83 posts
Hi, Im The Anonymous Who Really Loves Lute, Dunno If You Remember Me. I Decided To Start Posting And

Hi, I’m the anonymous who really loves Lute, dunno if you remember me. I decided to start posting and using tumblr a little, instead of just lurking in the shadows, but I’m still a n00b with tumblr so I hope I don’t make silly mistakes. I wanted to show you who just decided to come home. I guess reworking the 5* pool did wonders because I wasn’t expecting to ever see Ryoma randomly show up. Weren’t you supposed to be SuperRare, Lobster Boy? Well it’s good you showed up, because your family, retainers and even a certain Nohrian prince wanted you here xD Ryoma isn’t exactly my favorite, not even in Birthright, so this isn’t as significant for me as it was for you, but aren’t you glad that he’s showing up more recently? Maybe he will come visit you again soon ;)
P.S. pretend that Mamui is lv 40, I’m working on him u.u
asdfghjklm I love how the names of the teams progressively become more silly, at first it’s just “Hoshido” and then it’s “Plzdon’tfight”
Wow, congrats on getting Ryouma!! Even if the 5* pool was reworked, it’s still a great catch! :>
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More Posts from Dangerouseggwolfangel

I won't lie, things are getting difficult. So many favorites, so few votes. But I just had to spare one for Heather. Neph needs her girlfriend in the game yesterday.

Hey IS, why is Mozu not in this game yet? Literally all other non-children characters that are available in all routes have joined the game already. And while we're at it, where is Rinkah? She doesn't join in all routes but she is one of the first characters you meet. Two very glaring absences. Let's make that three counting Lilith who is also one of the first characters you meet, but I already voted for her. WTF IS?
M!Kamui Character Analysis
First of all, this post is about the Fates MALE Avatar, and only him. His female version not only has different supports but also a different personality, so most (if not all) the arguments I list here are only valid for M!Kamui.
Also: I’m not here to try to make you change your mind about Kamui, just to clarify some things and maybe explain/justify them. You are either going to agree or disagree.
Okay, let’s go
Main things I’ve seen reproched to Kamui:
Mary Sue/Gary Stu
Bland/Lack of personality
Let’s start with TV Tropes’ definition of a Mary Sue:
“The prototypical Mary Sue is an original female character in a fanfic who obviously serves as an idealized version of the author mainly for the purpose of Wish Fulfillment. She’s exotically beautiful, often having an unusual hair or eye color, and has a similarly cool and exotic name. She’s exceptionally talented in an implausibly wide variety of areas, and may possess skills that are rare or nonexistent in the canon setting. She also lacks any realistic, or at least story-relevant, character flaws — either that or her "flaws” are obviously meant to be endearing. She has an unusual and dramatic Back Story. The canon protagonists are all overwhelmed with admiration for her beauty, wit, courage and other virtues, and are quick to adopt her as one of their True Companions, even characters who are usually antisocial and untrusting; if any character doesn’t love her, that character gets an extremely unsympathetic portrayal.“
Now let’s break down all this and prove Kamui does not fit the definition of a Gary Stu, shall we?
Continua a leggere

I'm gonna be honest, I like the results so far. The most important thing is that Edie is 1st and I doubt she will be knocked out. I like Claude and Lysithea a lot but I won't be mad if they lose to Marth, Bernie, Bylass, Chrom, Seliph or Eirika. I will keep doing my own thing an voting for less popular faves. But that's just me, if one of your faves is in the top 5 keep voting, don't get cocky like Marth fans did last year.
I wish good luck to all of you. But if you don't really have a horse in the race consider giving a vote to the best pet fish ever, Lilith.
She is a really good fish. A loyal fish.
Feed her to Henry for maximus revenge
Good news! Halloween Henry's on the Legendary banner! Bad news! He shares a spot with Legendary Lyn and Inigo.
I swear to God if I get Lyn, I’m murdering her