I'm Blakesley! 29 yo lady who recently became the first dark type gym leader in the Illona Region. Other Rotumblr users welcome to interact! Fair warning, I make a lot of typos and frequently have to fix my posts. A Pokemon IRL blog. CW Unreality
301 posts
Hey, Is Anyone Missing A Purse? I Caught Camonte Trying To Stash It Where I Wouldn't See It.
Hey, is anyone missing a purse? I caught Camonte trying to stash it where I wouldn't see it.

peoplearerealok liked this · 6 months ago
More Posts from Darkpokemonspecialist
Ooc: added some ooc rules and extra info
(Pokemon IRL blog)
About Me
Hi, I go by Blakesley online. I'm a 29 year old female trainer who specializes in Dark types, and is trying to apply to become a gym leader in my local region, since a lot of our gym leaders are retiring.
Here's a makeshift trainer card I used because I don't feel comfortable posting my real trainer card with my real name on it online. I'll probably edit this with an actual picture, later.

I majored in Dark Type studies in Pokemon Academy, and raised ALMOST every dark type at least once. (Dark Types only make up 8% of currently discovered Pokemon). I also do occasional field research for professors to make a little extra dough.
Let me introduce my main team I'm applying for the gym leader position with.
Kain is my starter (misspelled it on the ID). No, I'm not from Alola, but my Mom grew up there, so she was able to pull some strings and get me and my sister Alolan starters as gifts once each of us were old enough to start training Pokemon. It was tough choosing between Litten and Popplio. It was funny seeing my Dad's reaction when he saw what Cain evolved into. He just thought he was gonna be a bigger cat!
Kyoshi was the hardest to get fully evolved. Like, frick, her evolution item is extremely rare to the point you can only get it in a few regions, plus she had to beat a bunch of other Bisharp while holding it. Like, holy crap. She's strong, though, and definitely worth the effort.
Mikey is a good boy. He likes belly rubs and is friendly with most other Pokemon. He did have some trouble with Camonte since both Mabosstiffs and Honchkrows are highly territorial. There's a local Meowth that gets on his nerves, but he gets along with my Mom's Alolan Meowths and Purrloin we recently adopted.
Wrath, despite no longer being an Impidimp, is still a prankster (not the ability prankster) and likes to mess with me. Being part fairy type makes him excellent for dealing with fighting type users.
Ghidorah is strong af. Enough said. She's a bit of a glutton. I kinda miss when she was a Deino, sometimes.
I technically had Camonte before becoming a trainer, I just wasn't able to formally catch him until after I started my journey. Camonte is the one I have to keep my eye on the most. Even if a Honchkrow has a trainer, they will often take control of a flock of Murkrow and essentially establish a crime syndicate. I have had to return so many Pokeballs and wallets ever since I evolved him. Still love him to death, though.
I have other Pokemon, too, including a Blissey, and Alolan Muk that might get used on my team if I qualify to run my own gym (to deal with the pesky fairies), a Crobat, and a ton of others that would take forever to list.
For anyone inquiring about the Pangoro incident, please see my official statement

Ooc stuff under cut
SFW only, though may cuss.
CW: Unreality and mafia/mob stuff, mostly based on the Prohibition Era gangsters (think Scarface (1932), Lucky Luciano, Al Capone, and The Godfather)
My oc is my self insert.
I use a fan made region called Illona that's a combination of Illinois, Arkansas, and a few other surrounding states. There is going to be a lot of Fanon and fan characters applied.
I probably won't do Fakemon, though. If I do, they'll probably just be regional forms to make things easier.
I may or may not attempt to create a Pokemon fan game with these concepts. No promises, though, since I've never made a game before.

Poorly drawn Murkrow line
...Have you not felt cold in the cold castle, before?
Why am I cold?
Uhhh, why is taking a Pokemon to a restaurant weird? Pretty much all restaurants these days are Pokemon friendly in order to attract trainers

Heck, some restaurants have Pokemon chefs

Honestly, these days I'd be shocked to find a restaurant that DOESN'T have dishes safe for Pokemon on hand. Trying to find separate food for you and your Pokemon is a pain in the butt, especially if you have a full team. Restaurants offer Pokemon safe foods to be convenient and get more money from customers.
@pokekarenenid has some bad posts, but wanting to take her Pokémon to a restaurant isn't really one of them. Accidentally telling everyone she's taking her Furfrou to a Kalosian restaraunt probably the most normal thing she's ever said!
You're too dramatic.
I was in Nimbasa City pokemon musicals in my day YOUNG MAN or whatever. I AM NOT TOO DRAMATIC YOU ARE TOO MUNDANE
Rotom phone close rotumblr open calendar rotom phone add appointment for next friday reminder text go to that nice Kalosian place with few fee and get him some proper dog food and send
People like to act like Dark types make bad pets when Purrloin, Alolan Meowth, Houndour, Mastiff, Poocheyena and their evolutions are literally some of the most common Pokemon kept as pets in many regions.
They can be aggressive in the wild, but that's because they had to be to survive. Non-Dark Pokémon can be just as aggressive, sometimes more.
That being said, if you catch one instead of getting one from a breeder, it's advised you get a young one so their survival tendencies aren't fully ingrained into them. The behavior they learn in the wild is harder to untrain the longer they've been doing it.