A Colorado based company that specializes in men's intimate apparel, fetish harnesses and much more. Over 90% of the pieces made are custom. There are limited edition pieces that can be found on our etsy site under ODDD. IF YOU LIKE THAT YOU SEE PLZ TELL US!
353 posts
A Pic From Denver's Pride Featuring A Custom Made Reversable Faux Front Vest Made For @djsinnag Pictured

A pic from Denver's pride featuring a custom made reversable faux front vest made for @djsinnag pictured with the one and only Cha Cha! Stay tuned for progress pics! *** #Denveroddd #denverodddunderwear #custom #fashion #fagtagulous #instagay #instagays #funky #sexy #unisex #glbtq #oneofakind #wow #omg #picofday #Pride #pride2019 #denverpride (at Denver, Colorado) https://www.instagram.com/p/By_Jl0rhRmS/?igshid=1mdyt0xj5esiz
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Here is an up close look at the vest custom made for @djsinnag! The metallic threads just pop off this, It's amazing! *** #Denveroddd #denverodddunderwear #custom #fashion #fagtagulous #instagay #instagays #funky #sexy #sexyboys #curiosity #oneofakind #wow #omg #picsofday #unisex #scarvecinversion #shawlconversion #owningyoursexuality (at Denver ODDD) https://www.instagram.com/p/BxnWrMiBRT8/?igshid=lr3kaoru8iob

Progress shots from @djsinnag 's vest. Upcycled shawl/scarf. We think this one went a step beyond. Wait till you see the reverse side! *** #Denveroddd #denverodddunderwear #custom #fashion #fagtagulous #instagay #instagays #funky #sexy #sexyboys #curiosity #oneofakind #wow #omg #picsofday #owningyoursexuality #unisex #scarvecinversion #shawlconversion (at Denver ODDD) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bxi7b8CBoii/?igshid=5tq5ojzhfjhn

Another look we made for pride 2014! *** #Denveroddd #denverodddunderwear #custom #fashion #fagtagulous #instagay #instagays #funky #sexy #sexyboys #curiosity #oneofakind #wow #omg #pickofday #twink #twinks #twunk (at Civic Center Station) https://www.instagram.com/p/ByseLlLhUJW/?igshid=mt7eitse21zb

The one & only @djsinnag wearing a custom made vest made from scarves hand loomed from India. My uncle was statened over seas and brought these back to my grandmother. She gifted them to me. Now look at the results!!! THIS VEST IS REVERSABLE, More on that to come! Quite stunning if you ask us! *** #Denveroddd #denverodddunderwear #custom #fashion #fagtagulous #instagay #instagays #funky #sexy #sexyboys #scarvecinversion #denvertriangle #unisex #oneofakind #wow #omg #picsofday #owningyoursexuality (at The Triangle Denver) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bxaaq-0HPRw/?igshid=1p05va058t6wb

Oh look what we have here! One of Denver ODDD's custom club tops. Made from a sexy lace matched perfectly with a subtle gold accent. If you recall from eairlyer this year we have pics of @zbassdude wearing the pieces he had made. More pics to come, stay tuned! *** #Denveroddd #denverodddunderwear #custom #fashion #fagtagulous #instagay #instagays #funky #sexy #sexyboys #curiosity #oneofakind #wow #omg #picsofday #clubtop #twinks #twunk #twink #blue #gold #hoodie (at Denver ODDD) https://www.instagram.com/p/BxxjOmGBUXP/?igshid=hch7skw6aair