destinys-dragon - Hey! I write Stuff!
Hey! I write Stuff!

My Names Destiny I'm 21+ but you can call me Des or Dessy! Feel free to submit any questions or asks!Currently working on: Hermitcraft / Life Series

85 posts

Why Are You Doing This? (Virgil And Patton

Why are you doing this? (Virgil and Patton

Warnings: Kidnapping, Darkness, unsympathetic! Virgil (If I miss anything let me know!)

Darkness. There was nothing but darkness when he awoke. He couldn’t even see right in front of his face. To be fair, his glasses were missing, so that didn’t help things in the slightest.

“H-help!” He cried out, thrashing and squirming in whatever binded him. It felt cold, chains perhaps? “Help me! Please help me! I’m cold and scared!” He pleaded, thrashing around so much he fell on his side.

“Hey hey hey. Patton it’s okay,” a soft voice cooed, and a hand stroked through his hair. Patton cried out again when the hand tightened their hold, pulling on his hair. “Stop misbehaving or I’ll make you be good, got it.”

Patton cried out, tears filling his eyes. He whimpered and fell still, only relaxing when the hand released his hair and he heard them back away. He tried to figure out who was talking to him, but he couldn’t tell who it was exactly. He decided to take a guess, figuring it couldn’t hurt. “R-Roman? Is that you?” He whispered, not daring to be any louder than that.

He heard a snort, before he was smacked across the face. “You fucking idiot, don’t you dare compare me to that creative nuisance!” The voice snarled, and Patton instantly knew who it belonged to.

“Virgil! Virgil please let me go!” He begged, thrashing and wiggling once again. “Virgil honey please! Please stop this!” He felt a hand on his face, trailing down to brush against his lips. He sighed in relief, before the hand pulled away and slapped him hard enough to knock him over.

“Shut the fuck up Patton!” the voice, now known as Virgil, snarled. “Just shut the fuck up you bumbling idiot!”

Hands wrapped around his arms and hauled him back up, and he was sat down in a soft chair. Patton didn’t bother moving this time, whimpering in pain when a hand cupped his injured cheek.

“Patton please, stop making this difficult. You’re going to make this entire situation worse on yourself. I just need you to relax and stay here for a while, okay? Can you do that for me?” Virgil asked, running his fingers through Patton’s hair.

“W-Why?” Patton sniffled, tears slowly dripping down his cheeks. “Why are you doing this?”

Patton heard Virgil take a breath, and he felt a light kiss to his cheek. It was so light Patton questioned if it even happened. “Please….please tell me why.”

“You’re a bad influence,” Virgil said eventually, pulling away from Patton altogether. “You’re morals are too strong and overpowering. Everything goes your way in the end, and that’s not good all the time. Thomas missed out on so much because of your moral high ground, just like he missed out on the callback. We need to reel you in Patton, and you need to be trained on when and where to use your morals. Thomas is allowed to be selfish sometimes, ya know? Well….apparently you don’t, but worry not, I’m going to help you learn.”

Patton felt Virgil moving away and he heard soft footsteps walking away from him. His fear spiked and he cried out again. “W-wait! Please I’ll be better! I’ll be better, please don’t leave me!” He shrieked, choking on a sob.

“I have no choice Patton. Goodnight, I’ll see you in the morning, okay?” Virgil whispered, not wanting to speak any louder with the door open. “I love you and I wish there were a better way.”

Patton heard the door click shut and he started sobbing again, unable to hold back his cries. He was alone and scared, fearing the unknown. He wondered what was going to happen to him, and what Virgil meant by training. He wanted to go to his room and hide, but he had no idea where Virgil was keeping him. He felt so alone and so tired.

Patton felt his eyes slipping shut and he realized how exhausted he was. He tried to stay awake, fearing what would happen if Virgil came back to see him asleep. He didn’t last too much longer though, and soon he was forced to rest, unable to stay awake any longer.

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More Posts from Destinys-dragon

5 years ago

Fairly Small Love (4)

Characters: Snake, Virgil, Patton, Logan, Roman ________________________________________________________________

Virgil hesitated, biting his lip. “What if you trap me too? What if you’re secretly fae and you’re trying to trap me.”

Snake sighed, shaking his head. “I know that it might seem iffy and a bit cruel but even if I was a fae and I promised you my true name, You would have the same control over me as I would you. I’ll go first if that will make you feel better.”

“Yeah, you go first.” No fae was stupid enough to give him their full name, and Virgil wasn’t getting stuck again.

“Fine, My name is Declyn Mora Knight, but you can call me Dee.”

Virgil relaxed, slumping against Dee’s fingers. “Oh thank god….My name is-”

“Virgil Ann Storm, what do you think you are doing?” Patton asked, causing Virgil to go white. “And Declyn Mora Knight?” Patton purred, grinning.

Dee went pale, feeling sick. He wasn’t specific in giving only Virgil his name, he had allowed himself to be distracted by all of the spirits whispering in his ear. He wasn’t specific, meaning anyone…..anything listening, had access to his name now.

“Declyn Mora Knight, give me Virgil, now,” Patton ordered, giggling when Virgil was set delicately into his hands. “Good boy, now, Declyn Mora Knight, hold still.”

Dee wanted to move, he wanted to run away. But he couldn’t. “P-Please Pat don’t do thi-” He cut off when he slowly started to get smaller. He was frozen stiff until Patton scooped up his tiny body.

“You can move Declyn Mora Knight,” Patton cooed, giggling brightly. He got another one! He was so happy! He went back to the fairy ring, ignoring Virgil’s harsh sobs and Declyn’s horrified silence as he traveled home.

He opened the box, dropping Virgil onto the floor and carefully setting Dee down. “Oh Logan! Roman! I’m home!” he chirped, patting their heads. He giggled when they didn’t pull away, too frozen in shock to even care. “I brought you both a new friend! And I brought Virgil home!”

He watched them, ignoring how Virgil laid on the floor unmoving. He even ignored the red liquid pouring out of the tiny purple body. “I gotta go prepare snacks and goodies! Oh this is exciting!$” He chirped, slamming the lid back on the box and disappearing from sight.






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5 years ago

Fairly Small Love (5)

Characters Patton, Virgil, Roman, Logan, Dee


“My Name?” Patton asked, biting his lip.”

“Yes I….I really want to marry you,” Dee mumbled, his cheeks flushed red. “I really want you as my husband but I…...I want to know your true name.”

“Okay I… true name is Prince Morality of the Sun Isles,” he mumbled, flushing. “Will you marry me now?”

“Prince Morality of the Sun Isles, you will grow me back to normal right now,” a voice cut through, causing Dee to cheer.

“Virgil!” Dee cried out, his face bright.

Patton tried to resist, but he was forced to set Dee down, and grow Virgil to his normal height. Virgil grinned when the other three cheered for him, especially Roman, who had tears shining in his eyes. He was free, they were all free.

“Morality, return them to their proper sizes,” he added, sighing in relief when everyone was slowly grown to their normal height. He took a step back, looking at the tall and intimidating forms of Roman and Logan.

He didn’t even have a second to react before he was enveloped into a giant hug by Roman, being lifted off his feet. “T-thank you….thank you so much! G-gods please……..oh my god I’m free….we are free.”

Logan was more composed, but even he had tears shining in his eyes. He wiped his eyes, relaxing. Now was not the time to get emotional.

Patton whined loudly, wanting to shrink them all again. “N-No! I-I command you to stop this Virgi-”

“Morality you are forbidden from saying any of our full names!” Dee cried out quickly, effectively shutting Patton up. “Now Morality….you shrink.” Dee commanded, watching as the fairy slowly grew smaller until he was barely bigger than Dee’s thumb.

Roman bent down, grabbing Patton in a tight fist. “Now, what should we do about this…..pest?” he asked, cringing in disgust. He felt the shackle on his leg pop off, glancing at Virgil and Logan to see the collar and watch break off them.

“I have plans,” Logan mumbled, glaring. “I have a ton of plans, but I am open to suggestions from everyone.”

“D-Dee why?” Patton whimpered, wincing when his wings got caught in the now massive fingers. “You said you loved me.”

“I lied, you twat,” Dee huffed, chuckling. “And I’m glad you’re so naive, stupid fae. You all have a weakness....morons, the lot of you.”

Patton wilted, his heart breaking. He thought Dee loved him! he thought they all loved him. They have to love him, right?

Taglist below the Cut





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5 years ago

"Cuddles. Now." Tiny!Roman and Giant!Deceit. (Roceit please!)

[Click here] And enjoy the soft boys!

5 years ago

Ask Blogs?

Heyo, how are you all? I was thinking and stuff, and with how popular Fairly Small Love has gotten (With 22 active followers and almost 200 posts.) I was thinking about opening another ask blog. I know I have my Rotten Witch, but hey, what’s one more, right? So, why don’t you guys tell me what you wanna see? I really wanna see all your suggestions and things, so feel free to comment or DM me!

Additional Note: Would anyone mind if I put a bunch of asks in one mass post {Don’t worry, I won’t delete the asks!} But put maybe 5-7 asks together into one mass post?

Request a Story?

Send me a Title, receive a prompt based on said Title?

Join the Taglist! (Send an Ask / Direct Message [DM])

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5 years ago

I’ll take care of you (Creativity Bros)

Prompt: “I’ll take care of You.” Tiny! Remus & Giant! Roman __________________________________________________

Roman and Remus were laying on Roman’s bed, sharing a bowl of popcorn and watching Disney movies. Remus was munching on a piece of popcorn, before he suddenly threw it at Roman’s face, trying to get his brother’s attention.

“Hey!” Roman whined, looking down at Remus. “What was that for?” He asked, gently poking his brother’s side.

Remus looked, up, a determined look in his eye. “I’ll take care of you. You’re my brother and brother’s look out for each other, right?”

Roman blinked, looking down at Remus with a puzzled look. He took a moment, trying to find the right words so he wouldn’t offend his brother. “Yeah, brothers do look out for each other, but it’s my job to protect you. You’re the little brother and-”

“-We are twins!” Remus interrupted, throwing another piece of popcorn at Roman’s face.

“Yeah, I know that!” Roman deflected the piece coming at his face, smirking at Remus. “But I’m way bigger than you! I have to protect you!”

“But I can protect you too! I’m just as strong, I’m just smaller than you! You’re the Prince and I’m the Duke! A Duke can protect a Prince!”

“No way! I’ve gotta protect you! I’m supposed to protect those smaller than me, and you’re super small! And I’m a Prince and a Knight! Knights protect Dukes, so I gotta protect you!”

“No no no! Fine! We protect each other!” Remus yelped, throwing more popcorn at Roman, his face heating up in anger.

Roman stopped and thought about it, before chuckling. “Fine, fine, we can protect each other,” Roman relented, a fond smile on his face. He held out his pointer finger to Remus, planning to shake on it. “Deal?”

The star struck look in Remus’ eyes was something Roman would kill for to see again. He loved watching his little brother get such a hopeful look in his eyes, looking as if he could conquer the entire world. Roman wanted to do everything in his power to make sure he saw that look more often.

“Deal!” Remus chirped, leaping forward and hugging onto the finger. “I’m gonna be the best protector you ever had! You’re gonna be so protected that you ain’t gonna remember what the word danger means!”

Roman chuckled, slowly curling his fingers around Remus to hug his brother. “I’ll hold you to that, little duke. Now let’s go back to watching the movie, your favorite part is coming up.” He rolled his eyes when Remus shushed him,dropping his brother into the popcorn bowl. He chuckled when another piece of popcorn hit his cheek, before he heard his brother chewing on a piece of the fluffy corn, meaning the popcorn assault was finished, for now.

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