83 posts

Day 4

Day 4

Day 4

Well, I wanted to see where she placed in midterms to see if she had a shot but I couldn't resist in the end. Among my most favorite characters Bernie is one of the few with an actual shot at winning CYL. It would be awesome if she got it now since by next time she might not have a chance anymore if another game is released.

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More Posts from Dangerouseggwolfangel

3 years ago
Day 5

Day 5

Another vote for Bernie. But to be honest after seeing the surprising midterm results I feel like I don't mind at all if the top 4 remains the same. There is a nice variety of games represented and I must compliment Chrom, Tiki and Seliph's fans for their effort.


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4 years ago


WTF?! HOW? How did this happen? Dithorba is getting into Heroes???? Get out of here!

OMG! OMG! That's it, I'm officialy blessed or something. It's the only explanation.

My vote for the second day goes to Dithorba from FE4.

My Vote For The Second Day Goes To Dithorba From FE4.

She is one of the new characters you can vote for this year. And I find her very unique since she is basycally the only pegasus knight who is an evil jerk (there's also her pal Pamela but she is less of a jerk).

Every other named PK I can think of is either morally good or misguided at worst (like Sigune from FE6).

Dithorba is different, she is a piece of sh*t who betrays her country for envy. I love her.

Put her in the game IS, and also as many other evil ladied as possible.

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2 years ago
dangerouseggwolfangel - Rampel
NFT Sales Are Flatlining
The sale of nonfungible tokens, or NFTs, fell to a daily average of about 19,000 this week, a 92% decline from a peak of about 225,000 in Se
dangerouseggwolfangel - Rampel
3 years ago

I don't like it. At all. Offer me coffee, juice, beer, soda, tap water, but don't offer me tea.

quick what’s ur opinion on tea. everyone who sees this is obligated to answer in some way

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