doublejango - A Helluva Mess
A Helluva Mess

RP Blog for Helluva Boss & Hazbin Hotel

477 posts

[for @grimowled Continued From This Dark, Sticky, Ultra-sweet Sap ]

[for @grimowled continued from this dark, sticky, ultra-sweet sap ]


Blitz was still sitting alone in his living room, curled up on the couch. His apartment was dark and quiet--Loona wasn't around much these days--and he had been letting himself get lost in too many dark thoughts, empty thoughts. Texting a confession to Stolas had felt like idiocy. After Verosika's party, what the fuck would Stolas ever want from him again? But Blitz still wanted him. He always would, he knew. Apparently, he was fucking cursed with love, cursed to love, and he couldn't break free of it... Nor did he want to. So, although he knew the answer would be more silence or ridicule, he sent the text anyway, closed his eyes, and tried to dream of better scenarios, of ways that maybe it wouldn't go so badly.

And then his phone-screen lit up. The new notification sound was a clip of Stolas's performance--one of the most popular videos trending on VoxTube--and so that sweet, smooth voice came through the darkness, easing away so many shadows. Stolas's voice was a shadow all its own, but one Blitz could willingly lose himself in. He closed his eyes, listening until the clip of the song was over, then picked up the phone. Heart heavy, he opened the text, expecting to see... to see...

Fuck. Those words weren't what Blitz had expected at all. Golden eyes widening, he read over them again and again, struggling to believe it. every waking thought my most blissful of nightmares... ...monstrous wings around you to keep.... together... my heart... you and you alone... come to me quickly... carve my devotion upon your soul... yours.

Blitz's heart felt like it was frozen. This, all of this, was like some fucked up dream come true, in the most painfully beautiful way. He knew this was dangerous, knew Stolas wasn't safe, wasn't some gentle, benign being. Stolas wasn't for beginners. He wasn't anywhere near as soft as his feathers or his voice might make him seem. He was a demon prince in every way--and he was all Blitz fucking wanted. If Stolas wanted to carve his devotion onto Blitz's soul--fuck. The imp didn't know what that meant, but he knew that it didn't really matter. He wanted it. He wanted him, and he was done pretending otherwise. Stolas mattered so damned much--too damned much.

Maybe it was time to bind himself to the demon. To offer himself to Stolas, for better or for worse. If it meant they could be together, if it meant he could still have him, still love him? Be near him?

Maybe it was time to finally yield to his demon prince.


Blitz didn't waste time. He didn't know what the fuck was going to happen. Maybe just hot sex, a nice night of banging and laughter and then them passing out curled up in each other's arms. Or, maybe Stolas was going to use his magic on him, bind them together forever, warp Blitz's very being... but did it really matter? There was still some sense of caution in Blitz that said yes, yes, it matters, be goddamn careful, what the fuck are you doing, but he was tired of fighting that voice. He was so fucking tired.

Dressed in his sluttiest best--a mesh shirt with chrome rings for his spines, leather trousers so tight they might have been painted onto him, black eyeshadow--he didn't bother sneaking in this time. Blitz knocked on Stolas's front door, and as soon as the door opened and one of the staff tried to sneer at him, to gesture at him to go around to a side door, Blitz stalked inside. No holding back, no playing it safe, not anymore.

"Where the fuck is my bird?"


A nervous servant led the imp up to Stolas's room. Tail lashing, Blitz glared until the servant left. Then, not hesitating at all, he kicked the door open like the uncultured, uncouth vermin he was, and stalked into the room.

"Stolas! You told me to come, so I'm here. I'm... I brought something for you. For us." Eyes brighter than ever, tail still lashing, Blitz walked up to him, then held out a tattered leather bag, something old. The unmistakable clink of chains could be heard inside, smooth metal sliding against itself. There was a collar in there, a collar and a chain, something Blitz remembered too well from his hallucination--a hallucination where he saw the truth. He loved this man. Stolas was on a damned pedestal, and even if Stolas owned him, even if Stolas collared and chained him, Stolas loved him. And being loved by Stolas? That. Was better than a lifetime of anything else--including self respect, safety, or common sense.

"I'm yours, Stolas. Whatever that means. Whatever you want. I'm yours to keep. Just--don't cast me aside again. Please. I'll give you, I am giving you, everything. My heart. My trust. Me."

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    eotdemoron liked this · 5 months ago
  • grimowled
    grimowled liked this · 5 months ago

More Posts from Doublejango

5 months ago

[ for @helluvasins, continued from here ]


There were times when Vox felt done with him. It was easy to feel exasperated with Valentino, to want him to just be--different. But those moments were only ever that. Moments. At the end of the day, Vox was his lover. The moth had his loyalty and his love. While Val might need to sleep with other people, while he might have a more voracious appetite for affection and sexual contact than Vox did, it didn't matter. Vox loved him. Whatever his idiotic, vicious, sweet baby needed, he wanted him to have. Sex with other people? Good, get him a thousand of them. Affection for absolutely no reason? Always time in the day for that. Vox cared about him deeply, as far more than just a business partner.

And so, when Val sat on his lap, he smiled without any mockery or bullshit. Vox wrapped his arms around that trim little waist and listened to him, looking at him with admiration.

"If you've not been getting enough attention," he said, and nuzzled his shoulder, careful not to smack him with any corners, "that is a tragedy. We'll have to do something about it. A night on the town? A club somewhere other than your usual? I have a meeting with Asmodeus tonight; he's sending someone to escort me, along with any company I require, down to Lust. Apparently, he has quite the club. Why don't you come with me? Dress your best, let a whole new Ring of people see how beautiful you are." Vox wasn't entirely sure that Asmodeus liked Valentino, or the way some of his films were made, but the Sin hadn't forbidden him from bringing Val. And if he had? Vox wouldn't have accepted the meeting. Valentino was his partner, in every sense of the word. Part of what made the Vees so strong was that they could, and would, fight for the others to be respected--or feared. They were ruthless not just about their own domains, the way so many Overlords were, but about each other's.

He ran a hand lovingly over Valentino's abdomen, then kissed his shoulder. "What do you think?"

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5 months ago

@stolas-arsgoetia-rp came straight for the feelz and said: “Thank you for defending my honor, my darling. However, you cannot take all of the blame. After all, I was the one who initiated the deal in the first place. It seems we have much to discuss but know this, my dearest: I do not regret our first night together, no matter the consequences that came after, and I never will.”


Blitz grew quiet, listening as Stolas spoke. He hadn't even known that Stolas was there, that heard it. Slowly, his tail curled up over his shoulder, and by the time Stolas was done speaking, the imp wanted to melt. Melt away into the ground? Melt away into oblivion? Melt in Stolas's arms? Melt into his voice, where he could live forever? He didn't know and it didn't matter. His golden eyes were locked onto Stolas's, gleaming with all of the things Blitz had been too shitty to ever say to him and mean--the things he'd been too afraid of. But now? They had already lost each other, hadn't they? So there was nothing left to lose--

Nothing left to be afraid of.

"I don't regret it either, Stols," Blitz admitted. He stepped closer. Then, with a muttered fuck it, he jumped up onto a chair and stood there, wanting to be closer to being able to look Stolas in the eyes. Heart fucking aching for love of this beautiful man he had lost by being the biggest fucking idiot to walk the Rings, Blitz reached out and took his hands.

"I don't regret you. And I never fucking will. I know it's... it's probably too late. Whatever you've got going on these days, with Demetri, or whoever, or just... you're probably happy. And that's--that's good. I'm happy for you. But Stolas, I'm never going to forget you, okay? I'm not like..." He looked down, sighing. "Fucking good at this. This feelings bullshit. Being honest and communicative and not just, you know. Spewing nonsense every other sentence." Blitz swallowed hard, shook his head, then looked back up. "But I miss you. All the time. Every day. I miss your texts. I miss the way you smell. The way you sound. I miss holding you. I miss when you start dreaming and making little like, fucking, little bird sounds in your sleep. I miss watching you get up and get ready for whatever you have to do that day. I just... I didn't...

"I didn't like. Appreciate you. Enough. When we had each other. I didn't tell you shit. I left you feeling... fucking... alone, right? Like you were some kind of monster, abusing me, and like you weren't... wanted? And that's, that's on me, Stolas. And I know it. I'm not... I'm never gonna be like, perfect." Like you are. Fuck, Stolas was everything. Blitz shook his head. "But I'm trying. Because I don't want to be this guy anymore.

"I don't want to stay the man who broke your heart."

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5 months ago

Does the admin have any squicks?

Me? Out of character me, me me?

Yes. No. Kind of? I have squicks but not like to the point that it's a deal-breaker for me if someone does it. For example, I am highkey not into mpreg or omegaverse stuff, but have mutuals who enjoy them. Good for them! Their plot preferences are not my plot preferences, and that's okay.

I'm not big on pregnancy or breeding plots in general tbh. Which is, admittedly, part of why my version of Blitz has a very, very hard limit of absolutely not getting anyone pregnant. He won't do it. I'm just also really not interested in plots that revolve around child muses, especially if the child's existence (or baby's existence), is the entire plot.

So apparently my squick is anything related to children 😂 There we go.

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5 months ago

Hey Blitz. For exactly how long were you imprisoned? Heh. Get it? Because...because you're an imp?

"Ha, ha. Very funny, asshole. I get it. Imps, imprisoned. Kind of opens up the door to whole meta analyses of the word imprisoned and the fact that imps are basically born into a prison because, you know, we exist to fucking serve all of these assholes, have no power, no representation, and unlike humans we don't get an afterlife or a way out or--"

Blitz abruptly shut up, realizing he had taken that way too seriously. Grumbling under his breath, he sucked on his iced-coffee--the new dick-shaped straws from Guzzler's were a fucking treat--and stared down at his phone screen, pretending to be cool.

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5 months ago

Bird hops into his space. Crouches and rests his head atop Blitz's.

Blitz absolutely fucking melted. He had been frowning over some paperwork--according to Moxxie, these forms were actually important and really did need to be filled out by the business owner. Blitz might have continued ignoring them if not for Moxxie's insistence, but he trusted his friend...

And the distraction of Stolas was absolutely the best damn thing to happen that day. The moment he felt that feathered head on his, Blitz closed his eyes and gave out a soft sigh, feeling himself start relaxing. Tension just flowed the fuck away when Stolas was here, no matter what form Stolas was in. He could've come in his giant pure-demon form and still had this effect on his idiot imp.

Reaching up, he scritched his claws in between Stolas's feathers. "How you doin', pretty bird?"

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