Bts Fics - Tumblr Posts

3 years ago


SYNOPSIS:  After forming a bond with an unidentified stranger at your family’s ball, your parents send you off to marry Min Yoongi in attempt to mend their relationship with the Min family. Having to forget about the stranger and accept your new life, you end up being closer than you think with the mysterious man that you couldn’t seem to shake off without even knowing it was him.

GENRE: princess/ prince au, forced marriage au, forbidden love au, angst, fluff

WORD COUNT: 8.5k (she's big)

WARNINGS: swearing, not much in this one

A/N: hello! This is my second work that I am publishing so I hope you all enjoy. I like this one a lot. Again, this is unedited because I hate editing so don’t mind errors. 





Your eyes shifted back and forth from the swirling balls of light above back to the flickering candles across the brick path. The delicate rose bush obstructed your vision slightly from where you were laying on the floor, but you could still see the wavering light dance in the cracks of the flowers.

A heavy sigh escaped your lips as your gaze traveled back up to the stars, you watched them twinkle with all their beauty. You've always loved the stars, the moon, and the sky. It was one of the few things in life that was constant, that must have been why you liked it so much. The stars brought you comfort, and recently you've been escaping social gatherings to look up at the sky any chance you'd get.

"My lady," you recognized the voice, and you knew the person who owned it had been sent out to find you, they always were sent out to find you, "what are you doing out here instead of enjoying the celebration?"

"My dear Jasper," you gently brought yourself to a seated position as your hands dug into the soft grass under you, "don't act coy, you know exactly why I am out here instead of in there. Mother must have sent you."

As mother has always sent poor Jasper to come and find you when you decided to, in her words, "go rouge" and leave the celebrations they throw. It was a common occurrence that your family holds a celebration inviting everyone in the land to come and party in your castles dining hall. Common people from all around would dress in their best attire in order to get a chance at royal life for a night. Royalty from other parts of the continent would travel far distances to experience a stupendous and rather famous party in the Kingdom of Candor.

"Yes, your mother has sent me. She would like you to come back to the castle immediately, she is to announce the upcoming event in place and would like you there as it regards you." Jasper's eyes sadden as he mentioned the last part, but he quickly composed himself. He knew of your displeasure with the royal ball to be held this Sunday, just two days away. He knew of most things about you. Jasper, being your royal servant, has spent majority (if not all his time) at the castle with you. You have seen Jasper more times that you've seen your father in the past year, and dare you say Jasper has been kinder to you than your father ever would be.

"Of course she would. Let me walk around the garden one last time then I will make my way back." You pushed yourself to a standing position, hands scrapping against the black material of your fitted dress brushing all the grass piece off.

You began your walk down the stoned pathway, arms encircled around your body as a breeze passed by pushing your hair back. The flowers rustled in the wind and the sight of it made a slight smile appear on your lips. Like your love for the stars, you also shared a love for flowers. But your love for the latter of the two differed. You loved the stars because they were constant, you loved flowers because they provided a sense of renewal, a hope that you too could bloom in the coming spring. The delicate petals fascinated you since you were a child and your love for it grew as your garden did. It was in no way complete, but it was filled with all kinds of flowers in each corner. Your mother disapproved of the 'messy' look to it and demanded you just plant roses there, but like always, you never listened.

You stopped in front of the anemone bush fingers wrapping around a single bud ripping it from its roots. You then placed the flowers in your hair that was held up by a pin in back. You grabbed another one placing it next to the other flower as you pull your mask down before turn to Jasper who stood waiting for you, "Shall we go?"

"Yes, my lady," Jasper held his arm out for you to grab onto as you walk on the pathway back up to the dining hall where people danced and chatter could be heard from where you two stood, "Why did you pull those flowers out and place them in your hair Princess Y/N?"

"Do you know what flower this is, Jasper?" He shook his head.

"My these flowers that I picked are anemone. They have many different meanings. One is protection against evil and ill wishes, another is the arrival of the first spring winds. They mean protection and rebirth. Lovely, isn't it?"

"Yes, they sound beautiful," The two of you were standing beside the door and Jasper reached forward gripping the metal handle.

"But they have another meaning too you know," Your arm laced around his once more once you were inside and the loud chatter made your voice barely audible for the older male, "they also mean forgotten love and affection."

He barely heard the last part, something you hoped he would have possibly caught onto, but it seems the noise was too loud, "That's nice my lady."

"Yes," You bitterly smiled as the two of you arrived where your mother and father stood composed, but you knew they were fighting back hostile words to throw your way, "it's very nice."

Jasper bowed to the King and Queen then retreated to his post standing tall near the other guards and servants around.

"Nice of you to finally join us," You father's voice was stern and his facial features static upon seeing you. "Now we can make the announcement."

Guards gathered around you as they lifted their horns causing the chaos in the room around to settle down. Eyes gathered to see the royal family stand above. Your family carefully tore off the masks that had been concealing your faces.

"Ladies and gentlemen, first of all I would like to thank each and every one of you coming to the kingdom tonight from lands far away to celebrate our dear daughter today." Your father placed a hand on your shoulder as those below clapped letting out cheers left and right. "With her reaching the dashing age of twenty-one we have decided to search for her beloved partner in life. This Sunday will be another ball hosted here to find the lover for my daughter. By her request it will be a masquerade ball like tonight, so please wear your best mask. We wish to see you all here again. Now let's wish a big happy birthday to my daughter, Y/N, princess of Candor!"

He raised his glass above the hall and those below did too letting out a perfectly coordinated happy birthday. You forcefully smile lifting your own glass up then bowing down to the crowd below. Upon doing so the flowers in your hair became noticeable to your mother who has stood with a sour look on her face ever since you entered the castle smelling like the outdoors, "Why would you place such ugly things in your hair?! Pulled from the root itself not even washed in water before?"

"Mother do you know what the meaning of the anemone flower is?" You took a sip from the champaign in your hard before turning to face her.

"Who cares for the meaning? They're ugly and ruin your hair. Take them out immediately."

"You just proved their meaning." A distain look formed on your fragile face. You bit your inner lip placing your glass on the tray that a waiter had held beside your family and your legs brought you to the stairs.

"Where are you going young lady?" Your father grumbled rushing to reach your side gripping your arm.

"To speak with our guests. You know the people who are here for me without me even wanting them to be here."

You finished your descent down the spiral stairs now entering the ballroom area where tables were scattered around, and people were dancing to the live music. Guests hurried to greet you as you walk by wishing you happy birthday mentioning that they traveled from far to greet you here. Mostly commoners ran up to get a glimpse at the beautiful princess, and young children ran to see the person they look up to. You greeted the children with pure bliss, the smile on your face reached your eyes anytime you bent down to hug a child that would give you a handmade bracelet as a present.

"I love it," You would say adding it to the collect of arm decor smiling at how adorable their creations were.

Now you sat by the bar area unhappily stirring the drink you had in hand while the bartender for the night tried to tell you horrible jokes to cheer you up.

"Can I tell you a joke about pizza?" Seokjin leaned over the counter eyes waiting for your response. He always did this, tried to make you happy when you felt all the opposite of it. Seokjin perhaps was your only friend in this castle, everyone else being too old for you to speak too or being too harsh on your behavior.

"Sure," You lazily replied while watching your soda swirl around in your cup, the bubbles popping at the top.

"Ah never mind it was too cheesy," He laughed, his laugh being a very distinct laugh that lulled you to join in.

"Just to let you know," You continued laughing as he did, you brought your hand up to cover your mouth as you did so, "I'm laughing at your laugh, not the joke. The joke was as bad as the last."

"But you laughed which means my work here," He flipped the glass in hand, "is done." He then walked away attending to other needs of the people who started to form a line demanding drinks left and right.

You pitied the workers here; they were often thrown around by the noble men and women who visited and believed that anyone who wasn't a part of the elite simply weren't worth the extra effort of being kind. You didn't believe in such a system and were open to speak with anybody, and that is why out of all your family you are the only one downstairs greeting people as they do you, while they sit upstairs only speaking with other royal families that venture up.

You quickly snickered at the pretentiousness of it all and downed the glass before you whipping your lips ridding the excess liquid from them.

"Excuse me, your highness," a voice behind you caught your attention and you shift your chair around catching the dark eyes of a male, "I believe this is yours."

In his hands he held the delicate anemone flower pushing it up to reach your line of vision. You look down at the purple flower then back up to the gentleman who had offered you the item that had fallen from your hair. His eyes were deep, you felt as though you were looking into a swirling stone of blackness. The rest of his features were covered by a mask, a beautiful white mask with the detailing of lines etched onto the surface of making a beautiful pattern.

"It is," you extend your hand forward, fingers brushing with his as you grab the delicate flower, "thank you."

"Anemone is an interesting choice of flower, don't you think?" The individual lingered around watching as you placed the flower back into your hair tucking it in securely. "Most royalty stick with the basic rose or tulip, and much less would they place it in their hair."

"Well, sir," You stood up from your chair brushing your dress down and retrieving your mask from the counter, "next time I'll make sure to be clad in roses and tulips with no other flower to be seen."

"Hey, hey," he held his hands up in response to your now defensive tone, "I mean no harm in pointing that out. I love anemone flowers. And it fits the theme for tonight, you know your birthday and now you're going to find you lover in just a few days."

"Don't remind me," You bitterly let out as your eyes drift around the room seeing those around now begin a dance floor in the center where tables were not placed. They moved around smiling with those around them, the mask covering their face not hiding the fact that they were doing so, much different from the crown behind yours.

"Not excited?" The man leaned against the counter letting his other arm rest on his hip. The suit he wore was obviously slight too small for him as the material hugged his defined arm showing off the muscle that hid underneath his jacket.

"My parents say it's a ball for me to find my beloved, thought of course they will have the final say, as they always do." You scoffed realizing this man's voice is not familiar to you at all. His looks, from what you could tell, are too not familiar and your furrow your eyebrows together under the mask letting out a soft tsk. "Have we met before?"

"Not to my knowledge." He clicked his tongue. "We don't really fit on the same social spectrum, your highness."

"Please stop with the formality. I hate when people always address me as 'your highness' it sounds so condescending." You scrunched your nose at the nickname.

"Well, what would you like me to call you, princess?" He was playing with you; you could tell by tone in his voice. He said princess in a way to make it stand out against the other words, he wanted to get a reaction out of you.

"My name would be just fine." You ignored his earlier comment. "And what should I call you?"

"I like the mystery so perhaps I won't tell you." You could tell he held a smug look on his face just by the way the words left his lips. He seemed like a hot shot, perhaps a prince that was too cocky, but he did mention that you weren't of the same class.

"Well mystery boy, when will I get the privilege to call you by your real name?" You began to bite the inners off your lips as you take in his appearance once more. By the looks of it he could be a prince if he were born into the right family. He was gorgeous no doubt, and his charm was impeccable.

"When you earned it." He flashed another smug smile which brought butterflies to your stomach. His gaze dances around your face trying to gather any intel on what you were feeling in that exact moment.

"Ah and what must I do to earn it?" You leaned forward as he licked his lips letting his tongue press against the inside of his cheek.

"For starters-" Before he could continue, he was cut off by Jasper stepping to your side giving a light tap on the shoulder.

"The King and Queen would like you to meet some people upstairs. Please follow me my lady." He held his arm out for you to grab as you rolled your eyes for possibly the twentieth time that night."

"Leave it to my parents to ruin yet another good thing during this night." You sighed letting your arm rope around Jasper's. Turning he began leading you towards the steps but before you could get father you stopped to look at the fine gentleman at the bar.

"May we meet again. I would really love to know what you were going to say." you then began your ascent up the stair grabbing the loose fabric of your dress, holding it tightly to ensure you don't trip and fall on the long attire.

The male, who still leaned against the counter, let out a curious chuckle tilting his head down letting his eyes close for a small moment before letting them reach back up to where you stood.

He was interested in you no doubt, but he shouldn't be.

He can't.


"Have you gotten the mask I have asked for?" You kept your cloak up shielding your face from others in the workman's shop making sure you keep your identity hidden.

"Yes, just how you like it, Violet." Yeonjun, the works man held out the wrapped material for you to grab. "I made sure to put the flower etched on it with precise execution. It was kind of difficult with the one flower you gave me to reference, but I tried my best."

"I'm sure you did wonderful, you always do." You placed the mask into the satchel that hung from your body. "Thank you for doing this. I will commission some money to you at the ball this Sunday. Meet me in the normal spot." Your voice lowered making sure it wasn't audible for the others around.

"Sounds good, Violet. I will see you there," He winked before attending other customers in the shop.

Yeonjun was someone that you met when you were just a young girl, and he was a young boy. His father was chosen to make masks for your family's royal gathering, and he came along with his father to see how business was done in the castle. You and Yoongi because close friends after that day and as you grew older you often would escape the castle grounds covering yourself with a cloak to blend in with the common people. He calls you Violet outside castle grounds to not draw attention.

Walking along the dirty road your feet scuffed against the ground and your cloak drags behind you collecting dust. The weather was beautiful out, a wonderful spring day where the birds were chirping, and the sun was shining.

The flowers were in full bloom at the castle, colors collided with each other, and open buds welcomed the spring weather will glee, yet here in the village there were little flowers to be found. The ones that were there were near death clinging onto their last breath of air before the last dead petal fell off from dehydration.

"You poor things," you frowned as your fingers brush against a rose bud, the slight touch causing the flower to fall from the stem to the cracked sidewalk.

"Sad isn't it?" You turned your focus from the empty stem to the gentleman that is now beside you, Park Jimin.

"Hello Jimin," You gritted your teeth slightly, "fancy seeing you here."

"I can say the same thing to you, princess," The last words he too said through gritted teeth offering a fake smile, "Aeris is waiting by the front gates."

"Why is it that you're always first to find out of my departure?" You huffed crossing your arms over my chest. "It's as though you are waiting for me to leave."

"If your father finds out you left with our best horse again he will not be pleased with me." Jimin stood impatiently. "You know what happened last time, he yelled at me."

"And I yelled at him. I defend you."

"Yes, but I still got in trouble for your actions. Think for once." His pointer finger extended pushing against your arm. "Your highness."

"You use proper names when speaking to me but somehow your actions don't follow in suite with that." You tilted your head to the side. "Let's walk around a bit then I will follow you home. If father wonders why we were out informed him that we went to the creek we used to go to ask child."

"Your father doesn't like me, remember? I'm just a stable boy and you're the pretty princess." He now began advancing towards the gated entrance.

"I don't understand why you're still offended by him telling you that I am not for you. You're gay first of all, second of all we were just friends." You rushed towards him in defense of yourself. "And I have done nothing but treat you like a normal person, not someone below me, you know this Jimin."

"Yes, but it still hurts when your father always deems me as below." His voice became softer as you reached the horses who were kept in check by a guard, the one guard who wouldn't be too harsh on your for leaving a castle.

"I am not my father." You replied just above a whisper. "I will never be my father."


Today was the day, the day you dreaded so. The infamous ball has finally arrive and the castle was frantic prepping everything. The dining hall was busy preparing meals, they have been working since early morning, and have no taken a break since. The maids were making sure the rooms were in prestige order, not even a speck of dust left on a window sill or painting. The guards were keeping check of the area making sure no funny business was happening in and around the castle grounds.

And you, you sat in your pretty dress while people made your makeup look all pretty and put your hair in pretty clips and told you of how pretty you look, but you felt like anything but.

You felt sick, your stomach churned and with the tightness of the dress you were almost sure you were going to vomit but the time the night was over. Your head hurt due to the lack of sleep the night before, you had been up overthinking, overthinking about how you'd rather be anywhere else.

"My lady," Your personal stylist/ nanny looked down at your standing figure that looked in the mirror, "You look beautiful."

"If only I felt beautiful."

"Hush," She placed a delicate hand on your shoulder turning you to look at her, "I know you are not the craziest about tonight, but at least try to have fun. Keep a positive mindset."

"Mae, I've been trying and it's so difficult. I want to live my life the way I want to."

"I'm afraid the life you were brought into doesn't allow for a princess to live how they want." Mae's voice hollowed out as she said this phrase and her head glanced down at her fingers as she picked the skin.

"But it doesn't have to be that way." You muttered sitting down on the windowsill watching the crowds gather around the yard. People stumbled in with masks covering their face, mostly royal families that your family was close with have arrived early, at request of your father. He always liked to see old friends without, as he says, "the commoners getting in the way", something that you always scoff to when being said.

"Your father would like you down in twenty minutes tops. Any later and he will be angry." And with this she left you.

"Me being late will be the least of his worries." You mumbled as you watched the door shut behind her. You quickly then shot up going to you closet to pull out the mask you have picked up in the village the day before. You carefully placed it onto your vanity eyes twinkling with wonder at the beautiful etching, you will have to pay Yeonjun more for his excellent work. It was exactly like the flower you had shown him, a smeraldo flower. Blackness surrounded the blue petals that connected to another flower making a chain that spiraled around the mask.

"If my parents find out they will be sure to have me executed," you thought to yourself as you looked at the dress hanging in the closet. It was black, elegant but not too royal with the style of it. You had planned to change into this after the first signs of your parents getting drunk of their asses to the point that they wouldn't try to worry about where you were, they always did this for extreme events.

You wanted to not stick out like a sore thumb, you didn't want all these people greeting you during the night each trying to prove themselves worthy, each trying to win your hand in marriage. You wanted to enjoy your night and not be a princess for one. You wanted to be normal, and the only way to do that was to dress normal, act normal, and disguise yourself. You requested the masquerade for this exact reason.

Within the twenty minutes of waiting, you have complied a list of things you would like to do while under your disguise, first you'd speak to the princes, you wanted to see how they'd react to a common girl hitting on them and eliminate the ones who are the rudest because inevitable they all will be rude. This was due to the fact of you knowing your parents will force you to marry one of the princes tonight, so at least you could have some say in it.

Second, you would see where the night takes you. Allow yourself to speak to everyone without this looming figure of being princess on you. Tonight, you would be you and only you.

Being the type of person you are, you waited the full twenty minutes before heading to the ball room where everyone was gathered. Your father impatiently looked around and spoke to Jasper who you assumed he was summoning him to find you. His eyes looked up to meet yours and he clapped in response, "My lovely daughter has arrived! Everyone welcome Princess Y/N!"

A round of applause erupted as you stepped down. Their masks were on the table, at this open even there were to be no masks per your father's request. You waved as you approached tables chatting with the families around. Most of the princes asked you mundane questions that weren't relevant to anything and only diverted the attention back to themselves in some way, how typical.

A few princes were sweet, your childhood friend Taehyung was there. He was prince of your sister province, Gandor, and was a lot kinder than the other men there. You would marry him if it weren't for the fact that you didn't like him that way. He was your best friend, if not a brother. "The guest of honor tonight!" Taehyung rose to his feet engulfing you into a tight hug. "How's the royal lady feeling?"

"Like I need to get drunk in order to get through tonight," You pouted.

He chuckled at your response and put his arms on your shoulder. "If you're not feeling it lets sneak out later like we always do. We'll go hide in your garden."

"Actually, I have a different way of hiding tonight," You pulled his figure down as you leaned into his ear, "I'm changing later."

"Me too. I can't sleep in my tux."

"I am going to be a commoner tonight." You clarified and his backed away with wide eyes.

"That's bold, even for you. But I hope it works out."

"It will. Why do you think I requested a masquerade?" You smirked pointing to the mask that laid on the table.

"I always knew you were smart. Best of luck tonight," He then bowed before you and you did the same turning to greet the other tables.

The princes were boring and had personality traits that centered around their manly features. It was exhausting hearing men speak about themselves only with no account to what you have to say.

They boasted about the kingdom and how great it was, more so how great they have made it. They described the vast land they had, and the many brides lined up for then to court (which was supposed to make you jealous, but it only made your eye twitch).

"The common people are coming in now; may you all have a wonderful night tonight!" Your father had made the announcement from the podium as a guard tapped on your shoulder to escort you up.

"Your highness," He held his hand out and you declined his offer heading to the steps without him. You never understood why he confined you to the upper deck when commoners were entering, you'd be down there anyways greeting people later, what did it matter if you started down there?

"King of Luxors seemed to be enjoying your company. We haven't been too close with their kingdom either, he would be a good suitor." Your father smiled as people began entering the vast room staring in awe at the scenery around them.

For this event, your parents put their all into making it the most festive and beautiful ceremony yet. Roses hung from the ceiling, fell down the walls, and sat in the tables. Vines decorated the chairs and streamers were placed all around. Guards were wearing their usual uniform, but each adored a flower pinned to their chest. You insisted on flowers being the main thing here, purple roses.

"I don't like him," you didn't go into specifics, as if your father would care, but the King was too touchy for your liking. He rested a hand on your leg for far too long and his demeaning nature just didn't sit right with you.

He seemed to be the type to silence his wife, she was only there for his intimate needs and superior ruling. He wouldn't love you. He would just use you as another trophy in his life.

"His family has been very kind to us these past events." He continued. "They have offered aid to our farmlands."

"Nice." You gave a laden smile as your fingers grip the sides of your chair.

"Royal family of Daegu has also suggested some sort of merge." You perked up a bit at his words, eyes scrunching together at the proposition.

"You mean the family we have had a feud with for years?"

It was known that Candor and Daegu were not on the best of terms. Years ago, there was a war that almost obliterated both lands. Since then, there has been this unspoken tension between the two and your father has been trying to find a solution since the war. He knew of their eldest son, and he knew that possibly there could be a marriage to bond the two cities. Though he wasn't sure if the rival city would nip at his proposition but seeing the family at the royal event this evening, he was almost positive this arrangement would work out.

"Yes," He took a sip of his wine placing the cup down, "It is likely he will be in the running for your future husband. Please get to know the fellow tonight at this ball."

Min Yoongi. His name was bitter against your tongue and the aftertaste of it was enough to make bile rise from your throat. He was a ravished man, one that took after his parents identically. His mannerism and ideals directly mirrored that of his fathers. He was basically a carbon copy of everything wrong with the King of Daegu, but you had to admit he had the serene beauty of his mother.

His face was overwhelmingly stern with hints of delicacy laced throughout his features. His lips pout out and his eyes were like those of a raven. His dark hair was fluffy and sat perfectly atop his head, you were almost sure if he were to walk there would be a slight bounce in the locks. His outfit fit that of his personality, dark with underlying hints of softness. His jacket was black along with his trousers. His shoes were also black with hints of silver in the buckle and a small green embroidered MIN on the side. His pants adorn a silver belt that screamed wealth at the very sight. His button-down shirt had silver buttons that trailed up his midsection stopping at his chest where a few buttons were left untouched. His jacket adorned a pendent, the family pendent of two serpents intertwined with each other. In the middle his name was engraved on this silver in a dark green ink. He was sight to see, and definitely wasn't one you wanted to see for long.

"I'll try my best to." You turned away from the Min family's table on the upper deck peering down at the ballroom below.

You would be lying if you said you weren't looking for someone. Of course, you were trying to spot the very person that made the last ball all the more interesting. You weren't sure if where to find him and even if he were to be here tonight. If he was a commoner, it may be likely he wasn't allowed inside the ball, since this is a more formal event only the few who had gotten sent an invitation was allowed inside. It was luck of the draw you hoped he got picked.

"Princess Y/N," Turning to your right you were faced with Min Hoseok, the youngest child of the two esteemed Min children.

"Hello Prince Hoseok," You took his hand bowing to him while he placed a tender kiss on your own.

"How is the special guest doing tonight?" Hoseok was the kindest of the Min family and quite possibly the only one you have had a decent conversation with. He was the odd one out of the family, always too bright against the dullness of parent and siblings. He was the sun among the dark moons.

"As good as any special guests of courting balls are," You let out a solemn giggle.

"So have you heard the news?"

"Ah yes, the news that I am possibly going to be wedded to your oh so wonderful brother? Yep." You sighed bringing your hands together to play with your thumbs.

"I do wish there was a better way," Hoseok pursed his lips together as his hands found their way to his pockets. "Mother and father told us it is what is needed to bring peace. Bring peace my ass they just want wealth."

"It's fine, Hoseok. At least I'll get to see you more often."

"True, seeing me is a plus. But it doesn't seem fair." His lips jutted out in a protest. His soft features show sadness, and you tore your gaze from his face afraid you will cry right there.

"Nothing is fair in this life." And it was true, nothing in royal life was fair. Nothing in common life was fair. Nothing in life is fair.

m It was easier than you thought slipping away from the confines of your parents. They seemed to have gotten drunk earlier than you expected, the stress of finding a suitor must have made them down the drinks at a faster pace letting you leave them to their own happiness.


Jasper didn't follow you, he assumed you were just going to wonder around like you usually did. Which was valid because that's what usually happens when your parents get shitfaced.

It was hard to avoid the people rushing to get a glimpse at the princess, thankfully a secret corridor known to those in the palace helped you make your escape to your confines easy and painless. Upon entrance you tore off the mask placing it on your bed. You kicked off your ugly heels placing them beside your nightstand. Getting the too tight dress off your body was a task you didn't expect to take as long as it did. The dress with tied in several knots and halfway through you contemplated cutting them, but it would cause too much suspicion.

Finally, you undid the ties letting the dress fall into a heap at the bottom of your legs. You stepped out placing the dress on your bed next to your mask. You looked down at it with saddened eyes.

If only you parents let you do what you wanted to do with your life. Love whom you wanted to love, be who you wanted to be. But of course, that couldn't never happen. You're a princess.

The black dress was easy to get into, it wasn't as expensive nor as complex as the one on your bed. It was simple. Something you were used to but liked greatly.

You put your hair down letting the loose curls fall down your back. You looked... simple. Smiling at your reflection you placed the black mask on your face letting it cover more than half of your features. Your lips were the only thing showing along with part of your nose.

Leaving your room, you began your trip to the ballroom. It was a short distance from your living quarters using the hallways you've done before but it seems luck was not on your side tonight.

"Excuse me miss," It was the voice of the stable boy who probably left the party because of how he hated seeing the royals live it up, "You can't be here."

"I-" You paused trying to make an excuse, but Jimin noticed your worry mistaking it for a genuine lost commoner.

"I won't tell on you don't worry. Let me lead you to the ballroom." He held his arm out for you to grab as he graciously directly you to the ballroom. "Don't get lost again. The next person to find you might now be so kind."

"Thank you." Your lips curved up into a smile for the boy who you had known for years. "Thank you so much."

"No problem. Enjoy your night." He then left going back down the same corridor you just left.

Standing at the edge of the chaos you were pleased to not see stares slowly gather in your direction. People carried on with their normal tasks, the party went on, and you were able to be a part of it entirely now.

Walking around no one gathered at your feet, no one stopped you to have a conversation, no one tried to court you. It was pure bliss.

"Hello there! What can I get you tonight?" Seokjin, who was manning the drink station, leaned against the counter with a towel around his shoulder.

"Just water, please." You leaned against the counter too waiting with anticipation to see if he'll notice your act.

"On it!" He flipped through glass in his hand scooping ice and pouring water into it. "For the lady."

"Thanks, Seokjin." You smirked taking a sip from the dainty straw waiting for his reaction.

"Who-" He squinted at you taking in your appearance further and it was as though everything clicked in his mind. "Y/N?"

"Shhh!" You quiet him down hoping that no one nearby hear him. "No need to say it so loud." "Wow you did it. You finally did the masquerade switch. I've been waiting for this to happen; I should have guessed it would be tonight."

"What can I say?" You took another sip as he still stood there surprised at your actions.

"Man, if you get caught finding a suitor will be the least of your worries." He sucked in some air grabbing the towel to wipe down the access water on the counter.

"I'll just have to be extra careful tonight." You gave a determine smile placing the cup down on the counter. "I shall go mingle as a commoner now."

You were giddy stepping away from the counter passing people from all social classes and backgrounds.

As exciting as the experience was it you weren't sure exactly what to do. You can't just talk to people; you were sure how to approach them they usually are the ones doing the approaching. Dancing alone doesn't seem like the best idea, it would be quite awkward to say the least.

"You look lost," A hand lightly sat on your waist allowing the passer to slip past you in the crowded area. His hands were soft and his touch delicate.

"Just a bit," You looked up to see Taehyung with his hand on his hip and the other resting at his side.

"Well, you should work on that it makes you stand out more." Lifting his hand from his hip he held it out for you. "Now let's go dance!"

He snaked you through the crowd to the dance floor as the band began to play a partner dance song. It was common practice at the ball for everyone to dance and then switch partners throughout trying to converse with as many others as possible. You never participated in the practice because you father didn't want you touching "common folks' grimy hands".

"I'm exciting to finally try this." You were quick to follow in Taehyung's footsteps having him guide your move. You knew how to ballroom dance, but it had been a bit since you have done it.

"It's lots of fun. Chat with your next partner." And with that he flung you to the next person and you crashed into their hands as they began to dance immediately.

"Gorgeous dress." The man commented, his lips poking out from under his rather long mask. His jacket hung big on his arms, the sleeves hitting the lower part of your palm in his right hand.

"Thank you." Dancing with him was different from Taehyung. This man didn't seem to want to lead, he knew the steps but not confidently enough.

"Are you apart of a royal family or from a village?" He followed your guide, which was subtle not to expose your stance in a palace nor make you seem like you don't know what you're doing.

"I'm from a village. Draken down the road." He spun you around and your dress beautifully flowed our circling your area.

"I'm from Grubster." Grubster. A village you were familiar. It was basically the trash can of the land, exactly why it is called Grubster. The village was ridden with disease, poverty, and crime. Your parent had abandoned the town about a year ago not wanting to deal with the issue eventually letting it spiral out.

"Ah Grubster. Is it still bad there?"

"Bad? That has to be an understatement. Ever since the King and Queen abandoned the town it has been downhill. I hope when the Princess rules it will be better." His statement warmed your heart and caused your lips to curve up.

"She will." With that you switched falling into the arms of another person. This one be a prince that you met earlier in the night. His cologne was enough to know that it was him and the cocky smile too. You disliked him when first speaking and the thought of having to do it again formed a headache.

"Hello pretty lady," His voice was high pitched and not pleasant in anyway. He gripped your waist a bit too low and looked down at your breast for a bit too long.

"Hi," You said through gritted teeth. The rest of the time dancing he tried to make small talk but immediately went silent when you mentioned you're a commoner. He moved his hand up but of course his eyes still peeked down your dress.

It was the last partner to have during the dance and the prince you were with spun you a bit too hard causing you to stumble into the next man. His hands reached out to catch you and he steadied you.

"Whoa there." Due to the pace of the music you quickly had to compose yourself and begin dancing.

"Sorry," Your eyes peeked up and the familiar mask form nights before was right in front of you. He wore a different tux, and his hair was slicked back. He wore a smile on his face giggling at your clumsiness.

"It's fine." He knew how to dance but he wasn't as forceful as past partners you've had were. His pace was just right, and his grip wasn't too tight. "How's your night going."

"Surprisingly well." You chirped. "Usually, I don't enjoy these things."

"Don't enjoy? Why's that." He bit his lip in contemplation as his eyes scanned your features that could be seen.

"Well tonight I did something different with my looks," You smiled at the thought of your dress, your mask, and your flowers adorn on your wrist.

"Yeah, I see that. Still kept the same anemone flower though. Was hoping you'd switch it up."

Your body tried to freeze but he pushed you to keep going in the mess of dancing people. He figured you out, how could he? You spoke with him once for almost less than five minutes and he already could see through the facade.

"I don't know what you're talking about." You decided to play coy. Act like you don't know what he's talking about and make it seem like he is crazy for insinuating such a thing.

"It's okay I don't tell anyone, your highness." He winked, it was visible through his mask. "The flowers gave it away of course, otherwise very well done."

"Who are you?" You questioned once again.

"Like I said that's a mystery, my lady." He spun you around for the final part of the song. His hand encircled around yours once more and pulled you flush to his body for the final pose as the last note hit. "Now why are you hiding as a commoner tonight?"

People began clearing the floor and going about what they did before the special dance.

"None of your business," You stayed pressed to his body for a second too long and break it once you realize that.

"Ah I guess you're right." The mystery boy followed you down the path to the lonely table in the corner. You wanted to sit down and survey the area, see how those interact with each other.

"Are you following me?" You raise your eyebrow, but the act was hard to see behind the fragile mask.

"I want to spend time with the lovely lady," He bowed for effect. "And it seems like everyone else that I talk to here doesn't like my company."

"How sad," You let him sit by you because, while you may be playing tsundere you do like his presence. He was easy to talk to and fun to joke around with. He didn't seem to like you for your status, and you have to owe him one for not giving away your cover.

"It really is but at least I have you by my side." He hits his elbow against yours before leaving back into the terribly uncomfortable chair.

"Hey mystery boy," his head perked up as you let your finger brush against your lip, "how much do you like flowers?"

You watched at the male stepped around the garden making sure to press his hands against each and every flower he meets. His eyes filled with glee with each rustle of the flowers in the night wind.


"So, I'm guessing you love flowers." You giggled crossing your arms over one another seeing his turn around.

"Love? Of course I love flowers. How else would I have known what the anemone meant?!"

"True I should have suspected that from the start." You moved towards the center of the garden and plot your knees down.

"Back where I'm from we don't have many flowers, and if we do, they are dark." He moved his way towards you dropping down too on the grass, his hands dug into grass.

"I can't imagine living in a place like that. These flowers are the only that keeps me going lately." You sighed letting yourself lay down and now look up at the starts. Mystery boy joined you and looked up also.

There were a couple of moments of silence, the only thing being heard was your breathing and the occasionally wind.

"JK." He broke the silence as his hand rested on his stomach. "Call me JK."

"Huh, JK," you said it yourself smiling that he told you his name, or at least part of it.

"Yep, JK." He repeated.

It was silent again, but it was comfortable. You felt comfortable with him here in this moment. You haven't felt this comfortable with anyone since you met Jin, and that had been years ago. Everyone else wanted something from you, only liked you because you were the next heir to the throne.

Turning your head, you faced him to notice him already facing you. A smile was adorned on his face.

"What are you looking at?"

"You." A blush creeped on your face as you turn away in embarrassment.

"You're a commoner aren't you." You said absentmindedly. "Or perhaps you are a prince who actually is worth my time."

And you hoped he was a prince. If he were a prince you can get to know him, marry him even if that's what he would like also.

"My lady I'm only a prince for today. It is all an act." He rested his head against the soft grass again, eyes trained on the stars above now.

"And I am a commoner for tonight." You sat up a thought circling in your mind. "But perhaps for right now we can just be ourselves.

"And how do you suppose we do that?" He sat up resting on his hands cocking his head to the side.

"Let's take off the masks, the labels, and just be... us?" You suggested but the silence that followed made you think perhaps it was the right thing to say. "You know what it's dumb. Forget what I-"

"No!" He quickly stopped you. "No, it's not dumb at all." His hands lifted stopped right beside your cheeks. "Can I?"

"Yes." You tucked your bottom lip into your mouth as he grazed his hand behind your head. His other hand came to grip the mask at the front of your face. The whole time you studied his features. It was strange seeing it so up close and in this moonlight. His dark eyes were even prettier in the light.

Undoing the string the mask fell limp in his grip. You gave a small smile as he stared at your now bare face.

"Can I?" You raised your hands too enclosing the soft material of his mask. He nodded and you slowly inched towards the ribbon material on the back. You wanted to see his face, you wanted to see the man behind the mask.

"Your highness," Before you could tug at the string a strict voice called out to the two of you in the garden. Both of your head's whip to see Jasper with Herndery. The two of them looked disappointed in your change of clothes and disappearance at the ball. "We've been looking everywhere for you."

"It seems we know why now that we couldn't find you." Hendery had always been the meaner of the two, and the one you disliked the most.

"I'm assuming it's time for the closing ceremony." You said through gritted teeth. How stupid of you to have your cover blown in such a way.

"Yes, it is madam. Please retreat back to your room and change back into your other dress." Jasper held his hand out for you to grab. Tears filter in your eyes as you step away from the man you know as JK.

"Did you know this was the princess?" Hendery questioned the male.

"No, no he did not. Not until I took my mask off."

"Well then, sir. It is best for you to leave us as once." Hendery guided his leave and JK bowed. "I enjoyed the ball your highness."

And with that he left, and the tears began to pour.

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3 years ago

just a few updates!

i know i mentioned earlier i would post an update for ALMOST YOURS and obviously that didn't happen...

i have part of it written but i am planning to write more but would you rather have the roughly 2k word version that i wrote now to wait for me to the write 4-5k word version?

let me know and i'll see what i can do!

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2 years ago

love, pt. 1


01. 02. 03.


― Three months ago, I remember how my mind was clouded and dazed. My heart was confused and hurt. I saw you with someone else and I lost it. I was consumed with jealousy and feelings that I wanted to bury with myself. Trust me when I say this, I had zero bad intentions when I accepted to leave with her. 

But the second I followed her inside the car, she kissed me. Her lips were on mine and you know what I did? Nothing. I simply froze and when I finally regained a sense of where I was, it was far too late. She helped me numb the pain but only for a short while. Then when it was over, she asked me to stay. And I stayed because I didn’t want to see you. I knew I fucked up from the moment I laid next to her. Please know that I didn’t love her. She was simply a distraction from you. 

Now we’re dating and I try my best to make her happy. But you always come to mind in those moments where I kiss her, hold her, and sleep with her. I close my eyes and pretend it’s you and not her. I close my eyes always to remember your face. To remember the days we shared when you loved me. I wish you were here instead. 

I wish you were her instead.



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2 years ago

love, pt. 2


01. 02. 03.


― I feel so miserable these days. Almost like I can’t do anything at all because all I can think of is you. Maybe you hate me right now. Maybe you want nothing to do with me. But I can’t leave you. The you who I see in my dreams screams at me to leave. To move on, to heal. But how can I heal without you? How can I move on when all I hear is your voice when I listen to her.

She knows about you, I can sense it. She knows the truth because I have done nothing to hide it from her. Yesterday I woke up in the middle of the night sobbing because I dreamed of you again. She heard my cries for help and did nothing but stare at me like I was some pathetic loser. And maybe I am a loser. A loser who wants the impossible. The impossible of your smile, your lips, your eyes, and everything that you once gave me.

Fuck, when I think about you with someone else, it hurts. Why are you with him? He doesn’t deserve you. Hell, maybe I don’t deserve you either. But I am selfish, and all I crave is you. Don’t refuse me, don’t try to keep me away. I’m lonely and I’m aching for you. Please. You are the only cure to my pain, to the emptiness I feel within my heart.

Please come and save me.



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2 years ago



The rain poured on me, but I didn’t care. I rushed through the crowds of people, screaming her name because it was all I could do. Voice out my frustrations because she was leaving me. Voice out those demons that wanted to burst out of me. 

I tried to hold onto her, but she pushed me away. She looked at me with cold eyes and tears that were starting to form in the corners of her eyes. She turned away from me, leaving me in a state of pain that even I couldn’t understand. 

Then her voice and words from that letter came back to me.

The flowers in my garden are starting to wither away. One by one, soon enough they will all be gone. I won’t tend to those flowers any longer. Just like I won’t tend to our relationship either.

Priorities to you are your family and the children you will have one day. I heard she’s pregnant and it’s unfortunate how I didn’t hear it from you. Must be nice to have a dream of yours come true. Even if it’s not with me. It hurts, but it’ll hurt more if I stay.

Remember the nights you were in my bed. Those nights will remain precious to me till my last breath on this earth. On this planet where I met you. A man with a wife and an unborn child. Maybe on another planet, maybe on Saturn live the children we never had. Maybe on Pluto screams of love can still be heard. Maybe on the moon we both scream alone begging for forgiveness. 

Last night, after you drifted to sleep, I pondered what our lives would have been like if I had met you earlier. If I had met you before you married, would you have fallen for me? These questions will be left unanswered. The love that screams your name within me will stay. But you, my lover will fade away. 

Treasure our memories like I’ll treasure your face. I know you don’t love her, but one day the feelings you have for me will be shared with her. Your tears will disappear and be replaced with smiles and laughter. This child you will have one day will remind you of why you are alive. To be loved and to love.

It’s tragic that you won’t love me. But know this Jungkook, you will always be loved by me. 

Remembering those words, god it’s so painful to exist. To exist in a world where my life does not depend on me. Where I have responsibilities and places I have to be. Because if I could choose where to be, I would choose you in a heartbeat.


notes. this drabble was inspired by the song, Saturno by Pablo Alboran. it doesn’t give the same vibes as the song, but i like the end result. i did use a few lyrics from the song, the words that are bolded are the ones i used. i think overall this is a good piece of work. i mean it could be better, but i like it the way it is. i hope you will like it too. also, i think this video goes pretty well with this. enjoy!

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2 years ago

love, pt. 3


01. 02. 03.


― I had no idea you could be so cruel. Tell me, what was the point of sending him here to see me. Did you think that a few wounds would change my mind? I’m not insane love. I caught what you were trying to do.

He beat me up and yelled at me. He yelled about the two of you getting married and that I needed to stop with the letters. That you were tired of me and you wanted me out of your life. That those stupid letters were driving both of you sick. 

But you know what I find funny about this situation. How you still read my letters. Trust me, I know you will read this one too. Taehyung, I think that’s his name, your friend sent me a text telling me that you missed me. But you didn’t have the courage to come find me. You still love me, yet you are doing everything you can to keep me away.

Unfortunately, I’m tired of this game we’re playing. If you don’t have it in you to forgive me, then there’s no hope. I left her by the way. I left her because I wanted to be with you. You should do the same. 

But not for me, for yourself. Maybe I did cross the line with my letters, but I was dying in the inside. I cried myself to sleep every night I was with someone else. All I wanted was you and look at how you treat me. 

I’ll keep myself at a distance from you now. But I can’t say I’ll wait forever y/n.

Who knows, maybe one day I will love someone else.




notes. and this is how it finally ends. i wanted the ending to be more tragic or sad, but i didn’t want the ending to be painful for jungkook only. in the end, you can decide how this really ends. with jungkook and y/n together or apart forever. anyway, take care everyone and thanks for reading my first series of drabbles. bye.

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2 years ago

i’m here for you


[3:00 am]

hey i know you’re not doing well. i know you are struggling with life and you feel like a failure. but you know i’m here for you, right? i’m here to stay and make you feel better. but you need to realize that you need to put yourself first. if your parents are forcing you to do this and that, ignore them. do what makes you happy. we only live once. i want to see you happy. i want to see you achieving all your dreams. no matter how small they are, i’m sure you can make them true. and i’ll be there with you. just trust me and trust yourself. ignore the people that call you names or hurt you. yes you can’t escape from the pain. but if you can work through it, there is nothing that can stop you. not even i could stop you from being happy. so go, go do what you want to do and don’t look back! oh and remember that i love you <3


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2 years ago

when the moon rises


It’s 6 pm.

Concern laces your features as you flip through the study guide one of your peers lent you. The man, Jimin claimed that these papers would help you finish well. The end of the semester was approaching and next week would be quite eventful. The last week of college, when all finals would take place.

The classes you take, well they aren’t too hard. There’s just one class that you wish you hadn’t taken for your first semester of senior year. Oh well. Everyone makes mistakes.

The night is approaching and you wish you had more time. But you want to leave as soon as the moon rises. As soon as the moon is out and you can see its beautiful light. As soon as this happens, you will go find the person you most adore.

The library is quiet, but you think there might be a better place to study. Only you might find it hard to occupy your time reading and taking practice tests if you go there. Your focus would be on the handsome owner of the small bookshop near the city.

The walk to get there would take about 20 minutes, but you didn’t mind.

Not at all.

The whole time you’re walking, you’re thinking of the book you want to discuss with him. He recommended Frankenstein to you. You were reluctant to read it at first, but you gave it a chance. Especially because he suggested you would enjoy it.

The book was good. But it left you a little sad. You hoped he would recommend something completely different. Maybe a book to pass the time.

Finally, you arrive in front of the bookshop. The name of it displayed on the mirror reflects the moon adorning the sky. Magic Shop. Once you asked him why he chose this name for the shop. He didn’t give an answer at first.

But he eventually gave in to your whining.

“I don’t know. Maybe because many people come here to find some comfort. Like you.”

The moment he said this, you wondered if he knew why you came here every time the moon rose out to decorate the night sky. 

The moon. Before you two met, you swore there was nothing more beautiful than the moon. Now you know his eyes are more beautiful.

You interrupt your own thoughts and rush inside the shop. The night was finally here and you felt a sprinkle of water. Was it going to rain? Hopefully not.

When you step inside, he is there organizing a few bookshelves. He doesn’t hear you come in, earbuds in both ears. Only when you get closer does he notice your presence. “Oh hey.” He says this with a smile on his face. He’s happy to see you.

He stands up from his spot and removes both earbuds from his ears. “You are late.”

“I’m sorry Jungkook.”

The boy gives you this look, the kind of look he gives you when he’s been reminded of something. Sometimes it’s something stupid. Like when he forgets where he put the keys to close the shop. Or when he forgets that he boiled water for coffee.

“Wait here.” He quickly walks over to the checkout counter. His hands search for something and your curiosity grows. They reach for something, a piece of paper that’s been crumbled.

“You know Taehyung? The good-looking guy that’s always looking at books but never buys any.” The name is unfamiliar to you. But you do remember this man who always came to the shop. He never bought a book and you wondered if maybe he just liked to look at them.

But he could just go to the library.

“Yes, I do remember him. But why does it-”

Jungkook walks over to where you stand and hands you the paper. “Well, now we know why he likes this shop so much.” He smiles, but his smile doesn’t reach his eyes. The crumbled paper is now in your hand and you are confused. But you open it anyway.

It read the following.

I like you. Sorry for not coming to you. Please call me.

There was a phone number under these words. You look up at him. “He comes here because he likes you?” Jungkook starts laughing the moment you say this. His eyes crinkle a bit like they always do when he laughs. He can’t meet your gaze because he swears he won’t be able to stop laughing.

He stops when you continue to stare at him in confusion.

“No stupid. He likes you.”



“But why? He doesn’t know me.” Taehyung never spoke a word with you. You were beyond confused. But also concerned for him. He thought it was better to leave a note than to speak to you. What kind of guy does that?

He smiles at you. “I guess he liked you the very moment he saw you.” The silence that follows after concerns you. But you can’t seem to find any words to say. Jungkook is trying to decipher what it is you are feeling.

“The poor paper is in such a bad state. Why is it so crumbled?”

Jungkook’s eyes widen a bit. “Well, I was debating whether I should give it to you or throw it away.” He doesn’t dare look at you after confessing this. You wanted to know why he wanted to discard the paper.

“Why? He gave it to you so you could give it to me. Were you really going to throw it away? That’s not very nice of you.”

He looks like he wants the ground to swallow him. “No no. I just felt a bit jealous. But I didn’t let it get the best of me.” He felt jealous. No way.

“Jealous? I’m not your girlfriend Jungkook.”

“But you could be.” He meets your eyes and his face looks pretty serious. He’s not joking or flirting for no reason. Sometimes the two of you flirt with each other. But just for fun. Silly things friends do. Though there’s nothing silly about this.


He cuts you off.

“Look I know you like me too.”

You are going to lose your mind.

“I know this because you come here every night.”

Shit. He knew.

“I thought you just wanted to be my friend. But the looks you give the group of girls that come late at night with the excuse that they just want to read some books say something else. You can see right through them and I can too. We’re not oblivious to these people and their intentions. But it appears that you are oblivious to mine.”

He closes the distance between the two of you.

“Kindness only goes so far. I don’t have long conversations with most of my customers. I don’t ask them about their personal lives. I only took interest in you. Y/n we like each other so let’s stop pretending.”

You feel overwhelmed. But the good kind of overwhelmed. When you are feeling so many emotions, you can’t quite understand yourself. You kind of hate yourself for not realizing his feelings sooner. But you also blame him.

“Okay, maybe I was a little oblivious. But you! You never said anything, so I never did either. If someone’s at fault, it’s both of us.”

Jungkook smiles and nods his head. Your words are nothing but true. This confession causes an ache in your heart. How much time have you wasted? But there was no point in regretting the past. The future didn’t look so bad now.

You are lost in your thoughts and he uses this as an opportunity to kiss you. He kisses you gently with both of his hands cupping your face. The kiss doesn’t last very long. But the feel of his lips on yours consumes you with euphoria.

When Jungkook stops kissing you, he places a kiss on your forehead. Then he holds you in his arms for a while. At this moment, you’re so happy you could die in his arms. The warmth holds you close and you wish to stay with him like this forever.

But then he parts from you. He smiles and his eyes do the same. You’re about to ask him if you guys are dating now when he reads your mind. “Now my dear girlfriend. Tell me about the book. Did you like it? How about a cup of coffee?”

You smile. Forget the stupid finals. Tonight you were going to focus on Jungkook only.


notes. i wrote this one pretty quickly. it’s a simple story and it’s quite long compared to other drabbles. but i wouldn’t call this a oneshot. i hope you guys liked it as much as i did. thanks for taking the time to read this! enjoy <3

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2 years ago

this stubborn heart


The morning awoke Jungkook with warmth and he allowed himself to believe that the day would turn out differently.

His days so far had been marked with pain. Days where all he did was cry and drink until he was completely numb of any emotion. The memory of you and your hands letting go of him was engraved in his head. The wounds you had given him were becoming scars at this point.

He laid there on the hard floor, contemplating skipping another day of work. But he knew better than to actually go through with the idea. As much as he liked to believe he had enough to survive another day, he knew the money he had left would not be enough for him to sustain himself.

When he finally got out of bed and out of the small house, he walked over to the stables.

The man he grew accustomed to greeting every day was there cleaning the stables. “It’s a bit early for you, sir?” the man asked him as he worked on his morning duties.

“Yes, it is. But someone needs to bring food to the table.”

He barely made enough money to buy this house. The house he gifted you when you told him you’d leave everything behind to be with him. But there was no point in feeling sorry for himself. He deserved a life without you.

After leaving the stables, he walked over to his cart. Grabbing the cloth that covered the cart, he discarded it to reveal the goods he would sell for the day. There wasn’t anything in there of great value. Only a few spices, wine, fruits, and vegetables.

The sun welcomed Jungkook as he moved his cart to a less crowded area in the village. As much as he wanted to sell everything he had, he didn’t want to fight again with the other merchants. They all shared a distaste for him. Maybe it was the fact that his sole existence stole their customers.

Unfortunately, he didn’t like conflict so he was going to avoid them at all costs.

He closed his eyes and breathed in the fresh morning air. When he opened them, a couple made their way to his cart. The words that he always rehearsed with a smile were ready to spill out. But the moment he saw your face, he couldn’t say a word. Time froze for a few seconds and he thought he was going to die at that exact moment.

You appeared indifferent to him, almost like you didn’t recognize him. The man to your right was linking arms with you. His smile never once faded while he spoke to Jungkook. The poor man was oblivious to the tension between the merchant and you.

“Sir please be quick. We have a ship to board.”

Jungkook lowered his head and grabbed a bag from one of the boxes that he kept inside the cart. He placed the fruit inside one by one. But he was quick with it, having done this since he was a child.

If he looked up, he knew your eyes would be focused on the man by your side.

He’d be a liar if he said it didn’t hurt.

Maybe you really did give up on him.

The rumors of you and some other man were true. He couldn’t live in denial anymore. The evidence of the bitter truth was right in front of him. Yet he wanted to believe that you still loved him. That those glossy eyes and pretty lips still belonged to him.

He handed the bag to the man without looking over at the two of you. The feeling of sadness was consuming him and he wanted to leave.

When the man paid him, he finally got the courage to look up at you. He had to savor your face one last time. His stubborn heart needed a final image of the face of the woman he loved.

“You’re leaving everything behind?”

The question spilled out before he could shut himself up. Your eyes met his face and you finally showed him a glimpse of what he missed the day he let go of you. Three months had passed and it felt like it was just yesterday.

When his misery clouded his mind and caused him to say mean things he didn’t mean. The fight started over the stupidest thing. But it escalated when he mentioned that you made a mistake leaving your family and life for him. This hurt you and in return, you hurt him.

“I regret ever meeting you.”

The moment those words left your mouth, you wanted nothing more than to disappear. Especially when Jungkook’s eyes met yours and he stayed silent. He wasn’t going to cry or have a breakdown.

Even when you opened the door to leave, he didn’t make an effort to stop you. He had an expression of pure agony, but he kept himself there. You cursed him for the love that left as quickly as it started. Nothing was left of it, but memories.

You despised him for breaking your heart. For stepping on it over and over again. But this stupid heart of yours ached for him. The heart that never stopped loving him.

The heart that made you believe it was possible to start over.

“If you tell me to stay, I’ll stay.”


notes. i love displaying what love really is. something so beautiful yet so painful. two lovers that are flawed. yet they can’t leave each other. if you read this, thanks! i appreciate it a lot <3

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2 years ago

i swear i love you

I Swear I Love You

note. i wanted to write something longer but i didn’t have the time to do so. i got a little sad and i guess i expressed it a little through this. even i felt an ache when i read this. interpret this in whatever way you want and take care <3


The clouds drift slowly as the night comes.

The glow of the moon reflects on the window.

Keeping a smile on your face, you repeat to yourself the comforting words of yesterday.

Comforting words whispered in the darkness of your room.

Whispers of promises that were bound to be broken.

His eyes and mouth were kept on you throughout the night.

Limbs tangled and warmth wrapped around you.

Love that can’t be forgotten.

Even now that you wait for him.

Even now you are sure this dream will come to an end.

All the good that comes goes.

So when he finally comes home to you with guilt in his eyes.

You allow yourself to believe his words for a little longer.

“I swear I love you.”


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2 years ago

maple syrup

Maple Syrup

note. i listened to maple syrup by the backseat lovers and this came to mind.

Maple Syrup

Those who dwell too much on their pain don’t make it out alive. They drown and drown in a pool of misery. 

When one allows misery to consume them, it’s pretty much over for them. Hope is the last straw. But I pulled too much on the thread. I doubt there is any hope left.

I keep myself seated out of fear that you might see me. Your eyes wander around. I noticed that from the moment I came in. Crowds gather in front of the stage. Hungry eyes devouring each one of the dancers.

But my eyes are reserved only for you. Only for the woman I love most.

Last night I awoke from a nightmare. Picked up the phone, ready to call you. But the realization of what I had done came over me. Like rain that pours on the ground of the earth and sea.

The purple sweater I keep on that small chair. It looks at me like I’m a pathetic loser. I throw it away only to go back and keep it again. I can’t stop looking for you.

Even the memories are still clear. Still projecting in my head. Like a movie that’s 3 hours long but feels way too short. I pick at the memories and play each one. 

I can never savor those moments. Reminding me of all the shit I took for granted. No one is as much of an idiot as me. If that were the case, I wouldn’t be watching you from the very back.

No. I would be there right in front. 

Only I was too late to realize you were the one for me. 

I spoke to the wrong person. Allowed her to get in my head. Allowed her to place her filthy hands on me. To say I was blind is an understatement.

But you always had your arms open. I thought it would be the same. There was no way you would ever leave me. At least that’s what I allowed myself to believe.

I hurt you. I deserved the fall and the torture of it all. 

The night approaches and you’re almost leaving. I stay seated and watch as you pick your stuff up. Your eyes never meet mine. But I know you saw me. I know you saw me cry when I looked at you. 

In the arms of another. That was the last time I ever saw you.

Maple Syrup

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2 years ago

long long time


note. i’ve been watching daisy jones & the six. camila has my heart. you could say this is inspired by her. to be honest, i wish to write some fluff. but i don’t know when that will be. so for now, enjoy the pain.


She misses the simple times.

The simple times he’d take her out to see the ocean or eat strawberries with cream. Those times when she’d catch a glimpse of a smile on his face. Even when she knew he wasn’t hers to keep she still felt that they shared too many beautiful memories together.

He’s out there with his band and his music. She rarely gets to see him these days. But he calls every night. Though she knows he may come to love her, she has no hope.

Love is too precious to be wasted on him. Yet she yearns for it anyway. She doesn’t think of the others who he sleeps with. The others who keep him company when she’s not there.

The last thing she needs is to torment herself with those thoughts. Maybe in a perfect world or in a perfect life, she’d meet a man who would only ever belong to her.

The perfect man. She thinks there’s no such thing. A man who is true to his feelings and his woman.

She knows he’s not perfect. But she’s okay with a man like him.

She knows she may not be his only lover, but she’s his only muse. He writes her songs and sings them to her. There’s nothing more she wishes to have. If he’s by her side, what more could she want?

The days go by and she keeps waiting to hear him say, “It’s over darling.”

Will that day ever come? When he comes to his senses and realizes he’s messed with her too much. Will he ever leave her?

She envisions the pain and the heartache that might come.

But for now, she will hear him sing. She will hear him speak and complain. She will hear it all and endure the hurt. She knows the last thing she will ever hear is,

“I love you.”

Today and tomorrow. She knows she will love him for a long long time.


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1 year ago

let me in


genre. angst.

summary. jungkook is in denial. he knows you’re gone but he still hopes he’ll see you. even if it is in the eyes of another woman. even if it is against his own will. 

warnings. mentions of nausea and death. use of cuss words. suicidal thoughts.

note. wtf did i just write? please let me know if i should write a part two. 


The boy cried as his life was stripped away. 

A lit candle in the middle of the woods, then a moment of silence passed and the flame was put out. The quiet of the night pulled the boy into a deep slumber. Death frowned upon him and with one cold whisper, it was gone. But the boy remained in the middle of the woods.


The whisper of his name awoke him. 

Nightmares had devoured his soul. As soon as he closed his eyes, he’d see the same vision of the dead boy in the woods. The same eyes welcomed him with despair and a cry for help. But he could only ever witness the tragedy. Never could he save him.

“Thank the heavens you’re ok!”

His vision was blurry, but he could still see the face of the woman standing near his bed. The realization that it wasn’t you dawned on him. If he closed his eyes, would he see you instead of her?

“Jungkook our parents are waiting for us outside. They have everything ready. We just need to sign the papers.”

The minute he awoke, he felt uneasy. He knew that instant that he was sick. The pain in his stomach distracted him from the voice of the woman. He quickly sat up and looked down at the floor. But when she spoke those words, he couldn’t hold himself any longer.

The urge was much stronger than him. Before he could run off to the bathroom, he threw up on the floor. The hot liquid burned his mouth and he couldn’t breathe. When he knew it was over, he ran off to the bathroom like his life depended on it.

He heard her scream his name.

The events of yesterday replayed in his head. His parents were making arrangements for a marriage he never consented to. All of it was planned so he could move on from you.

But he swore he’d never leave you.

Once he was inside the bathroom, he rushed over to the sink and washed his mouth. Even looking at himself made him sick so he avoided staring at the mirror in front of him. He was busy cleaning himself, but he still felt his throat burning like he was bleeding from a deep painful cut.

He heard voices and footsteps coming near the door. 

“Is he ok?”

“No, I think he’s sick again.”

“Maybe it’s not a good idea, we should let him be.”

“No! This boy needs to forget about her.”

“You really think he’ll forget if he marries?”

They whispered to each other, clearly thinking he wouldn’t hear them. 

Every day was the same. He’d spend every minute crying over you and then sleeping. Sometimes without thinking, he’d leave the house and walk to the river near your home. He’d swim while wondering if you were there with him.

But today was different.

Today he tried to drown himself. He allowed the water to devour his body. He urged death to touch him. To call him to rot completely in oblivion.

He was this close to the sweet slumber of death, but his parents found him. They saved him once. They didn’t have to save him twice. He didn’t need saving. He needed you.

The rest of his life would be hell.

If you weren’t there, what could he possibly do? The logical thing was to please his parents for his own sake. 

They would never leave him. Not until he signed the fucking papers. Not until he was at the altar marrying this woman he didn’t even know. What was her name? He had nothing to lose, but nothing to gain either.

Except if he tried real hard, he’d be able to see a glimpse of you through her. Maybe.


Fuck. He was sick.

Gathering himself, he stood up and opened the door slowly. He was glad that his parents were not there anymore. But the woman he was supposed to marry was sitting on the floor crying silently. If he wasn’t in love, maybe he’d try to fall for her.

But you were his love. The only woman for him.

He had to remind himself of that.

“Please be honest. You don’t want this, right?”

She stared at him with bitterness in her eyes. Like she was angry at him. But he didn’t quite understand her. It wasn’t his fault. None of this was.

Instead of responding, he kept thinking of the miserable life that awaited him.

“I know you still love her, but I don’t care. Please marry me. Please love me.”

Jungkook couldn’t feel his body anymore, but he walked over to her anyway. She stood up immediately when he was finally near her. When he was so close to her, she could touch his face with both hands. He felt like throwing up again, but he reminded himself that soon everything would be over.

He knew it was hard to act like everything was fine.

He knew it was hard to lie. 

Never once did he lie to you.

To become a liar, he would have to leave himself behind.

“Let me in.”

Jungkook smiled while she held his face. The moment she saw his pretty smile, she hugged him tightly like she was afraid he’d leave for good. When he separated from her, she waited for him to speak.

And so he did. He spoke the words that were never meant for her.

“Go tell them..go tell them we’re getting married.”

She couldn’t hide the joy that was spreading in her. It was so evident that she was happy. He almost felt a little bad. But the moment she turned away from him, he allowed the tears he was holding to spill down his cheeks.

At that moment, he wanted nothing more than to die.


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1 year ago

lie to me


genre. angst.

summary. jungkook is reminded of the day he left you. the day you cheated on him. the day he gave you a second chance. the day the two of you were separated.

warnings. infidelity. explicit language

note. i was bored so i wrote this. tell me why i love writing angst? i wish i didn’t.


The first of September. It’s meant to be a special day, but I can’t help remembering the yellow flowers you received that evening three years ago. I saw your face change so quickly, I swore you weren’t feeling well. I asked immediately if something was wrong. You denied me, you refused to tell me the truth. I must confess I hated you the moment I saw you cry when I threw those flowers away.

When you were sleeping, I couldn’t help but stay awake. I stared at the ceiling with fear spreading in my chest. The numbing feeling hurt me as I kept overthinking the worst. You cheated before. Were you capable of doing it again?

The sight that welcomed me the next day after work confirmed my suspicions. The minute I stepped inside the apartment, I heard you, my love. I heard the whispers and the moans spilling out of your mouth. I can’t recall if I heard him too. But if I did, I can’t remember. I must have blocked it.

The pain was too much to bare, you know? Heartbreak. I thought I wouldn’t feel this way again. Tell me, is it possible to feel your heart break when it’s been broken before? I know I should have left, but even the disgust couldn’t prevent me from feeling curious.

I took small steps, afraid that one wrong move would alert you. I’m going to be honest with you. I had dreamed of catching you in the act before. When you first cheated, it was you who admitted to your fault. It hurt. But I knew if I had seen it all unravel in front of me, I would have died with my heart wounded by the arrow you shot at me.

When I opened the door, I don’t think I was aware of what I would find. The two bodies enveloped under the blue sheets our friends gifted us when we first moved in together were moving with no awareness of me. I thought even at that moment that if I had dropped a coin on the floor, you wouldn’t have heard me.

Finally, I think you perceived something was wrong because you looked over his shoulder in worry. When you saw me, you immediately pushed his body away. The man’s face crumbled when he saw me. I knew then that he was no stranger to my existence. You rushed to find your clothes, not hiding your nakedness from me. Though I could tell you were ashamed.

I gave the two of you time to get dressed. The man had the audacity to kiss you before leaving. But you were only looking at me with worried eyes. I knew you knew what was going on in my head. You always said my eyes could never lie.

When our home was in silence, I told you to sit down. You moved closer to me, but I turned away from you. “I can fix this Jungkook. I can fix us. Please give me some time to forget.” To forget? I didn’t understand what that even meant. But I made the best guess I could.

“You want time to forget him?”

You frowned when you heard my response. “No. I mean I want to forget I hurt you again so you can forget as well. Please Jungkook.” The eyes I once loved were pleading with me and for a second, just a split second I believed your words were honest. The tears were so close to spilling from your eyes, it was pretty evident given you stopped looking at me after you said this.

“You look so pretty when you are about to cry.”

It was obvious you hated what I said. You looked up at me with angry eyes. I wasn’t looking for a fight. I had enough of hearing your voice. “Jungkook be serious! I just fucked someone in our bed and you’re not even acknowledging what I did! Say something!”

“Fine. I’ll be honest. I hated you when you cheated on me the first time, but I healed. I moved on. I chose to stay with you because I loved you.”

I kept my eyes on you because I wanted you to see I was being honest. There was no lie and no reason to deceive you. “I loved you. But I think I don’t anymore. I thought I’d die if you cheated on me again. I felt sick, I won’t deny that. But when I saw you with him, would you believe me if I said I felt relieved? Like I was finally free. It sounds crazy but it’s true. I don’t hate you anymore.”

The words spilled out of my mouth so quickly like it was the first time I was telling the truth. Lies were always bound to break people apart. No one ever warned me that truths would do just the same.

I heard you cry that night. I heard your muffled pleas and your tearful apologies. I heard it all. Though I wanted to comfort you, I didn’t feel like I had the right to anymore. I realized then that I didn’t pity myself anymore. No, I didn’t pity the person I used to be or the person I was at that moment. I pitied you.

And I pitied you even more when I heard you say, “Lie to me. Tell me you still love me. Fucking lie to me.”

Well, some things aren’t meant to be. I realized that when I gave you a second chance. But I don’t regret it. No how could I? I’m sitting here on my birthday with the people I love most in this world. With my wife and my family.

On this special day, I give thanks to you for the life I have now.


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1 year ago

home is where the heart is, pt. 1


genre. fantasy au. angst. fluff. 

summary. jungkook loves and loathes the sea. especially when it brings him to a place far away from home. he wants to save himself, but he knows only one person can save him.

warnings. minor character deaths. descriptions of grief. explicit language. 

note. here goes to a new drabble series. i’m excited but also very nervous. i don’t write fantasy because i’m not very good at it. but i’m giving it a try because i’m fascinated with stories about sirens and such. i hope you enjoy <3 


The sound of a female voice agitates the poor boy lying on the sand staring over at the many stars he could see adorning the night sky. The whispers of his name continuously send him to the edge of a precipice. He wishes to succumb to the feeling of her gentle and tender way of calling him over to the sea. Death calls for a sweet kiss.

His life is still as he ponders if he will ever find a way back home to his lover. Doubts scar him more deeply when he sits up and looks at the sea. There where the waves crash, there where he thinks he sees her face.

A welcoming smile and he feels weak in the knees. Death’s voice mixes with her own voice and he stands in a hurry. Eyes with tears glare at him beckoning him to walk further away from the sea. For she knows that if he meets the sweet embrace of the water, not one heartbeat of his will be heard ever again.

Shut eyes and he sees their memories play out like a story. A story that he believes may never come to an end. Only when he feels her again will he know with certainty that she is well. May it be that she has found someone to confide in. A light in the middle of the darkness that surrounds her every memory of his.

A few months had gone by. He remembers it all too well. The day all fishermen of the town gathered near the port with beaming smiles. The sky had cleared from the clouds that once met when the storm had begun. The warmth of the sun allured the men and they were sure in their hearts that they could sail safely again.

Jungkook was never meant to be there, but the young boy was too stubborn to listen to his mother when she begged him to stay. “You’re not like your father my boy. You will be nothing like him. The world’s too big for you to follow him.” These words only motivated his need to sail the seas in the company of his father, even if it was only through his ghost.

When he was about to leave, he caught a glimpse of a familiar girl in a white dress. Her hair fell over her shoulders and her cheeks were painted a pretty pink he’d only seen once. A moment when he confessed in the early days of spring that he loved her. He recalled the tears that flowed out of her eyes and the love he showed her after.

She stood away from him, afraid that if she touched him, it would be the last time.

“Oh look who came to bid me farewell.”

He felt serene when she was around. If she was there with him, his fears found no way to hurt him. Though he grew to fear losing her and that alone killed him. But if he was met with her tears, that was something else. It was hard to explain the overwhelming ache he felt when he saw her cry. Sobs that came from the pain within her heart.

He knew she was afraid, oh so afraid to lose him. In a way, he felt blessed that such a lovely person would miss him on the other side. “I’m not going to die if that’s what you’re worried about y/n. When my father sailed the sea, a storm was already approaching. Look at the sky, my love.”

She cried more quietly as she stared down at her feet. If she looked at the sky or at the boy she loved, she would fall apart. Sometimes she wondered why he was so full of life. Why his eyes would show a glimmer she’d never seen from anyone else? When his father parted from him, he spent days staring at the sea.

Jungkook had a complicated relationship with the ocean. His father had taught him everything he needed to know about fishing and the sea creatures he encountered when he left home. His father was always away. Once when he couldn’t find it in him to fall asleep, he left the comfort of his bed to find his mother.

“Oh dear, you scared me. What is a little boy doing awake at this hour?”

His doe eyes met his mother’s face and without thinking, he exclaimed, “I hate the sea! I hate it!”

A fond smile. That was the only thing his mother could give him because deep within her own heart, she also hated the sea. But not for the reasons her little baby did. No. She simply despised how much her own lover cared for it. Even more than his family.


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1 year ago

in dreams


genre. strangers to lovers? time travel au. angst. fluff.

pairing. jungkook x reader

summary. in her dreams, she sees the familiar face of a man she’s met before at the same train station. both have never spoken a word but he looks at her like he knows her. she’s afraid she’s falling in a never-ending maze of unrequited love. only if she knew she was completely wrong.

warnings. the smallest tint of smut (it’s barely there). suicidal thoughts. suicide. main character death. explicit language. & much more that will be added later.

note. this isn’t really a teaser, it’s more of an introduction to my drabble collection. i don’t really know what i’m doing but i have always wanted to write about time travel. i think starting with drabbles will help me work my way up to actually writing oneshots about it. 

release date. tbd

☆ this is an introduction to a drabble collection. if interested, please comment to be part of the taglist for this story. 


All rights reserved © corajjk. Do not repost, translate, or do any sort of modifying and reuploading of this story on any platform.


Dreadful how a couple nights ago she couldn’t sleep no matter how hard she tried to keep her eyes shut. She tried desperately to lull herself into deep sleep. Though it proved to be a challenge when she kept reminiscing about the warm summer days spent with her lover.

Loneliness bared a troubled mind in her when she wasn’t thinking of him. He was almost a kind of cure for her. Others would have disagreed and claimed he wasn’t in any way a healing hand. No, he was a drug. 

Now she felt that the sun had replaced the moon in the sky. Her eyes were brought up to stare at the harmful light of the lonely star. Without any warning, someone came behind her and wrapped their arms around her waist. The scent of vanilla made itself present in the air.


It was barely a whisper. 

Summer days. Traveling hand in hand, searching for a promise of love. Certain it would never fade away. Walking through fields of fruit and life. Their smiles and shared looks found a place in each other's hearts. Settled near a river, drinking away their remaining sorrows. Enjoying the fullness of cherries and wine. 

Kissing and making love.

To be separated from such a man, god that sounded like a crime. Visible to the eye was the look of desire. Though it wasn’t lust. It was pure love and a tint of passion. Surrounded by the wind when the sun set. All she could think was that only heaven tasted as good as him. 

Nights wrapped in warm embraces. Honey paired with lips that kissed so deeply, they cut right through her bliss. Touches that sent shivers down her spine. Unforgettable was to feel his every emotion through his hips that moved to the sound of her need.

Now she must have recognized this was all a dream. In reality, his very being was never tangible. She never got to hold him or love the way she wanted. She’d remember his face, the looks he’d give her.

Though that was all. Nothing else was given to satiate her hunger for him. For him to show her what it meant to be loved. To be touched, to be known in ways only another person could understand. 

In dreams. Only in dreams.


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2 years ago

overdue | kth.

Overdue | Kth.

— banner by @jamaisjoons 🧸

Overdue | Kth.

↠ pairing : Kim Taehyung x Female Reader

↠ summary : Wherein Kim Taehyung has many overdue books, and he offers you his sexual services in lieu of the payments.

↠ genre : pwp, fluff, smut, college au, bookshop au, slight strangers to lovers, classmates to lovers

↠ rating : 18+

↠ warnings : swearing, a little bickering, kissing, making out, slight choking, hickies, body worship, oral (m. receiving & allusions to f. receiving), Taehyung hits it from the back, unprotected sex (be safe <3), edging, spanking, taehyung being a sly shit, dom!taehyung, sub!reader, creampie, semi-public sex, degradation (slut, whore), praising, begging & it’s soft & soppy towards the end because kim taehyung is a romantic at heart <3

↠ word count : 5K

↠ a/n : hello loves !! and it’s finally here <3 sorry about the delay (life’s been a mess) but i hope you enjoy this quick pwp !! it isn’t my greatest work , but i wanted to post something for my birthday for you all as a thank you for being here <3 thank you to @chateautae ; @kithtaehyung & @kookiestarlight for reading over 🤎 and thank you to @jamaisjoons for the stunning banner 🍪 as always, your feedback is truly appreciated & happy reading !! <3

↠ song : 120 - bad bunny

Overdue | Kth.

"Oh, and the name's Taehyung. Kim Taehyung."

"I know your name. We're in the same class," you sigh, turning your back to him, and instead of unpacking your new stack of books. "I just want you to return the books you took out months ago."

"Same class?" Taehyung repeats, leaning on the counter. You aren't even facing him, but you know that he's wearing the usual feline smirk on his lips. "Interesting. I've never noticed you."

Despite the both of you being in Professor Choi's class, you never really speak to one another. You usually sit at the front of the lecture hall, and Taehyung opts for the seats at the back instead.

You and Taehyung are quiet class members, not really interacting with anyone instead of relishing in your own company. A part of you always yearned to approach him, but your nerves ended up getting the best of you.

The boy always had a mysterious aura surrounding him, and you couldn't help but be intrigued by him. When you first met Taehyung, he always carried a book with him, and he never really spoke. You'd hear him converse with Professor Choi here and there, and his mellow voice always ignited something deep within you. It was soft but alluring at the same time.

He would usually spend most of his time in the library, hidden away in the corner with a box of strawberries, jazz music spilling from his laptop as he reads either classical poetry or manga. The sight always makes you snicker, the differences between his choices being so stark.

The more you saw of him, though, the more your crush grew; however, your infatuation slowly began to fluctuate from the moment you began to see who he really was.

His flirtatious attitude, snarky remarks, and mischievous glint in his eyes always keep you on edge.

You don't hate him, but his personality can be hard to keep up with.

Taehyung frequently visits your father's bookshop, popping in at least twice a week to take out a few books. He's undoubtedly an avid reader and enjoys all sorts of genres which you don't mind at all. The only problem you truly have with the stupidly handsome bloke is that he never seems to return his books. And the books he doesn't return just so happen to be your favourite.

"Just bring the books back by Sunday." You reply, knowing that he's trying to embarrass you, shifting to face him with an exasperated face. "Otherwise, I'll tell my father, and you'll have to deal with him, which isn't fun at all… his books are his babies."

"Ah, I've met him plenty of times. We happen to be great friends," Taehyung remarks, sighing dramatically with a shit-eating grin on his face, resting his chin in his palms. "Look at me, already infiltrating my way into your family."

"Will you leave?" You request, glaring at him with narrowed eyes.

"No." Taehyung chimes, showing you his boxy smile that you can't help but melt at. "I know you don't want me to."

You whine and leave the counter, moving to stand before him. Your height difference is remarkable, and you can't help but smile briefly at the way he towers over you.

"The thing is, Miss. Y/N," he mutters, a playful glint colouring his eyes as he notices the way you light up upon hearing your name. "I seem to have misplaced those books." He informs you a little too casually.

"You what?" You retort, visibly angry at what has just come out of Taehyung's mouth.

"Yeah, I'm sorry about that."

"How… how does one just lose a few books?" You complain, throwing your head back. "You're totally paying for those. I'm not getting in trouble because of you."

"Paying?" Taehyung questions in a frivolous manner. "I don't make payments."


"My name sounds real good coming out of your mouth, princess."


"I know another way to pay you… wanna hear me out?" Taehyung suggests with a teasing cadence lacing his tone. You stare at him with curious eyes and notice how his smirk ticks every box.

It's gorgeous. He's gorgeous.

You would've very quickly walked away if it wasn't for his smirk. That slight rise in the corner of his mouth combined with the cool detachment in his eyes… you couldn't help but stare, lightly smirking back. And that mere act was giving him inner delight. Taehyung was evidently savouring the moment, and you both felt the tension thicken.

You have a slight inkling about the way Taehyung wants to pay you. You aren't oblivious to his ways. Coming to the bookshop only on days you worked, 'forgetting' his overdue books, catching him staring at you when you walk into class, hanging around a little longer to see you leave, and more importantly… visiting the store at times, he knows there's no one here, but you.

"I'm listening," you reply, stepping closer to Taehyung, so you're only centimetres away from him.

Taehyung leans down, his lips brushing against yours, as he entangles his fingers with your nimble ones. "Good girl," he whispers, and his hand begins to trail up your bare arm.

Overdue | Kth.

Your back hits against the shelf as Taehyung devours your mouth with sheer passion. His one hand lightly chokes you whilst the other holds your head in place.

He kisses you once. Twice. And you know immediately that you can never tire of this man. With vehement urgency, he chases your lips, and you smile into the kiss, his neediness more than apparent. You know more than well that you shouldn't be making out with him in your father's storage room. Any customer could walk in asking for you, heck, so could your father, but that doesn't stop you from kissing Taehyung with a more potent force. You feel utterly feral and slightly shocked as to how Taehyung already has so much power over you.

"Gave in very easily, didn't you?" Taehyung teases, pulling away from your lips and kissing down your jawline. He nips at your skin, most definitely leaving you with marks as a reminder of your shenanigans. He rips open your short, floral-printed linen dress, and you moan as you hear the tear, his strength being a huge turn on for you.

"Oh shut it," you gasp, directing him back to face you. You capture his lips in a fast, rhythmic movement, and he begins to undo your bra. He takes in your chest, and you swear you hear him growl as he looks you up and down.

"You're fucking stunning," he rasps, dipping his head into the junction between your head and shoulder, pressing the most sensuous kisses down to your tits. You moan again, craning your neck and arching your chest to him, craving more of his touch. His veiny arms wrap around you, and you instinctively move closer to him.

"Take off your shirt," you whine, wanting to feel Taehyung's skin against yours. Your wish is accepted immediately, and in one swift movement, Taehyung pulls his shirt over his head with a single hand.

Your hand immediately reaches for his taut chest, and you cascade it down, grabbing his hardened cock through his sweatpants.

"Please let me suck you off," you mutter, palming him whilst gazing up at him with softened eyes.

"Such a slut for my cock already," Taehyung murmurs and you nod, happily admitting.

Taehyung pecks your pouty lips, smirking as he sees you kneel before him. You pull down his trousers and boxers, eyes widening as you drink in just how huge he is. Your wetness grows as you anticipate just how hard he could wreck you with this monster.

"Go on, baby. It's all yours." Taehyung goads, hands moving to rest on your head. Moving forward, he strokes your cheek as he pushes the fat tip of his cock towards your hungry mouth, breathing in at the sensation of your tongue coming out and kitten-licking at his slit, savouring the taste of his arousal on your tongue.

His one hand moves to rest on your head, and the other holds your chin in place, lifting it slightly so he can push himself into your inviting mouth.

"So fucking good," Taehyung groans out celestially as you envelop his sizeable tip. Your one hand holds the rest of his dick whilst the other runs up and down his thick thigh.

You carefully pay attention to sucking on his member flawlessly, aching to be praised.

"You're such a cockslut for me, aren't you?"

Thanks, Taehyung.

You look up and see the man throwing his head back as you sink down on his cock, taking him inch by inch until your nose practically buries itself in his pubic bone. His hand tangles into your hair, threading his warm fingers through your luscious locks.

Greedily, you take more of him in your mouth, swirling your tongue around his shaft. His guttural groans spur you on, and you feel your chest swell with pride, knowing that Kim Taehyung, who oozes power and dominance, is at your mercy as you suck him dry.

"Fuckk," Taehyung curses when you sink down on him further. You hollow your cheeks, and Taehyung moans at the feeling, his breathing becoming heavier. He thrusts forward and hits the back of your throat, triggering your gag reflex, which provokes immediate tears in your eyes.

Your cunt becomes wetter with each sinful sound that leaves his filthy mouth. You abruptly pull back, an idea springing to mind.

Taehyung stares down at you with watery eyes whilst biting his bottom lip. "All good, baby?"

You soften at the pet name but quickly pull yourself together. "Fuck my face."

"You're a little shit," Taehyung laughs, holding your head in place and directing his heavy cock inside your hot mouth. You ravenously deep-throat him, and he moans delectably, gently beginning to fuck your throat.

"Your mouth feels so good. We're definitely doing this again," he moans loudly, and you feel yourself gush at the thought of having Taehyung in your mouth again. He continues ramming himself against your face, groaning blissfully as the euphoric sensations run through him.

"Bet you'll love having your face stuffed with my cock every morning," Taehyung rasps as he drives his length inside your mouth with more force, roughly chasing his release.

Taehyung peers down at you; he sees tears leaking out of your beautiful eyes and drool spilling out of your helpless mouth. You know you look a complete mess, but Taehyung stares at you with adoration. His hips continue to softly rock into your mouth, all while he continues to turn you on more with his dulcet voice.

"Tell me, Y/N. You'd love having your face fucked again, wouldn't you?"

You nod, rubbing your thighs together, the pressure making you want to pull your mouth away and riding him senselessly.

"Not gonna last, love," Taehyung whines. Your hands move to grip his thighs, pushing all of him inside your mouth, almost choking on his monstrous dick. You swirl your tongue around and swallow the mess as Taehyung releases the most lustful moans, deep groans echoing inside this tiny storage room.

Taehyung suddenly picks his pace up, fucking himself into your mouth with newfound vigour. He throws his head back, cursing and hissing at your ministrations. You slurp and suck whilst luxuriating in the way Taehyung begins to unravel.

He unexpectedly pushes you away from his dick, and you whine out of frustration, wanting him to have spilt his seed down your throat. Taehyung himself trembles at the loss, wanting to shove his cock back inside your mouth. But he resists the urge and instead pulls you up towards him, crashing your lips together and sloppily kissing you.

His sinful tongue moves in sync with yours, and you tug at his dark locks, the urge to have him inside you proliferating.

"I can't wait anymore," he smirks, spanking your ass, and cursing at the sight of you throwing your head back with rolled eyes. "Need to feel your tight pussy swallow me."

"Please, Tae.." you whine, running your hands all over his smooth chest. "Fuck me."

Taehyung feels himself become harder at your begging. He never expected you to reciprocate his energy. Taehyung always thought of you as shy and innocent, but he knew you were far from that judging by what he’s seen today. Not that he was complaining, though; if anything, the little crush he did have on you harboured into something more.

Instead of responding, Taehyung swiftly turns you around, and you come to face a stack of new books. You really shouldn't be letting him fuck you here, but you were far too pent up to stop him.

Taehyung runs his hand down your spine, and you shiver at the new sensation. "So beautiful," he mutters as he rests his hand on your ass. His hard cock rubs against your cheeks, eliciting heat to run through your core. You take a step back, rubbing yourself against him shamelessly.

The gap between the two of you is smoothly closed as Taehyung steps forward, his hot breath fanning your shoulder. He dips his head towards your ear and takes your earlobe between his lips, making you purr. Taehyung doesn't miss the chance to whisper in your ear, knowing it'll only heighten the tension.

"Can I fuck you?" He asks whilst kneading your ass with his large hands.

You laugh before responding, "You ask that now?"

"Consent is vital, my love," Taehyung mumbles, dropping his head to press a kiss against your shoulder, eliciting a shiver from you.

Fuck, this man really is going to be the end of you.

"Well, it'll never be a no from me," you reply, goosebumps forming at your slight confession. You turn around and wink at him with a knowing smirk, shocking yourself with your bold behaviour.

"Fuck, I could get used to this," he says hoarsely before turning you back around. Taehyung touches you all over as he grinds his body against yours in the most seductive way. The sweat has formed glistens against his skin, making him appear hotter than usual.

"Hurry," you whine, becoming impatient. Taehyung chuckles, and dives for your neck, biting it slightly, making you moan indulgently in his hold. Your knees buckle, but his firm grip on your hips stops you from tripping.

A devilish smirk dances across Taehyung's lips as he raises his palm, hitting it against your ass harshly.

"Fuck, Taehyung," you groan as the sting spreads. His fingers move to your pussy, gathering your slick. Taehyung sucks his coated digits, moaning at the sweetness of your arousal.

"Do you always taste this good, princess?" Taehyung grits, his hand now thumbing at your clit. "Who's got you this wet, hmm?"

"Y-you, just do something," you moan, pushing yourself back to feel Taehyung, hoping that he'd provide you with some sort of relief.

"Bet you could come just like this," he continues to rub your clit, lips brushing against your pulse point.

You shudder with pleasure, immediately conveying to him how good you feel. Taehyung removes his mouth from your pulse point to instead press delicate kisses against your jawline.

"I'd love to fuck you every day," he huskily whispers, "making you cum again and again," he adds before turning you back to face him. Taehyung mouths at you sensually, kissing you with an insatiable force that leaves you breathless when you pull away.

You arch into him, and Taehyung knows you need more. He smirks at the way you evidently fall into submission. He imagines fucking you in his bed, shower, eating you out in the library where you have to stay quiet.

"Please do something," you complain. Taehyung reaches forward, pressing kisses against the column of your throat. You drag your nails down his chest, eliciting a playful growl.

"Want me to fuck you, hmm?" Taehyung teases you. You quickly nod, moaning his name, hoping it urges him to hurry up and fuck you senseless.

Taehyung brings his warm hand to cup your breast, evoking another needy moan from you. He hisses pleasurably at your lewd sigh, and you twitch in his hold.

"I'm going to ruin you," he whispers in his low-pitched voice as he fondles your tit, dipping his head down towards your chest to press open-mouthed kisses. Taehyung decorates your skin with purple, flourishing hickies.

You feel Taehyung smirk against your skin when you let out a sultry sound.

"Really sensitive, aren't you?" he notes, his breath tickling your ear, leaving you to feel more aroused and dizzy. You physically feel your pussy gush, and your body buzzes at the unmitigated effect Taehyung has on you.

"Oh, Taehyung, please just give me your cock," you whine loudly, the need to feel him inside you growing. You swear you can combust untouched, his mere gaze enough to unravel you.

"Wanna turn around again so I can fuck you?" he sighs out against your lips before joining them together for the umpteenth time that evening.

You move your hands to cup Taehyung's cheeks, kissing him with zealous force, hoping he'd understand how needy you are.

"You're so fucking hot," he exhales wistfully, smothering his lips with yours again for an all too chaste kiss.

"Want you in me now," you prompt him urgently, "wan' your big cock."

Taehyung hastily tightens his grip on your waist, "Go on then, baby, turn around for me."

He doesn't need to tell you twice, shifting, so you're face-to-face with the books again. You glance over your shoulder fleetingly, admiring Taehyung's pleasing build.

His perfectly sculpted body, his messy black hair, built arms, and that damn smirk of his has you feeling giddy all over again. You can only wish that you're able to see this site more often. The most erotic thoughts flood your mind, and you grow more impatient, anticipating his next move.

Taehyung catches you staring at him, and a mirthy smile graces his face as he grabs hold of his length, pumping himself a few times. His tip painfully glints a burning red, and it leaves a heavy ache in your core.

Taehyung catches you off-guard, grabbing hold of your hips and yanking you back so your ass presses against him. You jump and quickly peek behind you with confused eyes, only to see a shit-eating grin on his face.

He drags the palm of his large hand down your smooth back, relishing in your silky smooth skin. "So fucking sexy," he mutters, "we're so doing this again."

Reaching for your ass, he slaps it playfully, "Gonna make you feel so good, baby. You'll never want another man."

"Taehyung, please," you groan, frustrated. He mutters a soft apology before rubbing his hard-on against your ass, stepping closer to press the length of his girthy cock against your soaked folds.

This is actually happening.

Kim Taehyung is going to fuck you, and fuck you good.

Your legs part on their own, and you arch your back, offering your ass to the man shamelessly. Taehyung curses at the salacious scene, pressing his cock further into you and somehow growing harder.

"Fucking perfect," he rasps with his mellow voice, "ready?"

"You've got me all soaked; of course, I'm ready!"

"Fuck," Taehyung laughs, groaning as he rubs the tip of his hard cock up and down your dripping pussy. He teases your hole, pressing his dick but never pushing it in. Your mouth hangs open at the contact, and your breathing quickens.

"Gonna stretch this tight cunt out so good, baby," he mumbles to himself, goading you with gentle pressure.

"Just put it in," you impatiently urge, wiggling your ass against him, tired of his unnecessary teasing.

Taehyung finally gives in, pushing against you. He slides his cock past your folds, burying himself deep inside. The two of you groan at the lewd feeling, and you mutually feel the tension rise.

Taehyung emits a guttural moan as he watches the view of him entering your tight pussy. He hears you release the most sinful sounds, and seeing you bask in the feeling of him filling you up whole makes him smile.


"Fuck, the way you moan my name," he breathes out as he buries himself to the hilt, hips rolling into you with the deepest of strokes. "It's the only name you'll ever moan from now on."

Taehyung fits inside you snuggly, grinding in you with small and precise thrusts. His fingers dig into your hips, and his eyes fixate on the heavy swell of your ass. He groans satisfyingly, watching his cock slip in and out of you with ease, thighs rubbing against the back of yours in the most orgasmic way.

"T-Taehyung, fuck, you're too big." You whimper, your entire body craving more of him.

"But you'll learn to take it, won't you?" he prompts, shutting his eyes and dipping his head to rest at your shoulder as he begins to smack his hips into yours relentlessly. Your walls flutter, and Taehyung tries hard to contain his load, not wanting to shoot his seed inside you just yet.

"Faster.." you plead, body shaking with maximal pleasure.

Taehyung heeds, going deeper and picking up his speed to hit the best spots inside you. You press your temple against the shelving, ignoring the dull pain as he fucks you with languid, steady strokes. You feel his cock throb inside you, provoking you to moan his name again.

"Harder.." you mewl, compelling him to growl as he provides you with forceful thrusts, growling animalistically when he hears you cry out in delight. His muscular arm reaches forward, veiny hand gripping your breast, pinching your hardened nipple as he presses sloppy kisses just behind your ear, your body letting him know that it's your sensitive spot.

"That's it, pretty angel, you're doing so well," Taehyung praises, thrusting with more fidelity as your walls pulse around him, "Goddamn this pussy," he pants breathlessly. He knows you are getting close and snakes his other hand down to your clit, rubbing vigorously as he drives you closer towards the edge, eliciting the whiniest sounds from you.

"Mmm, Tae, you feel so, so good," you cry as he rams his cock further into your wetness, groaning at the sensation. His delicious abuse on your swollen clit makes you hiss in pleasure.

"That's right, Y/N. Moan, my name," Taehyung rasps, continuing his onslaught and pulling you back onto him.

"Holy shit, Taehyung!" Your knees buckle at the savouring drag of his appetising length, and hearing your name from his sinful mouth makes your eyes roll back.

"Right there, baby?"

"Oh God, yea.." you moan, nodding your head incessantly.

You mewl again, arousal spilling out of you, but Taehyung fucks it right back in. He pinches your nipple whilst simultaneously teasing your clit. Taehyung sucks a hickey on your neck, cum aching his heavy balls as he pumps into your soaked walls.

You throw your head back onto his shoulder, stretching your hand to tug at the short tendrils of his hair. Taehyung knows precisely what you mean without you having said any words.

"Wann' see your face," you whimper, "need to feel you more.."

Taehyung smirks at your neediness, pulling out of you reasonably quickly. You both wince at the loss of warmth, and he wastes no time in turning you around and lifting you up, deeply penetrating you again. Taehyung continues with the same, brisk pace as before, and you wrap your arms around his neck, drawing him closer to you, so your foreheads touch.

"Oh, this is much better," he murmurs, "been dreaming of this for the longest time."

"Me too. I won’t need to touch myself anymore," you purr, "I'm all yours to fuck now."

Taehyung moans deeper at your revelation, and you begin to grind against him as an attempt to alleviate the burning pressure that shoots through your core. Your moans start to turn into gasps, and you know you're more than close.

"Where do you want me to come, princess?"

"Fill me up," you manage to whimper. That probably wasn't the wisest suggestion from you, but you crave to feel full of his cum, squeezing against him to urge him more. “I want your cum inside me.”

"Holy shit!" he grunts, his orgasm hitting him. Taehyung's hot cum shoots inside you, painting your insides white. He moves impossibly closer, rubbing his face against your collarbone.

Taehyung's arm sneaks around your waist, bringing you closer to him as he repeatedly pecks you all over your face.

A romantic man indeed.

He is mindful of your sensitivity, allowing you to relax before picking up his pace again.

You're at a loss of words, the only thing on your mind being that you're being fucked full of Taehyung's cum. You notice his eyes fixated on where you both connect, and you follow his gaze.

The both of you watch your stomach clench and relax with pleasure. Taehyung's thrusts begin to stutter, and he throbs hard, fearing that he may possibly shoot his second load into you before you can even have your first release.

You sob and wail, clutching onto him tighter. Taehyung's hand cascades down towards your engorged clit, rubbing it fervently with the hopes that you'll perhaps squirt around his cock.

"Close?" he asks you as he grunts, rubbing your clit harder and faster. You vigorously nod, eyes closing as the pleasure engulfs you warmly.

"Come all over me, angel. All over my cock," he demands, rutting against you in a frantic manner.

You clench down on him as you release with a string of curse words. You ride out your climax with him, and he puts less pressure on your clit, instead enthralled as he watches you in your throes of pleasure.

Taehyung's confidence heightens, smirking as he recalls the way you've been screaming his name all evening. The simple thought of you squirting both his and your mess out spurs him on, and he swears he could fuck you all over again right now.

"That was fucking incredible." You're breathless, carefully slip out of his hold, leaning against his broad chest for support.

Taehyung pulls you into him, pressing soft kisses against the crown of your head, and his arms wrap around you. Your chest swells, feeling shy as you curve further into his warm body. He dips his head down to litter soft kisses over the hickies he made, and in turn, you peck his chest before pulling yourself back to face him.

"I haven't lost any of the books, by the way," Taehyung admits, chuckling as he rests his head on top of yours.

"I figured," you snicker back, gingerly wrapping your arms around his waist.

"And I also know they're your favourite."

"Oh, really?" You awe at his cute smile.

"Yeah… I've kept them safe with the hopes that I'll get to read them to you with my deep voice you like so much." You playfully smack his chest, unable to handle the way he's exposing you.

"Well, maybe one day you can."

The two of you gently smile as you embrace one another's presence. Maybe working in your father’s bookshop wasn’t so bad of an idea.

"So… where do we go from here?" Taehyung whispers, gently stroking your hair.

You know exactly where you want to go from here.

You want to wake up to Taehyung’s messages. You want to bring him his favourite morning beverage, and walk to class with him, arm securely wrapped around his bicep.

You want to sit with him in lecture, but only pay attention to him and him only. You want to complete your assignments together, and when stress overcomes you both, you want to be able to freely ride him as he wraps his hand around your throat, fucking up into you as tears of pleasure spill from your pretty eyes.

You want Taehyung to be the one who pushes your face into his sheets as he fucks you from behind on a random Tuesday night. You want Taehyung’s deep voice to be the one that spews the filthiest of words into your ear, whispering confessions of how nothing compares to the feeling of your tight pussy engulfing his cock.

Picnics, library dates, walks in the park, spontaneous makeout sessions that result in him eating you out over and over… you want it all, and you want it all with Kim Taehyung and him only.

"Well, I'd love to go to your bedroom first" you decide to tease, staring at him with suggestive eyes, "you did say you could get used to this."

Taehyung tongues the inside of his cheek, slowly nodding at your suggestion.

"I'm making you mine all over again," he whispers, flashing you his signature smirk before reaching down to join your lips again. His arms tighten around your waist, cinching you to him, and your hands entangle in his hair, feeling the silken strands between your fingers. “We’re not finishing anytime soon.”

You smile to yourself, feeling giddy as you acknowledge that your feelings for Taehyung are mutual. Swaying in his embrace, you daydream about life with him again. Waking up to him, reading in his arms, baking with him… every thought felt surreal. You know that both of you will love one another with your all, and that was something you were excited to explore with Taehyung.

"Okay, but not here!" You pull back, pouting as you examine your surroundings. "We should really clean up."

"Will do… but after this," Taehyung winks, dropping down to his knees. He parts your legs and nether lips, licking you shamelessly with his flat tongue before sucking on your clit. Your hands reach down to hold onto his messy hair, pushing him closer to your gushing cunt as you filthily moan. Taehyung pulls back to look up at you with an impish smirk before shifting his attention back to your pussy and devouring it whole.

Overdue | Kth.

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11 months ago

Next time | Kim Namjoon drabble

Next Time | Kim Namjoon Drabble

↳ 𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬; It was quite unexpected when a heavenly stranger joined you at the club's roof, just when you were feeling all alone.

⇢ 𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: smut(li8), dark(a little bit), fluff, strangers to??

⇢ 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: namjoon x reader y/n

⇢ 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: making out, heavy(sexual) tension in the air, nipple sucking, dry humping, calling reader princesse

⇢ 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 3.9k+

a/n: Namjoon wearing glasses is my weakness ;-) and I'm not very knowledgeable about clubs. Well, Please forgive any errors if I may have made, but if you happen to spot any, kindly point them out to me.

© 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐬𝐝𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐲𝐲 [𝐓𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐬𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐨𝐫 𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐢𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐝]

Next Time | Kim Namjoon Drabble

The vibrant lights, booming music, and the overpowering scent of sweat from the crowd - it's all a nightmare for you. You're not one for clubs, but your best friend insisted. And by insisted, you mean she practically started a quarrel and argued with you until you gave in. She even went as far as choosing a black tight thigh-length V-neck dress for you, accentuating your cleavage. The makeup she applied was equally extravagant - a smokey eye look with a shimmery red lipstick. She may be a baby, but you nearly broke down in tears when you caught a glimpse of your own reflection in the full-length mirror. You've never worn that much makeup in your entire life, but her stubbornness won this time.

You've been sitting at the bar, your face buried in your hands, elbows resting on the glass counter, for about 15 minutes now. When you both entered the club, she tried to convince you to dance, but you had already done enough for the day and didn't want to be surrounded by sweaty bodies. So you told her to enjoy herself and even asked her to leave you alone. Little did you know, that wasn't such a great idea.

As you sit there, lost in your thoughts, the bartender suddenly comes into your line of vision. Your tired eyes gaze up at him, as he takes in your appearance - his eyes naturally drifting from your hidden cleavage to your face. Oddly enough, he doesn't appear interested at all. You sit up straighter, removing your face from your palms. Just as he turns away to walk off, not bothering to ask if you'd like to order something.

"Hey! Can I get a glass of orange juice?" you call out to him before he can take another step. He comes to a halt, turning around to face you once more. His expression remains as uninteresting as ever. You study him for a moment, your eyes landing on the name badge pinned to his white bartender suit, which reads 'Yoongi'. He simply nods and walks away.


After about five minutes, he returned with your drink and a bill, placing them in front of you on the counter. You thanked him, but he didn't reply. He was really starting to get on your nerves, but you still managed to smile as you took out the cash from your purse and handed it to him. He casually grabbed the bill from the counter and walked away, leaving you alone.

Sitting here has become quite challenging after that peculiar encounter with him. You had desperately craved some fresh air, so you tightly held onto your glass, rose from the stool, and made your way up to the roof.

Next Time | Kim Namjoon Drabble

The breeze up here is refreshing, causing a slight shiver to run down your spine. It's a welcome change from the lingering scent of sweaty bodies that had been assaulting your nostrils while you were perched on that fancy stool. Leaning on the railing, your elbows find support as you tightly grip your glass. You bite your lower lip, moistening it with your tongue before bringing the glass to your lips. In one swift motion, you gulp down the orange juice and carefully place the glass on the floor, ensuring it's far enough from anyone's step to avoid any accidents.

With your chin resting on your bent elbows, you find yourself captivated by the view of the streets below. The towering buildings resemble giant pencils, and the wind playfully tousles your wavy hair as it dances around you.

Suddenly, the sound of someone clearing their throat interrupts your reverie. You turn your head to the left and there stands a breathtakingly beautiful being, almost ethereal in nature. Your mind momentarily stops functioning, and your heart seems to follow suit. While your head remains nestled in your arms on the railing, your focus shifts from the cityscape to this angelic presence before you.

He gazes back at you, his eyes shining through the transparent frames of his glasses, captivating you with their beauty. His petite nose adds to his overall charm, and his perfectly styled blonde hair, revealing his forehead completely, leaves you in awe. Dressed impeccably in a plain black pant, white button-up shirt, and waistcoat, his hands casually tucked into his pockets, he exudes an air of effortless style. And those lips, naturally pink and enticing, prompt you to moisten your own with your tongue. You find yourself not just staring, but thoroughly checking out this stranger. A small gulp escapes your throat as you straighten your posture, lifting your chin from your arms and smoothing your hands over your dress. The fabric clings to your body curves, accentuating your cleavage and bare legs, but you try to ignore it as best as you can.

"Why are you up here?" his voice breaks the silence, sending shivers down your spine. It's deep, rough, and undeniably captivating. Glancing up towards him, you're met with a sight that leaves you breathless. His muscular physique is accentuated by the fabric that wraps around him perfectly, and every defined muscle is visible beneath the surface.

In an attempt to steady your voice, you clear your throat, not wanting it to waver in front of him.

"Not a party person," you reply, shrugging your shoulders slightly. A small smile tugs at the corners of his lips as he shifts his gaze away from your face, focusing on the front. However, your attention is momentarily diverted by the beautiful dimple that forms on his cheeks when he smiles. You quickly avert your gaze as well and focus on your ahead.

"I'm not much of a party person either," he says, still looking straight ahead. Curiosity sparks inside your mind, and you can't help but wonder why he's here.

"Then why are you here?" The words slip out of your mouth before you can stop them, hanging in the air as you realize you haven't received an answer. Embarrassment floods your stomach, and your face flushes with heat. You quickly clear your throat, ready to apologize for the intrusive question. When you look at him, you're taken aback to find him already staring at you. Your lips part slightly, and a breath escapes, unable to contain your surprise. His gaze lingers on your red-painted lips before meeting your eyes once again.

"I had a meeting with the club's owner," he replies, his gaze still locked with yours. As his words reach your ears, it feels like a wave of relief washes over you, momentarily dissipating your embarrassment. You break the eye contact first, not daring to delve deeper into his captivating gaze. You know that his looks, his voice, everything about him is melting you from the inside out.

Yet, you can still feel his eyes on you, studying your every move and posture.

"Want to know the same thing" he inquired, you bite your lower lip between you teeth. His curiosity about why you're here piques your interest, making your heart do a little flip in your chest. Your eyes meet his once more, you averted your gaze for a moment, trying to gather your thoughts, before meeting his intense gaze once again.

"Well," you began, your voice slightly shaky, "Lila, my best friend, practically dragged me here. She insisted that I needed a change of scenery, a break from my monotonous routine. And, well, I couldn't say no to her."

A small smile played on your lips as you reminisced about all the crazy adventures you and Lila had shared. The late-night phone calls, the impromptu road trips, and yes, even the times when you had to rescue her from her drunken escapades. You had always been there for her, like a protective elder sister.

As you spoke, you noticed a flicker of amusement in his eyes, and a mischievous dimple appeared on his cheek. It was a sight that made your heart flutter uncontrollably again. Your smile transformed into something more than just friendly, something that revealed your growing attraction towards this handsome stranger standing before you.

His gaze changed, turning darker as he observed the sudden shift in your expression. He took a step closer, until you were almost chest to chest. The sudden proximity sent a shiver down your spine, and you couldn't help but gulp nervously, feeling the tension thickening in the air. The chilly wind only seemed to enhance the heat radiating from your body.

His intense eyes bore into yours, as if he could devour you whole with just one bite. You feel a gentle touch on your face, his long fingers delicately brushing with a strand of hair that had fallen in front of your left eye. He twists it between his fingers before tucking it behind your ear. The simple gesture sends shivers down your spine, and your body instinctively reacts, leaning into his touch. Your eyes flutter closed, surrendering to the sensation. His hand on your jaw caused you to lean in even closer, but the subtle touch of his thumb on your lower lip, causing your eyes to flutter open. You meet his gaze from beneath your long lashes, feeling a magnetic pull between you. In that moment, all other thoughts fade away, leaving only one desire lingering in your mind - to kiss him.

His thumb continues to brush against your bottom lip, its feather-light touch sending tingles through your body. He leans in closer, his warm breath caressing your ear, causing you to shiver even more. Your thighs clench involuntarily, a physical response to the overwhelming sensations coursing through you.

"You're so beautiful. What's your name?" In a low, husky voice, he breaks the silence, his words dripping with admiration, his voice is like a sweet melody mixed with a hint of spice, intoxicating and irresistible. As he pulls away slightly, you already feel the absence of his warm breath on your ear. His hand remains on your jaw, and you nervously nibble on your bottom lip, unsure how to handle this enchanting stranger.

His gaze fixates on your lips, and he gently removes your bottom lip from between your teeth with his thumb. He resumes rubbing it with his thumb pad, sending a jolt of electricity through you. You know you have to answer, or else your legs might give out beneath you.

"Y/N," you whisper your name, your voice barely audible. You can feel yourself losing control, your senses overwhelmed by his presence. You're certain that your panties are clinging to your core, a testament to the desire he has ignited within you. He hums, his eyes locked onto yours, then your lips, and back to your eyes again.

"Namjoon" He introduced himself, even though you didn't inquire. You repeat his name in a hushed tone, and it flows from your mouth as if it was meant to be. It sounds perfect.

His eyes were also fixed on you from the moment he saw you standing alone, observing every little movement of your body, the way your features seemed to effortlessly fit into his hand, and how smoothly his name rolled off your tongue.

Your heart began to race, the desire to kiss him overwhelming you as soon as he entered your line of sight. You tried to control yourself, but now when he shared his name with you, all you wanted to do was utter it over and over again.

But then, just as quickly as he came close, he pulled away, taking a step back. Your eyes widened in disbelief, confused by his actions after making you feel so hot with his touch. His expression remains dark, but there's a hint of something different in his eyes now. It's as if he's about to do something he'll regret, or perhaps something you can't even fathom. Your heart feels heavy all of a sudden, and he gives you an inscrutable look, your brows pinched together. Then, he turned to his left and headed towards the rooftop exit.

'No, no.'

He's about to leave you, and you know you have to act.

Remembering Lila's advice about seizing the moment when something felt right, your mind urged you to stop him, and you made up your mind to do just that. Stepping towards him, you caught his muscular wrist in your small hand before he could take another step. He halts in his tracks, tilting his head to look back at you. Without hesitation, you stand on your tiptoes, even though you were wearing heels, you still stand much shorter than him. You press your lips against his without hesitation, eyes closed. His lips feel like soft cotton, so plump and different from what you had imagined.

You pulled away from the kiss, feeling a sense of unease when you realized his lips weren't responding. Guilt flooded your heart as you reluctantly opened your eyes to meet his gaze, which seemed to have been fixed on you the entire time. Nervously, you released his wrist from your grasp and took a cautious step back. Your eyes start to sting, but you hold back the tears, directing your gaze downward to your heels. Massaging your temple, you clear your throat, preparing yourself to apologize for crossing a line.

The weight of your mistake settled heavily on your shoulders, filling you with a sense of regret that seemed to stretch into eternity.

However, before you can utter a single word of apology, he closes the distance between you in a single stride. Without hesitation, without warning, he cups your face with his large hands and in an instant, his lips crash against yours in an intense and passionate kiss. Your feet stumbled backward until your back met the railing, and you instinctively clutched onto his shoulder for support. The pounding of your heart resonates so loudly within your chest that you can hardly hear anything else. He begins to suck and nibble on your bottom lip, causing a low moan to escape from deep within your throat.

He breaks the kiss with a soft pop, the sound lingering in the air as your breaths synchronize. Both of you are panting heavily, the intensity of the moment leaving you both gasping for air. He takes off his glasses, revealing his perfect face, and tucks them away in his pants pocket. Without breaking eye contact, he leans in for another kiss, his desire evident in his eyes.

Once again, his lips capture yours, but this time the kiss is different. It's sloppy, hungry, filled with a raw passion that consumes you both. You try to match his movements, but his lips are dominant, taking control of the kiss. He slips his tongue into your mouth, exploring every inch with a fervor that leaves you weak in the knees.

"Stick your tongue out, y/n," he orders, his voice husky and filled with desire. His hands roam from your neck to your waist, then down to your hips, pulling you closer to him. You obey without hesitation, your body responding to his command like a well-trained child. He wastes no time and starts sucking on your tongue, teasing and biting it gently.

Your eyes shut tightly as pleasure courses through your body, making you wet with anticipation. Your hands wander from his shoulders to his perfectly styled blonde locks, gripping it tightly as the sensations overwhelm you. Your knees begin to wobble, making it difficult to stand, but you can't bring yourself to break the kiss just yet.

After felt like eternity, desperate for air, you try to withdraw your tongue, a silent plea for him to stop. He senses your need and releases you, both of you gasping for breath. As you open your eyes, you're met with the sight of his face so close to yours, causing your heart to race even faster. His lips are swollen, his eyes hooded, his jaw clenching and unclenching with desire. He looks ethereal, a perfect blend of beauty and handsomeness that leaves you craving for more.

Your body aches for him, your wet core yearning for his touch. Unable to resist, you grind against his clothed, hard erection, feeling a surge of pleasure shoot through you. A gasp escapes your lips as you realize just how big he is, and his own groan echoes in the air as your hips move against him once again. The desire between you both is palpable, and you know that you want more.

"Please, I.." you try to convey your request to him, to convey your desires to him.

He suddenly takes action by firmly grabbing your buttocks, causing you to let out a surprised gasp. The sensation makes you momentarily forget what you were about to say, and in the blink of an eye, he effortlessly lifts you up by your hips. Your legs instinctively wrap around his well-defined torso, while your arms find their way around his neck.

You can feel his sweaty hair brushing against your arms.

"You're going to lose yourself entirely, princesse," he murmurs in that seductive accent of his, using the endearing nickname he uses for you. Just as you plan to respond, he silences you by placing his mouth on your neck. First, he nibbles, then sucks, and licks at the same spot, causing you to whimper. Your back arches automatically, and your head falls back, granting him even greater access to your neck. Suddenly, your eyes snap open when you feel an absence behind your head. You realize you're leaning over the railing, with only the lower half of your body supported by him. Your survival now depends on clinging tightly to him, preventing you from falling off the rooftop.

"Mhm, listen..." you try to get his attention by tapping his shoulder, signaling that you are in a precarious situation. But he doesn't stop; instead, you can sense his smirk against your neck as he continues to shower you with affectionate kisses. Your mind is in a whirlwind, torn between the arousal coursing through your body and the danger of your current position.

'Fuck, this is what he meant,'

He began thrusting his cock through the thick fabric of his pants, instantly blocking out all other thoughts. The rush of adrenaline from being on the edge of the roof and the powerful movements of his hips consumed your mind completely.

"Namjoon, oh fuck Joon.." you couldn't help but moan his name over and over again as he intensified his grinding, simultaneously sucking harder on your neck. Your stomach twisted with desire, and you instinctively clutched onto his blonde hair. His wet kisses trailed downwards, and then his sinful lips makes contact with your nipple, which was concealed beneath the fabric of your dress and his wet tongue playfully swirled around the sensitive bud. The pleasure was so intense that it forced a high-pitched moan to escape from deep within your throat.

Your mind felt numb, overwhelmed by the delicious stimulation. Each rhythmic thrust, his hard cock through his pants teasing your clothed core, and the skillful touch of his lips on your clothed nipple was an intoxicating combination. The fear of falling added an extra layer of excitement to the already electrifying atmosphere.

A distant ringing sound reached your ears, but you were too consumed by the moment to pay it any attention. You assumed it was just your ears playing tricks on you. However, the sound seemed oddly familiar. His lips and grinding abruptly stopped, causing you to whimper in disbelief. Your brow furrowed, eyes still closed, as his lips broke contact with your breast. Confusion washed over you as you tried to comprehend what was happening. The ringing sound persisted, growing louder, but it felt as if it was coming from a distance.

You opened your eyes, breathing heavily, desperate to understand why everything had suddenly come to a halt. The ringing continued to echo in your ears, resembling the buzzing of bees. And then, your gaze met his dark eyes.

"Your phone," he said, his voice deep and rough. But you couldn't comprehend his words. Confusion etched across your face, your eyebrow shooting up to touch your hairline.

"Huh?" you managed to utter, still lost in the haze of the moment.

"Someone's calling you," he repeated, directing his gaze towards your purse on the floor. And then it hit you, why the ringing had sounded so familiar. Your face flushed an even deeper shade of red, your cheeks feeling as if they were on fire.

He gently places you down, and your heels wobble beneath you, but you manage to grab onto his shirt just in time to prevent yourself from falling to the ground. You glance at him apologetically, but he simply nods his head slightly, a faint smile forming on his lips, revealing the same dimple as before.

Releasing your grip on his shirt, you turn around and bend down to retrieve your purse from the floor.

You straighten up abruptly, when you sense him taking a deep breath. You run your hands over your dress, smoothing out any wrinkles. You reach for your phone, and notice that the screen is still illuminated with Lila's name. You choose not to answer the call, knowing that she's probably completely intoxicated. She has never called you this many times in her entire life, except when she's drunk.

You turn back to face him, and there he stands, looking like a model with his hands tucked into his pockets and a few strands of his blonde hair falling onto his forehead. You swallow nervously before offering him a cautious smile.

"My friend needs me," you inform him, raising your phone in the air to show him the screen, even though he didn't ask. He hums in response and retrieves his glasses from his pocket, placing them back on his face. You can see the muscles beneath his thick shirt flexing with each movement.

"I should go," you speak up when he remains silent, feeling the awkwardness fill the air. With your legs still feeling a bit unsteady, you begin to take slow steps towards the exit to the rooftop.

As you reached the door, a wave of sadness filled your heart knowing that he didn't try to stop you. But just as you were about to leave, he suddenly grabs your wrist, causing you to turn around in surprise. A wave of relief washes over you.

"Here, take this. Let's meet next time," he says softly, placing a card in your hand.

Leaning in close, his warm breath tickles your ear as he adds, "And then we'll continue our remainder session." His voice husky, barely audible, causing a shiver of excitement run through your whole body.

With that, he releases your wrist, and you hold onto the card tightly, a smile playing on your lips. Your once heavy heart now feels light and free.

You nod as he takes a step back, revealing a perfect dimple on his cheek. With admiration in your eyes, you take one last look at him before exiting the roof.

As you made your way off the roof, the sound of your footsteps echoed in your ears, matching the rhythm of your racing heart. The card in your hand felt like a precious treasure, a tangible reminder of the connection you had just shared.

As you descended the stairs, your mind began to wander, replaying the encounter over and over again. His words echoed in your mind, each syllable carrying a promise of something more. The thought of meeting again, of continuing the session that had been interrupted, filled you with a mix of excitement and nervousness.

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10 months ago

Next time | Kim Namjoon drabble

Next Time | Kim Namjoon Drabble

↳ 𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬; It was quite unexpected when a heavenly stranger joined you at the club's roof, just when you were feeling all alone.

⇢ 𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: smut(li8), dark(a little bit), fluff, strangers to??

⇢ 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: namjoon x reader y/n

⇢ 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: making out, heavy(sexual) tension in the air, nipple sucking, dry humping, calling reader princesse

⇢ 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 3.9k+

a/n: Namjoon wearing glasses is my weakness ;-) and I'm not very knowledgeable about clubs. Well, Please forgive any errors if I may have made, but if you happen to spot any, kindly point them out to me.

© 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐬𝐝𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐲𝐲 [𝐓𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐬𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐨𝐫 𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐢𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐝]

Next Time | Kim Namjoon Drabble

The vibrant lights, booming music, and the overpowering scent of sweat from the crowd - it's all a nightmare for you. You're not one for clubs, but your best friend insisted. And by insisted, you mean she practically started a quarrel and argued with you until you gave in. She even went as far as choosing a black tight thigh-length V-neck dress for you, accentuating your cleavage. The makeup she applied was equally extravagant - a smokey eye look with a shimmery red lipstick. She may be a baby, but you nearly broke down in tears when you caught a glimpse of your own reflection in the full-length mirror. You've never worn that much makeup in your entire life, but her stubbornness won this time.

You've been sitting at the bar, your face buried in your hands, elbows resting on the glass counter, for about 15 minutes now. When you both entered the club, she tried to convince you to dance, but you had already done enough for the day and didn't want to be surrounded by sweaty bodies. So you told her to enjoy herself and even asked her to leave you alone. Little did you know, that wasn't such a great idea.

As you sit there, lost in your thoughts, the bartender suddenly comes into your line of vision. Your tired eyes gaze up at him, as he takes in your appearance - his eyes naturally drifting from your hidden cleavage to your face. Oddly enough, he doesn't appear interested at all. You sit up straighter, removing your face from your palms. Just as he turns away to walk off, not bothering to ask if you'd like to order something.

"Hey! Can I get a glass of orange juice?" you call out to him before he can take another step. He comes to a halt, turning around to face you once more. His expression remains as uninteresting as ever. You study him for a moment, your eyes landing on the name badge pinned to his white bartender suit, which reads 'Yoongi'. He simply nods and walks away.


After about five minutes, he returned with your drink and a bill, placing them in front of you on the counter. You thanked him, but he didn't reply. He was really starting to get on your nerves, but you still managed to smile as you took out the cash from your purse and handed it to him. He casually grabbed the bill from the counter and walked away, leaving you alone.

Sitting here has become quite challenging after that peculiar encounter with him. You had desperately craved some fresh air, so you tightly held onto your glass, rose from the stool, and made your way up to the roof.

Next Time | Kim Namjoon Drabble

The breeze up here is refreshing, causing a slight shiver to run down your spine. It's a welcome change from the lingering scent of sweaty bodies that had been assaulting your nostrils while you were perched on that fancy stool. Leaning on the railing, your elbows find support as you tightly grip your glass. You bite your lower lip, moistening it with your tongue before bringing the glass to your lips. In one swift motion, you gulp down the orange juice and carefully place the glass on the floor, ensuring it's far enough from anyone's step to avoid any accidents.

With your chin resting on your bent elbows, you find yourself captivated by the view of the streets below. The towering buildings resemble giant pencils, and the wind playfully tousles your wavy hair as it dances around you.

Suddenly, the sound of someone clearing their throat interrupts your reverie. You turn your head to the left and there stands a breathtakingly beautiful being, almost ethereal in nature. Your mind momentarily stops functioning, and your heart seems to follow suit. While your head remains nestled in your arms on the railing, your focus shifts from the cityscape to this angelic presence before you.

He gazes back at you, his eyes shining through the transparent frames of his glasses, captivating you with their beauty. His petite nose adds to his overall charm, and his perfectly styled blonde hair, revealing his forehead completely, leaves you in awe. Dressed impeccably in a plain black pant, white button-up shirt, and waistcoat, his hands casually tucked into his pockets, he exudes an air of effortless style. And those lips, naturally pink and enticing, prompt you to moisten your own with your tongue. You find yourself not just staring, but thoroughly checking out this stranger. A small gulp escapes your throat as you straighten your posture, lifting your chin from your arms and smoothing your hands over your dress. The fabric clings to your body curves, accentuating your cleavage and bare legs, but you try to ignore it as best as you can.

"Why are you up here?" his voice breaks the silence, sending shivers down your spine. It's deep, rough, and undeniably captivating. Glancing up towards him, you're met with a sight that leaves you breathless. His muscular physique is accentuated by the fabric that wraps around him perfectly, and every defined muscle is visible beneath the surface.

In an attempt to steady your voice, you clear your throat, not wanting it to waver in front of him.

"Not a party person," you reply, shrugging your shoulders slightly. A small smile tugs at the corners of his lips as he shifts his gaze away from your face, focusing on the front. However, your attention is momentarily diverted by the beautiful dimple that forms on his cheeks when he smiles. You quickly avert your gaze as well and focus on your ahead.

"I'm not much of a party person either," he says, still looking straight ahead. Curiosity sparks inside your mind, and you can't help but wonder why he's here.

"Then why are you here?" The words slip out of your mouth before you can stop them, hanging in the air as you realize you haven't received an answer. Embarrassment floods your stomach, and your face flushes with heat. You quickly clear your throat, ready to apologize for the intrusive question. When you look at him, you're taken aback to find him already staring at you. Your lips part slightly, and a breath escapes, unable to contain your surprise. His gaze lingers on your red-painted lips before meeting your eyes once again.

"I had a meeting with the club's owner," he replies, his gaze still locked with yours. As his words reach your ears, it feels like a wave of relief washes over you, momentarily dissipating your embarrassment. You break the eye contact first, not daring to delve deeper into his captivating gaze. You know that his looks, his voice, everything about him is melting you from the inside out.

Yet, you can still feel his eyes on you, studying your every move and posture.

"Want to know the same thing" he inquired, you bite your lower lip between you teeth. His curiosity about why you're here piques your interest, making your heart do a little flip in your chest. Your eyes meet his once more, you averted your gaze for a moment, trying to gather your thoughts, before meeting his intense gaze once again.

"Well," you began, your voice slightly shaky, "Lila, my best friend, practically dragged me here. She insisted that I needed a change of scenery, a break from my monotonous routine. And, well, I couldn't say no to her."

A small smile played on your lips as you reminisced about all the crazy adventures you and Lila had shared. The late-night phone calls, the impromptu road trips, and yes, even the times when you had to rescue her from her drunken escapades. You had always been there for her, like a protective elder sister.

As you spoke, you noticed a flicker of amusement in his eyes, and a mischievous dimple appeared on his cheek. It was a sight that made your heart flutter uncontrollably again. Your smile transformed into something more than just friendly, something that revealed your growing attraction towards this handsome stranger standing before you.

His gaze changed, turning darker as he observed the sudden shift in your expression. He took a step closer, until you were almost chest to chest. The sudden proximity sent a shiver down your spine, and you couldn't help but gulp nervously, feeling the tension thickening in the air. The chilly wind only seemed to enhance the heat radiating from your body.

His intense eyes bore into yours, as if he could devour you whole with just one bite. You feel a gentle touch on your face, his long fingers delicately brushing with a strand of hair that had fallen in front of your left eye. He twists it between his fingers before tucking it behind your ear. The simple gesture sends shivers down your spine, and your body instinctively reacts, leaning into his touch. Your eyes flutter closed, surrendering to the sensation. His hand on your jaw caused you to lean in even closer, but the subtle touch of his thumb on your lower lip, causing your eyes to flutter open. You meet his gaze from beneath your long lashes, feeling a magnetic pull between you. In that moment, all other thoughts fade away, leaving only one desire lingering in your mind - to kiss him.

His thumb continues to brush against your bottom lip, its feather-light touch sending tingles through your body. He leans in closer, his warm breath caressing your ear, causing you to shiver even more. Your thighs clench involuntarily, a physical response to the overwhelming sensations coursing through you.

"You're so beautiful. What's your name?" In a low, husky voice, he breaks the silence, his words dripping with admiration, his voice is like a sweet melody mixed with a hint of spice, intoxicating and irresistible. As he pulls away slightly, you already feel the absence of his warm breath on your ear. His hand remains on your jaw, and you nervously nibble on your bottom lip, unsure how to handle this enchanting stranger.

His gaze fixates on your lips, and he gently removes your bottom lip from between your teeth with his thumb. He resumes rubbing it with his thumb pad, sending a jolt of electricity through you. You know you have to answer, or else your legs might give out beneath you.

"Y/N," you whisper your name, your voice barely audible. You can feel yourself losing control, your senses overwhelmed by his presence. You're certain that your panties are clinging to your core, a testament to the desire he has ignited within you. He hums, his eyes locked onto yours, then your lips, and back to your eyes again.

"Namjoon" He introduced himself, even though you didn't inquire. You repeat his name in a hushed tone, and it flows from your mouth as if it was meant to be. It sounds perfect.

His eyes were also fixed on you from the moment he saw you standing alone, observing every little movement of your body, the way your features seemed to effortlessly fit into his hand, and how smoothly his name rolled off your tongue.

Your heart began to race, the desire to kiss him overwhelming you as soon as he entered your line of sight. You tried to control yourself, but now when he shared his name with you, all you wanted to do was utter it over and over again.

But then, just as quickly as he came close, he pulled away, taking a step back. Your eyes widened in disbelief, confused by his actions after making you feel so hot with his touch. His expression remains dark, but there's a hint of something different in his eyes now. It's as if he's about to do something he'll regret, or perhaps something you can't even fathom. Your heart feels heavy all of a sudden, and he gives you an inscrutable look, your brows pinched together. Then, he turned to his left and headed towards the rooftop exit.

'No, no.'

He's about to leave you, and you know you have to act.

Remembering Lila's advice about seizing the moment when something felt right, your mind urged you to stop him, and you made up your mind to do just that. Stepping towards him, you caught his muscular wrist in your small hand before he could take another step. He halts in his tracks, tilting his head to look back at you. Without hesitation, you stand on your tiptoes, even though you were wearing heels, you still stand much shorter than him. You press your lips against his without hesitation, eyes closed. His lips feel like soft cotton, so plump and different from what you had imagined.

You pulled away from the kiss, feeling a sense of unease when you realized his lips weren't responding. Guilt flooded your heart as you reluctantly opened your eyes to meet his gaze, which seemed to have been fixed on you the entire time. Nervously, you released his wrist from your grasp and took a cautious step back. Your eyes start to sting, but you hold back the tears, directing your gaze downward to your heels. Massaging your temple, you clear your throat, preparing yourself to apologize for crossing a line.

The weight of your mistake settled heavily on your shoulders, filling you with a sense of regret that seemed to stretch into eternity.

However, before you can utter a single word of apology, he closes the distance between you in a single stride. Without hesitation, without warning, he cups your face with his large hands and in an instant, his lips crash against yours in an intense and passionate kiss. Your feet stumbled backward until your back met the railing, and you instinctively clutched onto his shoulder for support. The pounding of your heart resonates so loudly within your chest that you can hardly hear anything else. He begins to suck and nibble on your bottom lip, causing a low moan to escape from deep within your throat.

He breaks the kiss with a soft pop, the sound lingering in the air as your breaths synchronize. Both of you are panting heavily, the intensity of the moment leaving you both gasping for air. He takes off his glasses, revealing his perfect face, and tucks them away in his pants pocket. Without breaking eye contact, he leans in for another kiss, his desire evident in his eyes.

Once again, his lips capture yours, but this time the kiss is different. It's sloppy, hungry, filled with a raw passion that consumes you both. You try to match his movements, but his lips are dominant, taking control of the kiss. He slips his tongue into your mouth, exploring every inch with a fervor that leaves you weak in the knees.

"Stick your tongue out, y/n," he orders, his voice husky and filled with desire. His hands roam from your neck to your waist, then down to your hips, pulling you closer to him. You obey without hesitation, your body responding to his command like a well-trained child. He wastes no time and starts sucking on your tongue, teasing and biting it gently.

Your eyes shut tightly as pleasure courses through your body, making you wet with anticipation. Your hands wander from his shoulders to his perfectly styled blonde locks, gripping it tightly as the sensations overwhelm you. Your knees begin to wobble, making it difficult to stand, but you can't bring yourself to break the kiss just yet.

After felt like eternity, desperate for air, you try to withdraw your tongue, a silent plea for him to stop. He senses your need and releases you, both of you gasping for breath. As you open your eyes, you're met with the sight of his face so close to yours, causing your heart to race even faster. His lips are swollen, his eyes hooded, his jaw clenching and unclenching with desire. He looks ethereal, a perfect blend of beauty and handsomeness that leaves you craving for more.

Your body aches for him, your wet core yearning for his touch. Unable to resist, you grind against his clothed, hard erection, feeling a surge of pleasure shoot through you. A gasp escapes your lips as you realize just how big he is, and his own groan echoes in the air as your hips move against him once again. The desire between you both is palpable, and you know that you want more.

"Please, I.." you try to convey your request to him, to convey your desires to him.

He suddenly takes action by firmly grabbing your buttocks, causing you to let out a surprised gasp. The sensation makes you momentarily forget what you were about to say, and in the blink of an eye, he effortlessly lifts you up by your hips. Your legs instinctively wrap around his well-defined torso, while your arms find their way around his neck.

You can feel his sweaty hair brushing against your arms.

"You're going to lose yourself entirely, princesse," he murmurs in that seductive accent of his, using the endearing nickname he uses for you. Just as you plan to respond, he silences you by placing his mouth on your neck. First, he nibbles, then sucks, and licks at the same spot, causing you to whimper. Your back arches automatically, and your head falls back, granting him even greater access to your neck. Suddenly, your eyes snap open when you feel an absence behind your head. You realize you're leaning over the railing, with only the lower half of your body supported by him. Your survival now depends on clinging tightly to him, preventing you from falling off the rooftop.

"Mhm, listen..." you try to get his attention by tapping his shoulder, signaling that you are in a precarious situation. But he doesn't stop; instead, you can sense his smirk against your neck as he continues to shower you with affectionate kisses. Your mind is in a whirlwind, torn between the arousal coursing through your body and the danger of your current position.

'Fuck, this is what he meant,'

He began thrusting his cock through the thick fabric of his pants, instantly blocking out all other thoughts. The rush of adrenaline from being on the edge of the roof and the powerful movements of his hips consumed your mind completely.

"Namjoon, oh fuck Joon.." you couldn't help but moan his name over and over again as he intensified his grinding, simultaneously sucking harder on your neck. Your stomach twisted with desire, and you instinctively clutched onto his blonde hair. His wet kisses trailed downwards, and then his sinful lips makes contact with your nipple, which was concealed beneath the fabric of your dress and his wet tongue playfully swirled around the sensitive bud. The pleasure was so intense that it forced a high-pitched moan to escape from deep within your throat.

Your mind felt numb, overwhelmed by the delicious stimulation. Each rhythmic thrust, his hard cock through his pants teasing your clothed core, and the skillful touch of his lips on your clothed nipple was an intoxicating combination. The fear of falling added an extra layer of excitement to the already electrifying atmosphere.

A distant ringing sound reached your ears, but you were too consumed by the moment to pay it any attention. You assumed it was just your ears playing tricks on you. However, the sound seemed oddly familiar. His lips and grinding abruptly stopped, causing you to whimper in disbelief. Your brow furrowed, eyes still closed, as his lips broke contact with your breast. Confusion washed over you as you tried to comprehend what was happening. The ringing sound persisted, growing louder, but it felt as if it was coming from a distance.

You opened your eyes, breathing heavily, desperate to understand why everything had suddenly come to a halt. The ringing continued to echo in your ears, resembling the buzzing of bees. And then, your gaze met his dark eyes.

"Your phone," he said, his voice deep and rough. But you couldn't comprehend his words. Confusion etched across your face, your eyebrow shooting up to touch your hairline.

"Huh?" you managed to utter, still lost in the haze of the moment.

"Someone's calling you," he repeated, directing his gaze towards your purse on the floor. And then it hit you, why the ringing had sounded so familiar. Your face flushed an even deeper shade of red, your cheeks feeling as if they were on fire.

He gently places you down, and your heels wobble beneath you, but you manage to grab onto his shirt just in time to prevent yourself from falling to the ground. You glance at him apologetically, but he simply nods his head slightly, a faint smile forming on his lips, revealing the same dimple as before.

Releasing your grip on his shirt, you turn around and bend down to retrieve your purse from the floor.

You straighten up abruptly, when you sense him taking a deep breath. You run your hands over your dress, smoothing out any wrinkles. You reach for your phone, and notice that the screen is still illuminated with Lila's name. You choose not to answer the call, knowing that she's probably completely intoxicated. She has never called you this many times in her entire life, except when she's drunk.

You turn back to face him, and there he stands, looking like a model with his hands tucked into his pockets and a few strands of his blonde hair falling onto his forehead. You swallow nervously before offering him a cautious smile.

"My friend needs me," you inform him, raising your phone in the air to show him the screen, even though he didn't ask. He hums in response and retrieves his glasses from his pocket, placing them back on his face. You can see the muscles beneath his thick shirt flexing with each movement.

"I should go," you speak up when he remains silent, feeling the awkwardness fill the air. With your legs still feeling a bit unsteady, you begin to take slow steps towards the exit to the rooftop.

As you reached the door, a wave of sadness filled your heart knowing that he didn't try to stop you. But just as you were about to leave, he suddenly grabs your wrist, causing you to turn around in surprise. A wave of relief washes over you.

"Here, take this. Let's meet next time," he says softly, placing a card in your hand.

Leaning in close, his warm breath tickles your ear as he adds, "And then we'll continue our remainder session." His voice husky, barely audible, causing a shiver of excitement run through your whole body.

With that, he releases your wrist, and you hold onto the card tightly, a smile playing on your lips. Your once heavy heart now feels light and free.

You nod as he takes a step back, revealing a perfect dimple on his cheek. With admiration in your eyes, you take one last look at him before exiting the roof.

As you made your way off the roof, the sound of your footsteps echoed in your ears, matching the rhythm of your racing heart. The card in your hand felt like a precious treasure, a tangible reminder of the connection you had just shared.

As you descended the stairs, your mind began to wander, replaying the encounter over and over again. His words echoed in your mind, each syllable carrying a promise of something more. The thought of meeting again, of continuing the session that had been interrupted, filled you with a mix of excitement and nervousness.

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2 years ago

Road head and locker rooms . JJK

Road Head And Locker Rooms . JJK

Summary : a cold night and a boyfriend who wants nothing but to work out brings in more of a treat than just a quick run out the house.

>>pairing : Idol!jungkook x fem!reader

>>trope : established relationship

>>genre: smut and barely fluff

>>warnings/tags: Dom!jungkook x sub!reader, car sex, oral(m recieves), spanking, breeding, unprotected sex, semi-public sex, locker room sex, wall sex, backshots, hair pulling, cum tasting, and after care.

a/n - hey this is just a lil smthn after the love on bigdeal and you maybe should read that before this but you don't have to! But either way enjoy my valentines gift, I'll come back with more and my requests are open ! Enjoy<333


It's been a month since your and jungkooks 'fallout' and you've never been happier. You're both more healthy and consistent with talking about your feelings and respecting each other generally.

You're currently sat with him in his Merc as you drive to the center where he works out and trains his boxing with his coach. It's cold as It's 1AM in the morning and you internally scowl at Jungkook for taking you out this late.

"Did we really have to? I'm cold." You whine, your hands going dry at the temperature in the car.

He meekly looks over at you, taking his eyes off the road for a second before focusing back on the road, tongue toying with his lip piercing as he pretends to be in deep thought.

"Kook, come on!" His laugh feels the car as he leans forward, finding your little complain fest funny.

You glare at him in annoyance,playfully though and reciprocates it with a smirk playing on his lips, "come on, you decided to join me. I told you to sleep."

"Maybe I just wanted to fuck and you want to workout." You puff out your last sentence, folding your arms as you glare out the window, taking in the dark night outside and the sparkly stars outside.

"You can suck my dick right now if you want. I need the release before working out anyway." Focusing his eyes back on the road, Jungkook doesn't miss the way you try to play off your mischievous demeanor that was very open to road head.

You'd usually back out of stuff like this, but you're Pmsing and need to the release asap. So open to the idea you, you turn your head to Jungkook, and to your surprise his eyes are set on you already and you take in the fact that you're at a red-light.

Playfully but aware you question, "really, Kook?" Batting your lash appointment at him, and playfully licking your lips.

"Yeah, really. I'll help you." And with a swift motion his pants are at his knees along with his Calvin Klein briefs.

His hard dick slaps against his stomach, and not only are you shocked he got hard so fast, but that his dick always looks twice the size bigger than it last was and it makes your pussy wetter than it already is.

Jungkook leans over to help you take off your seatbelt as he parks his car by the sidewalk, his tattooed hand on the steering wheel.

As soon as the car is parked you waste no time taking Jungkooks lips in yours as your lip lock is messy with saliva and moans being propped off the car.

Jungkook props off your mouth to remind you of the task at hand. "Cmon' suck my cock, baby, please." You nod at him, sneaky smile on your lips as you lean into his neck to place open mouthed kisses on there.

"No marks, Babe." No marks. How absurd. you think, he's all yours and you'll place marks if you want,his fans will be a-okay, maybe about time Jungkook hints at them, that someone is so rocking his world and his monstrous cock.

"I'll mark you if I want, cause you're all mine, aren't you? You gonna confirm that for me or I won't suck your cock." He only smirks at you in response, dick only getting firmer in his hand as he hears you spew what he thinks is shit.

It plays in his mind how you think you can all of a sudden take control and make him repeat after you like a pet. But he'll remind just who exactly runs shit between you two.

"And? You think my hand can't do the job? What about yours? Your fingers can't make your pathetic cunt cum, so between us whose really losing, huh? Tell me, sweety."

You immediately shudder at his words, feeling your pussy clench around nothing, Jungkooks cock throbbing on your clothed pussy.

Without further conversation you decide to muster up all that you have left in the word courage to put your mouth directly on his hard cock, dainty hands wrapping around his shaft.

"Cant even answer me for shit. You know who runs this, princess." Jungkook feels himself sweating when your mouth succumbs his cock whole as you moan around him when he immediately feels your warm tongue.

Your head bobs up and down as you bring your tongue out to stroke his cock, momentarily propping off his dick to give him slow licks as your hand rubs what you can't take in your mouth.

The mere action of jungkook opening his mouth wide and throwing his head back on to seat makes you wet, and it doesn't make it any better now that your PMS'ing.

Jungkooks pants fill the car as he feels his high approaching and only one thing would make his high reach the clouds and he says it,even demands it, "look at me when I cum, wanna cum all over your pretty face. You're my cumslut aren't you?" You peer up at him, nodding at him as you feel your body going hot at his dirty dirty words.

Jungkooks hands find your hair and forces you deeper as he moans and groans, his shirt sticking to his chest, almost as if he ran a mile.

"S-shit I'm gonna fucking cum." The gag you emit when your mouth props off his dick is loud and you have no time to drown it cause jungkook is rubbing his dick and his cum lands on your face, taking over your cheeks and the corner of your eye.

"Argh- fuck that's it. My cum dump so pretty for me." The sight of jungkooks fucked out figure makes you smirk as your index finger and thumb run along the cum on your cheeks and corner of your eye, putting it in your mouth to taste all of Jungkook.

Your initiative is to make him taste himself. So you do, straddling his lap as you prop your mouth on his, tongue taking him whole immediately.

The white sticky substance is shared among you two as you both moan like the most sex craved dogs on planet earth.

"Mmm, you always taste good." Thus you pull away, whispering praises to Jungkook of how his cock is the best man-made thing to have ever been in your life.

He only chuckles. Dick softening now, "Do you think I'm stupid, Princess? I'm still heading to work out. Can't keep coach too long."

You so are angry,I mean how would he? After you gave him the best orgasm. Never once breaking his rules of looking him in the eyes as he cums.

He is so done, you think. Sex ban that's it. He will never ever get anything more from you, okay? That's final.

Your mantra of punishing jungkook in your head is uncared for as your boyfriend, whose dick is already tucked away and seatbelt on, drives away from the sidewalk. Driving to his initial journey.

The whole ride consisted of angry glares at Jungkook, and dirty thoughts of Jungkook.

And to your amusement, jungkook only smirks at you, sometimes placing his hand on your thighs and his fingers would travel higher to tease your clothed pussy lips.

And oh are you in for a treat, jungkook thinks. It's a shame you're a little spoiled brat.

At the gym now you watch Jungkook box and do all sorts of things, that you definitely wouldn't be up to, considering you hate your body in pain.

You don't really wanna admit, considering you were mad at him, but the sight of his 'almost mullet' makes your pussy wet in an instant. Now disgustingly because they've been sticking your your clit that is begging for the attention and most importantly the desirable release.

Your thoughts never simmer down as jungkook almost moans when lifting his weights, and impeccably groaning in the quiet gym when he makes hits on his coaches gloves.

What you really think would shut down these thoughts would be taking a freaking break from being in Jungkooks overall presence, so you decide that would be it.

Making your presence known, you perk up, rubbing your thighs for warmth. "I'll be in the locker room, Jkay." Jungkook turns his head to the source of your voice and he smirks at you, nodding profusely as he toys with his lip ring.

Why does one man have to make you lose sanity?

Ignoring his actions, you head over to the locker room, placing your ass down on the bench.

But not even 5 minutes into playing candy crush,your head turns to the door as Jungkook parades in using his shirt to wipe off his excess sweat, his toned abs on full display.

"You done already?"

"Yeah, so get on the wall." Your eyebrows furrow in confusion but nonetheless you're curious and stand up to do it, your back on the pristine wall.

"Like this?" He shakes his head no, taking the initiative to walk towards you and shift your position to where your back is facing his front.

"Like this. And arch your back, most importantly, listen to every word I say or you won't fucking cum tonight. Got it, Princess?"

It clicks in your head and definitely in your panties as your wetness pools even more now and you're nodding at Jungkook.

"Cmon' you're not fucking mute are you? Fuking answer me." Jungkoos gruff voice fills your ears and the demand in his voice makes you shudder with pleasure.

"Y-yes, Kook. I'll listen to you."

"Good girl. My pretty girl." Your pants are being pulled down along with your cherry printed underwear and jungkooks fingers come up to collect your wetness, meeting with your clit and you moan lowly at the feeling.

His lips get caught in his teeth as he seductively eyes your body up and down, "so fuckin wet for me. I get this pussy wet?"

You mewl, "yes, just for you, please, Jungkook."

Jungkook doesn't verbally respond but lays a slap on your ass before pulling his own sweats down, dick slapping on his lower abdomen as precum heavily leaks from his red tip.

"Kook- wait. Is your coach in the gym?" Its been playing in your mind how someone could rock up and walk in on this Rendezvous.

"Nah, he left, and im tryna fuck so please, don't ask anymore questions." And his dick slowly enters your walls.

You moan at the stretch, "oh fuck!"

Jungkook completely pulls put before slamming back in and you can almost hear a whine when he fully fills your tight walls and it makes you clench.

Your intertwined moans fill the room along with smacking noises from Jungkooks lower abdomen meeting your ass.

The sex is impeccable and makes you lose your arch, something Jungkook isn't too happy about. He lays a slap on your ass and proceeds to grab you by your hair to set your arch, as his sweaty hair clouds his vision.

"Arch your fucking back!" Holy shit did you almost let up there. Jungkooks dominance always turns you on so bad and you internally want him to get rougher and rougher one of these days

The coil turning in your stomach makes you reach down with one hand to rub your clit and call upon your release.

"Oh- my Gosh, I'm gonna fucking cum, Kook!" You whine.

Jungkooks thrusts get sharper and harder, meeting your g-spot and you're screaming maniac. "Holy shit- yes,yes,yes! Right there, Kook, right there!" Jungkook meets your expectations and hits your gspot continuously and you're left with weak fingers coaxing your release.

"Cum, baby. All over this cock." You soon cum undone all over his cock and jungkook moans at the way you moan his name when you've orgasmed.

Chasing his own release, he only coaxes it as he goes even harder and makes you overwhelmed, so your hand meets his and you try to prop off his dick.

"Jungko- fuck stop!" But he doesn't.

"I'm gonna cum- let me cum, don't run!" Jungkook breathlessly thrusts and thrust until his milking your pussy and the messy mix trails down your thighs.

"Holy shit." Your head is thrown on jungkooks chest and jungkook lays loving kisses on your shoulder, murmuring apologies for not stopping.

"I'm sorry, okay? I'll stop next time."

" it's okay, Kook. just wanna sleep..that was so good." He chuckles at your tiredness and only silently cleans you up.

When you're all set and done, jungkook leads your sleepy figure to the car and places you in the backseat but it's unfamiliar to you so you struggle in his arms to sit with him in the front.

"Baby, go to sleep you're tired. Sleep in the backseat."

"No. Let me go." And he does, carefully putting you in place, and buckling you up.

"You're such a stubborn girl." That's what he says when he coupes up in his seat.

Your lazy reply, "your stubborn girl." Forgetting how you got here in the first place.

Jungkook smiles at you before driving into the night, whispering a subtle, "I love you." But you hear it and hopes he hears your mantra of love back.


Do not copy my work. I'll find you.

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