Spiderverse | Venom In My Veins; Dead Men Walking In My Crosshairs - Tumblr Posts
"From the looks of it you've been experiencing a whole lot of the spiderverse huh?" From Gwen

“So that's what it's called” Karma mused out loud at the appearance of the newest Spider; that was a strangely fitting and not idiotic name for a superhero team.
“You all have a strange fascination with my house -not that I mind the company, but if there's something suspicious around it I would like to take care of it personally. No need to risk yourselves for whatever happens on my property which I somehow didn't notice.” like hell she would allow kids to be injured while dealing with her business

“Are you also from an another dimension?” as strange as the question sounded, she was getting used to it

Good thing she wasn't unnerved by her eyes, or at least great at hiding it. Karma made sure her gestures come across as non threatening as possible, terrifying a child definitely wasn't on her to do list. Slightly surprised by the enthusiastic answer, until the robot came barreling towards the little girl.
When she scaled that thing was when Karma hid the revolver with the same speed she she instinctively whipped it out.
“That's...certainly outstanding and special!” she couldn't help the infectious smile spreading on her own dark lips as well
Her eyebrows shot up almost into her hairline as the child took a literal spider out of the robot. What she has built.
“...You built this?” Karma asked in disbelief laced awe
“How old are you?” she laughed brightly in wonder at the brilliant mind “Oh and your best friend spider! Does he have a name?” well...she was told they could communicate so that meant the spider was a mutated one, enough to understand human gestures so Karma gave it- him a small wave

"Uuuuh I actually don't have powers like the others, see me and my spider more do former a psychic link." From Peni

Well, that caught her off guard.

What she's even supposed to say to that?
“I-uh...also can't shoot webs.” Karma offered a tiny piece of information, so far everyone has been young, but she was...a literal child.
“Do you want to tell me how exactly that works?” she asked after a small internal crisis; she wasn't great with children but obviously she couldn't just straight out tell her what is she.
“But it's understandable if you don't want to. You must have been taught to not talk to strangers, forgive my curiosity.” she smiled gently, giving the girl an easy way out if she was uncomfortable

“No, I don't take it personally at all.” as she was told he wasn't even supposed to be there “It was just surprising and he didn't even wait for me to tell to use an another window.” Karma shrugged and decided to leave out commentary about how...disastrous that situation could've been. To put it mildly.
A quick eyebrow raise behind the wide sunglasses; erase her memory? As in Men in Black style or a more...brutal method? She wasn't keen figuring that out. Breathing even, arms loosely at her sides in case of the attempt- oh so he wasn't just dressed like a rebel.
“Well, you pretty much already answered everything I wanted to ask or confirm.” her smile hinted mischief, she liked his attitude more than she expressed
“Except for one thing. You all seem to...fancy my house and the surrounding area to arrive. Is something happening in the town which I should be aware of?” she asked, then figured she can reveal a few things about herself as well in return
“You see, this whole ridiculous businesswoman getup is my costume.” she sighed, twirling the sunglasses around a long finger before she opened her eyes

“I'm Karma. So if someone or something is fucking around nearby, that's my business too.”

"So Pavitr teleported into your living room? That's rough buddy." - From Hobie

“More like...interesting. And unexpected.” Karma added, not shaken by the occurrence the slightest. Sunglasses adjusted slightly, an unconscious gesture by now, well aware how unnerving her eyes are. Along with the extreme yoga Pavitr managed to witness
“I assume you know each other then.” she inquired carefully, so far she had positive experiences with these dimension hopping...spider people? Spider Team?
Behind the shield of the dark tinted glasses Karma studied the young man, committing the smallest details to memory. She had the gut feeling this won't be her last encounter with him.
“I'm not angry at your friend, if that's the reason you also decided to drop by. Although I might have spooked him a little.”

Nostalgia, not the good kind swept into her smile, although she tried her best to not let it show.
“I learned many things from my father too.”

Her tone softer with a somber timbre accompanying it. Instead of focusing the feelings threatening to crawl into and settle in her chest, she focused on the bright youth.
“I will remember that” she nodded, sometimes allowing her eyes to wander to the robot as well until she was sure she could produce a rough sketch from memory
“I'm Karma, it does sound like an alias but I uh don't like my given name.” she wasn't about to trauma dump on Peni, instead she opted for a white
“And I'm no spider but...can you keep a secret?” Karma asked playfully before a soft hiss along with a black forked tongue left her mouth

Good thing she wasn't unnerved by her eyes, or at least great at hiding it. Karma made sure her gestures come across as non threatening as possible, terrifying a child definitely wasn't on her to do list. Slightly surprised by the enthusiastic answer, until the robot came barreling towards the little girl.
When she scaled that thing was when Karma hid the revolver with the same speed she she instinctively whipped it out.
“That's...certainly outstanding and special!” she couldn't help the infectious smile spreading on her own dark lips as well
Her eyebrows shot up almost into her hairline as the child took a literal spider out of the robot. What she has built.
“...You built this?” Karma asked in disbelief laced awe
“How old are you?” she laughed brightly in wonder at the brilliant mind “Oh and your best friend spider! Does he have a name?” well...she was told they could communicate so that meant the spider was a mutated one, enough to understand human gestures so Karma gave it- him a small wave

“Let me get this straight: there's a guy actively ‘hiring’ and deploying children to combat criminal and supernatural activities and they gain no financial and emotional support for their work, furthermore feel threatened to be disposed of if they don't live up to expectations? How is this legal in any form in any world or dimension or whatever the fuck?!”

(( I'm just doing this to throw gas on the fire )) "Uhh, which guy hiring superpowered teens are you talking about? There's a few of them." @king-of-wrath

“Of fucking course”
Why would her job be easier?

“Excuse me, I need to check my bullet supply.” You know, just in case.

Besides the murderous vigilante thing, Karma kept a laser eye on the developed medicines, both out of duty and to honor her father's legacy. The latest was a joint project, a painkiller to effectively combat nerve pain without side effects ranging from headache to stomach ulcers. She knew underestimation was everyone's first and very last mistake, they expected her to either be the ditzy rich who gladly shoves all work to researchers or the timid, too trusting orphan. Yes, she was definitely bringing the Colt Python for tonight's reveal.
Her alarms immediately sounded after the disappearance of the first batch, the quantity was minimal, no one would've noticed. The returned pills had something different besides the active component, but first she had to narrow the suspects down before bringing it up. She was watching the second dose carried away, following from a safe distance with her trusted motorbike.
After a month, her crosshair was unwavering with the Vitality Life's slimy chief executive and his head scientists. She had...visited the laboratory, the addition was an addictive which would've kept symptoms permanently present unless taken every day. More profit for them and for her to be fully honest, but she could care less. Furthermore what would happen if they couldn't take the dosage in time?
Appearance immaculate as always, cold smiles at the endless congratulations and praise. The large dress flowed gracefully, the old fashioned style combated by an eye catching V neck which was on the edge of a wardrobe malfunction. She excused herself during a heated speech about how glad they were she carried on her father's legacy -bullshit. She was cutting off profit from others by producing quality medicines with the least side effects.- ; the Vitality Life decided to slip away with a handful of bodyguards to a possibility lower floor, giving her the perfect opening.
A small sigh as the door finally closed behind her, it was a lie that she was sensitive to light. Noise on the other hand...
The hidden sewn in zipper opened, her dress falling off like a snake's skin. Zipping up the suit hidden under, nimble fingers making a quick work of the sizeable concealed Colt, discarding the scope for now.

Finally rid of the unnecessary sunglasses as well; the hunt started as Karma soundlessly descended after the culprits.
🦒 ---- How does your muse feel about height? Do they like their height or are they ashamed of it?
🦘 ---- If they have kids, what type of parent is your muse? If not, what type of parent would your muse be?
🐙 ---- Is your muse a hugger? Do they enjoy physical affection whether it's platonic or romantic?
Headcanon prompts I like

She's fine with her 5'9 not to mention she's almost always on her horse or on a train/rooftop.
💀: Sometimes it gets really frustrating but then she can always shadow morph her body to towering heights so there's that.
🐍: Again, fine with her height, both tall & short enough to execute her forged fighting style.
Never really had time to even think about the concept of having children and probably would choose not to given by her lifestyle. It's the best for both her and the hypothetical child.
💀: With Death curse Gift full out and I think I've written that cursed headcanon, motherhood is entirely off the table. She's not capable of giving life only eroding or taking it. And she has tons of internalized trauma due to that.
🐍: Aside from that she literally adopted your Gwen, Hobie, Pavtir and Peni? Karma doesn't know whenever her reproductive organs are affected and if so, how much by the venom and she doesn't want to risk an unsafe pregnancy. What type of parent would she be? The 'if you ever GLANCE at my kids again I will murder you in your sleep.' type. The 'world is evil and sometimes to keep yourself safe you have to get your hands dirty' honest, no nonsense mindset. Always there, always helping however she can.
Both base & 💀: She, given by her life and later her uncontrollable abilities is ridiculously touch starved and probably would crumble at the faintest positive touch. Yet she fears them, to not accidentally harm those who manage to get close.
🐍: Not used to it & always expecting harm to follow the contact. Craves genuine affection be it platonic or romantic and once someone is comfortable around her and vica versa, she's definitely a hugger. Plus often initiates contact because someone hug the traumatized snake damnit.

“Hate to tell that you actually missed the good part.” this was just a cleanup, out of everyone she knew to chop the snake's head off first.

Crosshair framed eye narrowed the slightest at the choice of the further destroyed body part; a reflexive twitch of her own hand successfully suppressed.
“Wipe it on the hair then.” Karma suggested “Haven't seen this terrible hairdo since I peeked into a romantic film from the 80s. Like...cotton candy struck by lightning.” came the specific description after the inspection
“Nah you didn't. I was already finished.” she smirked slightly, casually checking the cylinder
“Just don't say the ‘guns are too big’ for my hands. That really gets on my nerves.” was it a test or a genuine warning? The truth was around halfway
“Aside from the obvious, what brings and keeps you here?” a relatively innocent way to gather information, it or well he, could've attacked while she was still busy instead of watching. He could've skittered away once the show was over.

CONT. // @deathshadowed

he had to resist the urge to laugh. the bluntness she held. no qualms for saying it. no beating around the bush. some certain people could learn tips from her. the vulgar language did not bother him , nor did the vulgar action.
" not at all. i personally think you should have done worse. would have been very enriching to see. " a crooked smile came over him before he stepped over the body. stepping on the hand , on purpose. and internally relishing in the splattering noise it made.
" huh. sorry. i didn't mean to step into bullshit. " a shrug before he looked back at her. curious. hm.
" hope i didn't interrupt another moment of riveting action. would hate to kill your mood and inspiration. "
Did you know there's a cowboy spider man?

“Strangely, that's not the wildest thing I've heard or experienced.”

“No one can outshoot me.”
There's a spiderman t-rex too

“...” one of the core spiderman things are agility and swinging from building to building

“How the fuck does that even work anatomically?”

"I heard yer a good shot ma'am"

“That I am.”

The ivory serpent replied with confidence, glad to be free from her confines and crypt of a house for a while.
“Not just good, fast too.” fast was...an understatement, but no need for excessive bragging

An eyebrow raise, the telltale smirk already creeping onto black lips.

“Web shot? Afraid you have some explaining to do.” there was no shame in admitting she was unfamiliar with something
“Specific weapon or shooting through spiderweb without damaging it?” Karma tried to guess, she was up for both, although she preferred using her own revolvers

“Now that a fact, what ya say to a friendly showdown, with web shot each, 50 feet?” he offered
Can't wait until Karma meets Spider ham

“The what now??”

Well that definitely explained the ‘web shot’ definition. Poison eyes scanned the effect of the cartridge; impressive but not her style. She preferred a more...permanent method and a bullet to the kneecap was just as effective in slowing and stopping the target.
“These only have the effective range of 50 feet? Or open after 50 feet?” curiosity present instead of condescending, Karma wasn't the one to dismiss unique traits, even if they had a smaller range that what she was used to

“May I have one test shot before, to get the feel of it? I'm more used to...lethal solutions.”

“Now that a fact, what ya say to a friendly showdown, with web shot each, 50 feet?” he offered
There's a version of spider man that is a talking pig and another version that's an anime girl, more questions?

“A pig spider, okay.” did whiskey finally managed to affect her?

Then, an immediate brighten of her face “Oh you mean Peni? She's an absolute sweetheart.”

“Favorite to catch things falling off my shelves, it would come handy. And much easier than the advanced circus tricks to reach it.” it was indeed useful, just not in the way she operated the secret life
Long fingers easily catching the tossed cartridge, rolling it between them briefly, serpentine eyes studying it before emptying the cylinder and decided to give it a try.

Hammer cocked within a blink of an eye, one more second of examining the web on the wall, a few steps backwards. The second web formed, almost entirely covering the first.
“How rude of me, name's Karma.” she realized the proper introduction was yet to come, too carried away by the promise friendly showdown

“Now that a fact, what ya say to a friendly showdown, with web shot each, 50 feet?” he offered

You said we were in this together! You promised me a percentage!!
Atlantis: The Lost Empire (2001) dir. Gary Trousdale, Kirk Wise
Karma in the multiverse

In every other universe/Earth-whatevernumber, Karma is either:
Mutated beyond recognition
Mutated AND cunningly evil
First option, where she would have a chance to be decent, her father isn't able to finish the antivenom in time, or if he does it's already too late and she will succumb despite it.
The second and third versions almost go hand in hand, versions include a vengeful naga, a predator luring her prey close with a normal appearance and when she quite literally sheds her skin it's already too late. An another one has fully embraced her abilities and crafts, sells biological weapons infused with her venom. One has killed her own mother, using her as a test subject. The one resembling her the most does almost everything the same, except she is secretly experimenting on humans without regret.
A mentally damaged but sane Karma with the right morals shouldn't be alive.
We don't mention the version where she's literally a talking snake.