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Daiskida - Tumblr Blog

So, is Mikes douchebaggery contagious or something? Also, nice block Lucy. Been taking some fighting lessons I see.

Hey Mike, whenever you wanna get that stick that is clearly deeply wedged in your ass. You are welcome to join us in the real world. Also, boo-hoo nobody had faith in you and your perfect GF, want me to play a sad violin while you cry rivers of emo blood?

Hey, what do you know. Still a piece of shit when others wanna help. Here's an idea ahole, how about you stop drooling over your "dweamy GF" and actually use that brain of yours..HELLO!

I'd say this video sums up the amount of joy I'm currently experiencing
One of these things ain’t like the other, one of these things doesn’t belong.

Pharrell,Kanye,And Daft Punk
Man, probably gonna be a bitch to clean out all that blood and organs. What? You expect me to get all feelsy?

Meh, Bleach and Naruto are already shit, doubt they can do much with it. Akira already failed as OVA, also the whole “Americinaze” stuff, yeah Japan has been doing that when they get American movies, so you can stuff it guys.

Well, this is one way of getting the key.
Well, time to see what this game has to offer.
If you think the show was bad, you should have seen the video game. It tried to be this GTA clone, and was pretty much made by a bunch of Polish hacks in like..oooo...four days.
People you don’t understand this show was complete anarchy

No, seriously why in the seven flying fucks anyone cares for this?

Hey everyone! The Zootopia “I Will Survive” comic is not actually pro-life, according to the author!
You know, this probably will end up as nothing more than a pissing/yelling match between us. So, I really don’t wanna go that way, however I do wanna address one of your points, and only one and it’s this one:
"Secondly, there’s a difference between telling others who to support and letting that leader ignore or even invoked the injustice of the people he’s supposed to lead and THEN turn a blind eye on their suffering or halfheartedly make note of it. People are being actively repressed and attacked based on their color, nationality, and sexual orientation while the media as a whole omits it. This isn’t the matter of leadership; it’s the matter of negligence, if not willful lack of attention, on that leader’s part in the National Socialist’s unsettling uprising."
This is something that was going on LONG before Trump, and I dunno if you genuinely believe this, because if you do, then dude this is some ignorant level stuff. The way Transgendered people in particular have been treated in the US is pretty abysmal, and of course both the media and political figures by and large have ignored that shit. Trump hasn't really done anything to fix that, mind, but let's not pretend this is anything new either, mkay?
I’m glad that you actually admitted there's no such thing as a middle ground anymore...and this is actually something I'll say I do genuinely feel Trump made worse. America seems to grow further and further divided throughout the years, and while it was already a huge issue before Trump, he sure as shit hasn't really done anything to make it better. His outright attacks on those who are critical of him just drive further wedges into the country and THAT shit is going to cost your country in the long run. I personally hate both political parties and see them as being two (sometimes barely) different evils, but viewpoints like that seem to be rare anymore. You're either in one camp or the other, and any semblance of actual debate is dead. It's all shouting matches now.
Can’t we give all of the nazis, KKKs, Trumpsters, and nutjobs who want to steal our country from us a little island of their own where they won’t have to intermingle with anybody different ever again and leave the rest of us sane people in peace?
" a class system entirely based on individual talents and abilities from craftsmanship to humanitarianism to engineering to agriculture. " Yes, because societies based entirely on class systems have always been great places to live.
KKK types are always going to be around and there's nothing you can do about them, just take solace in the fact their numbers are dwindling and continue to dwindle with the years. Same goes for nutjobs, those guys will always be a around. So that just leaves the Trump Supporters, and guess what? Just because people don't agree with you politically does NOT mean they don't deserve to live in the same country as you. Last I read, YOUR country has been founded on this kind of freedom BS. Here’s a newsflash however, Freedom of Speech doesn’t end with you snowflakes. I don’t like Trump as much as the next guy, the dude REALLY needs to be pulled of Twitter and not allowed to use it until his term is up. However, your view of YOUR “ideal America” is more fucking scarier than Trumps America so far, because you actually have the frickin’ gall to say people shouldn’t have the ability to support him. That’s a fuckin’ load.
Can’t we give all of the nazis, KKKs, Trumpsters, and nutjobs who want to steal our country from us a little island of their own where they won’t have to intermingle with anybody different ever again and leave the rest of us sane people in peace?
Mental note: Tear of Alices head when we meet her next time
Time to see what the Ink Demon hides

Really hyped for this, def like how it try’s to be it’s own thing in terms of animation and characters, instead of just copying the 80′s show. Also, to every person who screams “My childhood is being ruined” or some other bollocks, piss off.
Man, really hope the paychecks were worth in this joint.
I guess this what happens if Mickey meets Tim Burton.
Reservoir Dogs: Bloody Days pt.#1: Robbery to go
Well, this isn’t something you’d see.

Oh man, Mike your grief is so damn delicious, it's like a little mini meal before dinner. Frankly, I can just barely hold myself and not grind pepper on your head.