Dark Type - Tumblr Posts
The gym decorating is coming along nicely. Hard to make a dark themed gym that doesn't happen to resemble ghost gyms, though.
As much as I hate the stigma against dark types...I can see why Honchkrows are popular with evil team bosses.
These dudes literally run the Pokemon equivalent of a Crime Syndicate. Even ones with trainers will sometimes sneak behind their backs to do their thing.
I've mentioned Camonte's bullcrap shenanigans before... especially the MASTER BALL INCIDENT.
Luckily they also are pretty dang loyal.
Melmetal - What's the most time you've invested into something? Was it worth it?
Right now, not counting years in Pokemon Academy? Probably the Gym Leader Application process.
We'll see if becoming a gym leader was worth it. We'll be officially opening next week
Me every time I get notes: Oh thank gosh, some people like me!

Second attack for mintleafcakes!
Short timelapse here :)
Took months of procrastination but I finally finished this. For bitches like me who wanna make a gymsona but are fuckin indecisive. An in-depth look at what Pokemon Type you should train

dark type miku background and no backgords i mights do mores
Maybe just how we live without as many Pokemon alongside us.
2. Acceptance. I need people to understand that I don't have the same amount of mental energy as them, so I can't do things for too long.
3. Short and bright, I'd think.
4. Usually escapism into the things I'm interested in. Working on my characters, original and fanmade, and just what kind of people they are.
5. It's given me warmth in the winter, coolness in the summer, forms of entertainment, and, most importantly, a way to connect with people and hold onto hope that we humans can become kinder and wiser.
6. All forms of art? So, so much.
7. Technically no, but I have Unova in my blood even though I was born in America. And I plan on moving to a region when I have experience living on my own (alongside my future Pokemon)
8. Honestly, I don't have a specific genre. I like just about everything that makes me feel something good. The exceptions are music glorifying drugs, alchohol... those kinds of things.
9. Um... (coughIdon'thaveanyPokemonyetcough)
10. Nonexistent and never. XD
11. I guess it'd be how I can imagine possible reasons why someone is acting the way they are. Otherwise... pbbt. (Shrug)
12. When things get visually incredible in a battle with two strong Pokemon that show how close they are to their trainers. Like Pikachu's Ten Million Volt Thunderbolt clashing with Charizard's G-Max Wildfire in the anime. That's when I started getting choked up. XD
13. ...PBBBT (Shrug)
14. Technically not my Pokemon (yet, I hope), I was a liiitle shocked when I saw a SECOND WILD DRAMPA in the park just five minutes away. When I asked the original Drampa if he'd found a mate, he just gave me this hilariously blank stare. That's all I'm saying for now~. XD
15. The future: it's my life goal to help our people in general become just the tiniest bit kinder, more mature, less quick-to-judge, and more empathetic and understanding. Just a little bit, at least. As for truth or ideals... I think they're equally important. If you have ideals for a better future, you need to face the truth of what the world is today... even if it really hurts.
16. I'm high-functioning autistic and... well, I I think when I was a kid people thought I was crazy when I began breaking down in public school.
17. Iron shields. The best offense is the best defense.
18. I watch Sinnoh contests all the time! They can get me REALLY choked up with the creativity and when you see fanmade music videos of contests... it's just magical.
type asks ^v^
normal: what's smth that's normal to you that might be interesting to people in other regions?
grass: what do you need in order to grow?
fire: do you burn short and bright or long and steady?
water: what do you do for rest and recreation?
electric: talk abt how the power of technology has improved your life ^v^
bug: what does art mean to you?
flying: have you ever been to another region?
poison: what's your favorite genre of music?
rock: tell the story of a time one of your pokemon evolved!
ground: how are your leadership skills? how often do you need to use them?
psychic: what's a weird or unusual talent of yours?
fighting: what's your fave thing abt pokemon battles?
ice: what's the coolest thing abt you? đ
ghost: talk abt a time one of your pokemon surprised you ^v^
dragon: past or future? truth or ideals?
dark: what's a misconception ppl have had abt you or your pokemon?
steel: sharp blades or iron shields? attack or defense?
fairy: do you do performances w your pokemon? if you don't, do you ever watch them?
This is so true! Most of my Pokemon are one of these four types (mostly ghost, dark, and poison types, in that order) and theyâre all such sweethearts! My Banette and Sableye have been with me the longest, and theyâve been incredibly loyal from the beginning!
Some examples below the cut
My Banette, named spooky (i wasnât even ten, i liked the name and still do to this day) helps patch up pokemon that have fabricky exteriors and even makes backup costumes for the local Mimikyu!
My Sableye, Taaffeite, gives new members to my team/pokemon buddies pretty rocks as a welcoming gift (he doesnât understand that most of them canât eat rocks but he does his best)
And Ixion, my amped form Toxtricity, lets other pokemon borrow one of the many Halloween-themed blankets and pillows heâs stolen(affectionate) from me if theyâre cold or not feeling well
Cosmo, my drakloak, helps look after the smaller/younger pokemon when Iâm busy, and both Rex and Tiny, my Hydreigon and Tyrantrum respectively, mostly just chill and bask in the warm sun with the grass types and sunny (my helioptile)
Agim, my Grimmsnarl, does his best to help around the house (not without shenanigans, of course, with him being a Grimmsnarl, but theyâre harmless shenanigans and stuff gets done either way)
I have plenty of other pokemon of these types and know several people who also do, but these are just some examples
Also: all Pokemon are capable of good and bad things so you shouldnât assume that one did something âbadâ means all of them are. And Pokemon donât really experience morals the same way, chances are something âbadâ theyâre doing is because they believe theyâre in danger or something.
So itâs silly to assume that just because one Pokemon acts a certain way, others of that type or even species are the same.
TLDR; ghost, dark, poison, and dragon types arenât actually bad, just treat them decently and more often than not, theyâll return that kindness (and the same goes for all types)
Just heard two Beauties talking smack abt Ghost, Dark, Poison, and Dragon types all because 'they're evil' and 'Fairy Types are sooo much better đ đ»'. Fullt af snobbpikklum!
Ghost, Dark, Poison, and Dragon Types are my favorite and I can't fucking stand it when people insult them all because of some damn stereotypes.
Don't get me wrong. I like Fairy Types, having a few of my own (mostly Mimikyu), but still!
They're just mad that their precious Clefairy is weak to my Muk!
Ghost and Dark types seem to always get the worst of it, so lemme clear some things up:
Ghost and Dark Types are some of the most kind Pokémon I've ever met. The reason they attack people (and a few of my Sableye and Spiritomb have told me this) is because people attack them all because of what they are.
Like, look at this Dusknoir for instance:

Contrary to popular belief, this does not mean, 'Human, your soul is mine!'
This is more of a greeting that Dusknoir do in battle to their opponents. They are quite polite Pokémon, and have such gold hearts as well.
Dark Types get the worst of it because of their reputation as the 'evil' type. In reality, these guys are such gentle beings.
For example, my Krookodile, Megatron, is a gentle soil. I found him as a Sandile in the Desert Resort getting picked on by Maractus. I had my Mandibuzz, Knockout, distract them while I shielded him with my back, should those Grass Types catch whiff on what my plan was. A Ranger seen what was happening and shooed the Maractus away. He then helped me get to a Pokémon Center to heal the poor Sandile. It wasn't long before Megatron chose to stay with me.
He's got a Grass Type phobia we're working on due to that experience, but he's great friends with my Grass Types. He's even saved them from Ice Types.
Dragon Types get it almost as bad because they're the villains in folklore. Dragon Types are very chivalrous, generous, and thoughtful.
My Hydreigon, Deadly, is a great example of this. I was wandering around Victory Road in Unova two years before Kyurem froze Opelucid, starving and only having Berries. Then, this Deino came running up to me with a Rage Candybar that probably fell out of a Trainer's bag. I split it evenly between my team, him, and myself. He then gently bonked his head on a Dusk Ball, allowing himself to be captured.
I think I don't need to explain why Poison Types get a bad reputation. There are actually a few of them that help to clean up habitats, cities, and the like. My Garbodor, Marcel, loves helping the Rangers cleaning the routes and kther related places. They love his company so kich that he's actually an honorary Ranger.
So, guys, gals, non-binary pals, and Poké Pals, remember this: These four types aren't what they seem to be.
{Fullt af snobbpikklum! - Bunch of snobby pricks!}
You know the hyper-fixation hitting different when you make them Pokemon teams.
King Candy (Fairy): I made him a fairy type trainer, as the fairy type is often associated with sweets and other such foods. The fairy type also tends to fit his aesthetic, of shine, frills and pin- SALMON, i mean salmon. There is no other reason why he's this type (đłïžâđ).

Slurpuff: It's literally the "Meringue Pokemon", a french dessert / candy. It's also pink and white, and has a general silly vibe to it.
Grimmsnarl: Fairy/Dark type to cross-over with Turbo's team, and shiny to match colour themes more. Probably makes more sense on Turbo's team than it does here, but I wanted to have atleast one Pokemon the same on each team. Fantasy vibes, so kinda fits with the King idea? I feel King Candy could get away with that one as part of the disguise.
Alcremie: The "Cream Pokemon". Essentially same reasons as Slurpuff, to fit with the whole candy sweet thing. (I feel like he'd have the Salted Cream variant, red and white, but I couldn't figure out how to change it on the website)
Rapidash: Fantasy vibes, but also because of Skittles, the uni-candy-corn that was going to be King Candy's familiar/pet before being scrapped from the movie. (also, the hair looks like taffy and the horn like one of those Oreo ice cream cones)
Mawile: Large teeth and metal, huh? Themes of eating and deception? Pretending to be something you're not? Sweet face, but vicious? Never heard of that before. (CYBUG CANDY CYBUG CANDY CYBUG-)
Dachsbun: Last food based fairy type? Again, fits same role as Slurpuff and Alcremie, to sell the disguise.
Non-fairy/ Other options: Mimikyu (fairy, disguise, vibes too creepy for KC), Mr. Mime (fairy, jester, vibes too creepy for KC), Vespiquen (royalty), Bisharp (knight), Nidoking (royalty), and Politoed (described as leader of frogs)
TURBO (Dark): I made Turbo a Dark type trainer, as the Dark type is all about trickery, disguise, thievery and dirty tactics, which Turbo exemplifies. Also, the Dark type is generally seen as the """Evil""" type.

Weavile: The fastest dark type (excusing any legendaries or special forms), which I feel Turbo would value greatly on his team. The red and the smug face also hint to his design.
Zoroark: Oh, so your whole thing is disguises and you're literally the "Illusion Fox Pokemon"? AND you're red? On the team.
Grimmsnarl: Fairy/Dark to cross over with King Candy's team, and shiny to match colour themes more. Personally, I think Morgrem fits Turbo more (a short asshole), but the shiny of Grimmsnarl fits more and I don't believe Turbo would be caught dead with anything considered inferior, like a not-fully-evolved Pokemon. Only the best for the king, after all.
Sharpedo: FAST. It's a torpedo, and it's described as "the bully of the fear" and as being to "swim at speeds of up to 75 mph" which, while not as fast as a race car, true, is still pretty fast, and I think he's admire that.
Spiritomb: Something something death imagery, something something back from the dead, something something your misdeeds will not go unpunished.
Thievul: THIEF >:( Getting his grubby hands all over Sugar Rush, all over that code that's not his. Also red and also Thievul deserves more love.
Non-dark / Other options: Revaroom (CAR POKEMON. WHY AREN'T YOU DARK TYPE), Rotom (Possessing and transforming machines, like a virus...maybe I should've made him a ghost type trainer-), Parasect (TURBO IS THE FUNGUS /ref but also parasite themes and bug), Bisharp (Vibes mainly, also Pawniard looks like him), Rapidash (speed, and to pair with KC), Gengar (creepy smile glowing eyes wombo combo), Mimikyu (disguise, somehow didn't fit the vibe?), Banette (something about something from your childhood being replaced by something horrible. also, yellow eyes and teeth), Darkrai (something about childhood nightmares) and Hypno (yellow? i dunno, i'm a Hypno fan, I gotta get her in somehow).
Let me know what Pokemon you think King Candy or Turbo fit best :)
Dark type gym leader idea
i like the idea of a former team plasma member/grunt as a gym leader (they has dark-types)... and their battle theme is a rock/metal version of "The Toreador March"... i like it at least...
why do i like the idea of a dark type Ralts -> dark type Kirlia -> dark/fairy gardevoir or a dark/ghost Gallade as hisuian forms; the ralts being a very mischievous 'mon, kirlia being even more so, with gardevoir and gallade being more malicious
may i make a very Lazy Pokemon type idea? Light.
run the Dark type in reverse. strong defensive vs FAIRY, Fighting, and Bug. weak defensive vs Dark and Ghost. strong offensive vs Dark, FAIRY, and Fighting. weak offensive vs Ghost and Physic.
Stats ideas; HP: D physical attack: C physical defense: D special attack: A - special defense: B - speed: S + +
kinda weird that there's (so far) no bug/dark types

My submissions for the Mysteria Regionâs cute Cthulhu Pokemon contest. They based off of, in order from top to bottom, Kthanid, Lythalia, Nssu-Ghahnb, and Rhogog.Â
Dall e wolf pokemon evolution all types

Ice > Grass > Fire > Electric > Dark > Steel > Psychic > Poison > Ground > Normal (final)
Fakemon wolves completed!

AI fakemon "GRASS" starters (goat)

Dianceye is the result of hungry Sableye trying to eat Diancie's jewels,the high amount of energy released fusing them together. They lure trainers into caves with promises of jewels but they are never seen again.

Darkross's seeds grow dark red roses. Forests they live in are covered with them. their faces are normally expressionless.