destinys-dragon - Hey! I write Stuff!
Hey! I write Stuff!

My Names Destiny I'm 21+ but you can call me Des or Dessy! Feel free to submit any questions or asks!Currently working on: Hermitcraft / Life Series

85 posts

On Borrowed Time

On Borrowed Time

Warnings: Remus, Swearing, Fear, Captured Side(s), calling someone an “It”,

Gift For: @sanderssidesthehouse for @secret-sanders-sized 2019 Event

Cast: Roman, Remus, Dee, Logan, Virgil (mentioned)

Ships: Brotherly Creatwins (Roman & Remus), Brotherly Logan, Dee, and Virgil

Words: 1382

Notes at the end

Logan was always careful, always. He was cautious and refused to get caught or seen. It would be disastrous, not only for himself, but for his family as well. The only thing worse than himself getting caught, was one of the other’s getting caught.

Sadly, that seemed to be the case today. He knew he should have told Dee to stay inside today. He had a gut feeling and ignored it because he believed in his brains and facts telling him everything was gonna be okay. It wasn’t okay, far from it actually.

He watched helplessly as the bean, the green one went to poke and prod at his Dee. He wanted to step in and yell at the wicked one to stop it, leave him alone! But his legs were frozen to the floor and yet so shaky that he almost fell over.

He had never truly been afraid before this. Sure, there were close calls, very, very close calls, but that was it. Just close calls, as in none of them had been seen or caught. That is, until today. Today, on Christmas. Of all days, Of all days.

“Are you sure Dad didn’t get us this shit for Christmas? It’s so little and fucking weird it’s totally something he would get us.”

“I’m sure, and watch your mouth, Remus! You know how Mama hates it when we curse!”

“Fuck it! I’m old enough and I can do what I want. Besides that, they aren’t here right now, Prissy bitch,” the green one, now known as Remus, responded, adding a dramatic eye roll.

“Still Remus! You need to mind your mouth! Now, what are we gonna do with it?”

“Keep it?”

No, No Logan didn’t want that. He felt himself wanting to act and flee all at once. He wanted to cry and scream and beg them to give him back. Give back his family and leave him alone. He told Virgil he would bring Dee back, he promised them. He promised.

“Well duh, why would we let it go? Maybe we could ask Dad when he and Mama get back,” the red one offered, shrugging. “He probably knows what this is if he got it for us.”

“God, you ruin everything Roman. Like, every fucking thing,” Remus huffed, pushing the cage around. Logan could hear Dee screaming and crying from his position on the highest shelf in the room, watching Dee trying to hold onto something so he wouldn’t be thrown around.

Logan felt sick and gross, feeling powerless yet powerful in this situation. He could walk out and save Dee or offer himself in his place, but he was a coward. He could feel his inner thoughts taunting him.




What a horrible big brother you are.

“I do not! You ruin everything you chaotic fuck!” Roman snarled, before his face paled. He went to say something, but Remus cackled loudly. Dee covered his ears, curling up and crying softly. Logan’s little snake had always been sensitive to loud noises, and now he was right next to one of the loudest things alive.

“I’m telling Mom! I’m telling Mom! She is gonna be so ashamed of you! I mean, she already is, but still! At least she will be proud of me for finding this thing! Do you think it’s the same thing that has been stealing bread?”

“Don’t tell her you psycho! And I don’t know, I mean, what would one little thing need with all that food?” Roman asked, opening the top of the cage and petting Dee. He ignored the cries and whimpers getting louder, focusing on Remus. “What would something so small need all that food for?”

“Maybe it was trying to feed and befriend my rats to create a little army!” Remus squealed, shaking the cage. “Were you trying to make an army out of my babies!?” He cried, his green eyes filled with fury.

Dee shook his head quickly, scrambling back and away from both brothers. Logan watched him, wanting to walk out and save him. He felt tears filling his eyes because of the overwhelming emotions filling him.

“Oh gods Remus, leave it alone! It’s terrified and those beasts of yours only take orders from you.”

“Nuh uh! Dad likes to play with Trashheap sometimes! He says that my baby is cute!” Remus whined, stomping his foot. “And I only have three and they are perfect angels!”

“They are menaces to society! How dare you call them precious! They are horrid and smelly and disgusting!” Roman huffed, before he screamed as Remus tackled him.

And they were fighting. Logan resisted the urge to roll his eyes and he realized this was his chance. He started to walk forward, before he heard the door crack open. It was their Dad. He scooted back, looking at the man’s sunglasses that made his annoyed stare look even darker and more ominous.

“Boys, what have I told you about fighting? Especially inside the house.” The dad took a sip of his drink from that weird green lady cup and sighed. “You’re both grounded Remus, go to your room.”\

“But Da-”

“No Buts! Room, now,” the father hissed, causing Remus to stand up and bolt, running past his dad to get to his room. “Roman, go to bed, now.”

“Yes father,” he whispered, quickly climbing into bed and pulling up the covers in a poor attempt to hide from the angry man.

Logan watched the man leave and he took a breath. He slowly climbed down to the lower shelves, thanking the red brat for putting the bookshelf next to the desk. He tried to psych himself up for this, his heart pounding in his chest as he made eye contact with Dee.

He could save him, and he would. He watched the bed as he walked towards the cage, tugging and pulling at the lock to try and unlatch it.

“Hurry Logan,” Dee pleaded, his eyes wide and fearful as he stared at the bed. “Please, Please I’m scared.”

“I am!” Logan huffed softly, pushing against it until the latch gave a soft click and the cage unlocked. “Come on!” Logan snapped, grabbing Dee’s hand and pulling him out of the cage and towards their home in the walls.

“H-Hey! Stop that!” Roman cried out, sitting up. His eyes widened when he saw two tiny people running on is desk and he quickly tried to climb out of bed. He got tangled in his covers and fell to the floor.

Logan kept moving, thanking all high heavens that this bean was stupid. He pushed Dee inside, watching him run into the waiting arms of Virgil, who had started crying. He ran in himself, but he yelped when his leg was caught between massive fingers

He heard someone screaming, “No!” and he wasn’t sure if it was Dee, Virgil, the bean, or himself. He thrashed and scratched the hand to no avail. The bean easily pulled him out, staring in confusion.

“Why did you let him go? He was our gift, you’re not. now I have to go find him,” He mumbled, walking back and locking Logan in the cage. This time he set a massive book in front of the door, trapping Logan inside.

“Where is the other one? What did you do to him?” He asked, tapping on the bars near Logan, who retreated at the fingers trying to touch him.

Logan remained silent, his heart hammering in his chest. He glanced at the hole, hoping and praying Virgil and Dee had ran back into the walls to avoid this bean.

Roman groaned, looking at the tiny as he shook the cage. “Fine then, be that way. I’ll find them myself! You stay here,” he ordered, standing up and leaving the room.

Logan watched him leave and he tried to get the door open from this side to no avail. He whimpered and curled up. He wanted Dee and Virgil to come save them, but he knew that they would be caught the second they stepped out.

‘Just leave me,’ he thought, hoping they would hear him. 'Just leave me and run away, I’ll be okay.’ He curled up, his eyes slowly drifting shut as he did so. Maybe a little sleep wouldn’t hurt, and he slept in worse places than this, way worse.


Hey sanderssidesthehouse, here is your gift! Super srry it was so late, but I wanted to take the time to make it super duper special for you! I hope you enjoy it!

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More Posts from Destinys-dragon

5 years ago

Zombies and Experiments

(If you have a better Idea for a title let me know lol......I’m drawing a blank)

Characters: Logan, Roman, Virgil

Join the Apocalypse!

Fae Patton and his treasures?

A Rotten Witch and his Just as Awful Familiar?

“Dr. Sharp! Subject 907 is being rowdy again. He listens to you and we need you to deal with it.”

Dr. Sharp sighed, standing up. “Fine, fetch Dr. Prince. I need his assistance.” He started on his journey to the lab. He passed by many subjects, most of them animals being tested for things like reactions to chemicals, shampoos, conditioners, and food additives.

He journeyed to the back and unlocked a special room. Only he anjd a select handful of people were given clearance to this room. In there laid a special subject called 907, or as his companion, Mr. Prince, had named him, Angel.

“Good morning Angel,” he greeted, earning a hiss in return. He expected that, sighing. “Why are you being rowdy again? You know you aren’t supposed to cause trouble.”

“F-Fuck you. I hate you.”

“You’ve said that before, yes.”

“You kidnapped me!” Angel hissed, his amethyst eyes glowing with rage. He was pissed, and his eyes were an easy indicator of his moods.

“I did no such thing, you were found by-”

“I’m here!” Mr. Prince called, running into the room. “Why is Angel fussing! Did someone give him the brown pellets again? You know he likes the grey ones!” He leaned against Dr. Sharp, humming. “So Logan, what’s up?”

“You know you aren’t supposed to call me that. I asked you to call me Dr. Sharp,” Logan corrected, sighing. “And No, I will not call you by your name either.”

“But why!? Logan sound so much better!” He whined, huffing. “Come on! Just call me Roman!” He huffed, opening the tank and grabbing Angel.

Angel wasn’t like any other creature they had, he was small, barely bigger than three inches and humanoid. In fact, had he been Logan and Roman’s size, he would have been considered human and never ended up here anyway. Shame.

He squirmed and kicked, trying to get free. He hissed and spat at Roman and Logan, hissing.

“We need to calm it down.....gods what is wrong with it?” Logan asked, plucking it out of Roman’s hands.

“Stop calling me Angel! Stop with the numbers and stop touching me!” Angel hissed, glaring.

“Fine, what do you want us to call you?” Logan asked, having had enough with this little....pest.

That had Angel freezing. He got to pick a name? Should he give them his name? It’s better than Angel. “Vi-Virgil,” He squeaked out, biting his lip.

Logan would have continued, had a loud alarm not started blaring above his head. He tensed, looking around. Suddenly the door burst open with Chella, who collapsed onto the floor.

“R-Run!” She cried out, blood oozing out of her leg. “Run while you still can! Get out of here!” She cried out, before a groaning could be heard behind her.

A middle aged man fell on top of her, his skin grey and eyes white as pearls. He started biting into her neck, eating her alive.

Roman almost threw up, before he grabbed Logan’s hand and bolted. They ran, Roman dragging Logan along with Virgil slowly being crushed in Logan’s hand.

This is our unlikely trio, ones who will be entering the wasteland full of human eating creatures? Are they cannibals, zombies, or something much worse? Who’s to say? All they know is now, they need to run. They need to get out of this place, less they end up food.

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5 years ago

How did you even get up there!? (Platonic Dukexiety)

"How did you even get up there!?" Virgil cried out, his eyes wide with shock and awe. "How are you gonna get down from there!?"

Remus cackled, hanging on the edge of the fridge. "I'm never coming down!" He chirped, looking at the lining of pillows around the fridge. He did stumble a bit, causing Virgil to freak out and try to grab him.

“Remus! Get your ass down here right now! Come on, you’ll get hurt!” He pleaded, trying to reason with the borrower.

“I’ve done more dangerous stuff! I’m fine up here!” He assured, letting his toes hang over the edge. He almost fell, but he remained calm. I enjoy freaking this poor emo out too much.

“Yeah I know that! But when you did it last time you had a climby thingy with you!”

“A hook,” Remus supplied, grinning when Virgil grabbed at his hair.

“Last time you had a hook! Just come down Remus! Come on!”

Remus sighed internally, before his smile wided. He was giving this human one last scare. He backed up, before he ran, jumping off the fridge with eaze. “Geronimo!” He enjoyed the way the human screamed, feeling hands cup him as they fell onto the pillow covered floor.

“Never do that again! Are you fucking insane!?” His human cried, and he could feel the pounding heart pulsing in his chest.

“I’m perfectly normal! That was so much fun! Can I do it again?”


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5 years ago

everyone who reblogs this

will receive a piece of art based on their url

e v e r y o n e

tag people, reblog, so on

now i tag people

@frnkfuckniero @joshdunsleftdrumstick @the-black-melody @the10dollarfoundingfather @markdebutslimitlessly @opaiescents

no reblogs will be taken after DEC 31st


but i will start this again

(make sure submissions are open)

5 years ago


The prompt list was made by @hiddendreamer67

AN: a day late but better late than never, thanks to @destinys-dragon for helping me with this, also is short.

TW: Mention of death, freezing

Virgil closed the door of his home behind him, he left his backpack on the floor and turned on the air conditioner, this day was hot as hell, and if his classes were boring already, they were even more worried when you’re melting in the back of the classroom.

He didn’t even wanted to take a nap as usual, he just wanted to sit all day on his bed, watching Netflix and eating ice cream, it was Friday after all, he didn’t need to do homework today.

He walked to the kitchen and took a spoon, he didn’t need a bowl, he could eat right from the ice cream container, he opened the door of the freezer, and froze, pun not intended, there was a small figure inside, and it was shaking, Virgil forgot about the ice cream for a moment and took the tiny being out of the freezer, it was cold, but the heat of his body made it tolerable.

He grabbed a towel and wrapped whatever it was what he had on his hands around it.

After some minutes, Patton opened his eyes, was he dead already? The las thing he remembered was that he was freezing, but he felt warm now, he tried to look around once his eyes got adjusted to the light, there were brownish walls around him, and a white fabric surrounding him, he looked up, there was a lamp above of him, he recognised it, it was the one Virgil used for his reptile pets.

He sat and started to look for a way out, he could climb out with his hook, he reached for it, when he noticed he didn't had his bag.

”You're awake” said a voice, the light of the lamp was turn off an Patton was able to see a giant face looking down at him, and he found himself shaking again, but this time it wasn't because of the cold, this time, fear caused the shake.

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5 years ago

Why are you doing this? (Virgil and Patton

Warnings: Kidnapping, Darkness, unsympathetic! Virgil (If I miss anything let me know!)

Darkness. There was nothing but darkness when he awoke. He couldn’t even see right in front of his face. To be fair, his glasses were missing, so that didn’t help things in the slightest.

“H-help!” He cried out, thrashing and squirming in whatever binded him. It felt cold, chains perhaps? “Help me! Please help me! I’m cold and scared!” He pleaded, thrashing around so much he fell on his side.

“Hey hey hey. Patton it’s okay,” a soft voice cooed, and a hand stroked through his hair. Patton cried out again when the hand tightened their hold, pulling on his hair. “Stop misbehaving or I’ll make you be good, got it.”

Patton cried out, tears filling his eyes. He whimpered and fell still, only relaxing when the hand released his hair and he heard them back away. He tried to figure out who was talking to him, but he couldn’t tell who it was exactly. He decided to take a guess, figuring it couldn’t hurt. “R-Roman? Is that you?” He whispered, not daring to be any louder than that.

He heard a snort, before he was smacked across the face. “You fucking idiot, don’t you dare compare me to that creative nuisance!” The voice snarled, and Patton instantly knew who it belonged to.

“Virgil! Virgil please let me go!” He begged, thrashing and wiggling once again. “Virgil honey please! Please stop this!” He felt a hand on his face, trailing down to brush against his lips. He sighed in relief, before the hand pulled away and slapped him hard enough to knock him over.

“Shut the fuck up Patton!” the voice, now known as Virgil, snarled. “Just shut the fuck up you bumbling idiot!”

Hands wrapped around his arms and hauled him back up, and he was sat down in a soft chair. Patton didn’t bother moving this time, whimpering in pain when a hand cupped his injured cheek.

“Patton please, stop making this difficult. You’re going to make this entire situation worse on yourself. I just need you to relax and stay here for a while, okay? Can you do that for me?” Virgil asked, running his fingers through Patton’s hair.

“W-Why?” Patton sniffled, tears slowly dripping down his cheeks. “Why are you doing this?”

Patton heard Virgil take a breath, and he felt a light kiss to his cheek. It was so light Patton questioned if it even happened. “Please….please tell me why.”

“You’re a bad influence,” Virgil said eventually, pulling away from Patton altogether. “You’re morals are too strong and overpowering. Everything goes your way in the end, and that’s not good all the time. Thomas missed out on so much because of your moral high ground, just like he missed out on the callback. We need to reel you in Patton, and you need to be trained on when and where to use your morals. Thomas is allowed to be selfish sometimes, ya know? Well….apparently you don’t, but worry not, I’m going to help you learn.”

Patton felt Virgil moving away and he heard soft footsteps walking away from him. His fear spiked and he cried out again. “W-wait! Please I’ll be better! I’ll be better, please don’t leave me!” He shrieked, choking on a sob.

“I have no choice Patton. Goodnight, I’ll see you in the morning, okay?” Virgil whispered, not wanting to speak any louder with the door open. “I love you and I wish there were a better way.”

Patton heard the door click shut and he started sobbing again, unable to hold back his cries. He was alone and scared, fearing the unknown. He wondered what was going to happen to him, and what Virgil meant by training. He wanted to go to his room and hide, but he had no idea where Virgil was keeping him. He felt so alone and so tired.

Patton felt his eyes slipping shut and he realized how exhausted he was. He tried to stay awake, fearing what would happen if Virgil came back to see him asleep. He didn’t last too much longer though, and soon he was forced to rest, unable to stay awake any longer.

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