der7py - Reverse

Hey I'm Reverse!// 19// He/they// bisexual// Just your average writer nothing to see here

17 posts

Currently Bored And Don't Wanna Finish Writing So Send Asks About The Yanderes And I'll Answer

Currently bored and don't wanna finish writing so send asks about the yanderes and I'll answer

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More Posts from Der7py

8 months ago

Yandere Ceo x reader

Yandere Ceo X Reader

Damien Sanchez. Easily one of the world'overs biggest ceo owners ever, owning nearly over 50 companies, and being married over 42 different times since he was 18. It was no shocker. He was incredibly crude and stuck up to all of his employees. But he's more soft towards you, little butterfly.

Warnings: Mature language, age gap, implied murder, work abuse, unfair amount of power in the work field, degradation, Slight babying if you squint, unfair treatment, favoritism

Working for the Damien Sanchez was definitely an opportunity you didn't want to pass! Even if all former and current employees were strongly advising against it.

You worked as a receptionist in one of his companies on the first floor. Apparently, each floor was something completely different than the last! But it was advised in the rules you mind your own business on your own floor.

You barely ever saw the boss. But it was fine! You made bank as a receptionist, so running into the boss wasn't really any of your concern. He probably wasn't even that bad!

That was until you heard a strong voice yelling at another employee from the 5th floor.

Apparently, his coffee wasn't brewed right, and that warranted him firing the employee on the spot. Soon, the elevator made a ding, and the big man himself stomped right over to you. You could've sworn all of the employees scattered like rats.

"You! Yes, you! Go brew me a dark coffee. None of that sweet stuff now get going or so help me god I'll fire you too!" You immediately ran to the closet coffee maker to make it for him. You had bills to pay!

You rushed back over with his coffee, where he was impatiently tapping his foot on the ground. You were surprised you didn't spill it everywhere, or fall straight on your face the way you practically threw it in his hands.


He sipped his coffee, clearly taking his time while you squirmed under his gaze. Jesus, he really was intimidating with how fast your job could be on the line. "Mm... good job. What's your name?" He asked, raising a brow at you and your squirming figure. You immediately straightened up, letting out a silent sigh of relief. "Y/n Mr. Sanchez!" He nodded his head, snapping his fingers as he drank more of his coffee. "How unique. Anyways, you're moving up in the ranks, kid. 10th floor as my new assistant, get your bags." Without another word, he walked to the elevator and took it all the way back up.

Holy shit. Holy shit! Did you just get promoted?! This job was even better than what you thought! You wasted no time packing everything up and running to the elevator, a big grin on your face. You were eating good this week! As you checked your phone to tell your friends and family the good news, you forgot you had an article about your boss pulled up.

It was no surprise to anyone that your boss had been married 42 different times. You did admire him for his pull game, but figured he had bad luck. Maybe they were all gold diggers! But apparently, people had theories of what really was happening. All of his spouses mysteriously disappeared a few days after Damien and his newly wed spouse got married. Then he'd get all the inheritance money and whatever companies they owned, considering all 42 were rich. Some people were theorizing, he murdered them. Man people were crazy with their conspiracy theories.

But you remembered you never did see the old assistant leave the building.


He liked how eager you were to take the new position as his assistant. Maybe you wouldn't fuck up as much as his old assistant. The old bastard could barely make a coffee for him.

You took your new role very seriously, and he appreciated that about you. Even if the other employees picked on you for being relatively young. They all disappeared anyway.

Over the few weeks, he found himself drawn to you. You were his little butterfly. So full of life unlike the other scum in all of his companies.

He made sure to be extra careful and lenient with you. Oh, you accidentally misfiled an extremely important file? Oh, it's fine, darling. He used to make that mistake all the time.

Oh, you spilled coffee on his brand new outfit? It's fine, little butterfly, he has the same outfit 5 times just in case.

But anytime, any other employee dare make a mistake as little as dropping a staple while he was walking? Fired immediately. What were they thinking? Idiots.

You never noticed how much more soft he was with you. And he was determined to keep it that way. He didn't want you getting hurt over any special treatment you definitely might be receiving.

He felt alive with you. Hell! Sometimes, he upped your pay just because you smiled at him! You really were a precious angel that needed to be protected. A butterfly with delicate wings.

Just quit researching about his past spouses' disappearances, or else he'll have to clip those pretty little wings before you fly too far and find out what really happened.

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11 months ago

Yandere Gardner x reader

Yandere Gardner X Reader

Bonnie Dubois, the friendly neighborhood Gardner who was quiet and easily spooked. But you always did your best to be friendly to little ole' Bonnie. It wasn't hard to be friendly to them. They always found a way to please you. It's like they knew how to.

Warnings: Major anxiety, people pleasing, being taken advantage of, anxiety attack, childhood trauma, neglect, guilt-tripping, worship(not in a religious sense), obsession, mentions of thoughts of self harm(implied thoughts)

Bonnie Dubois, the friendly yet easily spooked Gardner. Everyone adored them, even if they tried to avoid everyone because of their anxiety.

When you first moved to the neighborhood, you were always so confused about why everytime you tried to talk to them, they'd squeak and hide in their hundreds of flowers.

When you got invited to a party by one of the neighbors, you asked about them, wondering why they always hid from you.

You were somewhat relieved to hear from one of Bonnie's friends that they did that to everyone, and you just had to get to know them first.

But still, why were they so jumpy in general? No person was usually that spooked were they? You needed to know.

Over time, you slowly became friends with them, leaving them gifts of potted plants, their favorite pastries (you had to ask around), and always making an effort to include them in activities you've made.

Eventually, they weren't as jumpy around you, and they made for good conversation. Even if they were always speaking so quietly, you were convinced that they only spoke in whispers.

You started to notice they were a big people pleaser, always doing tasks for others, no matter how big they were. It was concerning, to say the least. You always tried to get them to relax, but they always said they were fine.


"Bonnie, you have to take care of yourself. You're always taking care of others but not yourself." You said with a sigh, sipping your tea as Bonnie scurried around their kitchen, trying to find extra Bobby pins. Their neighbor Sarah had a little girl who was in dance class, yet they didn't have enough Bobby pins to pin up her hair. So naturally, she asked the neighborhood biggest people pleaser. It pissed you off knowing how most people in this town took advantage of your friend.

"N-no, it's okay! Really, I don't mind-" "Sit." Bonnie gulped, setting down one of their boxes as they sat across from them. You were determined to get to the bottom of this. "Seriously, what's wrong?" You asked, but immediately regretted it as they started to sob their poor eyes out to you.

"I-I'm sorry...! I-I j-just feel so useless when I can't help...! Please don't leave me...!" They begged, holding your arm tightly as they sobbed into your hand. God, you felt awful. You held Bonnie in your arms, rocking them back and forth with a soothing hum.

"I'm sorry... I didn't mean to upset you. We don't have to talk about it." You whispered, which seemed to calm your crying friend down. They sniffled, rubbing their eyes as they looked up at you. The look in their emerald eyes was enough to shatter you as you quickly held them even tighter. "I promise... I won't ever leave you."


You might as well have sealed your fate as soon as you said that. Because something in Bonnie's mind snapped as soon as you said that to them.

After they were done crying, they shakily explained to you the neglectful childhood they had endured and how they thought if they just did everything that needed to be done and more, maybe their parents would pay attention to them.

It was heartbreaking to hear, and you vowed to help them not be a huge people pleaser. And that's exactly what you did. First off by calling Sarah and telling her to find her own fucking bobby pins.

Over the next few weeks, you constantly helped them, teaching them how to say no, how to take care of themselves, and only helping people who won't take advantage of them.

Bonnie started to worship you. You were their savior, their angel, their God.

They started to go out of their way to do anything you. They started to grow your favorite flower in their garden, constantly leaving cute little potted plants around your house to make you feel better after rough days.

Their tears and timid nature were their big weapon against you and anyone they disliked. Hanging out with the new neighbor? You bet Bonnie's sobbing their heart out, begging you not to leave or their not sure what they'll do by themselves.

You always feel so horrible every time they cry. It feels like acid on your skin. Eventually, you move in because you don't want them to hurt themselves. Besides, it'll be fine. You love Bonnie, and you just wanna help them.

They love you too. Please. Never leave. They'll end up hurting themselves without you. Your their angel.

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8 months ago

Yandere Radio host x reader

Yandere Radio Host X Reader

Victor Rodriguez was the most popular radio host there was to date! He had late night talks shows, was always on the evening and morning radio, and was super charismatic! Only problem? He didn't have a co-star. But you'd make a lovely co-star.

Warnings: Mature language, addresses being leaked (only to yandere), stalking, car tampering, hero complex, mentions of abusive households

You swear that Victor was always on the air! Day and night, on every station. You could've sworn nobody listened to radio anymore! But apparently, with this new hotshot, everybody did now.

It's not that you disliked the man. He didn't do anything wrong. Surprisingly, unlike other radio hosts, he wasn't that boastful. But you were just sick of hearing him all the damn time.

Eventually, you tuned in (your friends wanted you to listen to him for once), and you made the mistake of accidentally calling in.

"Hello, this is Victor Rodriguez speaking! Who do I have the pleasure of talking to?" Oh wow, he answered the radio like it was just a normal contact in his phone!

You two had a surprising, really meaningful conversation! He didn't talk over you, poke fun at you for his listeners, and actually remembered things about you in the short time you talked.

You actually emailed him (he has a work email), and he responded back! You two emailed for a bit before exchanging numbers since you had made plans to hang out with him!


Shit! You were running late! Your car just wouldn't start, and now you don't even know if he's still there. But before you could call a mechanic, a black car pulled into your driveway, and a very concerned Victor immediately jumped out of his car. "Are you okay? You didn't show up for a while, and I was worried if you got into an accident!" You felt your face heat up and start to turn pink. No man had ever done what he did. Usually, they just got impatient and left at the first minute. But Victor... he actually went looking for you. To make sure you were safe.

"Yeah sorry, my car just won't fucking start." You explained, pointing at your car which was a pretty old model. Victor cocked his head, peering into the car, before looking back at you. "You got tools so we can pop the hood up? Maybe it's the engine." What happened next you had no control over. It was magic even. You opened the hood, grabbed a toolbox out of your garage, and handed it to him. In the next 30 minutes, he had fixed whatever problem your car had.

Victor turned back to look at you with a goofy smile, and you swore your heart was moving a mile too fast. "All done! But the ice cream parlor is probably closing by now. Do you wanna just hang out here?" He asked, and you nodded your head immediately. It was surprisingly a really nice day with him! You both had a cookout, lounged in the sun, and even had a water balloon fight. You were having so much fun, you let one thing slip your mind.

How the hell did he know where you lived.


Okay, so maybe he has every caller's address show to him and only him so he can stay safe. It's not his fault! He didn't know if his step-dad was still looking for him.

After he ran away from his abusive household (promising his mother and little siblings, he'd come back and save them from his step-dad's wrath), he immediately got picked up from a small radio station who needed a new radio host after the last one quit.

Clearly, he was better than what he expected because now he had worked his way up to the top radio station and was on nearly every channel!

So when you called in, he just expected a regular old caller, like always. But you... you were different. You actually talked to him. You made him feel alive in a way he didn't know was possible.

So he may have copied your address down just in case he needed to give you a surprise visit, but hey, who's really paying attention? Not him, and apparently not you either cause you did not have a care in the world when he showed up at your house.

You didn't even know that your car was perfectly fine the night before. But it's okay! Because he got to come to the rescue when your car wouldn't start! Even if he was the one who fucked up your engine so he could play hero.

But it's fine! Cause you didn't care, and let him play the hero. You let him be your savior! And that was perfect for him. You were perfect.

Just let him keep playing the hero. You need a hero in this world with someone as perfect as you. Just keep tuning in, and let him save you.

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11 months ago

Master list

Master List

Welcome to the library! This is where I store my OCs who are; fun fact, obsessed with you, and only you! These are my original OCs, and would appreciate them not being stolen since I work hard on these short stories.

Master List

Lance Dustbin (Yandere fashion designer)

First meeting

Master List

Kenzie Willer (Yandere Pop idol)

First meeting

Master List

Bonnie Dubois (Yandere gardner)

First meeting

Master List

Victor Rodriguez (Yandere Radio Host)

First meeting

Master List

Damien Sanchez (Yandere Ceo)

First meeting

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