delacyrose224 - eternallygyu

Just a 30-something K-Pop stan.Masterlist: The Jukebox

583 posts

So Glad You Enjoyed It! I Feel The Whipped Cream Incident Would Make Us All A Bit Flustered

So glad you enjoyed it! I feel the whipped cream incident would make us all a bit flustered 😂

Underneath the Tree

Underneath The Tree

Pairing: Han Jisung x reader

Genre: Pure Christmas fluff!

Word Count: 2.3k

Author's Note: Today's tune is Underneath the Tree by Kelly Clarkson! This is my first SKZ fic, so I'm a little nervous to throw this out into the world, but what better time than the holidays. I hope everyone is able to rest and spend time with loved ones as we head into 2023. Enjoy!



You step cautiously through the doorway into a large cabin, enough to hold 10 people.


The man behind you exclaims directly in your ear, making you jump. You twist around, only to find Han Jisung laughing. You swat at his arm, catching him off guard.

“Hey, what was that for?!” He rubs at the spot you hit, pouting.

“For being a jerk, that’s what! You just yelled in my ear for no reason!” you pout back at him, huffing a strand of hair out of your face. It does no good, falling right back in front of your eyes.

“Not no reason, I wanted to see if anyone was here, same as you. Duh.” 

You narrow your eyes and he just laughs some more. 

“Well, no one’s here. Clearly. I thought Chris was supposed to be here before us
weren’t we the only ones that still had work today before the holidays started?” 

You were supposed to come up to this cabin for a long weekend getaway with Jisung, your best friend Meg, and all of Jisung’s bandmates and friends
yet somehow you had arrived first.

“Yeah, I wonder if they stopped for snacks or something on the way
they didn’t need to, the cabin came fully stocked. I made sure to double check when I booked it.” Jisung shrugs and turns to head back out to his car. “I’ll check in on them
in the meantime, I’ll grab all the games we brought. You need anything?” 

You shake your head and move to go inside and explore, but before you can go too far Jisung grabs your arm, turning you towards him. 

“What?” you ask.

He gently reaches forward, tucking the errant strand of hair you’d been fighting behind your ear.



You’ve been wandering the house for 30 minutes while Jisung has been back and forth unloading his car. The cabin feels huge, and houses 5 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms (including one with a really fancy tub), a hot tub, and the biggest kitchen you’ve ever seen. You’ve found yourself in the living room, which has a fireplace as well as several giant bookshelves you’re now perusing.

“Anything good?” A sudden whisper in your ear causes you to jump for the second time that day.

Again, Jisung is laughing as you catch your breath and look at him. 

“Ji, if you don’t stop! You’re knocking years off my life, I swear

“That just means you will have spent more of your life with me,” he smirks. “My question still stands
find anything good?”

You feel slightly embarrassed as you motion towards a stack of books you’d been building on the side table beside you. There’s no way you’d get through them all this weekend, but that wouldn’t stop you from trying.

Jisung kneels down to inspect the books. “Meet Me Under the Mistletoe
The 12 Dates of Christmas
Once Upon a Time in December
seems like there’s a theme here, hmm?” He looks up at you, eyes sparkling with mischief.

“Is it a crime that I want to read seasonal romances now?” you huff indignantly.

He stands up, his face closer to you than you’d necessarily be comfortable with. “Why would you want to read something like that when I’m right here?”

You don’t know how to answer that question. You’d been friends with Han Jisung for a good 5 years, and what he didn’t know was that you may or may not have had a crush on him for 4 of those years. It became apparent to you within the last year that you needed to move on and accept that the two of you were just friends. Most of the time, this wasn’t that difficult. When he was staring into your eyes, his face inches from yours, asking questions related to romance and himself
it got a little harder.

He finally breaks the silence with laughter, his cheeks rounding out in a way that you’d always adored.

” you clear your throat, “what happened to Chris and the other boys?”

Jisung’s face falls immediately.

“About that
so, Chris got sick last minute. No one else could drive.”

“And Meg had to go see family, which means

“It’s just us all weekend!” 

You stare at each other. Jisung has a tentative smile on his face, but the longer the silence goes on, the more it starts to fall.

“...unless you want me to just take you home?” he asks softly.

Could you handle all weekend with just him? You’re not sure. But you absolutely can’t handle him looking like a kicked puppy.

“Never. Let’s make the most of it!” you exclaim, trying to hype yourself up.

“Yes! I’m so excited, this is gonna be the best weekend ever!!” He runs over, throwing his arms around you and spinning you in a circle before placing you back on the ground.

Your heart is pounding from the close contact, and you’re desperately hoping your friend didn’t notice. 

What had you just agreed to?


After unpacking your things in one of the many bedrooms, you come back down to the living room, only to see a massive tree in the corner by the fireplace. You’re sure that wasn’t there before
you would have noticed a tree, right?

Jisung comes into the room just then, carrying a large gray plastic tub which he sets by the tree.

“Oh, hey
I didn’t realize you’d come down,” he grins.

“I just did, but what is this?” you gesture towards the tree, confused.

“Oh, I found that Christmas tree in one of the million rooms down here and brought it in here
felt more festive,” he shrugs.

You stare at the tree. It’s a pine tree for sure, but there’s nothing on it.

Jisung follows your stare and nudges the tub with his foot. “That’s what this is for. Decorations.”

“So the people that own this cabin left an undecorated Christmas tree and decorations? They really thought of everything.”

He shakes his head. “No, they left the tree. I brought the decorations.”


“I knew there was going to be a tree, but it needed decorations. So I brought some.”

You can’t help but clap your hands in excitement.

“So let’s decorate!!”

The two of you string white lights around the massive tree, which is easily at least 6.5-7ft tall. Once the lights are on, you turn back to the tub of decorations, which has a massive amount of blue and silver ornaments in it.

You lift a bauble delicately out of the container and place it gently on the tree.

“Perfect,” Jisung whispers beside you. You turn and he’s looking directly at you. 

Willing yourself to do anything but think too hard about what’s happening, you blurt out, “Blue and silver are my favorite colors for Christmas decorations
it looks like a winter wonderland!”

Jisung smiles. “I know, that’s why I brought them.” 

You wish you could melt into the floor. Alas
you are solid and your body refuses to be anything but.

“W-what about everyone else?” you splutter. 

“You get into Christmas stuff the most, so I figured everyone else could just deal.”

You smile despite yourself, knowing his statement is true.


His smile lights up, rivaling the lights on the tree. “Now let’s get this tree decorated!”


The two of you stand back, marveling at your handiwork. The tree is dripping with lights, and too many ornaments to count. 

The only thing left is a glittering silver star. Too bad the top of the tree is too tall for either of you to reach, and there’s no ladder in sight.

“Here,” Jisung hands you the star. “I’ll lift you up, and you should be able to reach the top.”

You stare dumbfounded. 

“What? Come on, I’m not that weak
I’ve been lifting lately!” he almost whines at you, pushing up his sleeve and flexing his bicep.

This is it
this is how it all ends. One of your best friends flexing at you, inviting you to have him wrap his arms around your waist and lift you up to put a star on top of a Christmas tree.

You find yourself numbly nodding, stepping forward as Jisung moves behind you, pushing up his other sleeve.

“Ji, be careFUL!!” you screech as you’re suddenly lifted off the ground with no warning, his arms wrapped snugly around you.

“I’ve got you, it’s fine,” he laughs, stepping slightly closer to the tree. You use one hand to steady yourself against the branches and use the other to extend the star towards the top-only problem is, you’re still not quite high enough.

“Hannie, I still can’t reach
let me down, it’s fine without a star.”

“Not on my watch
hold on a sec,” he tightens his grip around you before suddenly hoisting you up and lowering his hold from your waist to your hips.

You let out a small gasp at the sudden movement, causing the man beneath you to huff out a laugh. 

“Try now.” You steady yourself again, and reach towards the top with the star, managing to slide the decoration on the topmost branch.

“Got it!” you exclaim triumphantly, looking over your shoulder at Jisung.

“I knew we could do it!” he beams. “Hold steady
going down.” He loosens his grip on your hips, which makes you slowly slide down and into his arms. His hands end up on your waist again, but this time they’re on your bare skin, your shirt bunched up from the downward movement.

You turn in his arms, his hands staying on your waist. He looks a little lost for words, his eyes wide as they meet yours.

“You’re strong,” you breathe out. “Thanks for not dropping me.”

His eyes fall to your mouth, watching each word as if it’s the most interesting thing he’s ever heard. You can feel your cheeks color as you really come to terms with your former crush (who maybe is turning back into a current crush) having his hands on your waist and eagerly staring at your lips.


His eyes draw back up to yours. “Hmm?” His head tilts adorably to the side, making him resemble a squirrel.

“You can let go now.”

This seems to snap him back to reality, though you notice that his hands linger even while he removes them, seemingly in no hurry to stop touching you.

“I’ll start a fire for us and make some hot chocolate from scratch, how’s that sound?”

You hum in agreement and he smiles brightly.

“Grab a seat on the couch, I’ll get everything ready.”


Fifteen minutes later, you’re snuggled up on the couch, book in hand and a blanket over your lap. While you’d been decorating, the sun had set, so the only light in the room was coming from the fireplace and the Christmas lights on the tree. Just as you’re turning the page, you feel a presence behind you.

“Whatcha reading?” Jisung peers over the couch, resting his head on your shoulder.

“Once Upon a Time in December,” you smile, glancing over at him out of the corner of your eye.

“...’s good?” he asks, breath tickling your neck.

You hum in reply. 

“Good.” He moves back toward the kitchen, reappearing with two mugs of hot chocolate. “Homemade hot chocolate for the lady,” he says, gently handing you a mug that reads ‘Peas On Earth’. 

“Peas on Earth?” you snicker.

“And goodwill to men,” he laughs, sitting next to you. “Read to me?”


“Will you read to me? You said it was good
or were you lying?” he smirks.

“No, it is good. But why do you want me to read to you?”

“It’s a Christmas story, it feels appropriate
and I like the sound of your voice.” The latter part of his sentence is much quieter, with a tinge of embarrassment.

“...okay.” Your voice is quiet to match his, and you adjust yourself to a more comfortable position.


30 minutes later, you’re curled into the corner of the couch, Jisung’s head in your lap. He hums contentedly as you read, your fingers gently carding through his hair.

You pause for a moment and he looks up at you sleepily.

“Why’d you stop?”

You smile down at him. “I need to drink something, my voice is going away.”

He jolts up next to you, immediately concerned. “Why didn’t you say something before? I’m so selfish, wanting you to read, and now you’re going to go hoarse!”

You bring your hands to his cheeks, forcing him to stop talking. “Ji, hush
I wanted to read, you’re fine. I’ll just finish off my hot chocolate.” You reach over to your mug, draining the last of its contents.

You place it back on the table, waiting for Jisung to lay back down, but he doesn’t. Instead, he’s staring at you intently.


He scoots closer to you. “You’ve got
just there
” He reaches forward, gently swiping his thumb across your upper lip. Meanwhile, you would like to melt again. Or combust, whichever comes first.

You can see whipped cream on his thumb as he lifts it off your face, and your face colors both from embarrassment and proximity to him.

“Is it gone?”

Jisung shakes his head, leaning closer again-but this time, it’s his lips hovering just over yours.

“ this okay?” he whispers, eyes locked on yours.

You swallow thickly, nodding. His lips connect with yours softly at first, then more insistently as one of his hands grabs your waist and the other works its way into your hair.

The moment doesn’t feel real-your crush of four years (okay, five) is kissing you, in a cabin, in front of a Christmas tree. Your heart is beating a million miles an hour and you can’t quite breathe-but that might be because you’ve just sighed into Jisung’s mouth and he’s now taken your bottom lip gently between his teeth.

Before things can get more heated, he draws away from you, eyes sparkling. “I think all the whipped cream’s gone,” he laughs, leaning in to place another quick kiss on your lips.

You reach out and swat at his chest, which makes him laugh even harder.

“I hate you, Han Jisung,” you giggle.

He raises his eyebrows, smirking. 

“I hate you more.”


Taglist: @alpacaparkaseok @hyungieyoongi @derinxfam

You can find more of my work here!

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More Posts from Delacyrose224

2 years ago


jin + solos (cr. namuspromised, 3cmgoogie, apple tape)

2 years ago

Thank you for including me on this list!! Gold Rush was my first ever fic on tumblr, so this means a lot. đŸ„č

ficrecs (nct, bts, skz)

✰ favorites

hello! trust me, i've read a lot on here. and it isn't exactly easy to find works worth your time. so I gathered fics that i firmly request you give a shot. i must remark that i am very particular with what I read, and am a bit too confident you will throughly enjoy most of these! this post is also kind of works as an archive for me, so i might just add more to it as time goes on.

most of these include mature content so please be aware of the details/warnings before reading!

all credits go to the respective authors.


stopped smoking, but I'm not used to it - lee taeyong ✰ @naptaemed

use me - lee taeyong @yutaholic

domaine de la romanĂ©e - jung jaehyun ✰ @heartau

(tell me) what's your motive? - jung jaehyun @naptaeming

sleep well, princess - jung jaehyun @anashins

team captain - jung jaehhyun @smileysuh

daddy issues - johnny suh ✰ @yutaholic

call me by your name - nakamoto yuta @yutaholic

monetary value - mark lee @starryhyuck

all that glitters - mark lee ✰ @gohyuck

in these walls - mark lee ✰ @gohyuck

jealousy - mark lee @yutaholic

follow through - mark lee @ncteez

pussy blocked - lee jeno @luvdsc

two photos, two kisses - lee jeno @slightlymore

the talk box - na jaemin @newdecades

smultronstalle - na jaemin ✰ @gohyuck


lavender honey - kim namjoon ✰ @oftenderweapons

last christmas - kim namjoon @jjungkookislife

i'll float away - min yoongi @ppersonna

bad habits - min yoongi @sugakookitty

little do you know - min yoongi ✰ @yoonia

holding you like this - kim taehyung ✰ @jimilter

ruined - kim taehyung @taegularities

rubies and roses - kim taehyung ✰ @min-youngis

this is how you fall in love - jeon jungkook @jeonqkooks

crazy over you - jeon jungkook @spideyjimin

live through this - jeon jungkook ✰ @starshapedkookie

forever heart - jeon jungkook ✰ @sparklingchim

lemon sherbet - jeon jungkook @extravaguk

the philosophy of good luck - jeon jungkook @kidguk

inkling - jeon jungkook @gguksgalaxy

concentrate king - jeon jungkook @bratkook

gold rush - jeon jungkook @delacyrose224

slow§steady - jeon jungkook @yoonia

risquĂ© - jeon jungkook ✰ @mercurygguk


quarter past midnight - bang chan @huenjin

domestic disturbance - bang chan ✰ @huenjin

non ducor duco - bang chan ✰ @chanluster

10/10 - bang chan ✰ @chanluster

business proposals - lee minho @chanluster

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2 years ago

If you receive this, you make somebody happy! Go on and send this to ten of your followers who make you happy or somebody you think needs cheering up. If you get one back, even better! đŸ„°

This is so nice, thank you!! đŸ„č

If You Receive This, You Make Somebody Happy! Go On And Send This To Ten Of Your Followers Who Make You

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2 years ago

đĄđšđ„đąđđšđČ 𝐠𝐱𝐟𝐭 đŸđšđ« đČ𝐹𝐼! ❊

hello! you have received a bouquet full of colorful flowers from an anonymous stay!

happy holidays, and enjoy your flowers!


(this delivery is from @view-bouquets, a virtual flower delivery service for fans of stray kids. for prettier flowers, click on the photo!)

want more STAYs to feel the love you just received? check out our pinned post for more details on our holiday special!

This is literally the most precious thing
whichever Stay sent me these, I hope you are having the best day!!

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2 years ago

2 days and already over 100 notes
I’m a little in shock! Thanks for reading everyone! đŸ„ș

Underneath the Tree

Underneath The Tree

Pairing: Han Jisung x reader

Genre: Pure Christmas fluff!

Word Count: 2.3k

Author's Note: Today's tune is Underneath the Tree by Kelly Clarkson! This is my first SKZ fic, so I'm a little nervous to throw this out into the world, but what better time than the holidays. I hope everyone is able to rest and spend time with loved ones as we head into 2023. Enjoy!



You step cautiously through the doorway into a large cabin, enough to hold 10 people.


The man behind you exclaims directly in your ear, making you jump. You twist around, only to find Han Jisung laughing. You swat at his arm, catching him off guard.

“Hey, what was that for?!” He rubs at the spot you hit, pouting.

“For being a jerk, that’s what! You just yelled in my ear for no reason!” you pout back at him, huffing a strand of hair out of your face. It does no good, falling right back in front of your eyes.

“Not no reason, I wanted to see if anyone was here, same as you. Duh.” 

You narrow your eyes and he just laughs some more. 

“Well, no one’s here. Clearly. I thought Chris was supposed to be here before us
weren’t we the only ones that still had work today before the holidays started?” 

You were supposed to come up to this cabin for a long weekend getaway with Jisung, your best friend Meg, and all of Jisung’s bandmates and friends
yet somehow you had arrived first.

“Yeah, I wonder if they stopped for snacks or something on the way
they didn’t need to, the cabin came fully stocked. I made sure to double check when I booked it.” Jisung shrugs and turns to head back out to his car. “I’ll check in on them
in the meantime, I’ll grab all the games we brought. You need anything?” 

You shake your head and move to go inside and explore, but before you can go too far Jisung grabs your arm, turning you towards him. 

“What?” you ask.

He gently reaches forward, tucking the errant strand of hair you’d been fighting behind your ear.



You’ve been wandering the house for 30 minutes while Jisung has been back and forth unloading his car. The cabin feels huge, and houses 5 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms (including one with a really fancy tub), a hot tub, and the biggest kitchen you’ve ever seen. You’ve found yourself in the living room, which has a fireplace as well as several giant bookshelves you’re now perusing.

“Anything good?” A sudden whisper in your ear causes you to jump for the second time that day.

Again, Jisung is laughing as you catch your breath and look at him. 

“Ji, if you don’t stop! You’re knocking years off my life, I swear

“That just means you will have spent more of your life with me,” he smirks. “My question still stands
find anything good?”

You feel slightly embarrassed as you motion towards a stack of books you’d been building on the side table beside you. There’s no way you’d get through them all this weekend, but that wouldn’t stop you from trying.

Jisung kneels down to inspect the books. “Meet Me Under the Mistletoe
The 12 Dates of Christmas
Once Upon a Time in December
seems like there’s a theme here, hmm?” He looks up at you, eyes sparkling with mischief.

“Is it a crime that I want to read seasonal romances now?” you huff indignantly.

He stands up, his face closer to you than you’d necessarily be comfortable with. “Why would you want to read something like that when I’m right here?”

You don’t know how to answer that question. You’d been friends with Han Jisung for a good 5 years, and what he didn’t know was that you may or may not have had a crush on him for 4 of those years. It became apparent to you within the last year that you needed to move on and accept that the two of you were just friends. Most of the time, this wasn’t that difficult. When he was staring into your eyes, his face inches from yours, asking questions related to romance and himself
it got a little harder.

He finally breaks the silence with laughter, his cheeks rounding out in a way that you’d always adored.

” you clear your throat, “what happened to Chris and the other boys?”

Jisung’s face falls immediately.

“About that
so, Chris got sick last minute. No one else could drive.”

“And Meg had to go see family, which means

“It’s just us all weekend!” 

You stare at each other. Jisung has a tentative smile on his face, but the longer the silence goes on, the more it starts to fall.

“...unless you want me to just take you home?” he asks softly.

Could you handle all weekend with just him? You’re not sure. But you absolutely can’t handle him looking like a kicked puppy.

“Never. Let’s make the most of it!” you exclaim, trying to hype yourself up.

“Yes! I’m so excited, this is gonna be the best weekend ever!!” He runs over, throwing his arms around you and spinning you in a circle before placing you back on the ground.

Your heart is pounding from the close contact, and you’re desperately hoping your friend didn’t notice. 

What had you just agreed to?


After unpacking your things in one of the many bedrooms, you come back down to the living room, only to see a massive tree in the corner by the fireplace. You’re sure that wasn’t there before
you would have noticed a tree, right?

Jisung comes into the room just then, carrying a large gray plastic tub which he sets by the tree.

“Oh, hey
I didn’t realize you’d come down,” he grins.

“I just did, but what is this?” you gesture towards the tree, confused.

“Oh, I found that Christmas tree in one of the million rooms down here and brought it in here
felt more festive,” he shrugs.

You stare at the tree. It’s a pine tree for sure, but there’s nothing on it.

Jisung follows your stare and nudges the tub with his foot. “That’s what this is for. Decorations.”

“So the people that own this cabin left an undecorated Christmas tree and decorations? They really thought of everything.”

He shakes his head. “No, they left the tree. I brought the decorations.”


“I knew there was going to be a tree, but it needed decorations. So I brought some.”

You can’t help but clap your hands in excitement.

“So let’s decorate!!”

The two of you string white lights around the massive tree, which is easily at least 6.5-7ft tall. Once the lights are on, you turn back to the tub of decorations, which has a massive amount of blue and silver ornaments in it.

You lift a bauble delicately out of the container and place it gently on the tree.

“Perfect,” Jisung whispers beside you. You turn and he’s looking directly at you. 

Willing yourself to do anything but think too hard about what’s happening, you blurt out, “Blue and silver are my favorite colors for Christmas decorations
it looks like a winter wonderland!”

Jisung smiles. “I know, that’s why I brought them.” 

You wish you could melt into the floor. Alas
you are solid and your body refuses to be anything but.

“W-what about everyone else?” you splutter. 

“You get into Christmas stuff the most, so I figured everyone else could just deal.”

You smile despite yourself, knowing his statement is true.


His smile lights up, rivaling the lights on the tree. “Now let’s get this tree decorated!”


The two of you stand back, marveling at your handiwork. The tree is dripping with lights, and too many ornaments to count. 

The only thing left is a glittering silver star. Too bad the top of the tree is too tall for either of you to reach, and there’s no ladder in sight.

“Here,” Jisung hands you the star. “I’ll lift you up, and you should be able to reach the top.”

You stare dumbfounded. 

“What? Come on, I’m not that weak
I’ve been lifting lately!” he almost whines at you, pushing up his sleeve and flexing his bicep.

This is it
this is how it all ends. One of your best friends flexing at you, inviting you to have him wrap his arms around your waist and lift you up to put a star on top of a Christmas tree.

You find yourself numbly nodding, stepping forward as Jisung moves behind you, pushing up his other sleeve.

“Ji, be careFUL!!” you screech as you’re suddenly lifted off the ground with no warning, his arms wrapped snugly around you.

“I’ve got you, it’s fine,” he laughs, stepping slightly closer to the tree. You use one hand to steady yourself against the branches and use the other to extend the star towards the top-only problem is, you’re still not quite high enough.

“Hannie, I still can’t reach
let me down, it’s fine without a star.”

“Not on my watch
hold on a sec,” he tightens his grip around you before suddenly hoisting you up and lowering his hold from your waist to your hips.

You let out a small gasp at the sudden movement, causing the man beneath you to huff out a laugh. 

“Try now.” You steady yourself again, and reach towards the top with the star, managing to slide the decoration on the topmost branch.

“Got it!” you exclaim triumphantly, looking over your shoulder at Jisung.

“I knew we could do it!” he beams. “Hold steady
going down.” He loosens his grip on your hips, which makes you slowly slide down and into his arms. His hands end up on your waist again, but this time they’re on your bare skin, your shirt bunched up from the downward movement.

You turn in his arms, his hands staying on your waist. He looks a little lost for words, his eyes wide as they meet yours.

“You’re strong,” you breathe out. “Thanks for not dropping me.”

His eyes fall to your mouth, watching each word as if it’s the most interesting thing he’s ever heard. You can feel your cheeks color as you really come to terms with your former crush (who maybe is turning back into a current crush) having his hands on your waist and eagerly staring at your lips.


His eyes draw back up to yours. “Hmm?” His head tilts adorably to the side, making him resemble a squirrel.

“You can let go now.”

This seems to snap him back to reality, though you notice that his hands linger even while he removes them, seemingly in no hurry to stop touching you.

“I’ll start a fire for us and make some hot chocolate from scratch, how’s that sound?”

You hum in agreement and he smiles brightly.

“Grab a seat on the couch, I’ll get everything ready.”


Fifteen minutes later, you’re snuggled up on the couch, book in hand and a blanket over your lap. While you’d been decorating, the sun had set, so the only light in the room was coming from the fireplace and the Christmas lights on the tree. Just as you’re turning the page, you feel a presence behind you.

“Whatcha reading?” Jisung peers over the couch, resting his head on your shoulder.

“Once Upon a Time in December,” you smile, glancing over at him out of the corner of your eye.

“...’s good?” he asks, breath tickling your neck.

You hum in reply. 

“Good.” He moves back toward the kitchen, reappearing with two mugs of hot chocolate. “Homemade hot chocolate for the lady,” he says, gently handing you a mug that reads ‘Peas On Earth’. 

“Peas on Earth?” you snicker.

“And goodwill to men,” he laughs, sitting next to you. “Read to me?”


“Will you read to me? You said it was good
or were you lying?” he smirks.

“No, it is good. But why do you want me to read to you?”

“It’s a Christmas story, it feels appropriate
and I like the sound of your voice.” The latter part of his sentence is much quieter, with a tinge of embarrassment.

“...okay.” Your voice is quiet to match his, and you adjust yourself to a more comfortable position.


30 minutes later, you’re curled into the corner of the couch, Jisung’s head in your lap. He hums contentedly as you read, your fingers gently carding through his hair.

You pause for a moment and he looks up at you sleepily.

“Why’d you stop?”

You smile down at him. “I need to drink something, my voice is going away.”

He jolts up next to you, immediately concerned. “Why didn’t you say something before? I’m so selfish, wanting you to read, and now you’re going to go hoarse!”

You bring your hands to his cheeks, forcing him to stop talking. “Ji, hush
I wanted to read, you’re fine. I’ll just finish off my hot chocolate.” You reach over to your mug, draining the last of its contents.

You place it back on the table, waiting for Jisung to lay back down, but he doesn’t. Instead, he’s staring at you intently.


He scoots closer to you. “You’ve got
just there
” He reaches forward, gently swiping his thumb across your upper lip. Meanwhile, you would like to melt again. Or combust, whichever comes first.

You can see whipped cream on his thumb as he lifts it off your face, and your face colors both from embarrassment and proximity to him.

“Is it gone?”

Jisung shakes his head, leaning closer again-but this time, it’s his lips hovering just over yours.

“ this okay?” he whispers, eyes locked on yours.

You swallow thickly, nodding. His lips connect with yours softly at first, then more insistently as one of his hands grabs your waist and the other works its way into your hair.

The moment doesn’t feel real-your crush of four years (okay, five) is kissing you, in a cabin, in front of a Christmas tree. Your heart is beating a million miles an hour and you can’t quite breathe-but that might be because you’ve just sighed into Jisung’s mouth and he’s now taken your bottom lip gently between his teeth.

Before things can get more heated, he draws away from you, eyes sparkling. “I think all the whipped cream’s gone,” he laughs, leaning in to place another quick kiss on your lips.

You reach out and swat at his chest, which makes him laugh even harder.

“I hate you, Han Jisung,” you giggle.

He raises his eyebrows, smirking. 

“I hate you more.”


Taglist: @alpacaparkaseok @hyungieyoongi @derinxfam

You can find more of my work here!

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