Well That Definitely Explained The Web Shot Definition. Poison Eyes Scanned The Effect Of The Cartridge;

Well that definitely explained the ‘web shot’ definition. Poison eyes scanned the effect of the cartridge; impressive but not her style. She preferred a more...permanent method and a bullet to the kneecap was just as effective in slowing and stopping the target.
“These only have the effective range of 50 feet? Or open after 50 feet?” curiosity present instead of condescending, Karma wasn't the one to dismiss unique traits, even if they had a smaller range that what she was used to

“May I have one test shot before, to get the feel of it? I'm more used to...lethal solutions.”

“Now that a fact, what ya say to a friendly showdown, with web shot each, 50 feet?” he offered
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There's a spiderman t-rex too

“...” one of the core spiderman things are agility and swinging from building to building

“How the fuck does that even work anatomically?”
you long-suffering, endlessly patient angels get two memes today bc i deleted everything in my inbox on my rp blog and i made these memes to top off a solidly productive day! also, if you ever feel guilty about “not being productive” or having to delete drafts and memes in your tumblr life, DON’T! you’re wonderful and valid and your personal comfort and peace of mind is far more important than an overwhelming inbox or draft count! anyway, these are also self-serving, but also i feel no shame bc there’s an extreme lack of this very good vibe in my line of work, so here u go besties. DO NOT ADD ANYTHING TO THIS LIST!!
DATE UPDATED: 19/10/22
[ PIN ]: sender pins the receiver to the ground and straddles them while training together.
[ SWORD ]: sender invites the receiver to engage in sword fighting practice with them.
[ AIM ]: sender and receiver go to target practice together (using any weapon of choice).
[ GUIDE ]: sender readjusts the receiver’s stance and posture with their hands while training together.
[ STRIKE ]: sender aims a blow (via either their fists or their weapon) at the receiver.
[ BLOCK ]: sender blocks an on-coming attack from the receiver.
[ ARMOR ]: sender helps to show the receiver how to wear and take care of their armor.
[ PREPARE ]: sender guides the receiver through some pre-battle stretching exercises.
[ CHALLENGE ]: sender challenges the receiver to a sparring match/actual fight.
[ TEND ]: sender and receiver tend to one another’s wounds in the aftermath of a fight.
[ RESTRAIN ]: sender physically restrains the receiver from attacking someone else.
[ FEND ]: sender adopts a defensive position that stops the receiver from launching an attack on them.
[ PUNCH ]: sender punches the receiver (to an unknown degree of success or failure).
[ KICK ]: sender launches a kick at the receiver (to an unknown degree of success or failure).
[ TACKLE ]: sender physically tackles the receiver during a fight.
[ DRAG ]: sender physically drags or carries the receiver away from a fight.
[ UP ]: sender extends a hand to the fallen receiver to help them to their feet after a fight/sparring match.
[ BACK ]: sender stands behind the receiver while in the midst of battle in order to help them fight off their enemies.
[ ARRIVE ]: just as the receiver is about to lose hope and become defeated, the sender arrives at the last minute to help them fight their enemies.
[ EXTRA ]: sender hands the receiver a spare weapon during a fight to give them a better chance after they break or lose their own.
[ WALL ]: sender slams the receiver against a wall during a fight/sparring match.
[ COVER ]: sender lunges forward to throw their body over the receiver and shield them from harm during a fight.
[ POWER ]: sender and/or receiver use their powers during a sparring match in order to develop and enhance their abilities.
[ UNLEASH ]: sender, while fighting with the receiver during a physical confrontation, uses their powers in an effort to gain the upper hand.

You have a choice between saving one person and saving every world. To me, that's an obvious choice.
Indei Miguel O'Hara AKA Spider-Man 2099 ask/rp blog from Marvel & Sony's Across the Spiderverse webbed by Mike. Mun/Muse 21+ NSFW friendly multiverse,ship, muse and OC friendly
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promo banner by @strebcr (seriously thank you for hooking me up with these all the time ;; <;3)
Did you know there's a cowboy spider man?

“Strangely, that's not the wildest thing I've heard or experienced.”

“No one can outshoot me.”
Me, hurling the whole cursed, death cheating, actually death Véghváry family at @wolfpackmuses :