dawnoftime22 - honestly, who are we to fight the alchemy?
honestly, who are we to fight the alchemy?

| dawn :] | they/them | lesbian | 🥀

1529 posts

Buttered Up To Break Your Heart

Buttered Up to Break Your Heart

Buttered Up To Break Your Heart

Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x GN!Reader

Word Count: 1.2k

Warnings: angst, breakups, hints at emotional cheating, language, written on mobile

Summary: You saw a loving future with Nat, until one day she woke up and decided she no longer wanted you in hers.

A/N: I've been in an angsty little mood so I apologize for this. If y'all want a part two where the reader gets a happy ending, just scream at me in the comments 👀 also thank you for 4k!! I was very happy to see I made it back there after weeding through the blank blogs. I love y'all sm 🖤

The dimly lit restaurant gave off the perfect vibe to end your vacation weekend. A small jazz band played in the corner, and you had your own section alone with Nat. It was the type of luxury you were used to being with her. Perks of dating an Avenger, you guessed.

You spent the last three days at a beach resort soaking up the sun and drinking boozy punches out of hollowed coconuts. You and Nat didn't get much time away together, so you enjoyed it for all it was worth. And being able to cuddle up with Nat three nights in a row was worth a lot in your eyes.

You sipped your wine and hummed along with the music softly playing in the background. Part of you didn't want to go back to reality.

"We should talk," Nat said once the waitress set your food in front of you.

"About what, my love?" You reached across the table to take her hand, but she purposefully moved away from your touch. You frowned. Well that wasn't a good sign.

"When we get back to New York, I think it may be best for us to go our separate ways." You blinked, and she took your silence as an opportunity to keep going. "With Steve and Tony gone, I have to step up with the team. I won't have time to cater to your needs in a relationship."

You sucked in a breath. "Cause it's so hard to be in a relationship with me?"

"It's not your fault. I understand what you went through in previous relationships, but I don't have time to coddle you."

"Coddle me? Nat, what the fuck!"

She sighed and set her silverware down to the side. Her demeanor felt like that of a mother getting ready to scold a child and not a woman breaking up with her partner.

"Please don't make this more dramatic than it needs to be," she pressed. "We had a nice weekend, and now we can part ways."

"Why are you being so damn cruel?" You sniffled, trying your best to swallow back the lump burning your throat. "What was this weekend? Your way of getting any last minute feelings out for me before letting me loose?"

"You're being ridiculous."

"Am I? You're acting as if we're talking about the weather and not ending our relationship of five years! Did you ever really care about me, or was I just someone to pass the time?"

When she didn't respond, you stood and tossed your napkin onto the uneaten food. If Nat wanted to end things amicably, you weren't going to comply. She was fucked in the head for treating you like this, and you had no idea why. She spent the whole weekend holding you and kissing you and telling you how much she loved you. Did those gestures mean nothing to her? Were they all just empty words?

"When did you decide you were going to end things?" Your voice raised slightly, but being in a private section kept you from feeling embarrassed about it. "This weekend? When I met Alexei and Melina? When we talked about our future homes and having kids?"

You started for the door but stopped just short of it. "You may be able to turn your emotions off like the trained assassin you are, but I can't. I will never forgive you for treating me this way, Natasha."


Two weeks you spent wallowing in your apartment. You told yourself you wouldn't be so affected by her words, but you couldn't help but doubt. She viewed as nothing more than a chore. Despite all the sweet words she said to you in the five years you dated, she reduced you down to nothing but something to check off her to-do list. And every time you thought about it, you burst into tears.

You never had the best luck with relationships, but Nat changed your view. She made you believe you had someone you could open up to. Someome who could make you feel seen and loved in a way you never experienced before.

What a fucking joke.

Heat rose to the backs of your eyes, and you pressed your fists to them to keep the tears at bay. You were so tired of crying. Especially when you knew Nat was not mourning the loss of your relationship the way you were.

A knock came from your front door, and a sadistic part of you hoped it was Nat. You didn't care if she was here to beg for you back or not, you just wanted to hear her voice again. Because as stupid as it sounded, and as much as you hated yourself for it, her voice would have been such a comfort right now.

You tried not to seem disappointed when you saw Wanda on the other side. If she noticed the way you deflated, she said nothing.

"You haven't been around the compound in awhile." It clearly wasn't a question. "Is everything okay?"

She let out a small "Oh!" when your bottom lip trembled, and you could no longer hold back the tears you were fighting. Wanda caught you in her arms as you broke down, letting you sob until you ran out of breath then started all over again. It wasn't until you began to hiccup that she finally used her powers to soothe you. Only slightly. Not enough to put you to sleep.

"She dumped me, Wanda," you croaked. "Told me she didn't have time for a relationship."

Wanda's brows furrowed. The way she chewed on the inside of her cheek told you she knew something you didn't, and you sucked it up long enough to ask her what she knew. It obviously wasn't good news, but you needed to know it regardless.

"I don't think I should tell you," she whispered.

You shook your head. "No. Tell me, I'll be fine."

"Nat's already dating someone else. I thought - I didn't think she broke up with you because she was too busy. I thought you both just decided to go your separate ways because that's how she made it seem."

You gripped the front of her shirt and pressed your forehead to her chest. Another sob forced itself out of your mouth sounding more like a stangled plea than anything else. You expected bad news, but you surely didn't expect this.

Nat lied.

No, she didn't just lie. She broke your heart and practically blamed you for it, so she wouldn't have to admit that she wanted to be with someone else. She was a liar and a coward.


"I don't think knowing is gonna help, babe."

"Who, Wanda? Please," you begged.

She sighed through her nose. "Maria."

Despite being livid, you also felt even worse about yourself than before. You spent a lot of your relationship worried that you would never be enough for an Avenger. And now you knew that was true. Everything Nat said to make you believe otherwise was a lie. You were never going to be enough in her eyes.

You weren't a trained agent like Maria. You were too much. Required too much. For five years, you were nothing more than a charity case, and now she was done with you.

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More Posts from Dawnoftime22

3 years ago

Hugs From Natasha

Pairing: Natasha x Reader

Summary: Reader going to Natasha when they break down and start crying.

Warnings: Crying


You sniffled loudly as you attempted to keep the tears back. You just needed to find Natasha before you could break down.

You continued walking though the compounds halls until you gave up on trying to find her on your own, “Hey, JARVIS. Where’s Natasha.”

“Ms. Romanoff is in her room.”

You felt stupid, why had you not checked her room?

Keep reading

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3 years ago

I mean, I’d do that too so…I wouldn’t blame her 😭

Messages between Y/N and Nat: Part 5

Nat: You love me right?

Y/N: Yeah ofc

Nat: What if I did something bad?

Nat: Like really bad

Y/N: What did you do, Natasha

Nat: Are you SURE you'd still love me though?


Nat: the cat scared me so I threw it out the window...

Y/N: Of course you did.

3 years ago
Taylor For Pandora Music

Taylor for Pandora Music

3 years ago


heya yellow!!

can I request a blurb where reader has never gotten a surprise party or gift for her birthday so when natasha and/or yelena finds out, they do one for reader?

and take your time if you need it! I don’t mind <3

i hope you love this, and i’m sorry this came out so late!

Send in your own saturday blurb!

Natasha gasped, “You’ve never had a surprise birthday? How could you have gone your entire life without one?”

You shrugged, “No one ever really wanted to do it. I suppose I just didn’t let it bother me too much, so it never did. I’m fine with having my own little party by myself.”

Your story was enough to make the redhead want to burst into the tears- she had to do something. “Well I’m sorry honey. Now c’mon, let’s go and see the movie now.” Natasha said, giving a kiss to your forehead.

You had thought nothing of the conversation when your birthday rolled around- until you were welcomed by a scatter of balloons and Natasha jumping out from behind the couch. “Surprise!” She squealed happily.

You wiped happy tears out of your ears while Natasha wrapped her arms around you, “Natasha, you really didn’t have to do all of this!”

“Yes, I did. Because you’re my partner, and you deserve the best birthday surprise ever. Now c’mon, there’s cake!”

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3 years ago

Well hello there. Hope you’re having a lovely day. Been reading your posts and I must say they’re so cute and awesome. I truly appreciate your imagination and amazed at how much you can accommodate to everyone’s request. It’s not an easy to do, I tried once and got so overwhelmed. So thank you for the great writing ❤️ also wanted to request something, I’ve read your guidelines hope this is okay.

23. Character A is in little space, but is trying their hardest to make sure that B doesn't know. So I was thinking R wants to keep training with Natasha and won’t tell her she needs to stop because she is in headspace now. Natasha ends up hitting R really Hard. R is full on crying and Natasha feels terrible. R then feels bad she lied to Nat. Something among those lines. Hope this okay.

Hope you have a great weekend ☺️

you’re so incredibly sweet, thank you so, so much!!! i’m so sorry this came out on tuesday, this entire week was so busy- i was packed! i hope you enjoy <3

Send in your own saturday blurb!

You brushed off the feeling of a familiar headspace tilting. You couldn’t- you wouldn’t. You were in the middle of a training session with Natasha, and you refused to stop. You didn’t want to let her down.

“Honey, are you sure you’re okay? You seem a little bit out of it.” Natasha said gently, concern lacing her tone.

“I’m fine, Nat.” You forced yourself to reply. “Just- keep going.” The redhead sighed but continued throwing punches, which you pushed yourself to dodge- until she ended up successfully hitting you.

You broke out in tears, broken sobs racking your body. Natasha gasped and immediately went back down to your level, “Oh little love, I’m so sorry. C’mere, I’m so, so sorry.” She said, softly rocking you.

“No, no, I’m fine just-” Natasha shushed you softly, refusing to let you lie to her. You basked in the comfort of her warmth, knowing she was there. “Mommy, I need you.” You sniffled.

“And I’m right here, baby. I always will be.”

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