Verse Promo

Verse Promo
A rising genius, Doctor Hunor Véghváry established his company, Precision Care Health. He was an outstanding physician, microbiologist, virologist and geneticist who recognized medicine should be personalized instead of mass produced as everyone's system reacts differently. Aside from that, he also believed that from the most dangerous, incurable conditions' answer lies in Earth's deadliest creatures. He discovered along with French scientists that a painkiller as strong as morphine is found in the venom of black mambas, free of morphine's side effects and addictive nature. He however managed to isolate the compound and create an effective relief easing the final days or the recovery after an accident or operation. It haven't gotten licensed. It didn't break his optimism, now confirmed that his theory is right. While he had noble origins, a Count to be exact, most of his income was from the company, developing advanced medicine. His goal besides healing was to make specialized healthcare affordable for the most, he wasn't driven or motivated by profit.
Hunor married an enchanting woman, Myra after a long courtship. She was radiant in every sense, while not working in the medical field, she was a healer, a firm believer that the answer is in nature rather than chemicals. Half of Hunor's estate was turned into a herb garden, not like he minded the slightest. One year into their marriage, Gyöngyvér Emerald Véghváry was born. Her first name translated to ‘pearl blood’, Emerald due to her father's vibrant eye color. She was an energetic child, full of kindness and mischief, very much like her mother. She always did what her little heart thought was right, be it sneaking sweets to the guards with a giggle or standing up against bullies in school. She was always told to not disturb her dad while he was working in his private laboratory in the east wing, her curiosity always got better of her. She was 10, she should've known better, should've listened to her parents but she was mesmerized by the glistening scales of a black mamba. Their scales were pale gray, nothing like the chartreuse greem with seafoam tints. Witnessing her dad handle snakes so many times, she wanted to examine it herself, only that the snake was slippery. If it wasn't the two needle punctures and quickly spreading pain, she wouldn't have even noticed she was bitten.
The fall:
The child was immediately hospitalized, antivenom ready...only that it didn't work. Hunor has been secretly experimenting with genetics and the mamba that bit his daughter was a genetically modified one. Devastated, he worked day and night to make a possible cure, while his daughter was battling death every moment with Myra crying by her bed and trying her own nature related approach. Yet nothing seemed to work. Her condition worsened to the point her immune system didn't respond to the antidote for normal mamba venom. The mutations started, her sclera turning poison green, her emerald irises burning against the unnatural color. Her dark blonde hair turned bone white along with her sunkissed skin and the worse was still to come. She developed two 3.5 inch front fangs along with a protective sheath so they were 'hidden' on the top of her mouth. She had to be resuscitated when her venom glands were forming.
The child suffered for five weeks, barely alive, a limbo between life and death: Hunor was done with the antidote for the world's possibly most potent venom. After her condition stabilized, the doctor was immediately taken into custody. The charges against him included negligent homicide (as his child had died and had to be resuscitated a few times), illegal experiments and illegal genetic engineering. He was killed in jail before the trial.
Gyöngyvér was hospitalized for months after the antidote, her condition slowly stabilizing but not reversing the mutations. She was still in recovery when her dad was murdered. Myra was beyond broken. She almost lost her only child and the love of her life died under circumstances never revealed. She tried everything to be there for her child, but it was getting harder each day. Gyöngyvér sensed her mom's distant behavior, which hurt more than all of her agony combined. She turned towards guns (discovering her natural talent), motorbikes, cigarettes, sneaking out late; not like anyone was truly waiting for her at home. Controlling her fangs proved to be a problem, with her bottled anger, bullying she sometimes lashed out at others in school, displaying the monstrous size of them along with her ink black mouth. For the safety of students, she had to be homeschooled. Myra ultimately couldn't cope with her husband's death and looking at what her daughter became. Gyöngyvér found her corpse with vertically slit wrists in the bathtub surrounded by two lavender, two chamomile scented candles still burning, an old family photo. She was 14.
Abandoned, alone and mutated beyond normal social life, the easy way out for her was a somewhat reasonable option. But she was brought back from it in the hospital so many times. Instead, she started to learn. Spanish, German as most partners her father worked with were companies with German origins. Learning the other abilities she possessed and perfecting them. Martial arts such as capoeria, jiu-jitsu and Wushu. Perfecting her marksman skills to the utmost. She graduated in secret from biochemistry while also studying biomedical engineering.
Present day:
At 26, head of the inherited Precision Care Health company. The young woman lives a secretive life, shutting out press and colleagues equally. Whenever the heiress makes a public appearance, she's always immaculately elegant, dress color ranging from black to dark green with lighter decorations, always wearing wide, stylish sunglasses as a result of being sensitive to light. With her words, it's all bullshit.
She's Karma, the snake lurking in the shadows waiting to strike. The one who leaves only corpses in her wake, no need for a mask or a costume. Once someone had seen her face, they won't see it again. Gyöngyvér Emerald Véghváry is dead. Now the marksman is seeking her father's killer, swiftly finishing every criminal she comes across and deems unworthy of life.
Venom: currently the most lethal on Earth, neurotoxic and proteolytic venom causing rapid tissue necrosis, respiratory failure and cardiovascular collapse in 3 minutes after the tiniest dose; her bite injects much more. When in contact with living tissue, it causes severe inflammation and tissue necrosis shortly, therefore entering the bloodstream if not washed off. Her father didn't have the time to document the process and only produced one; as her venom originates from an already mutated mamba, there's no antidote to it.
Hypermobility: extremely flexibility, her joints have unusually large range of movement, to the point of being downright terrifying (search Sofie Dossi for reference). Karma also can pop shoulder, elbow, knee and hip joints out of and back to place without pain
Expert marksmanship: Karma is perfectly ambidextrous, talented, practiced a lot but also anatomically gifted. Her fingers are long, dexterous and thin with wiry strength. She settled on Smith & Wesson Model 19 with the six inch barrel for a more precise aim and carrying further. She actually took the trigger guards off to maximize her already impossible speed. Doesn't wear gloves, rings or anything that could possibly get into the way.
Short distance teleport/travel faster than the speed of sound: Probably the most surprising out of everything, that her speed can reach such levels. This ability has a limited range, she must know precisely where she will arrive. She also can carry this ability into regular movements, she can bury her fangs and withdraw in a split second. It requires a lot of stamina to keep up for a prolonged time, overextending results in extreme fatigue and muscle cramps
Immunity: not only Karma has the most potent venom, she's also immune to almost every poison, drug, or they have mild effects while she either should be dead or at least passed out
Martial arts: Wushu, jiu-jitsu, capoeira with olympic level gymnastics creates an incredibly fast and slippery fighting style, add her revolvers to maximize lethality
Further mutations/snake traits:
Mouth: aside from the fangs resting on top of her mouth
Ink black interior with a slightly lighter black forked tongue
Ability to unhinge her jaw
Blackened lips but not evenly, so she ‘corrects’ it with black or dark brown lipstick
Hissing: she can and will often hiss when irritated or playful
Eyes: bright emerald green irises with slit pupils surrounded by poison green sclera. A developed organ for infrared sensing, near perfect accuracy even in pitch darkness.
Skin & heart: almost chalk white, her heart beats approximately 40-50 bpm depending on temperature and activity. She is cold blooded, the venom destroyed her mechanism to turn food into excess heat, so she relies on the temperature to keep herself warm. Cold climate result in fatigue, drowsiness and a very upset snake mutant.
A few important things:
☣ Her primary method of traveling is by a Kawasaki Ninja H2R model, nicknamed Villám (Lightning). Top speed around 212 mph/240 kmh
☣ Crosshair scar: in her early years as of monsters, she was captured, her captor taking pleasure in a slow cut starting from the bone of her socket to slowly take her left eye out. Karma dislocated her thumb to escape the restraints, rapidly leaned down so the knife passed her eye intact and cut her brow instead. After getting rid of the sadist, she took the scar into her own hands, following the skull around the eye orbit she made four crescent moon shaped precise cuts to form a crosshair. She kept them open (and disinfected) long enough to scar properly.
☣ Besides English, she's fluent in Spanish, can hold a decent conversation in German and thanks to her ‘job’ understands Russian.
☣ Karma is often stressed and it causes her already overfunctioning venom glands to kick into overdrive. The venom ducts, canals are unable to hold it once it's filled past the capacity so it drips into her mouth. To prevent that, she either has to use them frequently in combat or to store venom and empty it herself into containers.
☣ She has no offensive energy based abilities or enhanced strength, only endurance to it, to a point. She is dangerous because of her wide range of mutations combined with her talents. She's built for quick offense, a glass canon with one sure shot or bite. Her physical strength remained untouched by the mutation, she possesses wiry strength of her own, comfortable with contorting her body, thanks to martial arts redirect some of the opponent's strength back to them.
☣ Because of the circumstances of her mother's death she can't stand the smell of lavender and chamomile.
☣ She has a talent in realistic drawing, painting and her voice, though rarely sings is surprisingly angelic coming from a creature like her.
☣ In a heightened emotional situation her fangs still unsheath reflexively as a response to provocation, a very last warning. During intense sex they also have a tendency to make an appearance along with loud hisses.
☣ She can bite without killing the individual, but only with her human teeth. She's incapable of a ‘dry bite’ with her fangs as a warning bite where venom doesn't get into the system.
☣ Karma is bisexual, her preference is around 40% female, 60% male leaning. She has both of her nipples pierced & her favorite is a snake piercing.

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“Pretty sure cats can hunt for themselves so your charity rats worth like a kiss for a corpse.”

Confused, outraged hissing.

This little shit
“Was that necessary??”

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Perhaps this is a weird first interaction, but. . Death might have heard something about a death wish?

Of course they had to use the train as a quicker and in a way, safer escape. Not much left from the small group of robbers, corpses resting in the dust, confused horses scattered. Karma wouldn't have targeted the gang if it was only robbery -she should leave some scraps to the other bounty hunters-; but murder also followed each heist easily and unnecessarily.
Now they were fleeing with only their lives, scrambling to get away from the emerald eyed marksman on a sleek ebony mare. Villám easily kept up with the train, pace steady enough for Karma to climb after the remainder.
“Gyere utánam, hamarosan végzek.” (Follow me, I will be done soon.) She departed with an encouraging smile, after all it has been a while since a long distance chase.

Harsh wind combed through sunlightened dark blonde hair, after a shot whizzed past her, the thrill reaching the level where it lapped at her spine like electric fire, filling her lungs with oxygen with each steady, accelerating beat of her heart. The fire returned, the body tumbling down from the wagon.
A small clang of a rifle on metal among the overwhelming fog of noise, an immediate whirl and a bullet between the train cars; she would rather not see what became of that body. Steel heeled boots a confident rhythm on the roof in search of the last one standing, as if she was walking on solid ground not on top of the moving engine. She has reached the edge.
Karma couldn't decide whenever it was courage or blind stupidity as the man emerged, still she waited both out of respect and to prolong the adrenaline roaring in her veins. The man eventually steadied himself, the desperation born from facing death wearing a crosshair scar made him reach for his revolver. The final shot rang before he could even reach the weapon.

Bright eyes fluttered close despite her not so safe position, one last rush. Villám kept up without any problems, now curiously looking up at her rider who offered a victorious smile in return. Elegantly, the gunslinger slid back to the saddle with enviable ease, slowing the horse's pace a little. They had a death wish from the moment they started killing witnesses.
The victory ride back to the town interrupted by a feeling similar to deja vu, not quite that, but extraordinarily strong. She has witnessed, experienced a few...weird things, feelings; at first she tried to brush them off with a reasonable explanation until she couldn't. And the shadows' passing whispers has always been correct.

Her gaze guided by the whispers, falling upon a looming figure, both blending in and standing out from the wasteland. It was watching, she was certain. Her left revolver had two, her right three bullets remaining, a complete refill takes fifteen seconds if she's in a hurry. Her gut told she was. Nimble fingers danced from her belt to the chambers while Villám stayed on the route towards the town. When the cylinders clicked back in place Karma knew the figure had red eyes.

Yes, she's looking too. Blame her great eyesight.