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All it took was Striker (@strikers-saloon ) mansplaining rifles for Karma to already have second thoughts about quitting murdering people for money.
Karma, a woman, wanting to be left alone
Kept followed still.
Karma, lashing out after said man literally announced to take her job.
Striker: why are you acting like a bitch
Karma: Do you want a fucking essay on that.
Seven foot RATS
Rats along his RATS
When he calls your names it all fades to RATS
Yeah he sees your RATS feasts on your RATS
We don't talk about
“This is going to be my villain origin story.”

Original characters please have an about page-
Me, slapping down an essay: this is the quick, brief overview.
Okay that's cool!
Me, throwing a book: this is the complete lore but not exactly as there are some additions which unlock as we write together😊
...Yeah I will get to it-
Me, pulling three other 300 page books: and these are her relatives who have a tendency to show up frequently & they have 5+ verses each
Lord help me
Me: and I also written multiple standalone stories about every one of them!
Me, hurling the whole cursed, death cheating, actually death Véghváry family at @wolfpackmuses :

Sooo I was messing around with the incorrect quote generator @deathshadowed

So I have written a way indepth study and I don't want these tags to get lost for obvious reasons XD

✨Bff+💖 status with me is when I terrify you with my feet structure.