83 posts



WTF?! HOW? How did this happen? Dithorba is getting into Heroes???? Get out of here!

OMG! OMG! That's it, I'm officialy blessed or something. It's the only explanation.

My vote for the second day goes to Dithorba from FE4.

My Vote For The Second Day Goes To Dithorba From FE4.

She is one of the new characters you can vote for this year. And I find her very unique since she is basycally the only pegasus knight who is an evil jerk (there's also her pal Pamela but she is less of a jerk).

Every other named PK I can think of is either morally good or misguided at worst (like Sigune from FE6).

Dithorba is different, she is a piece of sh*t who betrays her country for envy. I love her.

Put her in the game IS, and also as many other evil ladied as possible.

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More Posts from Dangerouseggwolfangel

2 years ago

You are right but the biggest crime of all was that Thracia got an Ascended unit to steal a slot to begin with. It has the largest number of units missing in FEH and it really could have used an OC like Ash way more than the Awakening banner who had almost the whole cast in. That they actually picked one of the three characters that already had two versions in the regular pool is just adding insult to injury.

What they did to Thracia Rep this time was outrageous!

The trailer reveal for the new Thracia Banner left me seething.

I understand that someone would had to take the blow for the AHR banner but what they did with THIS banner was an utter abomination.

Galzus, the absolute monster of a unit, from the Odo family, got relegated to a very bad 5 star locked PRFLESS unit is a bloated class.

(They didn't even had the decency to give him the Astra variant like the rest of his family)

Karin is demote flier number trillion with an art so bland that it felt like someone copy n pasted her OG artwork.

Salem, the FIRST DARK MAGE IN THE FRANCHISE, didn't get a Prf Tome, he got relegated to generic red mage fodder of Red Plegian tome.

August is the ONLY noteworthy character from this banner and it's kind of a shame that half of his weapon's effect is locked behind one of your units dying because that goes against the purpose of 90% of the content of this game!


Honestly, fuck this shit, I'm salty, vinegar and the entire salad right now, screw AHR, don't care if I'm fucking myself for not pulling on it, I'm putting all my orbs on the Thracia banner so these fuckers know that it has FANS.

It's not new for Thracia to get done dirty like that, but at the very least it made up for it by bringing good gimmicky/utility units every single time with things like Reinhardt, Nanna, Kempf, Sara and now Veld.

...Guess it's time to find a way to put August on the radar.

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2 years ago

Wow, the new banner sure was surprising and unexpected.

To begin with I would have never have guessed they would choose Awakening when three other games were ahead of it in the rotation (Radiant Dawn, Fates and Mystery) AND they had the option to choose TMS since they just reminded everyone of its existence. Still, I love Awakening so it's not like I can complain.

I also can't complain that they chose to focus on Gen 1 since I always prefer when they introduce new characters rather than "rescue" characters from "alt hell".

Ricken, Gregor and Phila (!!!!) are good picks and I personally love it when they give us minor characters who were never playable before. So much that I actually voted for Phila in CYL.

And Cervantes is also a based pick. I never would have expected a free Armor Knight from IS. Feels bad to be a Validar fan... tho at this point it has to be intentional. I'm starting to think Validar will be the last character from Awakening added.

The Rearmed hero was really disappointing tho, ngl. Not only it's another Ascended!Celica situation since they gave a character that already has a Legendary the shiny new alt. But even if they picked someone else I would have preferred to have no Rearmed rather than another banner with a Rearmed and an Ascended. Because together with the last NH banner it begins to set a precedent, an expectation...

The expectation that every new heroes banner will have both Ascended AND Rearmed is extremely scary to me as someone who mostly cares about getting every character EVER in this game. Because as long as we have OCs like Eir, Lif and probably Thrasir it's tolerable. We still get 4 brand new characters and only one Forging Bond slot is taken by an alt.

But in the future, we could get only 3 new characters per banner with 2 forging bond slots being wasted. THAT I do not want.

The next Awakening banner could very well be: an Ascended alt, a Rearmed alt, Vaike, Kellam and GHB Pheros. The one after could be an Ascended alt, a Rearmed alt, Inigo, Severa and GHB Noire. R.I.P. Laurent...

I sincerely hope that I'm wrong about this and that they will start alternating between Ascended and Rearmed alts like they already do with Duos and Harmonics. For everyone's sake.

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4 years ago

Remember to vote for your faves. Just one more day and then it's over.

Remember To Vote For Your Faves. Just One More Day And Then It's Over.

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4 years ago

Welp another CYL is over. I probably should have sticked to my guns and voted Eirika but my desire for yet unreleased faves got the better of me.

Welp Another CYL Is Over. I Probably Should Have Sticked To My Guns And Voted Eirika But My Desire For

Malice was the first female mercenary of the series and also one of the exclusive character of the most forgotten game in the series, on a level even beyond Thracia. And as the only character of that bunch who is somewhat popular (cries in Frost) she is the one chance of getting that part of Fire Emblem represented.

Kind of like the most popular subsitute kid is the only chance to get the substitutes characters in the game (if it wasn't for the fact that none of them are popular).

As someone who hopes to get representation of every part of FE (Warriors banner when, IS?) I'm hoping beyond hope that this is Malice's year.

P.S.: If Eirika loses for one vote I will cry.

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3 years ago

I don't like it. At all. Offer me coffee, juice, beer, soda, tap water, but don't offer me tea.

quick what’s ur opinion on tea. everyone who sees this is obligated to answer in some way

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