Yandere Oc X Reader - Tumblr Posts

5 months ago




๐Ÿข.Modern day Ocs!

๐Ÿ’–. Jesse || Cute boy best friend: PT. 1 | PT. 2

๐Ÿฆด. Bone || Delinquent: PT. 1

๐Ÿงธ. Lylah || Friend's little sister: WIP

๐Ÿ’ต. Malakai || Toxic rich boy: PT. 1

๐ŸŒŠ. Ranee || Confused Merman: PT. 1 | PT. 2

๐Ÿ”ช.Takehiko || Yakuza sugar daddy: PT. 1

โญ. Ryland || Scummy celebrity: PT. 1


โ˜•. Julian || Too perfect Husband: : PT. 1




๐Ÿ‘พ. Cyberpunk ocs




Diner owner


City Grown

Badlands Grown


๐Ÿ‘‘. Switched Disney OCs

๐Ÿ’ค. Rory || Genderbent Sleeping Beauty: WIP

๐Ÿ . Adrien || Genderbent Little Mermaid: WIP

๐Ÿ‚. Aksel || Genderbent Anna: WIP

๐Ÿป. Murray || Genderbent Merida: WIP

๐ŸŒน. Beau || Genderbent Beauty: WIP

๐Ÿ‰. Ping || Genderbent Mulan: WIP

๐Ÿญ. Elias || Genderbent Cinderella: WIP

โ„๏ธ. Ezra || Genderbent Elsa: WIP

๐Ÿฏ. Jalal || Genderbent Jasmine: WIP

๐ŸŽ. Micah || Genderbent Snow White: WIP

๐ŸŽจ. Rhys || Genderbent Rapunzel: WIP


๐Ÿ’. Husbands through the decades



๐Ÿ’ป.Futuristic Ocs


Robot Society


๐Ÿ’ช. Hero Society Ocs



๐Ÿช„.Mythical Ocs!

๐Ÿชถ.Helys || Shy Harpy Hare: PT. 1

Tiny Fairy

Fairy Hive





๐Ÿชถ.Hybrid Ocs!

Butterfly Hybrid

Moth Hybrid

Buck Hybrid

Deerling Hybrid

Moose Hybrid

Wolf Hybrid

Harpy Hybrid

Hare Hybrid

Bunny Hybrid

Fox Hybrid


๐Ÿ“–.Cealieor Realm!

The Gods

God of Life

God of Death

God of Seas

Goddess of Earth

God of the Skies

God of Sun

God of the Moon

Goddess of the stars

God of Love

God of War

Goddess of Knowledge

Goddess of Dragons

Goddess of Elves

Goddess of Fairies

Goddess of Humanity

God of Winter

Goddess of Fall

God of Summer

Goddess of Spring

The 7 Princes

Prince of the North

Prince of the South

Prince of the West

Prince of the East

Prince of the Central

Prince of the Sea

Prince of the Sky

Dragon Realm:

๐Ÿ”ฅ. Solaris || Yan Fire Dragon: PT. 1

๐Ÿ’จ. Yandere Wind Dragon: WIP

Earth Dragon

Rock Dragon

Lava Dragon

Water Dragon

Ice Dragon

Fairy Realm:

Ice Fairy

Water Fairy

Fire Fairy

Nature Fairy

Dark Fairy

Light Fairy

Wind Fairy

Earth Fairy

Elf Realm

Normal Elf

Ice Elf

Water Elf

Fire Elf

Nature Elf

Earth Elf

Dragon Elf


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5 months ago

Hey all!! Just a reminder that all my ocs will now be posted on @secretcoralgarden !!

I might not be active much on this blog for a while because I'm fixated on my ocs and their ideas and creating more original work than I am on creating fan fiction.

This blog (my main blog) will remain active and asks will remain open here and I will on occasion post here. But it will be a lot slower than my oc work.

My main priority when it comes to posting on mermaidfanficlibrary will be what is stored in my drafts and then going onto answering newer asks and requests.

But if you have anything regarding my ocs please go to secretcoralgarden instead of here.

Thank you all for the support!!

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5 months ago

Just in case you missed it!!

Once Upon A Dream || Yan GB Sleeping Beauty X GN Reader

Once upon a Dream || Yan GB Sleeping Beauty x GN Reader

Characters: Rory

Summary: A cursed prince with no social know how

Warnings: Yandere themes, possessiveness


Yan GB Sleeping Beauty who first met you when the King and Queen were celebrating his birth. A christening. You were very young, but you barely remember it in your current days. You do, however, remember the Dark Fairy Queen that had placed a curse onto this enchanting newborn as revenge against the King who had wronged her.

Yan GB Sleeping Beauty who ends up being kept away in a hidden cottage in the forest with the three good fairies as his protectors. All throughout his life, he grew up without knowing of his royal prestige. He found great comfort in the forest and the little critters within it. He did wander quite a lot when he had finished his chores.

Yan GB Sleeping Beauty who grows up beautifully and full of kindness for everyone and everything around him. He has an ethereal aura around him, and he handles everything with great care. It would make anyone who saw swoon. However, he has a lack of social interaction due to living deep in the woods and the only people around him are his caretakers.

Yan GB Sleeping Beauty who memorizes the forest from just exploring in his free time. He knows where the best berries, fruit, and wild vegetables are. Along with the best wild flowers grow. It was an average day when he found a scared, lost horse with a saddle on it. He approached the horse with a calm, steady hand in front of him. He placed the hand on the horse's face and tried his best to soothe it.

Yan GB Sleeping Beauty who follows the now calmed horse to a clear field of grass and wild flowers. There was also a clear view of the castle that was in the distance. His โ€œauntiesโ€ had told him stories about the castle and the King. They also told him stories about the villages that surrounded the kingdom. He was so caught up in watching the castle, he didn't hear or notice the rustling behind him.

Yan GB Sleeping Beauty who becomes startled when he sees you running toward the horse. You looked soaked, and your clothes stuck to your skin in all the right places. He was flustered by not another human in the forest, but by the fact that you looked so enchanting. He remained silent as he watched you fuss over your horse. The care for your animal is very clear to him.

Yan GB Sleeping Beauty who is brought out of his trance when you walk up to him with your horse following you. You were so sweet when you thanked him for watching your horse as well as calming the horse down. You go on to explain you were bucked off your horse because they were spooked. Your voice when you spoke to him was so soft. His heart was fluttering. He wanted you to stay so he could hear your voice more and to befriend you.

Yan GB Sleeping Beauty who finds himself missing you over the next few days. Even when he's asleep he has dreams of you, as if he has met you some time before. There was so much longing in his heart. This is so different for him. He was acting so much out of character that even his โ€œauntiesโ€ took notice. Rory would go out for long hours and not come home till the sun had set. What was he doing? They were worried that the Dark Fairy Queen would find him, but they couldn't share their concerns with him.

Yan GB Sleeping Beauty who becomes so excited when he sees a familiar horse. He runs up to you, his face all aglow from excitement. He starts to gush about missing you. He doesn't know how to converse with another person, but he's trying. He's all blushy in front of you. He helps you off your horse with a gentle hand. Even touching you is awkward. He keeps a hold of your hand and drags you through the forest. He talks so much about his knowledge of the forest he's lived in all his life in hopes that you would be impressed.

Yan GB Sleeping Beauty who ends up ranting to you about his interests. He shares things he remembers from his childhood, funny stories that involved his โ€œauntiesโ€. He didn't know when or how to stop. He just spilled everything to you. But to his joy, you were listening with a smile. He wanted so badly for his โ€œauntiesโ€ to meet you. However, whenever he seemed to bring up this enchanting stranger in conversations, they would show so much hesitance. It didn't matter anyway. He was happy to just spend time with you.

Yan GB Sleeping Beauty who asks you a bunch of questions about the village and the castle of the kingdom. You tell him the stories of a prince that was cursed when you were younger. You don't remember the name of the prince, but you're glad to share it as best as you remember. You also tell him that you're not from this kingdom but a different one. You entertain him with stories about your kingdom and what it was like. He is so happy to listen.

Yan GB Sleeping Beauty who becomes very upset when you disappear for a couple of months. He feels completely betrayed that he's left alone just to wait for you to come back. Well, hope for you to come back. His โ€œauntiesโ€ share with him that you were most likely visiting from another kingdom. He cries and begs for you to come back. He was acting as if you died. Those were very long weeks for everyone within the cabin.

Yan GB Sleeping Beauty who has his animal friends of the forest help him feel better while you're away. This usually entailed dancing with Rory and listening to his fantasies about you. He also had an increase of dreams about you. They were usually the same thing. You would come find him and whisk him away to your kingdom where the two of you lived together and had a family of your own. He acted very much like a love sick fool. Sometimes the Dark Fairy Queen's crow would take notice when he was watching over the boy.

Yan GB Sleeping Beauty who is so happy when you come back to him after a few more months of your absence. You apologizes profusely about leaving so suddenly without giving him a goodbye. Rory was so grateful that you cared about his feelings this much. He forgives you with a tight hug. What shocked him the most was that his "aunties" were right. You were just visiting. But what made his mind explode the most was that you were visiting the King and Queen. He hoped that the prince you had told him about didn't take you from him.

Yan GB Sleeping Beauty who clings to you even more now that you're back. He gives you updates that he thought you would find important. Little things that happened in his daily life. He shared his overwhelming longing for you to come back and the dreams he had of you. It bothered him so much that you couldn't see him everyday. Like when you did when you were visiting. That's when his eyes lit up when an idea popped into his head.

Yan GB Sleeping Beauty who decides that he'll go with you the next time you leave to go home. He declares it out loud for all to hear within the forest. He doesn't give you any chance to argue. He runs immediately after his declaration to share his decision with his โ€œauntiesโ€. He skips to his secret cottage, not taking any notice of the pair of eyes with wings that follow him.

Yan GB Sleeping Beauty who becomes utterly distraught when his โ€œauntiesโ€ deny him to let him leave. They were very adamant about not letting him leave with a stranger. They never met you and they couldn't take any chances. He becomes so upset that he runs out the cabin and declares that he would run away with you. He runs through the forest to try to find you.

Yan GB Sleeping Beauty who finds you in a secluded lake alone. You looked just as enchanting as he did when you two first met. You were watching the ducks swim around. You must have tried to find him, but got lost along the way. However, his eyes scan over you and his face falls. You were surrounded by crows. There was one large crow that was much bigger than the rest perched on your shoulder.

Yan GB Sleeping Beauty who can't help but find the scene unsettling. When all the crows turn to look at him his back shivers. You follow the crows' gazes to see your blonde haired friend standing not too far away. He fights against the unnerving feeling and runs to you. The crows let out a deathly caw as they're scared away into the tree tops. He throws his arms around you, hugging you as tight as possible. He sobs against your chest.

Yan GB Sleeping Beauty who startles you with his change of moods. He was just so happy moments ago and ow he's this sobbing mess that has a deathly grip on your body. He was so cheery and was planning to leave with you, even if you didn't agree. He hiccups between his words as he tries his best to explain to you how his โ€œauntiesโ€ don't want him to leave with you. However, he twists the story to make it seem like his โ€œauntiesโ€ were the villains. This was all in hopes of you agreeing with him. You don't though, and he hates you for it.

Yan GB Sleeping Beauty who sees you leave the forest once more. He hates how you have to go partake in some royal's birthday when his is tomorrow. Why couldn't you have stayed for him? As he watches, his eyes never leave your figure. Tears well, and he slowly makes his way back to the cabin with his โ€œauntiesโ€. There they tell him that he's actually a prince. The fairies tell him of his true past and the curse that was placed upon him. The more he's told the more his trust breaks. By nighttime, he's in a carriage to the castle.

Yan GB Sleeping Beauty who is embraced with open arms by his actual royal parents. He's pushed into his birthday party with such suddenness. Frazzled, he tries to go about interacting with others, but there are voices in the back of his head. Voices that lead him through the castle, ending up in a secluded room where one spinning wheel stands. He reaches for the spindle, pricking his finger on its sharpness. There his eternal slumber commences. When he is found by father, he shrieks and brings him back to his royal chambers. The three good fairies make everyone within the castle fall asleep alongside their prince before they rush out to go find you.

Yan GB Sleeping Beauty who is asleep all the while you fight for him. He's awake just from your touch on his hand. The amount of love he holds for you is immense. He doesn't care how long he was asleep. You're here, and you're the one who saved him. Everyone else has awoken, and they go through with the party in honor of the prince. Rory tells everyone there that you saved him. All the guests go about singing your praises.

Yan GB Sleeping Beauty who is finally happy. Back at home with his actual family, and he can be with the love of his life without worry. The transition from being in a cottage to being a prince has been hard. He doesn't understand how the nobles interactions go, but he has you to help guide him. While looking for you, however, he saw you in the royal garden in an all too familiar scene. You with crows all around you, and one large crow perched on your forearm.


Property of @secretcoralgarden! Do not repost or translate without my explicit permission! Reblogs are welcome!

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5 months ago
Part Of Your World || Yan GB Little Mermaid X GN Reader

Part of Your World || Yan GB Little Mermaid x GN Reader

Characters: Adrien

Summary: A Merman who's just curious and wants to be yours

Warnings: Yandere themes, possessiveness


Yan GB Little Mermaid who is obviously the youngest merman prince of Atlantica amongst his six older brothers. He is the pride and joy of Queen Tritania, with his enchanting beauty and melodic singing voice. He would be titled the best singer in Sebastian's choir if he ever showed up to the practices and concerts. His aloof nature keeps him plenty distracted to ever participate in things that happen around the kingdom.

Yan GB Little Mermaid who collects trinkets from ship wrecks especially anything that was shiny. He absolutely adores the treasures left behind by the humans. His seagull friend tries to tell him what things are, but nothing the bird brain ever says is accurate. It doesn't matter to Adrien though. As long as something he's found has a name and an explanation for its use then he doesn't mind.

Yan GB Little Mermaid whose wonder for humans is endless like the sea's horizon. Even his secret treasure trove of abandoned human items could encompass this boundless curiosity he harbors. Even when his mother finds out about his surface visits, ending up with him being banned from ever doing such things in the future, he couldn't be stopped.

Yan GB Little Mermaid who finds you one night when you were on a ship with pirates who he assumed were your friends. His same seagull friend had pointed you out of the group. Seeing you dance around and the music being played was enchanting. Your smile was infectious and put him into a daydream like state. Maybe if he sang, you would be just as enchanted by him.

Yan GB Little Mermaid who finds himself getting caught up in a small fantasy of him impressing you with his voice that he's been praised for endlessly. The very voice that was the pride of the very Queen of the Sea. He is so stuck in his daydreaming that he doesn't notice or hear the loud splash of something entering the deep ocean.

Yan GB Little Mermaid who realizes that you're not on the ship anymore. He looks around frantically, wondering if you were just a hallucination he made up. But when he sees bubbles rising up to the top of the sea, he knows exactly where you are. His heart drops, and he frantically dives under the water to swim after you. He tries his best to bring you up to the surface as quick as possible so you don't drown. The whole night he's focused on you and swimming you back to the closest beach he knows. Which happens to be the beach of your kingdom. Your palace is sat on the seaside cliff off in the distance.

Yan GB Little Mermaid who admires your beauty as you're unconscious on the warm sand. His fish friend, Flounder, and Sebastian watch with great caution. His seagull friend, Scuttle, also joins as he tries to assess if you're still alive or not. Adrien watches you with amazement. He's always wanted to be close to a human. He's never seen one as beautiful as you, and he saved you. He's in love with you.

Yan GB Little Mermaid who brings a gentle hand to brush back your wet locks. He opens his mouth and starts to sing sweetly. You blink slowly, and you think you see a man in front of you with vibrant red hair singing to you. As Adrien sees that you're waking up he hurries off back into the ocean, leaving you confused. As you arise, you look out at the large ocean in front of you. You were humming the tune that you had awoken too. In your mind, you thought the song was sung to you by angels. Little did you know the merman that saved you was all giddy that you were humming his song.

Yan GB Little Mermaid who becomes love struck and lovesick all at the same time. All he can think about is you. All his dreams involve you. He swims around everywhere with a half lidded dreamy look. His brothers immediately caught on to what was wrong with him. Adrien was always humming to himself with a dazed look. When Queen Tritania see's her youngest son acting like this she becomes worried. His brothers had to explain that Adrien was in love.

Yan GB Little Mermaid whose fish friend helps with Adrien's infatuation with you by finding things that you had drunkenly dropped over board when you were partying with your pirate friends. How did the two know that these objects were yours? Your initials, or last name, were carved into everything. It was mostly due to your boredom. He handles everything with care and has a special spot in his secret cavern for all your items.

Yan GB Little Mermaid who becomes even more absent from his duties and events than before. He's too busy swimming up to the beach in hopes of catching even just a glimpse of you. If you aren't there, he'd just rat to Flounder about things he wanted to do with you.

Yan GB Little Mermaid whose mother tries to use Sebastian as a babysitter for her youngest. Sebastian tries his best but Adrien avoids and evades the old crab way too well. It doesn't take Sebastian long to discover the merman's secret human treasure trove, however. Adrien catches the crab and has him swear to secrecy not to tell his mother.

Yan GB Little Mermaid who has a huge fight with his mother once she found out about his human obsession. She had thought she told him not to go to the surface anymore but of course Adrien didn't listen. Even when his brothers heard the fight going on they did nothing to intervene lest they face the wrath of Queen Tritania. Angry, Adrien swam out of the palace with his mind full of upset thoughts. Luckily, the Sea Witch's trusted pets saw and decided to โ€œhelpโ€ this poor unfortunate soul.

Yan GB Little Mermaid who is ignorant as he is led to the Sea Witch's liar. The eels promise him that the Sea Witch will make all his fantasies and dreams come true. Adrien is so excited, he doesn't realize that he's being followed by Flounder and Sebastian. Once Adrien is approached by the Sea Witch, he is offered quite a deal. A pair of human legs in exchange for his beloved voice. He is very quick to agree, he doesn't even take into consideration the consequences.

Yan GB Little Mermaid who is so happy and excited abuot the possibility of meeting you properly that he completely forgets that he doesn't have his gills anymore. Sebastian and Flounder are quick to help Adrien swim up to the surface so he can breath. He ends up washing up on the very beach he met you on. He sat on the sand, naked. Scuttle flies up, noticing the familair red head. The seagull helps give Adrien some advice and helps dress him in a torn sail.

Yan GB Little Mermaid who sees you running along the beach. He's so excited he practically runs to tackle you ina hug. You're startled by the sudden contact, but the familair red hair catches you offgaurd. Vague memories of the day you were saved from drowning resurface in your mind. You help him off the sandy ground and offer to take him to your castle, thinking he was a victim of a shipwreck nearby. He nods excitedly and takes your hand. Sebastian decides to go with Adrien by riding on his shoulder.

Yan GB Little Mermaid who is so grateful that you're being so kind to him. The maids give him a bath which is so fun. He didn't know humans could make artificial bubbles. He was also so flustered when the maids give him clothes you used to wear. He shows Sebastian with a huge smile on his face. At dinner, Adrien is quick to take a seat next to you and flaunts the clothes he's wearing to you.

Yan GB Little Mermaid who clings to your arm as you try to eat. He's so fascinated by all the familiar items he had found in shipwrecks. He wonders if you'd be fascinated by his treasure trove. He reaches for his fork and starts to brush his hair with it like he had been taught by Scuttle before. He pauses when he hears your laughter. He felt so embarrassed that you were laughing at him. He was going to stop but much to his excitement you started to copy him. He's so happy. Please let him brush your hair, it's like a dream come true to him. He foes to bed so happy that he completely forgets the curse.

Yan GB Little Mermaid who spends the next day with you. He clings to you and tries to quell his jealousy when other people look at you or even try to talk to you. He chases them off with a glare, however. You take him to a secret river that had a wooden row boat. It was a private boat ride with just the two of you. You row him to a private cove hidden by the leaves of a huge willow tree. Here you learn his name from an unknown whisper in your ear. Then you slowly start to talk about things you liked. He so badly wants to respond. All he can do is nod. When the two of you are knocked over, you're quick to scoop him into your arm and carry him out of the cove.

Yan GB Little Mermaid who's all blushy when you two get back to the castle. You carry him to his room, dried him off with this fluffy thing called a towel, got him new clothes you commissioned just for him, and offered to stay with him for the night. He felt so special as you personally cared for him rather than sending the maids too. He fell even harder. You two ended up cuddling that night. He only had one more day to kiss you.

Yan GB Little Mermaid who tries his best on the final day to woo you and get you to kiss him. He needs you too so he can be with you forever. So he can be a human forever. He dresses all cute. Well he tries. He follows you around all day, clinging onto your arm and refusing to let go whenever you ask him too. It ends up working in his favor really well because you do end up giving him a small peck on his lips. You told him it was a reward for his help that day.

Yan GB Little Mermaid who becomes all flustered and lets out a verbal squeak which makes you startled. So he can talk? He's so happy that he got his voice back and can finally tell you EVERYTHING! He starts with how he saved you and that he was a merman that was cursed into being a human with a deal. He played into the damsel in distress bit hard!

Yan GB Little Mermaid who ends up staying with you after his huge confession. He's just a roommate now. He didn't quite understand the concept, and he desperately wanted to marry you right away, but you had a desire to build a meaningful relationship with him. It confused Adrien so much. It also had upset him. No matter how hard he tried to push, you were firm in your boundary. He reluctantly accepted your terms. He wanted to understand human customs and this was a good way in doing so. That's what he told himself.

Yan GB Little Mermaid who sees you with another man. He doesn't know why but this man is so familiar to him. And he's just as helpless as Adrien was when he first became human. He watched as your hands held the arms of this filthy stranger. It should be his arms that you're holding on too. That's when it hits him. He knows this man! He won't let this stupid Sea Witch ruin his promised happily ever after with you.


Property of @secretcoralgarden! Do not repost or translate without my explicit permission! Reblogs are welcome!

Tags :
5 months ago
A Dream Is A Wish Your Heart Makes || Yan GB Cinderella X GN Reader

A Dream is A Wish Your Heart Makes || Yan GB Cinderella x GN Reader

Characters: Elias

Summary: Even if you're a royal, you're his only human friend

Warnings: Yandere themes, possessiveness, abusive family


Yan GB Cinderella who is stuck living with his abusive stepfather and stepbrothers. His father had died when he was a child and his mother had remarried this vile man and even more vile brothers. She had died only two years after in a tragic carriage accident. They had him work as a made, gave him the old attic room in the west tower of the mansion, and never allowed him to eat with them at the table. All he had was the grief of his dead mother and father, the memories of a good family, and his mouse friends.

Yan GB Cinderella who cleans all the messes, makes the meals, does the laundry, takes care of all the farm animals, and everything else in between. He never gets a break and rises with the clock tower in the distance that was a part of the grand palace. And when he does find some little time to himself, he's busy making small clothes for his mice friends. The only thing to carry him are his mice friends, his dog, and the dreams and wishes he holds close to his heart.

Yan GB Cinderella who goes out one day for the shopping and bumps into a cloaked stranger. This stranger apologizes and so much more. They had picked up the items he had dropped when he was startled. Elias was being shown more kindness in this one moment than he was used too in the span of five minutes. This cloaked stranger then rides off into the forest with a very expensive, purebred looking horse.

Yan GB Cinderella who felt inclined to follow this stranger. He wanted to give his thanks for this stranger's kindness. He found the horse, and it's rider sitting not too far away. It's the royal child of the kingdom. Even with the stranger's identity being found, he goes up to you. He bows his head and thanks you with a gentle tone of voice. Thus starting your lovely friendship with him.

Yan GB Cinderella who is captivated by how sweet you are. Compared to the rumors his family had shared during morning gossip were untrue. Well most were. There was only one clear thing about you. You were gorgeous. The only thing on his mind as you two chatted was how you handled thing with a gentle care. He simply watched with a gentle gaze and eyes filled with wonder.

Yan GB Cinderella who was shocked when you say you want to meet him again. You? The heir of the royal throne? He's so utterly thrilled that someone actually wants him around. From then on, he meets you in the same spot almost every day. Some days his evil Stepfather keeps him busy. He hates to leave you waiting like that. He makes it up to you by bringing you some homemade pastries.

Yan GB Cinderella who got to know you more, and he realizes you share similar burdens. He also becomes more touchy with you. He loves hugging you. He comes to learn, however, that your father is holding a ball for you to find a spouse. His heart drops when it's announced in the village during his shopping. Everyone else in the kingdom is invited to attend, most likely due to your everlasting kindness.

Yan GB Cinderella who is delighted that he'll get to see you in a social setting as big as a ball! When he shares with his stepfamily he's all giddy. It was very noticeable to his stepfather. He's all giddy and brighter than they've seen. His hopes become toned down when his stepfather told him he would need to finish all his normal chores first and getting new suits for his family and he'll โ€œconsiderโ€ it. Elias does what he's told, disappointed as time goes on. At this rate he won't find any time to mend his father's old suit. Well his mice friends take it upon themselves so they mend it for him. Elias words hard to get everything done and helps his stepbrothers get ready. The way they talked about you makes him so frustrated.

Yan GB Cinderella who finally accepts that he won't have any time to make his outfit for the ball. His voice is full of dejection when he shares with his stepfather that he won't be going. His stepbrothers snicker in the next door room. As he stared out the window of his attic room, his eyes on the castle. He knew you were there, probably having so much fun without him. The candles in his room suddenly were lit and he turned. His eyes widened as his old suit was perfectly mended. He wasted no time putting it on and rushed downstairs to show his family. He was so giddy as he showed off. His face fell when he saw his stepfather's face.

Yan GB Cinderella whose stepbrothers are enraged when they take notice of what was used on his suit. Elias had things that were theirs. Sure the two had thrown them out, but that didn't give Elias the right to take them. Once Lord Tremaine had calmed the two brothers down, Elias' suit was torn and ruined. The poor boy ran out into the garden in tears with his mice friends following secretly behind.

Yan GB Cinderella who spoke to the air while he cried. He apologized to his father. To his mother. He was trying so hard to remain kind and hopeful. He was so caught up in his tears, he didn't register the gentle hand on his head. He looked up with wide eyes. It was something out of a dream. Out of his dreams. The person claimed to be his fairy godfather. He didn't know why, but he felt so calmed by this stranger. He was quick to share his sadness. His problems.

Yan GB Cinderella whose fairy godfather consoles him with a gentle smile. Elias watches in awe as this magical being does his work His mice friends are turned into horses. His horse is turned into a coachman. His dog is turned into a footman. The most jaw dropping point is when a pumpkin is turned into a carriage. He's so excited he doesn't realize eh's still in the torn rags. His fairy godfather, however, notices and changes the rags into a beautiful blue suit with glass shoes. He finally felt beautiful. He leaves as his fairy godfather told him that the spell breaks at midnight.

Yan GB Cinderella who was the last to enter the ballroom. His name and title aren't even introduced. You waste no time to meet him on the ballroom floor. Your father watches with wide eyes as you walk past the princess you were being introduced too by the Grand Duke. Elias was so jumpy when you greet him. You look so regal. He's never seen you like this before. In this environment.

Yan GB Cinderella who takes your hand and starts the first dance of the evening. He tries not to be anxious. Or let his anxiety show. The stares of everyone around him gave his stomach butterflies. They were watching him be with you. Him being chosen by you. He keeps his eyes on yours. Your steps are so graceful. He doesn't notice his stepbrothers were watching in envy. He doesn't notice much. He's so lost in your eyes.

Yan GB Cinderella who dances gracefully for his first waltz. It helped that you're so paitent with him. Your hand was carefully placed carefully on his waist. You're so delicate with him. He loves it. He loves dancing with you. He loves you. You two end up dancing into the gardens, escapping the prying eyes of the guests. He's just with you. Exactly what he's been wanting for forever.

Yan GB Cinderella who breaks out of his daydream trance when you two are in the royal garden. He's delighted that you're showing him around. Sharing your favorite flowers. Just hearing you talk made his heart so happy. He'd rather have you talk than dance around in front of a bunch of strangers. He felt comfortable with you. You lead him through the garden like you had done with the dance. He's so engrosed in spending time with you, he nearly forgets the spell. Nearly forgets that it's almost midnight.

Yan GB Cinderella who hears the all to familiar bell toll. The bell that always woke him from his dreams. Like right now. He remembers the spell and rushes out of the castle. He runs as fast as his feet could carry him. You rush after him, wanting him to enoy the bal more with you. The Grand Duke sees the boy runn off. He joins in the chase. Elias was quick down the stairs. He didn't notice that the glass shoe fell off his foot.

Yan GB Cinderella who forgot to tell you it was him. The boy from the forest. The boy that you had befriended over the last few months. As he walks the rest of the way home, the king's knights run after where they had thought he went. He had the other glass slipper so he held hope in his heart. The hope that you'd find him. That you'd ask him to dance with you once more. The hope that you would take him away from the abusive household he's been trapped in. Hope that you'd connect the dots and figure out that it was really him. He helps his animal friends get home safe and sound before his stepfamily gets home.

Yan GB Cinderella who daydreams about the dance with you. His stepbrothers noticed his hazy look in Elias's eyes. They didn't give it much thought, however, when Lord Tremaine came with news that the king is looking for the boy that had danced with his child. The stepbrothers were so excited. They wasted no time in getting ready. Neither did Elias.

Yan GB Cinderella who tries his best to be discrete. His mannerisms changed. That much was noticeable to his stepfather. Elias was caught when he was humming the tune you and him had danced too. Hr was dancing around the attic space as if he was right back in that moment with you. His mice and bird friends watched with joy. That joy was snatched away when Lord Tremaine locked him in the room.

Yan GB Cinderella who begs to be let out of the attic room. He sobs to his animal friends as they watch his woes. They make quick work of trying to free him. Two mice run down the stairs and through the door cracks to get the key from the evil man. As the animals break apart to set their plans in motion, he is drowned in tears. He just wants to be with you. He just wants to be happy.

Yan GB Cinderella who, even tired with tear stains on his cheeks, still holds onto the hope that he'll be set free. As he gently cradles the other glass slipper, the mice, and birds bring him the key. He shoots up and fumbles with the key. Eventually he unlocks the door, bolting out of the room and down the seven flight of stairs. Placed delicately in his pocket is the other glass slipper.

Yan GB Cinderella who sees you trying to take the slipper away from one of his stepbrothers. He tackles you into a tight hug, sobbing against your shoulder. His stepfamily and the Grand Duke were both shocked by his sudden appearance. You calm him down like you always do. It was something you were amazing at doing. You helped him into a seat, get down on one knee and slide the glass shoe onto him. It fits and the moment it's on he falls onto you, giving you a kiss.

Yan GB Cinderella who is so happy that he's finally out of the abusive home he grew so used too. He can finally be happy. Happy with you. The royal wedding was large, all his animal friends were invited, and, best of all, you were right there with him. You let his animals move into the palace stables and gardens. He finally has his happy ending and the love of his life by his side. Nothing will ever take this away from him.


Property of @secretcoralgarden! Do not repost or translate without my explicit permission! Reblogs are welcome!

Tags :
10 months ago


yandere!ceo with villainess!reader scenario [part two]

Yandere!ceo With Villainess!reader Scenario [part Two]

warnings: implied infidelity, implication of obsessive thoughts or love, workplace toxicity, non consensual surveillance.

There might be potential triggers in this piece. If you do not feel comfortable with reading it, please hit the 'back' button on your phone or laptop and find something much more pleasant to read than a potential series of unfortunate events.

You are responsible for your Internet consumption.

Reblog to support content creators! โค๏ธ

Hey guys, and welcome to part two of my new original yandere oc x series, featuring the good-looking prick and CEO of his family's conglomerate, Yeo Jung-Hwa.

This is a collaboration between me and the incredibly talented @deathmetalunicorn1. Special thanks to @pinkgoldweebgirl for their honest feedback on the earlier drafts of this project and @impeakcharacterdesign for being my beta-reader for the final draft.

I definitely was not expecting such positive feedback on the first part in less than a week, so thank you all for reblogging, liking, and commenting your thoughts on it, they really made some of my more stressful days in the medical field a little brighter :)

Also, if the lofi vibes nor are the clothes written in here arenโ€™t your thing, feel free to insert whatever is your preferred interior theme and fashion/clothing style.

So with that being said, sit back, relax, and enjoy the drama being unfolded on the stage.

Part one

Yeo Jung-Hwa was unhappy with the series of events that had occurred at the office. Hyueng Mun-Hee had bursted into his office with tears streaming down her bright red face, sobbing about how she cannot stand being bullied by the team manager of her department any longer. Who was the team manager?

You. His fiancee. The woman he must marry. A promise between his father and yours that would be beneficial to everyone involved - everyone except him. Wasnโ€™t he entitled to experience pure joy of being loved and in love? To be with someone who wasnโ€™t tiresome and annoyed him all the time?ย 

Meeting Hyeung Mun-Hee had felt like seeking the sky for the first time. She was a breath of fresh air to his stifling world. Hearing your most recent act of cruelty towards her had been the final straw. And like any self-respecting CEO, he texted the CFO to look into it before all hell had broken loose. He was receiving emails from the managers of all the other departments left and right, all with the same attachment. Botched up documents. And the one who had sent it was none other than Hyeung Mun-Hee.ย 

But he didnโ€™t believe it at first.

ย He truly thought it was another underhanded trick you had created to get Hyeung Mun-Hee fired because thatโ€™s exactly the sort of person you are to him; a dishonest, greedy, arrogant woman whose saving grace as a human being is an excellent work ethic. Once he had calmed his darling, drying her tears with his handkerchief, he marched into the Finance Department and demanded answers from you as soon as he got off of the phone with his panicked CFO. Instead of apologizing for what you did, you explained how Hyeung Mun-Hee made mistakes and you gave her a chance to fix them, but she did not correct them. She completed the required training. She knows how to calculate and make spreadsheets, so why is she pushing her work onto others?ย 

More importantly, you fixed her mistakes and sent out the correct ones to the other departments. Everything has been resolved, but you wanted Hyeung Mun-Hee to attend the companyโ€™s financial seminars to ensure that this embarrassing incident does not happen again. As much as he despised you, every point you made was correctโ€ฆespecially after he retreated to his office and compared the budget allocations on his monitors; Hyeung Mun-Heeโ€™s on the left and yours on the right. The numbers in his darlingโ€™s work were completely off, and they could have cost the company hundreds of thousands if the situation hadnโ€™t been resolved.ย 

He was certain that it was sheer dumb luck.ย 

Just because you had prevented a major internal disaster from occurring doesnโ€™t mean he would ever look at you as he looked at Hyeung Mun-Hee. In a cesspool filled with hypocrites and liars, his darling is a breath of fresh air. Pure, kind-hearted, committed. Loving. So many qualities you lacked. Yet is it all that it seems? He thought, sitting alone in his home office late at night. If Hyeung Mun-Hee made these mistakes, why didnโ€™t she just admit it instead of coming to me?ย 

He wanted to believe she was telling the truth, yet the proof is right there on his computer. Like his predecessors, he needed to take on the responsibility of a leader and make sure that the conglomerateโ€™s integrity remained intact. However, he also desired to shelter his darling from the worldโ€™s cruelty. Remove her from the department and secretly marry her so that they could be together at last. He is selfish, but he has the right to bask in his own happiness. Unlike some people.

Well, if he canโ€™t outright get the truth from youโ€ฆthen heโ€™ll just have to call in a favor from a certain someone in the underworld. The person in question could set up cameras in your bedroom by slipping in and out of your estate as a groundskeeper or pest control and no one would be the wiser. He could do it for a price and make sure that nothing could be traced back to him. The last thing Yeo Jung-Hwa wanted is to be arrested for illegally filming someone without their consent.

Not when this is an opportunity to sever ties with you completely, once and for all.ย 

Yandere!ceo With Villainess!reader Scenario [part Two]

Two days later, he received an email and an attachment. When he clicked on it, four camera angles appeared on his desktop. All of them were in your room. But is this really your room? He expected it to be clean with sleek, wooden floors covered by monochrome carpeting and a walk-in closet filled to the brim with extravagant clothes, shoes, purses that she wouldnโ€™t wear twice in her life. The uninspiring minimalist bougie interior design that is being coveted amongst the upper classes. Your taste was much more comforting. It appeared cozy, with soft lighting and warm blankets.ย 

Strings of fairy lights strung up across the ceiling.ย  A full bookshelf was near the bed. The floor was decorated with knitted ottomans and candles.ย  You lit them all back up as soon as you returned from the company, much later in the evening and when he was in his home office, cradling a cup of black coffee.ย 

You disappeared into the back for a moment, returning in a two-piece fleece loungewear with mushrooms and plants on them. Something he had expected to see Hyeung Mun-Hee dressed in, but not you. Were you trying to copy his loverโ€™s tastes so he would pay attention to you? How shameless!

When he flipped the audio on the cameras, he expected to hear snide remarks about Hyeung Mun-Hee or see you talking to someone on the phone about sabotaging the new project coming up soon so that you would take all the credit. Instead, you wereโ€ฆshopping on a furniture site?

โ€œI donโ€™t need another bookcase, or itโ€™ll look too cluttered. I canโ€™t get any more potted plants either. Iโ€™ve already done enough renovations here to make it cozy and relaxing. What aboutโ€ฆa salt thingy? Whatโ€™s it called?โ€ You typed a few words in the search engine, [Eye Color] irises brightening in realization. โ€œOh right, Himalayan salt lamp! Thatโ€™s not a terrible price for this one! And yarn. I need more yarn to complete that gift for Caretaker Leeโ€™s birthday. Speaking of which, I could work on that tonight. Give my eyes a break from staring at screens all damned day.โ€ You scooted over to the edge of the bed, pulling one drawer outward. You then reached inside, removing knitting needles, yarn and dark red clumps of something. You put on headphones and began to knit.ย ย 

You, the proud and arrogant Park Seo-yun, was knitting.ย 

You didnโ€™t move from that spot at all, completely focused on your project when a knock came from the bedroom door. A fleeting, fearful look appeared on your face before you frantically shoved all of your materials back in the drawer, sputtering to wait one moment that you werenโ€™t decent before putting on a bored expression, scrolling through your phone and reclining back like a lazy cat. You told them to come in, and an elderly woman in an apron walked in with a wooden tray filled with assorted foodstuff, carefully setting it down on one of the ottomans.ย 

โ€œThank you for preparing my midnight snack, Caretaker Lee. Iโ€™m sorry itโ€™s been such an inconvenience while Iโ€™m reviewing these documents for tomorrow.โ€ You said with a smile. Caretaker Lee shook her head, walking over to your bed. You scooted over so she wouldnโ€™t fall over the edge (presumably, because this entire situation is bizarre to Yeo Jung-Hwa), and she sat down. She smiled down at you, stroking the top of your head.

โ€œThis humble one is honored to serve the Park family, especially the hard-working young miss. It cannot be easy, with the current circumstances. Young missโ€ฆplease forgive me for speaking outrightโ€ฆbut are you certain about going through with this engagement? It seems that you have never spent any time with him outside of working at his conglomerate, and any time he has is spent with someone else.โ€

Yeo Jung-Hwa expected you to hit her, to punish Caretaker Lee for speaking out of turn and to mind her own business. Instead, you stared at her for a long moment, wide-eyed and mouthย  slightly partedโ€ฆbefore your lips curled into a melancholy smile, eyes softening.ย 

โ€œI thank you for your concern, Caretaker Lee. But this is an engagement between my father and the conglomerateโ€™s predecessor. Itโ€™s not something that can be broken off so easily with benefits for both parties.โ€ You said. โ€œThis is the price to be part of the elite. To sacrifice your happiness for the sake of business.โ€ You then leaned forward, pulling Caretaker Lee into a hug. โ€œItโ€™ll be okay, really. Iโ€™m Park Seo-yun. I can take care of myself. And you should be in bed. Youโ€™ve got a long drive to see your grandchildren tomorrow morning. Enjoy the weekend, and Iโ€™ll see you on Monday.โ€ย 


โ€œIโ€™ll bring the tray down the kitchen when Iโ€™m finished.โ€



You then shooed her out of the room, telling Caretaker Lee to send your mother a text as soon as she got to her destination. The old woman smiled sheepishly, wishing you good night and asked you to not stay up too late. Once she was out of the room and the door was closed, you walked back to the bed, shoulders sagging and suddenly looking incredibly tired before you fell face first onto the blankets, legs dangling from the edge. You remained like that for a moment, then picked yourself up and curled up your lower body, grabbing one of the blankets and putting it over your legs. You retrieved your hidden supplies, resuming your knitting, taking five minute breaks in between to eat from the tray. Three more hours passed until you decided to call it a night, blowing out the candles and switching the fairy lights to a lower setting before disappearing into the bathroom. You came back out, grabbed the tray, and vanished.ย 

This isnโ€™t real. It canโ€™t be real. You are a haughty, greedy woman who could care less about commoners, much less servants. You love shopping at boutiques and only want the best of the best in anything. Even in an arranged marriage. He could never be happy with someone like you.ย 

But is all of that true? A nasty little voice in the back of Yeo Jung-Hwaโ€™s mind hissed. Those were rumors created by other women who werenโ€™t pleased that they werenโ€™t good enough to marry you. Park Seo-yun is a stranger to you. You never bothered to know nor care to. Why would you when you have someone you love, Hyeung Mun-Hee?

He didnโ€™t need to, and the fact that he wanted to know the truth about you of all people terrified him. Heโ€™s not supposed to care, not to be curious or even concerned about your well-being.ย  This was a strategic engagement, not one born out of mutual affection. He has a role to play in this world after all.ย 

Yandere!ceo With Villainess!reader Scenario [part Two]

Three weeks had passed since he had the cameras installed, and all Yeo Jung-Hwa had discovered or even learned is that you were a completely different person in your home than at the office.ย 

You work Monday through Fridays, always on time and never staying late unless it was necessary. You returned to your family estate late on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursdays because there was a spinning class at the company gym after your shift on those days. Friday evenings were spent in either your room, holed up and completely focused on knitting or doing something else that helped relax you. If you were staying up late, the servants would provide a midnight snack for you. The portions increased on the days you were at the gym, alluding that you possessed an enormous appetite due to a high metabolism instead of being a glutton as Hyeung Mun-Hee has told him time and time again.ย  You talked to yourself when you were alone, or at least your thoughts before making a decision on something. When he remotely hacked into your laptop to see if he could find any evidence of foul play there, he saw your browsing history contained only decoration aesthetics ideas, healthier snacks to eat at night, local beginner yoga instructors, and shopping at small businesses on Crafty plus one or two high-end boutiques for business casual outfits. Nothing incriminating on any level whatsoever. But he was not going to let you off of the hook that easily.ย 

At work he ignored you entirely, focusing his attention on Hyeung Mun-Hee and blocked your calls so that he didnโ€™t have to talk to you outside of business hours. There was not a single text message or voicemail from you on his cellphone when he unblocked your number yesterday morning after coming into the office. Understandably frustrated and cranky from a lack of proper sleep, he decided to change the deadline for the quarterly income statements and the inspections of the companyโ€™s financial software, including reinforcing the firewalls and ensuring there was no fraudulent activity in the companyโ€™s transactions to Monday morning.ย 

With this amount of work, he was absolutely certain that it would be your slip-up. That youโ€™d push your assigned tasks to Hyeung Mun-Hee so you could keep working on your knitting projects. Today is Saturday, and you left your house at seven oโ€™clock to go to the office. You stayed awake until midnight typing away on your company laptop, looking over spreadsheets while talking to the head of IT on speaker, arranging a test run on the firewalls on Sunday evening.ย 

Instead of helping the team prepare for everything to be finished at the beginning of the week, Hyeung Mun-Hee was sitting across from him inside a coffee shop, beaming and utterly happy that they were finally out on a date after not being on one for so long, she was getting worried about him. Wellโ€ฆperhaps. Yeo Jung-Hwa glanced down at the shopping bags by their feet. They had gone to trendy high end streets and luxury department stores earlier this morning, with Hyeung Mun-Hee desiringโ€ฆno, more like insisting that she had at least eight new work outfits so that she would represent his company properly as a team member of the Finance Department.ย 

If thatโ€™s true, then why are you here using my black card to shop instead of working at the office? He thought behind a smile as his supposed loverโ€™s words went from one ear and out the other. If you were here with him, heโ€™d probably have been more accepting of indulging in your vices and insisting on paying for everything instead of you, even when you were just as wealthy as he is.ย 

โ€œIโ€™m sure that you will find out why Park Seo-yun is acting so suspiciously!โ€ Hyeung Mun-Hee said in a hushed voice. โ€œI canโ€™t believe you are even associated with such a vile person.She canโ€™t get away with talking down to others like that! She may be rich, but she doesnโ€™t know how to truly appreciate what she has right now!โ€ She giggled. โ€œItโ€™s funny, isnโ€™t it? She has everything, but she still clings to your engagement like a sad puppy! If she truly loves you, then she should have convinced her father to call everything off so that you can be happy. But the rich think differently I guess, right?โ€ย 

His smile tightened. โ€œPerhaps.โ€ He said, languidly sipping the java chip mocha frappuccino that she bought for him even though he preferred to have his coffee black with no sugar and heโ€™s told her this little tidbit many times. โ€œShe is extravagant, but you also have luxurious taste, Hyeung Mun-Hee.โ€ย 

He watched her eyes widen in surprise and embarrassment, sputtering for a moment before she asked. โ€œW-What are you saying, Yeo Jung-Hwa? You know me! If I had been given a choice to meet up, I would have chosen the downtown area so you could try the street vendors Iโ€™ve been talking about!โ€

And risk my health by getting food poison from reused cooking oil, poorly washed utensils, and ingesting noodles that are too greasy or salty? Absolutely not. He thought with slight irritation.ย 

โ€œMaybe, but we both know that we must be discreet in our interactions, as Iโ€™ve told you before.Thatโ€™s why I suggested we come here, but instead of sampling delicious foods at the restaurants I recommended, you wanted to come here instead after shopping.ย  If I remember correctly, your department is supposed to be presenting a big project on Monday. Why are you here, shopping to your heartsโ€™ content instead of being at the office and helping out the team?โ€

โ€œW-Why should I be there?โ€ Hyeung Mun-Hee countered, bolting up from her seat as she stared at him in shock. โ€œIf I go there, Park Seo-yun will harass me! I canโ€™t work in an environment like that! I did those seminars sheย  told me to do and passed the tests! Canโ€™t I enjoy a day off?!โ€ Fat tears began to build up behind her hazel eyes. โ€œIโ€™ve been working hard enough!โ€

But you are the one who is putting in the overtime needed to finish the job. You are leading the team to do what needs to be done. Hyeung Mun-Hee is just enjoying the perks of being by his side. Have you eaten lunch yet? Perhaps he can stop by somewhere that allows take-out and bring some to your office under the excuse that he needs to get some work done as well.ย  Dinner too, perhaps?ย 


He glared at her. โ€œSit down, Hyeung Mun-Hee.โ€ He hissed, displeased that her shrill voice had attracted unwanted attention from customers who were either sitting at tables or waiting on orders to finish up at the pick-up area. โ€œFinish your drink, and take a taxi back to the city, to your home.โ€

โ€œItโ€™s still early in the day, we havenโ€™t been out in a while!โ€

โ€œAnd Iโ€™m tired from the shopping. I donโ€™t need to see what you bought because I already have seen them all at the shops.โ€ He replied tersely. โ€œI need to stop by the office and take care of a few things at the office before I need to go home.โ€ย 

Hyeung Mun-Heeโ€™s face is a dark shade of purple. Consumed by anger, her mouth hung open, on the brink of another explosive tantrum, as the coffee shop door swung open, exposing its next patron. You.ย ย 

You stepped up to the pick-up area, looking at the various drinks with a pensive expression before waving down a barista. โ€œExcuse me.โ€ You said. โ€œIโ€™m here to pick up a mobile order for several drinks under Park. When will they be ready? I need to hurry back to the office with caffeine for my employees or things are going to get ugly.โ€ Theย  handbag hung from your wrist as you fished out your phone, presumably showing the online order to the young man. He looked at you before smiling at you.ย 

โ€œWeโ€™ll have it done in just a moment, maโ€™am.โ€

Is it wrong for Yeo Jung-Hwa to desire the bright smile you gave to that insignificant commoner when you did not know he was here with Hyeung Mun-Hee?






Congratulations, Congratulations, Congratulations!ย 

Important things must be said three times.

The viewership score for Episode 52 has arrived!

Taglist: @cerisearan @julietdelamare @ghostdoodlen @mochinon-yah @queenofspades403 @alittletiredcry @burningaestheticsimp @proper-fox @neutralrobot @reallysparklychaos @tired-of-life-86 @nunezs-stuff @yandere-dark-cupid @imperfectbloodmoon @cassanderasblog @faux-ecrivain @abelheilonwife @ixchelhernandez4 @diannaflight @sweetbatherodonkey @strangepoppy @persephone-kore-law @swallowtail-lotus @tonightwrites @majestichugs @pinkynecktie

Tags :
2 years ago

yandere!god x reader concept

Yandere!god X Reader Concept

imagineโ€ฆa yandere!god and the reader are both godโ€™s.

yandere!god is not a yandere yet, but just a normal person with a healthy mindset. where the reader is in love with the yandere!god, yet the yandere!godโ€™s heart belongs somewhere else. his heart belonging to a human girl.

yandere!god would spend countless hours of the day neglecting his god duties in order to spend time with the human girl, meanwhile the reader has to endure the heartbreak.

a war between mankind and gods erupted throughout the kingdom, sacrifice coming to play to keep peace and order throughout both worlds. reader sacrificing themself in order to stop the war and let yandere!god lives peacefully with the one they truly love. sealing herself in a tomb for her permanent slumber.

although, with love comes sacrifice.

readerโ€™s sacrifice could only do so much and yandere!god has to give up the majority of his power in order to keep his love safe. his loss of power forcing him to age as a human would, yet his godhood kept his immortality.

yandere!god living a peaceful life with his beloved, building a home, starting a family, growing old with his spouse. life felt perfect, but he could never leave behind what he once was. watching the love of his life and offspring eventually meet their end, giving him the painful reminder of what he actually was.

TIME SKIP to centuries later to modern times, humanity and technology is booming. the rumored god who vanished from records after the war thousands of years ago. a researcher team gathered together in order to uncover the mystery of the missing god.

in a desolate wooded area, a cave overgrown with nature they find the cave of the sealed god. a gold framed glass casket laid the body of sleeping god, looking tranquil and untouched even from countless years that went by.

immediately taken by the team, the god later awakens confused on where they were and how they were awake. informed by the lead researchers of the group who seemed very passionate of his job, he explained the story in full.

news breaks out nationwide about the god who had been discovered after being sealed away by conflict once in the past, and the masses erupt in shock and disbelief.

the news travels over to yandere!god who is in complete bewilderment. he had thought you had died years ago and now you are alive? the only one in the world who knows who he actually was and not having to lie century after century about his prolonged life.

yandere!god who volunteers as one of the researchers bookkeepers and gets the position as he is just a wise old man. yandere!god who watches as the lead researcher acquaints you with modern life and the two of you becoming quite close. who knew you could be so sweet, gentle, benevolent?

yandere!god overhears your story of the one you love and why you ended up in this predicament. maybe throughout the years he had forgotten about his past lover because somehow you begin to fill her place. you had been through so much pain and suffering all because of how selfish he was. in the end he should have stuck with you, you two both being the same and truly capable of understanding each other.

yandere!god who bathes in fury as he sees the lead researcher lay his hands on you, his filthy undeserving sinful hands. how dare he? he was in the presence of a god, only gods could be worthy enough to be around each other.

yandere!god looking at himself seeing the shell of a god he used to be.

no worries, when he regains his power heโ€™ll be able to stand proudly at your side where he shouldโ€™ve been in the first placeโ€ฆ

Tags :
8 months ago

Devil wearing angel's facade

Devil Wearing Angel's Facade

Female reader

Warnings : Power abuse. Huge power gap. Murders. Mention of uncomfortable crimes. Dubious consent. Attempted of rape. Framing. Blackmailing. Sexual Themes.

Devil Wearing Angel's Facade

Cameras flashing everywhere. Voices were shouting at the same time that the real questions about the topic was lost entirely. People crowed on top of one another despite the many chairs settle inside the massive conference room. Disgusting and humiliating accusations thrown one after another on the police sat in front. One worse than the last.

"Mr. Sullivan, does the police force even desire to catch the notorious unknown killer that is settling fear in the minds of criminals ?" A female reporter asked standing holding her set of white papers on her hand while the another is mike towards her lips.

"Of course we desire to catch the criminal as soon as possible after all that's the duty of the police force to keep the civilians safe and sound". The said Mr. Sullivan answered calmly masking his expression properly to not let any stress be shown.

"But thenโ€”"

"But then why the police has not been succeed in catching the criminal in span of four months ?" Another male reporter cut the woman's question to ask his instead ignoring her glare.

"Well, the criminal is very secretive andโ€”"

"Mr. Sullivan is that your failure excuse of not being able to catch the criminal or is this from the police force through you, the leader of this case ?" The man in beat threw the insulting comment rather than a question on him, waiting for any amusing expression to slip and be published in his article.

And the said man smiled forcefully "No comments". The urge to punch the reporter was dangerously increasing thus keeping his mouth shut would be best to not let a accidentally curse out loud.

"Another question, is the reason the police force hasn't been able to catch the infamous criminal is because they are protecting the figure ?" A unknown woman asked blended into the mist of reporters in the very back. However the question taken a back each person in the room after all that was rather a accusation not a question. Mr. Sullivan's eyesbrow raise, sat straight on his seat.

"Who's asking the question ?" Anger lurking under the tone as his eyes tried to find the woman. Slowly all the reporters sat down letting the very same woman stand out who met his eyes.

"I, sir". She answered loud and clear not a hint of nervous could be spotted. He spitefully glare at the woman. "My name is (Y/N) (L/N)".

"So, Miss (L/N), why ask such despicable accusation if the police force is protecting a criminal ?" Hatred brewing inside his chest of how dare a measly reporter tried to taint his reputation than it already was for not catching the criminal.

"Oh, pardon me, sir for making you think it was a accusation. No, it was simply a question after all based onโ€”"

"Based on what ?" He cut her off making her pause as if debating something but in the end shake her head and continued.

"Based on evidence of how the serial killer is rather taking the lives of innocent civilians, it said to be only gruesomely took the ten lives of other criminals who were not related to one another at all. One was serial rapist while the another was serial arsonist and the third was a serial killer, fourth was a former feud politician, fifth was child molestar, sixth was child abuser, seventh was a former owner of an illegal human auctions, eighth was group of men selling alive women for ton of ghost marriages, ninth was a famous female scammer and the tenth was caught in this week was a power abusing former chief police officer". She recite the list of crimes without breaking the eye contact feeling the crowd whispering and tension heavier.

"The way this serial killer is so meticulous in his killing not petty criminals instead high rank positions even the civilians were unaware of in process of masking his identity ? How is it possible if it doesn't mean the police force isn't helping ? How on the earth tons of cops can't detect even a gender let alone the identity of this serial killer ? Also most of the criminals I said were killed such as the famous scammer and the chief officer and group of men selling women were later found that they weren't innocent civillains instead the wanted people police were still in mist of finding so such vital informations only found in your department how come it was leaked to this very serial killer ? Is the police hiding something or simply the criminal is more suited to become a police ?" Every reporter chuckle discreetly at the last sentence while the legal force were feeling waves of humiliation washing over and over like an loop.

Snap. The last thread of patience within the captain was ripped. "You fucking illiterate woman ! How do you think of yourself, a merely nobody to be superior than the police task ? You woman and reporters only knows how to gossip and spread rumors like vicious vines ! Truth ? Huh ! In the name of truth all you reporters wants is to sell entertainment to earn money ! You are the real vile humans. You are ! You fuckingโ€”"

"Thank you everybody for coming in this press conference but the meeting has been closed. No more question would be asked". The male lawyer immediately stood up holding the enraged leader and announced politely yet the fire was set and it will only burn because all the wolfs hungry for any amusing titled disguise as reporters were now jumped into their feet, pushing one another to get the first question and the cameramen in heartbeat clicking each seconds of pictures and recording.

"You woman ! I hope you are the fucking next target of this serial killer ! Oh ! It's not hope instead I know !" Grasp filled the rooms of how directly police officer Sullivan admitted. Doesn't matter to the reporters if they aware anger spat those words, all they will do is twist truths and spicy is up meanwhile the culprit of this fire not moving from her root, smiled silently to the angered man, he who was dragged by his co-workers.

Devil Wearing Angel's Facade


The loud clashing noise of slap echoed through the silent office room.

"You fucking useless son of mine ! How in the world could you afford to lose your temper ? Let alone have one !" New senior chief of police screamed angrily. "Do you know what the articles are published about you ?" He threw the newspaper on Sullivan's face that turned red from both rage and shame. Clenching his hurting cheek, his eyes fell over the numerous head line written in bold letters over the papers.

"Breaking news : Found a hint of police task might be helping the said unknown serial killer".

"Police officer Hardy Sullivan, the leader of this leading case and the son of new chief police officer left clue in front of many reporters of him knowing the next victim".

"Leading officer of the anti-hero case confess of knowing the next victim".

"Officer Hardy Sullivan hinting and openly admitted of protecting the unknown killer".

"Is the police task protecting the serial killer ? Or simply it's a facade of punishing the criminals in the name of a serial killer ?"

"See ! My dear son ! What on earth have you done ?" He slammed his hand on the desk, frown paled his face.

"But father, I never confessed or admitted anything like the news outletโ€”"

"It doesn't matter if it was a confession or not my son ! Rather is it you said who said it or not ?" Hardy close his eyes unable to look into his father's disappointing gaze.

"I did". His father sigh.

"Your words could cost my position and because of that I, being the chief officer of the police task suspend you for three weeks and dismiss you from the leading role of this investigation". Hardy's eyes wide in disbelief of his own father's words.

"No ! No fatherโ€”" he tried to argue.

"Sir. Before father, I am your senior". Grimly he faced away further hurting his son who silently salute and walked away.

"I am taking my leave". Gritting his teeth. "Sir". With that he left.

Devil Wearing Angel's Facade

"Brilliant job (Y/N)". A beautiful woman smiled, hugging her tightly. "The way you fueled the fire will surely make our rating go to the top !" She winked letting her go.

The said woman returned the smile "I simply asked the question I had in mind. Because the way the serial killer had so many informations about others and killing them without leaving a hint of mistake must mean they either blend with the officers orโ€”"

"There is a snitch". The beautiful woman finished lifting a smile over (Y/N)'s lips.

"Yes mam. I believe so". She agreed with the beautiful woman who is none other then her senior and the archorwoman of the news company she works for. Truth massager is one of the top three news company in this country and top eighth in the global. She worked harder than others to reach a position in this company thus she will make sure she can stay.

"But I wonder will Mr. Sullivan stay the leading leader of this case or someone new ?" Well, (Y/N) didn't knew her answer will be replied the very next day in another conference meeting with a unknown man sitting instead of the former man also introducting himself the new leader of the case.

"Mr. Levi Caspian, why the sudden change of leader ? Does it have something related to the yesterday's confession ?" A male reporter asked.

Devil Wearing Angel's Facade

A smile appeared onto his lips. "What confession may I ask ?" His gentle dark brown eyes looked at the man who frown.

"The confession of him admitting reporter (Y/N) (L/N) would be the next victim of the serial killer in large". His smile wider at the reporter's words.

"Reporter, perhaps there has been a miscommunication. Confession is an act of admitting that you have done something bad or wrong but where did Mr. Sullivan has done something wrong ? Did he admit that he knows the serial killer ? Did he admit he has connection with the serial killer ? Or did he even admit yes indeed the police task is with the serial killer ? Because to my knowledge the only thing he did wrong was spat insult to a lady and hoping for the serial killer to kill her not command the serial killer or confess the next target because she isn't dead". The male reporter simple stare at him unable to search witty replies to utter.

"You are right. Mr. Caspian". He agreed

"Officer Caspian". Levi corrected.

"Yes, officer". The man nod.

"So any other questions ?" His brown eyes scan the sea of people searching for a certain woman he seen at the yesterday conference meeting when he was standing at the very back of everyone. A satisfaction grin appeared when his eyes met her (E/C) eyes. A frown deepen between her eyebrows of feeling his eyes solely on her despite him answering others flawlessly.

"Does he have something to talk to me ?" Because the entire meeting (Y/N) felt his gaze over her figure. When their eyes met, he still kept looking further raising her eyebrow at the action. "He looked too calm for a new officer or maybe it's the arrogance". She couldn't put her finger on hopefully the current one will be able to catch what should have been caught long time ago.

Soon the end of curious questions came to end calmly unlike the previous one. This time the lawyer smiling with relief looked at Levi who smiled back standing up from his chair. (Y/N) sigh, glance at her blank notebook where nothing interesting or new was to note leading her to not even asking a question so her happiness of leaving the crowded room was hasity unfortunately last short when she was called by a officer. "Officer Caspian wants to talk with you. Please come". Both disappointed and tired she followed into another room where he stood facing the window.

"Sir, Miss. (L/N) came".

"You may go". The officer salute and left the two people inside the huge room.

Finally she was able to see his face closely finding the man more youthful and handsome than from the backseat. "I am sensing dark circles soon be arriving". She smiled and shake his hand. "Pleasure to meet you sir". He nod gesturing her to take a seat. "I am reporter (Y/N) (L/N)".

"So, Miss. (L/N) I have seen how you are the most qualified reporter in this case. How you have even memorized the crimes has fascinate me leading me to ask you do you perhaps guess there is a spy within our force ?" The reporter paused wasn't expected to be asked so directly.

"Not at all sir, yesterday question was simply a question or more like a fuel to the fire". Smiling through her lips she lied yet the man's smile lips dropped turning into seriousness.

"Reporters are known to be truth messager so lying doesn't suit your lips, Miss. (L/N). I will take you do believe there is a spy but will not reveal to much dismay. Rest assure, this was the only question. Hope you have a good day". (Y/N) nevertheless smiled, a pit of pool over her stomach.

"Have a good day to you too, sir". She wished standing up, turn her heels to about to leave.

"You might think I can't catch the killer but I will soon". His sentences sounded more like a promise because it was.

"Hopefully you do". She wished as well confuse at why he is not asking more or what the whole point of this meeting was but she simple wanted to return the embrace of her home.

Devil Wearing Angel's Facade

"Okay, everyone hurry up and say what's the new big news that we will be airing ? The scandal of officer Salluvian is getting old and the new officer is rilling women would always be going endlessly so to appear different from other channels what's the next news should be ?" The archorwoman impatiently drum her beautiful nails on the desk, staring at each's soul to pressure them for their brains to pop not a good enough newsโ€” rather the best one after all this company is famous for being best as it should be.

"How competitive when it's being only one week the news of new officer is taken off yet another amusing tale is needed". Rubbing her aching forehead to squeeze any spicy information she has within her file to present.

"(Y/N)". In a whisk she met her bluest shade of eyes and a smile was offered to her "My sweet (Y/N), do you perhaps have any stories ?" A pit of pool arise inside her stomach from the silent pressure her seniors gives and the eyes of her co-workers feels needles on her thin skin.

Quickly she blurt out "How about the actor Samuel Holland ? It's no secret to press and his staff member about how he coerce sexual favors from his female workers even in his latest interview about his movie hitting billions box office, behind the backstages he tried to sexual assault the woman badly leading the reason why the interview cut short". She explained under the pretense of nonchalant when in her mind is hazy at the sudden spotlight above her head.

And the headache became worse after the sight of her senior's smile vanished within seconds "Next". Bored her eyes targeted to another junior leaving (Y/N) feeling bittersweet at disappointing the person who's expectation wasn't reached.

"It's all right. Not your fault". The pad of her fingers gently ease the frown off her forehead, comforting her own self for at least trying. Even if it's failure she achieved.

Devil Wearing Angel's Facade

"How interesting indeed". Hand cover the lower part of his face that still unable to conceal the smile painted upon his lips. How could he ? When present in front of Levi's eyes is a cold dead body layed on the grass. It's a man's body who's head ripped apart from his body hanged on the oak tree by a rope where underneath the shadows of leaves covered the view of this man's body layed with stomach cut open letting dried organs shattered all over the skin not a single blood or organ touched the luscious green grass. "Must be relocated" He thought discovering the scene for three minutes now.

"Officer Caspian". His assistant called him in which he replied with a hum not taking his eyes off the crime scene. "We have identify the body's identity".

"So fast ?" He was truly surprised to hear that after all the torture wasn't merciful in his opinion. "Maybe should have tortured more to make it unrecognizable". A wicked thought slipped inside his mind.

"It is because sir, the body belongs to none other than the famous trending actor Samuel Holland". The junior waited for any flinch or surprised eyes from his senior yet "Oh" with an unimpressive expression was earned leaving the junior a little baffled since it's unheard of a raising star to be suddenly murdered.

"Okay, go on ?"

"What sir ?"

"I said go on, any other information ?" Levi roll his eyes at the delayed reaction.

"Well, he is the victim of the infamous serial killer due to his reputation of sexual harassing multiple women even a year ago a devastating accusation was directed towards him by a minor for almost SA her knowing very well her age which was later turned out to be false". The senior hummed walking out of the scene meanwhile in a company a woman is blankly staring at her laptop's screen stating the death of the raising male star.

To be honest it's a wonder how her mouth wasn't agap listening to such a heart-wrenching death, in her earshot cries of her co-workers echoed following with comforted whispers. "Hopefully he rest in peace". (Y/N) prayed even though her wonderous thought imaged how the sexually assaulted victims took the news. A genuine curiousity felt to peek at their lives, were they happy ? Sad ? Disgusted ? Or nothing. Before her mind dug deeper she flinch hearing her name.

"(Y/N) !" Her female friend, Ella yelled dashing to her in process swaying her chin length black hair beautifully. "How terrifying news ! Do you know the actor we hadโ€” oh ! You are watching that". She paused. "Well, did you see the crime scene ? O my god ! Even glimpsing the piece is sending shivers in my spine". (Y/N) nod so she is.

"Thank goodness he kills only bad people".

"He ?" (Y/N) gaze at her.

"Well, first of all most of the serial killers to date is men and second of all the sadistic way it's victim is killed seems to be by a man unless the woman has serious grudge against the victims". Ella explained to which (Y/N) partedly agree cause who knows ? If there isn't enough evidence to prove otherwise.

"Oh ! This wasn't the reason I came to you only" Ella chuckled "Mam has chosen you to go and ask more about this death".

"But wasn't someone else wasโ€”".

"She likes you better due to the way you ask questions so now hurry up before she thinks you are slaking off". Quickly (Y/N) wordlessly grab her belongings to reach her destination along her selected cameraman.

Devil Wearing Angel's Facade

"Officer Caspian do you have any say in this matter ?"

"Officer Caspian, it's been over one week and two days and the killer has moved his pawn yet wasn't caught how does that feel to taste the failure ?"

"Officer Caspian, were the vows of protections and catching the killer were simply your arrogance speaking or a heat of the moment ?" Numerous reporters once again gathered at the doorstep of police station suffocating the man to near death by their mics, mush voices, flashing cameras creating difficulties for him to climb the stairs to reach inside the station yet he looked utter composed.

"Officer Caspian, do you even believe that the work of these murders are rather took by group of people than a single pair of hand ?" This was enough for Levi to turn his head and spot the same woman he didn't thought would ask such interesting questions again.

"Miss (L/N) I think the police has also stated that it was a work of one person". He bore his dark brown into those (E/C) eyes searching any emotions hiding behind.

"But sir, police could be wrong because it was only stated not based on any evidence ?"

"Then in which evidence could you have come to the conclusion it would be a group of people ?" He shot back in beat. Suddenly the voices creased and breath held anticipating in tension to record the intrigued conversation to sell.

"I have none". She disappointed everyone. "That's why I am asking the legal force to work harder if they don't want speculations against you". Levi simply turned and walked away once again presume the noise loud.

(Y/N) breath out. "The pressure was heavy". But before she could relax the officer turn his head. "Miss. (L/N)" She looked up.

"What do you believe the killer would feel when seeing as much as people hate them for commiting such horridious murders, there is also group of people sings songs of their praise for". A arrogant smile appeared "You knowโ€”". He shrug his shoulders "โ€”cleaning the filth from the earth".

(Y/N) was totally off guard to have her ask this unexpected yet she answered "Based on how they murdered seems to wash off bad people continuously. It seems they will proud. Too proud". This time Levi wasn't disappointed so he walked inside at ease.

Devil Wearing Angel's Facade

"Knew it no serial killers are good ! Does he begin to deem himself a god ?" Words of Ella went over (Y/N) head as she blankly gaze at the news shown over her digital screen. Breaking news : The infamous anti-hero serial killer turned out not be hero at all after committing homicide of a small family where the child was merely thirteen.

She can't believe itโ€” no, she refuses to belive it. Grabbing her belongings and walking up surprising Ella who was immersed in her own babblings.

"What happen (Y/N) ?"

"I think there seems to be a copycat". Ella parted her lips to express her opinion but (Y/N) drafted away quickly without her camera man.

"What in the world ?" She whispered to herself, resting her cheek against her palm.

Meanwhile the reporter took little minutes to arrive at her desired destination and rush into the crowded people surrounding officers asking their unanswered questions.

"Officer Caspian, there seems to be a copycat !" (Y/N) yelled louder to which Levi roll his eyes hearing the similar question for the third time today however she was persistent.

"Officer Caspian, the murder today's morning took place was done by a copycat is 100% true. There is no way the real serial killer would have done it". Finally the man stopped in his track.

"How you can so faithfully say so ? Based on any evidence again ?" Almost mocking the question was asked.

"None I have but I believe the real serial killer wouldn't because it would ruin the reason they might have begin the series of murders or else why did they only choose sinful people ? Out of nowhere a slaughter of a family in their own property doesn't add up". She argued.

"And it also doesn't add up how a civilian takes law on their hands and still being called hero despite murdering humans". The officer boredly stare at her, coming closer. "The way Miss. (L/N) seems to be in illusion, I might dare to point a question of are you a supporter of the serial killer ?" (Y/N) lower her eyes not comfortable with the sudden leaning closer.

"I am not but I believe what I see and I do not see the real one". Levi scoffs and went inside the police station. "I know I am right". She thought

But then somebody tell her why on earth right after the shocking slaughtery of the family soon two days later they find a innocent collage student body with the same twisted method of murder ?

"What is happening ? This isn't possible". The reporter unable to escape the reality she ought to not believe of yet another murder by the same serial killer. "There must be some kind of mistake". (Y/N) tried to convince herself that soon was proven wrong when another body wrapped with death was founded, this time a child but another day it was a man, the next of a married woman and this week is a old man in his late 80s.

(Y/N) was feelings her head spin by the amount of deaths in this month, it was almost as if the killer was at a rampage of bloodlust killing anyone and everyone on sight with no hint of the motive nor any clue of the next victim unlike before where at least the civilians had a idea this person's sole motive was to wash away the filth of people while not harming innocents yet that went to drain.

(Y/N) scroll through the comments only to have her blood turn cold of how each person in the comment has turned against the killer, each civilians wants the death sentence of this person surprising how much hatred they are having within themselves. "What is going on ? Am I the only one who thinks theyโ€” the real serial killer can't do it ?" Fingers dug through her hair touching her scale to ease the aching physically and let her temple touch the cold white table for a moment closing her eyes and forgetting the choas of her world.


"YES ! YES ! YES !" (Y/N) jumped on her feet, grinning ear to ear at the news of a new found murder near a lake where the victim is a abuser and a note is carved on the victim's stomach said 'I am the real one' proving the past murders were indeed not their deed "This is enough" She shamelessly screamed only to glance around the empty meeting office and let out a sigh of how idiotic and strange it might had been if one saw her being happy on one's death news.

Happily she grabbed her belongings to question the officer who's judgemental was proven wrong. Simply thinking about his frowned and humiliation would be satisfying but the question still stands without any answers of who did the past murders then ?

"So, Mr. Caspian, any say of your judgmental proven wrong ?" A male reporter asked to the expressionless leading officer who's eyes rather than focused on this nameless man was towards a certain reporter woman. He has to see her faceโ€” that (E/C) eyes shyly gazes at him yet her frame stand tall without a hint of nervous along her pink lips smiling oh so beautiful. But that's not the reason he must see her instead for a different one.

And it was confirm the moment she entered the room waving her (H/C) to the air, smiling ear to ear. She looked proud. A smirk appeared with a hint of crimson blush shattered over his cheeks. "Caught on trap".


"Why is he looking so calm ?" She doesn't know how to react watching as people throws hundreds of their failure to protect the citizens while each of the legal force is either uncomfortable or bitter vastly different from Levi Caspain, who's expression could be describe in word : nonchalant. Uneffected to anyone or any sentences totally jaded looking to be honest. "Something is amiss". Her gut feelings says and she knows there is something the officer is hiding from others including herself is unaware.

However (Y/N) will soon be unraveled from the mystery when after meeting she was called by the head once again.


"Hello sir, pleasure to meet you once again". Nicely the woman greet the high ranking officer properly this time.

"Pleasure to meet you too". His smile strained almost as if he holding himself "So, the reason I called you is because I want to confirm something". (Y/N) uncertainly nod, looking at the man who's intensely stare back raising a uncomfortable feelings inside her.

"This is you, Miss (L/N) isn't it ?" Mockingly he throw some pictures over the glass table between them and her eyes widen upon gazing them because in those pictures she was captured yet not alone rather with different interesting people at each picture.

One of her public interview with a serial killer that was killed by this infamous serial killer. Another interview with the former serial arsonist, another was a private meeting with the former serial rapist at jail and a private picture of her taken hand shaking picture with the former frud president and more until it ends with meeting the Samuel Holland in his latest and last hit interview behind the scenes taking his autograph.

"To be honest no one would ever wonder a reporter to be a killer let alone the infamous serial killer". Levi laughed like it was the funniest joke he ever heard in his life however (Y/N) doesn't share the same feeling. How could she ? When all her unwanted secrets were shattered in front of her by the least person she ever wanted.

"How did you know ?" Her voice was calm, too calm it amused the officer but only herself could hear the blood rushing to her eardrums and heart racing so fast she feared he was listening and enjoying too.

He titled his head, a grin over his pink lips. "It's your fault". She frowns, digging her nails into her flesh leaving crescent dents. "The reason I discover your secret wasn't by being a good officer and pop ! Got the solution". He laughed some more while (Y/N) paled some more imaging how could a officer catch a wanted serial killer and not straightly cuffed her instead of laughing like they were long lost friends. "Instead it started with your exciting questions. The way you asked and smiled at that Sullivan officer so mockingly after he was dragged out of the meeting made me look forward to your next compelling questions only to find out I was the next leading officer making me all giddy to meet you and thrill to catch this unknown killer so I started investigating the orgin of where and when and how it started that I recall you completely recite in the former meeting made me think you would be the perfect person to get help hell ! Even know you more as a person but the more the case went the more you so happen to be confident, always questing the authority like a tauntingโ€”". He snicker. "Only much later to realize you were indeed".

"But that time because your sense of confident, intelligent and mocking arose something within myself donning that I was actually attracted you". Levi smiled, his eyes glossed like memories flashing behind the dark brown eyes. "Thus, I begin to find every little thing from your pretty name to which collage you graduate to when you first become a reporter to who you meet in daily base and slowly I begin to point out how every victim who found dead is someone you met just a day or two before their deaths. Peculiar isn't it ?" He pursed his lips. "I brushed off yet memorizing it and I also notice how you met Samuel Holland the day before he died and this made me question everything leading me to ask you that day what would the killer felt hearing the songs of their praises and you replied proud with that same hint of confidence". (Y/N)'s eyes flicker to his and a truth was washed on her too.

"And that's why you killed the innocent civilans to see how I would have reacted andโ€”".

"Smart woman". He compliment her and stood up from his seat. (Y/N) felt like her mind was spinning and her throat was dried by the amount of fear and disgusted she felt by his man, but then again she was no better but still better than this vile man who simply murdered innocent people to see her reaction. How could he ? Being in legal task, taking his vow of protecting people while stabbing the very same civilians to death.

"What if I wasn't the killer ?" He boredly puff his cheeks because they both knew the answer to that and that wasโ€”

"Then it was nothing". Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Nothing. The word nothing makes a bile threat to pour out of her lips, she digged her nails more into her flesh suprised how the blood didn't slide. "How could you ? You killed innocents for what ?"

"Didn't you hear ? Your reaction". He walked towards her, crossing the table that she felt safe to have as a useless shield and sat beside her. (Y/N) doesn't need to spell the words she knew very well over his eyes that stare at her with desire, lust and want. A shameless adultery need.

And this moment she understand why he didn't arrest her or straightforwardly humiliated her because he wanted something from her. He wanted to take her soul. A thing that every woman fears when walking in a alone place or meeting a man.

Breathing becoming suffocating, hatred mirrior over her truthful eyes and fear permanent.

"You want my b-body". This time her tremble was unescaped as her (E/C) eyes watch the man sat closer to her until his breath was over hers, knees brushing each other and his cologne like an snake twisted over her breath.

"No". Liar. She thought.

"I want you". He utter lowly as his eyes soften looking between her lips and the shade of her eyes he learnt to love. "I want you entirely, your body, your heart and your soul. I want every piece and bits of you". He finally confessed and leaned towards her side neck to press his lips over the (S/C) skin he spent nights fantasying on and on.

(Y/N) breath hitched, her heart sanked and tears finally roll down her cheeks. The hatred she has for these men and people are the very reason she begin her first killings, she couldn't tolerate filth like these were in position of power, abusing and ruining to their sole pleasure. She had decided if she ever get caught she will never regret but how she never in her horrors of nightmare dreamed of being ruined by the same kind of people she very much have bloody hands of.

Thoughtlessly her trembling hands touch the shoulders of the officer and push away from her to see how blush over his entire face with his eyes dilated into heart shapes and lust. "If you do not wish to be arrested then submit yourself to me". Breathlessly he utter diving into her neck again and hands touching her breast over her white shirt.

(Y/N) clench her jaw "I will do whatever you will say if once you confess to me properly that you are the killer of all the crimes then I am yours". Levi stopped, his feverish state gaze over her and said.

"I am the killer, I did all the killings. Do you understand it ? Also you must be mine if you don't want this little secret of yours to slip". Hastily he finished unbutton her shirt and snuck his huge hand to grasp her breast at the same time kissing her lips.

Soft. Sweet. Those could be the words he could describe kissing the woman of his dream felt like. Her little lips crushed into his as he dive his tongue into her mouth, savorying a sweet and sour taste that becomes more sweet the more he explore.

Heaven. She is divine to him and he knew everything he had done was worth it and his snuck palm slowly caress the bra covered breast that he easily lose the strap of and collide the warm breast between his fingers teasing the nipples. (Y/N) finally couldn't take anymore and push the man away from her strength.

"I am virgin". She whispered breathlessly, her eyes met his flustered wide ones. "And I want my first time to be proper. Please. I promise I will give myself up and be yours for as long as you want but please let me have my first time gentle". Pleading her eyes she looked at and hugged the man lightly, arms over his neck. "Please. Not here in officer. Not today". She left little kisses over his lips, eyes and face letting the man touch her, feel her however not have her.

Looking into her fearful pleading eyes he agree. "But tomorrow at my house. You must". He then tighten the grip. "Or else your secret is up". (Y/N) merely looked at him with her watery eyes and press a long kiss over his lips without moving.

"I will". He doubtfully looked at her thinking how obedient and sly the woman is once her darkest secret is in his hands and thinking about it makes him more furious because what if someone else knew it before him and threated her ? Would she had also kiss him slyly ? Would she also please him ? These questions drive him to edgeโ€” no if there were any man or person, he would erase their existence.

His sight followed (Y/N) fixing herself and looked at him, a silent permission to leave to which he nod and wordlessly she left him awaiting for the next day to arrive unaware how foolish he was.


Knocks could be heard outside of Levi's door, perplexed he looked near his bedside alarm to find 5:00 am written. "Who is so early on Sunday ?" Rubbing his sleepy eyes, he pulled himself up from the bed to his feet coming to his door with a soft yell "Coming". Forgetting to change his usual night suit. Yawning he opened the door and his eyes twitch to be greet by the faces of his junior officers.

"Good morning". He greet them not sure of the way they didn't salute him or respect him first "Is this about the case ?" He crossed his arms to his chest, yawning.

"Officer Levi Caspian you are under arrest for the charges of sexual assaulting a woman, threating her, blackmailing her and for the recent murders took placeโ€”".

"What ?" Levi cut his junior off finally noticing the displeasure and disgust directed towards him and before he were utter more others cuffed his hands behind and dragged him out mercilessly.

"And as I was saying you have right to remain silent or have a lawyer but please be cooperative". Levi in disbelief of how one day he had to ever hear those jaded words to himself and scoff.

"About the woman thing, was her name (Y/N) (L/N), a reporter perhaps ?" He asked still nonchalantly knowing there is no prove against him however what pained him was how she went opposing him. Almost adorable if he wasn't furious. The juniors he thought respectful ago, glared at him with loathe settle in their eyes.

"There she is". His much awaken sight saw the woman who torment him not only in his dreams rather in real life too making him recall how dangerous it is to be addicted to someone, more terrifying if that woman is (Y/N) who looked up at him with those sunken eyes, reddish nose and wobbling lips and the moment their eyes met, she flinchedโ€”scared like a little rabbit caught by the wolf. How ironic ? A laugh would had explored his lips if not for this aching situation.

"You have no prove against me. You are charging a innocent manโ€”".

"I am the killer, I did all the killings. Do you understand it ? Also you must be mine".

"Please. Not here in officer. Not today".

"But tomorrow at my house. You must be".

The more he listened to the evidenceโ€” more like an edited evidence to twist the vines of truth seemingly appear as him, the killer threatening her and officer is abusing his power over a mere woman who not at all want to reciprocate his feeling. An edited version of truth of his secrets leaving out hers or more like painting her a total victim.

Anger and betrayal course through his body as the reality sink in his bones of how much badly he is framed that will lead him to lose his everything, from his reputation to his dignity to his power to (Y/N), the desperate need of her will be strip away from when she is the cause of his ruins.

"How could you recoreโ€”" Rage rushing his veins, he tried to be closer to her only to have her flinch and crumble into a ball alike of an frighten child, shielding herself. He scoffed at the pretense noticing how when the officers dragged him a fleeling smirk is dancing on her lips.

"This woman is a sin". The more he ponders the more rage curse over his usual collected mind. Never was he thought himself a foolish man for not noticing their conversation yesterday. Replaying the memories of yesterday seem to clear the fog of why she tried to confess him, became decile because she was recording. Preparing for the perfect trap to rope over and he fell by himself.


Tears were beginning to be difficult to produce the more (Y/N) tried to appear vulnerable and fearful watching the man who was portrait as the killer of all these murders and a disgusting power abusing man to snatch a innocent woman. Well, that's the truth the entire world has known as she watched Levi wearing a orange color outfit gazing at her through his seat in front of the judge to announce his sentences which she thinks is life sentence.

"How sad". Her disappointment was creased soon when the male judge said otherwise. "Levi Caspian charged withโ€”" He continued with the list of crimes. "I announced to be punished to death sentence". Her (E/C) glee up, never has she ever been so delightful of the justice system ignoring the burning glares she receive from a certain man who's eyes she ultimately met for the last time.

And just like that he said his last sentences to her spitefully yet eyes still held the desire to capture her. "Devil wearing angel's facade".


Devil Wearing Angel's Facade

Tags :
8 months ago

Honey Comb Trap

Honey Comb Trap

Female Reader

Warnings : Manipulation. Obsessive behaviors. Brainwashing. Attempt child harming. Childbirth. Murder. Torture.


(Y/N) believed herself to be fortune not only did she wished to have a happy ending of her future love story, she also got the best husband she ever knew existed in real life apart from fictions and dramas she grew up watching. He is sweet, sweet like the honey she loves to indulge in very much yet why does that seems dangerous suddenly ?

Honey Comb Trap



These two words are intertwined to each other always. Many questions arise in one's mouth hearing the word love following with 'When are you goona marry ?' And if the word marriage following questions asked 'Do you love your partner ?' These are universal vital question any adult would ask to another they care about because these words are connected. Not only love brings marriage for sake to never be separated and be together forever but also that brings the families of lovers together and this is where the word family enters.

Love, marriage, family. Not only marriage beings lover closer only for the couple to craft a little family of theirs but also it brings the families of the couple becoming a joint bigger family where supposed strangers become intertwined to one another. It could be a very positive or negative result depending on the situation. And very fortunely for (Y/N), the order of love, marriage and family were in right orders in the most wholesome way possible. She still to this day recalls the moment where she was at a art gallery smitten by the most beautiful of paints and sculptures of old figures only to met a emerald eyes man unbeknownst he is the future husband of hers for eternity. A lover unlike the prince charming that sweep her feet off nor a knight shining armor always there to protect or a villain who would burn the world for her rather he is much more sweeter, gentler and kinder. He is a wealthy man who's always cut the crust of her breads she doesn't like to eat, always orders food properly instructing her allergies, checks her water temperature, not let her soak in the rain longer, stands at her at any arguments yet teach her the mistakes of her anger in private, calms her down and most importantly loves her only like no other.

He is the epitome of perfect husband but in genuine ways. He has his own set of temper but he never takes on her, he has his shameful moment yet he learns from it. Nevertheless in her eyes he is the most perfect person to ever prevail upon. So, after their sweetest marriage, spending three years with the man her heart belongs to, she was pleasantly surprised with the little guest arriving to become their family.

"Asher ! I am pregnant !" (Y/N) jumped into the embrace of her beautiful husband bursting the amazing surpise.

Honey Comb Trap

However all (Y/N) felt was paused actions, unreturned embrace and blank stare. Nervous creeping into her as she let her husband go watching as the blank stare crumble into one of a astonished.

"W-hat are you saying ?" He stuttered.

"I am pregnant". Breathlessly she whispered after all it was bound to happen when they let her birth controls free and his condoms to rot in trash.

Finally his husband's turn into the expression she hopped to and was hit by relief seeing his smile lift into most widest she ever saw alike of the one when she said yes to be his girlfriend, soon his hands held her figure and swing into the air and spinning into the joys of laughter.

"O my god. What a happiest news you told me. I am goona be a dad". Asher without letting her feet touch the ground, touch her back of nape and kissed her until air become a need. "You are goona be a mom". He rest his temple onto hers to which she nod.

"We are goona be the best parents". She thought.

And this was proven more when she noticed from that day on he rarely let her do the only kitchen duties she adores and plop her on bed for twenty four hours watching something she desires, eating and let all the chores to the countless servants they have and (Y/N) openly loved it because this only shows how much he cares for her making her fall with him little more daily.

Even the usual meeting he has with his company has drastically decreased only spending time cuddling her, resting his head on her chest and staring at her growing stomach.

"How much would your stomach grow ?" She chuckles knowing he is the only child of their family and his relatives are rather distant from each other only meeting in parties or any festivals so meeting a pregnant woman is rare for him plus he never pays attentions to any of that making her ponder how he never talk about children unlike other husbands she has seen.

"Not much. It's only been three months". She caress her stomach not noticing his frown. "Do you wanna touch it ?" She hold his wrist tried to place over her stomach but he easily wave away touching her cheek and smiling.

"It's alright. I will meet when they come out". (Y/N) shrugged noticing how not once after she become pregnant. His hands were all over her body expect her stomach albeit she notice him often staring blanking.

"He is scared nothing more". She brush off the gut feeling of how distant he is related to children. Unaware he never wanted children.

After (Y/N) slept. Asher wake up unlocking his phone to search 'Does miscarriage hurts woman psychology or physically'.

Miscarriage is a traumatic event which affects every woman differently, but can lead to grief, anxiety, depression and so on, the words are written that he carefully read searching more and more until his curiosity was satisfied. "Shit ! That means I can't order any servant to miscarriage her". Frustrated and blaming himself of how he never cared to check her monthly period or anything which wouldn't had lead to a parasite taking place. Yes, a parasite is what he ought to like. An unwelcomed creature exhausting his wife that he gave her everything. He slightly doesn't like of anyone entering between them so naturally he doesn't like the idea of children who would snatch his wife away and only be ungrateful in the near future.

A parasite that settle inside his love who's life could be in danger during childbirth and when they grow their minds and sharp tongue to speak hurting things to his wife who's happy enough to gave them a life. "I wasn't at all happy when she announced her pregnancy". He still remembers like an nightmare of how he heard the words he didn't liked in his wife's mouth yet still acted all gleeful to not sadden his beloved. How could he ? Never in million decades would he afford to bring tears on those (E/C) eyes he adores like jewels and he can never images those 'I love you' into 'I hate you' at all. He didn't suffer only to have his wife know his true colors.

He didn't practice the ideal man to be hated by her. He didn't at all lied and beautifully crafted the setting for her to notice him at a art gallery rather than two months ago at a friend's party where she wore the gorgeous fluffy color dress she loves and in that moment he swore the cupid's arrow pierce his chest and written her name over his mind, soul, heart and body. He didn't simply became the gentle ideal man she would like for her to have. He created this whole persona of how supportive he is when she argue with someone and later talk with her when in reality he is clenching his anger and waiting for the right moment to kill the person burning flesh into ashes and bones to grind to the away. He memorized every little likes to dislike, frown to brighten eyes and every single thing. In simply words he unknown to her even made her thought of something that he planted in her mind first before she even came with it.

And this will be her bliss life of obvious. Ignorance is a bliss but his miscalculation was this parasite, now how can he get rid of that without effecting (Y/N)'s bliss life ? "I will see it later". He decided himself exhausted from the constant thinking and smiled contently at his wife's warmth.

Honey Comb Trap

"The child is five months and the doctor said it's twins". (Y/N) has begin seeing the signs of her belly evolving larger as the month pass even though this sign sometimes scares her of how much her skin could stretch. Sometimes she also imagine what if the skin brust ? She knows it's silly imagination or at least that what her mother told her though the phone call she seconds ago ended. Currently she is walking out of her room about to walk down the stairs to living room when she saw her husband coming out of his office room too, smiling ear to ear "Asher, dearest !" Yelled his name and stretch her arm to indicate of wanting a embrace when a female servant suddenly in hurry holding a pile of clothes run at her not aware of (Y/N) standing resulting crashing over her.

"ASHER !" She screamed feeling herself falling yet nothing out of her desperate grip came to pull or hold onto only gazing at the emerald eyes of her husband, she fell for. "Why isn't he running towards me ?" A terrifying question came upon her mind as her eyes closed on itself feeling her body to be crash soon that's when a grasp left her lips.

"What !" Her eyes opened in surprised as her husband's strong pair of arms held her waist and pulled before her body could touch the stairs. She blankly stare at Asher who seems oddly calm, holding her tight and bringing her to their shared bedroom.

"Are you alright ?" His eyes moved to her trembling hands and dilating pupils and held breath. "I guess not". He layed her on the soft fabric, covering her with blanket and gave her a glass of water to drink. After the cold touch in contact snap her to speak.

"Weren't you just stood ?" If she recalls correctly he seems to stand and stare at her not at all looked panicked unaware that few minutes ago before saving his wife, a second thought came to his mind.

"This will make the child die for sure". His heart almost dropped when he saw his life almost falling from the stairs yet the dark thoughts of his was gripping him in his place to rot the parasite he despise so much while not getting his hands dirty however.

The curve of her smile when her soft palms rubbed her swollen stomach whispering "I am happy, my love. This child created by us". changed his mind otherwise leading him to save the growing ungrateful brat and his wife.

"I was so shocked that I felt my body wasn't mine anymore". Asher smiled that didn't reach his eyes, glancing at the growing stomach covered by her long flower pattern frock.

"Oh". (Y/N) gulp the water thinking back to the expression he had with dead eyes and pressed thin lips shadowed by his hair. "It was scary". She never saw that expression adored over her husband before concerning yet fluttering her heart warm because that means he cares for her enough to risk everything and try to save her right ? Yes, she believes so.

Honey Comb Trap

"P-lease. Forgiv-e me". Pleds of forgiveness echoed the empty space of the nameless female servent he has not care to know name yet Asher express nothing. Like literally nothing of anger, pity, sadness, disgust. He blankly stare at her as his most loyal four men beat her at his orders without question and quick. Maybe because they too share the same fear of getting beat like the innocent woman by their master they serve loyalty to.

"And why should I forgive you ?" Finally he asked lifting a hope of light upon the bruised woman.

"Because I will make sure it never happen again". She breathlessly swore.

"Huh ?" He titled his head, smiling nothing like the angel he does to his wife rather this one sinister and far more darker filled with bloodlust. "What makes you say you will get another chance ?" Her heart dropped so does her hope.

"Now, fracture her hips". He commended tuning out the unwanted irritating of her screams and the cracks of her bones. He really doesn't like such unpleasant noises instead he like the giggles of his dearest, the snort of her laugh when she heard something unexpected, the cute hum of her, the music of her tune singing mindlessly. For all and each he solely find peace in his wife.

"Break little by little her spine". Asher close his eyes, deafening the chilling howl and bawl of her rather drowning himself into the image of his wife hmming her favorite song he learnt to love too.

"Crash her abodmen". He unconsciously mimic the images of his wife, watching how in her warmth of light home, she is hugging his torso, fingers over his disheveled hair and singing sweetly like an nightingale he never knew enjoyed.

"Bend her arms and legs alike of an accidental sprain". (Y/N) smiled at him mirroring the smile he wore in his lips, her fragile pads of fingers trace his lips like it's hers and indeed it is. Asher smiled more at the scenario building inside his mind totally indulging into the heven of his when he is hell for the poor shrieking woman helplessly under brutal force of hurting, tears has dried from how much it spilled yet another wail pour when her arms were sprained.

"Injure her neck alike of an whiplash". The men who were beating in heartbeat trembled questioning how on earth their master at perfect time is giving them the next order while closing his eyes and humming a pleasent tune. It sends shivers over the men and fear continue to do it's work.

"Finally". He opened his eyes, smile ghosted, eyes dead stare at the almost breathing woman. "Smach the head".


Darkness welcome the woman and blood wash over her head, cracking from the skull to touch the dirty sliver floor. A huge sigh of relief left his lips placing him into the happiest and relax mood he was. "Don't forget to cremate her body and grind the bones to vanish all evidence". His polish shoe turn towards the exist of his separate garage basement away from his house for ten miles.

The whole reason he punished the woman so painfully not because he wanted her torment or apologizes. No, one thing he learnt in his life that when an nagative action is taken place, no way in hell would apologizes ease the burns of the actions because he has seen it, playing in front of his life how once those schoolmate who bullied an nameless poor student later came begging to their feet, how once proud business men crawl their way to kiss up the people they unawarely mess up. He saw it all and he would be fool to be the next so he make sure any apologize of his mistakes that came out of his mouth is only planned, an act to sweep away the princess of his life. Thus, the woman's punishment was hurt the same way his wife could had been when she fell from the stairs carrying the leechs inside her stomach.



Back and neck.

Arms and legs.

Fetal distress and injure and more that he had took time to offer the woman one by one.

Honey Comb Trap

"Honey. I am afraid". Little tears welled into those (E/C) as her palm clutch into his much larger. "What if I die ?" Asher's suck his breath and tried his best to act the gentle husband she needs.

"My lovely, lovely (Y/N)" His fingers tuck the single hair behind her ears. "If god gifted you into my life then he won't dare to take away too. I promise". (Y/N) smiled at those comforting words, leaning into him before going to the operation room gathered by doctors and nurses.

"If I was the one to bring you into my life then I can also keep you". Soon the nurses took his wife wore dull hospital gown he realized doesn't suit her and watched her shut behind the doors.

"Mr. Harris, please sign your signature in the form". Asher eyes goes straight to the complication written as his wife is about to have c-section birth that he chosen after listening which is the least painful. Tighten the grip on the ballpen he signed.

"By the way doctor". The man dressed up ready to head to the surgery. "Save my wife". He finished, not a pled or request. It's an order that the doctor noticed.

"We will try to save the bothโ€”".

"No, if the child gives any slightest complication to my wife then immediately cut it out. My wife is more important". Those words were filled with vulnerability of how much love he bears for his wife yet the doctor felt bitter seeing how less connection the soon to-be-father is with his child. Yes, in his field he seen many husband choose their wives but the way the man utter so easily without any care of the child is unheard for the doctor.

"I understand. Your wife is the priority". Asher nod easing to able conveying his thoughts and his sight followed the man went into the room leaving alone the married man.

Honey Comb Trap

Cries of children rung the white halls turning the red light to green and the huge doors opened with the nurse carrying his twins and doctors coming out of the operation room.

"Congratulations ! You have twins, one girl and another boy". The female nurse cradle the newborn into her brace showing the father searching for any heavy emotions she has seen the past years working.

"How's my wife ? Can I see her ?" But Asher blankly question the woman trying to see a glimpse of (Y/N) not even sparing a glance at the children he shares his surname and blood leading the nurse a little baffled however she forced a smiled.

"Yes, you can but she is sleeping. Exhaustedโ€”". About to talk more when a whisk of air pass through her finding herself alone holding the children.

"The father left ?" Speechless is what she became. Meanwhile his emerald eyes soften and smile rose genuinely drank at the beautiful sleeping figure of his heart, his wife.

"I knew you wouldn't leave me". He message her skull, running smoothingly her hair and press a chaste kiss over her soak sweat forehead. "And I will make sure you never do". Because he few hours ago realized that having children shared with her will make her never again.

This stage was what completed and utterly chained her ankles to him and he swore she will only be showered by love and happiness even if it's an illusion crafted by him but one can't deny his love surely is real. "For you". He whispered. "A Honey comb trap".


Honey Comb Trap

Tags :
8 months ago
 . /. .

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 . /. .

๐Œ๐˜ ๐–๐Ž๐‘๐Š๐’

โฆ Devil Wearing Angel's Facade

โฆ Honey Comb Trap

โฆ Love Of Blessing Or Curse In Hatred

โฆ Addicted

โฆ Content

โฆ For Eternal

โฆ Love Of Immortal

โฆ The Beautiful Lie

โฆ God Of The Chisel

โฆ Enslave

โฆ Lost And Found (novelette)

โ˜พ Chapter one - lost

โฆ Worth A Terror

โฆ Returned Home

Tags :
8 months ago

Love of blessing or curse in hatred ?

Love Of Blessing Or Curse In Hatred ?

Female reader

Warnings : Infidelity. Murders. Poison. Mental abuse. Blackmail. Power abuse. Rape.


Finding love in arrange marriage is the same as searching gold inside a ocean. It's a waste of time and can slowly drown the one who has hoped thus, Edward never thought to find love with his arranged wife (Y/N) and found a pretty lady himself who will love him in riches and poor and bear his child but what went wrong to be poisoned by the same pretty woman he loves ? But fortunately god was in his side because he was back to the past and this time he will choose the right bride only.

Love Of Blessing Or Curse In Hatred ?

Yells, screams, insults, hateful eyes, sneers, complain and more. There isn't any left for (Y/N) (L/N) to hear from her husband, Edward Wright. The recent crowned King.

Love Of Blessing Or Curse In Hatred ?

Sadly, from the moment her hand were offered to the man after she walked down the aisle from her father, her doom begun so does his hatred directed towards her. To Edward, she wasn't anything than a measly pest stood between his love of the life and him and all he couldn't await was to erase her existence from the world to live a happy life. She was not at all like his lover, Isabella Relish. Not the gentle soul of her, not the sunrise smiles, not the comforting glance and shy courtesy of her. She was all he could elaborate into a empty shell of an person. The moment their marriage was spread to the world, not once his dearest wife tried to come to him, pleased him, talk to him rather her (E/C) eyes stare back at him after the bow, remained to address him with formalities, never came to his way, always seems to be stuck with his parentsโ€” the earlier rulers of the kingdom deserting and not questioning his thoughts or wants. "She is selfish". Was his first realization following was "She is cruel" watching the way at the slightest mistake of a servant lead them of a harsh punishment like fifty whiplashes on their bare backs or if lucky, he hates to recall ice bucket fill wash over them for an hour before standing them two hours bare feet under the blazing sun. Not only wasn't she is a wicked person, her ways of rules as an empress scares him of how less mercy with iron fist she gazes at the kingdom's people.

Edward could find the lingering fragment of behaviors on his chosen bride of his cruel parents that he refuse to love someone as the likes of her unawarely leading his eyes laid over the gentle heart of people, Isabella. Swore on Eros, the god of love. He fell and hard for her. She was the embodiment of what a human should be, she was the light of his dark world and the reasons behinds his smiles thus, he openly propose his love for her and from the tail of his eyes he could watch (Y/N) stood baring an unreadable expression watching the sight unfold.

Unfortunate to him, the gods were not by his side as his cheek burned from the slap his father gifted, strictly announced his wife shall and only be (Y/N) from (L/N) family leaving no room for a say. Yet he promised his heart to the woman belonged to a viscount daughter unlike his fiance, the daughter of the royal duke.

After the marriage closed with kiss and applause with empty room Edward didn't grace his presence into their wedding night rather he shared love with his lover at the very same night imaged her as his wife which few days later crowed by the throne, he made his Isabella his royal concubine deafening the protest of his royal advisors and pleds from the former rulers.

"She isn't good for you, my son".

"She doesn't love you".

"The woman loves her previous betrothed !"

"Your majesty, as empress of this kingdom. A king having a mistress just at the day of your crowned moment isn't well liked by people". Excuses and the last sentences of his wife fuled his want to plant a seed inside Isabella more just so he could at least see the little crack of her impassive facade turn into green with envy.

And the day he confessed patiently to his Isabelle about their shared offspring be the future of the kingdom ruling his throne. She smiled handing him a special wine she made solely for him. The king smiled, drank into the happiness of his future and the sweet taste turning into suffocation, his eyes wide as blood fill his mouth bled out of his lips. Unwelcomed chokes came out of his throat as he fell down helplessly under the woman he thought would be his destiny unlike his wife (Y/N).

"W-why ?" His palm wrap over his throat to put end to his own blood, tasting bitter.

"WHY ? You useless name of the king" The voice he usually never heard being raise than a whisper was filled with unknown anger and hatred he never knew existed. "You were well aware of my prior engagement to another, to whom my heart belonged. Yet, you misconstrued my courteous demeanor towards you as declarations of affection. And despite your own betrothal, you presumptuously demanded my hand in marriage !" Her pain roar was louder than he ever had directed over him, never aside from the one moment of his father slapping him, did anyone dare to even point their fingers at him let alone raise their voice. It astonished him more so angered him of how much the person he loved betrayed him and poisoned him for revenge.

"Because of you, I lost everything, my dignity, my family, my betrothed, my freedom, my life, companions andโ€”". Her voices let the tears slide and her knees fell on the ground beside his fallen body. "Myself". Her eyes flicker with vicious. "Thus, die ! And rot in hell". Soon the agony of betrayed was covered by darkness and before his eyes close. Distant shouting and coldness touch his lips. Exhausted his eye lids widen a little by the presence of his wife, (Y/N) who he ought to despise and preyed to be dead.

"Here drink this". Cold water were slide into his mouth turning the bitter into sweet. "My Majesty, everything shall be right". His closed vision saw her first ever gentle smile and warmth blend with regrets came upon his heart of how fool he was to be blinded by a witch and not love his treasure wife. Before the strings of apologizes were spoke darkness covet him sending him into the eternal slumper.

Love Of Blessing Or Curse In Hatred ?

"Prince Wright ?"

"Your highness ?"

"Your highness ? Please wake up !" Edward grasp and awaken. Sweats dripping from his forehead and heart pumping to send blood and mind races with the pain and betrayal he felt.

"Your highness ? You look quite pale ? Do you be pleased to rest upon some minutes ?" He whip his head towards the man wore glasses, black hair gathered in a rubber and black mix white suit wore, holding an open book and pen. "Your highness ?"

"Instructor Auclair, how on earth are you here ?" Thousand questions and emotions mingling together sending hazy memories and his sight follows how he is inside his former study room present with his former instructor Auclair, a famous French scholar.

"Your Highness, pray forgive my confusion, but I fail to comprehend your meaning. As I recall, we have spent the past several hours engaged in intense study, until you succumbed to slumber in the midst of our tutorial". His frown deepen seeing a name written over his book. The chapter of holy water : The miracle of second lesson. "Wait ! This is a lesson I have learnt already".

"You have your highness ? Why not you told ?" Edward overlooked the confuse man, searching for the date to confirm of something if he ought to think. "I was suppose to be dead". Running out of the study room, his feet run through the hallway scaring the servant away until he collide with a soft figure he never thought he could have a second chance to feel.

"Your highness !" Grasp was utter as her maiden hold her lady to stand properly. "Forgive my impertinence, Your Highness, but I must respectfully entreat you to desist from rushing through the corridors with such unseemly haste. Such behavior is unbecoming of a prince, and particularly one who is heir to the throne". The lady hastily courtesy before Edward who's eyes wide and heart racing.

"(Y/N) !" With that openly the rumored distant crown prince embrace lady (Y/N) who's baffled and straight horrified.

Tons of surprised yells by the servants and butler earned by the bold action from the crown prince. "Your highness, it's broad day light !" (Y/N) exclaimed, shame blush over her (S/C) skin, pushed away the man.

"I must also humbly request, Your Highness, that you address me with the formalities due to my station. While whispers of a potential betrothal between us may be circulating, I must remind you that no official arrangement has been made, and thus, I am not yet your affianced. Let us maintain the proprieties, lest we fuel further speculation and unseemly gossip." This time Edward was surprised.

"What ? We haven't ?" The sentence successfully confuse the lady. "Thus, it means I have been traveled back to the past where I am yet to be with (Y/N)" The date of the timeline confirmed and he slowly question if what his memories were his past life or a measly dreamโ€” no, it couldn't be because how he known a person he hasn't met to dream and the pain was too much to forget.

"Yourโ€”". Edward snap from the spiraling thoughts heard her voice to see her eyes on something else, following it fell over his own bare wrist curved a golden line horizontally. "I don't recall having a scar".

"Your Highness, I implore you, how did you come by that grievous wound ? I beg of you, summon the royal physician forthwith to tend to it". She suggested. "I shall then take my leave". She bowed once again about to turn her heels.

"No ! (Y/N)โ€” Pardon me, (L/N) don't leave me". His palm grip her arms. "Not worry yourself, we will be wed soon". (Y/N)'s eyes wide at the direct confession even her servant almost faint finding the prince who despise her lady.

"Your highness, why on earth have you left ?" Panting the Instructor asked heard each dripping words from his student.

"Professor Auclair, please excuse myself to have an audience with my father". Releasing the astonished lady, he turned his determined face towards his professor.

"A-As you please, your highness". He stutter, completely perplexed by the scenario played in front of each.

"And lady (L/N), I shall have conversation to be your betroth soon". He walked away filling giggles of some servants and confused painted over (Y/N)'s face.

"However I do not wish to be web". She utter under her breath that only her maiden heard and smiled sadly.

Love Of Blessing Or Curse In Hatred ?

"Crown Prince Edward Wright has arrived". The royal guards announced loudly as the end of their swords clashed with the floor and head bowed however the prince paid no attention the peasants and went straight towards his father, who he sat on top of the throne he recalls will be his few years later with mother beside his father on her throne sat.

"Please forgive my rudeness of such hasty audience with you, your Majesty". He bowed hearing the king release a sigh.

"My son, if the matter that weighs upon your mind pertains to the whispers surrounding you and Lady (L/N), then I must affirm that she is indeed the chosen bride, destined to become the future Empress of our realm. And I must confess, she is a paragon of virtue and wisdom, an exemplary choice for a wife and consort." The king elaborate, desperately wants to change the mind of his stubborn saddle-goose son.

"Indeed, my dear son, listen well. Lady (L/N) is a truly exceptional individual, possessing a heart full of kindness and compassion. She would be a devoted wife to you and a loving mother to your future children." The queen joined unaware how Edward has already has a change of heart.

"Be assured, dear parents, that I am in full concurrence with your exceptional choice of bride for me. No other lady can rival the merits and graces of Lady (L/N), and thus, I have come to you". His parents jaws were almost bound to be detached by how surprised they are. "With a proposal to formalize our union. I ardently desire to spend my life as her devoted husband, and she, my loving wife."

King Wright's eyes twitch at the sudden change of enthusiasm. "Son, do you truly wish to be wed, or perchance, do you harbor some hidden design, some secret intention that guides your actions ?" The queen glare at her husband for further query in case their son change his mind again. It's such a golden opportunity that the king is doubt of.

However to their surprise "Indeed, I confess a secret intentionโ€” to make Lady (L/N) mine alone, my sole and cherished wife. I have learned from the grave error of my previous denial, and now, I am resolute in my choice. I shall not be swayed, for I have come to realize that she is the true bride destined for me. I fervently hope that she shall be mine." The queen smiled at her son's burning passion and sincere smile for the woman they choose and the king welcomed with open arms to embrace for such an mature decision he made.

Edward leaned forward. "After my last life, father never spare me any affections yet in the second life. I have already gained their heart, (Y/N) is truly the lucky chosen bride for me". Bubbles of happiness clouded his mind for merely thinking of having her his wife again however this time he won't repeat the same mistake.

Love Of Blessing Or Curse In Hatred ?

Soon the news of upcoming marriage between the crown prince Edward Wright and lady (Y/N) (L/N), the daughter of the royal duke sprinkle each of small corner to large other kingdoms. Celebrations and wishes were greeted for soon to be the couple along engagement of money and gifts were at the doorsteps of (Y/N)'s the very next early morning.

"O, my dearest! Behold the boundless generosity they have bestowed upon us, merely because we have consented to bestow our beloved daughter upon the Crown Prince". Her mother's laughter couldn't be contain as she eyed the glossing dress, shining jewels, rare diamonds and more riches.

"Of course my dear, how couldn't they ? Our daughter is to be wed with the prince crown, son of the ruler". Her father proudly stare at her content wife yet when his eyes met his daughter's, the (E/C) looked dull and lost of hope. His daughter stood wearing the unchanged night gown gazing at the presents in return to send the lamb to be slay to slaughter. Yes that's how she felt and expressed too.

"(Y/N) sweety, my apple of the eye. This marriage will be good". He assured.

"But I do not desire". She argued plainly feeling burns from watching herself to be sold to a stranger she doesn't held affections let alone have positive feelings. Each of their meeting, she was greeted by his sneer and hateful eyes, opens his mouth only to shame her for being not enough for his surname to be wed, look down at her as if she was a pest not even human, spat insults to anyone he deem worthless to stand beside him. He is an man created with arrogance and spoiled riches with no care of anyone but himself.

"Ah, my dear, I am well aware of the circumstances, but behold". He titled towards her mother. "Your mother was also my arranged bride, and yet, our union blossomed into a love that has blessed us with a radiant daughter such as yourself." He praised, hugging her small figure into his. "Marriages are oftentimes a matter of duty, and we must learn to find happiness within them, for society can be cruel to spinster, regardless of their station. I have witnessed it myself, and I would not wish such a fate upon my dear daughter." He cares her (H/C) gently giving the reminders he has seen and wish not to be directed upon his daughter.

"I understand father". She did not. She knows herself she is over the ripe age of eighteen and she must find herself a husband however if men stayed bachelor. They are the talk of gossip and compliments. Unfair. What she ought to spat.

Love Of Blessing Or Curse In Hatred ?

The shine of decoration, lights and laughter of the celebration might shy away the moon itself, with the way each family is showing their beaming diamond, new collection, fashionable dress all in the name of ball held for the soon to be royal pair.

(Y/N) miserably drinks her wine, tears were hidden behind those polite (E/C) eyes. Stood alone at the corner. "I am exhausted by the false wishes". She is not foreign to envy looks and forked tongues. "All fault is the bloody prince". If she bared the power against him, she surely could had slapped him or better punch him.

And speak of the devil. "The King Arthur Wright and the Queen Charlotte Wright and their son, the crown prince Edward Wright has arrived". Each person bowed their heads at the sight of the royal family that (Y/N) passionatly cursed. Her eyes peek a little to find the prince already laid eyes on her.

"What ?" An uneasy creeped over her back, looming like an bad omen. Soon the king allowed everyone to stood properly and indulge into celebration. "He is coming towards me". Panic vines shatter over her how closer he is walking with each step she wished for him to stop. However her wish was unheard.

"Lady (Y/N)". He purposely called her first name. "May I have your first and all of your dances". All ? Really ? All ? (Y/N) already begin to be suffocated by how much this man keeping her within his palm for asking all of her dances not caring to do the same for himself.

"My first two dances is yours and the rest should be used by other gentlemen I believe". She search more excuses to support her words. "As it would notโ€”".

"(Y/N)". She flicker her eyes into his. "We are bound to be wed. If I have all of your dances, none would dare to question. Agree already". She noticed his irritation under the sweet words, noticed his fingers took all her dance cards, noticed he held her hand without her consent.


"The dance floor is ours". Edward grin ear to ear, taking her to the spotlight of others, spinning her around, holding her close, breathing their faces near and touching her waist.




These words are enough to describe his feeling as he continued to held her desireable waist, spin her around like an princess, drank into her each twitch, glance of eyes and clench that in his past life he heartlessly abandoned. The way her skin glows, light fall over her figure, grown wrapped her bare skin appeal her as a goddess he question himself how on earth he didn't notice. Her gracefulness, truth eyes, plum lips, soft cheeks are enough to engrossed him to her forever, make him slave to her beauty and kindness she gave his past life is enough to say his heart went to her.

"I love you". He mutter breathlessly boring into those (E/C) eyes he once thought was cruel when in truth was stern and nothing more. (Y/N)'s breath hitch at the sudden confession and all the curses and disheartment she felt was briming heavily.




These emotions were all she felt. How shamelessly he could confess to her when with the same lips he degraded her, mocked her, laughed at her ? How one could be so cruel to utter love words to their victims as if he didn't torment her enough by claiming her his for eternal.

Before the daughter of the royal duke, before a woman, she is a human bearing her own emotions and wishes. Just because tonight he felt love, she have to bend to his whims, if the next he felt loathe, does she also have to sumit ? Be a toyed and birth cow for him.

"Your highness, I do not share the same feelings as yours". With courage she denied making him pause their beautiful dance and his future fantasy shatter.

"W-what ?" His ears refuse to listen to what her lips convey.

"I said, I do not love your highness to be wed with you". Honestly she spoke, glancing around the whispering crowd looking at them with curiosity due to why they paused their dancing.

"She is lying. There is no way she doesn't love me ! If she didn't love me then she couldn't come to helpโ€”" click ! His eyes wide noticing how she never cared for him in his past life because she too didn't bore love that slowly grew the longer she stayed married with him. Yes, that's the correct reasonable answer he come with.

"But in past life she didn't confess to me theseโ€” oh !" Because he changed the course of events effecting other's choice of decision too. Which also applys she could annul their engagement. "Never. She was and will be my wife".

"O heaven !"

"What a passionate couple".

"The crown prince is indeed in love". Guests, servants and the duke and his wife and the king and queen all cheer in surprise by the bold action unfold in front of them.

Because Edward insteadly gripped her wrist to lean closer and press their lips together. (Y/N) hopes crash and Edward's wish fulfilled by tainting his wife now no men will dare to ask for her hand if she annul their engagement after all her purity is taken by the famous crown prince.

"Sweet". He thought moving their lips to the taste the untouched lips he was fool to miss in his past life yet this life he was wiser. Soon, the touch of reality hit her hard and she pushed him to run outside not care of the world that the people thought were due to shyness but Edward knew better.

Licking his lips. He looked at the crowd. "Pardon me, my bride has shy away". Walk away confidently wearing the smirk over his lips.

"My (Y/N), why did you ran away ? People would have thought something else". He snicker finding her crouching near the balcony as if breathing the needed air. His predatory eyes scan her taking him back to their wedding night of leaving such a goddess alone to fend herself.

"Not worry, this wedding night I will be the best husband". He promised, hands circle her from behind, caressing the stomach he imaged to be swollen with his seed and kiss her neck feeling her stiff.

Love Of Blessing Or Curse In Hatred ?

Wedding day came sooner than (Y/N) wanted, sitting in front of the mirror painting herself into the white colors of the bride, ready to be sold and a lamb ready to be cut. Tears were wiped faster than she could cry, sadness were heavier than her heart could bear. The veil finally covet her beauty only for her husband to ruin.

"My beautiful daughter is the prettiest bride I ever seen". Mama compliment, sniff happy tears.

"She is". Papa agreed, hugging her tight only to let her go to serve the hand to a stranger named crown prince after she walked down the aisle.

Edward was bewitched to see her once again in the color white to be his bride and later wear royality colors. He firmly held her shivering palms. Confessed "I do". To the priest, to the god who took mercy on him and gave him a second chance to amend his regrets to his wife who also whisper "I do". With a kiss sealing their fate.

"She is the most beautiful creature I beheld" even more than that witch. He looked at her after the kiss to cover the veil again making sure no men could get a glimse of something belongs to his and he smiled, waving to the cheerful crowd when his eyes met Isabella, the witch that ruined his life currently laughing hand in hand with a unknown man he figured was her betrothed she confess in their past life.

"I will make sure she dies with her lover". He planned, snake his arm around his lovely wife's waist awaiting the perfect wedding night where he sweep her feet from the eyes of others, excusing them and lay her on their shared bedroom, watching her to pled.

"How about we rest ? It's not like we must do itโ€”".

"(Y/N), I do know you were taught the next day maids will check whether we consummate or not by the blood you bled thus, let's make love". Excitement was not hidden away the way red colored his pale skin and eyes into cupid hearts staring at the woman belongs to him again.

He hastily unbotton few before diving to kiss those feather alike lips dripping with honey along tongue envade her sweet little mouth tasting each and every corner and intertwining their tongues together like their fate are as his sly fingers find their way to her back to unbotton and rip away her piece of cloth to protect from his gaze that scan her bossom tucked under her corset yet the skin was shown.

Terrified and bare under those sapphire eyes, her arms protest to cover herself that soon were useless when Edward easily with his strength hold in one palm "Don't hide away such luxury from your husband". Hunger lace in his voice as his other hand recklessly tore the corset away unravelling her bare skin and freed bossom that bounce due to the empact.

He almost wished to whistle like a wolf when he saw her bare upper shinning the (S/C) skin donned by the moonlight. Her ample breast would be good to fed his children and the smooth stomach perfect to carry children inside and hips perfect. His arm snake around her bare skin sending shiver at the cold and an unwanted touch.

"Be good". Tears finally fell from her eyes, she no longer able to held the pain and humiliation she has to endured, terrified by the actions rolling one after another. "Shh, everything will be right". He hushed her kissing away the salty tears he tasted sweet, pressing his lips over her cheek sliding down to her neck to the collarbone and finally to her bossom. Butterfly kissing them and foddling them to make her moan, to make her enjoy as much as he does however (Y/N) not at all feel pleasure or any positive emotions rather she is tormented, her stomach is turning in disgust and her hands threat to right at this moment slit the man's throat to put an end of his life.

More tears roll down when she felt his tongue wrap around her bossom buds, sucking and coating with his saliva. "Ahh ! These will be the buds my children will have too but these are only mine". Merely at the thought of it blood rush to his already erection and heat under his skin.

Soon the another bud was equally red from all the sucking while his own skin was drawning blood from the way (Y/N)'s nail was deep into his flesh. This were her way of gifting him pain yet he adore the crescent shapes given by his goddess.

His hands threat trace her stomach to her lower part ripping the remaining cloth to bare entire her. Finally (Y/N) felt she could die if the man touch her another most reserved part she wished to give her lover, she slapped Edward.

The sharp noise fill the silent room for a second startling the patient prince and the blood that spill from his cheek when her nails too gaze harshly over his flesh.

"This is the second time". He counted someone dare to raise their hand yet oddly enough he licked the blood and his eyes decorated with lust. Finally the thread of patient he was keeping was cut and he ruthlessly push her over the bed again earning grasp from her and cries of mercy to be left alone however he ripe his own suit that covered his desire and finally claim the woman of his dreams who was ruined every second of the moment and it lasted until the next day's evening.


Soon enough the day he was crowned the King in his past life remained the same in his second life along his queen (Y/N) who he made love almost each passing day.

"All hail the new King".

"All wish the King thousands of years".

"All wish the King propitious and happiness". Edward drank all the praises belonging to him albeit he doesn't need it because his wife is lucky charm in his life.

"Now we shall drink wines". Each of his subjects and royals and himself and his wife raise their glasss to connect to their lips. Edward drink, smiling to his wife who remain her eyes over the liquid with an impassive expression.

However soon the pleasure turned into horror feeling the same bitterness and suffocated as his lips were once again tainted by his own blood and heart throbbing. He fell down, hands reached for his wife to touch, eyes ache for her to look when he could feel the royals, others coming closer to him to save and call the royal physician yet his vision darken, his beloved never spare a glance at him.


"Your highness ? Your highness ?" Edward awaken once again hearing his professor Auclair call him repeating the same words how he had fallen asleep during their lecture and when he ran through the hallways he met with his yet to be future wife (Y/N) (L/N). Confused he held her bittersweet to able to feel her warmth and that's when he saw again. This time curved two golden line horizontally on his bare wrist.


"Am I given life again ? Is the lines are my lives I live ? My third life ?" This time too he went straight to his father to fix the marriage between them after all they are fated together then he went to library to search for his repeat travel to past.

"The answer lies on the holy book". His fingers brush the pages of The chapter of holy water : The miracle of second lesson. It is written those who the deity deem most sinful mortal to repeat their past to correct their mistakes and if in their second life, the mortals harm another being mentally or physically, they are punished to return to their past once again if they die and the prove of such reoccurring cycle is the golden scar curved on their flesh.

"Because I killed Isabella and her lover in my second life. I was sent to past again ? But the death was an assassination perhaps". He desire to punish himself for being such an fool and let go the life that was perfect however this time he will again get his wife and prevent himself to drink any liquid at any ceremony especially his crowed king moment.

Each and all moment played out the same from the ball event to their wedding to their shared first night expect some changes and currently the crown heavy loom above his head beside sat his queen.

"All wish the King propitious and happiness". All the member within the room sip their drinks expect the King himself who claimed he has sickness to prevent drinking the posion while he watched his queen sip little by little not sparing a glance at him like their second life which he didn't found pleasant thus he fantasize how in their bed he will make her eyes on him the entire time.

"This will be the perfect ending". Or so he thought because why on earth is he laying on the ground, holding his slit throat to end the bleeding and eyes wide at his wife, (Y/N) (L/N) holding a sword that smeared with his crimson hue as she continue to watch his life fade.

"Why ?" Why ? Why ? Why ? Why ? Why again is he betrayed by the person he adores ? How could he be killed by the hands he caress and die at the feet he worshipped.

"Why ? Because why not. Your highness". Her lips stretch into a beautiful smile donned by the moonlight seeking inside their shared bedroom. "You bled my blood in the name of love on bed then why am I not allowed to do the same ?" Giggles echo the cold night.

"Forgive me, it was a comical sentence. I did not murder you in the name of love rather I murder you in the name of hate". He choked more blood.


"Impossible right ? Because why on earth would I in our first life would give you water to save ?" She laugh some more leaving him surprise.

"You awareโ€”".

"Not at first yet slowly I do". She crounch, staring down at him alike of his past self who look down on people like they are pest. "Your Highness, the liquid I provided you in our first life was not mere water, but holy water, imbued with the power of rebirth. It was not the deity who deemed you worthy of rebirth, but I, the very same woman you once despised. Howeverโ€”" She put a finger over his lips. "Before you assume or imagine that I saved you out of benevolence, no, I must confess, I tricked you." (Y/N) titled her head.

"Verily, the moment I beheld you proposing to another woman, even as you were betrothed to me, and publicly humiliating me in the process, was the very instant I resolved to make you suffer all the anguish, torment, and disgust that I felt during our wretched marriage. It was then that I devised a plan to manipulate the ritual of the holy water, which grants a second chance to those who drink it upon their deathbed. However, I added a twist to the ritual, a curse in disguise, whereby not only would the person who imbibed it be reborn, but also doomed to repeat the cycle of rebirth, again and again, ad infinitum, like a wretched, cursed loop." Edward's eyes wide at the answer of his questions behind his repeat mercy that was curse in disguise.

"And when I had resolved to take your life, fate intervened, and your first lover herself presented me with the perfect opportunity. Seizing the chance, I administered the accursed drink to you, condemning you to the cycle of rebirth. You mistook my actions for kindness as you lay dying in your first life, but little did you know, my future self would ascend to the throne, reveling in the pleasures of power. (Y/N) loved the horror and betrayed written over his face. What she will never told him that the reason she aware is through her memories that came flashing the moment her eyes fell over his golden lines of lives.

"And my another self in our second life has been wed to another and this time I will be waiting to see what becomes of me". She throw back her head, wickedly laughed.

"I-I will kill you". Edward vowed and glare at the woman he loves.

"Aww, sweet however even if you kill me in my next life. Nothing will ever stop you from dying again and again until all the golden lines are spread over your flesh then when you die again will be your last mortal days". The queen stood up, brushing her white gown and throwing the sword in some corner. "My Majesty, everything shall be right". She mockly titled her bow watching he took his last breath to restart his past.

(Y/N) screamed her lungs out, calling servants, bulter, royal physician "O heavens ! The King has been murdered". She moured, falling on her knees, crying hysterically as every person enter inside the room, dragging his cold wrapped body and her to protect.

"I saw little glimpse of some men who murdered my husband". Tears were streaming over her cheeks however her shoulder were shivering due to her laughter she hid behind her palm.

Soon the royality mour the King's death together and she was crowned the ruler, singing her praises and throwing flowers over her. She grin fleeing from the golden cage she was trapped by replacing her former husband within it. Her (E/C) eyes fell over a certain man bowing his head to the queen and held not only her hand even her heart and body at night before becoming the King consort.

"Dearest, how are Lily and Henry ?" (Y/N) asked finally sitting upon her bed to drain away stress of the royal advisors and royal meeting. A pair of hands message her shoulders while leaving fluttering kisses on her shoulder and butterflies inside her stomach.

"They are good, my love". He carried her on his lap, kissing her deeply.

"Really ? I have my doubt after all Lily is turning five this year and Henryโ€” eight albeit he acts like an bandit not like an crown prince, Franรงois". She sweetly giggle at her husband's nuzzling.

Love Of Blessing Or Curse In Hatred ?

"He is growing. Not need to be stern my dear". Her husband gently explained, taking her corset off and laying her on bed with blush beaming from his skin and hearts swimming on those red jewels like eyes. "He is indeed your son with the way he behaves".

"And Lily like her mother". He compliment back.

"Beholding you, none would ever suspect that you are the same formidable Royal Commander of France, whose hands have been stained with the blood of thousands, and yet, you touch me with those very same hands as if I were a delicate pearl". (Y/N) breath contently.

"Indeed, love". He dive for a kiss from the wife he madly is in love with while (Y/N) spoke directed towards a certain someone stuck in an cursed loop "Love of blessing or curse in hatred".


Love Of Blessing Or Curse In Hatred ?

Tags :
8 months ago



Female reader

Warnings : Bullying. Manipulation. Brainwashing. Self-Harm. Murder. Mention of depression.

๐’๐˜๐๐Ž๐๐’๐ˆ๐’ :

โ›Amore mioโœ He loves (Y/N) alike to his breathing. He can never fall out of love nor does he know how to stop because if he does maybe that will be his demise so when (Y/N) suddenly asks him an unpleasant question leads to a scenario he never thought would come to see.


"Honey ! what would you do if I suddenly disappeared ?" Enzo frown his eyebrows, keep the phone on the glass table and looked at his beloved who asked such an unpleasant yet laughable question to him. "Like poof in thin air ?" Her fingers move to that notion.


"What do you mean by that silly question ?" He flicked his finger over her forehead making his wife, (Y/N) face scrunch in pain and sweet lips pout.

"What was that for !" It came out more as a whine than an angry protest.

"For asking this laughable question". She glared at him, rubbing her (S/C) forehead to ease the pain a bit and watching this made Enzo eyes soften making him grab her chin gently and circling around the red-ish spot with his finger pads slowly.

"You are the one to hurt me yet you also took my right to cure me ?" Enzo smile broaden.

"Of course". Her (E/C) eyes stare at his serene face watching how his larger palm cares her face as if she was made of glass. One force and she shatter to pieces yet they both know she was stronger than that, harder than that and more powerful than that after all how else would Enzo able to be completely under her spell, wrapped around her pretty fingers like a lovesick puppy ? Sometimes Enzo find himself asking how many good deeds has he done to get (Y/N), the woman he spend his married life for five years, dated for one year and proposed to her to have her yes. He was absolutely a blessed man, gifted with caring parents despite their political busy life, spoiled by endless luxuries, friends still by his side and now showered with a goddess like (Y/N) to a sinful man as himself that's why he make sure to bath her with whatever her eyes laid on, fullfill her every wishes, kiss the floor she walks on. He was completely and utterly in love with her so was she with him.

"So, you would forget me ?" His track of past snapped focusing on his life in form of (Y/N).

"What do you mean". He utters finally sliding his fingers from her forehead to her sun kissed cheeks, cupping them inside his palms like a piece settling in his missing puzzle, completing each other.

"The answer of my question ! you still haven't answered me that must mean you would forget me". She puffed her cheeks with air looking alike to a pufferfish, a cute pufferfish, his pufferfish. Laughter filling the peaceful air, vibrating his chest and shoulders along.

"No my silly wife, if you ever disappeared I would search for you around the entire earth and pull you inside my arms where you belong". He squeeze her cheeks turning the lips into pout and lean forward kissing the lips. "I would never let you disappear". His voice serious and his words were a promise to which in reply his dearest smile cheekily. A knowing smile one would call yet an unease creep within his chest, doubtful questions in the back of his mind however he ignore it all and continue spending his walking seconds beside his wife. ย 


Enzo open his eyes, yawning as his hand search for the warmth he is used to by his (Y/N) on bed when he wakes up. "Huh ?" Another yawns escape yet his hand touches nothing. Sleep vanished, panic arose and eyes open wide to find empty on his right side. Cold the fabric he felt when he touch the side his wife body usual is, should be. "She must in kitchen making breakfast for me". He convince himself but strange he found the sentence because never had before (Y/N) left his side on bed until he wake up because it scares him to death. Hurried he twist the doorknob, ran downstairs to the modern open kitchen. "(Y/N) dearest, why did you leave the bed first without waking me ?" Gentle his voice was in contrast to the storm ranging inside himself and it increase finding the kitchen empty too.

"She must be in bathroom". He convinced himself with another lie. Running upstairs to their shared bedroom he left seconds ago and knock against the wooden polish door. "(Y/N) are you there ? if you are then please at least reply to me". Desperate his voice came out than he wanted met with silence. He knock againโ€”harder and againโ€” harsher and again. Knocks turn to slamming to banging. "(Y/N) are you there ? please make any noise. (Y/N) please this isn't funny". The raising tension made him difficult to breath. "(Y/N), my love sorry but I am coming in". He touch the cold doorknob knowing it won't open but it did and empty was the pristine and white blinding bathroom was.

"It's not possible". It shouldn't be. She is a housewife with a certificate of collage graduation and almost zero friend group due to her introvert nature along her aged parents cut ties with her long ago so going to work doesn't make sense neither is out with her friends or returned home to her parents. She has no one but him in this world. He was her home, her paradise, her lover, her husband and her everything. No where could she go. Rightโ€”she won't leave him. His bare feet ran to his phone to call her when her ringtone rang loudly behind him making him turn around and find her abandoned phone on the wooden drawer next to their bed.

"What ?" He touch her phone when his amber eyes caught the sight of his trembling hands.ย "It's okay. She is okay and safe". Brushing off his wariness he went to their shared wardrobe and found all of her dress expect her matching nightgown with his is missing. He even run barefoot, without changing his night outfit towards their parking lot only to found her car exactly settle beside his. That's when a moment flash through his eyes

"Honey ! what would you do if I suddenly disappeared ?" His eyes widen "Like poof in thin air ?" and fear gripped like a vine thrusting inside his heart to bled. "She disappeared ? even her shoes are in the doorway, her phone, her dress-no her nightgown is missing ! someone must have kidnapped herโ€”yes she is kidnapped". But why ? and how questions were brimming his head with the worst image occurring to his wife, to his love who must be frighten and calling his name for help. Immediately his finger dialed his parents number trying to gulp his threating tears.

"Hello, Enzo ! how do you do ? huh ? calling me in such an early tim-".

"Mother, (Y/N)-". His voice stutter. "S-She is kidnapped". A grasp all he heard before his mother's yelling for his father to come.

"M-mother, father please please help me". He finally let his distress tears roll over his cheeks that would have been wiped by (Y/N)'s fingers. "Please bring (Y/N) to me. Please bring my wife to me. Safe and sound". His knees fall on the ground and tears burying his vision he ought to see the face of his wife.


"So, you are saying when you woke up at 5:00 am in the morning, your wife (Y/N) Bianchi was no where to be found leaving her phone, money, purse, car, shoes and everything expect her nightgown was missing making you think it's a kidnapping right ?" A man wore dark blue uniform asked. Folding his hands over his chest in process shimmering his golden five stars arranged diagonally in his sleeve and the sun beaming above his nameplate written in bold letters were his name following the important title Capo Della Polizia.

"No. I do not think it was kidnaping. It was indeed kidnapping". Enzo mutter, glaring at the high ranking officer who sigh.

"But Mr. Bianchi, there is no indication of force entry or break in. Everything looks fine". The officer explained calmly watching how his female senior, the mother of Enzo patting his back while sitting beside him on the huge sofa and his father calling all of his needed people.

"Maybe the bastard could have a duplicate key or some sort beforeโ€”". He paused as if searching for the right words. "The bastard unconscious my wife by chloroform or something !" His voice grew frustrated and harsher. "Well ! you are the police. Do your god damn job". Agitated by the entire situation and by the helpless brewing feeling he is under he cursed shamelessly knowing the man would do nothing after all the chief of police is under his shoes, an ant he can easily crush with the power his parents have.

The man on the contrast was stiff, clenching his jaw to swallow his pride "Understood". He mutter, saluting Enzo who paid no attention. "Sir". He spat.

The entire day flew with no sign of (Y/N) ever coming home without a single clue as if she really was missing in thin air. The CCTV camera outside at their doorsteps also showed no sign of her ever stepping foot. Missing posters were printed despite Enzo's protest of her being kidnaped and each relatives, servants were called to give their statement. All the police force were scatter the entire Italy leaving no alley or small villages even sending their team on the ships leaving from Italy ocean to other countries. Tight security and patrol was done meeting the same result : not found. 24/7 hours passed since the report was made.

"Mr. Bianchi, I am extremely sorry to ask you more question related to your wife in mist of your mental state but could you please say were there any enemies or anyone who would harm your wife ?" Dishevelled hair shadowing over Enzo's pale face and dazed eyes.

"Enemies ?" He whispered, having no strength to speak due to his lack of eating, sleeping properly and constant state of worry.

"Yes, if you even doubt someone please do tell". The chief head encouraged.

"But there was no one who could ever hurt her. She was nice, kind, bubbly". He tailed off moving to the past of how sweet his (Y/N) was, always smile on her sweet lips, never talked back behind anyone yet she had a bad temper only he can withstand. She didn't had friends from schoolโ€”his eyes wide suddenly. "School. Classmates !" How could he ? how foolish he was to forget her school bitter memories. After they married, on their wedding day she sat on the bed wearing the glowing white dress, veil covered the face he kissed plenty of times. Excitement rushing in his veins, heart pumping hard as he sat near her clearly heard her deep breathing, stare at her clench fists and slowly he unravel the veil meeting those heart fluttering (E/C) eyes he saw hesitation. ย 

"Do not worry. It's going to be alright". He assured, holding her small hands.

"There is something I need to confess". She breathlessly said. He nod his head giving her permission. "Actually the reason behind I never had any friends because in school I was bullied severely to the point I had to be hospitalized". She took a deep breath and Enzo wordlessly hug her waist providing her comfort. "And it left scars on my body". He hugged tighter getting the idea of what her next words would be. "So, would you still love my ugly body ?"

"Of course". He replied in a beat. "I am certain you would still be pretty so may I make love with you to show how much precious this body is ?" She nod and it was all he needed. His lips met hers, pretty and moist melting within one another and pulling her as close as possible. Filling the gap between them. His hands explore hungrily around her clothed body so impatiently he pulled her vest off of her hidden body leaving her all bare and pretty for him. One and only for him. Needing air to breath he pulled away lacing a saliva on his pink lips while his gaze drank at her breathless expression following her breast covered with a useless bra. On instinct his hands tore the bra in half resulting his palm perfectly to cup the reserved part only he could touch. Folding the buds sweetly when a groan left his own lips in pleasure. "You are the most sweetest dessert I have tasted". Honesty spew out his mouth that attached on her neck, collarbone tuning at her melodic moans to try his best to pleasure her.

Blush heated his cheeks of how drunk he felt by the pleasure he was gifted. Hearts eyes capturing her each passing moan, yelped, blush and all, that's when anger ruined the happiness because his amber eyes ultimately laid over her beautiful back engulfed in purple, blue along few faded bruises. Merely gazing at them infuriates him, sending dark torturous thoughts of how much can he conflict suffer on the monsters that pained his beloved. Silently he vowed he would take care of her, never pain her and suffer those detestable pest in ten folds. With that he gently as feather press kisses on single scars filled with full of love and care catching her hitched breath however he was ignorant to believe that was her end of pain when Enzo grasp parting her thighs to find fading cut marks.

"This was done by me. To cope up the feelings of anger, frustration, helpless. I conflict more pain to survive". Tears swell on his eyes feeling if only he had met her sooner, faster, perhaps he would have washed away her struggles.

"Did your parents took no actions against the preparators ?" (Y/N) bitterly shook her head, no tears on her eyes, perhaps that also snatch by the monsters.

"Because the preparators had power, more power than my average family could dream to fight but I couldn't stand the fact they let me suffer alone that's why I cut my ties with them". Enzo warmly hold her thighs pressing butterflies kisses and leaving hickeys above the cuts as if replacing the painful agony by sweet happiness born from his love. "I love you (Y/N)" He really did. More than any words could ever describe.

"If you do met then if one day you meet them. Could you take revenge for me ?" Stopping in mid air, he looked up at the heart of his. She sweetly cares his cheeks, connecting their foreheads together she breathed. "Could you too ruin them for me ?" Enzo without slightest disagreement mutter. "Yes". And kiss her passionately before making love to her. At that moment a invisible wall was broken, their souls happily met and secrets thrown away yet their love forever locked.

"Hey ! Rome High school. My wife was bullied to death by the students of Rome High school, maybe they still hold some grudge against her like for living happily or marrying me, the son of defense minister and education minister of Italy ? the bulliesโ€”no the monsters are responsible for this kidnapping. They must be". A hope fire inside his amber eyes for finding at least an idea who would take away her from me. "I will make sure to kill them". He vowed when the officer nod.


The sun brightly luminating (Y/N)'s closed lips smile as her hand snaked around Enzo's arm wearing their respective groom and bride outfit, looking perfect as he seen her. Tears fall over her face and slide down when he hug their wedding picture to his chest reminiscing their past moments when a knock took his attention away.

"Excuse me, Mr. Bianchi could you please spare us some minutes ?" Sleepless eyes stare at the officers and wiping away any signs of tears before he carefully place their picture on the drawer next to bed. Dragging his feet he finally sat on the sofa located in the living room.

"So, did you find about the bullies ? they are the ones who did it. One hundred percent sure they are trying to torture her once again to fuel their void of boredom or stroke their ego for being superior to someone and that someone was my wife". He vented not holding back when his heart quiver meeting the eyes of the officer who blankly stare at him. "What ? are you doubting me ?"

"Yes sir because there is no possible way the bullies did it". His eyebrows raised.

"What ? what the fuck did you say ?" He scoff. In disbelief that the officers even speak in front of his face. "You useless of a man ! the bullies are the ones who are doing it ! how couldโ€”"

"Sir, listen to me there is no way they are doinโ€”". His rage blinded him, red was all he could see and the urge of beating him was high.

"And why wouldn't they ? if once they hadsuccessfully made her life hell in school to the point they send her hospital why not again they kidnap her-".

"Because sir, the perpetrator is you". His heart sank and breath halted. "Mr. Bianchi, the leader of the bullies were you. Yourself was the one who restless made those scars and memories". In appalled he shake his head.

"No. No. No ! there is no way in hell I am the one who bullied her let alone pain her also I never attended Rome High school rather I met (Y/N) at the beginning of my senior year in university. You must have mistook me of the monster". Eager words slipping out of his lip to prove his innocence and clear the revolting misunderstanding. There is no way in hell would he hurt her, how could he ? watching her suffer means conflicting pain to himself. However all of his reality came crashing down when a video played on the laptop screen begin. (Y/N) walked to a corner of hallway wearing the traditional Rome high school uniform and in front of her was two girls and four boys however Enzo eyes wide in obstinate because within the four boys was he leading them and stopped in a cornered room.

"Shall we play a game ?" A cheshire smile dancing on Enzo's lips clearly enjoying the frighten expression on the girl, (Y/N). "The game is how long can you hold your breathing". And before a second pass at once the (H/C) head girl grasp loudly to pass air into her mouth as the grip of the boy tighten around her neck more the longer she tries to thrash away from him. Licking his lips, he devilishly sneak out his lighter from his pant pocket and lit it in front of her face. Indulging at her dread mirror the fire in those beautiful eyes. "Have a taste". He burned her tip of tongue while tighten her neck more seeing how pale her ravishing face was becoming along twisted in plain pain. He laughed loudly to which the students behind him laugh too, some giggling, others recording the show.

"P-Please let me breath". She cried, clapping her hands together to pled. He bore those amber eyes into her as if looking into her soul. "Fine". Live came back to her almost limp body and relief came only to vanish when his lips assault hers.

"I-It's impossible". Enzo who watched the playing video stood up, throwing the laptop away. "It's not me ! I would never hurt her. I love her ! this must be a editing because hell ! I didn't even attend the same school as her. I attendโ€”". Voice stopped altogether. "I attendโ€”". He kept stopped at the name of his high school. Agitation was growing, why ? why ? why can't he recall the name of his high school ? he did study high school then he went to university meeting (Y/N) indeed yet why can't he remember ? His palm held his head due to the throbbing pain ringing. His visions spinning when his worried mother sight was caught.

"Mother !" He alarmingly held her shoulder, shaking her entire body. "Mother tell them ! you must remember the high school name I studied ?" Fuck it ! he cursed himself for staggering in his speech and body.

"Mr. Bianchi, there are pictures as prove". The officer place multiple pictures of his high school uniform of Rome High School even his graduation picture where his wife blankly sat next to him.

"No. No. No. No. Noโ€”". Suddenly the background audio of continue played on the thrown laptop tune inside his head. "I hate you Enzo Bianchi". Her voice wrapped in hatred with equally poisonous words screamed. A sharp pain caused him to fall on his knees and hold his head, the ringing noise overwhelming the other noises of his mother yelling, father calling the ambulance, officers calling him. Soon his eyes closed in darkness however unfamiliar memories flashing across his eyes like a flowing water one by one of how he first met her as a transfer student to how he viciously bullied her by ripping her clothes in front a whole class to pouring rotten egg mix with rotten milk all over her while she was changing in the bathroom, tripping her from flight of stairs to whip her back with leather belt and eventually attempt to rape her however she escaped so chasing her accidentally lead for him to shove her off the window from ten floor.

"How could I be so inhuman ?" His eyes snap open, breathing heavily, grim sweat tailing from his skin. All the rage he bottle up to avenge his wife slowed down to shame, disgust turn to loathe for himself.

Oh how idiotic he was to wish to the heavens above him that he could meet (Y/N) sooner to protect her from the pain she endured yet here he was reason of all her pains, all her tears, all her scars, all her cuts. When he kissed those scars with loveโ€”was the one to engrave in the first place. When he wordlessly listened to her cries outside the bathroom was he the cause of it, when he comfort her in his armsโ€” was him who haunted her nightmares.

"You are the one to hurt me yet you also took my right to cure me ?"

He was the protector also the ruiner.

"If you do then if one day you meet them. Could you take revenge for me ?"

"Could you too ruin them for me ?"

She knew, she knew all along that he can never took revenge for her that's why she did it and the punishment wasโ€”.

"Honey, what would you do if I suddenly disappeared ?"

She wasn't kidnapped, she wasn't taken away. She ran away. She disappeared. The way he snatch her happiness, freedom, dignity, life. She also snatch away his most needed thing from his lifeโ€” herself. Screaming his lungs out he passed out.


"I am coming in". The clean white door slide open letting a female nurse enter holding the tray of medical tools and slide close behind her. She step forward to the male patient lying down, closed eyes looking peacefully than anything and she smiled wider pulling the syringe and press the needle inside his skin waking the man.

"W-what are you doing ?" Raspy voice asked. "W-wait. (Y/N) !" Pleasant surprise trace within his voice. "You came to see me". However the smile paused feeling burning sensation spread through his veins to which she replied. "Have a taste". The heartbeat monitor beep loudly sensing the green lines abnormally threat to be straight.

"Goodbye". Her smile ghosted and he asked the last question gathering his little to no strength before death.

"Did you ever loved me ?"

"Never. Instead I despite you with my entire being". Tears roll down his face as he closed his eyes to prevent watching her going away yet he heard her footsteps fading so was his conscious.

(Y/N) at the meantime sneak away out of the hospital discarding her fake nurse outfit into a simply floral dress and a huge hat above her head. Standing near the railing of the ship, watching the fresh ocean water leaving Italy behind. Finally embracing her memories of the past where she stare crying to the boy who torment her life as she was falling off the window but thankfully landing on the tree brunches to not have major broken bones only for the next day to be paid visit by the same boy, Enzo Bianchi holding a mocking flowers checking whether she is alive or not yet not a single word of apologies he spoke instead burn her by his intense gaze. A gaze full of obsession. She knew his infatuation towards her, how could she not when her life was brought to hell the moment she rejected his proposal of being his girlfriend. A petty reason to ripe her life apart. Going as far as to taint her purity so no one could able to marry her other than himself that's why she avert her gaze.

Her parents homeschooled her and she struggling with depression, nightmare cut her skin with knifes each night, bleeding her pain away. However his shadow followed her to university where she collide with him again but something was off. A hint of fresh and positivity surround him which is not the Enzo, she was fortune to meet and she was confirmed at her theory when she came face to face to him who didn't had burning obsession within his eyes. Later she discovered after she left schoolโ€” his memories were vanished rather missing entirely including her. Ha. Ha. Ha ! she scoffed, she loathe how could he be carefree like a innocent man while she lived in her trapped past ? If she suffered, he will with her thus the plan of making him fall for her was begin where she left her parents to come back soon she finished her revenge, cut ties with every friends to make a perfect tale for him.

It was easy to make a lovesick out of him, an worshipper out of her. She painfully counted her days- the perfect day to snatch away his precious love she created for him and she succeed. All the pain, tears, blood, sweat, abuse turned into peace. For the first time her broken heart was able to mend and she could breath the fresh air. Sweet tears fall on the ground and the breeze blow away her hat. "I amโ€”". Her thoughts cut off.

"Miss, is this yours ?" A man, she turned to find, rather a handsome one smiled holding her hat.

"Yes, thank you". She for the first time after long years smiled genuinely.

Then she finished her thoughts "Content". ย 



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7 months ago

Love of immortal

Love Of Immortal

Female reader

Warnings : Kidnap. Minor injuries. Molestation. Mention of rape.


Mermaids, sirens and more mystic creatures belongs to myth but more importantly came from ocean adding another layer of mystery to the ocean than it was already to (Y/N) who dislike oceans for petty reasons but it was the creature lurking under the ocean who consume her in the end.

Love Of Immortal

Ocean. For some it's the peace of water that calms and erase their hard version of reality while for others a symbol of nightmare where tragic acts occur to horror them however (Y/N) somehow falls on the between of category. She neither has love or horror nor despise rather she merely dislike the ocean. Why ? Any actions or tragedy ? None rather she doesn't perceive ocean safe only because it is a mystery itself. She often find herself comparing abyss and ocean because neither of it has any predict of dept and once stare too much it can consume you. She pretty much fears the mystery lurking underneath the picturesque waters when bleamed by the golden rays from above the skies.

However who would ever predict that (Y/N) one day will be sitting on a cabin cruiser boat along side her older brother's family.

"Aunty ! Aunty ! Look at the gold fishes !" Her adorable five aged nephew cheerfully point at the little fishes swimming their ways.

"Yea, Yea". Her shoulders shrug glancing at the pretty ocean creatures yet a unknown shivers tense her spine just staring at the dept of water. An alarm inkling creep within her stomach making her (E/C) eyes avert to the lovey dovey couple.

"They pretty much brought me because they wanted a free babysitter. I am sure". Irritated she scoff earning her brother's attention.

"What ? Stop being so bitter just because you had to come in place of dad and mom". She rolled her eyes remembering how heartlessly they are traveling around the earth together leading them to turn down their son's invitation to the cabin cruiser boat he was offered by the company due to his excellence performance however they are family of three and they wanted no outsider to invade their holiday where they are free to be themselves and enjoy the blessed time choosing (Y/N) who is single, on her holiday and have nothing better to do. She was a substitute to her parent's place and abducted from the safety of her four wall she calls home by her brother only to watch their public affection and monitor their child.

"Shut up before I fucking cut your throat". Not holding back she cursed after placing her hands over the innocent boy's ears. Her brother, Anton click his tongue in annoyance while his wife, Maria who (Y/N) very much have connection alike an sister chuckles.

"You know I married you for your sister's company ?" She teased making her husband's mouth agap and catch her waist only for her to slip through his hands and playfully step back.

"What the ?" He tried to catch again only to lose turning it into a cat and mouse catching game where the couple laughed heartily.

"Ren want to ! Ren wants to play too ! Ren wants to play too !" Her nephew adressed himself as third person join to play the game too chasing his father. The scene evolving in front of (Y/N) won a laughter over her lips. The adorable family stare at her melody like laugh unable to seal their happiness too. Transformating the distant air to mellow unaware that caught the eyes of an mystic.

"How about I also catch aunty ?" In playful tone her brother presented went towards her to catch which ended him with a punch on his face.

"Don't". She snort watching his face twist into deep frown.

"How cruel". He commented

"Look who's talking". She remarked.

"Wifey, I am wounded. Please help me". Faux a sad tone he layed on his wife's embrace curling himself small when in (Y/N)'s view he looked like an bear trying to fit on top of an human.

"Yikes ! What a rubbish".

"Ouch ! Wound me again".

"Eww". Regret lace her voice on how on earth this grown man is her brother instead of an cool gentleman she saw others have. She side eyed the man getting coaxed by her sister-in-law who looks glad.

"What a teriffying thing love is". She shake her head to which her open (H/C) hair flow at the rhythm of cold breeze sparing a certain someone her entire view.

"Oh look !" (Y/N) eyes follow Maria's finger pointing to the ocean.

"An dolphin". Excitement sparkle Ren's eyes making (Y/N)'s eyes wide knowing exactly what this little trouble about to do.

"Ren stop". Despite her warning the oblivious child race to the railing tempt to touch the creature he finds fascinating, his little hands raise to cross the railing before (Y/N) caught his wrist. "Ren don't !" She yelled hugging the boy closely noticing how not one but tons of dolphin are either side of their ship.

"What in the world....?" A dread fill her stomach counting at least twenty or more dolphins surround their ship. "Anton, Maria stay away from the railing for nowโ€”MARIA !" She turn her head to find the woman reach her hand to pet the aquatic mammal.

Still cradling the boy she hastily slap her sister-in-law's wrist away. An inch. An inch was their gap she realized calming her pumping heart.

"(Y/N) ! What's your deal ? Why did you overreact ? Maria simply wanted to touch the dolphins also isn't it safe to pet them if they approach you first ?" Anton glare at his sister rubbing his wife's skin lightly.

"You are blind. Can't you see how many dolphins have surround us ? It's an alarming rate to ignore. Also as much as it's fine to pet. You can only do if you are a professional because only they know how to react to their behaviors not us !" (Y/N) glare back, guarding her sister-in-law as she watched in disfavor to the dolphins that tilted it's head. "And their sensitive parts are usually melon means forehead, eyes and blowhold and if petted could result to serious injury". She added noting how the group of dolphins are swimming in circle manner within themselves.

"Something is wrong. Very wrong". She narrowed her eyes at the dolphins she isn't much fond due to their another less known pet name 'the gangster of the ocean' since their behaviors doesn't match their innocence alike appearance where they forcefully rape other female dolphins, use pufferfish as their play toy resulting their deaths, mess with sharks for amusement and such. As much as they are intelligent enough to save a human as well as to drown one too.

"What are they doing ? Only dolphins are surrounding us not other fishes". Unease followed trying to find an answer for their pattern that might be normal yet something, something brewing inside her says otherwise.

"Just calm down and rest, we must not provoke them then they will go in their merry way". Maria tested to cheer up yet failed seeing her frown deepen so she nudged her husband.

"What ?" He whispered leaning near her.

"Do something !"

"What can I do when she is a grumpy cat". He groan when she hit him on his ribs.

"It was a command, mister". She smirked.

"(Y/N) it's alright, there is nothing to worry sometimes dolphins tend to circle around the ships, boats as a sign of protection or curiosity". The (H/C) haired woman nod remembering indeed she read that in an article at her brother's word.

"Okay. Also forgive me for suddenly slapping your wrist and yelling". Guilty weight on her voice as she apologized.

"It's alright. You were doing for our own sakes". Maria smiled revealing her side dimple.

"Still stop being a worrywart". Anton not forget to comment loving his sister's muttering curses. (Y/N) sighing stretch her head putting her nephew down to stretch her arms as well to finally focus on the rare opportunity.

"So empty". No other ships or boats seen yet "So beautiful". The ocean's vast expanse gleamed like a canvas of molten gold, as the sun's radiant beam danced across its waves. The water's surface shimmered and sparkled, a dazzling display of light and color, as if a thousand diamonds had been scattered across its surface. Above, the sky was a brilliant blue, with just a few wispy clouds scattered across it, like cotton tufts carried on the breeze.

In the distance, a line of birds flew in perfect formation, their silhouettes etched against the sky like a delicate pen and ink drawing. They moved in unison, their wings beating in a slow, hypnotic rhythm, as if choreographed to the ocean's gentle swell. The sun's golden rays caught their wings, casting a shimmering glow around each bird, like a halo of light.

As the birds flew overhead, their soft cries echoed through the air, blending with the soothing melody of the waves. The ocean's gleam seemed to intensify, as if reflecting the joy and freedom of the birds in flight. The scene was one of perfect harmony, a symphony of light, sound, and motion, where the ocean, sky, and birds blended in a glorious celebration of life and beauty she ever seen at one sight is truly to behold. An living art is what deity has bestowed humans in form of nature. For a moment truly did all of her tension, clouded thoughts wash away lifting her mood.

Eyes too captured to blink as if the sight would lose from her grasp when her breath hitched and eyes wide in rejection because a huge dark patch of figure in between the dolphins is swimming at her side. "What is that ?" She whisper in utter confusion.

Immediately did (Y/N) search her bag to find her binoculars and squint to look clearly yet to no avail did she success in figuring the creature out. "What is this ? Another sea animal ?" Curiosity ate her as she sat near the railing waiting to understand. "Are the dolphins protecting the thing ?" Because the figure only move in between the dolphins that circle around it, also if it were enemies the fight would had broken out already.

SPLASH ! Disbelief paint her expression witnessing an tail flared out of the water, its vibrant green scales glistening in the sunlight. The tail's surface rippled and flexed, revealing a mesmerizing pattern of lighter and darker shades of green, like the swirling hues of a tropical lagoon. For a fleeting moment, the tail's full majesty was on display, its sleek, streamlined shape slicing through the air. Then, with a swift motion, it vanished beneath the waves once more, leaving behind only a hint of its presenceโ€”a whispered promise of secrets hidden beneath the surface.

"It's impossible ! That was almost like an mermaid !" She screamed standing up from her seat startling the family who had been engrossed by the fishes on other side, their heads jerking up in unison like puppets on a string. Silence spread except for (Y/N)'s heavy breathing, as if the very air had been sucked out of it. Anton's family exchanged bewildered glances, unsure how to react to her outbrust of something unbelievable. The tension was palpable until finally, Anton burst out laughing, breaking the spell, and the air erupted into chuckles.

"What are you talking about ?" Anton questioned.

"Aunty ! Mermaids are only myths don't you learn ?" Ren's eyes winkled in mischief and grining ear to ear.

"I think you should rest". Suppressing her bubbling smile Maria suggested making her enraged.

"I am not lying ! I truly saw it ! I-I-" She spoke with a hesitant cadence, her stutter punctuating each sentences as if the words sounds distant to herself. "Believe meโ€”" An abrupt end her sentences as the boat shuddered violently, its hull creaking in protest, before jolting to a sudden, eerie stillness.

"What happen ?" (Y/N) was quick to question, her heart sank in her stomach.

"It's alright let me check !" Anton wave his hands controlling the situation by walking to the back of the boat while Maria hold her child and gave a comforting pat behind (Y/N)'s back who's eyes glance up to meet the softly glowing sinking sun low, warm hues fading to pinkish blues, slowly extinguishing its light, about to surrender to darkness.

"We have to hurry". Suddenly a gentle noise turn her attention to the ocean where her fearful eyes locked onto the twenty dolphins, their fins slicing through the water, swimming away from the ship, as if luring her into the dark, mysterious depths, escalating her anxiety. Confusion of their sudden departure crawl into her mind raising a unbelievable question.

"Did the dolphins didโ€”"

"Sorry honey and (Y/N) but there seem to be some kind of problem I can't figure out". He click his tongue in annoyance looking at the water. "Maybe I should dive in to cheโ€”".

"No ! Not at all". Her voice broke in denying in beat. "It's not safe to dive without having the knowledge of what animals are underneath". She finished elaborating her honest worry.

"Then what should we do ?" Her sister-in-law rest her chin on her palm.

"Maybe stay at the ship !" Ren glee voice yell loud, smiling non-stop.

"What ? But aunty doesn'tโ€”". Anton's voice once again cut.

"Aunty is okay with it as long as we are safe". Straining a smile she bent to hug his small body. Unaware the words were far from the reality bound to happen.

Love Of Immortal

Darkness shrouds the boat, stars twinkling above. The woman presses against the window, gazing out at the black ocean, boat's lights casting a golden glow on the waves and little view for her to guard around. Yawns slip past her lips she can't conceal unlike her sleep all because of her growing fear of what might happen if she fell asleep peacefully.

"Did I imagine the tail ?" She pondered on how much her dislike for water grew to the point she hallucinate something belonged on fiction tales and stories to amuse children. She saw her wrist watch : 11:00 pm as drowsiness crept over her, heavy eyelids drooping, until a faint splash echoed through the air, jolting her awake with a start.

"What was that ?" Instantly she sprint outside her room to outside only be finding nothing not even water drops on the wooden floor. Her head tilted pluzzed questioning whether she herself heard right or perhaps it was the noise within the water. Relieving a sigh she walk back to her room noticing how in hurry her door opened a little offering her to spot wet wooden floor.

She halted. Knowing very well the ship isn't crash to be filled with water nor did she spill any water yet how come it's wet ? Unless "It was a trap. A trap for me to go outside and someoneโ€”" Fear gripped her throat to let out any voices knowing someone is inside her safe room. Slowly stepping backwards she wince at the creaking noises and walk to find her brother's room only to encounter group of dolphins gather at the boat's railing, clicking and whistling softly as they try to squeeze through, their bodies undulating and scraping against the metal in a gentle yet persistent bid for entry.

This time the scream was unrestricted freezing the sea creatures as she run back to her room forgetting about an intruder inside her room, quickly her fingers barricade the door with any possible object. Her chest constricts, air trapped in her lungs as fear paralyzes her. Her heart races, mind frozen in terror, unable to process the surreal horror unfolding before her. When a cruel realization wash her now she is alone with an intruder.

Ever slowly she turn around facing the certain someone she confirmed got a glimpse earlier, eyes wide with dread, she's petrified, her breath caught in a silent scream gazing the mythical creature.

A merman.

Love Of Immortal

She shrink back in fear and fascination entwined like the tendrils of a vine. Her breath hitches, heart racing, as she stares into his shimmering scales and piercing gaze. Transfixed, she's unable to look away, her terror tempered by a hypnotic allure, as if drawn into the depths of his oceanic eyes. The merman's mystique holds her captive, a siren's call that beckons her closer, even as her mind screams to flee.

"It's not real". She whispered refuse to acknowledge his existence in front her. How could she if he had the power to crush her in his palm only ? Options limited for her to choose from, flee ? How when outside soldiers of dolphins are scattered. Fight ? Unbeatable his strength are comparing to hers just merely stare at those muscular flesh. Pled ? Perhaps yes.

"P-Please. P-Please don't kill me and my family". Her (E/C) eyes swell up with tears. His on the other hand curve in satisfaction. Silence was all given answer before his lips parted and his voice unfurls like a dark bloom, petals of sound that envelop (Y/N) in an unsettling embrace. His song is a low, thrumming whisper, a vibration that resonates deep within her chest, making her heart quiver. Fear's icy fingers crawl up her spine as his melody conjures visions of shadowy depths and forgotten nightmares. A voice masterful of manipulation, weaving a tapestry of dread that ensnares (Y/N)'s mind, each note a delicate thread of terror that binds her closer to his will.

"He is not a merman instead a siren". Her hands clap into her ears protest against the enchantment no matter what. She even dug her fingers deep into her ear buds yet the voice still sweep. Blood bled yet his voice stayed. No. No. No. No. No. She won't lose without a tough fight she decided retrieving her fingers staggering her feet she broke the wooden table holding a piece of wood further entertaining the male siren who sat comfortably on the soft bed, singing his lure.

He is confident. Even arrogant she won't able to resist longer after all he is a siren, the very creation of creature made to spellbound humans by his mesmerizing voice awakening the deepest desires of foolish humans who deem themselves intelligent and courageous. In reality they are very insignificance to mythically sea species as plankton. However it falter his view a little when her hands grasp the wooden plank crashes against the siren's tail, the impact sending a shudder through the air along his melody stutter like skipping beats allowing her a chance to attack again this time on the same spot intend a injury however he was faster, smarter shifting his tail and slapping her entire being to the floor.

Ha. An enigmatic smile cast upon his ruby lips as his eyes studied the fragile being refusing him, his voice drop to a low, husky whisper like the gentle lapping of waves on a moonlit shore. An unfamiliar interest spark because the entire reason he even attacked the ship was for his boredom. Weeks had passed with no signs of any new human toy leading him to hunt trivial creatures with his species rejecting any seduction from his female species because they were dull, boring until today a joyful laugh captured his eyes with curiousity. A boat with humans. Mischief control his mind to hunt them right away yet a strange feeling to observe came over so he watched. Their teasing remarks, pretending fights that he realize too late his compatriot dolphins has appeared too to guard him even though in sea world all knew the most dangrous predator is sirens themselves yet the dolphins befriend their species like moth to flame.

First he was angered for the dolphins to do as they pleased yet he was curious to see how would those humans react especially that female (H/C) head and certainly did not fail to surprise him by showing disfavored towards the creatures humans oh so adore. Giving him more reason to hunt the boat and to see more unfolding layers of emotions on the certain female he gifted peek of his existence biting back laugh to destroy their weirdly metals called engine he heard them talking.

The trap was set now the prey has to walk into it for him to tear, dices the warm flesh like he always did leading to their current time.

But he come with the terms to enjoy his little toy longer. Yes, he will show generousity by sparing her alive and label her his pet. The delicious thought impatient him greatly he slams his tail on the boat's floor, echoing like thunder, His eyes not tearing from her figure, With each strike, the winds howl and waves churn, the siren's song weaving a tempest of delightnent. The boat shudders, wooden planks creaking beneath the force of his call. Floor shakes unable for (Y/N) to hold her balance.

"What is happening ?" She cried out falling on the hard floor again and again. Her barely lidded eyes stare at the window to see dark clouds converge, unleashing a torrent of rain that lashes down on the boat. Winds shriek, whipping waves into a frenzy as the vessel creaks and groans. Water pours in, flooding the decks as the boat's timbers shudder and crack. The siren's song reaches a fever pitch, his tail thrashing the sea into a chaotic tumult. The boat's hull splinters, planks bursting apart as the waves surge in, threatening to engulf all in their path. Rain pounds down, stinging skin and blinding her eyes, as the tempest rages on, merciless and unrelenting eventually drowning into the ocean she fears.

"Brother. Sister-in-law.." Her thoughts tailed off. "Ren". Inhaling water, paralyzing her body that is useless against the water as she not learnt to swim. Mind spinning and finally she freed her conscious to be under the song spell closing her eyes wondering if it's forever. Missing the way a tail carry her waist upwards.

Love Of Immortal

Her eyes slowly open, a grogginess clouding her mind and a sense of disorientation washes over her. As she tries to sit up, she felt touches of unwanted hands and caress on her bare parts. Fingers trace her arms, sending shivers down her spine. Her gaze falls upon the siren, his eyes fixed intently on her, his hands roaming shamelessly on her skin with a gentle yet firm touch. His calloused palms graze her shoulders, sending a spark of electricity through her veins. (Y/N)'s heart races, her mind foggy, as she tries to process what's happening. The siren's hands continue their exploration, leaving a trail of goosebumps in their wake, as (Y/N) struggles to find her voice, to protest and move away.

"Aww, is the little human can't move ?" A sarcastic laugh fell on her, his first words to her is a mock comparing their gap of strength angering her rather than fear.

She glared after all she is bound to die if sooner what's the point ? wiggle from his disgusting touches she tried her best to control her moments in which the male creature snicker leaning closer to her face.

"I saved you not to free you. You little delusional human. You are mine rightfully and let me use you as I please". A sinister smile curve finding fear mix anger on those beautiful eyes he before not paid attention. His fingers cup her cotton soft skin careful to not gaze her with his sharp nails. He press the skin more, feeling bones underneath and a flinch from the human.

His eyes wide in delightment. His another hand caress her cheek intensely watching her every twitch to blink.

Pearlix's finger pads rub (Y/N)'s lips. She narrowed her eyes.

His finger continue to trace path down to her chin. Her lips twist in scowl still under spellbound under him.

He paused at the delicate curve of neck and her pulse flutter under him.

His nails dance across the collarbone and her breath caught at her throat.

He is curious while she is in denial.

The contrast between them utterly fascinated Pearlix, that he toyed more around her body she so obsessed to cover with irrelevant clothes. Tearing bluntly he was baffled to find another layer of cloth so he tore again this time a pleasant hum vibrate from his chest staring the assets of female he never interest on his species yet this woman's are captivating inviting him to bite, touch so he comply to his desire.

One breast been fondling, another one biten harshly earning a wince from her. He smirked coating her bud with his saliva, sucking more and more with hunger that border on desperation. (Y/N) sucked a chunk of breath, tears itself steaming from her tail of eyes as she layed helpless until her body stirred, limbs twitching and sensation returned. Her face contorted, mouth opening in a ragged cry, as her sobs grew louder. Her voice cracked with emotion, cries echoing through the air. She wept uncontrollably stopping the siren entirely.

However not for the reasons she hoped for because he licked her salty tears savouring her sorrow and finally pounce on her attractive lips, grasping her air in form of claiming his possession, dwelling under her tongue, twisting and sucking altogether like an mad beast ignoring her whimpers, pushes against his chest.

Raged she bite down his slit tongue causing him to glare at her and dragging out his wounded tongue bleeding the sliver rivulets both surprising and scaring her.

"You know now I understand this fraction between us. I understand why I wanted you, kissed you, possessed you because". An errie smile stretch across his ruby lips while vivid green irises shone like beacons hinting his deadly obsession. "I love you". His icy heart pound warm against his flesh, heating his cheeks yet the razor sharp smile stayed.

"Be my wife". He announced not focusing her terror and he slashed his own palm, opening a deep gash that welled with silver blood. (Y/N) struggled to free herself, but the siren's hold was merciless.

He forced her lips to his palm, pressing her lips to the wound. (Y/N) tried to turn away, but he held her fast, his fingers wrapped around her jaw like a vice.

The first drop of his blood touched her tongue, and a searing pain, like liquid fire coursed through her veins. She gagged, trying to spit it out, yet the siren's grip was unrelenting. He forced her to swallow, his eyes blazing with an unnatural hunger.

As the silver blood burned its way down her throat, (Y/N) felt her vision blur, her senses reel. "Now you will be immortal like me. Mine for eternal". He sing song knowing no force of nature, not his merfolk, not even her dead familiar humans separate them.

"Our". He pressed a sadistic kiss. "Love of immortal".


Love Of Immortal

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7 months ago

The Beautiful Lie

The Beautiful Lie

Female reader

Warnings : Manipulation. Love bombing. Self harm. Sexual Assault.

โŒœ The art and the love interest (male character) belongs to the talented artist @meo-eiru and the story is inspiringly written and dedicated to @meo-eiru and the readers ! Hope you enjoy the plot that belongs to me but also helped by @meo-eiru a lot โŒŸ


(Y/N) rarely has time to offer to love, dating and such things because first : her taste in men are bad and second: she is a extremely busy person to balance her work life and personal life seperated until the most beautiful man she ever saw came surprising her with love. Or is it ?

The Beautiful Lie

"(Y/N), could you go to the Cutieeva mall to check out the new product's sales ?" Her female senior asked sitting from her desk.

"Of course, mam. I will be in a minute". (Y/N) agreed, saving all of her working documents before taking her handbag and left with car keys. Aurora Bloom, the brand of the cosmetic company she works, it is for now one of the top three companies to be trending in global and the best in Europe. While She works in HQ department of the company at a young age she didn't expect and living her life at ease at the rented apartment she lives quite close both to the company and her parents house who always here and there tell her to come home and when she does, it's a feast to eat of her home's comfy food and hearing thousand fictional stories from her writer father, well he wasn't a writer at first before he was a regular working manager at a company but he quit after (Y/N) outdone herself to such pristine department letting him decide to do what he likes until his last breath could be taken applying he wants no regrets to bear.

And he surprised the family by being quite a good writer himself, finding his own group of fandom invested in his writing and always support him while her mother is happy as she was being a housewife like always along being madly in love with her father who reciprocate the feelings to this day which (Y/N) finds utterly endearing yet she has no time to dwell about her love life when she has too much on her plate with her newfound career she wants to grow, as a independent woman and a person who lives her life to the fullest if overlook her empty love life.

"Yes mam, indeed people are enjoying the new shade of lipstick saying it's not only non-sticky but also long lasting highlighting their skin tones". The department store female manger explained pointing to the several women trying their new product 'the cherry blossom lipstick' either on their lips or on their palm.

(Y/N) nod, curling into a pleasant smile when her eyes caught a beautiful woman's back, wore pink shirt and tight skinny black pants with her musing long hair flowing with the breeze. "Must be pretty". She thought when she witness from her pocket a small objectโ€” foundation she recognized fell on the ground yet the woman walked away.

"She didn't noticed". On instinct almost she walked to the floor picking up the tiny box and call out. "Miss, your foundation..." She tailed off as she turn into the light, and captivated (Y/N) by the vision before her. His hair was a mesmerizing pink musing hue, with subtle waves that cascaded down his back like a rosy waterfall. The straight strands framed his face, accentuating his chiseled features, while his bangs fell effortlessly across his forehead, adding a touch of whimsical charm.

His eyes, a deep, burnished logoon color, like the warmth of a sunset on a tropical isle, sparkled with amusement as he caught her gaze. They seemed to dance with an inner light, drawing her in with an irresistible pull.

His lips, a vibrant red, curled into a gentle smile, revealing a hint of mischief, and (Y/N) felt her heart skip a beat. But it was the glint of gold at his ears that added the final touch to his captivating appearance - delicate, filigree earrings that seemed to shimmer in harmony with his eyes.

(Y/N) felt like she was drowning in the depths of his gaze, and before she knew it, the words tumbled out of her mouth in a whispered gasp "You're beautiful."

The man's smile widened, and a low, husky laugh rumbled from his throat, sending shivers down (Y/N)'s spine. "Thank you," he said, his voice dripping with warmth, his eyes crinkling at the corners. "You are a funny one complimenting me beautiful after calling me a lady".

As he laughed, the golden earrings caught the light, adding a touch of whimsy to his already captivating presence. (Y/N) felt her cheeks flush, but she couldn't tear her gaze away from his face, her heart still racing from the impact of his beauty also sinking the fact she mistaken a man being a woman.

"I am sorry. It wasn't my intention". Honestly said, she look down, dare peeking though her lashes to flinch finding him staring at her the entire time.

"I can see that, the way it's written over your face". He chuckle moving his finger in air to the circle to her face making her palm touch her own heated cherry face.

"Ah !" She laughed nervously, unconsciously fisting on the foundation box.

"So, can I have it back ?" His hand reached out, palm up, with shiny white nails gleaming in the light, as if beckoning the object back from (Y/N)'s grasp. His fingers, slender and elegant, curled slightly, inviting her to return the coveted item. The nails, smooth and rounded, seemed to shine like tiny beacons, drawing (Y/N)'s gaze to his outstretched hand. With a gentle, yet persuasive gesture, he coaxed the foundation back into his possession, his shiny white nails glinting with quiet confidence.

"Huh ?" (Y/N)'s eyes widened, then blinked slowly, as if awakening from a spell, realizing the man had taken the foundation with effortless ease, leaving her feeling bewitched while his eyes crinkled, lips curling into a warm smile as he chuckled, clearly delighted by the woman's adorable, bewildered expression. His low, husky laugh filled the air, his gaze sparkling with amusement.

"What a adorable lady she is". His eyes roamed her body, lingering on every curve, exploring each detail, as if discovering hidden treasures. "You aren't from the department store right ?" (Y/N) blink twice.


"Oh, then you came to shop ?" He narrowed his eyes noticing her carrying a huge white handbag.

"No". She answered in short.

"Then why ?" He asked tilted his head with the notion his golden earrings swing gently.

"I am from the HQ department of the brand you are holding". Finally she smiled confidently pointing at the foundation's box printed Aurora Bloom.

"Oh !" He delightfully smile, toying with the object. "Pleasant to meet you then. He added.

"Pleasant to you tโ€”" a melody emitted from her wrist watch widening her (E/C) eyes. "Oh god ! I need to hurry ! I am sorry but I need to go". She apologized having fun to converse with the stranger.

"No worriesโ€”" His eyes spot the missing ring finger. "โ€”Miss ?" He tailed off insinuating her unknown name.

"(L/N) (Y/N), sir". She replied.

"Mine is Elias". (Y/N) choose not to comment at his lack of surname and nod before walking hastily. How could she forget this time's event manager is herself hosted on Tuesday, the very next day. Cursing her fate she ran.

The Beautiful Lie

Perfect. (Y/N) release a sigh overwhelmed by the fast yet perfect preparations she had to done within such short amount of time thankfully today would be the flawless day to showcase their skin products to their VIP guests who might be arriving any minute. The models have already came but "Has the makeup artist come yet ?" She questioned worried for the delayed time of the famous make up artist they somehow succeed in booking his seat as social media following was staggering, with millions hanging on his every post and tutorial. Celebrities clamored for his attention, and fashion icons praised his work. Sold-out masterclasses and coveted collaborations solidified his status as the most sought-after makeup artist in the industry. His name was synonymous with glamour and expertise, and his influence was simply unparalleled.

"It's alright ! The artist must be running late right ?" Soon her worries were proven right because soon after their automatic glass door opened revealing a man wore sleek black glasses, adding a touch of sophistication to his chiseled features. His French brown coat, crafted from seemly fine leather, draped elegantly across his broad shoulders, exuding luxury.

"The artist came, mam !" Her female junior announced however (Y/N) knitted her brows finding the man somehow familiar, from his blush long hair, tall statue only be still surprised finding the man remove his glasses to indeed be that beautiful man from yesterday who smile at her noting he remembered her.

"Wow ! The world indeed works in a mysterious ways". She grin shaking her head. "Welcome to the our event sir, please hurry the show begins within minutes". Adapting her professional mannerism she shaked his hand, guiding him to their backstage to appear on the front stage.

"We met once again, Miss (L/N)" His lagoon eyes on her, standing behind the dark curtain to go.

"Of course, Sir Elias". She professionally smiled intriguing the man a little. "Oh ! Your turn". She stretch out her hand to the stage guide him who nod.

Wonderfully the event unfolded with seamless precision, a testament to the makeup artist's mastery. With each stroke of his brush, he transformed the models into living canvases, showcasing their company's product unparalleled quality. The VIP guests watched in awe, their faces aglow with delight, as the artist's vision came to life. As the final model face the guest revamped into a living goddess, the room erupted into applause, a joyful crescendo that wrapped the evening in a warm, golden glow. The event concluded with effortless elegance, leaving a lasting impression on all who attended including the staff and (Y/N) herself.

"He was the right choice". She giggle as her co-workers swarmed around her, beaming with pride and admiration. "Congratulations, you absolutely crushed it!" they exclaimed, patting her on the back and shaking her hand. "Your attention to detail and tireless efforts made this event truly unforgettable!"

Meanwhile, the VIP guests approached her, their faces still aglow with delight. "Thank you for an incredible experience," they said, their voices filled with genuine gratitude. "Your preparation was seamless, and every aspect of the event was meticulously executed. You truly are a master of your craft!" As the guests departed, (Y/N) waved goodbye, basking in the warmth of their praises. Her colleagues continued to congratulate her, their kind words and smiles a testament to her hard work and dedication. With a sense of pride and accomplishment, (Y/N) smiled, knowing she had truly outdone herself once again.

"You know your craft". She flinch almost screaming meeting his eyes.

"Hello, Mr. Elias. Partially it is your skills too that the reason why it was such a successful event". He smiled shrugging his shoulder.

"Okay, please have a safe drive and reach home". She wave her hand and farewell him before he parted his lips to say, remained rooted at his place, watching her figure disappearing.

"She is always hurry to leave". He mutter walking to his car.

The Beautiful Lie

"Hmm...this time their new lipstick looks better". (Y/N) discreetly stare at the neighboring make up store despite having much customers on her stores, she still find the new appeal of their products threatening to her company so she walked inside nodding to the welcoming female clerks.

Picking out the a box, she about to apply on her palm when a voice intrupted.

"Don't do it that way". Her eyes wide meeting his lagoon ones, smiling alike to crescent moons she compare. "Apply it in your lips directly and it will definitely have a different impact". He encouraged the doubtful woman who glided the crimson bullet across her lips, leaving a bold, velvety trail in its wake.

"Hmmm not suiting your face. Lighter". He picked out a peach shade handing her who again gliding the peach lipstick across her lips in soft, smooth strokes, as he whispered, "Let it caress your skin, like a summer breeze." As his warm breath danced across her ear, she flinched, her hand trembling with the lipstick. She turned, her gaze darting to his, their faces too close, the air thick with tension. Her eyes widened, a flicker of discomfort crossing her face, as she leaned back, her shoulders tensing. The lipstick hovered, forgotten, as she struggled to create space between them, her breath catching in her throat. His gaze held hers, intense, unyielding, making her skin prickle with unease and heart racing.

"This suits you. I will take one". Hearing his comment she cleared her throat, slowly keeping the lipstick to where it was when from the tail of her eyes she saw him choose an uneven box of peach shade. Quickly she picked the perfect box stretching to him who raised his eyebrows in question.

"I already have one". He jiggle the box but frown staring at her shaking head.

"Take this, it has perfect box unlike the uneven one". She pointed out to his surprise as a thrilled chuckle left his lips.

"Thank you". Replacing the case.

"No problem". She wave her hand as if physically waving his gratitude.

"Wanna grab drinks ?" Elias suggested out of nowhere tilting his head.

"Okay". Checking her wrist watch she still has few minutes to spare. Also she did wanted a drink and they together went to the drink store nearby ordering one white chocolate matcha for her and one caramel frappuccino for him.

Waiting for the drink they sat near a white seat opposite of each other, talking about trivial things about one another where she learnt he is a regular customer of her brand along their frequent makeup artist that's why she was able to book him easily. Soon the waitress called for their drinks and they talked, sipping their drinks and walking.

"Okay I need to leave". She decided glancing at her wrist watch missing his disappointed gaze.

"Okay. It was nice talking to you". He told.

"Me too". Happily she answered, finding herself enjoying their conversation. "I will take my leave". With a wave she left once again.

However what she didn't expected was their daily meeting at the mall department store as she stepped into the store, clipboard in hand, she was focused on her task: ensuring the department was running smoothly. But then, she saw himโ€”a familiar face among the shelves. Their daily meetings had become a pleasant ritual, a brief respite from her HQ duties. He'd ask about her day, and she'd share stories about the office, or he'd gossip about his latest makeup news. She found herself looking forward to these encounters, feeling a sense of comfort and camaraderie with this customer. He was easy to talk to, and their conversations flowed effortlessly. As she checked the inventory, he'd chat with her, making the task more enjoyable. Their bond grew with each passing day, an unexpected connection between them she wasn't anticipating because once a mundane checking became the hightlight of her day with that weeks pass in blink of an eye. Until one day they sat in their usual white table in front of the drink shop inside the mall.

As he asked the question "Do you like me?" she felt a sudden jolt of surprise, her mind racing with a mix of emotions. Her eyes widened, and actions paused before laughter awkwardly bursting back and forth like a defensive shield.

"Yes, as a good friend!" she exclaimed, trying to brush off the tension, her tone light and playful. But in her haste to respond, she missed the subtle strain in his smile, the flicker of vulnerability in his eyes but a doubt linger on her mind for him to ask such a question. Why ? Never in her mind did she view the man romantic, beautiful yes but that's a admiration unlike love, she is certain of her feelings are not alike to love.

"I like you too." His voice was calm, sincere, To her, his words were a friendly echo, a mirrored response, a confirmation of their camaraderie. She nodded, feeling a sense of relief wash over her, thinking the tension had dissipated, that they were back on familiar ground. (Y/N) simply smiled back, comfortable in her assumption, oblivious to the moment hung, suspended, a delicate balance of feelings, but she didn't notice, already moving on, the exchange filed away as a pleasant, friendly conversation and took her drinks however she soon has to depart this time with a hint of awkwardness.

"It's alright. Nothing is wrong". And correct to her thought the next day was normal as their conversation flowed easily, like a gentle stream. (Y/N) chatted with him, laughing and joking, feeling a sense of comfort and familiarity. His question from the day before seemed like a distant memory, a minor blip in their friendly interactions. She didn't dwell on it, assuming it was just a momentary lapse, a strange anomaly in their otherwise effortless exchanges. As they talked, she felt her guard drop, her smile genuine, her heart light. Everything seemed alright again, the tension forgotten, their friendship back on track.

"Okay, see you again !" (Y/N) told glancing at her wrist watch because today she has an important delivery to approval on the said store.

"Yup ! See you again". He bid too when a message notification made her pause, worry etching her face. Her dad's request to bring the anniversary cake had just been detailed by the store's cancellation due to an emergency. Panic set in, her mind racing with consequences, her eyes darting around for a solution. Stress and concern replaced her relaxed demeanor, her fingers flying across the screen to respond to her dad's message. Elias noticing the drastic change asked and she replied elaborating her situation of how she must reach to approvel the delivery application but on the otherhand has to get the custom cake from the cake shop if not then the cake would not be handover.

"How about I went to get the cake instead of you and delivery to your parent's house. Didn't you said it is near ?" He presented the idea, smiling causing (Y/N) to halted her racing thoughts and a breath of air pass her lungs.

"Of course ! Of course !". She laughed heartily handing him the receipts and addresses before running to the delivery store to hastily complete her task and return home as soon as possible.

The Beautiful Lie

"Today's work was difficult". Her finger pads rub her forehead re-thinking her workload, getting out of the car and towards her parent's house caught the setting sun's beautiful view. Ringing the doorbell she waited thoughts going back to Elias. "How sweet of a person he is". A smile naturally curl to her lips and wider when the door opened by her mother.

"Happy anniversary mama !" (Y/N) embrace tightly, soaking on her familiar comfort while she returned the affections.

"Thank you dearest. Come inside, it must be hot outside". Her mother close the door behind as she let herself in, walking to the living room finding glimpse of her father sitting on the side chair and ran to embrace him from behind.

"Happy anniversary papa". She sing song, playfully kiss his hair.

"Thank you princess". His aged voice laughed, caress her hands to which she close her eyes melting into his raw love. "Also this young man is such an gentleman. Your taste in men is indeed great like your mother". She frown opening her eyes.

"What are you talkingโ€”" Her (E/C) wide, taken a back by Elias appearance sitting across her father, on the sofa and he raised his hands in mock surprise, his eyebrows arched in a playful gesture.

"Why are youโ€”" Her words cut by her mother gentle ones.

"My heartless girl ! You left this man to fend for himself by telling him to get the cake and now you ask why is he here ? Of course I told him to grab one or two bite". The young woman nod, feeling guilty and appreciate at her mother's gesture.

"Ahโ€” about that I am extremely sorry. It was my job to do". Elias shook his head nonchalant.

"Yet without my idea you wouldn't agree so yea, not your fault too". She glee truly pleased to find such a good friend she couldn't ask more and the anniversary celebration was a resounding success, filled with love, laughter, and warmth. As the evening unfolded, (Y/N)'s parents shared a tender moment, her father leaning in to kiss her mother softly on the lips. (Y/N) couldn't help but mockingly scrunch up her face in distaste, eliciting a hearty laugh from Elias sitting beside her. The atmosphere was light and joyful, with the sweet scent of cake wafting through the air. As they gathered around the dessert table, (Y/N)'s parents fed each other cake, their eyes locked in a loving gaze. The beautiful man joined in, playfully feeding (Y/N) a bite, his fingers brushing against hers. The room was filled with the sound of clinking forks and happy chatter, as they all savored the sweetness of the moment, and the love that surrounded them. Time stood still and they basked in the warmth of their little family's happiness, creating memories that would last a lifetime.

"Thank you very much. You helped me a lot". She showed her gratitude standing at the doorstep.

Elias shake his head "I enjoyed it so no need". Silence fill between them letting (Y/N) once again notice the lunar luminescence cascaded over the beautiful man's countenance, bathing his sculpted features in an soft, silvery radiance, as if the moon itself had bestowed a gentle caress upon his serene and peaceful face.

"Bye and good night".

"Same to you". He returned, turning his back to her and drove his car away.

From that day forward, the bond between (Y/N) and Elias blossomed into a beautiful, unbreakable connection. (Y/N) found herself opening up to Elias in ways she never thought possible, sharing with him her deepest thoughts, feelings, and desires. She began to show him pictures of her friends, promising to introduce them soon, and shared stories about her life, her passions, and her dreams. As their trust grew, they exchanged contacts, marveling at how they had gone so long without sharing such a simple yet intimate detail. Their conversations flowed effortlessly, filling their break times with laughter and delight. Elias became (Y/N)'s confidant, her partner in crime, and her guiding light. Their friendship was a symphony of joy, a harmonious blend of trust, understanding, and mutual respect. (Y/N) cherished this new connection, feeling seen, heard, and understood in ways she never thought possible. Elias had become her rock, her safe haven, and her forever friend.

"By the way, I need your help with something". This alert her entire attention to him, sipping her drink from the staw as they both stood in front of the usual drink shop at the mall.

"Yes, anything. What is it about ?" (Y/N) was ready to help him when it's his need of time.

"I need your expertise in sorting through my grandparent's old photo albums. I want to create a memory book for my family, but I'm overwhelmed". Elias avert his eyes, smiling rigidly causing her heart melt at such an thoughtful gesture.

"Aww ! That sweet of course. I am happy to help". But his expression remained uncomfortable.

"But, you need to come to my house for that". He whispered dare to stare into her (E/C) eyes.

She suck her breath knowing she never once visited his home and she gulped nevertheless she grin again because her schedule is free mostly and she wants to help "It's alright ! I am happy to go but of course if you are comfortable". She tilted her head.

"Oh !โ€” of course I would be or why would I ask you for help".

"Likewise but why did you ask me ?" If she recalls correctly he showed her many of his influencer, normal friends.

"Because you are the only friend who is good at managing things. You know like a good event manager who knows how to put things together ?" It earned a melodious laugh from (Y/N).

"I feel appreciated".

"As you should". She giggle more along him for his compliment. Soon she found herself in his car as he drove smoothly through the city, their eyes meeting briefly in the rearview mirror. Arriving at the penthouse he lives. The towering marvel of modern architecture that seemed to touch the stars. He expertly maneuvered the car into the private parking garage, and they stepped out into the opulent lobby, surrounded by polished marble and gleaming steel. A swift elevator ride later, they entered the penthouse itself, a breathtaking expanse of floor-to-ceiling windows, chic dรฉcor, and stunning city views. Her eyes widened in wonder, feeling as though she'd entered a different world more important his personal safe of walls.

"Sit on the sofa". He pointed going to the open modern kitchen. (Y/N) felt serenity wash over her when her feet stepped onto the shiny white tiles, their cool surface calming her senses. Sinking into the plush black sofa, she felt enveloped in comfort, her eyes darting around the luxurious space in wonder. With each glance, her awe grew, her heart swelling with gratitude for this stunning sanctuary.

"Here, a juice for you and you see those dusty stacks of heavy things. I found them inside". The cold glass slid within her grip but she smiled nervously because unfortunately blinded by the luxury she often seen on the TV she failed to detect the bluntly dusty things.

"Yes". She lied now laiding her eyes.

"They are I think contains photos of my grandparents but I need help to create an entire new album". Elias shrug helplessly.

"Alright ! Let's do this then". (Y/N) full of enthusiasm knelt down, her hands reaching for the dusty photo albums that lay open on the sleek glass table, her fingers touched the worn covers, a cloud of dust swirled up, carrying with it memories of laughter and love. But with the memories came a fit of coughing, as the dust tickled her throat and lungs.

Elias being swift and attentive, appeared beside her, his movements fluid as he knelt down. He handed her a glass of crystal clear water, his eyes filled with concern. "Here, drink this," he whispered, his voice soft and soothing. She sipped the water, cough subsiding only then to be aware of the proximity of their bodies, kneeling together on the floor. Their faces were inches apart, their shoulders touching, and their legs aligned. The closeness sent a shiver down her spine. His lagoon gaze drifted from her eyes to her lips, still moist from the water. His hand, still cradling the glass, began to move, his fingers brushing against her face.

With gentle care, Elias thumb rubbed against her lips, wiping away the droplets of water. she felt a sudden jolt of discomfort. His touch, though gentle, sent a wave of unease through her body. She tried to pull back, but his long slender hand lingered, his fingers tracing the curve of her mouth.

"(Y/N), I love you. Actually I was in love with you for a long time. Please, please accept me". Desperation whisper though his pink lips bringing their face closely and gripping her chin with his thump settle on the curve of her mouth.

"But you said you likeโ€”" Her words intruded.

"Never as a friend did I said". Elias connect their forehead. "It was you who receive it that way". (Y/N)'s eyes darted away, her gaze falling on the dusty floorboards as she struggled to process the sensation. Her heart raced, but not with excitementโ€” rather with anxiety.




She is feeling her personal space invaded by the intimate touch. The air thick with tension, the silence between them oppressive. (Y/N) longed to break free, to shatter the uncomfortable stillness that had settled over them. But her voice caught in her throat, leaving her unable to speak, unable to move, as Elias' hand remained, a gentle yet unyielding presence on her skin.

Why ? How ? When ? So many unanswered crawl inside her limited knowledge. Everything was going well, perfect yet why did it has to crash so harshly.

"Please, (Y/N) be mine. I can offer you anything you want. Riches, fame, connection, promotion. Say a word and it inside your palm". Slowly he draw their distance and (Y/N) felt utter destroyed by the wave of soft lips press against her. The kiss was harsh, demanding, and devoid of love. Her hands desperate to push him away, however his slender grip her fast, his arms wrapping around her like a vice or more like an beautiful snake wrap around his beloved prey.

Raged filled her (E/C) eyes, loathing the string of fate leading her in such advance, loathing the feel of his lips on hers, the way his tongue probed her mouth without consent. loathing the way he held her, like she was a prisoner, not a willing participant she wanted to grace her loved man her first kiss.

Finally air became a need did the beautiful man separate their interviwned lips, heat bust his pale cheeks, adoring heart pupils onto his eyes, chest heaving with newfound excitement snarling the chance she shove him, spatting words of vemon and eyes blazing with anger. "You disgust me". With that she ran and he let her.

Tears streaming down her cheeks, she rushed to a taxi, traveling to her home of trust, sobbing by the betrayal she was returned by the conditional trust she gave after reaching home towards her bathroom was a burl rather her sole focus is escaping the lingering sensation of Elias lips on hers.

Rushed to the sink, gagging at the memory of the unwelcomed kiss. She turned on the faucet, cupping her hands under the running water to splash it onto her lips. Fingers rubbed her mouth harshly to scrub away the disgust moment yet the sensation lingered, haunting her. She gagged again, her stomach churning with revulsion. (Y/N) grasped the edge of the sink, her knuckles white with tension, as she struggled to compose herself eventually her legs gave out, and she collapsed to the white floor, her body trembling with anger and disgust. She sat there, her back against the cabinet, her eyes fixed on the floor as tears of frustration and violation streamed down her face.

The bathroom, once a sanctuary, now felt like a refuge from the trauma of the forced kiss. (Y/N) sat there, surrounded by the cold, sterile tiles, trying to catch her breath, in effort to erase the memory of Elias. The man she thought was her cherished partner, a delightful friend. Where ? Where did it all went wrong ? Where was the wrong step or word she utter to lead such devastating ending or was his whole persona was a facade. A spider wed to trap a butterfly like her and she was a naive little thing to walk right on it.

The Beautiful Lie

As the night's veil lifted, the sun rose, casting its warm rays upon the world. The golden light crept over the horizon, banishing the shadows and illuminating the landscape. The rays peeked through the curtains, gently coaxing (Y/N) out of her dark reverie.

Her eyes sunken and dark from the sleepless night, slowly opened alike two heavy doors creaking on their hinges. The golden light danced across her face, highlighting the purple circles that had formed under her eyes. The horror of the previous night's experience still lingered, etched on her face like a shadow.

(Y/N) blinked, her gaze unfocused, as the light pierced through her brain, reminding her of the traumatic events that had unfolded. She winced, mind recoiling from the memory. The usual ray of sun, a symbol of hope and renewal, now seemed like a harsh reminder of the darkness she had endured. She sat up, her body droop heavy, weighed down by the exhaustion and emotional turmoil. The golden light continued to pour in, illuminating the room, however (Y/N) felt not a hint of warmth, not of comfort. Only a sense of dread, a fear of what the new day might bring.

Disturbed by her numb thoughts she called her senior announcing her day off slipping the lie of being sick before declining and about to drift into sleep.

DING ! Her doorbell ring. She ignored. Again. Again. Again. Again and again following with a "(Y/N) ! This is me, your mother and father". Irritated she drag her feet to the front door, opening to reveal her aged parents.

"(Y/N)โ€” what happen sweetie ?" Worry weight her words, touching her daughter's check when she flinch unconsciously frightening both her parents and herself.

"Come inside". Heavy her voice sounded, closing the door and sitting on the chair while they together on the sofa.

The air was heavy, thick with tension. Silence was oppressive, suffocating. The atmosphere was dense, like a knife could cut through it. Slicing through the strained quiet like a razor-sharp blade through velvet. Every breath felt like a struggle, every movement a battle against the crushing gravity of the moment.

"Darling, did you fought with your boyfriend ?" Bravely her mother finally questioned raising her eyebrows.

"Boyfriend ? Fight ?" Her voice trembled.

"Or". The old woman grasp. "Did you break up". Her husband rest his palm on her shoulder while (Y/N) confuse more by their words.

"Boyfriend ? Break up ? What are you talking about ? I do not have a boyfriend to begin with so how can I fight or break up with him ?" Frustration she shake her head as if physically shoving their creative imagination.

"Honey, it's alright. You don't have to hide from us. We understand you wanted to keep it a secret but he told us and we accept him as your boyfriend". Her mother calmly smiled providing a sense of comfort yet all she felt was suffocation and more confusion.

"Okay, at first I was sceptical. He looked flashy, an playboy however he is actually a child at heart, a very good one and is always eager to help". This time her father spoke lacing with a fondness she didn't expect him to talk about someone.

"What is wrong with you ! I never had a boyfriend in my life". She scream her lungs out yet her mother clap her hands on her mouth and her father pressed his lips thin.

"We know Elias is your boyfriend. (Y/N), don't be afraid. We are your parents". Then why ? Then why she doesn't feel the warmth from her parents as if they are distant people wearing familiar faces because the words spoken from their lips doesn't make sense.

"He was never my boyfriend ! Who ever told you that ? Don't assume things on your own". Frustration leaking though her voice, eyes narrowed in a glare and lips in disdain from stress.

"He told us himself. Elias told us when he delivery the cake ! Now don't tell me he was lying". Her father sigh stunned to see her daughter's rebellious side at such age.

"W-what ?" She stutter suddenly the world blurred, the walls melt away like a watercolor painting. The room zoomed out, leaving her suspended in a sea of uncertainty. Furniture and decorations receded into the distance, and she felt like she was floating, disconnected from reality. Their voices turn to distant echoes, thoughts a jumbled mess, as shock wrapped around her like a shroud.

"Why would he be my boyfriend ?"

"Why are you asking us ? You are the one in relationship and you are the one to hid it if not for the good man". Enough. The last straw of her held anger cut.

"G-G-Good man ? Good man ? Good fucking man ! You are calling a man whoโ€”whoโ€”" Words trailed off, lost in the abyss of her own horror, as she struggled to articulate the vile truth. "A-and that good manโ€”" Despite her effectors the sentences remained unfinished, a haunting echo of her own trauma leaving her succumbed to the darkness of her memories.

"(Y/N)". Her mother's brows quiver and her hand touch hers. "I understand". A sense of relief came to her. Her mother understood, understood her assault by the vile, vile man. "I understand couple fight. They fight a lot and dirty but in the end they fight to be better, to be more loving, setting differences aside fight is normal as long as the couple love each other. You going through a rough patch with Elias is normal. He is a good man, believe your mother's judgment". Her words burn a slap on her cheek and her words were salt on (Y/N)'s wound.

"How dare you !" Her voice shattered the air, a raw, anguished with tears rolling down her cheeks. "How dare you labeled a man who forcefully kiss me ! Get out". Standing up, her eyes close feeling her throat constricted, dry and tight, as shame crept in like a thief, stealing her breath and dignity.

"Oh my (Y/N), couples fights are normal so is kissing. He must have meant it to calm youโ€”"

"So he forced himself on me ?"

"He must not had meant to make youโ€”". Her eyes wide in horror watching their impassive expressions oblivious to her distress she felt a stranger rather than daughter sharing a space now. Their faces blur by her teary vision. They are not her parents. They are strangers. They are not her parents if they slide with a stranger who not only forced himself on her but also lied.

"Get out". She commonded raw, loud and clear walking to her bedroom running from the suffocated, unbreathable small space. Her eyes watched her parents walked away, their figures fading into the distance. She felt a complex layers of emotions and when they turned their heads, she quickly shut the curtains, blocking out the sight of their faces. Her strength couldn't bear to look at them, couldn't bear to see their nonchalant expressions.

Turning away from the window and sat down on her bed, her hands shaking as she reached for her phone. She needed someone to talk to, someone who would understand. Her fingers dialed the familiar number of her best friend, the one person she knew would listen without judgment. The phone rang, (Y/N) felt a lump form in her throat. She was ready to unleash all her emotions, to share the pain and confusion that had been building up inside her. She took a deep breath, preparing to pour out her heart to her friend, the only one who could offer her the comfort and support she desperately needed.

"Hello (Y/N) ! How do you do ?" Her ray of light spoke.

"Emily. I-I-I want to talk to you about something".

"Sure, anything (Y/N) ! Aren't I your best friend". Lighthearted giggles on the otherhand comfort her ears.

"The thing is, remember Elias ?"

"Oh ! What about him ? The hottie". A bitter taste left her lips hearing her sound so oblivious yet she understand it's not her fault.

"Well, yes. He yesterday forced himself on me". Silent was the line for a second before a loud screeching noise came.

"What ? That's messed up !" Her firm and resolute voice felt a weight lift from (Y/N)'s heart, a sense of validation wash over her. She was no longer alone in her outrage and hurt. Emily's words were a balm to her soul, soothing her raw emotions. Feeling seen, heard, and believed.

"I knew it you woulโ€”"

"But you see we have to also must see his point of view. He must had done that in desperation to be more than friends with benefits with you. I know normally friends with benefits should know their limits but he is a kind, pure and perfect man for you". As fast as the ray of light came, that vanished in front of her soaking her in cold reality, numbing her heart. Icy truth seeped in, crushing her soul.

"W-what are you talking about Emily ? I never had that kind of relationship with him !! Didn't I told you ?" More tears cover the dry ones, confusion lay on her mind to wonder how each important person to her is on his side.

"Gosh ! (Y/N) forgive me actually Elias told me about your relationship. He was even ashamed to admit it at first before whole heartedly declare his romantic feelings for you that even I was touched". Lies. Lies and lies. Gritted her teeth she decline the call, throwing it on her bed.

Madly her lips parted to scream. Ha ! What a wicked man he is, feeding lies to her loved ones, snatching them away from her and all in an blink of eye and right under her nose. How idiot was she to not notice ? How ? How ? How ? Rage pump on her veins and emotions controlled her rationality.

Swifty she call his number, clenching her fist. "Hello darling, I was waiting for your call". His sickly sweet voice came from the other line.

"Stop this you fucking bastard ! Stop these mind games ! Stop the lies". (Y/N) glare at him though phone.

"Ouch ! Calling my love lies, games hurt more than I expected. I guess this is the power of loving someone. Huh ?" His laughter was like a taunting to her, racing her pulses.

"I will kill you !" She threaten.

"Oh how lovely it is to have your hand on me as I take my last breath". She throw the phone across her bed in disgust and helpless not aware he is driving to her house. Finally obtained the moment he was so patiently awaited. The time to have her vulnerable and alone.

Wasn't she sound so cute right now ? He bite his lips betting she looks more adorable.

Spoiled. Growing up he was spoiled by everyone, every meeting face from his childhood, once they look at his face, they drastically change their behaviors, showering him with free gifts, praises and all, regardless of old or young. He was the beloved of their hearts, the king ruling their minds. Thus, growing up being spoiled wasn't new for him, the admiration stares mixing with some disband doesn't affect him why ? Because that means they are jealous of him. Ha ! Who wouldn't, he didn't view his arrogance as bad, he simply believe it as his confidence nothing more, nothing less after all all women confess to him one after another non-stop yet never did he loved any. Until that fateful day he went to the shopping mall of department store meeting that adorable woman, all red, blushly for him. It amused him to end, what a pleasant play toy to enjoy for sometimes however the drastic change due to her professionalism was a behold see.

She was nothing like the woman he saw that day. He almost tricked into thinking she forget him.

"We met once again, Miss (L/N)"

"Of course, Sir Elias".

Good, she didn't forget him. She simply wanted to act professional. How fun. He enjoyed nailling his usual performance that for some reasons always got him claps, praises when in reality he just does it naturally because he has nothing else to do. Unlike other people investing in their hobby, he has nothing. Perhaps because of that he is used to being pampered, loved and given anything he wish.

However why ? Why once again like yesterday after the event end did she not stay to convey meaningless string of words like others ? Always running away like an lamb catching sight of an wolf. Boring. Elias care not to pay attention to her after all many have dislike him but thousands who love him. The next day encountering her again was a pure game of fates but after noting her little consider habits did he realize she loves him.

Because if she doesn't, who will notice the uneven box of lipstick replacing with the perfect one ? If she doesn't, why she glance at him so many times ? Often smiling and appearing cheerful ? If she doesn't, why she always remembers his drink from the one time he ordered ? And so much more.

She must love him. Right ? Oh ! Oh ! How naive he was to not realize her blunt feelings for him. It's okay he has fallen for her too. Yes, Elias, the man who usual pampered has this sudden desire to pamper his beloved, watching her daily or even seen a glimpse of her flutter his heart like never did before. Their accidental brushes of fingers and shoulders sent him jolts of delight. Once seen her beautiful face could his lips curve to smile itself.

It's okay he will wait. Wait for her to confess and him accept. One week pass, two week pass. Maybe she is playing hard to get. Understandable she must be waiting for the perfect moment to confess that must mean he has to appear perfect right ? Daily he spent hours in front of mirror selecting the perfect outfit, smoothly care his hair, highlight his beautiful face. First it was only limited to changing outfits to style his hair daily to cut his hair in more desirable way to only repeat the routine. Each passing day he is refining himself then why ? Why ? Why didn't she even compliment him ? Let alone confess to him already ? He dolled himself up almostโ€”no surely daily yet what is she so timid about. Til he realize โ€”actually she isn't timid at all.

Rather she is not in love with him. How he got to know ? Because he was hastily ran to the mall, very giggy to meet the heart of his life when his breath stuck in his throat. In front of him a scene of (Y/N) tying a middle aged man's tie that came untie and she welcome him warmly in return of his thanks before talking warmly to the staffs asking if any needs they wishes to have, even helping a woman who's having trouble wearing lipstick and non-judgmentally explaining their products to others.

She is actually not in love with him. She is just nice. As if the gods played a ridicule game to him still his hatred was directed to the gods not her. How could he blame her ? She was a naive little thing. Sooner of later she will come to love him. That's why one day he asked her.

"Do you like me ?"

"Yes, As a good friend !" What a dishearten words.

"I like you too." In a romantic way were the words he choose to not speak. It's okay, if she doesn't like him now she will in the future. All she needs is time. He has to nurture, sewed and take time to built the love or else how it would be possible. First he has to make her alone. Alone to reply on him. And only him.

And the gods were at his side to grace him with the opportunity on golden plate he was used to. Using the excuse to delivery the cake to her parents house was the first step to isolate her. So he did what he was naturally gifted at, winning hearts regardless of age. Quickly they were head over hell, swooning at his lies about their secret relationship and more lies about their wish to keep it a secret as she want to disclose it on her own term. Fools, her parents were and naive his (Y/N) was moving closer to him. Showing him pictures of her friends, spewing all of her work related words and he silently memorize her password so when she went to use restroom or busy checking her tasks, he smartly save all of her contacts.

Charming her friends, dancing them at his rhythm against her, saying they are friends with benefits where he was unfortunate to fall in love and finally he invited (Y/N) home and confess his passionate love.

"You disgust me".

Well, didn't it end badly ? It's alright she will come crawling to him. Right inside his embrace all willingly. Elias will be the bigger person in here, forgiving her amuture mistakes because he loves her.

Ring ! Ring ! Elias stand in front of his beloved house, ringing the doorbell. The finale came and his patient broke all lose. This is the moment she has to be his and he hers.

"Mom, Dad ! I told youโ€”" Her breath hitched and instinctively tried to slam the door shut, but he was too swift, too potent. His hand darted out, arresting the door's momentum with a firm yet gentle touch, and he stepped across the threshold with a fluid motion. The door creaked in defeat, surrendering to his quiet strength. (Y/N) retreated, her heart racing like a wild animal, as Elias's eyes seemed to delve into her very essence. His presence was a palpable force, filling the space with an almost suffocating intensity. With a subtle click, he closed the door behind him, his hand lingering on the doorknob as his gaze continued to hold hers captive.

"What's the hurry hmm ?" The gentle smile contrast to the violent actions was ironic. Unfazed he step forward. She step back.

He advanced, his footsteps deliberate and purposeful and (Y/N) retreated, her own steps faltering in a desperate bid for distance.

With each step he took forward, she mirrored with a hesitant step back, her eyes fixed on his, her breath caught in her throat.

"What are you doing here ?" Alarm danger ringing inside her entire body, sending mix signals to her flight, fight or freeze mode. All she felt being hovered by him was fear, no longer the anger fuming her veins.

"Just here to visit my darling". In sing song manner he told, walking until his wild cat cornered. (Y/N) feeling the wooden wall of her kitchen immediately run away near the stairs.

"Just stay thereโ€”". Her words cut off.

"Do you love me ?" Using the same honeyed coated voice he asked.

"I will call the police Elias !" She threatened

"Do you love me ?" He bore his lagoon eyes into her (E/C) ones.

"Please stay away".

"If you answer. Do you love me".

"No. I don't". She spat, bewilded by the fact he would wish for her to love him even after the twisted games he played with her.

"Then will you love me ?" Her face contorted in mix of anxiety and exasperation.

"No". Nodding calmly to her denial he picked the nearby kitchen knife scarying her further.

"No. No. No. No. No. Elias ! Please don't do thisโ€”"

"I must or else you won't be mine". Saying she was ready to sprint for her survival however he pressed the knife to his throat, tears streaming down his face like rivulets of sorrow, his eyes pleading for her. "Please be mine or I will kill myself". He gaze fondly at her widen ones.

"You are crazy". She whispered not expected such move.

"Yes, I am for you". A sly, mirthless grin spread across Elias's face, his lips curling upward in a macabre smile. "So will you love me ?"

Tears swelled in her eyes, fear and despair mingling watching his steady hand inch the sharp blade closer.

"No wait !"

"Then say do you love me ?" He whisper alike to the sweet nothings hushes. "Because without you why must I stay alive". He added.

"Okay okay I will say it". She doesn't know. She doesn't know why she says it because a twisted sense of desperation clawed at her chest, a morbid longing to preserve the life of the one she loathed, as if his existence was inextricably linked to her own.

"I l-l-loโ€” I can't". In despair she collapse unable to bear so many complicated emotions and nightmares at the same time in her seemly simple life. Footsteps echoed the silent room as his shoes came to her view and he bend to her level, throwing the knife and cupping her chin like she was a delicate flower despite plucking her roots and held her.

"It's all right you will learn to love me". A happy smile curve his alluring lips that press against hers. This time the is gentle, caressing and lovely as if petals of love is pouring out of his lips silently conveying his words. Slipping his tongue in hers, he trapped her tongue savoring her divine flovours he was thirsty to drink again. Sucking mouthful of air he kiss more, not letting their lips separated for a moment and close his eyes drowning under the moment while she close her eyes motionlessly stilled, letting him do as he please selling herself to him with the price of forever.

As oxygen grew scarce, he parted their lips grinning ear to ear, leaning his forehead to hers.

"This is a lie. All of these are lies you said to others". She utter hopelessly.

"Then let's make it a reality". He suggested however brows frown watching her shake her head.

"Can't. Too much lies to forget".

Chuckly raspy, he kiss once more saying. "Then let's make it the beautiful lie".


The Beautiful Lie

โŒœ Once again thank you @meo-eiru for letting me use your wonderful male character Elias and your permission to write this story along thank you readers for reading the story. Hope you enjoy it โŒŸ

Tags :
6 months ago



Female reader

Warnings : Love bombing. Power abuse. Threats. Coercion. Molestation. Profanity languages. Slut shaming. Rape. Violence. Framing. Attempt home invasion. Molestation.


โ› เธœเธนเน‰เธซเธเธดเธ‡ โœ Muse and Seduction, it is a well known name of the most Luxurious Adult Entertainment Complexe in Thailand also the least respected profession (Y/N) works in, not aware it will soon turn into a memory of calm before the storm in form of a man.


Thailand, a country known for its vibrant culture, rich history, and breathtaking landscapes, also has a complex and multifaceted adult entertainment industry. While it's true that this industry is visible and widespread, it's essential to approach the topic with sensitivity and nuance. From bustling cities like Bangkok and Pattaya to tourist destinations like Phuket and Chiang Mai, adult entertainment venues and services are indeed present. These can range from go-go bars and massage parlors to street workers and karaoke bars offering private rooms to many more and despite the shame and stigma associated with these works, many women still engage in this profession due to limited job opportunities and economic necessity. The pay can be more convenient and immediate compared to other respectable jobs, which may require years of education and experience to achieve similar financial stability.

Alike to the above explanation (Y/N) also choose to work in such environmentโ€”All for money and did she succced in having what she wanted ? Yes because the place she works in is called Muse and Seduction, one of the top Adult Entertainment Complexesโ€” it's a adult entertainment where almost all of the sexual activities could be done, separately and wonderfully. It has sections of Cabaret : where dancers perform for their male guests. Private room also known as Lounges : where sex could be given if requested and money are fullfilled. Strips clubs : where adult dances or lap dances available. Sex clubs : only available to VIP members for the privacy of their group sex, fetishes activities and message parlor : to offer erotic messages or intimate service and adult theater : to watch porn without shame and more sections based on how well the adult entertainment complexes is going and her complex has it all that even surprised the past self of (Y/N) who didn't had the slightest idea of such things existโ€”no she wasn't naรฏve rather in awe to have so varieties like a deck of cards laid out before her. Despite its grandeur, the complex remained hidden from the public eye, accessible only to those who knew where to look letting her past self marveled at how seamlessly it blended into the surrounding landscape, a testament to the discretion and secrecy that shrouded the adult entertainment industry.

Quickly that time she entered not for the sex work she thought could only pay her rents and shield her from her runaway abusive parents rather at the Cabaret where dancers danced contrast to not being the most skilled or pretty, she impressed the manager with her passion and raw talent. Offered a job on the spot, she found a refuge and purpose in the vibrant world of dance and before she knew it she sat on the position of manager of Cabaret section where she once only stared and worked hard.

"(Y/N) !" The (H/C) haired woman turn around at her name call meeting the eyes of the old general manager who's wiping his sweat yet a smile plastered on his lips.

"Yes, sir". Politely she asked having a hint of some excitement news to be heard noticing the uncontrollable smile and fire on his eyes.

The air was electric as he made the announcement, his face splitting into a wide, toothy grin. "Today, a very, very, very special guest is coming!" he exclaimed, his enthusiasm infectious yet puzzling.

She raised an eyebrow, her head tilting slightly to one side. VVVIP visitors weren't uncommon in their establishment, but the level of excitement radiating from him was unusual. Whoever this guest was, they must be incredibly influential and wealthy to warrant such anticipation.

Her (E/C) eyes watched him practically bounce with energy, a shiver ran down her spine. She couldn't shake the feeling that this visit might bring trouble, particularly for the women who work here. A nagging sense of unease settled in the pit of her stomach, her mind racing with the possibility that someone might be coerced into doing something against their will.

"Understood". She dry chuckle, darting eyes to her pratice hall and to the general manager.

"That's why you also need to perform today". Ah ! No wonder he came to her because despite being a manager she still performs for the double money she is paid.

"So the party is hosted in here ?" Insinuating her sections making the general manager nod.

"Yes, unfortunately they want entertainment to be amused not pleasure". The grin turn into a scoff merely thought of lost profits, his eyes clouding with disappointment.

"They ? Didn't you just said one guest ?" (Y/N) was confused.

"Ohโ€”actually it's group of men from a wealthy company but in mist of that is the golden egg would be". Oh ! She sink the information so rather than entertainment, it's to secure a lucrative deal. The company was willing to do whatever it took to secure success. What a classic tactic.

"Okay, please state the time, date and all the needed details". He nod giving her the paper written all the instruction. "Well then I goona go". Waving gently she enter her dance hall.

Tomorrow at 8:30 pm with Chinese Silk dance theme.

"So, the man is Chinese ? Or have those liking ?" She thought so for better she would single out the Chinese girls just for their safety to not caught the eyes of animalistic men.


Night descended, darkness enveloped the world, like an inky shroud suffocating all in its grasp. Yet, the moon, now a silver crescent in the sky, cast an ethereal glow, as if to defy the all-consuming shadows. Stars twinkled like diamonds scattered across the velvet expanse, their gentle sparkle a beacon of hope.

(Y/N) stood transfixed, her gaze riveted on the clock's ticking hands, mere moments away from striking 8:30 pm. She inhaled deeply, the air filling her lungs like a promise of new beginnings. "Today has to be perfect" she whispered to herself, a fervent wish born of hope and determination.

In her mind's eye, she envisioned a evening unfolding with grace and harmony, each moment a delicate brushstroke on the canvas of time. No embarrassing missteps, no unwilling participants, just a gentle, pleasant tone that would soothe the souls. The clock's ticking grew louder, a countdown to a symphony of perfection, as (Y/N) steeled herself for the moments to come, her heart beating in rhythm with the night's dark beauty.

"Beauties. Everything has to be perfect and do not worry I am here to protect you okay ?" Once more she reassure the women standing in a row each one a vision of elegance and mystery. Golden jewels encircled their arms, a radiant contrast to their varied skin tones, like sunlight dancing across a canvas of diverse beauty. The traditional Chinese dresses, with their revealing midriffs and flowing slit sleeves, seemed to shimmer in the soft light, as if the very fabric was alive. Their face however remained hidden behind delicate veils, a whispered promise of secrets and allure. The veils, like silken whispers, caressed their skin, casting an air of enchantment and subtle mystery seemed to embody the essence of ancient Chinese beauty, where subtlety and restraint whispered tales of untold stories.

"Yes mam". Each one in unison spoke with confidence knowing their mentor for several years.

"Hey (Y/N) I neededโ€”" A man holding few papers walked in the practice hall when he frozen in his root staring at (Y/N) who turn around giving his amber eyes the look of her dress mirroring the several women however he appeared to be mesmerized by her.

"Oh manager Somchai, is there anything I can help you with ?" Jewels trembled with each her step, unleashing a cascade of sparkling light, like tiny stars waltzing across her (S/C) skin.

"Ohโ€”Ahโ€”I-I-I-I forget". Few laughes escape from the women behind (Y/N) watching the bar manager make a fool out of himself.

"Hush ! It's unladylike". In swept the crowd held their laugh at their own manager's scold yet few roll their eyes knowing it was harmless. "Excuse them". (Y/N) apologies to Somchai who shake his head still unable to part his lips and hide the tip of blush on his ears.

"So, how can I help ?" She repeated holding her own smile, catching his flustered face.

"I-Iโ€” it's the list of drinks that the guests should buy for our profits". Quickly he shoved the paper on her hand surprising her and himself at the rough action. "I-I am sorry". Closing his eyes, his tense hands clap together in forgiveness along the rigid fingers intertwined, forming a tight knot, like a prayer offered to the heavens. The sudden, earnest movement was almost comical, yet endearing, making her giggle at the sweet, silly gesture. The contrast between his serious expression and the childish motion only added to the charm, rendering her helpless against the tide of amusement that swept over her.

"W-what happen ?" The way his innocent doe eyes stare at her never would anyone unaware of his profession could assume he works in an adult industry.

"Nothing. You are so endearing". And as she expected his entire face burst into flame creating a teasing ohh from the women who ship them together hard earn a harsh "Shut up". From their senior.

"Thank you". Finally without stuttering he smiled and part his lips to speak when the clock's loud tick reverberated through the air, signaling the precise moment of 8:30 pm.

"Ohโ€”I am sorry I must go". Swiftly she offered apologies, her voice barely above a whisper.

"Don't be". He disagree, silently encouraging her at their eye contact making her smile wider. Without anymore utters she led the procession of women, their golden jewels glinting in the soft light. At the threshold, (Y/N) paused, her slender fingers fluttering as she donned her own veil at the last moment, the delicate fabric whispering against her skin.

"Everyone ready to go ?"

"Yes". They mutter lightly. (Y/N) take a deep, calming breath as she pushed open the door, and a warm, golden light enveloped them, like a gentle caress. The room was aglow with sensual ambiance, the soft glow of table lamps and floor lights casting a hypnotic spell. The guests, already seated on plush, velvety sofas, turned to regard the newcomers, their faces bathed in the warm, golden radiance. Beers chilled on an opulent, dark-wood table, adorned with delicate, crystal glasses, reflecting the soft light like tiny, shimmering mirrors.

Soft, melodic music whispered through the air, weaving a subtle spell of relaxation and indulgence, as (Y/N) and her companions glided into the room, their veils shimmering like moonlit mist, their long, flowing sleeves rustling softly, like leaves in an autumn breeze. The atmosphere was alive with anticipation, the scent of perfume and the promise of mystery hanging heavy in the air, like the whispered promise of a secret shared among friends.

"Thank you for your services. We shall begin". her voice dripped in honeyed sweetness greeted the awaiting men as her eyes swept across the room, scanning for the golden man the general manager spoken of and then, in an instant, her gaze landed on himโ€”an aged man, with a stomach as round as a full moon, adorned in the finest, most lavish attire, from the glittering gold chain around his neck to the diamond-encrusted watch on his wrist.

Her eyes narrowed. "He must be the one". Sighing deeply she bowed gracefully with a subtle, enigmatic smile, her body begin dancing like unfolding a lotus flower, petals of movement swirling around her. The men's screams of delight and admiration crescendoed, their eyes aglow with hunger and desire, yet she remained an untouchable, ethereal vision. Her dance was a masterful symphony of seduction and grace, each step, each gesture, a testament to her skill and artistry.

As she danced, she wove in and out of the tables, pouring wine with a flourish, her hands moving in tandem with the other women, who mirrored her movements with precision. The liquid gold flowed like a river, filling the glasses, as she continued to enthrall her audience, her body swaying, twirling, and bending in impossible ways.

Regardless of the provocative nature of her dance, she maintained an air of detachment, her skin never once touching the eager hands that reached out to her. Her eyes, like a hawk's, scanned the room, ever vigilant, ensuring none of the men dared touch her or her junior companions. The other women, too, seemed to be under her protection, their eyes locked on hers, moving in perfect synchrony, a testament to their trust and loyalty. The men, entranced by the spectacle, remained at a safe distance, their longing and desire hanging in the air like a palpable mist, yet they knew better than to cross the unspoken boundary. She was a queen, a goddess, and they mere mortals, privileged to witness her glory and forbidden to touch.

Soon the music reached its crescendo, (Y/N)'s dance came to a smooth, graceful close, like a summer breeze gently caressing the skin. The room, electrified by her performance, exhaled a collective sigh of relief and admiration. Though some of the men, entranced by her beauty, had attempted to brush their hands against hers, they had respectfully refrained from any further advances, acknowledging the unspoken boundary. The VVVIP guest, too, had maintained his dignity, his eyes never leaving (Y/N)'s face, yet his hands remained clasped together, a indication to his self-control. With a satisfied smile, he raised his glass in a silent toast, and drank, savoring the moment.

As the final notes of the music faded away, (Y/N) and her companions bowed, their movements fluid and synchronized and they departed like a gentle whisper, a soft breeze carrying the scent of blooming flowers, leaving the men to ponder the memory of their enchanting performance.

Free-spirited and unencumbered, (Y/N) and her companions walk outside the hallway, sharing laughter and whispers echoing down the corridor.

"Today was fun".

"How amazing".

"Thankfully they knew the rules to not mess even the VVVIP was respectful unlike some of the others".

"This is my first time performing Chinese dance ?"

"Really ? Well I am Chinese but never did I also danced so sensually".

"But (Y/N) was best".

"Of course she would be when she is our senior".

Their joys whispered to one another filling (Y/N)'s ears in relief nothing unfortunate occur to one of the women and god forbidโ€” to her. Wiping the line of sweat from her forehead she walked to their resting room passing through the living hall where main events of dances held.

"HELP ! HELPโ€”". A cry of help echoed the room following with a loud thud alike to a slap making all the women wince.

"What was that ?"

"Isn't it sound like a woman ?"

"Also a slap ?"

"I am scared".

A knot of unease twisted in (Y/N)'s stomach, like a pit of pooling darkness, as her mind conjured the worst assumptions. A envision of woman, desperate and trapped, crying out for help in a place where hope seemed lost. The thought sent a shiver down her spine, and without hesitation.

"Girls ! Go !". She commanded her workers to retreat to their quarters, their faces etched with concern.

With a deep breath, (Y/N) steeled herself, her determination burning brighter than her fear. She barged into the lavish hall, the doors swinging open with a soft crash, like a declaration of war. The room, once filled with laughter and music, now seemed tainted, its opulence mocking her. Her eyes scanned the space, searching for the source of her unease, her heart pounding in her chest like a drum.

Until her (H/C)'s eyes fell upon a scene that made her blood boil, a tableau of cruelty that seared itself into her mind. A man, his face twisted in a snarl, sat atop a woman, her body helpless and trembling, her clothes torn and disheveled. He laughed, a cold, mirthless sound, as he cursed with his words coated with venom while the woman's cries, like a wounded animal, filled the air with her sobs as the man rape her in front of others.

The room, once a haven of indulgence, transform into a den of depravity. Some men, seated on a large sofa, laughed and jeered, their faces flushed with excitement, while others watched with a mixture of fascination and disgust. A few, attempting to distance themselves from the scene, silently drank their plain disgust by the beers, their eyes averted, however their presence still complicit.

Red. (Y/N)'s vision was consumed by a sea of red, a crimson haze that fueled her fury. In an instant, she sprang into action, her movements swift and deadly, wordlessly she launched herself at the man, ripping him away from the woman with a strength born of rage. The sound of crashing furniture and shouting men filled the air as she hurled him aside, the group scattering in surprise.

Her eyes scanned the room frantically, searching for something to cover the woman's exposed form. But there was nothing โ€”no cloth, no blanket, no shred of dignity left. So, with a swift motion, (Y/N) grasped the nearest ground mat, tearing it from the floor, and wrapped it around the woman's shivering body, shielding her from prying eyes.

That's when the same man lashed out, his hand closing around her forearm like a vice. (Y/N)'s jaw clenched in pain, her eyes flashing with anger, as she gazed straight into the man's raging eyes, their faces inches apart. "Why is he angry ? Noโ€”how dare he is angry ?" Complex emotions once more fueling her brain, hatred spite for the man so far her fingers itch to slit his throat and watch him bleed to death.

"No. No. No. No. (Y/N) you can't do it. Stay calm. Stay calm". Her inner rational self repeated after all the power held is by men not women.

"You fucking bitch ! What do you think you are ! Fucking cunt ? How dare you lay a hand on me ?" The man twisted (Y/N)'s arm only for her to stood firm, her eyes blazing with defiance. Pain was nothing new, and she refused to yield, her silence a challenge to his dominance.

Holding her trembling fistโ€”not from fear rather from anger she calmly utter. "Dear customer, this section is cabaret not private room so please refrain from doing sexual activโ€”".

"Fuck you woman ! You all are slut what happens if I fuck one of you". Tension weighted heavy on his offensive words suffocating even her lungs by the audacity of this man. How dare ? How dare this man found the chest to spoke about them. This illiterate garbage.

"It seems you are illiterate because the meaning of cabaret is dancers in our complex. Pardon us for not explaining actually, we didn't knew an uneducated person would come to our threshold". Blazing her (E/C) eyes into the man, his grip tighten and she felt the heat of his body underneath the fat meat.

"What did you say you bitchโ€”".

"Or are you perhaps deaf too ?" Her voice not a lace with sarcastism or mock. It's purely fill with rage. Rage of being helpless, useless and shame. Because no matter how this man violented the innocent woman and assulted (Y/N), the fact still standsโ€”he is their customer.

Despicable. (Y/N)'s throat felt dry and cracked at the fact, as if the man's crushing grip had drained the last drop of moisture from her body. The pain was numbed by her revulsion and anger, emotions that seethed like a cauldron as she gazed up at his face, illuminated by the eerie purple and pink lights above. His features, once human, now seemed twisted and grotesque, a stark contrast to the inhumane actions that belied his civilized facade. Tears of rage swelled over her vision, casting a blurry veil over the scene, yet she continued to stare, transfixed by the horror of it all. A twisted sense of guilt slithered in, its dark tendrils wrapping around her heart, whispering cruel lies of blame and shame, as the colorful lights above seemed to mock her, casting an otherworldly glow on the nightmare unfolding below.

The door finally burst open again, this time however by the security guards. They finally trapped the man, even tearing his iron grip that left purple bruisesโ€”her eyes stare. This will heal, but what about the innocent woman ? The woman's who crimson blood flow out of her private part in front of so many eyes ? (Y/N) will have her untainted skin back without bruises but can the woman have her virginity back she oh so hard frought only to lose. Sorrows finally slide down mourning the unconsciously woman as she bend down, helping the cloth to prevent her nudity from exposing in process her eyes met a onyx eyes, a depthless pool of intensity that seemed to hold a thousand unspoken emotions burning with a fierce inner fire that she couldn't quite decipher regardless of the black spectacles that meant to conceal, only seemed to accentuate the piercing quality of his eyes. Quickly she avert the burning gaze. "He is no different than that man". Snarling her face, she walk not knowing his sight was set on her from the very moment she step inside.

She find herself sit outside the makeshift medical area, her eyes fixed on the curtain that shielded the woman's privacy. Beside her, the private female doctor, a specialist in treating victims of abuse, tended to the woman's wounds with gentle hands as the moonlight's pear through the window shimmering her unremoved outfit. Suddenly, the general manager burst into the room, his face etched with concern. However, he halted outside the curtain, respecting the woman's privacy. (Y/N) rose to meet him, her eyes questioning.

"What happen ?" she asked, her voice low.

The manager's eyes darted to the curtain, then back to (Y/N). "The security told me everything. Is she g-going to be okay ?"

"Yes butโ€”". She paused, expression somber. "Her clit has tore, virginity is take away that's why it will cause her a lot of trauma". The manager nodded, his face set in a determined expression.

"So, she might not able to work right ?" Before (Y/N) could answer the female doctor pull the curtains closed.

"Yes, she isn't at the headspace to do. I am even afraid that it might also cause a trauma of men which is very much about this job". Discreetly (Y/N)'s fingers curl into fist holding the urge to suffer the perpetrater.

"Gosh ! Why did it had to happen in front of the VVVIP man". The man mutter a curse. "Our reputation and woman is lost face in front of him". A frown ink in between (Y/N)'s brows.

"What ? VVVIP ? But he was entertained and happy. We did our job perfectly". Pluzzed she elaborate. "Also sue the man not the innocent woman".

"I never want to sue the woman. It's not at all her fault rather I am angry at the man because that asshole is the one who last minute came here change the perfect schedule of attending your dance instead went to the living hall dance with completely different setting. A modern one".

"What ?" A grasp lip past her.

"Who was it ?"

"A man with black suit, black spectacles and his name is Wang Ji-Hyuk, he is a Korean man but his entire business is at China that's why we choose a chinese traditional theme also it was said by the asshole but he ruined it !" Fumes smoking out of his ears. "I am goona sue him". Bit his lips, he dial the number of the said VVVIP (Y/N) mistook.


"Wait ! So that man from before ?" (Y/N)'s mind reeled as a quick flashback assaulted her senses, transporting her back to the living hall mere seconds ago. She relived the moment when her gaze met the VVVIP's, the intensity of his stare still seared into her memory. But before she could even process her thoughts, the general manager's urgent grip on her arm yanked her back to reality.

"He's still outside, we should apologize," He whispered hastily, dragging her toward the door.

(Y/N)'s confusion deepened as she stumbled alongside him. Apologize? For what? She couldn't fathom what she had done wrong. The VVVIP's behavior had unsettled her of how a man so boredly sat and watched a woman get rape is truly inhumane, what apologize does she own to the VVVIP ? For protesting against the rape ? Protecting a innocent woman ? Or causing a scene unnecessary. Her thoughts swirled in a jumbled mix of emotions as she struggled to keep up with the general manager's rapid pace. Why were they apologizing? What part was her fault? None, she believes. Still the questions swirled in her mind like a vortex, leaving her bitter.


At the reception, they found the said man standing with his back to them, his imposing figure radiating an aura of authority. The soft hum of conversation and gentle clinking of foot filled the air, a stark contrast to the turmoil brewing inside (Y/N).

Just as they approached, the head manager's voice cut through the calm, "Ah, sir, I see you're still here."

The VVVIP's back stiffened, and he slowly turned around, his movements deliberate and calculated and he faced them, his eyes locked onto (Y/N)'s once more, the intensity of his gaze making her heart skip a beat.

Time seemed to suspend as their eyes met, the air thickening with tension. The general manager's words of apology died on his lips, and the head manager's smile faltered, sensing the changed atmosphere. Pursing his lips, he nudge her hand allowing her to look away.

"W-we are sorry. Extremely sorry for the lack of professional and such unpleasant scenes to be caused". What ? What was her lips utter ? The way her mouth moved, forming words of apology, as if driven by a force beyond her control. Her voice was barely audible, a mere whisper, as she spoke the words she didn't mean to say. Her head bent down, weighed by the shame that wasn't hers to bear.

She felt like a puppet, her body no longer her own, but a mere marionette controlled by invisible strings. Her limbs moved, her lips spoke, but her mind was a distant observer, helpless to stop the charade.

The man's gaze still held her captive, his eyes burning with an intensity that seemed to strip her of her autonomy. She was a leaf blown by the wind, a feather tossed by the breeze, completely at the mercy of forces beyond her control.

"Yes, we are very sorry". The head manager bow respectfully making the VVVIP tilts his head.

His voice was laced with a jaded tone, as he asked "Are you ?" The words hung in the air, a lazy drawl that seemed to imply he already knew the answer.

"Yes we areโ€”" His gaze shifted, those onyx eyes slicing through the manager like a knife.

"Not you". He said, not hiding the disdain as the manager's words were cut off, left dangling in the air like a severed thread.

His eyes narrowed, returned on (Y/N) solely. "Her" He said, the single word a cold, calculated stab.

A gulp pass through her throat fighting the conflict of emotions ranging all together among his gaze piercing through her like a challenge, a dare to deny the truth he already knew and the air vibrate with tension pressuring her to say something against her will even if it's the truth.

"Yes". No. "We are very sorry for the inconvenience". As soon as they passed her lips, a look of disappointment settled upon his face, like a shadow cast by a cloud. His onxy eyes, once piercing and intense, now seemed to regard her with a disinterest that was almost worse than his earlier disdain. He turned away, his movements economical and precise, as if he had already dismissed her from his thoughts.

The head manager's words, a futile attempt to salvage the situation, trailed after him like a forgotten echo. "Sir, please, let usโ€”" However he didn't so care to offer the head manager a face going out leaving a exhausted (Y/N) from the long journey she endured today. Hopefully he never comes back is what she wishes.

A wish that is bluntly ignored by the gods or heavens above after the next day he shown his face once again like a calm before the storm.

"O my gosh ! He came again !" The manager appeared to be in elated mood. "Also he requested for you specially !"

"Alone for me ?" He nod excitedly as if he were to dance in front of the VVVIP. A tangled web of emotions evocated her like : revulsion, obligation, and fear wrestled for dominance as she was asked to dance alone for the same man whose behavior had disgusted her. Her mind recoiled at the thought, her heart heavy with the weight of conflicting emotions. The memory of his jaded gaze at the living hall scene made her skin crawl, her body trembling with the effort to suppress her true feelings. Uncertainty and powerlessness shrouded her, like a ship torn from its anchor, adrift in a stormy sea. "Understood". As common it was such unfortunate things for women to happen in this industry she learnt the past years to forget those memories as soon as possible.

"What is the theme ?" She asked.

"No theme". He answered. "Also he has bring a dress only for you to wear". He added causing a tension.

"What kind ?"

"You will see once you wear". Giggly he answered.

Soon the answer was present as her feet glided into the room, her (slender/plump/bony) figure draped in a flowing, silvery-white gown that cascaded down her body like a river of moonlight. The dress, crafted from the finest silk, hugged her curves with a soft, ethereal glow, its smooth texture catching the light with every subtle movement and the gown's neckline rose to her jaw, framing her heart-shaped face with delicate precision. Around her chest, layers of flowery, silvery-white fabric bloomed like a whispered secret, adding a touch of whimsy and romance to her overall allure.

While her shoulders were cushioned by puffed sleeves that fell to her forearms, leaving a tantalizing expanse of skin visible beneath. The sleeves themselves were a masterclass in subtle drama, with delicate folds and creases that added depth and visual interest to the overall design. As she moved, the gown's silken fabric rustled softly, releasing tiny whispers of sound that seemed to match the beating of her heart. The hem of the dress swept the floor with a gentle, lapping motion, like waves caressing the shore.

"How can I dance in this properly ?" (Y/N) asked noticing the man's eyes glossing over the material.

He ignore her question. "It must be expensive. Because you of course looked beautiful but now you look drop dead gorgeous". A strained smile came to her lips despite feeling the nagging rings on her stomach.

"Thank you". The old man waved his hand.

"Okay, now go ! Go fast". Pushing her back tenderly (Y/N) was faced to face into a private room with Ji-Hyun.

"Thank you for requesting me, Mr. Wangโ€”".

"You look beautiful". His gazed at her, his voice barely above a whisper. "More than I imagined." His eyes devoured her, drinking in every inch of her being, as if attempting to memorize her contours. His gaze lingered, branding her image onto his soul, claiming her as his own. Time seemed to bend, stretching out the seconds as he feasted his eyes upon her like the world around him melting away.

"Thank you". Nervously she thanked. "So, Mr. Wang, what dance would youโ€”".


"Huh ?" She felt her ears misheard. "I said sit". Perhaps not because her sight followed his palm patting the cushion beside him causing her heart sink.

"I cannot".

"Why ?" Almost like an genuinely question he asked.

"Because I am here to dance not to talk if you want to talk, you can go to the host section where women will talkโ€”".

"I know," he drawled, his tone laced with ennui along his face unreadable. Yet, his next words dripped with intention: "But I want you." The phrase hung like a challenge, freighted with unspoken consequences.

She began asking, "What do youโ€”". But he truncated her inquiry.

"Well, I'm not here to talk, rather to propose something only to you". The hidden meaning behind his words sent her heart racing, as multiple worst-case scenarios flashed through her mind like a chilling slideshow. "That's why sit down". She obeyed regardless of her mind commanding the opposite.

"Good". A smile curve finally. "So, I want you to be my girlfriend".

Silence. For few seconds the words pass her mind registering not to process rather how to defy without offending because he isn't the first person to offer such kind of want from her, many did and will in the future for sure.

"You mean, sir. You want to have sexual relationship with me ?" He must be, because no man in their right mind would offer a cabaret dancer to be their girlfriend for romance unless it involves the sexual favors. Right ?

"I do". She bit her bottom lips. "However I want full ownership of yours. Like partners do. I want to be your boyfriend not just a sexual client to satisfy my needs". Ji-Hyuk with straight face explained, his piercing eyes bore into hers.

"Ownership ?" She is at loss. Truly, because men offered their advances for her services she crearly doesn't work forโ€”never confess their love.

"Yes. I crave a bond that goes beyond mere physical satisfaction. I want to own your heart, just as you own mine." The intensity of his emotions left her breathless, his words echoing in her mind like a promise of forever she didn't ask nor want. Uncomfortable flooded her body, confuse to know the right way to react to a VVVIP guest who suddenly profess his love for her when she met twice or more like met eyes twice.

"What if I reject ?" Her own voice whispered in the almost silent room if overlooking the light pleasant music from behind. Her fingers dug in the cloth that isn't belong to her to earn comfort.

"Why would you ? I have everything a woman needs in a partner so you shouldn't have to reject me". His nonchalant attitude was eerie to her and it gave her the answer she needed. She can't reject him. She shouldn't. Because the way his gaze pinned her, heavy with expectation. The dress, a luxurious trap over her body along his weight with unspoken threats with the air thickened seem to have clear his intention. He isn't here to hear no. Let alone from a woman like her who's expected to be impressed, to be grateful, and to accept thoughtless like a doll to buy and show off.

Still she choose to say. "I am sorry but I can't, sir. I am very very sorry". More than the consequences she fears her freedom stolen, controlled and tramped by a wealthy man she is yet to even know.

"Okay," Ji-Hyuk said, his voice flat and emotionless, like a door slamming shut. He turned and walked away, leaving the dancer alone in the private room, surrounded by the suffocating silence. The soft click of the door echoed through the space, a stark contrast to the turmoil brewing inside her. His abrupt departure left her thoughts reeling, anxiety swirling like a maelstrom, as she struggled to decipher the true meaning behind his enigmatic answer.

Was it a genuine understanding, or a cleverly disguised manipulation? The uncertainty hung in the air, a heavy fog that refused to lift. Soon the head manager burst into the room, his face flushed with urgency, and demanded

"What's going on? Why did he leave so abruptly ?" His voice was laced with a mix of frustration and concern. However, (Y/N) was too engrossed in her own thoughts to acknowledge his presence similar to Ji-Hyuk, who sat in the backseat of his luxurious car, puffing on a cigarette, his eyes gazing into the distance. His mind with how first and hard he fallen in love, and the rejection that came with it. The smoke from his cigarette swirled around him dwelling him to how he fell.

Trash. He thought, the moment these Thailand business men invited him to a Adult Entertainment Complex, he already judged them and cancelled the deal in his mind. Because two types of men are pathetic, one if they are consumed by greed lost rationality and another drown in lust lost control by their lower part that's why he doesn't make deals with entertainment industry, with what tragedy did he accepted their proposal. Huh ? Merely thinking of the chaos he is about to witness create a mirgrane however he still decided to go, why ? Because he wanted some relaxment too however his meaning of relaxment wasn't watching a barely adult woman getting rape by one of the trash from the Thailand worker.

"I regret coming here". He thought drinking the bitter beer. Gosh, he should have ordered wine, beer never suited his taste nor his class what father told him and he was right. Dull the mood has transformed and he outstretched his hand to his private secretary when the door bust open by a woman, a beautiful one and clearly from this industry judging from her Chinese theme clothes marched with pure rage towards the trash.

Intrigue fill his interest, he partly expected the woman to be naรฏve and display her emotions however he was beyond delightful to find her compose yet fierce personality. The way her eyes twitch yet not a wince slip her lips when he twist her arm, the way her delicate jaw clench in anger and those (E/C)'s burn like flames and the light hues from above shone at her so beautifully, gorgeously, he wished right there and that moment to claim her as his especially given his initial disappointment with her timid apology before departed the complex.

But now, Ji-Hyuk's lips curled into a sly smirk, the cigarette dangling precariously from the corner of his mouth, as he savored the unexpected turn of events. "She rejected me". She isn't as timid as he thought who needed a little push to be claimed instead turn out to be a little firecracker, who knew exactly when to withhold her flames, leaving him intrigued and wanting more. Her rejection was a tantalizing challenge, a hint of a deeper intelligence and inner strength that he found irresistible. A smart woman, one who could match wits and defy expectations, was a far more captivating prize than a naive, submissive one.


"(Y/N)!" The manager's sharp voice cut through her intense focus, snapping her back to reality. She blinked, her gaze shifting from the task at hand to the manager's expectant face.

"Yes, manager? Why did you come?" she asked, her tone measured, but her mind still reeling from the sudden interruption. Lately the manager has been coming to her a lot from the moment that VVVIP's existence cameโ€”her throat constricted, memories of the previous day's conversation with Ji-Hyuk flooding her senses.

"What conversation did you had with him ?" Her (E/C)'s eyes stare at his unusual stress expression.

(Y/N) paused, her eyes avert from his.

"So, I want you to be my girlfriend".

"However I want full ownership of yours. Like partners do. I want to be your boyfriend not just a sexual client to satisfy my needs".

"Nothing special". Lies smoothly roll her tongue.

"Is it really nothing special ? Really ?" The manager asked, his voice raising enough for to flinch.

"Why ? Yes, nothing special". In low voice she said, as her palm reached out to placate the middle-aged man. Her hand made contact with his shoulder, a gentle touch that spoke of reassurance. While a quick smile to others who stare at the raised voice.

"Then explain why did not only that Thailand business company cut our services but also all of our Thailand business companies !" (Y/N)'s eyes widened, a mixture of confusion and dawning recognition swirling within them. The manager's words hung in the air like a challenge, forcing her to confront the unspoken questions she had brushed off earlier. Why were there fewer people than usual today ? And now, all of their Thailand business companies? No. It can't be. Why did he leave with such a short "okay" if he was going to take this step ?

"Look ! (Y/N), you are my long term employee, I have watched you from the start of your life in this grey world of lust and men so I know you wouldn't do something to hurt our complex, will you ? No right ?" Immediately she shake her head. "That's why tell me if you said some offense words, we can apologize to him and correct the mistake". Past his calm voice suggesting, (Y/N) could clearly see his trembling hands.

"How did you know it's him. It could be anybody more powerful". She questioned, not want to confront the reality just yet. How could she ? After she rejected him ? If indeed he is behind the work, the cabaret manager can't limit her imagine of how power he has in his palm.

"Because, today every single Thailand client called at the same time, canceling their services. Of course I forcefully asked one of them where he told me the truth that a powerful person ordered them". He revealed. "And Mr. Wang is one of the top business man who has hands all over the Thailand industry even if the companies don't work together, it's easy to pull strings of connection". (Y/N)'s gut twisted into knots, her stomach churning with a sense of foreboding. The weight of the manager's words settled upon her, making her feel like she was drowning in a sea of responsibility. The pressure was suffocating, each breath a struggle as she tried to process the magnitude of the situation.

With a sense of resignation, she nodded her head, agreeing to take the fall for the mistake. "I'll go apologize," she said, her voice barely above a whisper. The words felt like a betrayal, a admission of guilt that she didn't fully understand.

"Then let's go ! We must hurry to seal the deal". Excitedly the manager without sparing a look at her, guide her to outside.

Why ? Why ? Why ? Why ? Why ? Why ? WHY ? like a annoying ring on her head spin around making her unconsciously deep her crescent scars on her skin. Like a holding her inner demons to explode. How ? Why ? How can fate always make her the victim of pathetic humans ? Huh ? Why she ? Wasn't her inhumane father trying sell his own daughter for few dollars enough that fate somehow brought a man to toy her entire meticulous bulit like crumble down. Yes, Roman wasn't built in one day but it sure burned in one day.

A cruel reminder that even the strongest foundations can be razed by the whims of fate.

Clenching her jaw, her heavy feet step towards the destiny she very much fears at the same time loathes. That's when a hand hold her wrist spinning her around and her eyes wide seeing the man.


"Hello, Mr. Wang. Thank you very very very much for letting us in. The fault entirely lies on us that's why Miss. (L/N) came to apologize with me". Forcing his hand together he plead in front of the Ji-Hyuk who across him sat lounged on the massive sofa, his casual attireโ€”a light blue shirt with white line strips and grey trousers โ€”a stark contrast to the gravity of the tense situation. One leg crossed over the other, his back leaned against the plush cushions, exuding an air of relaxed superiority while his gaze was fixed intently on the woman beside the manager. (Y/N) herself sat rigidly, her posture a picture of tense contrition. Her head bowed, chin tucked in, and jaw clenched in a tight line. Fingers curled into fists, her hands rested on her lap, betraying the turmoil brewing beneath her subdued exterior. A portrait of contained anguish.

Reading the obvious implication of his attention over her. The manager nudged her arm to which she part her lip. "Mr. Wang, please forgive me if any of my words that I didn't knew held much power offend you personally that's why I am sorry". She bow slightly. "Hopefully you can look past my mistakes and still continue to be in our services".

Click ! The soft scratch of the sliver lighter to a fleeting spark, and the gentle whoosh of flame embracing tobacco. Ji-Hyuk's eyes never left (Y/N) as he raised the cigarette to his lips, the tip dancing with each inhale. He smoked with deliberate slowness, exhaling wispy tendrils of smoke that curled around his words. His gaze, calm and collected, held (Y/N) captive as he spoke, his voice low and even. "So, will you finally accept the proposal you rejected?"

The woman swears she doesn't need a glance to feel her higher up head swirl to her side with perplexed written.

"If I do, will you continue to be in our services and spread good words among other business ?" His eyebrows rise in intrigue and the message clearly send to cut the trouble and make it back to normal.

"This". A gleam of satisfy flicker in his eyes. This passion, fire was he expecting from the woman he desires and he wasn't disappointed.

"Yes. Will you be my girlfriend". He asks, a question from his side however a taunt to her after all, 'no' was never an answer.

"Yes". Finally a smile touch upon his lips along his eyes crinkled at the corners.

๐‘พ๐’†๐’๐’ ๐‘ฐ ๐’˜๐’Š๐’๐’ ๐’„๐’‚๐’๐’ ๐’š๐’๐’– ๐’…๐’‚๐’“๐’๐’Š๐’' ๐’‚๐’๐’… ๐’†๐’—๐’†๐’“๐’š๐’•๐’‰๐’Š๐’๐’ˆ ๐’˜๐’Š๐’๐’ ๐’ƒ๐’† ๐’๐’Œ๐’‚๐’š

After the chaos subsided and (Y/N), her boss drove out of the mansion by his personal driver, the air was electric with the buzzing of phones. The screens lit up with notifications, a flurry of activity that signaled the return of Thailand's servicesโ€”and more. New companies, behemoths in their industries, had flocked to Ji-Hyuk's empire, eager to tap into his influence. The sheer scale of it all was suffocating. (Y/N) felt a wave of disgust wash over her as she realized the true extent of Ji-Hyuk's power. He had effortlessly manipulated the situation, bending the world to his whim. The thought made her skin crawl, her anger simmering just below the surface.

She was nothing but a tiny, insignificant doll in his vast playground, subject to his every caprice. He could trample her, walk all over her, and she was powerless to stop him. The realization was a bitter pill to swallow, her resentment growing with each passing moment. Snatching her wrist, she glance at the decorative lights of the cities with moon light donning from above and the next thing she knew she found herself standing in a cramped, dimly lit room, surrounded by the faint scent of perfume and smoke. She was dressed in a revealing theme outfit, her reflection staring back at her from a mirror-lined wall like usual ready to entertain the customer alongside her coworkers, equally dazzling in their attire, bustled around her, their chatter and laughter a cacophony in her ears.

Suddenly, the door slid open revealing Ji-Hyuk and the enigmatic owner of Muse and Seduction she never been lucky to catch glimpse of, stood before her. Mutters ring behind her, reeling her mind and she watched him come near her.

'๐‘ช๐’‚๐’–๐’”๐’† ๐‘ฐ ๐’Œ๐’๐’๐’˜ ๐’•๐’‰๐’‚๐’• ๐‘ฐ ๐’‚๐’Ž ๐’š๐’๐’–๐’“๐’” ๐’‚๐’๐’… ๐’š๐’๐’– ๐’‚๐’“๐’† ๐’Ž๐’Š๐’๐’†

"From now onwards you aren't allowed to dance ever again". And her entire world crumble down once again.

"Am I getting fired ?" She swears, (Y/N) swears to not sweep desperation and hurried in her voice however her eyes also betrayed her vulnerably in front of the same man her fate is controlled by.

"No. You are just only allowed to work for me". Ji-Hyuk replied nonchalant as if he didn't taking away her dancing too, the only source of her income and comfort of identity.

๐’…๐’๐’†๐’”๐’'๐’• ๐’Ž๐’‚๐’•๐’•๐’†๐’“ ๐’‚๐’๐’š๐’˜๐’‚๐’š

"Can I reject ?" She tries but she was aware of the defeat the moment his eyes racked over her figure and the owner of her complex cleared his throat.

Her answer doesn't matter. Never did and will. How unfair as her (E/C)'s in agonizing slow motion as her juniors slipped away, one by one, into the private rooms without her felt fresh twist of the knife hollow her inside.

Never again.

Suddenly the sanctuary, being to transform into a shrinking cage as its walls closing in with oppressive force, squeezing the last vestiges of hope from her lungs. Suddenly every tick of the clock was a countdown to her demise, suddenly the silence seems to be a uncomfortable noise she can't ignore and eyes of his heavy like a death warrant above.

Softly, she breathed: "Are you satisfied?" Her whisper hung in the air, a fragile question mark, as her gaze remained fixed on the empty space where the women had vanished, their absence a haunting echo.

A smirk lift his lip and with a sign of hand Ji-Hyuk command the owner to leave the couple alone to which he obeyed.

"Yes". Anticipation bumble within him as he stare at her waiting for the gaze to be returned.

She looked at him.

Chill. Straight chills ran through his body the way her numbed eyes bore into his, as if she could see right though his soul. Oh ! The taste of breaking a strong woman is like conquering a fire with bare hands. His fingers tremble to touch her.

So he did. Snake his hands around her waist and tighten the hug almost burying her into him.

๐’Š๐’ ๐’•๐’‰๐’† ๐’๐’Š๐’ˆ๐’‰๐’•, ๐’˜๐’†'๐’๐’ ๐’•๐’‚๐’Œ๐’† ๐’‚ ๐’˜๐’‚๐’๐’Œ, ๐’Š๐’•'๐’” ๐’๐’๐’•๐’‰๐’Š๐’' ๐’‡๐’–๐’๐’๐’š ๐’‹๐’–๐’”๐’• ๐’•๐’ ๐’•๐’‚๐’๐’Œ.

"How about we spend the night together. Alone, only you and me ?" The question mark lingered, a sly taunt, as if daring her to respond but she knew better. Only humans are worthy of consent or choice, not a pig, even the one who is about to be butchered. No one asks a pig if it wants to be slaughtered so does she that's why she nod lifting a smile.


The mini city lights twinkled like diamonds from the car window is once again a wonderful sight yet her inside remained heavy with a numbness that suffocated any spark of awe or happiness. Only pumping heart mechanically, a mere reflex before the slaughter.

๐’‘๐’–๐’• ๐’š๐’๐’–๐’“ ๐’‰๐’‚๐’๐’… ๐’Š๐’ ๐’Ž๐’Š๐’๐’†

His tan slender palm, hold hers on her lap that she dared to glance at him finding his eyes already on her. He was about to speak when the driver announced.

"Sir, we have arrived". The master nod, merely going outside on his own before signaling her and her (E/C) eyes saw the familiar mansion like the previous time of her asking to apologize with her managerโ€”not alone making her wonder if she not come, would her fate had been different ? Perhapsโ€”for worse. She likes to delusion.

His palm finds her and almost drag her inside ignoring few numbers of servents bowing to them walked straight to the white stairs. Only noise of her racing heart and heels clicking echoed the eerie mansion until they arrived at his bedroomโ€”she guess.

He released her hand, only to shed his professional armor, his fingers deftly untying his tie and unfastening his cuffs, the soft clinking of metal and rustle of silk. The cabaret steeled herself, bracing for the inevitable prepared to be used as a merchandise and discard at his whim.

As expected he closed in, his chin whispering against hers, their faces inches apart, the air thickened with anticipation. But just as their lips were about to meet, he detected the slightest hint of defianceโ€”her hyoid bone tensed, a tiny rebellion, and her fist, clenched in a secret gesture of resistance. His onyx eyes, burning with intensity, snapped to hers, searching for surrender, but instead found a spark of refusal that turn him on so hard.

As their lips entwined, he was transported to a realm of pure bliss, his senses ignited by the sweet nectar of her mouth. He felt like a man blessed by the gods, granted the ultimate treasure to savor and devour. Every fiber of his being thrilled with ecstasy, his heart soaring on wings of delight, as he indulged in the tender flesh of her lips. The world around him melted away, leaving only the intoxicating taste of her, a divine elixir that left him drunk with pleasure. He was a king, and she was his conquest, his prize, his heavenly gift.

Unawarely he concerned her to the wall, cornered (Y/N) further than she was trapped. A nausea threat to pile over as she was clawed, touched, sucked into the unwanted torture. Tears swell her eyes, she wanted to bite his tongue and shove him away but against her want she continue to let the starved man indulged because the pig is layed, its flesh inspected, and now the blade poised about to slash its throat, mirroring the brutal violation of her own dignity.

๐’š๐’๐’– ๐’Œ๐’๐’๐’˜ ๐ญ๐ก๐š๐ญ ๐‘ฐ ๐’˜๐’‚๐’๐’• ๐’•๐’ ๐’ƒ๐’† ๐’˜๐’Š๐’•๐’‰ ๐’š๐’๐’– ๐’‚๐’๐’ ๐’•๐’‰๐’† ๐’•๐’Š๐’Ž๐’†

Greedy hands tore at her outfit, exposing her flesh alike the pig's carcass, his onyx eyes devouring the sight of her breasts. His palm fondled one, hunger burning in his gaze, as her fingers instinctively wrapped around his hand, her nails digging deep enough to draw blood, a primal reaction to his violation.

Her breath hitched.

His lustful eyes snap to her.

Oh no. No. No. No. What did she did. She wasn't suppose to protest. She shouldn't be. A mistakeโ€”apologizeโ€”right she should apologize but why no voice is uttering. Suddenly his gaze burn her bare flesh, shame her.

And to her surprise, he retreat his hand. A displease paint his expression. Not to her intrude as she is thinking rather Ji-Hyuk realize this fire isn't his yet. She still doesn't belong to him.

Body, yes. Mind, yes but heart ? No. A not astonishing information wash cold over him. No, this is not good. No, not at all. He wants her everything. From her body to her fire to her heartโ€”too. He wants her every bit to feast or else she never belonged to him at all.

๐’š๐’๐’– ๐’Œ๐’๐’๐’˜ ๐’•๐’‰๐’‚๐’• ๐‘ฐ ๐’˜๐’๐’'๐’• ๐’”๐’•๐’๐’‘ ๐’–๐’๐’•๐’Š๐’ ๐‘ฐ ๐’Ž๐’‚๐’Œ๐’† ๐’š๐’๐’– ๐’Ž๐’Š๐’๐’†

That's why he shifted away. Marching to the bathroom leaving (Y/N) with a command. "You are staying the night".

That night, they lay in bed, a chasm of silence and space between them. He had freshened up, and she had too, separately, as if seeking solace in solitude. They faced away from each other, feigning sleep, but (Y/N) was wide awake, her senses heightened. She felt his gaze upon her, multiple times, as he quietly turned to watch her pretended slumber. His eyes lingered, a silent scrutiny, as if seeking answers in her stillness. The darkness was palpable, punctuated only by the soft rustle of sheets, as they both waited for the dawn, their minds racing with unspoken thoughts. The distance between them seemed to grow with each passing moment, a heavy, unbridgeable gap, as they lay there, lost in their own private worlds.

As the sun's golden rays peeked through the window, casting a warm glow on her side of the bed, she quietly sat up on the soft mattress she rarely gets to touch let alone sleep, her gaze drifting to his peaceful form. His sleeping face, relaxed and serene, is a sight to behold, his features softened without the stiff spectacles that usually framed his eyes. Yet, as she beheld his tranquil countenance, a morbid thought crept into her mind. "Would he look as peaceful, as serene, if he were to die with his eyes closed ?" The question lingered.

"This is the first time you are so eagerly sparing me a look," His sudden, raspy voice sliced through the silence, making her jump as she realized he was awake, his eyes now opened to meet her surprised one. "What ? Why so shock ? Can't a man wake up early ?" He chuckle, sitting up and she shifted away as much as possible. Ji-Hyuk notice it.

"Well, good morning ?" He greeted expected to be returned.

"Good morning". (Y/N) replied.

Then he silently rose from the bed and vanished into the bathroom, leaving (Y/N) alone in the quiet morning light.

A soft knock on the door preceded the entrance of a maid, who curtsied and presented (Y/N) with a neatly folded outfit. "It's the master's order," she whispered, her eyes cast down. (Y/N) nodded, accepting the clothes, and followed the maid to a separate bathroom she used yesterday to freshen up and she changed into the new outfit, her movements were quiet and obedient. After finishing, she made her way to the master bedroom, where he awaited.

The moment she stepped into the room, his face transformed, a warm smile spreading across his features, like a sunrise breaking through the clouds. It was a sight she noticed how frequently he is showning alike she recalled the gentle curve of his lips in the morning, and the soft smile he had worn the day before raising a question is he letting his guard down ? Good then.

"It really did suit you. Looks pretty." His eyes crinkled at the corners, and his voice was low and smooth.

"Thank you". Ji-Hyuk stood up, walked near her.

"What would you like to have in breakfast ?" She narrowed her eyes on his caring question.

"Anything". Meekly she answered.

"Even grass ?" He smirked at her clenched jaw action.

"What ? What was funny ?" She wanted to yell yet knew to keep her mask on of compose and said. "I am sorry. No. Rather I do not have much preference as you like sir, order it". Polite and low her voice sounded however to Ji-Hyuk, it sounded distant and cold.

"Well, what country are you from ?" (Y/N) is confuse at his sudden question session.


"Hmm..then order something from your home country". The dancer paused a second to realize why he asked about that and it twist something alike a knife inside her guts of how caring his thoughts might be, it's ironic to his actions and power use he done.


"Ji-Hyuk". He called his name. "Call me by my name".

"Understoodโ€”". His onyx eyes burn into her eyes as if waiting for his name to roll out of his name. "Ji-Hyuk". And the sound certainly lighten the mood of the VVVIP due to his wider smile like a boy got his desired candy.

Soon they entered the grand dining hall with they sat at opposite ends of a sprawling, polished table. The long, empty plates stretched out before them like a canvas of fine china, adorned with intricate silverware and crystal glasses. At the head of the table, the private butler from the previous day she seen stood poised, his eyes fixed on her with a silent expectation, his presence exuding an air of refined elegance and discretion.

The butler approached, his eyes inquiring, and asked, "May I take your order?"

She parted her lips to say when under his watch she said her favorite meal from her home country while he opted for the Grilled Salmon. As they waited for their food. (Y/N) felt his gaze without looking the entire until their meals arrived, they ate in awkward silence.

"So, why did you start working in this kind of place". He sliced into the salmon, his knife gliding smoothly as he watched the juice trickle across the white plate.

She paused a quick second to meet his gaze thinking whether she should be honest or lie and as if reading her mind he answered. "I will know about your background anyway". She smiled quitely at his sentence because then why ask her ? It feels like being interrogated by the police.

"To escape my abusive parents". Her eyes then slide to her own meal.

๐’š๐’๐’– ๐’Œ๐’๐’๐’˜ ๐’•๐’‰๐’‚๐’• ๐‘ฐ ๐’˜๐’๐’'๐’• ๐’”๐’•๐’๐’‘ ๐’–๐’๐’•๐’Š๐’ ๐‘ฐ ๐’Ž๐’‚๐’Œ๐’† ๐’š๐’๐’– ๐’Ž๐’Š๐’๐’†

"Oh, physically or mentally ?" She furrowed her brows, her eyes narrowing slightly as she looked up, meeting his gaze and he simply smiled, seeming to revel in her reaction because he had intentionally asked the question to draw her in, to make her willingly meet his eyes. After all, he had never gone to such lengths for a lady like herโ€” dining together, wasting time, and inquiring about her past, which he could easily access. But he knew that to truly captivate her heart, he needed to understand it first. And so, he watched her, his eyes sparkling with amusement and curiosity.

"Both". He nodded, putting a piece of salmon inside his mouth not averting his own gaze.

"Then why didn't you go to sex work ? It pays more than cabaret do".

"It's uncomfortaโ€”it's uncomfortable to be in pain. As a woman, I always have to be in pain at my first period, my first sex and probably for my first birth that I decided not to have the latter two for the sole sake of pain". His notions paused as slow, knowing smile spread across his lips sinking the realization of her touched and in this moment he knew he had chosen perfectly. "Unlike men". She added noting all his reactions.

"Sounds almost to me you want to become a man".

"No". She chuckle bitterly. She wants to crush men. Cutting her meal she missed the way his eyes glowed in astonishment.

๐’–๐’๐’•๐’Š๐’ ๐‘ฐ ๐’Ž๐’‚๐’Œ๐’† ๐’š๐’๐’– ๐’Ž๐’Š๐’๐’†

"S-She smiled ?" It's the first time she smiled willingly and it's beauty so captivating that his breath caught in his throat.

"Ji-Hyuk, could I ask which country are you from ?" Her question snap from his daze.

"You already have known it".

"Not from you". Ah ! This wit is what drives him crazy. The challenge is to his liking. Too liking.

"Korea but stayed at China my most childhood due to my father being Chinese and his business in here".

"Then your friends must have celebrated birthdays together". (Y/N) smiled in envy.

"Yes. Very happily". Ji-Hyuk answered. "When is your birthday ?"

"(M/D), yours ?" It created a smile at his lips knowing her interest awaken on him.

"Mine at August 31". She nod noting.

"I would like to celebrate my birthday with you". An order it is she understood from his tone.

"And what about your parents ?" She asked something quickly.

"Well, they are dead. Both died in their arms". Smiling Ji-Hyuk said. "What a love. I want that too". Glancing at her he tilts his head making her look down in uncomfortable.

After that he continued to engage her in conversation, asking about her interests and hobbies. However, she responded with brief, monosyllabic answers while also trying to slip some questions about him.

Finally the breakfast ended with her glancing at the lavish clock attached on the white wall. "Ji-Hyuk, then I should go ?"

"Where to ?" He straightforwardly asked.

"Home". Ji-Hyuk clench his jaw. "Can't this be your home ?" He was tempted to say but he didn't, too soon.

"Okay," (Y/N) breathed, feeling a wave of relief wash over her as she turned to leave. When Ji-Hyuk next words stopped her in her tracks. "Butโ€”" Her heart sank, her lungs tightening once more as she turned back to face him.

"Give me your phone," he said, his hand outstretched, his eyes gleaming with an unsettling intensity.

Finding no excuse to refuse with a sense of detachment, her hand reached into her bag and handed over her phone. The VVVIP's fingers closed around it like a vice, his thumbs flying across the screen with a speed and accuracy that made her skin crawl and when he handed it back, (Y/N) felt a chill shiver her spine. Her GPS and location services were now enabled, her every move trackable.

Holding her phone tightly with a bright, empty smile, she waved goodbye, feeling like a puppet on strings as his personal driver escorted her to the car, and she was driven away from the mansion towards her own home.

The driver's silent gaze met hers in the rearview mirror as he pulled up to her apartment building, the unassuming structure a stark contrast to the opulent villa she'd just left. (Y/N) felt a mix of relief and anxiety as she gathered her belongings and stepped out onto the familiar sidewalk.

"Thank you," she murmured, her voice barely audible over the hum of the engine.

With a nod, the driver waited until she disappeared into the building before pulling away, leaving (Y/N) to climb the stairs to her apartment with a sense of trepidation.

As soon as she locked the door behind her, she pulled out her phone and dialed a familiar number. Somchai, the bar manager.

โ˜พ โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€

๐’˜๐’†๐’๐’, ๐‘ฐ ๐’‰๐’‚๐’—๐’† ๐’„๐’‚๐’๐’๐’†๐’… ๐’š๐’๐’– ๐’…๐’‚๐’“๐’๐’Š๐’' ๐’‚๐’๐’… ๐‘ฐ'๐’๐’ ๐’˜๐’Š๐’๐’ ๐’”๐’‚๐’š ๐’Š๐’• ๐’‚๐’ˆ๐’‚๐’Š๐’ ๐’‚๐’๐’… ๐’‚๐’ˆ๐’‚๐’Š๐’

Three hours of silence. Three hours of utter disregard the woman he waste so much time isn't caring to pick his call nor seeing his messages making Ji-Hyuk anger seethed, simmering just below the surface as he glared at his phone, willing her to respond. But she didn't. She was ignoring him, dismissing his attempts to contact like he was nothing. The thought sent a venomous rage coursing through his veins. Who did she think she was, anyway ? Didn't she know he wouldn't be ignored ? He should have kept her locked away, hidden from the world, where she couldn't humiliate him like this. Now, he have no choice but to confront her by going to her home, hopefully she isn't with a man being a whore. Just the mere thoughts made his skin crawl, his mind racing with visions of her with another man. He couldn't let that happen. He wouldn't let that happen.

The business man almost burst out of the car if his driver late to scramble open the door one second and Ju-Hyuk is at this point consumed in rage and jealousy. He reached floor and stood at her door, his hand slamming into the bell three times, the sound echoing through the hallway.

"Bitch ! If there is a man. I will fucking kill him". He swore and the no answer only fueled his anger, he began pounding on the door, his fists shaking with fury. "Open up!" he bellowed, his voice echoing off the walls. "I know you're in there! You can't hide from me!"

And before he thought to break the weak wooden door, it swing open by (Y/N) herself who's surprise cross her expression finding his disheveled appearance, for the moment his heart skip a beat as his gaze lock into her beautiful (E/C) eyes and his anger falter until a glimpse of an unfamilar man behind her sat on the sofa, seems to be waiting for her.

๐’”๐’ ๐’Œ๐’Š๐’”๐’” ๐’Ž๐’† '๐’•๐’Š๐’ ๐‘ฐ'๐’Ž ๐’”๐’•๐’๐’“๐’š, ๐’ƒ๐’‚๐’ƒ๐’†, ๐’•๐’‰๐’‚๐’• ๐’š๐’๐’– ๐’‚๐’“๐’† ๐’ˆ๐’๐’๐’† ๐’‚๐’๐’… ๐‘ฐ ๐’‚๐’Ž ๐’‚ ๐’Ž๐’†๐’”๐’”

"Bitch, fucking bitch". He mutter under his breath, staring at the man and snap ! As if the thread of holding his inner demon exploded and all his vision could see was red and his mind the urgue to kill the man alive.

He pushed (Y/N) aside, his hands shoving her away like a mere obstacle. She stumbled, her eyes wide in alarmed seeing him march into the room.

"What is he doing ?" (Y/N)'s confusion dissipated in an instant when the VVVIP's palm curled into a fist, poised to strike her co-worker. Her eyes widened in horror with her piercing screams earning Somchai's attention who now noticed his menacing stance is already too late. Ji-Hyuk fist flew, connecting with a sickening crunch that sent Somchai stumbling backward. The sound of the impact was like a crack of thunder, making (Y/N)'s heart skip a beat on contrast to his satisfaction.

"Stop it ! What are you doing ?" She scream and jumped before him to defense the only man who ever treated her like a human angering him more.

"Move". She shake her head.

"Please tell me why are you doing this ?"

"Because you are fucking having an affair". Flames coating his voice as he narrowed his eyes to her pluzzed gaze.

"What lead you to believe that ?"

"Well, this alone of him being in your room proves that and the reason of not answering my messages and phone calls". She openly for the first time scoff.

"First of all I had no idea of your messages and phone call because it was charging in another room and". She paused, looking at her side. "There are people with me". The table turns and Ji-Hyuk turn to the side with his eyes wide finding two women and another older man standing in horror holding few papers related to work. "They are all managers like me in Muse and Seduction".

His eyes dropped, falling to the floor as the weight of his mistake crushed him. He felt like he'd been punched in the gut, his breath knocked out of him. His hands, still clenched into fists, now felt limp and useless, painted with the innocent manager's blood. "Fuck !"

The room fell silent, the only sound the heavy breathing of the managers, who were still trying to process the scene that had just unfolded and Ji-Hyuk's mind is a jumble of emotions, his thoughts racing with the realization of what he had done. All his hard work, all the progress he had made in building trust with (Y/N), had been undone in an instant, all his hard work in drain and now start from square one again. What a fucking idiot. Never did he knew one day his emotions overshoadow his logic that he so thinks is pathetic at the same time a newfound realization set in. He can't anymore bear the loss of this woman. How beautiful yet tragic.

"It was my fault. I-I will pay the bills of his medicaโ€”".

"Sir, could you please step a bit ?"

"S-Sir ? Step a bit ? What do you mean ?" For the first time in front of (Y/N), he stutter his words, bewildered by the fact she is choosing a random man over him ? Why is she telling him to leave ? "You want me gone ?" His voice accusing and onyx eyes betrayed feeling the regret of letting the man alive.

"No, sir I meant toโ€”".

๐’‚๐’๐’… ๐‘ฐ'๐’๐’ ๐’‰๐’–๐’“๐’• ๐’š๐’๐’– ๐’‚๐’๐’… ๐’š๐’๐’–'๐’๐’ ๐’‰๐’–๐’“๐’• ๐’Ž๐’† ๐’‚๐’๐’… ๐’˜๐’† ๐’˜๐’Š๐’๐’ ๐ฌ๐š๐ฒ ๐’•๐’‰๐’Š๐’๐’ˆ๐’” ๐’˜๐’† ๐’„๐’‚๐’'๐’• ๐’“๐’†๐’‘๐’†๐’‚๐’•

"What ?" Aggression evade his face and (Y/N) flinch in pain when Ji-Hyuk's grip on her forearm, his fingers digging deep into her skin "Fucking bitch, what ? Cat caught your tongue".

"Ji-Hyuk, I am simple asking you to move so I can grab my phone to callโ€”". He scoff loud to cut her polite request.

"Now you are calling me by my name ? What a clever little mouse you are ?" He twist her arm a little, gleaming to find a hint of change expression.

"Aren't you a fucking whore ?" He twist some more and she clench her jaw brushing off the memories that comes with the pain, bitter memories of the past men repeating the action.

"Aww, is my whore daughter crying ?"

"What bitch ? Spread your leg, why can't you open your legs like a bitch in heat".

"What a little woman we have here ? Listen, woman are submissive, not wild cards".

"Fuck you woman ! You are all slut, what happens if I fuck one of you".

"So, (Y/N) fucking (L/N) talk, do you want to me to leave ?" Bottled anger and resentment simmered, a potent brew of fury and fear the more he speaks. The echoes of past men's condescending voices swirled around her, a cacophony of control and possession that threatened to consume her.

"Talk ! Can't you fucking talk ?" Each word, each phrase, was a drop of water, slowly drowning her, suffocating her.

"(Y/N), answer me !" Her lungs burning, her heart racing, as the weight of their collective entitlement crushed her. And then, something inside her snapped.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP". She exploded and he was silenced. "Yes I do indeed want you to be gone. So please for god's sake go away with your sad excuse of a man". She straight glare at him making him falter a little and without a word he left.

For few seconds she stood silently before Somchai's gently pat on her back bring her to reality.

"I am sorry for the scene". She asked forgiveness to her co-workers who shake their head, brushing off her apologize. "Also I am sorry, Somchai". She said to the man who watched and seen the entire thing and couldn't help feel pride swell his chest.

"Don't be". Shortly making eye-contact he smiled silently telling her it's not her place to apologize.

Gingerly, (Y/N) asked, "Should I call an ambulance or take you to the hospital ?"

His response was nonchalant "No need, it's not my first time." A hint of a reckless past lingered in his words, leaving (Y/N) wondering what kind of life he had led to become a bar manager in this Adult Entertainment Complex along the lines his teenage years, he claimed, were a blur of wild abandon and devoid of serious goals or direction.

The meeting had reached an impasse, with Somchai and the others swiftly exiting, leaving (Y/N) alone to ponder the consequences of her action, sitting on the sofa. She massaged her forehead, trying to ward off the looming headache and speak of the devil, her phone buzzed, a message from Ji-Hyuk, popping up on the screen.

"Make sure to come to my birthday tomorrow". (Y/N) was taken aback by Ji-Hyuk's calmness in the message as she brace herself for anger, resentment, or even threats only to get this ? Her initial unease grew more, scared of unpredictability. When another notification pop. "Or else you have to pay for today". A clear threat despite the indirect words still she felt a twisted sense of relief after all at least she knew he was indeed still mad and have a temper because another one of the lessons she had learned on this job is the unreadable ones were always the worst. It's never known when they would explode or what they were brewing inside the calm facade so, with Ji-Hyuk's overt threat, she could prepare herself, unlike the unpredictable ones who kept her on edge.

"What a headache". She hold her head on her hand and slumped on the sofa not having the strength to move.

Beautiful the color blue is and Y/N looked absolutely stunning in the silk light blue dress sent by Ji-Hyuk this morning. The delicate fabric hugged her body perfectly, and the soft hue complemented her skin tone exquisitely with her hair cascaded down her back like a golden waterfall, with loose strands dancing in the gentle breeze as she stood on the sidewalk, waiting for the taxi to arrive she booked few seconds ago.

"What is going to happen ?" Worried cast upon her face imagining his treatment for talking back at him yesterday. She hated it. Hated being scared of little things, little mistakes makes her reminiscent back to the days of her parents where her mother unnerving, unforgiving eyes follow her around along her father's hating her guts for being merely a female. Her (E/C) eyes stare at the gift she held, a expensive watchโ€”not with much thought she brought but it hurt her to spend her hard worked penny on to someone she doesn't care plus with her financeโ€”the gift is too much for her. Hopefully he doesn't break it into pieces.

She was lost in her thoughts when a sleek, lavish car pulled up beside her, its black windows gleaming in the sunlight caught her attention. "It's his". Shs understood and confirmed more when the window rolled down, revealing the familiar face of the driver, who greeted her with a courteous smile. "Come inside, ma'am."

Wordless she obeyed feeling to step into a world of wealth and power, the scent, the softness, the space all makes the car so much more lavish to sit on, a mix of surprise and curiousity brew inside her soaking on the money she never dreamed to be inside and the door closed behind her with a gentle thud, snapping her out of the admiration.

Soon they pulled up to the grand estate, the driver opened the door, and she stepped out, her smile faltering for a moment as she gazed up at the imposing structure. The familiar mansion loomed before her, its beauty almost painful in its intensity. The sunlight danced across its facade, casting a warm glow that made it shine like a golden palace of the gods.

As she entered, her eyes observed in awe at the opulent interior. Crystal chandeliers refracted rainbow hues, and intricate frescoes adorned the ceilings. The air was alive with the sweet scent of exotic flowers, and the soft hum of classical music whispered through the halls. The decoration certainly more heavenly than before.

And at the heart of this splendor stood her master, his eyes locked onto hers, and she felt the familiar tug of the invisible leash on her neak holding on his hand.

๐’‘๐’–๐’• ๐’š๐’๐’–๐’“ ๐’‰๐’‚๐’๐’… ๐’Š๐’ ๐’Ž๐’Š๐’๐’†

His hand outstretch and she smile like a pretty doll letting him hold it like a prince he is and they walked together towards the private ballroom where faint party noise could be heard and her (E/C)'s glance at him. "Happy birthday...". She tailed off. "Ji-Hyuk". Finally she added making him smile and caress.

"Thank you". He said caressing her hand by his thump. "You look beautiful in the dress I choose".

"Here's your gift". (Y/N) extended her hand, offering the gift bag. "It's not much, but I hope you like it." Ji-Hyuk's eyebrows shot up in amusement as he accepted the bag, his eyes sparkling with curiosity and he opened the packet, revealing a sleek watch with a black leather strapโ€” a luxurious and expensive timepiece indeed, yet to Ji-Hyuk, it was surprisingly plain and almost...tacky.

"This ?" His gaze narrowed, his expression hidden the disdain staring at the color black seemed dull and unrefined to his eyes, a far cry from the sophisticated and elegant accessories he was accustomed to making him wonder about (Y/N)'s taste. Had she really thought this was something he would appreciate? Shouldn't she have at least asked him before bringing something so...pedestrian into his home?

The air was thick with unspoken questions as Ji-Hyuk's eyes met (Y/N)'s, his expression a mask of polite gratitude. "Thank you," though his voice neutral, still his eyes betraying a hint of disapproval. And (Y/N) notice it.

"Your welcome". She look away clenching her fist.

๐’š๐’๐’– ๐’Œ๐’๐’๐’˜ ๐ญ๐ก๐š๐ญ ๐‘ฐ ๐’˜๐’‚๐’๐’• ๐’•๐’ ๐’ƒ๐’† ๐’˜๐’Š๐’•๐’‰ ๐’š๐’๐’– ๐’‚๐’๐’ ๐’•๐’‰๐’† ๐’•๐’Š๐’Ž๐’†

"By the way you are staying the entire night with me". He commanded leaving no room for argument not like she has a tongue to argue. Once was a mistakes. Twice wouldn't be so she bit her tongue.

Then they stepped into the resplendent golden ballroom, the air was alive with the gentle clinking of champagne glasses and the soft hum of conversation. The room was abuzz with people from all walks of life, each with their own agenda, yet united in their anticipation. They mingled and chatted, forming tentative bonds, their eyes gleaming with a shared desireโ€” to curry favor with the elusive Ji-Hyuk.

However beneath the polished smiles and courteous laughter, a different story unfolded. Each guest harbored a secret hope, a dream they dared not speak aloud. They were all waiting for the host, the enigmatic Ji-Hyuk, rumored to possess the power to make their deepest desires come true and once they spot him, a collective hush fell over the room. Ji-Hyuk's arrival was met with a subtle yet palpable shift in the atmosphere. The masks of civility slipped, revealing glimpses of avarice and longing. Eyes gleamed with an unspoken hunger, as if the very presence of Ji-Hyuk might unlock the doors to their wildest ambitions.

"Terrifying". She mutter under her breath, clearly feeling eyes burn her skin along his as the spotlight is on both of them together.

๐’š๐’๐’– ๐’Œ๐’๐’๐’˜ ๐’•๐’‰๐’‚๐’• ๐‘ฐ ๐’˜๐’๐’'๐’• ๐’”๐’•๐’๐’‘ ๐’–๐’๐’•๐’Š๐’ ๐‘ฐ ๐’Ž๐’‚๐’Œ๐’† ๐’š๐’๐’– ๐’Ž๐’Š๐’๐’†

As Ji-Hyuk's lips grazed her cheek, a shiver ran down her spine. His gentle whisper, "Let's go, sweetheart". sent a mix of emotions swirling within her. Their steps harmonized, drawing them closer to the crowd, and with each stride, her anxiety intensified. The air thickened, making her feel like she was being slowly suffocated, as if the walls of her lungs were closing in.

The crowd loomed before her, a sea of faces blurring together like a den of hyenas waiting to pounce. Ji-Hyuk's reassuring squeeze on her hand only added to the pressure, a reminder that even the gentlest touch from the most powerful predator could be overwhelming. The thought sent a tremor through her veins, as she felt like a vulnerable prey being led into the heart of danger.

"Welcome, Mr. Wang".

"Oh my friend, long time no see. Happy birthday".

"Happy birthday. Just didn't saw you for few years and you look more younger than before".

"Happy birthday. Mr. Wang, here meet my wife".

"Mr. Wang nice to meet you".

"Mr. Wang, you seem such a busybody ?"

"Mr. Wang, thanks to you the new wine business is going smoothly".

All their voices come mush to her yet when she glance he looks as unaffected rather he looks composed, calm and smiling and answering to each one of them.

"Oh ! Mr. Wang, who is this beautiful lady in your arms ?" This earned her attention holding her breath to hear. A escort ? A girlfriend ? A nobody ? Hopefully he choose one of these.

But her heart sank.

"My soon to be wife". Her eyes wide and breath hitched. Chest racing and almost as if feeling her eyes he slide to meet hers.

What ? Wife ? Wasn't the deal to be his girlfriend ? Why ? What changed ?

As if reading her mind he part his lips speaking wicked words. "And I am proposing to her right now. In front of her".

๐’š๐’๐’– ๐’Œ๐’๐’๐’˜ ๐’•๐’‰๐’‚๐’• ๐‘ฐ ๐’˜๐’๐’'๐’• ๐’”๐’•๐’๐’‘ ๐’–๐’๐’•๐’Š๐’ ๐‘ฐ ๐’Ž๐’‚๐’Œ๐’† ๐’š๐’๐’– ๐’Ž๐’Š๐’๐’†

Her body froze, shock and fear rendering her immobile. She couldn't look away, couldn't speak, could only watch in horror the scenario unfolded. A waiter approached, bearing a dark blue box, which Ji-Hyuk opened with flourish as if it's hold a treasure in it, revealing a stunning ruby ring. Without a word, he slid the ring onto her finger, his eyes glinting with triumph.

The room erupted into applause and cheers, the noise almost deafening her. Ji-Hyuk's smirk grew, his lips curling into a cruel smile as he mouthed the words, "You are mine now, forever." Pleasuring from her tears sliding from her eyes the guests that the guests are oblivious to her distress, mistook her tears for joy, or simply chose to ignore them.




Is all she felt. Those negative feelings spread thoughtout her body like a poison bit by the snake in front of her a man, who is smiling so wide, so happy she wish to crush it and watch him suffer, cry, beg. Anything but happiness.

"Excuse me. I need to use the restroom". Without hearing his reply she march toward to the escape, gripping her grown and dug her fingers on the innocent fabric she wish to tore it right there and then. While the business man observed her every single little moments and drowning in her torment after all it's her punishment. Her punishment for humiliating and shaming him yesterday in front of those pest. As much as he urged to rip her head off he also realize she was a wild cat without a leash so as a good master he brought a leash on his name and put the ring of forever to always remind the woman she belongs to him in eyes of law and all and she should be submissive. Ah, the pleasure of breaking her fire.

๐’–๐’๐’•๐’Š๐’ ๐‘ฐ ๐’Ž๐’‚๐’Œ๐’† ๐’š๐’๐’– ๐’Ž๐’Š๐’๐’†

With arrogance drunk his mind, he mindlessly exchange strings of words to the pathetic men he deems until he frown glancing at his watch to still not find (Y/N) at his side. "Where is she ?" Certainly not ran away because it's stupid and such action from her is honestly disappointing so hopefully she won't sad him. Right ? Right. Because excusing himself he went to their shared bedroom and about to go outside not finding her when his ears perk at the shower water and immediately a smile curve.

His eyes burned with anticipation, his mind consumed by the promise of forbidden pleasure. He shed his tie, his movements deliberate as he walked to find the door unexpectedly open. Sweet, such a two-faced woman. It's really a sign of inviting him isn't it ? And indeed it was beholding a sight that made his heart race because there she stood beneath the shower's gentle caress, her clothes plastered to her body, accentuating every skin, every contour. The water had transformed her outfit into a translucent second skin, making her irresistible. Ji-Hyuk's onyx eyes devoured the sight, his gaze lingering on the way the fabric clung to her, highlighting the softness of her skin that he noticed the subtle stiffening of her shoulders, a whisper of awareness that she was no longer alone. A sly, sensual smile spread across his face as he stepped closer, his movements silent as a predator's. With a gentle, yet possessive touch, he wrapped his hands around her waist, his fingers brushing against her skin.

The water continued to cascade down, creating a sultry melody that accompanied his whispered words "Such a siren you are". His breath caressed her ear, his lips grazing her skin, as he pulled her closer, his body aligning with hers, the heat between them palpable.

Finally she turned, her movements unfolded like a tantalizing dance, each moment a promise of surrender. Her expression remained serene, yet her half-lidded eyes alike to velvet curtains covering her beautiful (E/C) eyes with water continued its gentle caress, dripping down her face, tracing paths of desire and her pink lips, inviting and plump, seemed to whisper a silent invitation, begging to be kissed, to be claimed.

Sending a painful thorb in his pants and without second thought forgetting the party, the people awaiting and everything he descended, anticipating a tender kiss when her grip on his shoulder electrified his body with a sudden, searing pain. She slammed him against the wall, his head cracking against the hard surface, sending a jolt of shock and taken a back through his veins escaping a low groan from his lips yet she showed no mercy, her fingers tangled in his hair, yanking his head back with a fierce cry. His vision blurred, the room spinning around him, as she smashed his head into the wall once more crashing his vision to be lost only seeing glimse of her hateful eyes.

โ˜พ โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€

๐’š๐’๐’– ๐’๐’†๐’†๐’… ๐’•๐’ ๐’Œ๐’๐’๐’˜, ๐’˜๐’†'๐ฅ๐ฅ ๐’•๐’‚๐’Œ๐’† ๐’Š๐’• ๐’”๐’๐’๐’˜

As Ji-Hyuk's eyes fluttered open, a throbbing, sharp pain hit him like a sledgehammer, forcing his lids shut again. The harsh glare of the bathroom light bulb pierced through his brain, making him question his surroundings. Why was he in the bathroom ?

Gingerly, he sat up, and the pain struck again, making his head spin. Memories began to resurface, fragmented and hazy, like a dream. He recalled inviting (Y/N) to his birthday party, proposing to her in front of everyone...and then following her when she stormed off.

The memories came flooding back, and with them, the anger and humiliation widen his eyes. She had pushed him, violently, against the wall. The audacity! How troublesome women could be. She thought she could escape him? Ha! He would track her down, and when he did, he would be polite, coaxing her back with a gentle touch...or else she might flee again.

Ji-Hyuk stood up, shrugging off the stiffness in his shoulders and back. He dusted his already immaculate clothes, a habit born of precision and control. He walked outside to the bedroom, expecting to find her gone, "as I thought". A wry smile twisted his lips as he confirmed his suspicion.

Rolling his eyes, he headed downstairs to summon his butler, intending to order a thorough search of the mansion. After all, no one thought to look for a hiding person in their own home, do they? But before he could issue the command, the servant approached him with a knowing look.

"Master, I think I should inform you...she left last night," the female servant said, her voice neutral. "She took her luggage and instructed us not to disturb you."

Ji-Hyuk's laughter echoed through the hallway, a low, menacing sound. "Ah, how delightful. She thinks she can outsmart me ?" His eyes gleamed with amusement, impressed by her audacity.

๐‘ฐ ๐’Ž๐’Š๐’”๐’” ๐’š๐’๐’– ๐’”๐’, ๐’˜๐’†'๐ฅ๐ฅ ๐’•๐’‚๐’Œ๐’† ๐’Š๐’• ๐’”๐’๐’๐’˜

Ji-Hyuk's expression turned glacial, his voice dripping with calm anger. "Find her right now. I want her in front of me within 24 hours." His demeanor had shifted from amused to menacing, leaving no room for failure.

๐‘ฐ๐’•'๐’” ๐’‰๐’‚๐’“๐’… ๐’•๐’ ๐’‡๐’†๐’†๐’ ๐’š๐’๐’– ๐’”๐’๐’Š๐’‘๐’‘๐’Š๐’๐’ˆ (๐’š๐’๐’– ๐’๐’†๐’†๐’… ๐’•๐’ ๐’Œ๐’๐’๐’˜)

His butler, usually unflappable, appeared before him with a panicked expression. "S-sir, I-I have something to report..." he stuttered, parting his lips to deliver the unthinkable words: "She's gone forever, sir."

Ji-Hyuk's eyes narrowed, his mind racing with questions. What? How? What did he mean by gone forever" ? He demand an explanation when the door burst open, and a group of police officers entered, their presence a jarring surprise.

The sudden invasion of his private space, combined with the butler's ominous words, made Ji-Hyuk's head spin. He felt a growing annoyance, his control slipping. "What is the meaning of this ?" he demanded, his voice cold and authoritative.

๐’•๐’‰๐’“๐’๐’–๐’ˆ๐’‰ ๐’Ž๐’š ๐’‡๐’Š๐’๐’ˆ๐’†๐’“๐’” ๐’‚๐’“๐’† ๐’”๐’ ๐’๐’–๐’Ž๐’ƒ (๐’˜๐’†'๐’๐’ ๐’•๐’‚๐’Œ๐’† ๐’Š๐’• ๐’”๐’๐’๐’˜)

"Mr. Wang, you are under arrest for tax evasion, embezzling money from your shareholders and series of crime that are still under investigation". He felt like he'd been punched in the gut, his mind reeling with the implications.

"What ?"

๐’‚๐’๐’… ๐’‰๐’๐’˜ ๐’‚๐’Ž ๐‘ฐ ๐’”๐’–๐’‘๐’‘๐’๐’”๐’†๐’… ๐’•๐’ ๐’Œ๐’๐’๐’˜ (๐‘ฐ ๐’Ž๐’Š๐’”๐’” ๐’š๐’๐’– ๐’”๐’)

The butler's whisper jumbled words added to the chaos "All of the bank contracts, shareholder agreements and those important evidence are missing...and I've got a message from the bank that all of our money is gone, finished." Ji-Hyuk's gaze snapped to the butler, his eyes blazing with a mix of anger and shock. "Someone took today early morning verifying it's you, sir".

๐ญ๐ก๐š๐ญ ๐’š๐’๐’– ๐’‚๐’“๐’† ๐’๐’๐’• ๐’•๐’‰๐’† ๐’๐’๐’† ?

The butler's voice cut through the chaos, "And I believe it'sโ€”" but Ji-Hyuk finished the sentence himself, his voice dripping with venom, "(Y/N)'s work, right ?" The setvant's nod was like a confirmation of the most unpredictable he never imagined.

"And the shareholders are very anger along other companies who's contracts are missing".

๐’๐’‰ ๐’…๐’‚๐’“๐’๐’Š๐’', ๐’…๐’‚๐’“๐’๐’Š๐’', ๐’ƒ๐’‚๐’ƒ๐’š, ๐’š๐’๐’–'๐ซ๐ž ๐’”๐’ ๐’—๐’†๐’“๐’š ๐’‡๐’Š๐’๐’†

Ji-Hyuk's laughter echoed through the room, a cold, mirthless sound. "Ha! She was playing the bigger game, huh? I underestimated her...this time." He felt a wave of fury wash over him, realizing he was not only facing arrest but also financial ruin, all because of the woman.

Ji-Hyuk's smile grew wider, his eyes gleaming with a manic intensity as he muttered, "Oh, such a fierce woman cost me my ruin." The police officer's words droned on, a familiar litany of rights and warnings, but Ji-Hyuk's mind was elsewhere. How classic, he deem men pathetic who lost control by their lower part and here he is the same.

"You have the right to remain silent, anything you say can be used against you and you have the right to an attorney..." The irony wasn't lost on him โ€”he couldn't afford food let alone a lawyer now. The thought sent a fresh wave of complex emotions coursing through his veins.

His mind was else where though while the police's the cold metal of the handcuffs and the police officer's firm grip on his arm. Still Ji-Hyuk's smile never wavered, even as he was led away in disgrace, wondering where (Y/N), who he was ruined by is.

The sky above seemed to stretch out in endless splendor. The white clouds, fluffy and soft like cotton candy, gathered around the plane, casting a serene shadow over the landscape below. The sprawling cities, once bustling and overwhelming, now appeared tiny and insignificant, a testament to the power of perspective.

She couldn't help but gasp in wonder, her eyes fixed on the breathtaking view. She had never been on a plane before, let alone in first class, and the experience was almost surreal. The gentle hum of the engines, the soft glow of the cabin lights, and the attentive service of the flight attendants all combined to create an atmosphere of luxury and tranquility.

Somchai's voice cut through the hum of the plane's engines, his words dripping with genuine interest. "So, how are you liking it?" he asked, his eyes never leaving hers, as if she was the only view worth beholding.

(Y/N) met his gaze, a laughter-filled smile spreading across her face. "Amazing," she replied, her voice bubbling with enthusiasm. "I've often seen how it looks from phone and TV, but never in real life...due to financial problems." She shared her truth without hesitation, her words unfiltered and raw.

Somchai's expression remained soft, his eyes crinkling at the corners as he smiled, leaning on the seat besides her. "Well, now you won't have to," he said, his voice low and reassuring. The words hung in the air, a reminder of their shared secretโ€” the plan to steal Ji-Hyuk's money, the plan that had brought them together.

Clenching her jaw, her heavy feet step towards the destiny she very much fears at the same time loathes. That's when a hand hold her wrist spinning her around and her eyes wide seeing the man.

"Somchai ?" The least person she expected to see stood in front of her.

"Boss, can I...for few seconds talk to her ?" He pleaded the general manager who looked skeptical however she didn't wanted because the only bit of dignity of her should be remain at her work place.

"No, Somchai. Please let me go". She tug her hand for him to lose yet not go.

"I am sorry, (Y/N) for holding you wrist against your will. But please, please talk to me". The way his eyes begging and brows frows together she nod getting the boss's permission too "Thank you. Thank you". Then only he let go before apologizing to hold her wrist.

After they went to another room.

She asked. "What is it ?"

"You are not really going to apologize right ? After all working in this industry I know this much first it's not your fault". Her eyes flick clenching her heart at the reality how by little humanity from a man seem like a blessing when it's nothing. "And second your life will forever be trapped once you she step foot into his mansion because he wants you".

"I know". Without emotions she lowered her gaze.

"And you are okay risking it all ?"

"Woman never have choice". Bitterly she said and he realize.

"Then how about create a choice ?" Her eyes confuse.

"What do you mean by that ?"

"The entire reason you are force to do this becsuse you lack financially and even if you did not lack it the man is powerful enough to strip you down until you are nothing so why not steal the reasons of your imprisonment ?"

"What ? How ?" She breathed looking at him as if he had horns in his head. However he smirked telling his plan of her pretending to be with him when in reality she is going to find Ji-Hyuk's all documents and papers of bank to steal his money and fly somewhere he can't find her in case he wants revenge or simply her.

"It's risky". (Y/N) shake her head. "And crazy". She added.

"Well it's better than doing nothing also I want to see you smile and free like you deserve". He smiles. "Like all women deserve.

As soon as she locked the door behind her, she pulled out her phone and dialed a familiar number. Somchai, the bar manager.

"Come to my place immediately ! I have gps tracker on my phone and I am sure people will tail me if I go out so come to my place". After that he went to her apartment where she showed him all the detail bank records she took when he was asleep.

"But there is something else too". (Y/N)'s words earned his attention and his eyes wide seeing even the shareholders and business companies contracts and corruption. "And I think we should leak the corruption and take the shareholders and other companies's money to frame him of stealing money also leaking their private information". Making them plan not only running away but also ruining him for once and all before running away that's why at the proposing day she knocked him out to escape.

"Thank you, Somchai, without you I do not what I could have done".

"It's alright". He simply shrug.

"Well, I am going to my home country where my father earlier transferred from to thailand butโ€”". She side eyed him. "Why are you coming with me ?" And he put a hand on his chest, acting as if he is in pain.

"Ouch ! You wound me. I thought you would be happy".

"I am but..." She tailed off laughing. "You seem to be a romeo helping his Juliet after all. O my gosh ! What am I saying, I do not like that story at all". A disgust expression cast her face.

"Ah ! Why not ? It's such a tragic love story". The bar manager argued.

"Right, love story more like a impulsive infatuation". She roll her eyes.

Somchai chuckled humbly "Also, indeed, I am not a Romeo." He confessed with a sheepish grin, acknowledging his unromantic past. After graduation, Somchai was a free spirit, splurging money with his friends, and living life on his own terms. His days blurred together in a haze of adventure and recklessness until one day he saw a girl, a beautiful girl he swear took his breath and her name is (Y/N) (L/N) and her profession, rather than shocking him, filled him with admiration for her fearlessness and dedication. Unlike his past self, who had been coasting through life on his father's wealth, (Y/N) worked tirelessly, unapologetic inspired him to stop relying on his family's influence, left bad influence and joined the very same complex to protect his secret crush blossomed into love from alongside even if she isn't his, Somchai is proud of her independence as long as he can stay beside her.

"Good because I can't see you becoming one".

"Really ?" Amused he laughed.

"Really". She sweetly said. "Somchai". At her smile his heart swelled with joy, knowing that he was the cause of her happiness making him bliss to simply be near her, to bask in the warmth of her presence, and to watch her shine.


"You really know how to make a personโ€”".

"What ?" (Y/N) cut him off excited.

Laughing he finished "Enslave".



โŒœ This story is inspired and I thought to turn the lines of song โ› make you mine by public โœ into my dark thriller. It was fun and hopefully you like it โŒŸ

Tags :
6 months ago



Female reader

Warnings : Mention of infidelity. Trauma. Stalking.


Once trust is broken, it is harder than we think to mend it as it once was. A definition of (Y/N)'s relationship.



What a odd word isn't it ? something every being wants to learn and showcase yet behind close doors we all know in the back of our minds it's impossible. After all, perfection is a word for fake which is the opposite of what people wantโ€” real, something that is permanent, something that could be held, captured, savored. Perfection is a skill both admired and envied upon and (Y/N) can't help but come to doubt the perfection she once fell for.

Cameron. The man of perfection and the man she fell for only to doubt his every little move now. His gentle smile adoring the moment of her sight, eyes crinkling at the side by how large the happiness is craved out of him. It's sweet, truly, never did it not warm her heart and cast thousand butterflies on her stomach by how beautifully happy he looked to see her, and her only but suddenly she has come to doubt if it's even genuine or not. Suddenly she notice the smile too wide, too large, too happy, too fake that she wants ask. After all how it's possible to bright up so much like a sun glowed in the sky by seeing one person even if it's her who is his girlfriend. How ?


Just like now the moment of her heels touch the ground making a satisfying clicking noise entering a room, once their eyes met and he shine like the brightest sun she never imagined to have for herself. Again those tender lips, sparkling eyes too clear for any stranger to know he loves her and hard.

"How lucky ?"

"Awww !"

"Bless him".

"Lucky her"

These would be the frequent comments utter from literal stranger's mouths and perhapsโ€” no for sure her past self could blindly agree dwelling into her own version of fairytale where Cameron was her prince charming and she, a pleasant he fell for. Well, at least that what in collage they are known for. The modern version of Cinderella, a very....interesting title it was when it first pass her ears yet time pass and it turn into a nasty taunting name for her as if hinting at something she was unaware like a insider joke that she was an outsider. Even her lovely boyfriend seems to hate it not at her level of hate like she despise it. Wishes to burn every tongue that ever deicide to merely utter that to her. Only if she could do she wish.

"Darling, sit". Like a gentleman he is pull her chair and let her sit on the wooden cold surface facing her own parents who seems to be in awe staring at their daughter's relationship as if it's a angel asked for her hand when he in her view seem nothing but a human good at masking his flaws, too well for her liking. Because see, the way those slender pale hands caress her own hand under the table like she is a flower touched carefully yet softly almost melt her heart if it didn't turn into stone now. (Y/N) didn't care to hold back, blankly staring at the white empty plate served in front of everyone and she like a doll waited to be served food despite having no hunger or whatsoever. Slowly she move her head, her (E/C) eyes watching the same smile craved out of him, towards her parents holding huge utensils to serve the meal he specially made to impress his future in-laws, his words not hers.

"Oh ! son, you don't have to do it !" Her father said, laughing carefree.

"It's okay, father. Let me at least have the honor to serve the elders". Kindly her boyfriend utter.

"Such a good man. How lucky my daughter is to have you". Placing one palm under her cheek, her mother watched him in pure delight.

"It's the opposite. Actually I am lucky to have her". His bashful comment earned more heart points than it already been taken as they laughed, enjoyed, indulge in their little bubbles that (Y/N) almost forget it's her parents and she is their family in here not him looking as if he is their son yet truly, in her angle she invisible, forgettable, easily a abandon thing that's why she use to question herself a lot. Why did he choose her ? why did he love her ? what is so special about her ? how could she not when he had oceans of girls waiting to just be looked by him, in campus he is the prince every girl dream and every boy befriend due to his looks, personality, popularity, riches. Coming from a wealthy family and still be a humble polite man isn't a daily view for everyone to see, he truly seemed like a sun to everyone, beautiful to look at but never be touched and owned, yet she a nobody has the chance to become a infamous girl who tame the sun. Perfect elements to gossip, spread rumors, talk down to.

Never passed a day did no one ever forget to remind her how insignificant she was to him and he was there to catch her, in his warmth of arms to show how significant she is to him and him alone and that all it matter and that it all took for her to be a idiot in love.

"Honey, eat before it's cold". Sweet his voice is, kind his eyes are that bore into her blank onesโ€” deviod of love or any emotions, she doesn't know if he pretends to be blind to her lack of response or he simply doesn't care enough. Wordlessly she turn her head down to her this time meal served on plateโ€” her favorite dish and their first date dinner together.

Carelessly her fingers wrap around the cold sliver fork like her heart tremble feeling and about to dig when ever so smoothly, like a cream of butter he swap the plate from hers to his. Smiling ear to ear boozing of tenderness. "Eat mine, yours is cold already". She didn't need to glance up to see her parents reaction or the warmth coming from him. She stilled like time does when a watch is broken, tramped. Listening to the clicks of plates, giggles of their voices, quiet noises of chewing, shower of compliments regarding the dish and still she didn't touch her food. Hunger seems to left her, emotions seems numbs, voices of them seem tiny and the reality feels surreal.

Oddly her visions seem distorted and water drops falling on top of the dish and something inside tells her it's will taste sour.

Is it raining ?

"(Y/N)...". Cameron's voice turn delicate, carefully calling her name. "Why are you crying ?" At the end of his sentence his voice cracked as if he was the one crying.

Oh. (Y/N) realize, blinking her tears away dripping to her meal, she discover more that it is indeed raining however inside her. More sour tears roll down, her lips didn't sob, her expression remained blank yet her tears fell one after another worrying her family and Cameron.

"I am sorry, Mister and Mrs. (L/N) but (Y/N) seems to be not herself and she needs time. Hopefully you will excuse us". Swiftly her body met his embrace, cold, hard unlike the light and mellow she was used to. "How fake". She thought letting him whisk her away in the car, watching her home disappear into the night and arrive in their shared apartment near their university and she find herself in their shared bed, feeling his choice of fabric underneath her skin, melting into his arms underneath her skin as he tenderly pat her back, rock her body like a baby, place her head on his chest, caressing her head and humming a song, a song they discover at their third date they like. "How cruel". She thought, dried tears on cheeks, not a shred of comfort she is finding nor searching. You can't expect to find gem in plastic can you ? so does she, staying motionless.

"Honey, can you please wait, I need to quickly go to washroom okay ?" Assuring like a child, he kiss her forehead deeply before pulling away leaving her alone with her thoughts and the room. The thud of door closing was almost unheard if not for the silence she was surrounded in when another noise pierce through the air.

Ding !

Her (E/C)'s flicker to the phone screen lit on the desk. His phone and she knew she had to look, to confirm her suspicions and catch the man red handed unlike the first time. How ironic, before such thoughts won't even cross her mind and now like a plague it's everywhere poisoning her, killing her softly. Her hand like a vice hold his phone the notification read inside her mind. 'Meet me tomorrow secretly'.

The door open revealing Cameron who came as fast as he could to console (Y/N) and his eyes met hers where she is sitting as before with his phone kept on the wooden cupboard and he smiles again bathing her in utter devotion. "Disgusting". Her eyes daze in disappointment. She knew he was having an affair, after the confront incident they had, never was they the same and will never. He never changed but she did and they both are aware of this yet no one dare speak out loud afraid of the illusion they built together to crumble once again.

"I will do it again". She decide tomorrow to end it all. For good.

Tomorrow came faster than she expected even by not finding a ounce of sleep, the other side of her bed felt heavy with his weight reminding of his suffocating presence at the same time he seems not to be present or maybe she is one instead of him.

"I can't go to university". Her vague answer didn't look to affect him as he lean in to close the gap of their lips, slender fingers stroke her either (S/C) cheeks and loving lips mold hers and starstruck eyes stare into her. A endearing moment she wished to capture if not for the knot inside her stomach wants to pull away, slap away.

"Okay, rest as much as you wish". He easily took her wish like she easily fell under his spell. Watching the man she loves pull away and go out taking his belonging to university which she knows is a lie. He is meeting behind her back and repeating the same heart tugs moments on another woman.




The moment (Y/N) felt him driving away on his car, she wore a white hat, a random coat and sat on the cab she booked few minutes ago and told the driver to follow the white car while her eyes dart from her her phone screen looking at the GPS tracking on his phone to his real time car, the tracker was set on him long ago not yesterday where she didn't even had the chance to unlock and read their chat properly because the password isn't what she thought, what she hoped. Her birthday nor his was enough to unlock. Another proving point of how fake his exhausting pretense of loving boyfriend is after all no lover boy as him would not set her birthday as his password. She knew what a ploy is once she sees though it and once was a mistake, twice would be intentional.

The car stopping snap her attention and she watch him go out of car and inside not the university he lied to but to a hotel. A luxurious one even she wasn't invited by him. How special the girl has to be, prettier ? younger ? richer ? doesn't matter when it ends all.

Hurried her footsteps were, walking though the doors opened by the guards and following him waking pass the lobby into somewhere else like he was familiar with the surrounding, nodding heads with the receptionists who mirror his actions and her heart skip more, odd emotions flood in she unable to understand.

She paused. Finally her eyes wide.

In front of her stood the same loving boyfriend hugging a girl passionately, grinning ear to ear and sat besides each other tasting meals like a date of rich people. Indeed she is far beautiful, charismatic, wealthier. Watching them enjoy, exchange dishes like a couple makes a odd sense of relief and betrayal wash her and without shame her feet march towards them, not a second pass of them finally noticing her, she smash the very dish he is enjoying to his face earning a yelp from her and (Y/N) did it again and again and again until stuff members of hotel pulled her away.

"I hate you cheater !" Cameron with difficulty look up, staring at her with pain, sadness ignited anger, disgust and satisfy inside her. Anger for how dare he acts to be in pain when the knife stab her and she is bleeding. Disgust to find the boy she thought the most beautiful so ugly and satisfy at least she brought him the same pain he did if not less.

"(Y/N) !" A familiar exclaimed turn her head. "What are you doing ?" A disbelief grasp slice the air by her best friend, Sophia and other boys and girls she knew from university. But what caught her eyes is the balloons held on their palms written Happy birthday (Y/N).

"W-what is going on ?" Her words stutter and in the split second the familiar place blur to strange, filled with questions and unreal like the knowledge she grasp was also a ploy she mistaken.

"My darling, today is your birthday and I was hoping to surprise you". His eyes relaxed as he tried to step to her to which she step back not wanting to believe his words. How could it be possible, it's impossible for her to forget her own birthday and even if she did, he was the liar at the end. A fake person. "This girl is the daughter of this restaurants and helped me to arrange the best dishes only". No. No. No. No. She shake her head, what prove does he have he is not lying.

"It's true, we are here to tell him your favorite likes, dislikes". Sofia answered averting her eyes as if too offended at her sight. Her words sting (Y/N)'s heart.

"We were only tasting the foodโ€”".

"What's your password ?" He pause like a information shone at him she didn't like.

"It's you". A snarl twist on her face. See, he is lying, he always was and still is.

"Liar !" With pain she screamed she didn't knew had inside her regarding him.

"No". Cameron shook his head gentle, appearing almost like an angel that her heart ache to believe his words. Believe him. "It's true, my password is the day we first met". And to confirm he in front of her type the date her mind clearly recalls and it opened along the rest of chatlog she couldn't read discussing about her birthday.

Tears swell in her eyes and her mistake came to light however there is also a realization sink in her mind that she no longer loves this boy, she loved and the perfection she fell for now become the very thing she come to loathe and it's all because of that bet. A silly little bet he made to date her and after she knew it, she still welcome him in her life forgetting to open her heart to the point every loving actions of his seems like a act of betray, sweet nothings seem blunt lies, loving care of hisโ€” fake. His betrayal hit her so hard she lost trust. The entire time when she was worrying about losing Cameron in reality loving him she lost herself and the twisted relief of seeing him with another woman was a fleeing excuse to break up. Once she believed the love fairytale and twice become too heavy to bear.

Her legs give up as she land on the ground, all alone. How could this happen ? how in process of loving him did she lost herself. Her happier, brighter, forgiving, trusting self ? maybe in the end she didn't forgive him for the bet she thought she did.ย 

๐‘ป๐’ ๐’ƒ๐’† ๐’„๐’๐’๐’•๐’Š๐’๐’–๐’†๐’…

โ˜พ โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€

Tags :
5 months ago

Worth of a terror

Worth Of A Terror

Female reader

Warnings : Murder. Deaths. Attempt of sexual assaults.


Married to the man one loves is magical even fairytale however if the man turns out to be a obsessed King is it really alright ? Or it is because there's much more truth in it.

Worth Of A Terror

Words spread ear to ear to nation to another nations of how in the country of Imperia the ruler is obsessed with his wife, the most wisest woman to be known (Y/N).

It is said that at the first sight princess (Y/N) of neighboring kingdom of Tharagon saw the soon to be King one day and fell fast and hard. Deciding he will be the one to hold her hand and lift her white veil of marriage so she begged her father who succumbed to his daughter's wishes arranged an meeting between the pair, a pair brought by the deities themselves because the moment the prince saw once glimpse of her visages cerulean pupils transform into heart and boldly bowed his knee to have her hand for eternal, soon the vows of love were exchange as well as the bloodshed didn't remain in the battlefield rather inside the walls of royalty too after the love climb into of akin madness, obsession and desire because the prince wore the crown and sat at the throne of his country ruled with benevolent smile yet iron fist for those who glance little to his wife. The fairytale love story commoners love begin to sour a lesson of the reasons why not to marry elites.

The new maid of the castle heard the passing whispers, tales and rumors time to time, none escaped her even when in front it's spoken loudly at all times the moment the royals are out sight by blue ribbon maids yet she notice one bit of how no golden ribbon maids gossip at all rather their lips are seal with sectary ohโ€” golden maid are known for the private maids who serve the royals directly and handle their schedule and the reason of their name is for the noticeable difference between the hair bow color, the colors are important in the castle to identify one's position and the golden are the supreme and the new maids are the whitesโ€” oddly to define their purity and naรฏvity too, one older female maid with blue ribbon commented. Blue applys for the upper level after blooming their training.

In passing few times of sewing clothes and watering gardens did she caught glances of the wise queen she come to admire even respect deeply after an occurrence she would to this day have shivers in her spine. At dinner she was hosted to be one of the many maids to serve the royalty and when she went to gracefully fill the red wine like blood to the queen's glass god forbid again her weight on her hand slipped pouring few drops on the luxurious white dress. Paled her face was and fast her heart with darting eyes to the furious king who stood from his seat, marching to his wife with burning her though his glare to (Y/N) who rather of getting mad, yelling harshly and posing punishment worse, a laugh fell out of her rudy hue lips.

"Fear not. We are all prone to error, and from those mistakes, we shall glean valuable wisdom. Be at peace". Smiling ear to ear, her fingers touch the maid's white ribbon and gifted another comforting pat before wrapping a hand around her dear husband. Calming the beast that threat to spill out the maid could see and tremble her heart out.

"Compose yourself, my dear husband. Do not let your passions get the better of you, lest you succumb to apoplexy. She is but a mere child, prone to errors and innocent of malice." Wittly (Y/N) spin her wrist around for the servant to whisk away and she did excusing the pair where from the closed doors she could hear the muffled passionate kisses. Tips of ear burned when body flinched meeting the royal knight's gaze who stood blending in the shadows, he is known to be the queen's shining armor and the man the King failed to assassinate multiple times due to his skill experience and queen's help. The reason behind murdering the man is of jealous of course, no man alive should be closer to her heart then the king himself. What a hassel the maid believes running out ever grateful for the madam's kindness.

That at any command or meeting upon sights of queen never does she forget to get on both knees for the kind woman deserve all respect and it only increase when she was appointed from white ribbon to blueโ€” one step closer to see more of her elder sister figure, every dress the queen wore becomes the maid's favorite too, never forgets to sing songs of praises with other blue ribbon maids who too tune to her child like nature unlike the golden ones whom seems to be as tight lips she recalls. Never forgets to mask a smell of expression nor word like perfect dolls they work with sealed lips.

Also there is another person who comes to see the queen more is the ruler and as the rumors believes he is a very much touchful person, never his hands left her body whether in public or behind closed doors as he boldly even kisses her startling the poor maid's heart yet a beyond level of understanding is come from her when each time the queen smile into the kiss and any touch and attention, never shy away however also not returning the same enthusiasm making pity stem in the maid's heart seeing the queen being a beauty to the beast for him to be a proper prince in this case the king.

"The royal family of neighboring kingdom is coming to Imperia nation". Is a pure chaos, the notice was late and the servants were barely able to match the rhythm of orders properly unlike each time. The dinner, the decoration everything expected to be perfect. Not a single mishap panicking the attendants even more.

Thankfully it was arrange hasty and beautifully. "Perfect". The queen utter, her chest swell in pride when her husband entered with all the servants bowing with their eyes on the floor. His arms find on her body along lips on her bare skin of side nape.

"Perfect indeed". His eyes half lidded, only for his utter heavenly wife.

"Not me, my dearest. The castle". Mellow chuckle escape her lips. Meeting his eyes.

"Still the most beautiful I can see is you". Truly (Y/N) sometimes believes her love of life could had been better off as an poet than an king. As a hopeless romantic is sweet it's quite endangering she is afraid.

"Thank you, love". Gratitude fill her heart with butterflies in her stomach. Staring right at the infuriating reflection of herself in his eyes just like the first time is nostalgic.

"Your Majesties, the carriages are few feets away". The royal adviser reminded the pair and intruded their session.

"Indeed I know". Frown brows cast his face, marred with annoyance the queen finds endearing. Her finger pads gently ease the wrinkled skin and brows even pressing as gentle as feather a kiss. Stealing his breath and heart altogether.

"It's alright, love. Better for the kingdom". Smile wide so much it crinkles her corners of eyes. "The more the merrier isn't it ?" She jested pulling a smile out of the stoic man, feared even.

"However, my queen, you are well aware that the neighboring kingdom is not particularly indispensable to our affairs?" King Vincent uttered, caressing strands of her hair.

Worth Of A Terror

"I do". Press a hand on his shoulder she left to prepare for their welcoming and it was easy would be a blunt lie by the palpable tension is visible to any naked eye.

The neighboring king is not what a proper nobleman should be behaving more like a scoundrel with Queen (Y/N), kissing her hand more than needed, staring more than appropriate and not shy away to brush touches and the servants quiver from the dreadful consequences of such actions because each could see the twitch in the king's eyes and the beast hidden too well inside those smile.

And the tension only stretched more at the supper when the daughter of the neighboring king urged to be sit next to King Vincent wantonly seduce the married man by brushing skins and serving dishes. Such a wretched and filthy woman the maid curse freely in her mind. How dare his daughter without blinking an eye snatch the husband of the woman her father is so desperately steal virtue of ? Such women are shame to be grown out from mother's womb the maid thought, glancing in awe how no hint of outbust is seen from (Y/N), she even tender with the maiden she doesn't deserve to get all while handling the aged man's greedy hands.

Truly a woman worth to love and respect and the maid is out of words to describe. Gratefully the supper came to an end and the pair of King and his daughter went to spend their night in their castle for tomorrow's farewell.

The moon hanged exquisitely among the stars covet by the darkness the maid stare from her window when a sudden thirst come to her. Sitting up in her bed her fingers went to the jar only to feel lighterโ€”empty she realize. Groaning she held a lamplight in one hand and went to wonder for the kitchen, her steps precise and careful to reach the lengthy walls to the kitchen and at last drench the thrist she wake from her slumber.

Chop ! Her nerves freeze. Chop ! Blood drain from her veins. CHOP ! Shudder her body to the core. The sounds are clearly of slicing somethingโ€” or someone. Despite the warnings in her brain advising to ran away her feet drag her to the creator of the noises, solely relying on the noises her eyes blind in darkness went near the open door with golden light peeking though. Prying eyes meet sorrow's sight. A saying she knows yet not heed.

Chop ! Her eyes flinch close before opening to peek and met a sight that shatter her entire faith, beliefs and trust.

Chop ! Because in front is the body of neighboring princess laying on the ground, her widen eyes stare directly to the maid's that lost the life in it, blood bled endlessly like spilled juices out from her cutโ€” chopped parts. The sliver sword soaked in crimson color and smell drip little by little held by the culprit of her murder. Queen (Y/N) herself, the same woman who utters gentle words, sweet voice, pretty smiles. A beauty to her husband chop and dice and slice the parts of the woman like an carcass of pig. Droplets of blood scattered across her face, dress and hand.

Near is the neighboring king's body only sliced throat once. (Y/N) bore special hatred for the daughter to still torture her.

Footsteps towards the otherside sucked the maid's pulse, still her eyes watched as the owner revealed to be none other than King Vincent. A helpless sigh and defeated look carved out of him. "(Y/N), my losana what have you done this time ?"

"Oh, my love, I fear you are correct regarding their unnecessary pursuit of power to foster our nation's growth. Alas, I have taken drastic measures and eradicated the impurities." A feverish blush paint her majesty's face as she gaze at her husband. Grinning like a mischief goddess.

And without sparing glance her sword stab the daughter's detached head to stick before walking to Vincent. "You know I love you ? Hence I had to do this. She was a whore who should not live". Slight shiver hands cup his chin, connecting their foreheads. "You know you are mine and mine only ?"

"Indeed I do". Feebly lift his lips to smile and lean more. What could he do, she is a woman who loves fast and hard.

Suddenly her (E/C) eyes slide to the maid's direction who buried her head behind the wall with palm tight clasped on her lips even forbid breathing in fear of getting caught. Her chest up and fell and pupils changing. Because missed dots came connecting all round.

The real obsessed one was nd is not the king. It was the queen (Y/N) all along.

The missing and murders people were her fault, the queen kill them in rush of envy and jealous of rivalry. The rumors were reversed and the reason the golden ribbon servants seal their lips because they had been the ones cleaning the mess of her majesty, they were unspoken witness to the madness of her obsession not his.

She was always jealous thus the murder was commented. She was simply good at hiding, behind that naรฏve smile. Same one the maid was bestowed. No wonder the king is tamed.

Quickly hers feets disspeared to the darkness to her quarter to not be discovered and be beheaded or worse fate.

The next rise of sun came faster than she wanted and she had to do her duty with empty mind is difficult with too many mistakes. When she notice the lines of servants behind the queen is appearing. The images invaded her thoughts again, gripping her in fear. Her knees bowed on her own.

The smell of lavender suffocated her and the sight of the queen's grown came to view. She could feel her leaning closer, closer and closer until her lips were near her ear. "Remember to have water on your jar before the bed". She knows. She knows. She knows.

With that her heels turn to see her husband. A husband who should have been a poet not a leader as he was not a man of bloodshed. How twist of fate.

A strangled grasp left the maid's lips meeting the back of the queen and her close knight. She is truly a worth of a terror.


Worth Of A Terror

Notice : โŒœ I will soon focus and complete the lost series โŒŸ

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5 months ago

Returned Home

Returned Home

Female reader

Warnings : Death. Murder.


What happens if the person you love went missing and suddenly reappear in your doorsteps ? Because (Y/N) doesn't know how to react.

Returned Home

Knocks at the door were light at first, almost like a whisper before turning into frantic and loud like screams that (Y/N)'s sleep broke, a whine slip past her lips not loving the thought of her rare sleep intruded, all after that incident she almost at the verge of becoming the shell of a human, always worrying, little guilty yet hollow the entire time. Perhaps time will heal her wounds and pause the bleeding unfortunately not the knocking because it keeps increasing in alarming amount. She thought in her daze mind, wrapping a soft cloth around her nightdress she step out of the sofa, how tragic despite having warm bed, beautiful home with many rooms the only place she fell asleep was on the sofa in living room in front of the still on TV which is repeatedly showing some episodes of only murders in the building her mind has almost memorized.

"Coming !" She yell, messaging her forehead, feeling her head burn from both the torturous knocks and the stress of what if the twins wake up. Her feet drum the white tiles walking towards the front door and finally her eyes open to peek at the peekhole for safety. Huh ? She rub her eyes once more to peek yet why all she can see is black ? Her fogged mind question not still awaken from the slumped when she flinch feeling the knocks vibrate the door so closely.

"Who is this ?" Her voice stern, not fearful she could have been if awake, adamant to not open the door. Silence replies her. No voice only silence along the knocks. Her eyes narrow feeling her body ache from pain and the headache worsen. "These children". Her neighborhood is fill with all age children and unlike her sweet twin angels, these ones are the demons, the one she was thankful to not have. Oh, remind of her babies, what time is it ? Her eyes glance at the clock on the wall 7:00 am, whoa ? Which child is playing pranks at her doorsteps instead of being in school ? Oh ! Today is Sunday she forgets.

Must make breakfast she thought, her lips shaped a yawn about to walk away from the door "It's......me". Her heart sank, breath sucked. "(Y/N)". She remembers that voice, her whole fabric of being knows that voice, the voice she heard, whisper sweet nothings, laughs loudly, quick to anger, arrogance in his speech. In a second her hand having a mind of it's own, touch the shivering cold doorknob, twist it to unlock and swing open fast enough to not gave chance for the creaking noise.

Revealing the visage of none other than her husband, Vesper Rufus who is missing for two months after the alone trip to mountain.

Returned Home
Returned Home

Munch ! Cracks ! The noise of his devouring simple milk with cornflakes sends strange feelings within herself. Sitting across the dinning table of her husband who's black shirt made her recall it's original color white with his pale skin painted in faded marks of nasty bruises and bite marks belonging to animals, even insects she suspect, a grime cast her face merely thinking of what he went through to be alive in that forest where no police, forest rangers, rescue rangers even herself couldn't find. Hell, the helicopter wasn't of helped. Her eyes then slide below his body that is hidden by the counter where his pants are in the same condition, grey pants painted in coal. Her head span to her behind looking at the door to see no shoes of his as she found him barefoot with crimson hue smeared over his feet.

Click ! Her thoughts snap at the noise of his meal finish turning her vision to his face, dirt, scratchs cover his blemished handsome face. A smile lift those once perfect plump lips now dry and chapped. A happy sparkle in those pools of eyes she fell for that with time and marriage forgetton to dust leaving only a usual reflection of hers she used to bore before he went missing. Suddenly a yearning ache pull her body towards him, stand down from the metal chair, silently cross the line of space and stood under those eyes. Immediately she was hit by the smell of dust, rot, filth yet without a second she throw her arms around him, surrounding her body into his and hug him tightly, the cold body.

Her lids cover her vision, soaking into the frosty embrace and slowly she sense his arms embracing her back, gently to tightly and burying his face into her curve of neck like she was his roof, her shelter he just been gifted.

"Where were you these two months ?" Tears she thought were dried roll down her cheek, her voice soft. "The kids were crying". she added flood with the images of her twin sons wailing at the first news of their father might never returned as the police declared him dead saying no man has the capacity to survive in that stormy mountain more than two weeks and he was missing for two months. Perhaps they didn't found the body because the wild nature covet him or the animals feasted upon him. She likes to think the former. But now she knows, she knows they didn't find his body because he was alive all along.

"Children ?" She felt him title his head in her neck. "Ah ! Children, the twins". His voice muffed and horse like decades of out of speech. Softly like she handle her flowers she lean away from the embrace regardless of his hands still on her waist.

"You remember who am I right ?" Vesper nod like a good man he never was.

"(Y/N) Rufus, my wife, my soulmate". Those sharp onyx eyes that slice her heart multiple times tendered looking at her as if for the first time seen her, feel and stare so intimately at her. Never did she thought the gaze will be directly to her again after their dating phrase pass into the marriage years.

"And about the children ?" She ask, tip toe up to him, pressing her body, her breast to his and lips inches away. Intoxicated he looked, like sipped a bottle of beer he drunk with pink tints on his cheeks to ears, falling in her spell as if for first time he fell in love.

"Leo, Felix". Breathless he answered, leaning closer to her, brushing his lips with her yet not closing the gap. Why ? She wonder because never did her husband cared for her consent. If his sexual desire awaken he will use her like a escort not a wife. From the beginning he announce his ownership on her like she was a object and her past self mistook it as romantic and after marriage she was a servant. Never a wife, was a lover.

Maybe that's why his missing didn't pain her as much to shed a single tear until now when he is different, his warmth disappear, his arrogance fended leaving a stranger in her arms and she still kiss the stranger. Her lips collide his and it confirmed more. How naive his kiss is like he is exploring her, knowing her for the first time unlike him, who knew her like the back of his palm orโ€” perhaps it's his self pleasure he knew like the back of his palm. Never hers, not after their marriage. The brand of ring tied their fates together as well as ruinning.

Not a hint of bad breath or taste she felt oddly, rather bitter taste of nature hits her when their lips met, at first like a careful of understanding he press their lips hard before she open her lips, giving him the space to enter and he mirrored it, like a learning child slide his tongue, following his guts and savoring her hotly, a contrast to his frosty body. Tips of tongue tease her inner flesh as he wish like she is his salvation before harshly mushing their body and lips more near than humanely possible, with brim of desire and addiction he bite her lips, tongue tenderly, exchanging sliver salivas and breathing heavily like he was suffocated yet not ready to leave as he continue to drove deeper, deeper into the mouth and (Y/N) felt being devoured by a predator not her husband who never with such passion held her, gave her pleasure.

Heart racing and breath threating to stop she ripped herself away, coughing fits at multiple times and drinking water unlike him, his lips hanged open, eyes beastly nothing similar to the sparkly happiness and red blush adore his pale skin. Their eyes met and without another warning he smashed their lips.

"You are so sweet, so deliciously sweet". Mumble his horse voice in the kiss, eating her lips like she was a dinner, shamelessly staring at her while invading her mouth and she let him, kiss her as if her being was the only source of meal. Been ages did her husband desire her such as this moment not to mention it proves more he wasn't her Vesper and it brought her nothing apart from relief.

Suddenly he paused, eyes wide and grip tighten. She slowly freed her swollen lips yet dig the knife deeper in his back. Yes, while he was under the spell of his lust, she went near himโ€” more like near the knife set and stab him at his weakest moment.

"Who are you ?" Calmly she asked, hearing the thrives of her knife twisting his skin, flesh yet no trickle of blood bleeding. Strange she thought glances up again meeting his blank face. Not the agonizing look of a man being stabbed. Not her real husband who's eyes were betrayed, tears sliding and blood bled from her mouth like a fat fish squeeze out of it's body as before.

"Who the fuck are you when I killed my husband with my own hands ? When I buried his body under the solid of that mountain ?" Gritten her teeth, the mask of calmness cracked as she pulled the knife out desire to see the blood bled out of the man she loves so much, devote her life, birth children cutting from her flesh yet he cheated on her bluntly and gaslit her when confronted and spiral into questioning her own sanity. However no blood slide, no scarlet paint his pale skin.

"How ?" She whispered, in more disbelief of him not bleeding than her dead husband who she clearly murdered after planning thoroughly knowing his plan of visiting the mountain which he lied saying he is going alone when in reality his mistress and him will intertwined in ways she can't imagine and follow him before the mistress meets him and killed him brutely, stabbing him fourteen times in his entire body leading his death due to blood loss and burying deep into the soil that took hours only to return home unscathed.

Erriely quiet the stranger wore her husband's skin stare at her angered ones and part his lips. "I see, no wonder that was the most gruesome body I ever seenโ€”" The raspy voice slowly get used to speech pause and (Y/N) sense him debeating. "And wore". The end words was something she couldn't swallow, couldn't avert eyes nor run hearing the conformation in his own voice.

"Who are you then ?" She tremble. He notice.

"Who am I ?" He tilt his head mirroring a clueless being. "Who am I ? What am I ? Doesn't matter because what am I isn't what suppose to exist yet I do and now I am your husband yet not. The body is his, yet what inside is not". Game of puzzle he answered. "I won't die, never bled nor need of humane things. I am of a being neither alive nor dead". Neutral his voice rang her ears echoing inside and frighting from the laughable answer but she knew better to laugh. No other way could her husband retrieve from dead than be possessed by something inhumane, abnormal like the myths tales of creatures she heard.

"Then, will you kill me ?" She let go the blade that isn't even paint in blood, shining her terrified reflection as it was fell on the floor with a biting click.

"No. I like you". A short answer relief her stress a little. "You taste sweet, you smell sweet and you are sweet. I want to cherish you, kiss you like I did. I want to claim you mine". Chanting every word he pepper kiss over her skin. Worshipping, caressing each curve, drinking her making her visible relax and something in her tells it's safe. He is safeโ€”to her. Why ? maybe because her husband terrifies her more than a creature from tale.

"And my children ?" Her words carefully used. Her, not their. He halted in his actions. Inhaling her fabric when he reunite their lips again.

"Not them. Because they are ours. You are my wife, my soulmate and they are our children". Yes, it is because the moment he smell of unwelcome human scent in his home, he prepared to feast them, chew their bones and if unlucky torture them until they beg to death however it changed finding one glimpse of the beautiful woman bearing bloodlust and hatred the creature swore he saw her shining upon a halo and the way of her body soaked in blood of the man's arouse humanely needs he never felt apart from endless hunger. This hunger was different, pleasureful he seen these humans do sometimes before their withered body aside inside his stomach.

He watched the angelic woman, the lymph of paradise left the man buried and he walked out of the shadows to the place the man is under, saw his belongings along his address and the lymph is his wifeโ€” (Y/N) with twin sons. Good she killed him before he had to and now she is his, her children is his, all of her is his alone.

Tiny groans, tapping of floor steal their attention and (Y/N) watched her children wore night outfits walking towards the open kitchen, rubbing their hazy eyes.

"Mama I am hungry". Her three old years son said, the older one between them.

"Me too ! But I want pizza". The younger twin said, opening his eyes only to widen and grasp loudly. "Papa !" Following a joyful scream his tiny feet ran to the stranger wore their father's skin and the older twin also stare, face brighten in happiness the mother didn't saw since he was missing. His body was thrown to their father too and unnatural, his arms touch them back, still glancing to see (Y/N)'s visage than theirs.

Touching his familiar face, she caress saying "Yes, papa has returned home". The man lean in decided not the say one more thing, actually the real husband she killed was alive the time he was standing above the ground however he killed him again. For good and twice his death was before taking his skin.

"Indeed I have". Smiling crazily. "Returned home".


Returned Home

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10 months ago


I don't mind writing for jjk but I'm feeling a brunt out from so much media consumption and I want to write something new, I'll probably make a list about what other fandoms I write for...maybe....

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