Male Yandere X Reader - Tumblr Posts

8 months ago
Lights! Camera! Oh Shit. || Yandere Celebrity X Gn Reader

Lights! Camera! Oh shit. || Yandere Celebrity x Gn Reader

Characters: Ryland

Summary: You caught his eye. Now he wants you. It's as simple as that.

Warnings: Yandere themes, possessiveness, violence, stalking

A/n: He's kinda scummy


Yan Celebrity who is the big name with most companies. Sponsors only the best. Gucci, Prada, anything expensive and he's had his own collection line. He can't help it if he's got a big name and expensive tastes.

Yan Celebrity who meets you at a meet and greet he was hosting to broaden his name. You weren't even there to see him, not in line. You just happened to be wandering around the shopping center.

Yan Celebrity who sneaks away from the table to take a break, but in actuality he's searching for you. It doesn't take him long to find you in a small café. He approaches you, knowing that you must know him from somewhere.

Yan Celebrity who's taken aback by your lack of fascination. You've got a celebrity right in front of you that wants to talk to only you! What do you mean you're not interested?

Yan Celebrity who goes back to his meet and greet because his bodyguard caught him. He's all pouty now and doesn't want to be shaking hands with all these fans.

Yan Celebrity who searches the news later that day to check how is event went but is caught of guard by the headlines. Seems like a few bystanders took pictures of his interaction with you and assumed you were his partner.

Yan Celebrity who for the next few days, stalks your socials and hesitates to reach out to you. But he got a DM from you to clear up the rumors and say you two barely even know each other.

Yan Celebrity who does so but for a price. You two go on a secret date with each other. No news outlets or onlookers, and it would be on him. He's such a generous guy right?

Yan Celebrity who has a date with you within the week. He did make good on his promise and managed to take down all the headlines with some help. Said help stays quiet though.

Yan Celebrity who goes all out for you. Sure he just met you but something in him tells, no, screams at him to be with you. This couldn't be love right? He doesn't do that, not when he's such a famous man with fan clubs dedicated to his name and image.

Yan Celebrity who ends up having very real conversations with you. He gets to know you and you get to know him. The real him. The one that hates sour things. The one that loves birds. The one that hasn't completely let go of his comfort toy he's had since a child.

Yan Celebrity who knows all the same things. It's a trade of information of sorts. But much more intimate. He hasn't had a conversation like this since elementary school.

Yan Celebrity who ends up hanging out with you secretly and more often after that date. He thought it was just because you were good eye candy. He didn't want to admit to himself that he wanted to be vulnerable with you.

Yan Celebrity who is still a bit of a flirt. He can't help it if he can give some fan service back to his fans. He'll bring you along to meet and greets and other events, and he'll flirt with others in front of you.

Yan Celebrity who doesn't understand when you don't get jealous. Do you not like him that much that you would fight for him? Because he would fight for you if he saw you flirting with someone else.

Yan Celebrity who does everything in his power to know what you like. He makes sure that he at least sponsors all the products you use once. It's his way of making sure you remember him. Remember who you are to him.

Yan Celebrity who invites you to special events like premieres of movies or shows he's been a part of. Charity galas, fashion shows, even commercial shoots. He makes you stand to the side with a water bottle for him so he has the excuse to see you in between shoots.

Yan Celebrity who hides the new headlines about you two from you. His help making sure they never reach your phone. He can't have you know the news outlets think you two are together. That would ruin the whole plan.

Yan Celebrity who is very clingy with you after a while. He invites you to his mansion, secretly of course, and all you two end up doing together is cuddling and watching things he's starred in. He is trying oh so hard to impress you.

Yan Celebrity who doesn't care about his audience's reactions much anymore. So what if they were happy about his new role? You weren't, and even if you were, he thinks he wasn't good enough. Nothing is enough or perfect for your eyes.

Yan Celebrity who needs you to keep his career going. He needs to know you'll see every achievement, every roll, every position he's gotten. All of it is now for you. Because of you. Why haven't you seen that yet?


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8 months ago
Weird Water Fun || Yandere Merman X Gn Kayaker Reader

Weird Water Fun || Yandere Merman x Gn Kayaker Reader

Characters: Ranee

Summary: Kayaking is so fun! Even in the ocean! You have a little follower though.

Warnings: Yandere themes, possessiveness, violence, stalking

A/n: Just a merman baby that's so confused


Yan Merman who is very curious about the human world. All mers are and he is no exception. However, his curiosity blurs with concern so he constantly gets lost within the harbor where multiple boats, big and small, go through.

Yan Merman who struggles to find a way out, following the boats but ends up more and more lost. He's on the verge of tears before a small little kayak floats above him.

Yan Merman he swims up, carefully poking his head out of the water as he sees the cutest human he's ever laid eyes on. The definition of perfection. And the grace they had in the water, they must be like him!

Yan Merman who follows you as you kayak along the harbor, behind expensive beach houses and through bridges. He's so grateful when you lead him out to the open ocean.

Yan Merman who is convinced that you want to be like him. How else could you manage the water with such skill? And your arm strength! He couldn't help but drool a bit at your upper arm muscles.

Yan Merman who sees you as a potential protector. You look strong! No, you are strong to glide on the water with such speed and power! He made the decision to tip your kayak over so you could join him.

Yan Merman who is utterly confused when you freak out that you capsized. When he tries to drag you done to go home with him, you manage to escape and flip your kayak back over. You did lose your paddle though.

Yan Merman who watches as you barely make it to a dock nearby to compose yourself. This wasn't how it was supposed to go! You were supposed to follow him home and be his mate! Why did you go back?

Yan Merman who sees you looking for something. Now you're jumping into the water and swimming underneath its surface. Did you really not want him? That is until he notices the paddle that's poking his tail. Oh! You were just looking for your artificial fins! That's okay, he'll give them back to you.

Yan Merman who watches you leave with your kayak. Wait! You need your fins right? Why are you just leaving? Oh, but how you mesmerize him with how you pick up your kayak and carry it all on your own.

Yan Merman who keeps your paddle close to him until he sees you again. These are your special fins, oh he feels so dirty for touching them, but it's like your holding his hand. He so much wishes you had just let him drag you down.

Yan Merman who sees you on a pier he frequents. This is finally his chance to give you back what you lost! With a kiss on each paddle, he hoists it up over his head, and you see your paddle sticking up in the water.

Yan Merman who both hates and loves the fact that he got to give it back to you. For a long while this was his connection to you, but seeing you smile like that when you saw the paddle made his heart, well one of them, leap into his throat.

Yan Merman who is back to following you in the bay and harbor while you kayak around. Gives your paddle a tug when you talk to other people as they pass you by on their big yachts. Why are you noticing them and not him?

Yan Merman who finally shows himself to you when you're out in the middle of the ocean. He tried so hard to speak to you. He's been learning your language from the menus that the local restaurants would throw away! He doesn't know what a crab cake is, but it must mean 'I love you' right?

Yan Merman who's shocked that your first reaction is to reach over to give him a head pat. He gurgles but stops when he notices your kayak tipping. Is quick to the rescue to balance you, can't have you in the water again!

Yan Merman who visits you more on the docks and pokes at your feet. They interest him okay? Shouldn't your fins be there? Why do you have them on a stick? He has so many questions but can only ask in his food code.

Yan Merman who adores when you teach him things. He finally grasps your greeting and how to ask how you are! And he gets rewarded in human treats! Though they're too sweet for him, he likes the wrappers! He's the main reason for pollution.

Yan Merman who will bite your hand out of nowhere. You get used to it and your friends will ask about the rigid teeth marks on your hand. Can't really explain who gave it to you. He's giggling to himself at the fact that you were so oblivious to the mark's meaning.

Yan Merman who sees you interacting with another human, a man. You're supposed to be his mate though, not this very overdressed idiot? He doesn't even understand how graceful you are in the water.

Yan Merman who doesn't understand who this human is. Why are you docking here? And why does he smell like a sweeter version of the ocean? It's just giving the poor merman a headache. Come back to him. Please?


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7 months ago
Punch To Love || Yan Delinquent X GN Reader

Punch To Love || Yan Delinquent x GN Reader

Characters: Bone

Summary: School Delinquent wants your attention

Warnings: Yandere themes, possessiveness, violence

a/n: He's a softy. This is Jesse's rival.


Yan Delinquent who doesn't really go to class. Only goes when he needs to keep himself from getting expelled. He doesn't want to worry his mom. Or his sister. He manages to keep his grades up enough too.

Yan Delinquent who meets you early on in the semester when a group project was assigned. He honestly wouldn't have thought you would pick him to be your partner, especially when the pink weirdo is stuck to your side.

Yan Delinquent who ends up putting in more effort than he thought he would have when with you. He's even more shocked when you take interest in him after, wanting to stay and get to know him. He's usually alone, so this is a complete switch to what he's used too.

Yan Delinquent who after a couple of weeks when the project finishes, can't seem to forget you. You were different. He liked that a lot. Whenever he smoked on campus, he imagined what it would be like to kiss you right after. Oh god he's screwed.

Yan Delinquent who denies he has the biggest crush ever on you. Sure he stalks you from a distance. Sure he wishes he could punch the pink weirdo. Sure he fights behind your back when someone insults you. But that's just because he's repaying your kindness. Nothing more.

Yan Delinquent who takes a lot of time to accept the fact that he's completely whipped for you. It only takes one of his buddies to point out how puppylike he is when you're around. It's embarrassing at first, but he's so happy.

Yan Delinquent who finds himself coming to the classes you share more often. He often finds himself also seeking out your help to study and on topics he doesn't understand. Man he relishes the disappointed look the pink weirdo has when you tell him that you had to study with someone else.

Yan Delinquent who loves staying late in the library with you. The smell of his coffee is a lot more calming than his cigarettes, but he can't help the cravings. He's trying so hard to fight them back to look more studious in front of you.

Yan Delinquent who gets harassed by the pink weirdo you call your best friend the day after. The pink haired boy is taking pictures of him and saying he could never be good enough. Well that may be true, but he would treat you so much better than your pink loving best friend.

Yan Delinquent who watches your best friend showcase the pictures he took of the delinquent smoking, cutting class, and beating up a not so defenseless student. In awe, he watches you deny your best friend's claims and actually show your trust in the delinquent. He needs you to marry him right now.

Yan Delinquent who hangs out with you a lot more now. He invites you to ditch class with him and leave campus with him. He even feels more comfortable to smoke around you. You don't judge, and it makes him so fuzzy, though if you express your distaste for the smell then he'll try to avoid doing so in front of you.

Yan Delinquent who gets interrogated by his mom about you. He's so embarrassed when he has to explain why he's so smiley now and that he's been more motivated when around you. She's so happy that he finally has a good influence in his life though. His litter sister is even more curious.

Yan Delinquent who runs into you outside of school when he takes his sister to the park. He gets all blushy and lets his sister run around the jungle gym when he talks to you. He's so different outside of school. He's so much softer and less broody.

Yan Delinquent who has to stop his little sister from embarrassing him when she sees you. She asks you so many questions and if you're the person that he was telling his mom about. You were flattered, and she became so attached to you.

Yan Delinquent who is so good at hiding the fact that he gets into fights for you. Sure he gets a few cuts and bruises, but it's so easy to lie. Some bitch was encouraging on his area and he was defending himself. Your naivety is his best friend at this point.

Yan Delinquent who comes to you when he does get injured. Your hands are so delicate when handling him, he can't help but blush when your fingers feel like feathers against his skin. It alleviates all pain he feels. Even when it's just a small paper cut, and you're putting on a silly cartoon band-aid on it.

Yan Delinquent who becomes surprisingly whiny when you won't treat his wounds. What do you mean he doesn't need a band-aid and your gentle touch when bumps something against a door? Maybe you should kiss it better and he'll stop whining.

Yan Delinquent who threatens freely. He will glare and snarl at anyone who tries to get close to you. The only one bold enough to never back down is that pink haired weirdo. He can't stand him! Though he can't express his distaste for your best friend.

Yan Delinquent who introduces you to his mom after she pesters him enough. He brings you over to dinner and has to sit through so many embarrassing questions and anecdotes. He did not need you to know that he cried when he was 5 because Santa didn't bring him what he wanted for Christmas.

Yan Delinquent who is very clearly becoming your guard dog. Scary boyfriend privileges. He can't help but want to keep you safe. You're a pure rarity in his world, and he'll be damned if he loses it. Especially to that pink haired weirdo who is trying so hard to keep you two apart.

Yan Delinquent who finally throws hands with the pink weirdo. Both take and deliver punches like no tomorrow until you come to break up the fight. Now, they're both sitting in the nurse's office glaring at each other with you taking care of both of them. It would have been a dream if that cute prick wasn't here ruining his day.


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7 months ago
Brimstone Heartbeats || Yan Fire Dragon X GN Reader

Brimstone Heartbeats || Yan Fire Dragon x GN Reader

Characters: Solaris

Summary: A fire dragon that wants to court you.

Warnings: Yandere themes, possessiveness, violence, kidnapping

a/n: DRAGONS DRAGONS DRAGONS!! Y'al are human in this but send me asks if you want alternative creature reader


Yan Fire Dragon who rules over the fire realm within the dragon territory. He doesn't get along with most dragons, his only ally being the wind dragons and their ruler. The Lava dragons' ruler would have been an ally if it weren't for his 'I'm better than thou' attitude. God did that piss off Solaris to no end.

Yan Fire Dragon who finds a creature wandering through his territory. He finds out from his guards that it was a mortal. Didn't the humans have enough land to themselves? Man he was already irritated with the mass amounts of council meetings and invitations from the other dragon rulers. Now he has to deal with a stray human?

Yan Fire Dragon who watches you from afar. You seemed innocent enough. All you were doing was wandering around the rocks and admiring the shiny small crystals of the terrain. You never took anything, just admiring. This was new for a mortal. Were you not sent by one of the kings?

Yan Fire Dragon who comes out from the brambles of burnt bushes when you get closer to his home. He's tall. Intimidating. But that didn't bother you it seems. You just marveled at his wings and tail. The horns were the most fascinating to you. He saw the urge to touch them in your eyes.

Yan Fire Dragon who keeps you around only to interrogate you. He just doesn't trust your answers. Every day it's the same questions. 'Are you working for the mortal kings?' 'What is your purpose within the dragon realm?' 'Did someone hire you to come and assassinate me?' With the same answers which were all no.

Yan Fire Dragon who comes to find out that you were on an epic travelling adventure. So you were a traveler? When he lets his guard down and let's go of the notion that you were out to hurt him and his realm he shows a bit of intrigue.

Yan Fire Dragon who finds himself staying next to you while you explain your travels and your reason for going to the other realms. You had a few notebooks and he loves reading them. He'll add his own notes to the section about his home, and he loves the way your handwriting mixes with his. And listening to you talk was enchanting.

Yan Fire Dragon who watches as his subjects watch you and him walk side by side while you explore and interview the other fire dragons. Many wonder how their ruler could find such company in a mortal. As you go around and ask about the lifestyle in the fire dragon realm, Solaris finds it adorable. Your curiosity is an oddity.

Yan Fire Dragon who hopes that the stigma with all dragons end with your travels and notebooks. For some reason though he can't take the thought of you going around interviewing the other dragons let alone the other rulers of the different realms. But that's silly. You could bring so much hope to the other species that are outcasted by the humans.

Yan Fire Dragon who finds himself becoming more angry when other fire dragons come up to you. You've become a realm icon amongst the other dragons, and no doubt the other dragon realms have heard of you. That also makes him so angry and huffs fire through his nose.

Yan Fire Dragon who lies awake at night, unable to sleep with his mind plagued with thoughts of you. Thoughts of keeping you here in his home. Locking you away for only him to see. You being mortal is a problem, but he'll find a way to make you immortal. For you to be his spouse and live beside him. He's interrupted by these thoughts when you come into his room and sleep beside him. Turns out you couldn't sleep alone.

Yan Fire Dragon who starts to court you after two months of staying within his care. You were only supposed to stay a month, but he couldn't have you leave. Not when he has so much to show you! And he couldn't have that damn lava dragon get his claws on you. Nope! No way! You're staying here, safe in the flames where he can court you.

Yan Fire Dragon who finds himself doing more domestic things with you. It's the perfect chance to show you how strong and capable he is. The servants are in awe when they watch the two of you cook together. He loves enjoying human meals with you, you're sharing your culture with him and he loves it. In turn, he tries to get you to try some of his meals. He doesn't understand that humans can't eat very charred meat.

Yan Fire Dragon who showcases his strength further by carrying you around everywhere and picking you up when you need to reach something. Sometimes he'll just walk around the towns with you on his shoulders. He doesn't complain when he gets the stares from his people. He's making sure every dragon knows that you're not to be touched unless they want to be burned.

Yan Fire Dragon who also courts you by giving gifts that show his appreciation within his culture. This is often the crystallized fire of his flame or a pendent that has been passed down through his family for years. He curses himself at your obliviousness when you just give him a thanks in return. Can't you see he wants your hand in marriage?

Yan Fire Dragon who becomes all pouty when you don't realize what he's been doing. Does all your interactions mean nothing to you? Then you bring in fairy tail books from the human realm that you had found in his library and start reading them to him. Now he understands. Your courting rituals are different from that of a dragon's. Why didn't he think of that before?

Yan Fire Dragon who you watch transform into the prince charmings and masculine characters from the stories you had read to him the last week. It was funny watching a huge dragon man try to impress you like you were a damsel in distress. You weren't which made it even more hilarious.

Yan Fire Dragon who loves transforming into his dragon form and being pampered by you. You scratching his scales and calling him a good dragon as him on his back and his large tail thumping on the ground. Big puppy vibes. He also loves having you on his back while he flies through the sky.

Yan Fire Dragon who snarls and burns your newly made maps when finds out that you had planned on leaving. When you ask him what happened to your maps that had burned holes in between the parchments, he simply said you must have left them next to the fire place. There is no fireplace.

Yan Fire Dragon who just grabs you by the waist and drags you back to his room. Big strong dragon cuddles to reassure his heart that you aren't leaving. That didn't stop you though. You had to depart a week later much to his disappointment.

Yan Fire Dragon who watches you leave with puppy like sadness. You promised to visit, and you were going to the wind dragon realm, the safest realm with the dragons he could think of! While you're there, he and the wind dragon ruler exchange letters of your health and such. Though he can smell the feelings the wind dragon has for you from the words. Soon the letters stop coming to Solaris.


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7 months ago


ANYWAYSSS, so i was thinking... what he do if reader suddenly stopped coming to kayak, because they got sick? How would he react when they finally started coming back again?

Love your works btw😉💋💖💖


Where's my Human? || Yandere Merman x Gn Kayaker Reader

Characters: Ranee

Summary: He gets so worried when you're not there to kayak

Warnings: Yandere themes, possessiveness, violence, stalking

A/n: Yeah that's how you spell it, I'm so happy you love him nonnie! He's my special merboy! And thank you! Also, mention of Malakai


Let's be real, Ranee has no concept of sickness or injuries. Fin rot is the closest thing he knows, and it's only common within pet fish. There are parasites and other ocean germs, but nothing like human sickness. So if you stop showing up for a while brings up so much concern. He straight up thinks you're dead. Though it takes a bit of build up for him to actually think of that conclusion.

The first day you don't show up to the beach, he just thinks you got busy. You usually don't come to kayak every day. That's something you told him when he freaked out the first time you didn't show up. Something about sore muscles. He was too focused on you when you told him so he didn't listen.

The second day is when he becomes a bit panicked. This is the stage where he starts swimming the coastline and asking other sea creatures that swim the coast about you. When they say they haven't seen you that's when his brain starts to spiral. Ranee just swims up and down the coastline for the next couple of days, watching the beaches for any sign of you in case you moved and forgot to tell him.

Then a thought comes to his mind, much to his distaste. Ranee thought and contemplated on visiting your human friend. One reason he was against it was because your human friend was trying to take you away from him. Didn't this human know that you were his mate? Beside the point, he didn't have you to guide him out once he swims in, and he's so easily lost.

After grumbling and pacing around in his sea cave to the nearest fish who have no clue what is going on, he decides to visit your human friend. He managed to remember the way there, you better praise him if you ever come back.

He groans as he sees your human friend on his dock of his very shiny home. Malakai prepares himself for any mischief Ranee has brought today but is caught of guard by the merman talking using the limited language he has. Malakai eventually catches your name in the merman's garbled up human speak and barely catches on.

“Oh, you mean Y/n? Yeah, they're sick right now. Texted me they won't be by the docks for a few days.”

Thus leads into Malakai trying to explain what sickness is to the very confused Ranee. After a few hours of body anatomy lessons Ranee comes to the conclusion that you are in fact dying. So the merman is trying to find any way to your home only to realize you don't live near any body of water.

A few more days of your absence leaves Ranee all mopy. Just invite him to your funeral okay? He couldn't live with himself if he didn't at least part with you properly. He's slumped over on a rock, holding the things he had taken from you. He peppered each in tiny kisses. Oh, gods please hear him and give your soul back to him. That's the leas they could do for torturing you like this!

All the fish that came past his cave would swim in and nibble on his skin. Sea lions and seals alike would come in to push him out of the cave. Ranee didn't want to come out to play like he usually does. Not without you!

His life is so meaningless without you. The seals were barking at him to come out of his cave until a ray had swam over. His mopy attitude switches when he gets news from the ray that it saw you back on your kayak and was paddling out in the open. Ranee is completely overjoyed that you were back.

Swimming as fast as his fins could take him, Ranee jumps out like a dolphin and tackles you into the water. You're startled and thrashing but Ranee's cold, scaly face calms you down. You can only chuckle at the merman's clingyness.

“You don't have to almost drown me if you want my attention every time, Ranee.”

He shakes his head as his tail coils around your legs. You shiver as you're pulled closer to his cold body. No way is he letting go. You worried the hell out of him! Making him think you were dead. Bad mate! He only hits the top of your head, scolding you in grumbles.

“Never allowed, fish sticks and fries.”

You were practically an expert in Ranee talk at this point. You came to understand that he was demanding you to stay and never leave him again for that long. As much as you wanted to comply with such a request, you were going to get sick again if you didn't get out of this cold water.

Begrudgingly did Ranee help you back onto your kayak and pushes you back to shore. When you're drying off on the dock, you tell him what happen and give him a better explanation of what happened.

You're now stuck on that dock, listening to Ranee talk about what he had done while you were gone. He gurgles at your praises when he told you he swam through the harbor all by himself.


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7 months ago


Of course, you can! He'd love to talk about your issues. He may be a bit insecure of his own, but please have patience with him, and he'll open up eventually. Just don't narc on him to his mom, she does not like his bad habits.

Also, if you do end up sharing a cigarette with him, he will go bonkers because of the indirect kiss. And you're using his favorite brand so you'll smell like him which is even more of a bonus in his eyes.

Just have him home by 8 because his little sister, Lylah, needs her big bro to read her her bedtime story!

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7 months ago
Harpy Hare Where Have You Buried All Your Children? || Yan Harpy Hare Hybrid X GN Reader

Harpy Hare Where Have You Buried all Your Children? || Yan Harpy Hare Hybrid x GN Reader

Characters: Helys

Summary: A creature in the forest that wants you

Warnings: Yandere themes, possessiveness, violence

a/n: Inspired by the song Harpy Hare by Yaelorke


Yan Harpy Hare who is a fabled creature within the forest. Much like other local myths, everyone is afraid of him. It hurts because all he wants is friends. He's been abandoned since a young age due to his overbearing mother. She's kind of the reason everyone fears the creature.

Yan Harpy Hare who is a hybrid of a harpy and a hare. His upper half his harpy, with feather scattering his arms and wings in between his forearms and sides, and his lower half behind hare legs. His nose is a hare nose too and his face is a mix of feathers and hare fur. He has the eye slits of a harpy too.

Yan Harpy Hare who stumbles upon a cottage far away from the towns. It looked overgrown but lived in. From the trees he was watching to see if anyone would enter or exit the worn down home. What he didn't expect was to lay eyes on the most stunning thing he has ever seen.

Yan Harpy Hare who sees you walking into your home with a basket full of berries and other assortments of food. Your eyes were like emeralds and your hair shone so bright. His harpy instincts were kicking in. He needed to put this shiny human in his collection.

Yan Harpy Hare who makes is new nest on the roof of your house. He was purposely loud about the construction too. He really wants to get your attention and what better way than making a racket when building his new home?

Yan Harpy Hare who looks at you like an owl would when you finally make eye contact with him. He's afraid when you give him the same wide eyes that the other humans have. What if you cast him out? What if you throw things at him like the other villages did? Oh great, now his feathers are all ruffled and poofed.

Yan Harpy Hare who is utterly shocked when you just give him a small wave and calm smile. You aren't bothered by his presence? This must be fate! His growing infatuation with you only gets worse. His nose twitches as he watches you walk back into the forest.

Yan Harpy Hare who obviously follows you. At first, he flies over the tree tops, but once the trees become too dense, he floats down and hops along the grass. He's really great at being quiet, but his rustling feathers give him away. He's just so excited to meet someone that finally accepts him!

Yan Harpy Hare who watches you pick more berries and other herbs. He chirps and helps you pick the freshest plants. He hears your giggles and his little hare nose twitches, his lips smiling so big that his cheeks hurt. The urge to place you in his nest only grows.

Yan Harpy Hare who thus becomes like a huge pet for you to take care of. He thumps his hare feet on the roof to get your attention and swoops down to fly you up to his next only to cuddle you within his feathers. You're his pretty shiny thing, and he does not want you to go.

Yan Harpy Hare who only lets you down from his nest when you need to eat or go do things. He follows you around all the time though. Always clings to you by holding your hand or arm. He nuzzles against your face while you work too because he loves your warmth.

Yan Harpy Hare who gets upset when you have to go to the human village. Please don't leave him! He can't go in due to ridicule, and he doesn't want you to see him as a monster. What's worse is the songs about him are always sung within the streets.

Yan Harpy Hare who anxiously waits for you to come back from your shopping and work at the edge of the forest. He can only think of the slander they're spreading about him. His mind also assaults him with thoughts of you being hurt and taken by another human.

Yan Harpy Hare who sees you coming back from the village and his dread increases when he hears you humming that damn song. The moment you're in arm's reach, he places a hand over your mouth to silent you. Please don't remind him of those cursed rumors!

Yan Harpy Hare who keeps his hand on your mouth no matter your muffled protest. You just end up giving up and walking back to your cottage with your mouth covered by his feathered hand. Don't worry! He'll make it up to you by carrying your basket for you.

Yan Harpy Hare who finally lets go of your mouth but just clings to instead. He follows you inside and tries to stop you from humming even a single note of that cursed song. By the 5th time he tries to stop you while you cook dinner he becomes pouty and goes into one of the corners in your home.

Yan Harpy Hare who sits like that for hours until you finish dinner and invite him to the table. Dinners together were something of habit with the two of you. He's all pouty while the two of you eat and makes whiny chirps. The noises only get more high-pitched and loud the more you ignore him.

Yan Harpy Hare who ends up finding out you like the song the village people sing because you relate a lot to being cast out and the overbearing parental figure. It also makes you think of him whenever you're away and that makes him a huge blushy mess. Before you can even finish dinner, he has you in a death grip hug and burying his face in your neck.

Yan Harpy Hare who moves away from the nest and into your home when winter comes around. He's usually alone during winter to hibernate, or flies south depending on his mood that year. But this year he has a warm home and warm food and a warm you to cuddle! You're part of his flock now, and you can not say no!

Yan Harpy Hare who takes care of you well during the winter months. You're not allowed outside in the snow, you could get sick! Don't worry he'll hunt for you and use what's left in your kitchen to make you food. Even though it's mostly mice and goop that is barely edible, he's trying the best he can!

Yan Harpy Hare who only wants the best for the human that had learned to accept him and have him as a companion. Don't ever leave him okay? He can't stand being alone again. Not after he was abandoned. Be kind to him and everything will be okay.


Do not repost or translate without my explicit permission! Reblogs are welcome!

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7 months ago

hiii i loved your cute yan bsf is there a part two? i am so obsessed 🫶🫶

Hiii I Loved Your Cute Yan Bsf Is There A Part Two? I Am So Obsessed

Cutey for you! PT. 2 | Yan Cute boy best friend x you

Characters: Jesse

Summary: Your cute best friend just adores you with all his heart. To the point it brings him to tears

Warnings: Yandere themes, possessiveness, violence, mention of self harm, angst

a/n: I can make a part 2! I've been planning this for a while but I wanted people to want it, yk? Also this will be very self projected. Bone is mentioned!

Pt. 1


Jesse couldn't understand it. Why couldn't you just stay with him? Why did you have to befriend that delinquent of all people! He's tried so hard to show you how he isn't worth your time or attention. Your best friend is! He's supposed to be your number one! You know that… And yet you chose to be with that stupid idiot!

Jesse can't take this! He can't be without you. His heart aches. He needs you so much. More than that delinquent that's taking you from him! There's more than just jealousy within his heart. There's more than rejection. There's so much more, and he has no one to tell because his best friend is with his rival! The person that is ruining his life!

He's scrolling through his phone, reading messages you had sent. He's deliberately ignoring you. He can't take it, and you need to know he's suffering. It's not like he can tell you, but that's not his fault! You should just know that when he's without you, he's suffering. Not only that but he's afraid. Afraid the moment he reaches out, you'll have moved on. Afraid that you'll reject him every time he wants to talk to you.

Laying in the dark, he's moved on to looking at photos of you. Some he took with you, some he took of you, and some were secret snapshots but let's not talk about those. He's fighting tears. Fighting them and losing. Misty eyed as he finds a video of you laughing with him and being silly with each other. He can't take this!

He checks his notification seeing you posted a new video on your social media. It's just like the video he saw with him and you, but this time it's with that delinquent. Jesse's whole world is tumbling down. Now he's stalking your account and that dumb delinquent's, finding every single post you are in together while tears stream down his cheeks.

He makes no sounds. No sobs. Only shuddered breaths and shaky shoulders. Throwing his phone across the room and cracking his screen, his mind becomes a dark place. One of nightmares that he has tried so hard to keep locked away from you. All his insecurities, fears, and intrusive thoughts swirl. Hyperventilating. Panic. Nothing is making sense.

He grabs a plushie of his. One you gave to him. One that reminds him of you. The scent of you is still on it. It soothes him barely, but the panic attack has settled. A single thought screams within his mind.

“You're being replaced.”

“You're not their favorite anymore.”

His brain is lying to him. It must be! You wouldn't just replace him. You've known him for years! You're his best friend and he's yours. Nothing can just shatter a bond like that.

“Shut up.... you don't know! They love me... I'm still they're favorite!”

Jesse whispers to himself. To the thoughts. A sound barely brings him back to his reality.

Your ringtone.

His favorite song now sounding sour. He doesn't want to take your calls. He doesn't care if you're panicking. He's suffering! He's sobbing into the plushie and holding it for dear life. He can't care for anything other than the irrational worries.

A part of him wishes you would break into his room and hold him, another part loathing the idea of you seeing him like this. It's so close. The blades are so close. He's surrounded by them. He can't help but think about it. He can't help but think about hurting himself. Would you notice how much pain he's in then?

Before Jesse can even think about reaching for any sharp object in his room, the darkness is shrouded in the light of an open door. You. The light surrounding you like an angel.

His body stiffens. Your warmth. It felt like a distant memory. When has he been held like this by you? Do you hug your new friend like this? No. That thought doesn't matter right now.

Only you matter. His crying quiets down. His body melts against yours. No words needed to be exchanged. All that was needed was your arms around his and your touch on his skin. In a matter of minutes he's calmed down.

Snores replaced the tears. Jesse fell asleep against you. Something he used to do when the two of you were kids. He's never going to miss this. You're his best friend. He loves you so much. And right now, all the nightmares were replaced with sweet dreams of the two of you together.


Do not repost or translate without my explicit permission! Reblogs are welcome!

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7 months ago

do you have any references on how some of these characters look? like detailed descriptions because I would like to draw them. If i do post them I will ofc ask you for permission and send them to you first

I do actually!!! All of these are pulled from Pinterest so if you know the creator then let me know so I can credit them properly!!!

Do You Have Any References On How Some Of These Characters Look? Like Detailed Descriptions Because I

Bone! (Yan Delinquent)

Do You Have Any References On How Some Of These Characters Look? Like Detailed Descriptions Because I

Jesse!! (Yan cute bestfriend)

Do You Have Any References On How Some Of These Characters Look? Like Detailed Descriptions Because I

Takehiko (Yan Yakuza boss)

Do You Have Any References On How Some Of These Characters Look? Like Detailed Descriptions Because I

Malakai (Yan Rich boy)

Do You Have Any References On How Some Of These Characters Look? Like Detailed Descriptions Because I

Ryland (Yan Celebrity)

Do You Have Any References On How Some Of These Characters Look? Like Detailed Descriptions Because I
Do You Have Any References On How Some Of These Characters Look? Like Detailed Descriptions Because I

Solaris (Yan fire dragon) left is his dragon form and right is his regular form. His skin in his human form is darker though.

Do You Have Any References On How Some Of These Characters Look? Like Detailed Descriptions Because I

Ranee but his skin is also purple and his eyes are a bright yellow. Think more on the lines of sea monster? Oh and he has sharp teeth too!!

Do You Have Any References On How Some Of These Characters Look? Like Detailed Descriptions Because I

As for helys the best way I can describe him is Howl's crow version from Howl's moving castle but with hare ears and hare hind legs. But his hair is a mix of black and brown. His skin color is pale and not covered in full feathers, only his arms and legs along with patches of hare fur

when i have more ocs posted I'll let you know what they look like!! And if anyone wants to make art of my ocs id be delighted!!

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7 months ago
Pancakes, Coffee, And Kisses || Yan Husband X GN Reader

Pancakes, Coffee, And Kisses || Yan Husband x GN Reader

Characters: Julian

Summary: Your Husband is a literal dream! Why is there blood on his coat?

Warnings: Yandere themes, possessiveness, violence

a/n: He has no rival, he's too clingy


Yan Husband who you met in a coffee shop some time ago. You two bonded over a shared favorite drink which turned into finding out you two had gone to the same school and even shared classes. This just pushes you two into a relationship and a short few years later, he's at the altar with you sharing wedding vows with you.

Yan Husband who made sure your wedding was extravagant. Nothing compares to his love for you so whatever you wanted for your wedding was a must! He had the money and his parents were more than willing to help him out. They adored you and were so happy to have you as a child-in-law. Their son was happier about having you as a spouse.

Yan Husband who plans the honeymoon perfectly. Your dream location. Your dream hotel. Your dream everything! Both the wedding and honeymoon were like dreams for you, and he couldn't have asked for more. Anything to make you happy. And it shows through all the hurtles he was going through for you.

Yan Husband who takes pictures of everything from both the wedding and honeymoon. He just wants to be reminded of the happiest moments of his life. All the pictures have been framed and cover a whole wall of the house you two live in together. The house was bought before you two got married.

Yan Husband who would rather be the working man while you stay home. Oh the image he has in his head. You in a cute little apron baking sweets for him while he comes home from a long day at work, de-stressing with the treats you made and you in his lap while he tells you about his day.

Yan Husband who would respect if you want to keep your job, but he makes it clear that he's jealous of your coworkers. He gets so mad when you come home late claiming you had a business project with someone else. Why can't you two work the same job within the same building?

Yan Husband who secretly wouldn't mind being the house husband. Vocally, he's adamant about being the stay at home caregiver but the thought of taking care of you the way a house husband would make him see hearts. However, he always wants to provide for you.

Yan Husband who pampers you every weekend no matter what. He has to make sure you're happy. When you aren't, he gets so scared. When you aren't happy then he isn't either. You don't realize how dependent he is on you to feel emotions.

Yan Husband who is on the fence about kids. He does want them albeit through pregnancy or adoptions (if you can't have kids), he doesn't care. His issue is that they would take away from the time you two have and consume more of your attention. He needs to be your number one priority.

Yan Husband who doesn't mind pets as much. They're just animals, there's no way you would love pets more than him! And he can stick pets into a room or outside with the excuse that the animal needed it, or they were being too much so he needed time away from them. Since the pet is out of the way for a bit, why don't you two cuddle?

Yan Husband who is a petty little shit whenever you make plans with other people. He pouts when you get home from a friend's night and just tells you to leave. It's clear you don't need him anymore! You have your good friends and drinking buddies.

Yan Husband who holds grudges against the people that take your attention away but controls his urges well because he's married to you! You're not going to cheat on him! You two are bonded till death do you part, and not even death will keep him away from you.

Yan Husband who requires constant reassurance that he's still enough for you. Even when he becomes tired and can't do the usual when he's with you, which is worshiping your entire being, that you still want to stay married to him. Just hold him close in bed and pamper him with affection.

Yan Husband who takes milestones very seriously. Date nights, birthdays, anniversaries, you name it, and it'll be all about you in an enchanting evening. Flowers and treats along with gifts. It's all for celebrating you! The love of his life!

Yan Husband who will spontaneously bring you flowers when he gets home. He always gives you a compliment that's flower related when he gives them to you. You're more lovely than the flowers he brought.

Yan Husband who spoils you with breakfast every morning. It's amazing if you two start your days at the same time and get home around the same time. It's like you two are in sync, and it furthers his belief that you two are soulmates.

Yan Husband who will push your family away from you by taking you to his parents and show how loving his family is with him. See? This is how a family should be! You don't need your family, you have him and your in-laws. You don't need anyone else.

Yan Husband who slowly gives in to his delusions the longer you two are married. He uses the wedding rings as a way to stake his claim on you. His name is engraved in your ring, and he got you a matching necklace. Anyone who walks by will see how loved you are.

Yan Husband who loves when your friends are jealous of him. He relishes in the fact that your friends see him as a loving husband and wish their partners were like him. It further proves that he's treating you so well, and you could have been with some loser.

Yan Husband who keeps tabs on you through your texts. It's a lot less suspicious since you're both married to each other. You trust him enough to go through your phone. In fact, you would think it's cute how he takes selfies of himself with your phone. It's his way of keeping others away when you show people your photos.

Yan Husband who would burn the world for you, his lovely spouse. Nothing is too much for him in his eyes. If it just brings even the smallest of smiles to your face then he'll do it. Anything you ask. Just love him forever, until you're both buried six feet down, and he can guarantee a happy life with you.


Do not repost or translate without my explicit permission! Reblogs are welcome!

Tags :
6 months ago
Cutey For You! | Yan Cute Boy Best Friend X You

Cutey for you! | Yan Cute boy best friend x you

Characters: Jesse

Summary: Your cute best friend just adores you with all his heart.

Warnings: Yandere themes, possessiveness, violence

a/n: This and Yakuza boss tied so

Cutey For You! | Yan Cute Boy Best Friend X You

Yan Cute Bestie who has known you since kindergarten. Your parents knew each other so it was only natural that the two of you would become best friends. You always made sure he wasn't alone during play time and recess

Yan Cute Bestie who makes sure that all your classes are the same during middle school and high school22. It doesn't matter if the electives he chose suck, as long as you're there with him.

Yan Cute Bestie plays up the cute factor to keep you around him, wanting you to pick him as a partner during projects and hanging out with lunch.

Yan Cute Bestie who pouts and act like a sad puppy when you decide to work alone. What do you mean you can handle things on your own? No you can't! You need him! He needs you!

Yan Cute Bestie gets pissed off when he sees you expanding the friend group. This was only meant to be a duo, not this amalgamation of strangers that he doesn't trust.

Yan Cute Bestie tries his best to make it clear to the group that you were off limits. When they try to bring it up to you, you play devil's advocate saying how you've known him for a long time, and he's just clingy.

Yan Cute Bestie gets you matching Sanrio hair clips when it's your birthday, using this as a way to stake his claim on you and show others that they could never have the synergy that he has with you.

Yan Cute Bestie who puffs his cheeks up whenever he's annoyed or jealous. You can't help but tease him and compare him to a puffer fish. Not that you would notice, but it makes his heart flutter when you do.

Yan Cute Bestie much like a puffer fish has his poisons and dangers. He takes down those who confess to you and whines to you mid-confession, making the other person uncomfortable.

Yan Cute Bestie clings to you even more when he sees how eye catching you've become to the other students. He glares at those who gaze at you for too long or seem to have their hands linger more than they should.

Yan Cute Bestie who has no need for stalking when he can just walk into your house whenever he wants because your parents trust him enough. He uses this as an advantage when he sees you talking to others

Yan Cute Bestie often brings up how nice it would be to have your parents as in laws and refers to them as such. Your parents are completely oblivious to the seriousness he carries with his words.

Yan Cute Bestie brings you to shopping malls and to wedding boutiques for "funnzies" and wants to take pictures with you in wedding attire. This is just him planning for a future wedding with you.

Yan Cute Bestie comforts you when you end up crying. Disney movie marathon with him to stop the tears and then gossiping with each other over popcorn as he does your nails.

Yan Cute Bestie is easily anxious when you two get invited to parties due to the friends you made. He wasn't necessarily invited but after some convincing he got his invite.

Yan Cute Bestie takes this chance at the party to tell everyone around him that he was your plus one, relishing the jealous eyes and the disbelief that such a cute boy like him could land someone like you.

Yan Cute Bestie whose heart ultimately shatters when he sees you with the school's delinquent. An uncomfortable new feeling bubbles up within him when he sees you being pinned to the wall by this asshole who thinks he can get his filthy hands on you.

Yan Cute Bestie cries to you a couple of days after the party, accusing you of cheating to your friend group and making them side with him. He doesn't even give you a chance to explain.

Yan Cute Bestie takes this opportunity to finally break you away from the friend group and make everyone around you question even talking to you.

Yan Cute Bestie thinks he's finally won you, but realizes that he'll need to put more effort in when he sees the same delinquent comforting you and offering some form of friendship.

Yan Cute Bestie is about to fight one of the most dangerous and feared guy in school just to keep you away from him. You're not meant to be anyone elses. He is who he is for you. He acted all innocent and cute for you.

Cutey For You! | Yan Cute Boy Best Friend X You

Do not repost or translate without my explicit permission! Reblogs are welcome!

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6 months ago
Welcome To The Coral Garden!

Welcome to the Coral Garden!

You can call me E or Powder! Here I focus on Ocs and Yandere ocs only! Due to the possible NSFW content on this blog it will be 18+.

I focus mostly on Male ocs. I will do Female ocs on ocassion. I ONLY do Male reader and Gender neutral reader.

Want to support me? Heres my kofi!

DNI X.🫧.X Request Rules X.🫧.X Masterlist X.🫧.X My Carrd X.🫧.X Main Blog

Requests: OPEN

Ask Box: OPEN

Commissions: OPEN! (More info on my carrd)

Tags :
5 months ago




🏢.Modern day Ocs!

💖. Jesse || Cute boy best friend: PT. 1 | PT. 2

🦴. Bone || Delinquent: PT. 1

🧸. Lylah || Friend's little sister: WIP

💵. Malakai || Toxic rich boy: PT. 1

🌊. Ranee || Confused Merman: PT. 1 | PT. 2

🔪.Takehiko || Yakuza sugar daddy: PT. 1

⭐. Ryland || Scummy celebrity: PT. 1


☕. Julian || Too perfect Husband: : PT. 1




👾. Cyberpunk ocs




Diner owner


City Grown

Badlands Grown


👑. Switched Disney OCs

💤. Rory || Genderbent Sleeping Beauty: WIP

🐠. Adrien || Genderbent Little Mermaid: WIP

🍂. Aksel || Genderbent Anna: WIP

🐻. Murray || Genderbent Merida: WIP

🌹. Beau || Genderbent Beauty: WIP

🐉. Ping || Genderbent Mulan: WIP

🐭. Elias || Genderbent Cinderella: WIP

❄️. Ezra || Genderbent Elsa: WIP

🐯. Jalal || Genderbent Jasmine: WIP

🍎. Micah || Genderbent Snow White: WIP

🎨. Rhys || Genderbent Rapunzel: WIP


💍. Husbands through the decades



💻.Futuristic Ocs


Robot Society


💪. Hero Society Ocs



🪄.Mythical Ocs!

🪶.Helys || Shy Harpy Hare: PT. 1

Tiny Fairy

Fairy Hive





🪶.Hybrid Ocs!

Butterfly Hybrid

Moth Hybrid

Buck Hybrid

Deerling Hybrid

Moose Hybrid

Wolf Hybrid

Harpy Hybrid

Hare Hybrid

Bunny Hybrid

Fox Hybrid


📖.Cealieor Realm!

The Gods

God of Life

God of Death

God of Seas

Goddess of Earth

God of the Skies

God of Sun

God of the Moon

Goddess of the stars

God of Love

God of War

Goddess of Knowledge

Goddess of Dragons

Goddess of Elves

Goddess of Fairies

Goddess of Humanity

God of Winter

Goddess of Fall

God of Summer

Goddess of Spring

The 7 Princes

Prince of the North

Prince of the South

Prince of the West

Prince of the East

Prince of the Central

Prince of the Sea

Prince of the Sky

Dragon Realm:

🔥. Solaris || Yan Fire Dragon: PT. 1

💨. Yandere Wind Dragon: WIP

Earth Dragon

Rock Dragon

Lava Dragon

Water Dragon

Ice Dragon

Fairy Realm:

Ice Fairy

Water Fairy

Fire Fairy

Nature Fairy

Dark Fairy

Light Fairy

Wind Fairy

Earth Fairy

Elf Realm

Normal Elf

Ice Elf

Water Elf

Fire Elf

Nature Elf

Earth Elf

Dragon Elf


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5 months ago

Hey all!! Just a reminder that all my ocs will now be posted on @secretcoralgarden !!

I might not be active much on this blog for a while because I'm fixated on my ocs and their ideas and creating more original work than I am on creating fan fiction.

This blog (my main blog) will remain active and asks will remain open here and I will on occasion post here. But it will be a lot slower than my oc work.

My main priority when it comes to posting on mermaidfanficlibrary will be what is stored in my drafts and then going onto answering newer asks and requests.

But if you have anything regarding my ocs please go to secretcoralgarden instead of here.

Thank you all for the support!!

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5 months ago

Just in case you missed it!!

Once Upon A Dream || Yan GB Sleeping Beauty X GN Reader

Once upon a Dream || Yan GB Sleeping Beauty x GN Reader

Characters: Rory

Summary: A cursed prince with no social know how

Warnings: Yandere themes, possessiveness


Yan GB Sleeping Beauty who first met you when the King and Queen were celebrating his birth. A christening. You were very young, but you barely remember it in your current days. You do, however, remember the Dark Fairy Queen that had placed a curse onto this enchanting newborn as revenge against the King who had wronged her.

Yan GB Sleeping Beauty who ends up being kept away in a hidden cottage in the forest with the three good fairies as his protectors. All throughout his life, he grew up without knowing of his royal prestige. He found great comfort in the forest and the little critters within it. He did wander quite a lot when he had finished his chores.

Yan GB Sleeping Beauty who grows up beautifully and full of kindness for everyone and everything around him. He has an ethereal aura around him, and he handles everything with great care. It would make anyone who saw swoon. However, he has a lack of social interaction due to living deep in the woods and the only people around him are his caretakers.

Yan GB Sleeping Beauty who memorizes the forest from just exploring in his free time. He knows where the best berries, fruit, and wild vegetables are. Along with the best wild flowers grow. It was an average day when he found a scared, lost horse with a saddle on it. He approached the horse with a calm, steady hand in front of him. He placed the hand on the horse's face and tried his best to soothe it.

Yan GB Sleeping Beauty who follows the now calmed horse to a clear field of grass and wild flowers. There was also a clear view of the castle that was in the distance. His “aunties” had told him stories about the castle and the King. They also told him stories about the villages that surrounded the kingdom. He was so caught up in watching the castle, he didn't hear or notice the rustling behind him.

Yan GB Sleeping Beauty who becomes startled when he sees you running toward the horse. You looked soaked, and your clothes stuck to your skin in all the right places. He was flustered by not another human in the forest, but by the fact that you looked so enchanting. He remained silent as he watched you fuss over your horse. The care for your animal is very clear to him.

Yan GB Sleeping Beauty who is brought out of his trance when you walk up to him with your horse following you. You were so sweet when you thanked him for watching your horse as well as calming the horse down. You go on to explain you were bucked off your horse because they were spooked. Your voice when you spoke to him was so soft. His heart was fluttering. He wanted you to stay so he could hear your voice more and to befriend you.

Yan GB Sleeping Beauty who finds himself missing you over the next few days. Even when he's asleep he has dreams of you, as if he has met you some time before. There was so much longing in his heart. This is so different for him. He was acting so much out of character that even his “aunties” took notice. Rory would go out for long hours and not come home till the sun had set. What was he doing? They were worried that the Dark Fairy Queen would find him, but they couldn't share their concerns with him.

Yan GB Sleeping Beauty who becomes so excited when he sees a familiar horse. He runs up to you, his face all aglow from excitement. He starts to gush about missing you. He doesn't know how to converse with another person, but he's trying. He's all blushy in front of you. He helps you off your horse with a gentle hand. Even touching you is awkward. He keeps a hold of your hand and drags you through the forest. He talks so much about his knowledge of the forest he's lived in all his life in hopes that you would be impressed.

Yan GB Sleeping Beauty who ends up ranting to you about his interests. He shares things he remembers from his childhood, funny stories that involved his “aunties”. He didn't know when or how to stop. He just spilled everything to you. But to his joy, you were listening with a smile. He wanted so badly for his “aunties” to meet you. However, whenever he seemed to bring up this enchanting stranger in conversations, they would show so much hesitance. It didn't matter anyway. He was happy to just spend time with you.

Yan GB Sleeping Beauty who asks you a bunch of questions about the village and the castle of the kingdom. You tell him the stories of a prince that was cursed when you were younger. You don't remember the name of the prince, but you're glad to share it as best as you remember. You also tell him that you're not from this kingdom but a different one. You entertain him with stories about your kingdom and what it was like. He is so happy to listen.

Yan GB Sleeping Beauty who becomes very upset when you disappear for a couple of months. He feels completely betrayed that he's left alone just to wait for you to come back. Well, hope for you to come back. His “aunties” share with him that you were most likely visiting from another kingdom. He cries and begs for you to come back. He was acting as if you died. Those were very long weeks for everyone within the cabin.

Yan GB Sleeping Beauty who has his animal friends of the forest help him feel better while you're away. This usually entailed dancing with Rory and listening to his fantasies about you. He also had an increase of dreams about you. They were usually the same thing. You would come find him and whisk him away to your kingdom where the two of you lived together and had a family of your own. He acted very much like a love sick fool. Sometimes the Dark Fairy Queen's crow would take notice when he was watching over the boy.

Yan GB Sleeping Beauty who is so happy when you come back to him after a few more months of your absence. You apologizes profusely about leaving so suddenly without giving him a goodbye. Rory was so grateful that you cared about his feelings this much. He forgives you with a tight hug. What shocked him the most was that his "aunties" were right. You were just visiting. But what made his mind explode the most was that you were visiting the King and Queen. He hoped that the prince you had told him about didn't take you from him.

Yan GB Sleeping Beauty who clings to you even more now that you're back. He gives you updates that he thought you would find important. Little things that happened in his daily life. He shared his overwhelming longing for you to come back and the dreams he had of you. It bothered him so much that you couldn't see him everyday. Like when you did when you were visiting. That's when his eyes lit up when an idea popped into his head.

Yan GB Sleeping Beauty who decides that he'll go with you the next time you leave to go home. He declares it out loud for all to hear within the forest. He doesn't give you any chance to argue. He runs immediately after his declaration to share his decision with his “aunties”. He skips to his secret cottage, not taking any notice of the pair of eyes with wings that follow him.

Yan GB Sleeping Beauty who becomes utterly distraught when his “aunties” deny him to let him leave. They were very adamant about not letting him leave with a stranger. They never met you and they couldn't take any chances. He becomes so upset that he runs out the cabin and declares that he would run away with you. He runs through the forest to try to find you.

Yan GB Sleeping Beauty who finds you in a secluded lake alone. You looked just as enchanting as he did when you two first met. You were watching the ducks swim around. You must have tried to find him, but got lost along the way. However, his eyes scan over you and his face falls. You were surrounded by crows. There was one large crow that was much bigger than the rest perched on your shoulder.

Yan GB Sleeping Beauty who can't help but find the scene unsettling. When all the crows turn to look at him his back shivers. You follow the crows' gazes to see your blonde haired friend standing not too far away. He fights against the unnerving feeling and runs to you. The crows let out a deathly caw as they're scared away into the tree tops. He throws his arms around you, hugging you as tight as possible. He sobs against your chest.

Yan GB Sleeping Beauty who startles you with his change of moods. He was just so happy moments ago and ow he's this sobbing mess that has a deathly grip on your body. He was so cheery and was planning to leave with you, even if you didn't agree. He hiccups between his words as he tries his best to explain to you how his “aunties” don't want him to leave with you. However, he twists the story to make it seem like his “aunties” were the villains. This was all in hopes of you agreeing with him. You don't though, and he hates you for it.

Yan GB Sleeping Beauty who sees you leave the forest once more. He hates how you have to go partake in some royal's birthday when his is tomorrow. Why couldn't you have stayed for him? As he watches, his eyes never leave your figure. Tears well, and he slowly makes his way back to the cabin with his “aunties”. There they tell him that he's actually a prince. The fairies tell him of his true past and the curse that was placed upon him. The more he's told the more his trust breaks. By nighttime, he's in a carriage to the castle.

Yan GB Sleeping Beauty who is embraced with open arms by his actual royal parents. He's pushed into his birthday party with such suddenness. Frazzled, he tries to go about interacting with others, but there are voices in the back of his head. Voices that lead him through the castle, ending up in a secluded room where one spinning wheel stands. He reaches for the spindle, pricking his finger on its sharpness. There his eternal slumber commences. When he is found by father, he shrieks and brings him back to his royal chambers. The three good fairies make everyone within the castle fall asleep alongside their prince before they rush out to go find you.

Yan GB Sleeping Beauty who is asleep all the while you fight for him. He's awake just from your touch on his hand. The amount of love he holds for you is immense. He doesn't care how long he was asleep. You're here, and you're the one who saved him. Everyone else has awoken, and they go through with the party in honor of the prince. Rory tells everyone there that you saved him. All the guests go about singing your praises.

Yan GB Sleeping Beauty who is finally happy. Back at home with his actual family, and he can be with the love of his life without worry. The transition from being in a cottage to being a prince has been hard. He doesn't understand how the nobles interactions go, but he has you to help guide him. While looking for you, however, he saw you in the royal garden in an all too familiar scene. You with crows all around you, and one large crow perched on your forearm.


Property of @secretcoralgarden! Do not repost or translate without my explicit permission! Reblogs are welcome!

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5 months ago
Part Of Your World || Yan GB Little Mermaid X GN Reader

Part of Your World || Yan GB Little Mermaid x GN Reader

Characters: Adrien

Summary: A Merman who's just curious and wants to be yours

Warnings: Yandere themes, possessiveness


Yan GB Little Mermaid who is obviously the youngest merman prince of Atlantica amongst his six older brothers. He is the pride and joy of Queen Tritania, with his enchanting beauty and melodic singing voice. He would be titled the best singer in Sebastian's choir if he ever showed up to the practices and concerts. His aloof nature keeps him plenty distracted to ever participate in things that happen around the kingdom.

Yan GB Little Mermaid who collects trinkets from ship wrecks especially anything that was shiny. He absolutely adores the treasures left behind by the humans. His seagull friend tries to tell him what things are, but nothing the bird brain ever says is accurate. It doesn't matter to Adrien though. As long as something he's found has a name and an explanation for its use then he doesn't mind.

Yan GB Little Mermaid whose wonder for humans is endless like the sea's horizon. Even his secret treasure trove of abandoned human items could encompass this boundless curiosity he harbors. Even when his mother finds out about his surface visits, ending up with him being banned from ever doing such things in the future, he couldn't be stopped.

Yan GB Little Mermaid who finds you one night when you were on a ship with pirates who he assumed were your friends. His same seagull friend had pointed you out of the group. Seeing you dance around and the music being played was enchanting. Your smile was infectious and put him into a daydream like state. Maybe if he sang, you would be just as enchanted by him.

Yan GB Little Mermaid who finds himself getting caught up in a small fantasy of him impressing you with his voice that he's been praised for endlessly. The very voice that was the pride of the very Queen of the Sea. He is so stuck in his daydreaming that he doesn't notice or hear the loud splash of something entering the deep ocean.

Yan GB Little Mermaid who realizes that you're not on the ship anymore. He looks around frantically, wondering if you were just a hallucination he made up. But when he sees bubbles rising up to the top of the sea, he knows exactly where you are. His heart drops, and he frantically dives under the water to swim after you. He tries his best to bring you up to the surface as quick as possible so you don't drown. The whole night he's focused on you and swimming you back to the closest beach he knows. Which happens to be the beach of your kingdom. Your palace is sat on the seaside cliff off in the distance.

Yan GB Little Mermaid who admires your beauty as you're unconscious on the warm sand. His fish friend, Flounder, and Sebastian watch with great caution. His seagull friend, Scuttle, also joins as he tries to assess if you're still alive or not. Adrien watches you with amazement. He's always wanted to be close to a human. He's never seen one as beautiful as you, and he saved you. He's in love with you.

Yan GB Little Mermaid who brings a gentle hand to brush back your wet locks. He opens his mouth and starts to sing sweetly. You blink slowly, and you think you see a man in front of you with vibrant red hair singing to you. As Adrien sees that you're waking up he hurries off back into the ocean, leaving you confused. As you arise, you look out at the large ocean in front of you. You were humming the tune that you had awoken too. In your mind, you thought the song was sung to you by angels. Little did you know the merman that saved you was all giddy that you were humming his song.

Yan GB Little Mermaid who becomes love struck and lovesick all at the same time. All he can think about is you. All his dreams involve you. He swims around everywhere with a half lidded dreamy look. His brothers immediately caught on to what was wrong with him. Adrien was always humming to himself with a dazed look. When Queen Tritania see's her youngest son acting like this she becomes worried. His brothers had to explain that Adrien was in love.

Yan GB Little Mermaid whose fish friend helps with Adrien's infatuation with you by finding things that you had drunkenly dropped over board when you were partying with your pirate friends. How did the two know that these objects were yours? Your initials, or last name, were carved into everything. It was mostly due to your boredom. He handles everything with care and has a special spot in his secret cavern for all your items.

Yan GB Little Mermaid who becomes even more absent from his duties and events than before. He's too busy swimming up to the beach in hopes of catching even just a glimpse of you. If you aren't there, he'd just rat to Flounder about things he wanted to do with you.

Yan GB Little Mermaid whose mother tries to use Sebastian as a babysitter for her youngest. Sebastian tries his best but Adrien avoids and evades the old crab way too well. It doesn't take Sebastian long to discover the merman's secret human treasure trove, however. Adrien catches the crab and has him swear to secrecy not to tell his mother.

Yan GB Little Mermaid who has a huge fight with his mother once she found out about his human obsession. She had thought she told him not to go to the surface anymore but of course Adrien didn't listen. Even when his brothers heard the fight going on they did nothing to intervene lest they face the wrath of Queen Tritania. Angry, Adrien swam out of the palace with his mind full of upset thoughts. Luckily, the Sea Witch's trusted pets saw and decided to “help” this poor unfortunate soul.

Yan GB Little Mermaid who is ignorant as he is led to the Sea Witch's liar. The eels promise him that the Sea Witch will make all his fantasies and dreams come true. Adrien is so excited, he doesn't realize that he's being followed by Flounder and Sebastian. Once Adrien is approached by the Sea Witch, he is offered quite a deal. A pair of human legs in exchange for his beloved voice. He is very quick to agree, he doesn't even take into consideration the consequences.

Yan GB Little Mermaid who is so happy and excited abuot the possibility of meeting you properly that he completely forgets that he doesn't have his gills anymore. Sebastian and Flounder are quick to help Adrien swim up to the surface so he can breath. He ends up washing up on the very beach he met you on. He sat on the sand, naked. Scuttle flies up, noticing the familair red head. The seagull helps give Adrien some advice and helps dress him in a torn sail.

Yan GB Little Mermaid who sees you running along the beach. He's so excited he practically runs to tackle you ina hug. You're startled by the sudden contact, but the familair red hair catches you offgaurd. Vague memories of the day you were saved from drowning resurface in your mind. You help him off the sandy ground and offer to take him to your castle, thinking he was a victim of a shipwreck nearby. He nods excitedly and takes your hand. Sebastian decides to go with Adrien by riding on his shoulder.

Yan GB Little Mermaid who is so grateful that you're being so kind to him. The maids give him a bath which is so fun. He didn't know humans could make artificial bubbles. He was also so flustered when the maids give him clothes you used to wear. He shows Sebastian with a huge smile on his face. At dinner, Adrien is quick to take a seat next to you and flaunts the clothes he's wearing to you.

Yan GB Little Mermaid who clings to your arm as you try to eat. He's so fascinated by all the familiar items he had found in shipwrecks. He wonders if you'd be fascinated by his treasure trove. He reaches for his fork and starts to brush his hair with it like he had been taught by Scuttle before. He pauses when he hears your laughter. He felt so embarrassed that you were laughing at him. He was going to stop but much to his excitement you started to copy him. He's so happy. Please let him brush your hair, it's like a dream come true to him. He foes to bed so happy that he completely forgets the curse.

Yan GB Little Mermaid who spends the next day with you. He clings to you and tries to quell his jealousy when other people look at you or even try to talk to you. He chases them off with a glare, however. You take him to a secret river that had a wooden row boat. It was a private boat ride with just the two of you. You row him to a private cove hidden by the leaves of a huge willow tree. Here you learn his name from an unknown whisper in your ear. Then you slowly start to talk about things you liked. He so badly wants to respond. All he can do is nod. When the two of you are knocked over, you're quick to scoop him into your arm and carry him out of the cove.

Yan GB Little Mermaid who's all blushy when you two get back to the castle. You carry him to his room, dried him off with this fluffy thing called a towel, got him new clothes you commissioned just for him, and offered to stay with him for the night. He felt so special as you personally cared for him rather than sending the maids too. He fell even harder. You two ended up cuddling that night. He only had one more day to kiss you.

Yan GB Little Mermaid who tries his best on the final day to woo you and get you to kiss him. He needs you too so he can be with you forever. So he can be a human forever. He dresses all cute. Well he tries. He follows you around all day, clinging onto your arm and refusing to let go whenever you ask him too. It ends up working in his favor really well because you do end up giving him a small peck on his lips. You told him it was a reward for his help that day.

Yan GB Little Mermaid who becomes all flustered and lets out a verbal squeak which makes you startled. So he can talk? He's so happy that he got his voice back and can finally tell you EVERYTHING! He starts with how he saved you and that he was a merman that was cursed into being a human with a deal. He played into the damsel in distress bit hard!

Yan GB Little Mermaid who ends up staying with you after his huge confession. He's just a roommate now. He didn't quite understand the concept, and he desperately wanted to marry you right away, but you had a desire to build a meaningful relationship with him. It confused Adrien so much. It also had upset him. No matter how hard he tried to push, you were firm in your boundary. He reluctantly accepted your terms. He wanted to understand human customs and this was a good way in doing so. That's what he told himself.

Yan GB Little Mermaid who sees you with another man. He doesn't know why but this man is so familiar to him. And he's just as helpless as Adrien was when he first became human. He watched as your hands held the arms of this filthy stranger. It should be his arms that you're holding on too. That's when it hits him. He knows this man! He won't let this stupid Sea Witch ruin his promised happily ever after with you.


Property of @secretcoralgarden! Do not repost or translate without my explicit permission! Reblogs are welcome!

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5 months ago
A Dream Is A Wish Your Heart Makes || Yan GB Cinderella X GN Reader

A Dream is A Wish Your Heart Makes || Yan GB Cinderella x GN Reader

Characters: Elias

Summary: Even if you're a royal, you're his only human friend

Warnings: Yandere themes, possessiveness, abusive family


Yan GB Cinderella who is stuck living with his abusive stepfather and stepbrothers. His father had died when he was a child and his mother had remarried this vile man and even more vile brothers. She had died only two years after in a tragic carriage accident. They had him work as a made, gave him the old attic room in the west tower of the mansion, and never allowed him to eat with them at the table. All he had was the grief of his dead mother and father, the memories of a good family, and his mouse friends.

Yan GB Cinderella who cleans all the messes, makes the meals, does the laundry, takes care of all the farm animals, and everything else in between. He never gets a break and rises with the clock tower in the distance that was a part of the grand palace. And when he does find some little time to himself, he's busy making small clothes for his mice friends. The only thing to carry him are his mice friends, his dog, and the dreams and wishes he holds close to his heart.

Yan GB Cinderella who goes out one day for the shopping and bumps into a cloaked stranger. This stranger apologizes and so much more. They had picked up the items he had dropped when he was startled. Elias was being shown more kindness in this one moment than he was used too in the span of five minutes. This cloaked stranger then rides off into the forest with a very expensive, purebred looking horse.

Yan GB Cinderella who felt inclined to follow this stranger. He wanted to give his thanks for this stranger's kindness. He found the horse, and it's rider sitting not too far away. It's the royal child of the kingdom. Even with the stranger's identity being found, he goes up to you. He bows his head and thanks you with a gentle tone of voice. Thus starting your lovely friendship with him.

Yan GB Cinderella who is captivated by how sweet you are. Compared to the rumors his family had shared during morning gossip were untrue. Well most were. There was only one clear thing about you. You were gorgeous. The only thing on his mind as you two chatted was how you handled thing with a gentle care. He simply watched with a gentle gaze and eyes filled with wonder.

Yan GB Cinderella who was shocked when you say you want to meet him again. You? The heir of the royal throne? He's so utterly thrilled that someone actually wants him around. From then on, he meets you in the same spot almost every day. Some days his evil Stepfather keeps him busy. He hates to leave you waiting like that. He makes it up to you by bringing you some homemade pastries.

Yan GB Cinderella who got to know you more, and he realizes you share similar burdens. He also becomes more touchy with you. He loves hugging you. He comes to learn, however, that your father is holding a ball for you to find a spouse. His heart drops when it's announced in the village during his shopping. Everyone else in the kingdom is invited to attend, most likely due to your everlasting kindness.

Yan GB Cinderella who is delighted that he'll get to see you in a social setting as big as a ball! When he shares with his stepfamily he's all giddy. It was very noticeable to his stepfather. He's all giddy and brighter than they've seen. His hopes become toned down when his stepfather told him he would need to finish all his normal chores first and getting new suits for his family and he'll “consider” it. Elias does what he's told, disappointed as time goes on. At this rate he won't find any time to mend his father's old suit. Well his mice friends take it upon themselves so they mend it for him. Elias words hard to get everything done and helps his stepbrothers get ready. The way they talked about you makes him so frustrated.

Yan GB Cinderella who finally accepts that he won't have any time to make his outfit for the ball. His voice is full of dejection when he shares with his stepfather that he won't be going. His stepbrothers snicker in the next door room. As he stared out the window of his attic room, his eyes on the castle. He knew you were there, probably having so much fun without him. The candles in his room suddenly were lit and he turned. His eyes widened as his old suit was perfectly mended. He wasted no time putting it on and rushed downstairs to show his family. He was so giddy as he showed off. His face fell when he saw his stepfather's face.

Yan GB Cinderella whose stepbrothers are enraged when they take notice of what was used on his suit. Elias had things that were theirs. Sure the two had thrown them out, but that didn't give Elias the right to take them. Once Lord Tremaine had calmed the two brothers down, Elias' suit was torn and ruined. The poor boy ran out into the garden in tears with his mice friends following secretly behind.

Yan GB Cinderella who spoke to the air while he cried. He apologized to his father. To his mother. He was trying so hard to remain kind and hopeful. He was so caught up in his tears, he didn't register the gentle hand on his head. He looked up with wide eyes. It was something out of a dream. Out of his dreams. The person claimed to be his fairy godfather. He didn't know why, but he felt so calmed by this stranger. He was quick to share his sadness. His problems.

Yan GB Cinderella whose fairy godfather consoles him with a gentle smile. Elias watches in awe as this magical being does his work His mice friends are turned into horses. His horse is turned into a coachman. His dog is turned into a footman. The most jaw dropping point is when a pumpkin is turned into a carriage. He's so excited he doesn't realize eh's still in the torn rags. His fairy godfather, however, notices and changes the rags into a beautiful blue suit with glass shoes. He finally felt beautiful. He leaves as his fairy godfather told him that the spell breaks at midnight.

Yan GB Cinderella who was the last to enter the ballroom. His name and title aren't even introduced. You waste no time to meet him on the ballroom floor. Your father watches with wide eyes as you walk past the princess you were being introduced too by the Grand Duke. Elias was so jumpy when you greet him. You look so regal. He's never seen you like this before. In this environment.

Yan GB Cinderella who takes your hand and starts the first dance of the evening. He tries not to be anxious. Or let his anxiety show. The stares of everyone around him gave his stomach butterflies. They were watching him be with you. Him being chosen by you. He keeps his eyes on yours. Your steps are so graceful. He doesn't notice his stepbrothers were watching in envy. He doesn't notice much. He's so lost in your eyes.

Yan GB Cinderella who dances gracefully for his first waltz. It helped that you're so paitent with him. Your hand was carefully placed carefully on his waist. You're so delicate with him. He loves it. He loves dancing with you. He loves you. You two end up dancing into the gardens, escapping the prying eyes of the guests. He's just with you. Exactly what he's been wanting for forever.

Yan GB Cinderella who breaks out of his daydream trance when you two are in the royal garden. He's delighted that you're showing him around. Sharing your favorite flowers. Just hearing you talk made his heart so happy. He'd rather have you talk than dance around in front of a bunch of strangers. He felt comfortable with you. You lead him through the garden like you had done with the dance. He's so engrosed in spending time with you, he nearly forgets the spell. Nearly forgets that it's almost midnight.

Yan GB Cinderella who hears the all to familiar bell toll. The bell that always woke him from his dreams. Like right now. He remembers the spell and rushes out of the castle. He runs as fast as his feet could carry him. You rush after him, wanting him to enoy the bal more with you. The Grand Duke sees the boy runn off. He joins in the chase. Elias was quick down the stairs. He didn't notice that the glass shoe fell off his foot.

Yan GB Cinderella who forgot to tell you it was him. The boy from the forest. The boy that you had befriended over the last few months. As he walks the rest of the way home, the king's knights run after where they had thought he went. He had the other glass slipper so he held hope in his heart. The hope that you'd find him. That you'd ask him to dance with you once more. The hope that you would take him away from the abusive household he's been trapped in. Hope that you'd connect the dots and figure out that it was really him. He helps his animal friends get home safe and sound before his stepfamily gets home.

Yan GB Cinderella who daydreams about the dance with you. His stepbrothers noticed his hazy look in Elias's eyes. They didn't give it much thought, however, when Lord Tremaine came with news that the king is looking for the boy that had danced with his child. The stepbrothers were so excited. They wasted no time in getting ready. Neither did Elias.

Yan GB Cinderella who tries his best to be discrete. His mannerisms changed. That much was noticeable to his stepfather. Elias was caught when he was humming the tune you and him had danced too. Hr was dancing around the attic space as if he was right back in that moment with you. His mice and bird friends watched with joy. That joy was snatched away when Lord Tremaine locked him in the room.

Yan GB Cinderella who begs to be let out of the attic room. He sobs to his animal friends as they watch his woes. They make quick work of trying to free him. Two mice run down the stairs and through the door cracks to get the key from the evil man. As the animals break apart to set their plans in motion, he is drowned in tears. He just wants to be with you. He just wants to be happy.

Yan GB Cinderella who, even tired with tear stains on his cheeks, still holds onto the hope that he'll be set free. As he gently cradles the other glass slipper, the mice, and birds bring him the key. He shoots up and fumbles with the key. Eventually he unlocks the door, bolting out of the room and down the seven flight of stairs. Placed delicately in his pocket is the other glass slipper.

Yan GB Cinderella who sees you trying to take the slipper away from one of his stepbrothers. He tackles you into a tight hug, sobbing against your shoulder. His stepfamily and the Grand Duke were both shocked by his sudden appearance. You calm him down like you always do. It was something you were amazing at doing. You helped him into a seat, get down on one knee and slide the glass shoe onto him. It fits and the moment it's on he falls onto you, giving you a kiss.

Yan GB Cinderella who is so happy that he's finally out of the abusive home he grew so used too. He can finally be happy. Happy with you. The royal wedding was large, all his animal friends were invited, and, best of all, you were right there with him. You let his animals move into the palace stables and gardens. He finally has his happy ending and the love of his life by his side. Nothing will ever take this away from him.


Property of @secretcoralgarden! Do not repost or translate without my explicit permission! Reblogs are welcome!

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