dalekowrites - Daleko Writes
Daleko Writes

○ Nathaniel ○ He/Him ○ 90s kid ○Author of A Long Weekend (pub. 2022),After Dark (WIP), The In-Between (WIP),and Hope Abides (WIP Patreon Exclusive).You can support my interactive fictions on Patreon. Thanks!

92 posts

Which Choice Script Do You Think Will Be Release First? After Dark Or The In Between? Its Amazing How

Which choice script do you think will be release first? After dark or The in between? It’s amazing how you are able to do the two objects at once, must get intense at times but they are both so far, really good! You can see how much work, love and care for put into them ❤️

Hey! Thanks so much for the compliments. It means a lot to me!

I'm actually working on two and a half projects right now. Tomorrow, I'll be releasing the prologue for Hope Abides, an LGBT-themed Patreon exclusive. It's a big project that I'm taking quite seriously, so it won't have regular updates like After Dark and The In-Between (for now, at least).

Between those two, The In-Between is probably the one I'll finish first, even though it's newer. The reason is simple: it's more of an interactive book than a narrative game, so the code doesn't take me a lot of time. After Dark, on the other hand, took me months of work just to fine-tune the code! The latter is strongly focused on the game-like management experience, where you have to survive, build relationships, and regain control of your future. Every little interaction requires lots of code, bugs pop up all the time, and there's always something to fix or improve... So yeah, The In-Between is the most likely to be finished first! ☺

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More Posts from Dalekowrites

5 months ago

Ehy ciao!! Ma che bello trovare autori italiani di interactive fiction qui su tumblr, mi sento l’unica italiana ad apprezzare questo genere di libri 🥲 Ho visto il reblog del tuo libro su interact-if e ho detto “wait a second… ma quella è Napoli” e sono andata subito sul tuo Tumblr a controllare se effettivamente lo fosse. Vado subito a leggere ✨

Ammetto che questo messaggio mi ha fatto ridere più del dovuto!

Nel caso fossi curiosa riguardo la genesi e le meccaniche di TIB, le ho spiegate nelle risposte ad alcune altre domande (tag #readers mail sul mio blog).

Spero che possa essere di tuo gradimento!

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5 months ago

Hi! The in between interactive novel is honestly amazing! I love how you added different levels of Italian also. I am bilingual and this was truly amazing to see, as primarily I use English now it was awesome to read some parts in Italian ❤️ what made you want to add Italian elements to it?

I'm really happy to hear that. I was hoping someone might appreciate this feature!

The In-Between is set in Italy, more specifically around (and inside) a famous university in Naples. I started writing this story as a novel in Italian when I was attending it, and I had really LOTS of free hours between classes. There was no crime drama in real life, though :D

When I started translating it into English, I was a bit sad to lose all those cultural references, nuances of meaning, etc.—actually impossible to translate into English. Having studied translation and cultural mediation, however, I realised that I could turn the novel into a textual adventure, thus making it possible for different translations and/or linguistic additions otherwise unfeasible in traditional fiction. Et voila, here is the end result. Well, the result in progress, actually ☺

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5 months ago

hellooo i wanted to ask if when you choose a platonic option at first meeting with any of the ROs does it lock you out from ever being able to pursue a romance with them in the future?

Hi! I imagine you're referring to After Dark? Please correct me if I'm wrong!

That shouldn't happen, but it might be a bit frustrating to miss out on some romantic interactions between one potential start of a romance and the next one. This is because the story tries to follow a realistic pattern of "developing a crush," which usually happens at random but is motivated by something specific (for example, when you wake up the morning after Michael saved your life, if MC is attracted to men, they might see him in a new light and develop a crush on him). If, at that moment, you decide that MC doesn’t have a crush on him, then doing things like sharing food with him obviously won't spark one, but if they do have a crush, then it could strengthen those feelings. The same applies if he does something particularly kind and you realize you're starting to like him, or things like that.

As the story progresses, it becomes harder for a sudden crush to develop, for obvious reasons. However, you’re never completely locked out of a potential romance route, although that could happen based on your long-term choices (including, simply, how you treat the potential romantic interest).

I hope this helps! ☺

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5 months ago

Hi friend, so happy for you and your progress. Hope you're doing well. 🩷

Hi dearie! Thank you for asking :) I'm doing as well as my body allows me to do lol But I try to keep up with all I have to do!

I hope life's treating you well ♥

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5 months ago

bro I want to say that I really enjoyed your long weekend!!! You're so good! but for god's sake I've played it three times and the ending still isn't what I thought it would be💀 so please tell me what can I do to make my MC have a good ending, I'm starting to doubt that my MC actually was originally no good ending lol

Hi! I’m really glad you enjoyed A Long Weekend!

I had written a short guide on the forum, but it didn’t attract much interest, and since it’s quite a bit of work, I didn’t finish writing the walkthroughs. Let’s see if I can help you here now!

First of all, let me ask you a few questions (sorry if they’re a bit basic, but I’m basing this on my past experiences!):

Do you check the stats while you play? Right from the start, there’s not much, but you do need to keep an eye on the "Mind" and "Energy" bars!

Do you try to balance Mind and Energy? What values do you reach toward the end of the game?

Do you meet Alex? If so, what are your choices?

Do you generally choose "passive" actions? Like, staying in bed, not going out, etc.?

Do you generally choose "jealous" actions? Like, checking the photos, calling the bff, writing a negative email, etc.?

By understanding your playstyle, I can guide you a bit better in the right direction!

Thanks for playing A Long Weekend and for reaching out to me about it ♥

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