Dessy Writes - Tumblr Posts

5 years ago

Writing Requests!!!!

Heyo! I’ve been thinking about this for awhile and I decided to open up writing requests! I have a list of Dos and Don’ts for things I will and won’t write below! I may not be the best writer out there and I apologize for that, but I’ll try my best to make everyone happy with their requests.

Requests can be submitted anonymously or publicly. I will also tag you after the request is finished. Most things are gonna be kept shorter and one part only, unless there are a lot of requests for another part. The More specific Request the better! They can be vague and short if you want it to be that way, but the more specific it it the easier it is to get an idea on what you want.

Requests are Open!!


Sanders Sides



Fluffy Stuff

Hurt / Comfort

Hurt / No Comfort

Family Feel Goods


Polyships (ex. Analogince, LAMP, DLAMP, etc.)

Most Any Ship

G/t (Giant Tiny)


Graphic things (NSFW)

Romantic Ships for Remus (All for the Platonic Fluff tho!)

No OC Prompts Please!

I’ll try my best to get the requests written out within the week, but I am busy with college and work! Feel free to send me requests at any time.


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5 years ago

My Rotten Witch (1)

Characters: Roman Sanders and Virgil Sanders

Warnings: Fearplay, feelings of helplessness, [Feel free to tell me if there is anything else I need to tag!]

Notes: Please don’t hate on it, but negative and positive feedback is appreciated! Thanks <3


“Get me a new bottle cat!” Virgil ordered, waiting a moment before zapping his poor familiar known as Bastard Cat or his actual name, Roman.

Roman let out a soft hiss and stalked towards the cabinet. He didn’t expect to be zapped in the back however, and yowled at the sudden pain.

Virgil was not a patient witch. When he wanted something done it had better be quick or there would be hell to pay. “Be quicker than that!”

Roman grumbled under his breath and quickly grabbed the nearest bag of bottles, bringing them to his Master. “Here you are you dick,” He couldn’t help but hiss at Virgil, yelping when he got zapped….again.

Virgil took the bottles, sighing. “Thank god, you lazy ass. Gods.” He started bottling his most recent potion, a sleeping potion, into the different bottles. He hummed softly, ignoring how Roman brushed against his legs.

Roman was furious. He hated how Virgil always zapped him for doing nothing wrong. Nothing! He never gave any warnings at all and he just starts zapping away when things don’t go his way.

Stupid witch, stupid magic, stupid zapping and stupid bottles! he snarled and his tail hit one of the newly made potions, knocking it off the shelf. Roman let out a scream and bolted, letting the potion spill all over Virgil.

Virgil let out a startled yelp and looked over himself, trying to figure out what potion slipped over him. Red, which one was the red one!? He tried to think it over, and when he came to the realization of what potion it was his body froze with terror.

The witch tried to get to his broom closet, figuring if he got a hold of a broom it would be easy to fly up and get the antidote. Sadly, he was now too small to even touch the handle. Fucking hell fucking hell! I’m so fucked! He thought, stumbling when he felt a massive earthquake approaching him.

Roman poked his head out from behind the couch he ducked under, staring in shock when his witch slowly started to get smaller. He padded towards him, snickering internally. Master is smaller than a newborn mouse. He laid down in front of Virgil, a large grin making its way onto his face when his witch froze in place.

Virgil couldn’t help but feel a strong sense of fear when he looked up his familiar. He went to back up but he felt a large fuzzy paw pull him closer to the massive cat. He attempted to get away but it was in vain when Roman hooked his claws into the back of Virgil’s long robes, lifting him off the ground.

“My My, what a cute little mousey I caught,” Roman cooed, dangling Virgil in front of his face. “You know you don’t belong in the kitchen.”

“Put me down Roman!” Virgil ordered, ignoring how hard it was to get a breath in. He was terrified. At this height Roman looked like a large predator cat, and he was the mouse.

“Hmmm, are you sure you want me to put you down, Master Mousey?”

“Yes! And don’t call me that!”

“Very well, Mousey,” Roman purred, grabbing the back of Virgil’s robe with his teeth and leaping up onto the counter. He made sure to shake his head as much as physically possible, chuckling as his miniaturized master shrieked in fright.

Virgil clung to Roman’s fur for dear life, not wanting to be dropped. He was too panicked for words, unable to say anything or tell his familiar to stop. He felt helpless and scared. He hated the feeling. Every witch in town would laugh, What kind of witch is scared of their own familiar?

“Silly Mousey, I won’t drop you…..yet.” Roman kept climbing until he reached the top of the highest place in the house, that being Virgil’s massive bookshelf full of different spell books. He let Virgil dangle over the edge a bit, savoring the moment when he heard Virgil’s breath catch.

After a few moments of letting Virgil dangle he carefully set Virgil down, looming over him. “Here you are little Mousey, I put you down.”

“W-wait! I didn’t mean here!” Virgil’s voice shook as he glanced at how far the ground was. Too far. “I-I meant the floor!”

“The floor you say?” Roman’s cat face broke out into a smirk as he slowly started pushing Virgil towards the end of the shelf.

Virgil tried to fight the paw, hitting and pushing at it to avoid falling off the shelf. He barely moved it and he felt his feet reach the end of the shelf, almost being tipped off. “Stop it! Stop it please!”

Roman paused at the please, caught off guard by the rare use of the word. He pulled Virgil back, jumping off the shelf. “Fine. I was just trying to help you down,” He pouted, his tail swishing. “I’m gonna go take a nap, Chao~” he called, walking off.

“Wait! Wait don’t leave me!” Virgil cried, but Roman either didn’t hear him, or ignored his call. He slumped against the shelf, shuddering as the cold air from the air vent blew on him. This was going to be a long few hours, that is if Roman comes back to get him.

Will he come back? Is he going to leave me here till I freeze to death? He hoped not, but he couldn’t say for certain. He just hoped that his familiar would have some kind of mercy, even if he had never had any for Roman.


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5 years ago

Son of the Wicked

Characters: Dee, Remus, Virgil, Roman, Patton, Logan

Prompt: @kaytikitty

Notes: Thank you to @a-black-pegasus for helping me write this! I’m so glad we got to work together on this! I hope we can work together on more projects!


Roman howled with anger and threw a glass at the wall, causing it to shatter. “God Dammit! I can’t believe they got away with him again!”

Patton and Logan both shared a look, sighing.

“Roman, there is no need to throw things. You know that this behavior is-” Logan cut off and jumped out of the way to avoid the dagger heading for him. “-immature.”

“Shut up Logan! This is such a fuc-”

“Language!” Patton scolded, but he was ignored. He always was when the Brain and Brawn of the team started arguing.

“-king disaster! We had a chance to save him and we failed! We failed!” Roman hollered over Patton. “He was right there! So close! And then..” his voice dropped away but in its place his hands clenched.

“I know Roman, I know, but we can’t help this time. What we can do, is come up with a better plan.” Logan adjusted his glasses as Patton wheeled over the white board. “Now, any suggestions?”

“Oh Oh!”

Logan glanced over to see Patton standing on his tip-toes, hand stretched high into the air.

“Yes Patton?” he sighed. 

He perked up at being called on for once. “We could say please and talk to them!”

Logan pinched the bridge of his nose, taking a deep breath. Don’t yell at him, don’t yell, you will regret it later. “We cannot do that Patton. They aren’t good people. They are keeping the tiny child captive.”

“We can storm their base and take them by surprise!” Roman declared, his eyes bright with a challenging aurora.


Roman let out a squawk, falling out of his chair. “What do you mean no!?” he demanded.

Logan sighed again, shaking his head. I work with idiots. “No, we can not do that either, as we would be storming into their home, where they most likely have traps and defenses set up to get in our way.”

“Oh~” Roman and Patton hummed, looking down.

“T-then what do we do? How are we gonna save the poor kiddo?” Patton asked, tears slowly filling his eyes.

Logan paused for a moment, running through a number of different calculations and scenarios through his head. “Well…..We could wait until they go and cause havoc. Two of us go to stop them while the third moves in to retrieve the child.”

He watched both of them think it over, again cursing how incompatent these two were compared to his own intelligence. Finally Roman responded.

“Let’s do it!”

A few hours later Roman and Patton were busy fighting the villains Snake and Octo. It wasn’t hard for Logan to sneak in and take the child. He ended up finding him in the villain’s own bedroom in a small box. Inside, was the small, slumbering child. An extremely tiny child.

The tiny child was laying in what appeared to be a small box. He was curled up on a big purple blanket, sleeping soundly. Poor child, I have to help him.

Logan carefully scooped up the child and he felt his heart break when the child curled into his hands. Poor baby, they were probably really mean to you, huh? Don’t worry, I’ll protect you from now on.

He left quickly, making sure not to jostle the child or walk into any traps. Logan walked out of the dreaded tower, leaping into the air and flying home. He pulled his phone out of his pocket, calling Roman.

“What do you want Specs!?” Is what Roman answered with. “Kinda busy right now!”

“I have the child, finish the battle and return to base.” He hung up before Roman could get a response in.

Logan arrived at home to see Patton and Roman covered in bruises, cuts and grime. “You are both very….disgusting.”

“It’s not my fault he decided to throw not one…..not two….but seven fucking dumpsters at us!” Roman hissed, crossing his arms. “Did you get the child?”

Logan nodded, holding out his cupped hands.

“Aww! He is so tiny!” Patton cooed, reaching out to touch the kid. He yelped and whimpered when Logan slapped his hands away.

He tsked, holding the child out of their reach. “Shower first. Heaven knows what you’re covered in and I will not allow this precious youngling to get sick because of you two.”

When the child was moved he let out a small groan, slowly opening his eyes. “Mama? Papa?” He questioned, blearily looking around.

“Aww, baby,” Patton cooed, trying to touch the child and receiving another swat to the wrist. The second Patton let out a whine the child sniffled and started crying.

“Mama! Papa!” He shrieked, tears raining down his cheeks. “Mama!”

Logan cringed and tried to comfort the child. He would have given him over to Patton, but Patton was filthy and disgusting. “Go get clean,” He ordered, before cooing at the child. “It’s okay, it’s okay.”

Patton and Roman hesitated, before the tiny child let out an ear piercing shriek. The dove for the washroom, Roman making it inside first, meaning Patton would have to wait.

Logan cringed and rocked the child, which only caused them to cry louder. He didn’t notice that there was a frantic knocking at their front door, as if they were trying to beat the door down.

Logan cringed and tried to pet the child, but he hissed when the child bit him. “Mother-”

“Father!” Patton cried out, trying to save the child’s ears from hearing such a naughty word.

“Mama!” the boy screamed, digging his teeth into Logan’s finger.

At that moment, a loud bang was heard and two people ran in. They were Snake and Octo, the wicked villains that kidnapped this child.

“Give him back you monsters!” Octo growled, raising his morning star up threateningly. “Now!”

“Over my dead Body!” Rom bellowed, running out of the shower with shorts on and a towel wrapped around his bare shoulders. His sword was in his hands and he went to charge Octo.

“Wait! Don’t fight in front of him!” Snake cried, his voice loud but very weak. That’s when Logan noticed that his cheeks were stained with tears.

Logan huffed, shaking his head. Disgusting monsters. Crying over their pet being pathetic. He covered the child with his hands, cringing when the boy started to scratch and claw at his fingers. He ignored it, focusing on keeping the child safe.

Roman went to stab Octo with his sword, but Octo was quicker and smacked Roman over the head, watching the prince drop to the ground. He didn’t hesitate before he slammed his foot into Roman’s head, knocking Roman unconscious.

Snake was dealing with Patton, until Octo ran in between them, joining the battle and letting Snake flee over to Logan.

Patton struggled against Octo, his own powers struggling against the speed and outright disorderly attacks of the villain.

Logan went to run, before the child delivered a harsh bite to his thumb. He hissed and instinctively opened his hands, causing the child to jump off them. He went to grab the child, but he was shoved away by Snake.

Snake caught the boy, cupping the tiny child into his hands. “It’s okay, it’s okay baby,” he cooed, which caused all the heroes, minus the unconscious Roman, to freeze.

“B-Baby?” Patton squeaked out, staring in shock. “W-what?”

Ocot stopped his fight with Patton and walked over to Snake, hugging him. “It’s okay, it’s okay love, baby is here,” he hummed, reaching out and petting the child.

As if by magic, the child stopped crying, leaning into their touch. “Mama, Papa,” he cooed, relaxing.

“Y-You’re Mama and Papa?” Logan asked, gulping. I just abducted their kid. They are so gonna kill me.

“Yes we are,” Snake hissed, his eyes narrowing. “And you are lucky I don’t kill you, But I don’t want to get blood on my hands especially when I’m holding little Vivi. My Son.”

“I will!” Octo growled, walking towards Logan.

Logan flinched and prepared for the hit, knowing he deserved it.

Snake reached out, grabbing “Wait Re, stop.”

“They stole our baby, Dee! They deserve to get my morning star up their ugly buttholes!”

“They didn’t know better, Remus. They were ignorant...but we can use them.” Dee looked over the heroes, then back at his son

“Use them? Love, how can we do that?” Remus gave Logan another glare and shoved him to the floor, returning to Snake’s side. He reached out and plucked up the tiny child, cooing over him.

“That’s easy, we let them be Virgil’s babysitters for the night and we go out to dinner. I believe this is a fitting punishment.”

“Wait what?” Everyone echoed, staring at Dee in shock. Except Virgil, who was currently rolling around and playing with Remus’s fingers.

“Wha?” Roman slurred, slowly regaining his consciousness. “Baby?”

“Yay! Yay! I wanna babysit!” Patton squeaked, walking over Remus so he could see the child. He was roughly grabbed by the back of his shirt and flung into a wall.

“Shower you disgusting mutt!” Dee snarled, hissing at Patton. “You are NOT touching my baby with your filthy hands! You’ll get my baby sick!”

“Doggie fly! Doggie fly!” Virgil squeaked, giggling.

Patton let out a soft whine and went to the showers, pouting the entire way. He wasn’t hurt, but he wanted to play with the child so badly!

Logan coughed, drawing the attention back to him. “As much as we would love to…..babysit….I want to know how you adopted the boy...Virgil?”

Dee winced, shaking his head. “That is a story for another time. Did you want to babysit or not?” Dee asked, tapping his foot.

Roman sat up, grinning as if he just wasn’t knocked unconscious for the past fifteen minutes. “Of course we will babysit! One one condition.”

“Which is?”

“I get to be called Uncle Roman!”

Remus huffed, shaking his head. “Out of all things in the world, you just want to be called Uncle? Is that it?”

“I believe that can be arranged…...but I want to see how well you can handle him first. And he has to actually like you three,” Dee huffed, gently kissing Virgil’s head.

In the end, after Patton got out of the shower, all three of the heroes agreed to watch the tiny child. Dee gave them a list of rules that they had to follow, especially the no caffeine after eight o’clock rule.

Logan took a note of all the rules, while Roman and Patton were busy cooing over the boy. Dee and Remus stayed close to Virgil, making sure their little boy would be alright with the heroes.

Virgil was extremely nervous at first, but eventually he warmed up to the Doggy man. He was still wary and hesitant around the loud red man and the glasses man on the couch. He hoped that Glasses wasn’t mad at him about being bitten and scratched.

Dee and Remus made sure that Virgil was comfortable before they allowed themselves to relax. “We will be back around one or two tonight. I expect him to be in bed by ten. He likes grape juice, sugar cookies, and pretty much any fruit you have.” 

“That seems acceptable….I hope you two enjoy your date,” Logan gave a small smile to Virgil, his smile sinking when Virgil cowered and hid behind Patton.

Logan escorted Dee and Remus out, repairing the door they broke down. If you would have asked him earlier if he thought his day would have turned him into a villain’s babysitter he would have said no, but he wouldn’t have it any other way.

He was glad that Dee and Remus hadn’t actually been that mad at them, surprised but happy all the same. He did not want his head smacked in by Remus, at all.

Patton and Roman were glad that they got to be babysitters for Virgil. He was a tiny child, which makes him extra adorable. They cooed and fawned over him as Virgil seemed to enjoy the attention.

What they didn’t know, however, was what night they just signed themselves up for. Oh boy, was this going to be a night to remember for everyone, especially the heroes tasked with watching over the wicked’s son.

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5 years ago

Fairly Small Love (1)

Characters: Virgil, Patton, ???

Prompt: Anonymous


“Come on, pretty Ann, come with me,” Patton cooed, his bright blue eyes glowing with an unnatural light. “Please come with me today, dear Anxiety.”

Anxiety flushed shaking his head. He played with the silver bracelet wrapped around his wrist, preventing the fairy from touching him and potentially causing him harm. It was his only protection against the fae, save for the fact that it still didn’t know his name. “Sorry Pat, I can’t. You know that I can’t leave the village, I have responsibilities.”

“But why!? What’s more important than me Ann?!” Patton whined, flopping along a toadstool. He used the nickname that his human preferred, since he gave Patton the fake name Anxiety. “Ann please!?”

“I can’t Patton. I have stuff to do...Like work and school.”

Patton huffed, crossing his arms over his chest, “That’s boring! The fairy village is so much fun! We have parties all the time and food and games and fun! No one works because everyone loves what they do!”

“That is still work Pat,” Anxiety laughed breathlessly, slowly pondering the idea. Maybe paying a small visit would be nice. But I wouldn’t be able to go home…...And Patton wouldn’t let me come home.

“Not if everyone Likes it! Cause then it’s fun stuffs!”

He does have a point. “Yeah I guess so…..Maybe the fairy world isn’t so bad,” Virgil hummed, shrugging.

“Does that mean you’ll come with me!?”


Patton let out a loud cry, burying his face into his arms. “Why Why Why?! I want you to come with me!” He sobbed out, crystal clear tears falling down his cheeks. “Why won’t you come with me?!”

Anxiety cringed, sighing. “I do want to come with you but I don’t want to get trapped there,” He explained, pinching the bridge of his nose. I can’t believe I actually considered it.

“I can bring you back!” Patton cried out, looking up. “I promise to bring you back!”

Anxiety tensed, before shaking his head. “No...My answer is no Patton.” And with that he stepped out of the circle and left. He heard Patton screaming and crying out for him, but he couldn’t turn around. If he did, he feared he would dive into the fae’s arms and his name would end up spilling from his lips.

Patton waited for Anxiety to come back. He watched as the leaves began to color and fall. His cool blue eyes saw the colder, fluffy snow fall and cover his circle from view.

Patton studied the patterns of every snowflake that passed by him, noting their gorgeous patterns. Not as pretty as my Anxiety! He let out a small huff, pushing the one he had been studying away.

When the snow melted and spring appeared, is when he saw Anxiety return. He was tending to the flowers that bloomed around his ring, when a familiar person appeared from out behind the treeline.

He went to call out to Anxiety, but before he could Anxiety collapsed right in the middle of Patton’s ring. “H-Help I….help me,” He coughed weakly, curling up.

Patton flinched, flying down and hesitating to touch Anxiety. That’s when he realized Virgil didn’t have his silver band on. I can touch him...I can hold him. He landed on top of the human’s nose, purring contently when he didn’t get burned.

“V-Virgil Ann Storm….My name,” He whimpered, willingly signing himself over to Patton. “P-Please...Help me.”

“Don’t worry,” Patton cooed, nuzzling into Virgil’s cheek. “I will take great care of you.” He felt Virgil slowly getting smaller underneath him, cooing. “My precious human, Virgil Ann Storm. You’re mine.”

Virgil’s heart shuddered in fear but he himself felt satisfied with his decision. He felt Patton lift him into his arms, nuzzling against him.

“My human, all mine. You’re mine Virgil Ann Storm, Mine,” he cooed, his teeth and ears slowly growing longer. His eyes grew brighter and his nails grew sharper. His wings grew longer and the previously rounded edges grew sharper and jagged. “Mine.”

Virgil’s body grew even smaller, Patton’s hands scooping him up the second he was small enough. When he went to respond or scream or something, his head started to grow fuzzy. A moment later, his vision went dark. He could have been out cold for hours, days, he had no clue. But when he did awake, he noticed that it was mostly dark in this room. Only a soft candle light was being used as a source of light, leaving a majority of the room encased in darkness.

Where am I…..What happened to me? Where is Patton? There was no one else in the room, not even Patton. Or at least that is what he thought. Patton wasn’t in the room with him, but that didn’t mean he was alone.

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5 years ago


Hey Guys! I’m making a taglist! If anyone is interested in being a part of it feel free to let me know!

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5 years ago

Fairly Small Love (2)

Characters: Virgil, Roman, Logan, Patton

After his fuzzy haze started to clear, he noticed two moving blobs around him. People. Theses were people. The first one he noticed was the bright red one that stood in front of his face.

“Hey! He’s awake,” The red one called, causing a dark blue blob to appear next to the red one.

“It seems Patton knocked him unconscious like he had done to us,” the dark blue one explained, causing Virgil to groan and try to sit up.

His vision cleared slowly and he looked around to see the two blobs around him. They both had varying looks of relief and pity, but he felt sick. Patton wasn’t one of them.

The Red Blob he saw was wear a see through white crop top. Virgil would have flushed and admired the strong muscles that Red had, had he not been trying to assess the situation he was in. Along with the crop top, Red was wearing bright red booty shorts. The main thing he noticed was the bright blue shackle wrapped around his ankle.

He tensed, knowing the only person who wore light blue. Patton? I…..but why? This can’t be because of him!

The other person in the room was Blue. He wasn’t Patton blue, but he was a dark blue. Blue had a pair of glasses, making his cold face look even colder. He wore a white button up with dark blue vest. He had on a matching blue tie and dark black pants. Instead of a shackle Blue had on a silver ring on his finger with a big, light blue jewel in the center.

Virgil felt his skin grow cold as he looked between the ring and the shackle, touching around his body. That’s when he noticed he wasn’t in the same clothes as before.

He looked down at himself, looking at the oversized purple hoodie he wore. Along with that he had on a pair of black jeans. He reached around his neck, feeling a cool, slim metal adoring his neck. He tensed, running his fingers over a smooth stone surface, knowing it to be the same blue gem the other two had.

“I….a….who?” Virgil squeaked out, staring at both of them. When Red stepped forward he flinched, causing the brightly colored male to step back

“Hey, are you alright? Oh I um…...I’m not gonna hurt you. My name is Roman and the guy with the glasses is Logan” He explained, grinning.

“Greetings,” Logan said simply, focusing on examining Virgil for injuries. He reached out to touch Virgil, pulling away when the purple male tensed.

Virgil cringed, shakily standing up off the….bed. He was on some kind of bed. “I’m Virgil. Where….where are we?”

“We are in-”

“Aww you’re awake,” Patton cooed, ripping off the roof and peering down at all of them. He was enormous, even his fingers which gripped onto the sides of the room were easily bigger than them.

Virgil tensed, his entire body shaking. “Patton!? Patton what in the world have you do-”

“Silence, Virgil Ann Storm,” Patton ordered, causing Virgil’s mouth to slam shut and his throat to close up. When Virgil was silenced he grinned. “I’m so glad you’re awake! I was hoping you wouldn’t be asleep for long and you weren’t! Only a few days!”

A Few days?! What does he mean!? Virgil wanted to ask, but he was unable to get a word out.

Roman’s heated gaze turned to Patton. “Patton that’s cruel! Why are you being mean to him!?”

“Don’t raise your voice to me, Roman Alexander Prince.”

Roman went to scream but his voice wasn’t able to go above his normal speaking volume. “Patton you are scaring him. You need to stop this, this is unnecessarily cruel.”

“No it’s not! He was being bad! Silence Roman Alexander Prince!”

“I believe you are the only one being bad, Patton,” Logan huffed, rolling his eyes.

“Silence Logan Alvis Sharp,” Patton dismissed what Logan said entirely, silencing the last of the miniature humans in his care. “Good, now I came to tell you all that I found a new special one, and I’m going to try and bring him home today? Aren’t you all excited?”

He looked at all of the shocked faces of the tiny humans below him, before he shut the lid to their box, going to find his new human. His new human had the cutest nickname ever, Snake. He was so perfect and soon, he would be all Patton’s.






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5 years ago

Ask Blogs!

If I made an ask blog for both/either My Rotten Witch or Fairly Small Love would anyone be interested in either stories? Would you comment and make asks (Either publicly or anonymously)? Please let me know and comment which ones you would like! [MRW, FSL, or Both]

Taglist Under Cut





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5 years ago


This is a MasterList for all of my stories and important things I’ve Posted! Feel free to check it out!

Fairly Small Love

Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four Part Five

My Rotten Witch

Part One

One Shot Stories

Son of the Wicked

Cuddles Now

Dragon in a Bottle

How did you even get up there!?

I Need to Stop Asking Questions

I’ll Still Be Here

I’ll Take Care of You

On Borrowed Time

Sealed Dreams

Size Magic

The Shadow Prince

The Steel Rites

What did you do to me!?

Why are you doing this?

Zombies and Experiments

Other Stuff

Writing Requests

Mini Requests!

Title Game!

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5 years ago

Ask Blogs are a GO!

I just wanna let you all know that I have made offical ask blogs for both stories! feel free to sends asks and things and the characters / me will answer them!

@my-rotten-witch : For a story about Familiar! Roman who seeks revenge on his shrunken Master Witch! Virgil

@fairly-small-love :For a story about Fae! Patton who likes to take the pretty people home to fairly world and keeps them as his tiny humans!

Taglist Under Cut





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5 years ago

Asks are Open!

Alrighty, after some technical diffuculties (Aka Me being a big goofball) Asks are now open! Feel free to ask whatever you want and direct your question / response to me / a character! The blogs are:

@my-rotten-witch with TShrunken Witch! Virgil and his vengeful Familiar! Roman


@fairly-small-love with fae! Patton and his little treasures tiny! Virgil, tiny! Roman, tiny! Logan, and the mysterious Snake!

Taglist Under Cut





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5 years ago

Writing Requests!!!!

Heyo! I’ve been thinking about this for awhile and I decided to open up writing requests! I have a list of Dos and Don’ts for things I will and won’t write below! I may not be the best writer out there and I apologize for that, but I’ll try my best to make everyone happy with their requests.

Requests can be submitted anonymously or publicly. I will also tag you after the request is finished. Most things are gonna be kept shorter and one part only, unless there are a lot of requests for another part. The More specific Request the better! They can be vague and short if you want it to be that way, but the more specific it it the easier it is to get an idea on what you want.

Requests are Open!!


Sanders Sides



Fluffy Stuff

Hurt / Comfort

Hurt / No Comfort

Family Feel Goods


Polyships (ex. Analogince, LAMP, DLAMP, etc.)

Most Any Ship

G/t (Giant Tiny)


Graphic things (NSFW)

Romantic Ships for Remus (All for the Platonic Fluff tho!)

No OC Prompts Please!

I’ll try my best to get the requests written out within the week, but I am busy with college and work! Feel free to send me requests at any time.


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5 years ago

Fairly Small Love (4)

Characters: Snake, Virgil, Patton, Logan, Roman ________________________________________________________________

Virgil hesitated, biting his lip. “What if you trap me too? What if you’re secretly fae and you’re trying to trap me.”

Snake sighed, shaking his head. “I know that it might seem iffy and a bit cruel but even if I was a fae and I promised you my true name, You would have the same control over me as I would you. I’ll go first if that will make you feel better.”

“Yeah, you go first.” No fae was stupid enough to give him their full name, and Virgil wasn’t getting stuck again.

“Fine, My name is Declyn Mora Knight, but you can call me Dee.”

Virgil relaxed, slumping against Dee’s fingers. “Oh thank god….My name is-”

“Virgil Ann Storm, what do you think you are doing?” Patton asked, causing Virgil to go white. “And Declyn Mora Knight?” Patton purred, grinning.

Dee went pale, feeling sick. He wasn’t specific in giving only Virgil his name, he had allowed himself to be distracted by all of the spirits whispering in his ear. He wasn’t specific, meaning anyone…..anything listening, had access to his name now.

“Declyn Mora Knight, give me Virgil, now,” Patton ordered, giggling when Virgil was set delicately into his hands. “Good boy, now, Declyn Mora Knight, hold still.”

Dee wanted to move, he wanted to run away. But he couldn’t. “P-Please Pat don’t do thi-” He cut off when he slowly started to get smaller. He was frozen stiff until Patton scooped up his tiny body.

“You can move Declyn Mora Knight,” Patton cooed, giggling brightly. He got another one! He was so happy! He went back to the fairy ring, ignoring Virgil’s harsh sobs and Declyn’s horrified silence as he traveled home.

He opened the box, dropping Virgil onto the floor and carefully setting Dee down. “Oh Logan! Roman! I’m home!” he chirped, patting their heads. He giggled when they didn’t pull away, too frozen in shock to even care. “I brought you both a new friend! And I brought Virgil home!”

He watched them, ignoring how Virgil laid on the floor unmoving. He even ignored the red liquid pouring out of the tiny purple body. “I gotta go prepare snacks and goodies! Oh this is exciting!$” He chirped, slamming the lid back on the box and disappearing from sight.






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5 years ago

Zombies and Tinies and Science oh My!

Heyo, I wanted to get some opinions on a new ask blog! It’s gonna be a zombie au but:

A) are you gonna read it?

B) Would you want it to be gt?

C) Are you fine with yet another ask blog?

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5 years ago

Zombies and Experiments

(If you have a better Idea for a title let me know lol......I’m drawing a blank)

Characters: Logan, Roman, Virgil

Join the Apocalypse!

Fae Patton and his treasures?

A Rotten Witch and his Just as Awful Familiar?

“Dr. Sharp! Subject 907 is being rowdy again. He listens to you and we need you to deal with it.”

Dr. Sharp sighed, standing up. “Fine, fetch Dr. Prince. I need his assistance.” He started on his journey to the lab. He passed by many subjects, most of them animals being tested for things like reactions to chemicals, shampoos, conditioners, and food additives.

He journeyed to the back and unlocked a special room. Only he anjd a select handful of people were given clearance to this room. In there laid a special subject called 907, or as his companion, Mr. Prince, had named him, Angel.

“Good morning Angel,” he greeted, earning a hiss in return. He expected that, sighing. “Why are you being rowdy again? You know you aren’t supposed to cause trouble.”

“F-Fuck you. I hate you.”

“You’ve said that before, yes.”

“You kidnapped me!” Angel hissed, his amethyst eyes glowing with rage. He was pissed, and his eyes were an easy indicator of his moods.

“I did no such thing, you were found by-”

“I’m here!” Mr. Prince called, running into the room. “Why is Angel fussing! Did someone give him the brown pellets again? You know he likes the grey ones!” He leaned against Dr. Sharp, humming. “So Logan, what’s up?”

“You know you aren’t supposed to call me that. I asked you to call me Dr. Sharp,” Logan corrected, sighing. “And No, I will not call you by your name either.”

“But why!? Logan sound so much better!” He whined, huffing. “Come on! Just call me Roman!” He huffed, opening the tank and grabbing Angel.

Angel wasn’t like any other creature they had, he was small, barely bigger than three inches and humanoid. In fact, had he been Logan and Roman’s size, he would have been considered human and never ended up here anyway. Shame.

He squirmed and kicked, trying to get free. He hissed and spat at Roman and Logan, hissing.

“We need to calm it down.....gods what is wrong with it?” Logan asked, plucking it out of Roman’s hands.

“Stop calling me Angel! Stop with the numbers and stop touching me!” Angel hissed, glaring.

“Fine, what do you want us to call you?” Logan asked, having had enough with this little....pest.

That had Angel freezing. He got to pick a name? Should he give them his name? It’s better than Angel. “Vi-Virgil,” He squeaked out, biting his lip.

Logan would have continued, had a loud alarm not started blaring above his head. He tensed, looking around. Suddenly the door burst open with Chella, who collapsed onto the floor.

“R-Run!” She cried out, blood oozing out of her leg. “Run while you still can! Get out of here!” She cried out, before a groaning could be heard behind her.

A middle aged man fell on top of her, his skin grey and eyes white as pearls. He started biting into her neck, eating her alive.

Roman almost threw up, before he grabbed Logan’s hand and bolted. They ran, Roman dragging Logan along with Virgil slowly being crushed in Logan’s hand.

This is our unlikely trio, ones who will be entering the wasteland full of human eating creatures? Are they cannibals, zombies, or something much worse? Who’s to say? All they know is now, they need to run. They need to get out of this place, less they end up food.

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5 years ago

On Borrowed Time

Warnings: Remus, Swearing, Fear, Captured Side(s), calling someone an “It”,

Gift For: @sanderssidesthehouse for @secret-sanders-sized 2019 Event

Cast: Roman, Remus, Dee, Logan, Virgil (mentioned)

Ships: Brotherly Creatwins (Roman & Remus), Brotherly Logan, Dee, and Virgil

Words: 1382

Notes at the end

Logan was always careful, always. He was cautious and refused to get caught or seen. It would be disastrous, not only for himself, but for his family as well. The only thing worse than himself getting caught, was one of the other’s getting caught.

Sadly, that seemed to be the case today. He knew he should have told Dee to stay inside today. He had a gut feeling and ignored it because he believed in his brains and facts telling him everything was gonna be okay. It wasn’t okay, far from it actually.

He watched helplessly as the bean, the green one went to poke and prod at his Dee. He wanted to step in and yell at the wicked one to stop it, leave him alone! But his legs were frozen to the floor and yet so shaky that he almost fell over.

He had never truly been afraid before this. Sure, there were close calls, very, very close calls, but that was it. Just close calls, as in none of them had been seen or caught. That is, until today. Today, on Christmas. Of all days, Of all days.

“Are you sure Dad didn’t get us this shit for Christmas? It’s so little and fucking weird it’s totally something he would get us.”

“I’m sure, and watch your mouth, Remus! You know how Mama hates it when we curse!”

“Fuck it! I’m old enough and I can do what I want. Besides that, they aren’t here right now, Prissy bitch,” the green one, now known as Remus, responded, adding a dramatic eye roll.

“Still Remus! You need to mind your mouth! Now, what are we gonna do with it?”

“Keep it?”

No, No Logan didn’t want that. He felt himself wanting to act and flee all at once. He wanted to cry and scream and beg them to give him back. Give back his family and leave him alone. He told Virgil he would bring Dee back, he promised them. He promised.

“Well duh, why would we let it go? Maybe we could ask Dad when he and Mama get back,” the red one offered, shrugging. “He probably knows what this is if he got it for us.”

“God, you ruin everything Roman. Like, every fucking thing,” Remus huffed, pushing the cage around. Logan could hear Dee screaming and crying from his position on the highest shelf in the room, watching Dee trying to hold onto something so he wouldn’t be thrown around.

Logan felt sick and gross, feeling powerless yet powerful in this situation. He could walk out and save Dee or offer himself in his place, but he was a coward. He could feel his inner thoughts taunting him.




What a horrible big brother you are.

“I do not! You ruin everything you chaotic fuck!” Roman snarled, before his face paled. He went to say something, but Remus cackled loudly. Dee covered his ears, curling up and crying softly. Logan’s little snake had always been sensitive to loud noises, and now he was right next to one of the loudest things alive.

“I’m telling Mom! I’m telling Mom! She is gonna be so ashamed of you! I mean, she already is, but still! At least she will be proud of me for finding this thing! Do you think it’s the same thing that has been stealing bread?”

“Don’t tell her you psycho! And I don’t know, I mean, what would one little thing need with all that food?” Roman asked, opening the top of the cage and petting Dee. He ignored the cries and whimpers getting louder, focusing on Remus. “What would something so small need all that food for?”

“Maybe it was trying to feed and befriend my rats to create a little army!” Remus squealed, shaking the cage. “Were you trying to make an army out of my babies!?” He cried, his green eyes filled with fury.

Dee shook his head quickly, scrambling back and away from both brothers. Logan watched him, wanting to walk out and save him. He felt tears filling his eyes because of the overwhelming emotions filling him.

“Oh gods Remus, leave it alone! It’s terrified and those beasts of yours only take orders from you.”

“Nuh uh! Dad likes to play with Trashheap sometimes! He says that my baby is cute!” Remus whined, stomping his foot. “And I only have three and they are perfect angels!”

“They are menaces to society! How dare you call them precious! They are horrid and smelly and disgusting!” Roman huffed, before he screamed as Remus tackled him.

And they were fighting. Logan resisted the urge to roll his eyes and he realized this was his chance. He started to walk forward, before he heard the door crack open. It was their Dad. He scooted back, looking at the man’s sunglasses that made his annoyed stare look even darker and more ominous.

“Boys, what have I told you about fighting? Especially inside the house.” The dad took a sip of his drink from that weird green lady cup and sighed. “You’re both grounded Remus, go to your room.”\

“But Da-”

“No Buts! Room, now,” the father hissed, causing Remus to stand up and bolt, running past his dad to get to his room. “Roman, go to bed, now.”

“Yes father,” he whispered, quickly climbing into bed and pulling up the covers in a poor attempt to hide from the angry man.

Logan watched the man leave and he took a breath. He slowly climbed down to the lower shelves, thanking the red brat for putting the bookshelf next to the desk. He tried to psych himself up for this, his heart pounding in his chest as he made eye contact with Dee.

He could save him, and he would. He watched the bed as he walked towards the cage, tugging and pulling at the lock to try and unlatch it.

“Hurry Logan,” Dee pleaded, his eyes wide and fearful as he stared at the bed. “Please, Please I’m scared.”

“I am!” Logan huffed softly, pushing against it until the latch gave a soft click and the cage unlocked. “Come on!” Logan snapped, grabbing Dee’s hand and pulling him out of the cage and towards their home in the walls.

“H-Hey! Stop that!” Roman cried out, sitting up. His eyes widened when he saw two tiny people running on is desk and he quickly tried to climb out of bed. He got tangled in his covers and fell to the floor.

Logan kept moving, thanking all high heavens that this bean was stupid. He pushed Dee inside, watching him run into the waiting arms of Virgil, who had started crying. He ran in himself, but he yelped when his leg was caught between massive fingers

He heard someone screaming, “No!” and he wasn’t sure if it was Dee, Virgil, the bean, or himself. He thrashed and scratched the hand to no avail. The bean easily pulled him out, staring in confusion.

“Why did you let him go? He was our gift, you’re not. now I have to go find him,” He mumbled, walking back and locking Logan in the cage. This time he set a massive book in front of the door, trapping Logan inside.

“Where is the other one? What did you do to him?” He asked, tapping on the bars near Logan, who retreated at the fingers trying to touch him.

Logan remained silent, his heart hammering in his chest. He glanced at the hole, hoping and praying Virgil and Dee had ran back into the walls to avoid this bean.

Roman groaned, looking at the tiny as he shook the cage. “Fine then, be that way. I’ll find them myself! You stay here,” he ordered, standing up and leaving the room.

Logan watched him leave and he tried to get the door open from this side to no avail. He whimpered and curled up. He wanted Dee and Virgil to come save them, but he knew that they would be caught the second they stepped out.

‘Just leave me,’ he thought, hoping they would hear him. 'Just leave me and run away, I’ll be okay.’ He curled up, his eyes slowly drifting shut as he did so. Maybe a little sleep wouldn’t hurt, and he slept in worse places than this, way worse.


Hey sanderssidesthehouse, here is your gift! Super srry it was so late, but I wanted to take the time to make it super duper special for you! I hope you enjoy it!

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5 years ago

Mini Requests!

So, to get back into the spirit of writing, I’ll be doing mini requests! They are gonna be super short, only a few paragraphs max, but I’m doing requests again! You send me sentence prompts (two sentences max per request please) and the characters you want (max 4 ) & if you want it to be romantic leave the ship name also! I know a lot of people have really good, detailed requests that I’ve been working on, but I’ve lost a lot of motivation due to recent events. But don’t worry, I’m going to get them finished as soon as possible. Feel free to choose the characters, sizes [g/t], ship, and if you wanna go ahead and ask for fluff or angst.

ex 1) “It Doesn’t have to be this way.” With Roman & Deceit [Rociet]

ex 2) “It doesn’t have to be this way.” Roman and Deceit

ex 3) “It doesn’t have to be this way.” tiny! Roman & giant! deceit! [Roceit Fluff]

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5 years ago

I’ll take care of you (Creativity Bros)

Prompt: “I’ll take care of You.” Tiny! Remus & Giant! Roman __________________________________________________

Roman and Remus were laying on Roman’s bed, sharing a bowl of popcorn and watching Disney movies. Remus was munching on a piece of popcorn, before he suddenly threw it at Roman’s face, trying to get his brother’s attention.

“Hey!” Roman whined, looking down at Remus. “What was that for?” He asked, gently poking his brother’s side.

Remus looked, up, a determined look in his eye. “I’ll take care of you. You’re my brother and brother’s look out for each other, right?”

Roman blinked, looking down at Remus with a puzzled look. He took a moment, trying to find the right words so he wouldn’t offend his brother. “Yeah, brothers do look out for each other, but it’s my job to protect you. You’re the little brother and-”

“-We are twins!” Remus interrupted, throwing another piece of popcorn at Roman’s face.

“Yeah, I know that!” Roman deflected the piece coming at his face, smirking at Remus. “But I’m way bigger than you! I have to protect you!”

“But I can protect you too! I’m just as strong, I’m just smaller than you! You’re the Prince and I’m the Duke! A Duke can protect a Prince!”

“No way! I’ve gotta protect you! I’m supposed to protect those smaller than me, and you’re super small! And I’m a Prince and a Knight! Knights protect Dukes, so I gotta protect you!”

“No no no! Fine! We protect each other!” Remus yelped, throwing more popcorn at Roman, his face heating up in anger.

Roman stopped and thought about it, before chuckling. “Fine, fine, we can protect each other,” Roman relented, a fond smile on his face. He held out his pointer finger to Remus, planning to shake on it. “Deal?”

The star struck look in Remus’ eyes was something Roman would kill for to see again. He loved watching his little brother get such a hopeful look in his eyes, looking as if he could conquer the entire world. Roman wanted to do everything in his power to make sure he saw that look more often.

“Deal!” Remus chirped, leaping forward and hugging onto the finger. “I’m gonna be the best protector you ever had! You’re gonna be so protected that you ain’t gonna remember what the word danger means!”

Roman chuckled, slowly curling his fingers around Remus to hug his brother. “I’ll hold you to that, little duke. Now let’s go back to watching the movie, your favorite part is coming up.” He rolled his eyes when Remus shushed him,dropping his brother into the popcorn bowl. He chuckled when another piece of popcorn hit his cheek, before he heard his brother chewing on a piece of the fluffy corn, meaning the popcorn assault was finished, for now.

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5 years ago

How did you even get up there!? (Platonic Dukexiety)

"How did you even get up there!?" Virgil cried out, his eyes wide with shock and awe. "How are you gonna get down from there!?"

Remus cackled, hanging on the edge of the fridge. "I'm never coming down!" He chirped, looking at the lining of pillows around the fridge. He did stumble a bit, causing Virgil to freak out and try to grab him.

“Remus! Get your ass down here right now! Come on, you’ll get hurt!” He pleaded, trying to reason with the borrower.

“I’ve done more dangerous stuff! I’m fine up here!” He assured, letting his toes hang over the edge. He almost fell, but he remained calm. I enjoy freaking this poor emo out too much.

“Yeah I know that! But when you did it last time you had a climby thingy with you!”

“A hook,” Remus supplied, grinning when Virgil grabbed at his hair.

“Last time you had a hook! Just come down Remus! Come on!”

Remus sighed internally, before his smile wided. He was giving this human one last scare. He backed up, before he ran, jumping off the fridge with eaze. “Geronimo!” He enjoyed the way the human screamed, feeling hands cup him as they fell onto the pillow covered floor.

“Never do that again! Are you fucking insane!?” His human cried, and he could feel the pounding heart pulsing in his chest.

“I’m perfectly normal! That was so much fun! Can I do it again?”


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5 years ago

Why are you doing this? (Virgil and Patton

Warnings: Kidnapping, Darkness, unsympathetic! Virgil (If I miss anything let me know!)

Darkness. There was nothing but darkness when he awoke. He couldn’t even see right in front of his face. To be fair, his glasses were missing, so that didn’t help things in the slightest.

“H-help!” He cried out, thrashing and squirming in whatever binded him. It felt cold, chains perhaps? “Help me! Please help me! I’m cold and scared!” He pleaded, thrashing around so much he fell on his side.

“Hey hey hey. Patton it’s okay,” a soft voice cooed, and a hand stroked through his hair. Patton cried out again when the hand tightened their hold, pulling on his hair. “Stop misbehaving or I’ll make you be good, got it.”

Patton cried out, tears filling his eyes. He whimpered and fell still, only relaxing when the hand released his hair and he heard them back away. He tried to figure out who was talking to him, but he couldn’t tell who it was exactly. He decided to take a guess, figuring it couldn’t hurt. “R-Roman? Is that you?” He whispered, not daring to be any louder than that.

He heard a snort, before he was smacked across the face. “You fucking idiot, don’t you dare compare me to that creative nuisance!” The voice snarled, and Patton instantly knew who it belonged to.

“Virgil! Virgil please let me go!” He begged, thrashing and wiggling once again. “Virgil honey please! Please stop this!” He felt a hand on his face, trailing down to brush against his lips. He sighed in relief, before the hand pulled away and slapped him hard enough to knock him over.

“Shut the fuck up Patton!” the voice, now known as Virgil, snarled. “Just shut the fuck up you bumbling idiot!”

Hands wrapped around his arms and hauled him back up, and he was sat down in a soft chair. Patton didn’t bother moving this time, whimpering in pain when a hand cupped his injured cheek.

“Patton please, stop making this difficult. You’re going to make this entire situation worse on yourself. I just need you to relax and stay here for a while, okay? Can you do that for me?” Virgil asked, running his fingers through Patton’s hair.

“W-Why?” Patton sniffled, tears slowly dripping down his cheeks. “Why are you doing this?”

Patton heard Virgil take a breath, and he felt a light kiss to his cheek. It was so light Patton questioned if it even happened. “Please….please tell me why.”

“You’re a bad influence,” Virgil said eventually, pulling away from Patton altogether. “You’re morals are too strong and overpowering. Everything goes your way in the end, and that’s not good all the time. Thomas missed out on so much because of your moral high ground, just like he missed out on the callback. We need to reel you in Patton, and you need to be trained on when and where to use your morals. Thomas is allowed to be selfish sometimes, ya know? Well….apparently you don’t, but worry not, I’m going to help you learn.”

Patton felt Virgil moving away and he heard soft footsteps walking away from him. His fear spiked and he cried out again. “W-wait! Please I’ll be better! I’ll be better, please don’t leave me!” He shrieked, choking on a sob.

“I have no choice Patton. Goodnight, I’ll see you in the morning, okay?” Virgil whispered, not wanting to speak any louder with the door open. “I love you and I wish there were a better way.”

Patton heard the door click shut and he started sobbing again, unable to hold back his cries. He was alone and scared, fearing the unknown. He wondered what was going to happen to him, and what Virgil meant by training. He wanted to go to his room and hide, but he had no idea where Virgil was keeping him. He felt so alone and so tired.

Patton felt his eyes slipping shut and he realized how exhausted he was. He tried to stay awake, fearing what would happen if Virgil came back to see him asleep. He didn’t last too much longer though, and soon he was forced to rest, unable to stay awake any longer.

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5 years ago

Cuddles Now (Rociet)

Roman was laying on the couch in his home, scrolling through channels on his TV and trying to find a good movie to watch. Cinderella? Seen it. Toy Story 3? I’d rather not cry. Oh, maybe Monsters Inc. since it’s been awhile since I’ve seen it. Yeah, Monsters Inc.

He turned on the movie and leaned back, a soft smile on his face. He hummed softly, before he heard his roof being pulled off slowly. He looked up, only for his view to be consumed by a massive hand.

He squeaked and tried to get away, but he was plucked off the couch and trapped in a massive fist. He looked up to only be met with his giant friend, Dee. He wiggled and squirmed, watching as Dee carefully put his roof back on.

“Dee! What are you doing!? We were supposed to meet tomorrow!” He squeaked, holding onto Dee when the giant stood up, heading back into the woods where he lived.

“Cuddles, now,” He demanded, nuzzling Roman against his cheek. His English was still a bit sloppy after about a month of them hanging out. Ever since Roman got lost in the woods and Dee helped him they had an uneasy friendship, meeting at least once a week for Dee’s English lessons.

“Dee come on! I was watching a movie!” He whined, watching them approaching Dee’s cave.

“Cuddles,” Dee repeated, shaking his head. “No mooo veeeee,” He groaned, curling up in his nest of blankets and mattresses. He held Roman closer to his chest, a content purr rumbling in his chest.

Roman squirmed and wiggled to try and get away, giving up soon when he realized there would be no escape for him. “Did you need cuddles that bad? Couldn’t you wait until tomorrow?”

Dee growled quietly, continuing to nuzzle Roman against his cheek. Roman took that as a no and fell silent, listening to Dee until the giant fell asleep. The purring and growling died down, Dee’s breathing ruffling his hair like a light wind, something Roman had to get used to ever since Dee decided the human made a good teddy bear while he slept.

He stayed put though, figuring he could since he would be with Dee all day tomorrow as well. At least it’s warm….maybe I should figure out a way to keep a TV here so I can watch movies. Yeah, I’ll look into that. He closed his eyes and let himself drift off, the soft breaths being a comfort to him as he slept. He was safe, Dee was safe and would protect him.

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