dollgutzzz - Professional Belly Rubber
Professional Belly Rubber

doll or poppy | 22 | asexual | she/herfanfic writertummy noise enjoyerSTRICTLY 18+

209 posts

I Have Some Ideas/suggestions For Sicktember! I Stuck With Prompts You Didn't Have Any Ideas Or Suggestions

I have some ideas/suggestions for Sicktember! I stuck with prompts you didn't have any ideas or suggestions for yet, according to an earlier post you made. Love your work!! :3 I am a huge FFXV fan and love to see Noctis suffer and receive all the comfort, so all my suggestions are focused there. Not a big fan of romance between the boys. Love a good, platonic friendship! I added some details into the recommendations, but please, use them as much or as little as you see fit! :)

Day 3: Campus Crud - There's something going around Noct's and Prompto's school. Prompto manages to avoid it, but Noctis isn't so lucky. The symptoms come on quickly and he begins to come down with it in class. He realizes he needs to ask Ignis to pick him up early, something very uncharacteristic for Noct, especially since he had plans to hang out with Prompto after school. Ignis knows Noct must really feel awful if he is reaching out like that during the middle of the school day and admit to not feeling well, and especially miss hanging out with Prompto after school.

Day 6: Dizziness/vertigo - Noctis is feeling off all morning but knows he can't skip out on training with Gladio. He pushes through for as long as he can, but progressively feels dizzier and dizzier, leading him to get sick all over. Gladio is completely caught off guard by it since Noct hid it so well. Gladio takes a gentle approach with Noct afterwards. He doesn't like seeing him so shaky and pale, covered in puke.

Day 9: Overdramatic patient/caretaker - Prompto is hanging out with Noctis alone for one of the first times early in their friendship, and Noctis begins to feel sick and nauseous, which leads to vomiting. Prompto has never seen Noct sick before and starts to slightly panic and doesn't know what to do because...that's the Prince of Lucis...and he doesn't want to cross boundaries and break royal protocol. He tries to care for him, but ultimately decides to call Ignis/Gladio for help. Lots of comfort ensues.

Day 11 (ALT): “I didn’t mean to wake you up.” - Noctis comes down with a fever/flu while the guys are on the road and is feeling pretty miserable. He falls asleep early and gets woken up by Ignis coming into the room/tent to check on him. Noct proceeds to get sick everywhere and is really embarrassed and emotional about it, a result of the high fever. Gladio and Prompto decide to stay out of the way to let Noctis have some privacy with just Ignis caring for him, since Noct is so worked up about the whole situation and they don't want to further upset him. They can't stand to see Noct so distressed.

Day 26 (ALT): Flushed Cheeks - The boys are on the road completing hunts. It's a sweltering day, but they need all the Gil they can get. The heat begins to take a toll on Noctis and he finds himself very shaky and nauseous. The boys notice his flushed cheeks and labored breathing. They try and coax him to lay down in the shade, but Noct passes out. The others need to work quickly to cool him off before things get even worse. They try and spare Noct as much privacy and dignity as they can, but his body temperature is too hot from the heat exhaustion.

Day 28 (ALT): Hospital Bed - Noctis starts to feel the symptoms of appendicitis, but chooses to ignore them, thinking it's just an annoying stomach bug. The symptoms worsen, but Noct forces himself to proceed with his long schedule for the day, not wanting to disappoint his father. Ignis notices and is concerned, but Noct is stubborn. Things take a turn for the worse and Noct ends up in the Citadel hospital for an emergency appendectomy.

I could keep going but I'll stop there. xD Looking forward to reading all your Sicktember fics!!

You’re literally so awesome!! These are amazing, thank you so much!! 🥺🩷

More Posts from Dollgutzzz

7 months ago

Sicktember Fanfic Suggestions!

Hiii so I’m participating in Sicktember this year (unfortunately its final year 😔) and I’m having a bit of trouble with the brainstorming process on some of the prompts. If you have any that you’d like to see, feel free to request! Either on this post, or in an ask :)

Sicktember Fanfic Suggestions!

***Please note I have crossed out prompts that I don’t feel comfortable with writing.***

Please check my pinned post to see fandoms I am in/will write for! I currently write FFXV and Genshin Impact, but I’m looking to expand on that :)

Prompts I already have ideas for:

• 1: “I’m not hungover, I’m just sick” (Likely Kavehtham)

• 2: Too much of a good thing/overindulgance (Probably Noctis lol that poor guy)

• 12: “You’re not fine, you’re throwing up/coughing up a lung” (Likely Promptis)

• 29: Sick on a roadtrip (VenXiao)

I’m also happy to take ideas for those four prompts as well! I am always open to ideas, so they are something I could certainly write in the future as well :)

Thank you!!!! Happy almost Sicktember 😷

***NOTE: I am fully entitled to reject a prompt if I am not comfortable with the suggestion/do not know the source material well enough to write a fic (see pinned post for fandoms I’m in). Please be kind and respectful, and do not send suggestions for the ones crossed off the list. Ty <3)

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6 months ago

Chapter 7 of my vampire!Kaveh fic at last! I’m so sorry this took so long. I finally am moved into my new place and back to writing :) I have lots of new ideas in addition to this series, so please stay tuned! 🩷
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

Summary: The group finds themselves up against their own ally.

CW: Violence, bl00d, consuming animal blood, light suggestive content, sickness, passing out

Characters: Kaveh, Alhaitham, Tighnari, Cyno, Collei, Traveler, Paimon

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7 months ago

Friends and Followers,

After four incredible years of creativity and camaraderie, we have made the difficult decision to make 2024 our final Sicktember event. 

During that time, we have poured our hearts into organizing and running this event. We've been amazed by the talent and passion you all have displayed. However, our lives have grown busier with families and jobs. And the amount of day-to-day stress we’re being asked to handle has increased. These everyday factors add up, making it increasingly difficult to dedicate the time and energy required to make this event the best it can be.

We want to express our deepest gratitude to each of you for your participation, enthusiasm, and involvement over the years. Your creative contributions have been the core of this event, and we are so proud of what we've accomplished together. Sicktember would have never existed without you!

While this will end our journey as organizers, we encourage everyone to keep writing, drawing, sharing, and uplifting one another. 

Thank you for your understanding and ongoing support. This blog will remain active through October 7th to complete content promotion submissions. After that, we will offer you one last small parting gift, a short list of our favorite unused prompts, before stepping back from this blog.

We look forward to your hard work coming to fruition in September.  Let's make this final year our best one yet! 


@yes-i-am-happyaspie and @obsessionoftheday

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6 months ago

Sicktember Day 1: “I’m not hungover, I’m just sick”

Sicktember is finally here! I literally feel like it’s a national holiday lmao. Please enjoy day one! ⭐️
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

Rating: G

Media: Genshin Impact

Characters: Kaveh and Alhaitham

Summary: Alhaitham is more than used to Kaveh being hungover in the mornings. He’s ready to tease him for it until he realizes that his roommate might just be sick.

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6 months ago
Just The Absolute Cutest Sweetest Ever Whom I Love And Adore
Just The Absolute Cutest Sweetest Ever Whom I Love And Adore
Just The Absolute Cutest Sweetest Ever Whom I Love And Adore
Just The Absolute Cutest Sweetest Ever Whom I Love And Adore
Just The Absolute Cutest Sweetest Ever Whom I Love And Adore
Just The Absolute Cutest Sweetest Ever Whom I Love And Adore

just the absolute cutest sweetest ever whom i love and adore

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