Writer, Artist, Singer, Eternally Screaming Fandoms: YGO DM, YGO GX, Voltron: Legendary Defender, FMA, Delicious in Dungeon,
236 posts
Does Anyone Know Why Everyone In Naruto Episodes 107 - 109 Looked Older Than They Should Have Been?
Does anyone know why everyone in Naruto episodes 107 - 109 looked older than they should have been?

Like why the hell did they genuinely look 15 here?
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More Posts from Disgruntled-screaming
Anytime I see a post about someone hating a ship for whatever reason, I just block them.
The ships are going to exist regardless if you hate them or not. Don't waste your breath on them.
I honestly used to be that way with a few ships and being in fandom became less and less fun. Just focus on what you like.
**There's honestly one set of ships I refuse to respect in terms of concept, and it's those ships with Gozaburo from YuGiOh in them. I can not, in good faith, respect those ships at all.**
I honestly keep thinking about Sasuke's poor mental health after his family died.
As much as I appreciate how part 1 of Naruto was written, I feel like going into a deep dive into Sasuke's psychology and him finding solace in his first group of friends is incredibly needed.
I was not expecting the manga to do that, but you can definitely tell that Team 7 changed him for the better before the negative influences of Orochimaru and his insecurities came in.
Poor kid just needed someone to give a damn about him. He found his family after tragedy, and that voice in the back of his head told him to abandon them because despite his efforts, he didn't belong.
What a tragic story for a little boy.
I could honestly be reading too much into this, but that's how I see Sasuke in Part 1.
Ey, so if you're stuck on how to continue your story, make another document and just pick a Wattpad idea.
I'm currently writing a story where I get sold to a band that I adore, but everyone in the story are adults.
I use it as a warm up before continuing my serious projects. It has honestly helped me out.

happy spooky season!!!
I think the reason why I'm so anal about Shiro's arm is the fact that Avatar The Last Airbender spoiled the ever loving shit out of me.
I asked a question, ATLA would answer it.
We even got shown how Zuko got his scar in a fantastic episode.
Voltron, I love you so damn much, but you were missing some pieces to the puzzle. My puzzle. That I created. In my mind.