🍃Dnd Maps | Free Assets | Commissionable Artists | Dice 🍃 A place to share & keep track of stuff I love!Open for submission. Absolutely no AI & only credited artwork
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Encountober Day 4! Broken Bridge!
I made this map with a specific encounter in mind- a dynamic and perilous ambush!
I really enjoyed brainstorming this while working on it!

City Streets Map Pack
Greetings everyone, welcome to another map pack! It features 12 total maps, including city streets, bridges, cathedrals and much more.
Patrons get access to gridded/ungridded and watermark-free maps. The grid size of each map is 30x40.
Check out the map pack here.

Coastal Beaches Map Pack ~ A breathtaking coastal landscape unfolds with towering cliffs draped in emerald vines, cascading down to meet a sapphire sea.
Cheers everyone, welcome to another map pack! It features 9 total maps, including beaches, coastal grottos, rocky coastlines, and much more.
Check out the entire map pack here.

Not every corner of the realm is accessible by road. Vast stretches of wilderness are crossed only by seldom used trails. These paths are dangerous, and those who brave the weather, terrain, and monsters can only rely on their own wits and strength. This particular path along a high cliff is infamous for snowstorms and high winds that can dislodge boulders or sweep a traveler right over the edge. Aerial predators and carrion feeders know it as an easy hunting ground. This battle map is available to supporters in full size PNG/VTT format, without watermark, and night/day + grid/gridless variants.

Rumble in the Jungle - Something enormous is charging through the canopy, bulldozing trees and damaging the tree fort. Will the players be able to stop it before it escapes, leaving a path of destruction?
Hello everyone, welcome to my newest phased Battlemap! It comes in 8 phases, which depict a tree fort being sieged and destroyed by something that moves underneath.
This can be a monster, magical effect, or whatever you want it to be! Prepare your players for a dynamic encounter that features shaking platforms, falling bridges, and holes that give way!
You can download all 8 phases for free here.
Check out my entire map archive here.

A walk in the forest.