83 posts
Why Yes Game I Would Really Like A Free Bernie With My Close Counter :)

Why yes game I would really like a free Bernie with my Close Counter :)
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More Posts from Dangerouseggwolfangel

Pictured: me pulling on the mythic banner
My vote for day 3 is Phila from Awakening.

Look for the brief time she was in the game she seemed like a nice character and one of the best things Heroes does is giving spotlight to forgotten characters.
Remember what happened with Mustafa? Can it happen again but with Phila?

Well, my pulls were kind of alright for about 350 orbs.
And yeah that Charlotte there means I also dipped a bit more in the Bride's banner and it paid off. I know I am 3 Lutes away from the goal, but I have a month, there's no rush. Plus I got +Atk so I don't risk having to pull more than 11 of her. And that spare Lilith will give her Joint Drive Atk. I'm pulling all the stops, MY Lute needs to be superior after all.
Good luck for you summons friends, hopr they are as good as mine.
Well, this post aged well. And if we get Mozu as the free unit it will have aged perfectly. :D
But seriously, I love the new banner so much you guys. And the change to the way New Heroes Banners work is so good. Now in about 135 orbs I can reasonably get a 4* star Forrest, another one of the others if I don’t get unlucky and after all of this I get to choose one of the two I’m still missing.
THIS FEELS UNREAL! Such good odds for characters I love, heck yes! RIP saving orbs for Bride Lyn I guess.
And we can speculate who will be the free hero from Fates. Other than Mozu, Hayato, Kiragi or Reina would be a solid choice. Or even better we get another NPC like Lilith. Maybe Arete or Sumeragi since the banner is based on Revelation? Watch it be Anthony or something xD I wouldn’t even be mad.
Oh yeah and the rest of the channel was good too I guess.
RIP Pantless Marth, another meme that gets slayed. Can we make not having Jill in Heroes into a meme? And then she gets added for sure?

Hey IS, why is Mozu not in this game yet? Literally all other non-children characters that are available in all routes have joined the game already. And while we're at it, where is Rinkah? She doesn't join in all routes but she is one of the first characters you meet. Two very glaring absences. Let's make that three counting Lilith who is also one of the first characters you meet, but I already voted for her. WTF IS?
SFGHFSHYSCYVHHCY! SHE LOOKS AMAZING! Finally some good f*cking food! I was wondering if Sanakidev was fired or something, it has been a long a long time since Sigrun was randomly given to us.
Needless to say I will enjoy my free merge and +2 to all stats.