○ Nathaniel ○ He/Him ○ 90s kid ○Author of A Long Weekend (pub. 2022),After Dark (WIP), The In-Between (WIP),and Hope Abides (WIP Patreon Exclusive).You can support my interactive fictions on Patreon. Thanks!
92 posts
Hi! I Read About The Difference Between The Novel And The If Version Of "in Between" And The Difficulty
Hi! I read about the difference between the novel and the if version of "in between" and the difficulty to translate the gay-man-in-the-closet's challenges to introverted-mc's challenges, and it made me wonder did you ever thought on a MC-asexual path? I'm personally both demiromantic and demisexual, and there can be similar challenges, for example the pressure to date or have sexual encounters with people in which there isn't any interest in, because it's normal to have that kind of interest (especially sexual). Obv it's just a suggestion! I totally get if it's too much, especially since you've already have the demo, and since the asexual spectrum is quite wide! PS: I love your story and I'm running off to read the new chapter! ❤️
Hi! Thanks for the question ☺
In this particular story, it would get a bit too complicated because MC has had (and will have) romantic interests that are part of the plot. So, for my own sanity, I decided to make them allosexual.
However, I’m working on two other projects! One is After Dark, a post-apocalyptic horror where you can choose for MC to be asexual (though that’s more of a secondary aspect). The other is Hope Abides, a drama/modern-historical/management game focused on an LGBTQIA+ main character, and it also explores the challenges of being asexual (or aromantic, or both).
I’ve only published the prologue for Hope Abides so far, and it’s a Patreon exclusive for now. I know it’s not exactly what you were hoping for, but I promise I’m doing my best!
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I'm so hyped for After Dark 3.5.2 update (in early access from Sept 30). I can't wait to complete Day 5 because things will only keep going downhill from there, and honestly I'm here for the drama lol
I'm just now seeing this fanart, and it honestly fills my heart! 😭
You’re super talented, thank you for drawing them!!! ♥

A Long Weekend. My MC Ezra and his co-worker turned lover Alex.
I'm not really a therapist yet, still have a year and countless essays to complete but thank you for your words, I'll do my best!

Are all the ROs in "The In-Between" are bi/pan?
Not exactly, but their gender and orientation depend on those of MC (Ale 2 is the only character who's always bisexual). In fact, this applies to all characters, not just the ROs!
This might be a bit of a spoiler, but if you want to know, here are the gender and orientation of the characters introduced so far:
If MC is a straight man or a lesbian woman: Ale 1, Cinzia, and Mika are lesbian women, Chiara and Ale 2 are bisexual women, and Gio is a straight man.
If MC is a gay man or a straight woman: Ale 1 and Gio are straight men, Chiara and Cinzia are straight women, Ale 2 is a bisexual man, and Mirko is a gay man.
I hope this satisfied your curiosity! ☺