Blitzos Inbox - Tumblr Posts

5 months ago

A certain owl is going to pepper Blitz's face in soft and fleeting kisses! The final one landing right in the middle of his forehead upon his marking! And then he will retreat back to his tasks.

Blitz batted playfully at the first few kisses, then laughed and closed his eyes and turned his face up to them--without even realizing he had also stretched his body up as much as he could and was standing on the tips of his hooves, trying to get as close to Stolas's kisses as possible.

When Stolas relented and retreated, Blitz didn't bother actually returning to what he himself had been doing. Instead, he flopped down onto the ground, tucked his arms and legs in, and started wiggling around, scratching his back on the floor without a single fucking regret. Stolas was the only other one here, and Stolas? Stolas was allowed to see him without any walls or pretensions. The kiss peppering had been so fucking sweet, and left the imp a little over-stimulated; getting some scritches out like that helped.

That done, he relaxed, flopped onto his side, and gave a big, contented sigh as he just watched Stolas with adoring eyes.

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5 months ago

Do you have any Helloween plans? Parties? Maybe a costume? 🎃

From the mun: I do! Am going on two short trips leading up to it. One will be a day trip that starts with something whimsical and ends with something borderline brutal, one will probably be the most miserable overnight trip I've done in a long time because the location that time of year is just like ah yes you wanted Expert Mode, right? I'm stoked for both. Am also going to a private burlesque event, which is always a lot of fun. Then on Halloween itself I will probably be hidden somewhere in the dark, playing spooky music on a flute, hoping to inspire a nightmare or two xD


For Blitz:

"You mean am I going back to Verosika's annual Fuck Blitzo party?" he asked. The words left a bitter taste in his mouth and he had to resist the urge to growl, clenching his fists. "Fuck that. I'm going to go get a shit ton of candy, a slingshot, and run around on Earth launching at at those little fuckers. Humans want their sweet crack? Snickers, or Starburst, or whatever? They gotta catch it."

He probably wasn't really going to go run around in the living world on Halloween and he knew it. So, after a moment, Blitz huffed, folded his arms, and leaned his head back with a quiet, warm little chuckle. "Nah. Fuck the living world. I'm going on a BDSM club crawl. Already signed up and everything. Sounds like it's gonna be a pretty fancy event this year, and I'm kinda looking forward to it.

"How 'bout you, Keenie? What are you up to?"

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5 months ago

In EXES AND OOHS, Blitz mentioned that killing other demons in Hell "ain't exactly our business no more." So...what's the story behind that? What kind of hits did Blitz do before getting his [gremlin] hands on the Stolas' grimoire?

Anything and everything he could. He had to make ends meet and was fucking determined to do it purely with hits--honest day's work, honest day's pay, etc. Taking contracts for people in Hell wasn't his first choice, it always felt a little more sleazy, but he would do it.

He actually got into a lot more trouble, more dangerous situations, doing that than he has on Earth yet, even including the penguins, because Blitz had absolutely no problem taking on highly powerful targets. Blitz was getting hurt all the time, sometimes pretty badly, but it paid the bills. He did what needed to be done and set money aside, knowing that once he adopted a kid--which was part of his plan for a long time, wanting to do what little he kid to make help someone--his expenses would go up. But eventually, he started making enough money--and gaining enough notoriety--that starting up a new venture didn't feel out of the question anymore, and he couldn't have been happier.

He had to be a much more vicious person then, but he did it and did it well. Now, though, Blitz feels more like a person, more like who he wants to be--less like a monster. Which, you know. Still a murderer. But hey at least he's... not killing his own kind? That's a win, right?

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5 months ago

❝Blitz, ❞ Stolas coos, enveloping the imp in his hold. He receives a peppering of kisses and the press of the prince's cheek against his own. ❝ You are SUCH a handsome little devil.~  ❞

Blitz wanted to melt, but he also wanted to keep his eye on the target. Take Your Boyfriend to Work Day was way more fun than it had any right to be, and the real Earth sunlight felt so nice. The temptation to just roll Stolas over into the deep grass and forget about the hit was so strong...

Fuck it.

Blitz melted into him, loving the kisses and the nuzzling. Purring, he wrapped all of his limbs around Stolas, clinging like the thoroughly contented gremlin he was. A moment later though, he pushed Stolas down on his back, where Blitz had been a moment ago. Pinning him, he looked down with a smile--fuck he loved this bird--before kissing him quickly... and fetching his rifle back up.

Stretching out atop him, Blitz got comfortably into position, reacquiring his target.

"Cover your ears, babe," he said, his voice soft and low, but very much an order for once. Blitz gave Stolas a moment to do so, while assessing the shot--trying to use tips from Moxxie, who was a hell of a lot better at long-range work than Blitz was. Letting out a breath, slow and even and smooth, he squeezed the trigger--

And the job was done.

"Whooo!" Up on his knees now, he thrust a fist into the sky with a ridiculous cheer--then remembered where he was and who he was currently straddling. Blitz looked down, expression fucking melting into sappy adoration. Setting the rifle aside, he nuzzled his beautiful, beautiful Stolas again.

"You make work so much harder," he murmured, cupping his face in both hands, blissfully unaware that the way he said those words, they sounded like something else. They sounded like I Love You.

Blitz leaned in and kissed him with all the worship and adoration his fucked up little heart could manage, as if he could press a lifetime of love into a single moment--as if a single moment was all they would ever have.

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5 months ago

Has Blitzø ever been tracked down by one of the humans he killed? Vengeful sinners out for revenge? 

He absolutely has, and it usually doesn't go well. Thankfully, most of them don't seem to remember him, or seem particularly inclined to come down to Imp City unless they have a damn good reason. Which, one could argue, revenge against the imp that slaughtered you is... but the traffic's a nightmare, there's nowhere to park, and it's not like he can un-deadify you.

But despite all of that, some of them absolutely come and find him. Blitz does his best to make sure they know it was him, that he is the boss, that Moxxie and Millie were just doing their job. Since they almost never see Loona, she doesn't tend to catch much flak, but Blitz will do whatever it takes to draw attention off of his employees and onto himself, hoping to give them time to get the fuck away. And then? He will fight. Hard. Blitz may not have any powers, but he has experience and the will to fight, and I can tell you from my own real life experience that just having the will and the confidence? Can make all the difference. If you're up against a huge opponent, but that person doesn't really have what it takes to dive in and go hard? You actually stand a pretty good chance if you do. I've been in a few fights irl--previous occupation, had hazards, glad to be long since quit of it--and remember always being struck by that. Going in with a hefty serving of confidence matters so much more than being the bigger one sometimes... Not always, but sometimes.

and Blitzx absoultely has that confidence. He fights hard, with everything he has, and even if he can't permanently put a Sinner down without the right kind of weapon, he can hurt them. He can kill them for a while. He can be the torment they thought they escaped when they realized 'oh Pentagram City is kinda nice!' Blitz will turn absolutely vicious, no holds barred, when he needs to.

Most of the time though, some smooth-talking (or nonsensical babbling with a confident smile) helps to cool their temper--especially when he reminds them that hey, you can hunt down the person who took a hit out on you and keep on killing each other and respawning for all eternity! Have fun! Byyyyeee!

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5 months ago

Has Blitzø considered giving his son a job at I.M.P? 

Yes. The one time they actually met, Blitz offered it. He could tell that [redacted] was interested, but reluctant to leave his community, so Blitz left the invitation open and promised to go check on him again soon. But that being said... I will probably only play plots with the son on Discord. I would actually love to do things with him, I fucking adore him, but don't think it's something I am comfortable putting on Tumblr for a few reasons <3 So, for the most part, Blitz having a biological child will never actually be a plot anyone needs to interact with.

That being said, I would fucking love to do a thing where [redacted] gets to meet Stolas, or M&M. Even if it's just a short little one-off thing, Blitz would be so like.. torn between pride and awkwardness at getting to introduce them--while also probably having a fucking silent breakdown because [redacted]'s presence brings up so many fucking things Blitz does not want to remember.

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5 months ago

Messing around with Stolas' grimoire has some unexpected consequences. In a swirl of magicks and ethereal shrieks, Blitzø is transformed into...a birb! Specifically an owl demon like Stolas himself. What's the first thing he does? 

"Aw, fuck me," Blitz swore, standing up straight and looking down at himself. Where the fuck was his tail? His--oh fuck, he still had a tail, it was just--it was--

Fuck! Fuck, fuck, fuck, what the FUCK?

Covered in feathers, ridiculously tall, he wasn't an imp. He didn't have horns. Glossy black feathers edged with vermillion, a white disc of tiny, tightly-packed feathers for his face, he didn't look like himself at all--but hoooo boy, he could panic like himself.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck fuckfuckfuck." Fumbling his phone out--oh christ on a fucking stick why was it so small?--he sent a handful of texts.

@moxxietude -> Moxxie I turned in2 a fucking bird WHAT THE FUCK DO I DO

@ you -> PARAK WTF

@botanikos -> Stols i fukked up and have feathers might have ben fucking w ur book I M SORRY CAN YOU PUT ME BACK i lhave a cloaca tho i guess like we cud uknow wait no sorry long text, short question: HELP?

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5 months ago

To be fair, most Goetia don't seem to have much experience with dating. Most of them had their marriages arranged when they were kids.

"You know what? You're right," Blitz agreed, before knocking back the rest of his drink and hopping down off the karaoke stage. It was hot and sticky in the bar that night, the air heavy with smoke, the scents of dozens of different kinds of booze, and way too many demonic pheromones. He was absolutely loving it, having an incredible time, but not so much that he couldn't take things seriously.

Blitz slipped out of his leather jacket--fuck, he loved the way the chrome rings on it felt when they rasped along his spines--and hung it over the back of his barstool, then caught the bartender's eye to order another. With that done, he looked back at this rando, considering if he really wanted to get into a talk with him... but sure, fuck it, why not? It wasn't like anything about him and Stolas was private anymore. After Ozzie's, they'd been pretty well known, but after Verosika's? Everyone knew everything, it seemed like, and it was fucking refreshing to run into someone who wasn't tearing him down or insulting Stolas.

"It's not fucking fair, judging Stolas--or Stella--by the standards of people who actually got to choose, who had the chance to develop our own fucked up social skills, but social skills all the same. Stolas was fucking neglected when he was young, and yeah, Paimon can kiss my little red hole and beg me to let him shove his sad little magic marker up there, fuck him for not seeing how fucking great his son was going to be and like, really having his fucking back. But yeah. Yeah. Having your whole life arranged for you, being told you're just like, born to serve but never to choose, powerful but only taught to use the power for cruel whims, never to like, you know, fucking indulge in any of the sparks of fucking altruism or whatever that they might have--cause they do. They do." He was tipsy and he knew it--or maybe drunk--but Blitz felt so damn passionately about this, he didn't want to hush. "Stolas is a good man with a good fucking heart. And I broke it. And he deserved better. He. Deserved. Better. And it's not his fault he's fucking awkward at shit sometimes. He's still the best. The--fuck. The one. And I love him. And fuck anyone who thinks they can drag him in front of me. I will... oh, thanks." He nodded to the bartender, then took a sip of his new drink. "I will fucking fight for him."

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5 months ago

How many chomps does it take to get to the bone of a bird?

For some reason, Blitz looks incredibly guilty when asked this. He freezes, eyes going wide, and immediately puts a paper bag behind his back.

"You mean like, a bird bird? Like a little tweety fucker from the living world? Or like, a Goetia? Because let me tell you, I've yet to even break the skin no matter how hard I bite, and he seems like, really into the pressure. Anyway, oh, wow, look at the time! I've got to, um, you know, oh look! A train!"

And he's off, racing away down the street.

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5 months ago

Bend over and think happy thoughts Blitz, it's annual prostate exam time!

"You know my anatomy is pretty different from a human's, right?" Blitz asked, about to argue--before he realized that actually, this was probably going to be a good time. So fuck it, why not? Taking off his belt, he looped it around the neck of the person flirting at him, tugged them close, and purred affectionately into their ear, "You can go first, baby, but I'm going to ruin you when it's my turn."

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5 months ago

You know Stolas could kill you with a flick of a wrist, right?

Blitz snorted, leaned back, and put his feet up on the table, crossing one booted foot over the other.

"Yeah. He could. You think I'm not into that? That guy may seem all sweet and soft and harmless, but Stolas is as dangerous as they come. And he chooses not to be. He chooses gentleness and self-control. And maybe it's a weird kink, but I find that pretty damn sexy." He eyed the stranger for a moment before his grin turned a little more dangerous, took on a little bit more of an edge. "Besides. I can destroy him with a flick of my tongue. So, you know, it's a fair deal."

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5 months ago

how do you allow yourself to write without becoming depressed by the whole process?

Hopefully my answer will be enough, but if you need to ask follow-up questions man, by all means, feel free.

When it comes to writing for RP, I don't get depressed by the whole process because I love it. I really, really love it. I may be ungodly slow, and definitely try my partners' patience when it comes to that, but I love it. I love reading people's replies, love writing my own. I love reading other threads that have nothing to do with me. I love reading other people's headcanons. Or when a crazy magic!Anon happens, like when Lucid ( @brokendreamscreation ) was turned human and just landed splat into the forests of the Pacific Northwest, I adore trying to keep up on that. I often can't, just because I am too busy during the day, but whenever I catch a glimpse? It's wonderful. Or, although they're someone who is pretty busy with university, when @aroyaltailor pops on and mentions something about their muse, it makes my day.

RP is about the writing for me, but also a lot about the people. I just really like seeing people happy, being part of their fun, even if a lot of the time I am just the audience cheering them on. There's nothing depressing about that to me. The hardest part, what does make me sad, is trying to choose well when it comes to mutuals. I want to follow everyone back, but know that I can't. If I can tell that we're not going to mesh because of differences in rules, or if someone just swamps the dash with endless content that's going to make it way too hard for me to see other people's posts (nothing wrong with that! it's just a difference in styles and priorities), I have to regretfully just not follow, or not follow back. I always feel like an asshole for that, not gonna lie, especially when they have already followed me. I'm not mutuals-only though, so in theory if someone wanted to write together and we weren't mutuals? I would absolutely be on board.

Writing doesn't depress me because coming here, even when it is hard, is an escape, a happy place. I was depressed the other day when I couldn't make sentences make sense--they all felt so slippery--but that was the fresh concussion messing with me, causing its own depression, not something resulting from the writing process. But even with that? I am so lucky, so fucking lucky, to be blessed with just the kindest damn mutuals, who have been so supportive and sweet even when I was feeling useless because of the concussion. There are some really special people to me, who even when they are posting with someone else entirely, just seeing them pop up on the dash gives me that little spark of joy that nothing can snuff out, like @botanikos and @visage-of-hell. There are people who know their muses backwards and forwards, who manage to take characters that a lot of the fandom sometimes seem to ignore, like @moxxietude who has just absolutely taken Moxxie and breathed so much life into him, and who could definitely convince me she was part of Viv's team if she chose to, her writing is that solid, that incredible. I just, like?? Fuck, man. And @poisonedspider is a fucking babe--Strode you're magnificent, don't fight me on this--and @infxnatum is one of those unsung heroes of the RPC, who will always go out of his way to send people messages, even when he doesn't get love in return. I feel like somehow, I landed in the best fandom of all, surrounded by the best people? And like I'm being a monster for not @'ing everyone, I am so, so sorry. I know the natural inclination is to feel left out but please, please, I love you fuckers, don't feel left out, I am just rambling so much and realize I need to end this. And just. Yes.

So, TL;DR?

It doesn't depress me because I am surrounded by the most wonderfully uplifting people, and I will do fucking anything for this fandom, I adore you guys.

And if you meant writing as in the writing I do for work--I am really lucky in that the majority of my content is queer, so I get to roll around in feelings and love for my own community. There are occasional non-queer things, like a short story here or there, or a random zoom lecture I was paid to give, or contract pieces--usually articles, always under dry af NDA contracts--that kind of suck sometimes, but being able to produce content for my community gets me through the hard times <3

(Also, I fight with depression constantly, so writing doesn't need to serve depression up to me. We're bros by now, and constantly knocking each other around).

How about you though, are you like--are you doing okay? Are there points you want to talk about? You can IM me, friend, always.

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5 months ago

okay but is Blitzo in love with Moxxie?

"Are you like, are you not?" Blitz asked, maybe more than a little incredulous. He'd been cleaning a rifle, but he set the pieces down now, folded his arms, and looked at the Sinner. "And hey, don't run. I'm not mad. I'm just disappointed.

"Have you seen Moxxie? Cause that fuckin' guy is the most handsome imp I've ever seen. No offense to Fizz, but Moxxie's got that certain somethin' that just, you know. Moxxie's hot as fuck and he's got a heart of gold to back it up. Plus, if he wants to, he can take you out from like, way more than ten yards," counting the big numbers wasn't really Blitz's strong suit, "and you'll never even know you were targeted til it's way too late. So. You tell me, bucko:

"What's not to love about a handsome guy who survived with his heart intact, against all odds, will always have someone's back, respects himself, and knows how to make actual like, good choices? Moxxie's a babe and a half, and you gotta be stickin' your head in the sand if you don't see it."

[re: @moxxietude, of course]

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5 months ago

❝ I love you, even if it means saying goodbye. ❞

Blitz tried to answer, but he couldn't. He closed his eyes, fighting against the tears, but he lost that fight, too. They slid out, a trickle at first, but then steadily, and he shook his head.

"I love you too, Stolas," he whispered. "And maybe I'm not... not... maybe I'm not ready to be what you need. But I want to be. I want to. Whatever you need from me, I want to do. To try. Even if that's--even if you just--even if you just need to fucking, to go. And live your life, do what you want. I won't stand in your way. Just... Fuck." Humiliated, face burning, he took Stolas by the hand and dragged him into the nearest bar. Rude and small and shameless, because this might be the last time he ever got to see Stolas, he got into a minor tiff with the DJ, but was quickly put on stage--taking Stolas with him...

His heart in Stolas's hands.

Blitz wasn't the singer that Stolas was, but he knew now how much music meant to Stolas, how much the beautiful prince connected through it. Maybe that was because music had been the only safe outlet for him for so long, maybe it was just in his nature. Either way, Blitz owed him a song. The tears still fell, but he never looked away from his baby.

These were words he knew by heart.

"Just cause it's slow don't mean it's sad Just cause it's wrong doesn't mean it isn't right Just cause it hurts don't mean it's bad Just come over, come over tonight...

"Just cause we're fighting Just cause we're crying Just cause the stars in the sky, they aren't shining Just cause I told you that it was over That doesn't mean I don't need you by my side No, it doesn't mean goodbye..."

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5 months ago

Hey Blitzø, have you ever seen what an owl looks like without its feathers? Would you like to?

Blitz snorted. "How bad can it--holy fuck, does no one feed them?!" He clutched the stranger's phone so hard the screen cracked, eyes wide in horror. "That---are they like, are they okay? LIke, not this dead fucker, but owls in general? How many mice do I need to feed Stolas a day to make sure he doesn't like fucking waste away?"

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5 months ago

Neutered huh? No balls then?

Blitz snorted and shook his head, taking a moment to sip and sip and sip on his straw. This stupid Strawberry Valentine drink was so good. Supposedly, supposedly it was some fancy new thing based on how Valentino and Angel Dust smelled together--which, weird, but whatever, this was Hell, people capitalized on everything--but it was the freshest thing he'd had in weeks. Blitz wasn't usually one for anything sweet, but this shit was addictive.

Once he'd had enough for now, he settled, eyes half-closed. "Oh, I got balls. Vasectomies don't remove all of that. Daddy's got plenty for you to play with--I just ain't gonna become a daddy. Again. So." More sipping on that stupid damn drink for a while, then he huffed and set it aside. Christ on a stick, he could act like an adult and not a sugar-addicted child, right? Maybe? Fuck.

"If you want to know more, go down the street to the corner store and get me an order of Fries Quatro Quesos Dos Fritos, stat. Whatever the fuck stat actually means, just--go, go. I ain't answering any more questions 'bout my gear til I have something to..." He side-eyed the smoothie again. Fuck, no. Nope. No more. "To eat."

But it was so good.

Happy as could be, Blitz went back to enjoying his smoothie.

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5 months ago

The shadows drop off a gift for Blitz. What looks to be a pristine western revolver, as if it were ripped straight from the old west.

Blitz's eyes widened. He had frozen at first, unsure whether or not he was about to have to fight a shadow--which, how the fuck did one even do that?--but when the gift appeared, he blinked and raised his hands to take it.

"What is... why is... is this from Eclipse?" he asked, hands closing around the weapon. It felt sturdy, heavy, and it looked like it might somehow have come from Earth, at least ten years ago... So how did someone get their hands on it now? Immediately loving it, the imp closed his claws around the weapon and hugged it to his chest.

"Tell him thank you. Please. I don't know what--I haven't done anything to deserve it? But--thank you."

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5 months ago

❝ We should go on a date! Where would you like to go, Blitzy~? We can do anything your heart desires! ❞

"Wait, anything?" Blitz asked, immediately turning and looking up at Stolas, his attention completely shifting. He'd been waiting in line for Loona--literally for her, she had commandeered him and instructed him to hold a spot in line for some concert for her--and had somehow conned Stolas into joining him. Until now, Blitz had been enjoying commenting on the outfits of all the people around them, but now it was like the world fell away.

Immediately shifting gears, he took Stolas by both hands and tugged him close, leaning his whole body against Stolas's legs, his chin on his hip, looking up with (mischievous) adoration. "Big words, pretty-bird. You sure you want me to hold you to 'em? Cause I think..." Blitz shoved the top of his nose against Stolas's belly, huffed, then planted his chin right back on him, "that you and me should play laser-tag. Not against each other though. Team shit. You and me against the world? I bet we'd be amazing together."

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5 months ago

(Better than peanut butter and jelly sandwiches in bed with Stols, huh? lol :)

"Hey, nothin' is better than peanut butter and jelly sandwiches in bed with my bird. But like... fuck. I mean, Peter's kind of-- that was sort of-- he's--

"If anyone ever fucks with him, or tries to hurt him, I will end them. That angel is mine, and I don't care if I have to take out all of Heaven to protect him," he growled, lowering his head. "He's worth protecting."

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5 months ago

[introduces Blitz to miniature horses]

"What the fuck? Who-- are you--what are you, like, jelly bean horses?" he asked the first miniature horse to approach him. When the animal looked alarmed and bolted away, Blitz stood up straight and put his hands on his hips.

"Hey! I was talking to you! How come none of you are talking? How come... wait..." Eyes widening, he turned to look around the pasture. It was true. Not a single one of these horses had anything to say. They were just...

They were...


"No," he whispered. "No, no. No, no..." Horses weren't animals! They were people! Every soap he watched made that obvious! Horses were people, they were--they were--fuck! Horrified, Blitz leapt over the fence--and fell facefirst off the other side of it, landing in a pile of manure. He pushed himself upright, spitting and gagging. "Ugh, shit, fuck. What the fuck, what kind of fucked up dimension is this? This--"

Something snorted near him. Warm, moist breath blew across his neck.

Blitz went very, very still. For a long moment, he didn't look up, but the fascination proved to be too much. Slowly, he turned his head up--oh, yeah. Fuck. Exactly what he thought it might be. A bull.

The bull snorted and pawed the ground.

Smiling, Blitz got to his feet. "Heyyyy, uh. Nice doggie. Listen, can you understand me? Because those tiny fucking horses ca--AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN'T!" His scream continued as he flew across the farmyard, finally crashing through the roof of a barn.

When he landed amidst a group of hens, Blitz rubbed the crystal for all he was worth and dove through.

Fuck. Since when were horses animals??

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