.
I'd say this video sums up the amount of joy I'm currently experiencing