Oh I Love This - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

Frisk UNDERTALE in Twisted wonderland

Frisk UNDERTALE In Twisted Wonderland

Previous Next?

I did not expect that others will like this crossover so much. I did this as a random joke and now I'm really being asked about this "AU" lore. I'll put those comics away for a bit.

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3 years ago

Fanart for @deviled-dice

Fanart For @deviled-dice

(tap on the photo for better quality 😢)

Hello! This is my first time showing one of my drawings ! In here sooo I hope you guys like it

I made this for @deviled-dice , it's basically a redraw of a cosplay photo he uploaded in his account ! I just discovered him but I really loved how he draws and cosplays !

If you are reading this : I hope you like this drawing ! I did my best for it to look exactly like the photo, it's not a 10/10 but I think I did it quiet well ( sorry if it's bad tho)

This is the photo that inspired me to make this drawing:

Fanart For @deviled-dice

It's in @deviled-dice account if you guys want to see it from the original post.


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1 year ago
Been Sat On This One For A While Because Ive Got Mixed Feelings About It But Hey

been sat on this one for a while because ive got mixed feelings about it but hey

curse au iz + jim

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2 years ago
Final Product

Final product

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6 years ago
Kisaragi Academy Gang For My Goretober Challenge!! Days 2-10!
Kisaragi Academy Gang For My Goretober Challenge!! Days 2-10!
Kisaragi Academy Gang For My Goretober Challenge!! Days 2-10!
Kisaragi Academy Gang For My Goretober Challenge!! Days 2-10!
Kisaragi Academy Gang For My Goretober Challenge!! Days 2-10!
Kisaragi Academy Gang For My Goretober Challenge!! Days 2-10!
Kisaragi Academy Gang For My Goretober Challenge!! Days 2-10!
Kisaragi Academy Gang For My Goretober Challenge!! Days 2-10!
Kisaragi Academy Gang For My Goretober Challenge!! Days 2-10!

kisaragi academy gang for my goretober challenge!! days 2-10! 

be sure to follow my twitter, where i upload them in smaller batches! 

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2 years ago

I was wondering if I could request a diety? If so may I request a goddess that is for the Gith what Moradin is for the Dwarves?


Deity: Urania, The One Who Names The Stars

Hear me, brothers, sisters, my fellow orphans of the vast,

We are lost, but we are not forgotten,

The Bright Maiden has set a Star Burning for us,

And she calls us Home

The wild unknown and the simple laws that govern the universe, the cold embrace of space and the warmth of distant stars, the mystery of the infinite horizon and the knowledge of your course through it: The goddess Urania is a being of contrasts. Patron to astronomers, navigators, and any who find themselves alone with only the stars for guidance, the bright maiden is called upon by many who sail the astral sea to bless their journeys into the vast cosmos and to guide them back home again. 

Legend says it was It was the Gith who found her, aboard a lost and aimless refugee ship too full of desperate souls who’d just escaped from the tyranny of the ilithid. They saw a stranger cast adrift in the void, and though they did not have enough to go around they cast out a line and pulled her from the void because the thought of leaving anyone behind without hope of rescue was too terrible to bear. In rescuing her they rescued themselves, for when the captain gave up his ration of water the goddess awoke with her eyes full of grateful tears, whispering to him of a course towards sanctuary just as a new star flared on the horizon.

Since then it has been tradition among the Gith ( and those who have learned the art of astral navigation from them) to keep a star shaped lantern burning in the goddess’s honour, and to rescue any they find adrift, no matter who they might be.

 Adventure Hooks:

Knowledge of the stars is sacred to those who follow Urania, whether it be in charting new courses through the astral sea or divining the movement and influence of celestial bodies. An acolyte of such an order believes she’s had a star-granted vision of a previously unexplored reach of the astral sea but her superiors won’t let her mount an expedition as much of the nearby territory has a reputation for being dangerous, or downright hostile. To this end she hires the party to help her go delving a long abandoned archive-moon in the hopes of discovering ancient records that her research hints might just contain a means of traversal through this hostile stretch of space.

Much ink has been spilled over the potential connections between the bright maiden and Nyx, matronly goddess of primordial darkness, with most scholars agreeing to disagree as to whether the goddess are enemies, aspects of the same being, or somehow related.  This debate comes to a head when a night-shrouded acolyte of Nyx steals the star lamp from the vessel of a famous spelljammer captain on the eve of an important voyage, darkening the lamp with occult magics to use in some mysterious ritual. Both men are, as the party discovers after being hired to recover the lamp, brothers, and as their pursuit goes on it becomes wildly clear that the two goddess are having some kind of a wager over the outcome of the theft, subtly influencing events in their own favour

Along their travels, the party discover a reinforced capsule containing an ember of celestial fire, a nascent star that some enterprising mage plucked from the sky in an attempt to tap its power. The item is tremendously useful, (acting as a pearl of power that refreshes after short rests), but in moments of channelling the star’s energy the attuned creature is more and more filled with feelings of loneliness and need to return to a home they’ve never seen before. The ember is alive, if not sentient, and longs to be returned to the patch of sky from which it was stolen. Doing so can be quite an undertaking, but will reward the party with the Bright Maiden’s favour in the process. 

Titles: The Bright Maiden, Lady of Far Horizons, The Infinite,

Signs: The appearance of new stars, astronomical lines and diagrams appearing in the sky, a sudden awareness of a heading leading either home or into the unknown

Symbols: A star and sextant or other tool of navigation, lantern with star iconography or burning with celestial fire. 

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2 years ago



(152830) 1999 VD57 is a small, stony main-belt asteroid 700 meters (2,300 feet) in diameter. It was discovered by the Lincoln Near-Earth Asteroid Research (LINEAR) survey at Socorro, New Mexico on 4 November 1999. This asteroid was identified as a flyby target for NASA's Lucy mission in January 2023, which will approach 450 km (280 mi) from the asteroid on 1 November 2023. 1999 VD57 will be Lucy's first and smallest flyby target and it will become the smallest main-belt asteroid visited by a spacecraft yet. It was identified as a target by Raphael Marschall, mission collaborator of the Nice Observatory, only after Lucy had launched, due to the asteroid's small size.

1999 VD57 has not been named yet, but the Lucy mission team has proposed the provisional name Dinkinesh, after the Ethiopian name for the Lucy fossil after which this NASA mission is named.

Dinkinesh translates approximately to “You Are Beautiful.”

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6 months ago

i love how gentle mars is. warm colors with only subtle contrasts, bright daylight but not as intense and harsh as on earth. a landscape mostly smoothed by the eons, but with just enough sharpening from impacts and volcanoes and wind to create places of interest that draw the eye - and the mind's curiosity

I Love How Gentle Mars Is. Warm Colors With Only Subtle Contrasts, Bright Daylight But Not As Intense
I Love How Gentle Mars Is. Warm Colors With Only Subtle Contrasts, Bright Daylight But Not As Intense
I Love How Gentle Mars Is. Warm Colors With Only Subtle Contrasts, Bright Daylight But Not As Intense
I Love How Gentle Mars Is. Warm Colors With Only Subtle Contrasts, Bright Daylight But Not As Intense
I Love How Gentle Mars Is. Warm Colors With Only Subtle Contrasts, Bright Daylight But Not As Intense
I Love How Gentle Mars Is. Warm Colors With Only Subtle Contrasts, Bright Daylight But Not As Intense

and that's not to mention the things that pictures can't show. the way the thin atmosphere muffles sound like burying your head in pillows and blankets, and makes even the fastest winds too weak to disturb anything but sand and dust. dust devils spinning hypnotically. noctilucent clouds drifting in the twilight, briefly coming alive with iridescence before fading into the night. snow falling not as blizzards, but as light dustings on the winter poles. and perhaps every so often, the quiet rumble of a marsquake reverberating through a rover's wheels

and over more-than-human timescales, volcanoes erupt - but only a few times in an epoch. the poles tilt and the climate shifts. glaciers might come alive for a bit, and maybe trickles of water flow where the pressure allows for it. wind carves the faces of rocks, deposits of dust slowly lithify, the occasional impact forms a crater

mars was once thought to be a dead planet, but it's very much alive, just beautifully quiet and subtle

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5 months ago

silrah camera roll peek

This is what their phones look like and you cannot convince me otherwise.

A little glimpse into Farah's camera roll

Silrah Camera Roll Peek
Silrah Camera Roll Peek
Silrah Camera Roll Peek
Silrah Camera Roll Peek
Silrah Camera Roll Peek
Silrah Camera Roll Peek
Silrah Camera Roll Peek
Silrah Camera Roll Peek
Silrah Camera Roll Peek
Silrah Camera Roll Peek
Silrah Camera Roll Peek
Silrah Camera Roll Peek

A little glimpse into Saul's camera roll

Silrah Camera Roll Peek
Silrah Camera Roll Peek
Silrah Camera Roll Peek
Silrah Camera Roll Peek
Silrah Camera Roll Peek
Silrah Camera Roll Peek
Silrah Camera Roll Peek
Silrah Camera Roll Peek
Silrah Camera Roll Peek
Silrah Camera Roll Peek
Silrah Camera Roll Peek
Silrah Camera Roll Peek

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8 months ago

Heads Up Seven Up!

I got tagged by @marlowethelibrarian. Here are the last seven eight lines I wrote today

Ron's eyes flick up to the rearview mirror. Briefly, he sees himself, his respiratory mask, the red of his eyes. He reaches up to adjust the mirror, down to Nat's unconscious, taped up body, laid out across the backseats. He unlocks his phone screen, half an eye on it, half an eye on the road. The dial tone rings, phone clenched between his jaw and his uninjured shoulder, one hand on the steering wheel. "Heyy," he grins as she picks up, his face frozen into something wide-eyed and manic. "Rabbit! How's it going?"

I tag @mysticstarlightduck and @inks-books + open tag!

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7 months ago

Prompt: Freak (Discord Drabble) Getting a smidge spicy for Coffee Break Monday aka, choose a past prompt.

Steve has been doing this with Eddie Munson for a few months now.

Well, not this. But making out on his bed. Or on the couch downstairs, or even out in Eddie's van before the guy could even get inside the house.

Always like clockwork on the Thursday afternoon, straight after Steve got home from Family Video and when Eddie would skip last period. Every. Single. Week.

Save for that unbearable two weeks his parents were home last Christmas.

This time they did more – that.


And it was different. A lot.

Maybe even everything, Steve thinks as he looks up at his bedroom ceiling, catching his breath.

He feels sticky – tacky now in a way that briefly makes him think he should do something about it as he wipes his hand over the mess on his stomach. He is hot all over too, flushed but nonetheless sated. Like his whole body is pulsating and melting into the mattress all at once.

Steve blinks slowly as the beginnings of sleep start to overcome him when Eddie giggles besides him.

He looks over to find Eddie's shoulders shaking. His eyes a wide and glistening – hysterical. Eddie's bangs are sticking to his forehead and a blush creeps all the way up his neck to his cheeks.

He lolls his head to the side and grins, delirious. It makes Steve's heart pound in his ears.

"You're a total freak, y'know that?" Eddie breathes out.

Yeah, this is everything, Steve thinks as he rolls over and surges forward for more.

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11 months ago
My Beautiful Commission Byimpalartsociopath

My beautiful commission by impalartsociopath

Its just what I wanted and is now my new lock screen on my phone =]

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5 months ago
Newest Additions To The Pack
Newest Additions To The Pack

Newest additions to the pack

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6 months ago

Love this

Love this

Love this


 Pixel Rpg Marcille On Her Way To Battle More Undines!

🌟 pixel rpg marcille on her way to battle more undines! ✨

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