dinamo123xpq - Dinamo123xp

20 posts

Angela: Did You See My Top?

Angela: did you see my top?

Jack: Carmen is in the kitchen.

@celestiarambles make this happen ;w;

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More Posts from Dinamo123xpq

11 months ago

Jean: Ingrid, keep an eye on the player. He is going to say something to the wrong person and get himself punched.

Ingrid: sure, I'd love to see the player get punched.

Jean: try again.

Ingrid sighing: I will stop the player from getting punched.

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1 year ago

Question to Zoe; how is it like being in the AD Astra team? Do you find joy being there or is it rather boring/stressful?



In an abandoned factory lay an unconscious woman, she is surrounded by seven people with hair of different colours.

Acuarius: this is a waste of time.

Hydra: be patient, we are outnumbered 100 to 1.

Fornax: I'm more worry about that magenta aura thing that emanates from her body.

Casiopea to andromeda: what are we going to do?

Andromeda: I don't know, let me think.

Orion: let's focus in the dome. We are being inactives and that means more neohumans.

Andromeda: the priority is her, she is the only person that could scape. Maybe she is the key for our victory.

Perseus: *murmurs* hope you wake up son, we need answers.

Zoe: *suddenly wakes up*

Zoe with magenta eyes: *angry* leave us alone!

Orion: *freez her*

Fornax: why did you do that idiot?

Orion: it was a reflex!

Hydra: *sighing* at least she's awake now.

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1 year ago

In a bar

Dave: I think I just figured something out. I gotta go.

Ingrid: aren't you forgetthing something?

Dave: *thinking*

Dave: *kiss Ingrid's forehead*

Ingrid: no! Pay your bill!

Ingrid: damm! Who rised you?

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9 months ago

Here is some other shit he did (I'm from Argentina btw).

●Wanted to send soilders to the Israel-Palestina Conflict.

●Generated tension with Spain (the country took out its embassy).

●was accused of plagiarism when he wrote 3 books.

● Justice wants the government to distribute 5,000,000 kg of food that is stored in warehouses.

●When Bahía Blanca was flooded he basicly said that they are on their own.

●stopped distributing cancer treatments (people died from this).

●The senators have just increased their salary again (I just read it in La Capítal).

●He shit on the retirees as much as possible.

●There is a salary conflict in Misiones (I understand that it is the province's problem but he could help)

●There is less and less work.

●The country ran out of gas. There are diplomatic tensions with Brazil over the purchase.

●I'm from Rosario and in one week (march) we had 4 murderer of inocents people becouse the government wanted to be Bukele (that was horror week for me).

●UNR students received threats from libertarians.

●Libertarians denounce UNR for indoctrination (they have no fucking idea how public universities work).

●"Si la gente no llegara a fin de mes se estaría muriendo en la calle y eso es falso" This shows that the president has no idea how people live or he don't give a fuck.

●Milei hate culture.

●Wants to stop financing the public university

●Wanted to privatize Banco Nación (my mother could lost her job but thanks god it didn't hapend yet) and close the central bank.

●Defunded nationals parks.


If you're not from Argentina, please read this carefully

I have no words to describe the pain I feel. after 40 years of democracy, my country elected a party whose only goal is to be a colony once again, to sell the country to Elon Musk, to the USA and the UK, to have our sovereignty impugned and erased.

I remember the video of USAmerican congressists calling Argentina an "important asset for the United States". I remember when we told all of you to be vigilant because this was gonna turn into a genocide.

Tomorrow, the Mega DNU (Decree of Necessity and Urgency) is going to overrule most of our constitutional rights, and yesterday the Omnibus Law was presented to congress, including measures that make it illegal to gather in public without permission (state of siege), and make it so that protest is a crime. We will have to pay for the bullets that kill us, and cops will have absolute legal immunity to hunt us.

Word for word, a dictatorship. Fascism.

We've already gone through this many times, but I want to see worldwide protests about this. I want the UN to intervene. I want the world to make noise.

What worries me is this is not an isolated case. With many genocides going on worldwide, if the world fails Argentina, this will be the blueprint for all of the world.

Make no mistake, what happens here will happen everywhere there's natural resources and sovereignty. If not through overt genocide, through an extremely libertarian far right that wins elections by manipulating people, funded by Elon Musk. A second Operation Cóndor.

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1 year ago

The girls at the bar

Zoe: Ingrid, since you'r leaving, I'd like to make a toast.

Carmen: bye.

Ingrid: oh my god. That was perfect.

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